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    这是一份2022-2023学年安徽省芜湖市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题Word版含解析,共30页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、学校、考场/座位号、班级、准考证号填写在答题卷上,条形码横贴在答题卷右上角“条形码粘贴处”。
    2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卷上将对应题目选项的答案信息涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上作答无效。
    4. 考生必须保证答题卷的整洁,考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卷一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What is the man looking for?
    A. A notebook. B. A book. C. A paper.
    2. How much should the man pay?
    A. ¥180. B. ¥280. C. ¥560.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. An art museum. B. An artist. C. A painting.
    4. Who is worried about gaining weight?
    A. The son. B. The mother. C. Aunt Louise.
    5. Why does Nancy turn down the man’s invitation?
    A. She wants to have a rest.
    B. She has to write a paper.
    C. She’ll attend a literature class.
    6. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Brother and sister. C. Husband and wife.
    7. What will Tina do next?
    A Make a cake. 13. Buy some flowers. C. Decorate the room.
    8. Where does the man suggest the woman stay?
    A. In a hotel. B. In a flat with others. C. In a house with a family.
    9. Why docs the man dislike sharing a flat?
    A. It is too noisy to study.
    B. It wastes much time to cook and clean.
    C. It is difficult to get along with the roommates.
    10. Who can help to find a family to stay with?
    A. The travel agency. B. The Students’ Union. C. The local government.
    11. Where does the woman want to go?
    A. To the cottage. B. To the zoo. C. To the forest.
    12. Why does the man agree to go with the woman in the end?
    A. He’s concerned about her safety.
    B. He has finished playing his game.
    C. He doesn’t want to eat dinner alone.
    13. When are they going to return?
    A. After dinner. B. Before dark. C. In the morning.
    14. What does the man say about cinema manners?
    A. It’s about the right behaviors at the cinema.
    B. It’s about the treatment people get at the cinema.
    C. It’s about the difference between cinema and home.
    15. What does the man think of people eating at the cinema?
    A. Unhealthy. B. Surprising. C. Annoying.
    16. What does the young lady do at the cinema?
    A. Sending messages. B. Doing makeup. C. Making phone calls.
    17. What does the woman appeal to us to do when seeing a film?
    A. To take a comfortable seat.
    B. To bring clear digital equipment.
    C. To behave ourselves at the cinema.
    18. When did Ma Yifei begin to learn to play the piano?
    A. At the age of 5. B. At the age of 9. C. At the age of 16.
    19. What happened to Ma Yifei in 2018?
    A. She became a music teacher.
    B. She gave up playing the piano.
    C. She met two famous musicians.
    20. What is the talk mainly about?
    A. A girl who sticks to her music dream.
    B. A song that makes people feel warm.
    C. A sporting event that inspires everyone.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Chinese traditional cuisine is popular and respected all over the world. Chinese meals are famous among foreigners for their colors, ingredients and flavors. The following are four of the Chinese dishes known among foreigners. Click here and see how to cook these dishes.
    Spring Rolls
    The Chinese food Spring rolls’(Chūnjuǎn) name comes from the Spring Festival in China. Spring rolls are an appetizer that is very famous both in China and the rest of the world. They are made of thin lough filled with meat and vegetables, rolled and fried. They are crispy(脆)and very delicious and go to different sizes.
    Chow Mein
    Chow mein (Chǎomiàn) is a fried dish with noodles, meat and onions. It has many varieties in different countries. For instance, only in the USA, there are a number of ways to prepare it. depending on the place. It is a most popular Chinese takeout dish. On the East Coast the meal is crispy, while on the West Coast - soft.
    Dumplings(Jiǎozi)arc one of the most famous and traditional Chinese meals. A dumpling consists of boiled or baked dough filled with meat and vegetables. It has an interesting half-circle shape and curly edges. The filling might be pork, beef and vegetables such as cabbage and onions.
    Egg-fried Rice
    Egg-fried rice (Dàn chǎofàn) is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Many people eat it regularly, either at restaurants or prepare it at home. The dish has a strong delicious smell and it’s very easy to cook with eggs, vegetables and so on. It can be found in every Chinese restaurant.
    1. Which of the following is related to Chinese New Year?
    A. Spring Rolls B. Chow Mein
    C. Dumplings D. Egg-fried Rice
    2. What do the four dishes have in common?
    A. They all have strong smell.
    B. They have the same cooking methods.
    C. They are all crispy and very delicious.
    D. Their ingredients might include vegetables.
    3. Where can we find the passage?
    A. In a magazine. B. On a website.
    C. In a travel brochure. D. In a newspaper.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Spring Rolls中的“The Chinese food Spring rolls’(Chūnjuǎn) name comes from the Spring Festival in China. (中国食品春卷的名字来源于中国的春节)”可知,春卷与中国新年有关。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Spring Rolls中的“They are made of thin lough filled with meat and vegetables, rolled and fried. (它们是用肉和蔬菜做成的,卷起来油炸)”、Chow Mein中的“Chow mein (Chǎomiàn) is a fried dish with noodles, meat and onions. (炒面是一种用面条、肉和洋葱油炸的食物)”、Dumplings中的“A dumpling consists of boiled or baked dough filled with meat and vegetables. (饺子是由煮熟或烤熟的面团馅料肉和蔬菜组成的)”和Egg-fried Rice中的“The dish has a strong delicious smell and it’s very easy to cook with eggs, vegetables and so on. (这道菜有一股浓郁的香味,很容易和鸡蛋、蔬菜等一起烹饪)”可知,这四道菜共同之处是它们的成分都包括蔬菜。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Click here and see how to cook these dishes. (点击这里看看怎么做这些菜)”可推断,我们可以在网站上找到这篇文章。故选B。
    In 2000, all my family were coming back from a T-ball game. Unlike every other weekend, a surprise was waiting for us in our driveway—two adult geese and a small goose. Obviously startled by our return, the adults flew away in panic, with their baby left behind.
    Hours passed before night eventually fell. It was apparent that the small goose needed protection, warmth and food to make it to the morning. We brought him to our backyard. Each morning, we would try to drive the small goose away to his parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldn’t go to them, though, and neither would they come close enough to take him back. Realizing the young goose had clearly decided we were his family by then, we gave him a name, calling the little guy Peeper.
    Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Before we knew it, the little creature had grown into a big bird with two powerful wings. One day, when my dad threw Peeper into the air, he just flew away and didn’t come back. With night falling, all of us became increasingly worried. We looked for him, called his name and anxiously expected his return. But he never appeared again. It took a long time before we accepted the fact that he was missing. We could only pray he found his parents and went off on his natural way.
    I was thrilled to see when, in 2019, an adult goose made his way back to my family home. He did all of the same things Peeper used to do! Much to my amazement, he even responded to the name Peeper. It became clear to me that my old best friend had returned many years later.
    This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. Looking beyond our reach high in the sky, birds have feelings like human beings, so do many other living things. We human beings should learn to get along with them. We need each other’s care and protection for a better world.
    4. Which word can replace “startled” in Paragraph 1?
    A. scared. B. confused. C. impressed. D. surprised.
    5. Why does the author give the goose a name Peeper?
    A. Because the small goose was abandoned by its parents.
    B. Because the author considered it to be his best friend.
    C. Because the small goose regarded the author’s family as family members.
    D. Because the adult goose went back several years later and recognized the author.
    6. What’s the author’s attitude towards the comeback of the goose?
    A. Calm and indifferent. B. Surprised and delighted.
    C. Hopeful and determined. D. Concerned and sympathetic.
    7. What does the author intend to do by writing this passage?
    A. To call for people’s love for geese.
    B. To share a story between a goose and his family.
    C. To raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
    D To remind readers to live in harmony with wild animals.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词下一句“the adults flew away in panic, with their baby left behind.(成年鹅惊慌地飞走了,留下了他们的孩子)”可知,成年鹅是受到了惊吓才惊慌地丢下小鹅飞走了。选项A“scared (害怕的)”;选项B“confused (困惑的)”;选项C“impressed (有印象的)”;选项D“surprised (惊讶的)”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Realizing the young goose had clearly decided we were his family by then, we gave him a name, calling the little guy Peeper.(意识到这只小鹅显然已经把我们当成了它的家人,我们给它起了个名字,叫它“Peeper”。)”可知,作者是因为小鹅把作者一家视作家人才给他取名字。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“I was thrilled to see when, in 2019, an adult goose made his way back to my family home. He did all of the same things Peeper used to do! Much to my amazement, he even responded to the name Peeper. It became clear to me that my old best friend had returned many years later.(2019年,我很高兴看到一只成年鹅回到了我家。他所做的一切都和Peeper以前做的一样!令我惊讶的是,他甚至对Peeper这个名字有反应。我很清楚,我最好的老朋友多年后又回来了。)”可判断,对于大鹅的回归,作者既开心又惊讶。故选B。
    推理判断题。本文主要讲述的是作者一家曾经救助的鹅在时隔多年后,又回到了作者的家。再根据最后一段“This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. Looking beyond our reach high in the sky, birds have feelings like human beings, so do many other living things. We human beings should learn to get along with them. We need each other’s care and protection for a better world.(这次经历对我来说和我生命中的任何事情一样有意义。遥望我们无法企及的高空,鸟类和人类一样有感情,其他生物也一样。我们人类应该学会与他们相处。为了一个更美好的世界,我们需要彼此的关心和保护。)”可知,作者写这篇文章主要是提醒读者要和野生动物和谐共处。故选D。
    The United Nations said 26 percent of the world’s population does not have enough safe drinking water in a report released Tuesday. Richard Connor is the main editor of the UN World Water Development Report 2023. He told reporters at the release that the estimated cost of meeting the UN’s goals for water is between $600 billion and $1 trillion.
    The report warned that water use around the world is growing one percent a year “and is expected to grow at a similar rate to 2050...”Connor said the increase in demand is happening in developing countries. That is because urban areas and industries are using more and more water. Worse still, agriculture alone, Connor said, uses 70 percent of the world’s water supply and has to be better planned.
    The report also said that seasonal lack of water will increase in Central Africa, East Asia and parts of South America. That is in addition to areas that already have water shortage such as the Middle East and the Sahara area of Africa. The report said this is the result of temperature increases in the Earth’s atmosphere. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is responsible for the latest water report. It said, “10 percent of the global population lives in countries with high or critical water stress. And 3.5 billion people live under conditions of water stress at least one month out of the year.”
    The report also commented on weather events. It said floods in tropical areas near the Equator(赤道)have increased by 2.5 times. But Connor said weather conditions involving lack of rain, or drought, were more difficult to settle.
    Connor added that the biggest producer of pollution is untreated wastewater. In his opinion, 80 percent of wastewater around the world is untreated, which contributes to water stress too, and in developing countries, it is “pretty much 99 percent.”
    8. According to the report, how many people are in safe drinking water shortage?
    A. About half of the world’s population.
    B. About a quarter of the world’s population.
    C. About two thirds of the world’s population.
    D. About three fifths of the world’s population.
    9. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
    A. It is urgent to better plan agriculture.
    B. Water use is decreasing at a slow pace in the world.
    C. The increase in demand for water is happening in developed countries.
    D. Urban areas and industries are responsible for using the most water supply.
    10. What are the causes of the lack of safe drinking water according to the passage?
    a. Water use. b. Weather events. c. Earth’s atmosphere.
    d. Seasonal lack of water. e. Untreated wastewater.
    A. abde B. aede C. bede D. abce
    11. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
    A. Richard Connor’s great achievement.
    B. Floods in tropical areas near the Equator.
    C. UN’s concern for economic development.
    D. The reasons for the lack of safe drinking water.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A 11. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The United Nations said 26 percent of the world’s population does not have enough safe drinking water in a report released Tuesday. (联合国星期二公布的一份报告说,世界上26%的人口没有足够的安全饮用水。)”再结合常识可知,世界上有80多亿人口。可知,全世界有26%的人没有足够的安全饮用水,也就是大约四分之一。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“That is because urban areas and industries are using more and more water. Worse still, agriculture alone, Connor said, uses 70 percent of the world’s water supply and has to be better planned.(这是因为城市地区和工业正在使用越来越多的水。Connor说,更糟糕的是,仅农业就消耗了世界70%的水供应,必须更好地规划。)”可知,文章作者认为目前世界迫切需要更好地规划农业。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The report warned that water use around the world is growing one percent a year “and is expected to grow at a similar rate to 2050...” Connor said, the increase in demand is happening in developing countries.(该报告警告说,世界各地的用水量正以每年1%的速度增长,“预计到2050年将以类似的速度增长……”Connor说,需求的增加发生在发展中国家。)”可知,使用水是水资源缺乏的原因;再根据文章倒数第二段“The report also commented on weather events. It said floods in tropical areas near the Equator(赤道)have increased by 2.5 times. But Connor said weather conditions involving lack of rain, or drought, were more difficult to settle.(该报告还对天气事件进行了评论。报告说,赤道附近热带地区的洪水增加了2.5倍。但Connor说,缺少雨水或干旱的天气条件更难以解决。)”可知,天气问题也是水资源缺乏的原因之一;再根据第三段“The report also said that seasonal lack of water will increase in Central Africa, East Asia and parts of South America. That is in addition to areas that already have water shortage such as the Middle East and the Sahara area of Africa.(该报告还表示,中非、东亚和南美洲部分地区的季节性缺水将会增加。这还不包括中东和非洲撒哈拉地区等已经缺水的地区。)”可知,季节性缺水也是一个原因;最后根据最后一段“In his opinion, 80 percent of wastewater around the world is untreated, which contributes to water stress too, and in developing countries, it is “pretty much 99 percent.”(在他看来,世界上80%的废水未经处理,这也导致了水资源紧张,在发展中国家,这一比例“几乎达到99%”。)”可知,废水未经处理也是水资源紧张的原因。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据根据文章第二段“The report warned that water use around the world is growing one percent a year “and is expected to grow at a similar rate to 2050...” Connor said, the increase in demand is happening in developing countries.(该报告警告说,世界各地的用水量正以每年1%的速度增长,“预计到2050年将以类似的速度增长……”Connor说,需求的增加发生在发展中国家。)”、第三段“The report also said that seasonal lack of water will increase in Central Africa, East Asia and parts of South America. That is in addition to areas that already have water shortage such as the Middle East and the Sahara area of Africa.(该报告还表示,中非、东亚和南美洲部分地区的季节性缺水将会增加。这还不包括中东和非洲撒哈拉地区等已经缺水的地区。)”、“The report also commented on weather events. It said floods in tropical areas near the Equator(赤道)have increased by 2.5 times. But Connor said weather conditions involving lack of rain, or drought, were more difficult to settle.(该报告还对天气事件进行了评论。报告说,赤道附近热带地区的洪水增加了2.5倍。但Connor说,缺少雨水或干旱的天气条件更难以解决。)”以及最后一段“In his opinion, 80 percent of wastewater around the world is untreated, which contributes to water stress too, and in developing countries, it is “pretty much 99 percent.”(在他看来,世界上80%的废水未经处理,这也导致了水资源紧张,在发展中国家,这一比例“几乎达到99%”。)”可知,文章主要讲述的是全球缺乏安全饮用水的原因。故选D。
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we interact with technology. One of the most exciting developments in AI is ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. ChatGPT has the potential to innovate the way we communicate and process information, and its capabilities are only beginning to be understood.
    One of the most impressive features of ChatGPT is its ability to learn from vast amounts of text data. This allows it to understand and provide responses to a wide range of topics and questions, from science and technology to entertainment and sports. It is capable of dealing with texts in a variety of natural languages, including English, Spanish, and Chinese. It is not limited to a specific set of data or rules, but rather has the capacity to learn and develop gradually based on the input it receives.
    Moreover, ChatGPT has been applied in diverse settings, from chatbots and virtual assistants to language translation and content generation. For example, ChatGPT has been used to generate news articles, poetry, and even song lyrics. It has also been used in healthcare to assist with diagnosing and treating patients.
    Despite its many benefits, ChatGPT is not perfect. Like all machine learning models, it can sometimes make mistakes or generate responses that are inappropriate or offensive. So users should be cautious to use it.
    In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the way we communicate and process information. While it is still a relatively new technology, its capabilities are already being explored in different settings. As the technology continues to develop, it is important for developers and users to be aware of its limitations and to use it responsibly. If used wisely, ChatGPT could be a major step forward in the development of artificial intelligence and the way we interact with technology.
    12. What can we know about ChatGPT from Paragraph 2?
    A. Its information is only from its input.
    B. It has been applied to all kinds of fields.
    C. It has limitations in a specific set of data or rules.
    D. It can be used to process texts in different languages.
    13. Why does the author mention “news articles, poetry and lyrics”?
    A. To explain a rule. B. To prove a fact.
    C. To make a prediction. D. To clarify a misunderstanding.
    14. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. ChatGPT always gives improper answers.
    B. GPT-3.5 is more advanced than ChatGPT.
    C. It’s necessary for users to understand the weaknesses of ChatGPT.
    D. ChatGPT is definitely a major step forward in advancing artificial intelligence.
    15. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
    A. ChatGPT: a perfect assistant.
    B. ChatGPT: a powerful learner.
    C. ChatGPT: a promising tool of artificial intelligence.
    D. ChatGPT: a wise information processor and generator.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“One of the most impressive features of ChatGPT is its ability to learn from vast amounts of text data. This allows it to understand and provide responses to a wide range of topics and questions, from science and technology to entertainment and sports. It is capable of dealing with texts in a variety of natural languages, including English, Spanish, and Chinese. It is not limited to a specific set of data or rules, but rather has the capacity to learn and develop gradually based on the input it receives.(ChatGPT最令人印象深刻特性之一是从大量文本数据中学习的能力。这使它能够理解并提供广泛的主题和问题的答案,从科学和技术到娱乐和体育。它能够处理各种自然语言的文本,包括英语、西班牙语和中文。它不局限于一组特定的数据或规则,而是具有根据接收到的输入逐渐学习和发展的能力。)”可知,ChatGPT可以用来处理不同语言的文本。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Moreover, ChatGPT has been applied in diverse settings, from chatbots and virtual assistants to language translation and content generation. For example, ChatGPT has been used to generate news articles, poetry, and even song lyrics. It has also been used in healthcare to assist with diagnosing and treating patients.(此外,ChatGPT已应用于各种环境,从聊天机器人和虚拟助手到语言翻译和内容生成。例如,ChatGPT已被用于生成新闻文章、诗歌甚至歌词。它也被用于医疗保健,以协助诊断和治疗病人。)”可知,作者提到新闻文章、诗歌甚至歌词是为了证明上文作者提出的观点——ChatGPT已应用于各种环境,从聊天机器人和虚拟助手到语言翻译和内容生成。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Despite its many benefits, ChatGPT is not perfect. Like all machine learning models, it can sometimes make mistakes or generate responses that are inappropriate or offensive. So users should be cautious to use it.(尽管有很多好处,ChatGPT并不完美。像所有的机器学习模型一样,它有时会犯错误或产生不恰当或冒犯性的反应。所以用户应该谨慎使用。)”可知,作者认为用户在使用ChatGPT时有必要了解ChatGPT的弱点。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we interact with technology. One of the most exciting developments in AI is ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. ChatGPT has the potential to innovate the way we communicate and process information, and its capabilities are only beginning to be understood.(人工智能(AI)正在迅速改变我们与技术互动的方式。人工智能领域最令人兴奋的发展之一是ChatGPT,这是一种基于GPT-3.5架构的人工智能语言模型。ChatGPT有潜力革新我们沟通和处理信息的方式,它的能力才刚刚开始被理解。)”以及最后一段“In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the way we communicate and process information. While it is still a relatively new technology, its capabilities are already being explored in different settings.(总之,ChatGPT是一个强大的工具,有可能改变我们沟通和处理信息的方式。虽然它仍然是一项相对较新的技术,但它的功能已经在不同的环境中得到了探索。)”可知,文章主要介绍了一个极有前途的人工智能工具——ChatGPT。所以“ChatGPT: a promising tool of artificial intelligence.(ChatGPT:一个很有前途的人工智能工具。)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。
    High school seniors are under massive pressure as they approach their final exams.____16____ Here are some tips for high school students to manage their study time effectively:
    The first step in time management is to create a study plan. High school seniors can create a study plan based on their class schedules, exam dates, and personal study habits. This will help them arrange their time wisely and ensure they cover all the subjects they need to study.
    Ranking tasks
    High school students should focus on the subjects or topics that they are weak in or need more practice. By ranking their tasks, they can spare more time and effort to those areas that need improvement.
    Staying organized
    ____18____. They should develop good organizational habits, such as keeping track of important dates, putting their books in place, and staying on top of assignments and deadlines.
    Removing distractions
    Distractions can significantly affect effective time management. High school students should remove distractions such as social media, extra noise, and other annoying things during study time.
    ____19____. They can also use apps or tools to block distracting websites or apps.
    Seeking help when needed
    High school seniors should not hesitate to seek help when needed. If they encounter difficulties or have questions about certain subjects, they should ask their teachers, classmates, or tutors for assistance. ____20____.
    To sum up, effective time management is significant for high school students to achieve academic success. Through those tips above, high school students can manage their study time effectively and achieve academic success.
    A. Creating a study goal
    B. Setting up a study schedule
    C. They need to find a quiet and suitable place for studying
    D. How to manage their study time effectively becomes important
    E. They will help them solve some problems or concerns as soon as possible
    F. Instead, they should focus on one task at a time to ensure better understanding
    G. Keeping study materials in order can save students’ time and reduce their stress
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. G 19. C 20. E
    根据空前“High school seniors are under massive pressure as they approach their final exams.(随着期末考试的临近,高三学生承受着巨大的压力。)”可知,高三学生承受着巨大的压力;再根据下文“Here are some tips for high school students to manage their study time effectively(以下是一些高中生有效管理学习时间的建议)”可知,下文主要推荐了一些有效管理学习时间的建议。选项D“How to manage their study time effectively becomes important(如何有效地管理他们的学习时间变得很重要)”承上启下,符合上下文内容。故选D。
    空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“The first step in time management is to create a study plan. High school seniors can create a study plan based on their class schedules, exam dates, and personal study habits. This will help them arrange their time wisely and ensure they cover all the subjects they need to study.(时间管理的第一步是制定一个学习计划。高三学生可以根据课表、考试日期和个人学习习惯制定学习计划。这将帮助他们明智地安排时间,并确保他们学习了所有需要学习的科目。)”可知,作者认为制定学习计划很重要。选项B“Setting up a study schedule(制定学习计划)”与下文内容一致,指的是制定学习计划。故选B。
    根据空后内容“They should develop good organizational habits, such as keeping track of important dates, putting their books in place, and staying on top of assignments and deadlines.(他们应该养成良好的组织习惯,比如记录重要的日期,把书放好,掌握任务和截止日期。)”可知,作者认为高三的学生应该学会整理自己的资料,养成良好的组织习惯。选项G“Keeping study materials in order can save students’ time and reduce their stress(把学习资料放整齐可以节省学生的时间,减轻他们的压力)”与下文内容一致,符合本段主要内容。故选G。
    根据上文内容“Distractions can significantly affect effective time management. High school students should remove distractions such as social media, extra noise, and other annoying things during study time.(分心会严重影响有效的时间管理。高中生应该在学习期间远离社交媒体、额外的噪音和其他烦人的东西。)”可知,上文主要讲述的是高中生应该远离让自己分心的事物。选项C“They need to find a quiet and suitable place for studying(他们需要找一个安静合适的地方学习)”与上文内容一致,指的都是高三学生在学习的时候要避免分心。故选C。
    根据空前内容“High school seniors should not hesitate to seek help when needed. If they encounter difficulties or have questions about certain subjects, they should ask their teachers, classmates, or tutors for assistance.(高中生在需要帮助的时候应该毫不犹豫地寻求帮助。如果他们遇到困难或对某些科目有疑问,他们应该向老师、同学或导师寻求帮助。)”可知,高中生在遇到困难的时候应该向老师、同学或导师求助。选项E“They will help them solve some problems or concerns as soon as possible(他们会帮助他们尽快解决一些问题或顾虑)”是上文内容的延续,讲述的是老师、同学或导师可以帮助高中生解决问题或顾虑。故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Around a decade ago, Ethan Brown, a businessman and enthusiastic cyclist, was riding his bike in Austin, Texas when he thought about a friend’s 12-year-old son. The boy had never known the joy of biking because he ____21____ from hydrocephalus(脑积水), which often causes balance____22____.
    When he got home, Brown went online and found a three-wheel bike with a balancing bar,____23____ for a child with balance problems. Soon the boy was ____24____ around the street with his peers, having fun and getting exercise. “I’ll never forget the smile on my friend’s face when he saw his son playing ____25____ with other kids,”said Brown. “It was then that I ____26____ what I was going to do next.”
    Brown decided to set up a nonprofit fund-the Brown Family Fund. The ____27____ worked with hospitals to find children who could benefit from this type of bike and to help adjust each bike to meet the ____28____ needs of the children. Each bike was ____29____ with a headrest, a seat belt, and a brake in the back. For kids lucky enough to get one, it’s a life _____30_____.
    “We helped another 14-year-old girl who has spinal bifida(脊柱裂),”said Brown. She spent most days on the couch watching TV._____31_____ she got her bike, she began training for particularneeds triathlons(三项全能运动). In a magazine interview, she said, “I always knew there was a(an) _____32_____ in me.”
    So far, the fund has _____33_____ 450 bikes, and that’s just a _____34_____. Brown said, “I did a lot of things, but offering these kids their bikes is the most _____35_____ thing that I have done.”
    21. A. suffered B. recovered C. escaped D. resulted
    22. A. changes B. damages C. diseases D. issues
    23. A. difficult B. expensive C. perfect D. common
    24. A. driving B. cycling C. jumping D. walking
    25. A. crazily B. slowly C. happily D. patiently
    26. A. realized B. considered C. hoped D. changed
    27. A. organization B. company C. school D. factory
    28. A. difficult B. special C. simple D. usual
    29. A. replaced B. provided C. equipped D. dealt
    30. A. lover B. changer C. dreamer D. fighter
    31. A. Now that B. Soon after C. As though D. Only if
    32. A. winner B. angel C. instructor D. athlete
    33. A. given away B. paid for C. left out D. brought in
    34. A. share B. reason C. start D. chance
    35. A. fortunate B. complex C. challenging D. meaningful
    【答案】21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个男孩从来都不知道骑自行车的乐趣,因为他患有脑积水,经常导致平衡问题。A. suffered遭受;B. recovered恢复;C. escaped逃离;D. resulted产生。suffer from患……的病。根据“hydrocephalus(脑积水), which often causes balance____2____.”可知,男孩患有脑积水。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个男孩从来都不知道骑自行车的乐趣,因为他患有脑积水,经常导致平衡问题。A. changes变化;B. damages损害;C. diseases疾病;D. issues问题。根据“____3____ for a child with balance problems.”可知,脑积水导致男孩有平衡问题。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回到家后,布朗上网找到了一辆带平衡杆的三轮自行车,非常适合有平衡问题的孩子。A. difficult困难的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. perfect完美的;D. common常见的。perfect for对……来说最理想的。根据“Brown went online and found a three-wheel bike with a balancing bar,”可知,布朗上网找到了一辆带平衡杆的三轮自行车,对有平衡问题的孩子来说最理想的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,这个男孩就和他的同龄人一起在街上骑自行车,玩得开心,锻炼身体。A. driving驾驶;B. cycling骑自行车;C. jumping跳;D. walking行走。根据“When he got home, Brown went online and found a three-wheel bike with a balancing bar,____3____ for a child with balance problems.”可知,这里自行车适合有平衡问题的孩子,所以这个男孩就和他的同龄人一起在街上骑自行车。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:布朗说:“我永远不会忘记,当我的朋友看到他的儿子和其他孩子快乐地玩耍时,他脸上的笑容。”A. crazily疯狂地;B. slowly慢慢地;C. happily快乐地;D. patiently耐心地。根据“I’ll never forget the smile on my friend’s face”可知,男孩和其他孩子玩得很快乐。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我意识到我下一步要做什么。A. realized意识到;B. considered考虑;C. hoped希望;D. changed改变。根据“what I was going to do next.”及下文可知,布朗意识到他下一步要做什么。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该组织与医院合作,寻找可以从这种类型的自行车中受益的儿童,并帮助调整每辆自行车,以满足儿童的特殊需要。A. organization组织;B. company公司;C. school学校;D. factory工厂。根据“Brown decided to set up a nonprofit fund-the Brown Family Fund.”可知,布朗家族基金是一个公益性组织。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该组织与医院合作,寻找可以从这种类型的自行车中受益的儿童,并帮助调整每辆自行车,以满足儿童的特殊需要。A. difficult困难的;B. special特别的;C. simple简单的;D. usual通常的。根据“needs of the children.”可知,自行车是可以根据需要而调整,以满足儿童的特殊需要。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每辆自行车都配有头枕、安全带和后面的制动器。A. replaced代替;B. provided提供;C. equipped装备;D. dealt处理。be equipped with装备着。根据“a headrest, a seat belt, and a brake in the back.”可知,因为满足孩子的特殊需要,所以每辆自行车都配有头枕、安全带和后面的制动器。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于幸运的孩子来说,这将改变他们的生活。A. lover爱好者;B. changer改变者;C. dreamer梦想者;D. fighter战士。根据“For kids lucky enough to get one,”可知,对于那些有幸得到这种自行车的孩子来说,这将改变他们的生活。故选B。
    考查短语词义辨析。句意:在得到自行车后不久,她就开始为特殊需要的铁人三项进行训练。A. Now that既然;B. Soon after不久之后;C. As though好像;D. Only if只是在……的时候。根据“She spent most days on the couch watching TV. ”可知,14岁女孩得到自行车后不久,开始铁人三项进行训练。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一次杂志采访中,她说:“我一直都知道我是一名运动员。”A. winner获胜者;B. angel天使;C. instructor教员;D. athlete运动员。根据“she began training for particularneeds triathlons(三项全能运动).”可知,14岁女孩进行三项全能运动,所以是一名运动员。故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,该基金已经赠送了450辆自行车,而这仅仅是个开始。A. given away赠送;B. paid for为……支付;C. left out遗漏;D. brought in引进。根据“The ____7____ worked with hospitals to find children who could benefit from this type of bike and to help adjust each bike to meet the ____8____ needs of the children.”可知,布朗家族基金已经赠送了450辆自行车给有特殊需要的孩子。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,该基金已经赠送了450辆自行车,而这仅仅是个开始。A. share分享;B. reason原因;C. start开始;D. chance机会。根据“Brown said, “I did a lot of things, but offering these kids their bikes is the most ____15____ thing that I have done.””可知,布朗认为赠送自行车这仅仅是个开始。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:布朗说:“我做了很多事情,但为这些孩子提供自行车是我做过的最有意义的事情。”A. fortunate幸运的;B. complex复杂的;C. challenging具有挑战性的;D. meaningful有意义的。根据“but offering these kids their bikes”可知,布朗认为为这些孩子提供自行车是他做过的最有意义的事情。故选D。
    An academic exchange event ____36____ (title)“China’s Four Great Discoveries in the 20th Century” was held at the National Library of China. Experts said Oracle Bones(甲骨文), the Juyan Bamboo Slips (竹简), Dunhuang Literature and the Files of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are China’s four greatest discoveries,____37____ need to be better promoted in modern China.
    The event aimed ____38____ (explore) the academic value and cultural influence of ancient Chinese texts. It also ____39____ (seek) to highlight their vital role in the ____40____ (preserve) and protection of civilization, while making people have confidence ____41____ Chinese culture and history. The event gave ____42____ unique view on the evolution of Chinese writing and literature, and is the first one that displays the four parts as a whole. It has contributed ____43____ (significant) to China’s academic and cultural history. “China’s Four Great Discoveries in the 20th Century” meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people,____44____ (bring) together valuable cultural treasures from _____45_____ (variety) locations.
    【答案】36. titled
    37. which 38. to explore
    39. sought 40. preservation
    41. in 42. a
    43. significantly
    44. bringing
    45. various
    考查非谓语动词。句意:名为“20世纪中国四大发现”学术交流活动在中国国家图书馆举行。这里为非谓语动词担当名词“an academic exchange event”的后置定语,和名词之间为被动关系,用动词的过去分词形式。故填titled。
    考查定语从句。句意:专家表示,殷墟甲骨文、居延汉简、敦煌遗书、明清内阁大库档案是中国的四大发现,需要在现代中国得到更好的推广。这里为非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词为“China’s four greatest discoveries”,在非限制性定语从句中担当主语,用which。故填which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:该活动旨在探讨中国古代文献的学术价值和文化影响。aim to do sth.目的是,旨在。这里为非谓语动词担当aim的宾语,用动词的不定式形式。故填to explore。
    考查介词。句意:它还试图突出他们在保存和保护文明方面的重要作用,同时让人们对中国的文化和历史有信心。have confidence in,意为“对……有信心”。故填in。
    考查副词。句意:它对中国的学术和文化史作出了重大贡献。修饰动词短语“contribute to”用副词形式。故填significantly。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:“20世纪中国四大发现”汇集了各地珍贵的文化瑰宝,满足了人民日益增长的精神文化需求。这里为非谓语动词担当状语,和主句主语“China’s Four Great Discoveries in the 20th Century”之间为主动关系,用动词的ving形式。故填bringing。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假如你是李华,在某社交平台上看到一位外国小朋友Nick的求助帖。帖中说他家附近有一块三角形空地,想知道如何计算它的面积。现请你给他回帖。内容包括:
    1. 表示乐意帮助;
    2. 提供具体方法;
    3. 希望保持联系。
    1. 字数80字左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:三角形triangle 垂直线vertical line 顶点vertex 乘multiply 除divide
    Dear Nick,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Nick,
    Learning from your post that you are curious to know how to calculate the area of the triangle space, I’m more than glad to offer you some help.
    Firstly, what you need to do is find three sides of the triangle space, among which you measure the longest one. Apart from it, you can find a common point of the other two sides. Then, it is a vital step to draw a line vertically to the longest side and measure it. At last, multiply the numbers and you will get a result, half of which is the area of the triangle space.
    For your better understanding, I have attached a picture of the procedures. Feel free to contact me.
    Li Hua
    首先:firstly→ first of all
    除了:apart from→ besides
    至关重要的:vital → essential
    最后:at last→ finally/last but not least/ lastly
    原句:At last, multiply the numbers and you will get a result, half of which is the area of the triangle space.
    拓展句:At last, if you multiply the numbers, you will get a result, half of which is the area of the triangle space.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Learning from your post that you are curious to know how to calculate the area of the triangle space, I’m more than glad to offer you some help.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Firstly, what you need to do is find three sides of the triangle space, among which you measure the longest one.(运用了what引导的主语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    After being busy for half a year, my parents decided to drive me to a scenic spot outside the city to have fun. Joyfully, we planned our driving route.
    Then, on a December Saturday morning, my dad started his car and we set off with great expectation. Before long, we left the noisy city and came to the mountains. There were few vehicles on the road and the trees alongside were pretty. We felt so excited!
    As a few hours passed, we drove onto a narrow road. And minutes later, we found a river not far away from the road. The beach was very wide, and we wanted to have a rest there for a while. So my dad turned our car and drove towards it. Soon, we were driving on the sandy beach. Moments later, our car wheels were struggling in the increasingly soft sand. But my dad wanted to get closer to the river.
    Before he regretted it, our car had got stuck in the sand. My dad tried to turn around or move back, but the car didn’t move. We were worried, trapped in the middle of nowhere. Even worse, it began raining and was cold. We got out of the car and tried to push it, but failed. After a couple of minutes, we were tired and our hair and coats were a little wet. But the car only sank further into the sand.
    Anxiously, we walked to the road, eager to stop a vehicle and let it help pull our car out of the sand. Our coats and hair were wetter and wetter. Before the journey, we hadn’t prepared umbrellas or carried any food. Now, we were hungry and cold, standing in the rain. After waiting for a long time, there wasn’t one vehicle passing.
    Just when we were helpless, we saw a farmhouse not far away. “Can they help us?” I asked. My dad was doubtful. Still, we reached there, and found it was a big family. They seemed poor and unfriendly. My dad told them our problem and begged them to help us pull our car out.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    To our surprise, they nodded without thinking.
    My dad was so grateful that he handed some money to the family to thank them. _
    【答案】To our surprise, they nodded without thinking. They quickly found some ropes and tools. And they all, including a sixty-year-old man, two tall sons, their wives and several cheerful children, followed us. When reaching the beach, some of us pushed the car while others pulled it out with all strength. We tried hard, but the car didn’t move. Just then, my father saw that many faces of this family were covered with sweat, but they didn’t leave. Finally, after we tried many times, the car was pulled out of the sand.
    My dad was so grateful that he handed some money to the family to thank them. However, they refused. Instead, they invited us to have a meal and offered to dry our coats. At their insistence, we returned to their home again, where the women went to prepare the meal while the men lit a big fire using firewood. The family offered us clean coats and hung our wet ones near the fire. We sat around the fire, and soon felt warm. Later, we enjoyed their delicious meal. That experience made me know that there are many helpful people who don’t expect anything in return.
    ①到达:reach/arrive at
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Just then, my father saw that many faces of this family were covered with sweat, but they didn’t leave.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】At their insistence, we returned to their home again, where the women went to prepare the meal while the men lit a big fire using firewood.(运用了where引导的定语从句和while引导的状语从句)


    安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高三英语下学期第二次模拟试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高三英语下学期第二次模拟试题(Word版附解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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