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    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150)





    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)




    1. What do you know about Jack?

    A. He studied very hard.

    B. He had a relaxed weekend.

    C. He did anything but study.

    2. What happened to the man yesterday?

    A. His leg was broken.

    B. His arm was broken.

    C. His foot was hurt.

    3. What will the woman do?

    A. Call for service.

    B. Fix the machine by herself.

    C. Ask the man to repair it.

    4. What time is it?

    A. 6:10. B. 10:06. C. 5:50.

    5. Where does this conversation probably take place?

    A. In the woman’s house.

    B. In an art store.

    C. In the man’s office.




    6. What else are in the purse besides money?

    A. Three tickets.to a football match.

    B. Two railway tickets.

    C. Two tickets to a concert.

    7. Where did the woman lose her purse?

    A. On a bus. B. In a taxi. C. In a concert.


    8. What is the man looking for?

    A. His cigarettes. B. The carpet. C. The dustbin.

    9. Who cleaned the carpets?

    A. The man. B. The cleaner. C. The woman.

    10. What’s the woman’s attitude towards smoking?

    A. Disapproving. B. Understanding. C. Supportive.


    11. What books does the man want to borrow?

    A. Short stories. B. New magazines. C. Reference books.

    12. How many books can a student in Grade 2 borrow at a time?

    A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.

    13. What does the woman tell the man to do?

    A. Take his books. B. Fill in a form. C. Take his card.


    14. What does the man say about his driving lessons?

    A. He made many mistakes at the beginning.

    B. He has passed the driving test.

    C. He had difficulty parking.

    15. What does the woman think about driving?

    A. It is unfit for her young age.

    B. It is expensive.

    C. It is useless.

    16. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Interviewer and interviewee.

    B. Classmates.

    C. Brother and sister.

    17. What do the man’s parents offer to do?

    A. Buy him a car.

    B. Drive him to school.

    C. Help him practice driving.


    18. How long has the speaker been in Britain?

    A. Three weeks.

    B. Three months.

    C. Half a year.

    19. Why won’t the speaker tell Jack about London?

    A. He can learn about London by reading books and looking at pictures.

    B. Jack has been studying in London and he knows it well.

    C. Jack doesn’t like London.

    20. What do we know about the speaker?

    A. The speaker misses home very much.

    B. The speaker thinks all of the customs new and interesting.

    C. The speaker will start her studies at King’s College next week.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50)




    Whatever your level of English, Britannia can arrange for you to attend an English language course that is right for you. Here is a selection of top recognized London schools.

    City English

    Designed summer courses to offer the best language experience in London. The program and associated worksheets are all produced with the aim of developing or practicing language as well as enabling the participants to discover London.

    Language Studies International

    Newly-redecorated, LSI is equipped with computer rooms with free Internet access, a library and a student lounge. It also organizes leisure and social programmes including discounted musical and theatre trips, museum and gallery visits, student parties and day trips. With its excellent Location in the very center of the city, you are never more than a short walk away from all the major attractions.

    English Language Institute

    Designed courses to offer maximum flexibility and rapid progress in the English studies.  ELI is conveniently located near Waterloo underground and national rail stations (SE1).

    Frances King School of English

    Frances King understands the importance of providing students with the personal attention and individual help so necessary in making progress when learning English. The school has two central London locations near South Kensington and Victoria underground stations (SW7 and SW1).

    1. Which school organizes leisure and social activities?

    A. City English.

    B. Language Studies International.

    C. English Language Institute.

    D. Frances King School of English.

    2. What is special about the course of Frances King School of English?

    A. Helping students to discover London.

    B. Ensuring flexibility and rapid progress.

    C. Attaching importance to individual help.

    D. Providing skills needed for university study.

    3. What do the selection of schools have in common?

    A. Top recognition in London. B. Advanced equipment.

    C Convenient location. D. Successful exam pass-rate.

    【答案】1. B    2. C    3. A




    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“It also organizes leisure and social programmes including discounted musical and theatre trips, museum and gallery visits, student parties and day trips.(学校还组织休闲和社交活动,包括打折音乐和戏剧之旅、博物馆和画廊参观、学生聚会和一日游。)”可知,组织休闲和社交活动的学校对应第二个小标题“Language Studies International(国际语言研究中心)”。故选B项。


    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Frances King understands the importance of providing students with the personal attention and individual help so necessary in making progress when learning English.( Frances King深知在英语学习中给予学生个人关注和个人帮助对取得进步至关重要。)”可知,Frances King学校注重对学生个人给予帮助。故选C项。


    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Here is a selection of top recognized London schools.(以下是一些公认的一流的伦敦学校。)”可知,这些学校都是伦敦公认的一流学校。故选A项。


    Every time I stare at the rows of jars filled with my parents’ homemade tomato sauce, I wonder: “Should I really use one?”

    I have been keeping these jars like precious treasures. No matter how hard I try to find alternatives, nothing compares. Store bought sauce? It doesn’t taste right. Even if I try to recreate it, it will never taste the same.

    While growing up, I hated the tomato season. My parents would use the basement to ripen the tomatoes they had collected locally in September. Like the other Italian families in the area, we would then take them to the garage when they were ripe enough. There they were cleaned and boiled.

    Having been stewed (), whole tomatoes were passed through my father’s homemade machine to. Separate the sauce from the skins. Jars at the ready. We filled them with sauce and seasoning. The jars would be hot for a few days, sealed (密封) to keep their own heat. They would then be lined up and ready to use.

    This tradition was hard to carry on when my father got ill. After being diagnosed (诊断) with cancer in 2019, he spent most of his time in hospital. In September that year he came home, and on the weekend we decided to continue the tradition. I have glorious memories of that day as we once again made the sauce. It was a beautiful but short-lived moment. My father died soon after.

    I can’t keep these jars forever. But it doesn’t make it any easier to open one. Every time I go to reach for one, something stops me. My mother, ever practical, is visiting us recently and just stares at them.

    “You should use these or they will go to waste.”

    What will it feel like to use that last jar? It would mean the end of an era. Who knows? Maybe it’s time to bring new traditions into life.

    4. What stops the author from using the tomato sauce?

    A. It has gone bad. B. He doesn’t like tomato sauce.

    C. He keeps it for future use. D. He values it too much.

    5. What do Para.3 and Para.4 mainly talk about?

    A. The tomato harvest. B. The homemade machine.

    C. The fruitful tomato season. D. The making of tomato sauce.

    6. What will the author most probably do next?

    A. Open one jar. B. Keep the jars.

    C. Collect tomatoes. D. Make tomato sauce.

    7. Which of the following words can best describe the author?

    A. Practical. B. Faithful. C. Loving. D. Sensitive.

    【答案】4. D    5. D    6. A    7. C




    细节理解题。由第二段首句“I have been keeping these jars like precious treasures. (我一直把这些罐子当宝贝一样珍藏着)”可知,作者非常珍惜父母手工制作的番茄酱;再结合第二段下文“No matter how hard I try to find alternatives, nothing compares. Store bought sauce? It doesn’t taste right. Even if I try to recreate it, it will never taste the same. (无论我如何努力寻找替代品,都无法与之相比。商店买的酱?味道不对。即使我试着重新做,味道也不一样了)”可知,父亲的离世让作者再也找不到这种有家的味道的番茄酱,由此推知作者一直舍不得使用的原因是他十分珍视这些番茄酱。故答案为D


    主旨大意题。由第三段第一句“While growing up, I hated the tomato season. (在成长过程中,我讨厌番茄季节)”可知,作者接下来要写的是成长中有关制作番茄酱的回忆,随后第四段“Having been stewed (炖), whole tomatoes were passed through my father’s homemade machine to. Separate the sauce from the skins. Jars at the ready. We filled them with sauce and seasoning. The jars would be hot for a few days, sealed (密封) to keep their own heat. They would then be lined up and ready to use. (整颗西红柿经过炖煮后,通过父亲自制的机器送到。把酱汁和皮分开。罐子已经准备好了。我们在里面放了酱汁和调味料。这些罐子可以热几天,密封以保持自己的热量。然后它们将被排好并准备使用)”介绍了制作番茄酱的具体过程,所以D选项“The making of tomato sauce. (番茄酱的制作)”符合题意。故答案为D


    推理判断题。由倒数第二段母亲所说的话“You should use these or they will go to waste. (你应该使用这些番茄酱,否则就会浪费掉)”和最后一段“What will it feel like to use that last jar? It would mean the end of an era. Who knows? Maybe it’s time to bring new traditions into life. (用完最后一个罐子会是什么感觉? 这意味着一个时代的终结。谁知道呢? 也许是时候把新的传统带入生活了)”可知,作者想要给生活带来新的传统,再结合母亲对作者的建议,作者想要向前看。可以推断作者接下来很可能要开始用番茄酱。故答案为A


    推理判断题。作者在父亲离世后一直舍不得用和父母一起制作的番茄酱,再结合作者谈及父亲最后一次制作番茄酱时的怀恋可知,作者是一个深情的人。A. Practical. 实际的; B. Faithful. 忠诚的; C. Loving.深情的; D. Sensitive.敏感的。故答案为C


    On a summer afternoon, Ciara Whelan, a teacher at a New York, City elementary school, visits one of her students in the Bronx, Sapphira, who fell behind in her reading.

    This home visit is the beginning of a reading program called Springboard Collaborative. Springboard runs after-school and summer programs with struggling readers. Once each week, a family member — mom, dad, grandma, an old sibling (兄弟姐妹) — attends an hour-long workshop to help learn and practice the approaches students are learning in class. “Parent engagement (参与) is the beating heart of our programs,” says founder Alejandro Gibes de Gac. “It’s the spirit in the cocktail.”

    Sapphira’s Springboard program is held in a classroom at a charter school in Manhattan. In the classroom, Sapphira’s dad, sits with his daughter, helping her mark her place in the book. After a few minutes of reading together, Whelan tells parents to ask students to summarize what is happening every few pages, to check comprehension.

    In the past seven years, Springboard has collected a great amount of data to prove its effectiveness. For example: In just five weeks, on average, 3 out of 4 students get to the next reading level or even further. The program also gives books to each child. Backpacks full of school supplies and tablets are offered as encouragement for completing the whole program.

    Springboard plans to increase the size by spreading its model, with a goal of reaching 100,000 children in the next four years. Currently it’s running tests in different cities to see which parts of the program are necessary and important and which could be cut if a particular school lacks money for them. For example, the free tablet and backpack, it has found, don’t seem to make much difference in the program’s success. The key instead is the promise that parents make to their children.

    8. What do the underlined words “Springboard Collaborative” in Para.2 refer to?

    A. A program to involve parents in kids’ reading practice.

    B. A school where students learn to improve their reading.

    C. A plan to strengthen the relationship between kids and parents.

    D. A summer camp that helps struggling students with their reading.

    9. Which of the following weighs most in Springboard Collaborative program?

    A. Teachers’ home visits.

    B. Parents’ participation.

    C. Children’s new reading habits.

    D. Encouragement from the program.

    10. What can we know about the program from the last two paragraph?

    A. It is running tests to see whether it is welcome.

    B. It intends to build a new model and spread it.

    C. Its effectiveness is proved by a large amount of data.

    D. Students will be given backpacks once they join in it.

    11. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

    A. No Pains, No Gains

    B. Reading Makes One’s Life Better

    C. How to Change Children’s Future

    D. One Hour a Week, a Step Up

    【答案】8. A    9. B    10. C    11. D


    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一个让家庭成员参与并帮助有阅读困难的孩子练习阅读的项目——Springboard Collaborative


    词句猜测题。根据划线词前“a reading program (阅读项目)”和其后“Springboard runs after-school and summer programs with struggling readers. Once each week, a family member — mom, dad, grandma, an old sibling (兄弟姐妹) — attends an hour-long workshop to help learn and practice the approaches students are learning in class.(Springboard为阅读困难的人提供课外和暑期项目。每周一次,家庭成员——妈妈、爸爸、奶奶、一个兄弟姐妹——参加一个小时的研讨会,帮助学习和实践学生在课堂上学习的方法)”可推知,Springboard Collaborative是一个能让父母参与孩子阅读练习的项目。故选A项。


    细节理解题。根据第二段中“‘Parent engagement (参与) is the beating heart of our programs,’ says founder Alejandro Gibes de Gac. “It’s the spirit in the cocktail.”(创始人亚历杭德罗基贝斯加克说:“家长参与是我们项目的核心。”“它是鸡尾酒的灵魂”)”可知,在Springboard Collaborative目中家长的参与最重要。故选B项。


    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“In the past seven years, Springboard has collected a great amount of data to prove its effectiveness. For example: In just five weeks, on average, 3 out of 4 students get to the next reading level or even further.(在过去的七年里,Springboard收集了大量的数据来证明它的有效性。例如:在短短五周内,平均每4个学生中就有3个达到了下一个阅读水平甚至更高)”和最后一段中“Springboard plans to increase the size by spreading its model, with a goal of reaching 100,000 children in the next four years.(Springboard计划通过推广这一模式来扩大规模,目标是在未来四年内惠及10万名儿童)”可推知,从最后两段我们知道大量数据证明了该方法的有效性。故选C项。


    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了一个让家庭成员参与并帮助有阅读困难的孩子练习阅读的项目。结合第二段中“Once each week, a family member — mom, dad, grandma, an old sibling (兄弟姐妹) — attends an hour-long workshop to help learn and practice the approaches students are learning in class.(每周一次,家庭成员——妈妈、爸爸、奶奶、一个老兄弟姐妹——参加一个小时的研讨会,帮助学习和实践学生在课堂上学习的方法)”和“In the past seven years, Springboard has collected a great amount of data to prove its effectiveness. For example: In just five weeks, on average, 3 out of 4 students get to the next reading level or even further.(在过去的七年里,Springboard收集了大量的数据来证明它的有效性。例如:在短短五周内,平均每4个学生中就有3个达到了下一个阅读水平甚至更高)”可知,该项目让家庭成员每周花一个小时,参与孩子阅读练习,并取得了不错的效果。因此“One Hour a Week, a Step Up (每周一小时,步步提升)”是最佳标题。故选D项。


    To see the future of high-speed railways, you need to go to China.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, China had no high-speed railways. Slow and often uncomfortable trains ran across this vast country, with low average speeds making journeys such as Shanghai-Beijing a test of travel endurance (忍耐力). Today, it’s a completely different picture. The populous nation has the world’s largest network of high-speed railways.

    With the highest speed of 350 kph on many lines, intercity travel has been completely changed and the dominance (主导地位) of airlines has been broken on the busiest routes. China’s ambition is to make high-speed rail the popular choice for domestic long-distance travel, but these new railways have a much great importance. They are a symbol of the country’s economic power, rapid modernization, growing technological skills and increasing prosperity (繁荣).

    It’s hard not to be impressed by the size of some of the new stations, and by the efficiency (效率) with which the system moves vast numbers of people, all with a booked seat and increasingly without the need for paper tickets, just a scan of an ID card at the ticket gates.

    Not satisfied with pushing the boundaries of speed, endurance and civil engineering, Chinese companies are among the first in the world to introduce new technology such as autonomous (driverless) train operation and advanced signaling and control technology.

    The driverless “bullet trains” connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou in northern Hebei Province are capable of hitting speeds up to 350 kph, making them the world’s fastest autonomous trains.

    12. What can we know about Chinese railway in the past?

    A It was comfortable and convenient.

    B. It was slow and terrible for travelers.

    C. It was faster than any other country’s railway.

    D. It was the largest railway network in the world.

    13. Which is not the benefits that high-speed railways bring?

    A. They promote local prosperity.

    B. They “shorten”the distance between cities.

    C. They show the country’s economic power.

    D. They take the place of the airlines.

    14. What does the author want to tell us by saying “just a scan of an ID card” in paragraph 4?

    A. To show the importance of an ID card.

    B. To explain the way of entering ticket gates.

    C. To prove the convenience of taking high-speed rail.

    D. To introduce the usage of an ID card in high-speed rail transport.

    15. What does the passage mainly talk about?

    A. The development of Chinese high-speed railways.

    B. The significance of Chinese high-speed railways.

    C. The future of Chinese high-speed railways.

    D. The speed of Chinese high-speed railways.

    【答案】12. B    13. D    14. C    15. A




    细节理解题。根据第二段内容“Slow and often uncomfortable trains ran across this vast country, with low average speeds making journeys such as Shanghai-Beijing a test of travel endurance (忍耐力). (在这个幅员辽阔的国家,火车运行缓慢,常常让人不舒服,较低的平均速度使得上海到北京的旅行成为对旅行耐力的考验)”可知,中国铁路系统在过去速度慢且体验感糟糕。故答案选B


    细节理解题。根据第三段“With the highest speed of 350 kph on many lines, intercity travel has been completely changed and the dominance (主导地位) of airlines has been broken on the busiest routes. (许多线路的最高时速为350公里,城际旅行已经完全改变,航空公司在最繁忙航线上的主导地位已经被打破)”可知,由于高铁的发展,航空公司在最繁忙线路上的主导地位被打破,D选项“They take the place of the airlines. (高铁取代了航空公司)”中的take the place of太绝对,是打破了其主导地位并不是取代,所以D选项不属于高铁所带来的好处。故答案为D


    推理判断题。根据第四段“It’s hard not to be impressed by the size of some of the new stations, and by the efficiency (效率) with which the system moves vast numbers of people, all with a booked seat and increasingly without the need for paper tickets, just a scan of an ID card at the ticket gates. (一些新高铁站的规模和系统运送大量乘客的效率很难不给人留下深刻印象,所有人都预订了座位,而且越来越不需要纸质票,只需要在检票口扫描一下身份证)”可知,作者提到刷身份证进站是为了说明高铁的efficiency,证明其方便。故答案选C


    主旨大意题。本文介绍了中国在高铁上已取得的巨大成就和正在发展的方向,所以A选项“The development of Chinese high-speed railways. (中国高铁的发展)”符合本篇文章主旨。故答案选A



    New Year’s resolutions(决心) usually are like some of those promises that are meant to be broken. The word “New” in the new year, puts a lot of pressure on starting over and turning a new leaf. But you must remember you cannot just become a different person overnight when the clock strikes 12. ____16____. Instead of making resolutions that cause you stress, anxiety or more pain, set out this year by. Making resolutions that will encourage self-care.

    To start fresh this New Year’s Day, here are a few tips setting realistic new years’ resolutions in order to avoid the burden of disappointment next year.

    Choose a very specific goal

    Unclear plans like “lose weight” “exercise more” or “write more” are goals with no teeth.

    They are unclear plans and desires, and are very easy to explain away due to how unclear they are. ____17____. Such goals with a certain task, are much more doable than unclear goals.


    Once you have chosen your goals, make a very detailed plan of how you will reach that goal. Having a plan and a pathway can help you imagine your progress and won’t make you impatient for immediate results. That way you will have already imagined what progress would look like for you in say, 3 months,5 months, 7 months or every day depending on your goals.

    Get yourself a social group

    In today’s social media world, it is easy to find a group of like-minded individuals interested in sharing your goal. Get yourself a social group like this. However, just as there is this bright side to having a social group, the problem is the pressure. Don’t get consumed by social media and what others are doing. ____19____

    Accept failure and forgive yourself.

    ____20____. Accept this failure; own it and forgive yourself. Being hard on yourself will only do you more harm, so instead learn from, what went wrong and instead of quitting the resolution at the end of next year, see it through until you reach your goal.

    A. Make a plan to reach that goal

    B. Be patient with your progress

    C. Instead, set goals like “exercise 20 minutes every day“ or “lose 15 pounds”

    D. Despite all your efforts, it is possible that you might fail or make a mistake.

    E. Therefore, new year’s resolutions usually end up in failure

    F. Change is a difficult process-the key words being “difficult“ and “process”

    G. Remember you have this group only for support, not for comparison

    【答案】16. F    17. C    18. A    19. G    20. D




    根据句前“But you must remember you cannot just become a different person overnight when the clock strikes 12.(但你必须记住,你不可能在时钟敲响12点的时候一夜之间就变成了另一个人)”可知,改变不是瞬间就可以实现的,所以下句会与此衔接,表示改变会是一个缓慢或艰难的过程。选项FChange is a difficult process-the key words being “difficult“ and “process”(改变是一个艰难的过程,关键字是“困难”和“过程”)”符合句意,故选F


    根据本段的段落主题“Choose a very specific goal(选择一个具体明确的目标)”可知,以及前句“They are unclear plans and desires, and are very easy to explain away due to how unclear they are.(它们是不明确的计划和愿望,很容易被解释掉,因为它们是那么不明确)”以及下句“Such goals with a certain task, are much more doable than unclear goals.(这样带有特定任务的目标,比不明确的目标更可行)”可知,此设空处表示要设定具体的目标,与前句形成对比,与后句形成呼应,选项CInstead, set goals like “exercise 20 minutes every day“ or “lose 15 pounds”(相反,设定像“每天锻炼20分钟”或“减掉15磅”这样的目标)”符合句意,故选C


    分析整篇文章可知,此处需要选段落标题,根据下面对应段落中的“make a very detailed plan(制定一个详细的计划)”及“Having a plan and a pathway can help you imagine your progress and won’t make you impatient for immediate results.(制定计划和路径可以帮助你想象自己的进步,也不会让你急于求成)”可知,本段主旨是建议大家制定一个相应的计划以此达到目标。选项AMake a plan to reach that goal(制定一个相应的计划以此达到目标)”符合句意,故选A


    根据前句“However, just as there is this bright side to having a social group, the problem is the pressure. Don’t get consumed by social media and what others are doing.(然而,加入社交群体有光明的一面一样,但是问题是压力。不要沉迷于社交媒体和别人在做什么)”可知,加入社交群体有正反两方面,并提出建议:“不要沉迷于社交群体和别人在做什么”,因此下句会解释提出此建议的缘由,即“加入社交群体的目的是要获得支持或帮助,而不是比较”,选项GRemember you have this group only for support, not for comparison(记住,你有这个小组只是为了支持,而不是为了比较)”符合句意,故选G


    根据段落标题“Accept failure and forgive yourself(接受失败,原谅自己)”可知,本段主要讲述实现新年计划的过程会困难重重,虽然你会很努力,但失败是不可避免的,你也会因此而犯错。选项DDespite all your efforts, it is possible that you might fail or make a mistake.(尽管你尽了全力,还是有可能失败或犯错误)”符合句意,故选D

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30)



    When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my mother set me down on a purple banana-seat bike. She ____21____held the back of the seat while I found my balance. Then she gave me a ____22____and let me gocalling“Pedal(踩踏板)pedalpedalglide(滑行)!”as I rode across the grass.

    When I was older, I ____23____ a soccer team and I always rode my bike to go to ____24____. On my bike, my____25____was my own. I can do what I want to. After a(n) ____26____ practice, I would pick an apple from a tree in the garden near the soccer ____27____ and eat it while I pedaled home, or ____28____ to the shop and go home with some of my favorite snacks.

    Then I got married and had babies. ____29____ the house for a two-hour ride was no longer a(n) ______30______. When my girls got older, my mom ______31______ them to ride their own bikes. “Pedal, pedal, pedal, glide!” she’d ______32______ as she used to. But this time it was me ______33______ after them with my hand on the seat.

    Last spring, my mother died suddenly. I was in deep ______34______. Every morning, I’d leave my hotel and ______35______ my bike to a bike path. She’s never going to teach us again. I wanted to cry.

    21 A. obviously B. slowly C. gently D. firmly

    22. A. push B. hug C. pull D. smile

    23. A. managed B. built C. joined D. led

    24. A. work B. training C. school D. church

    25. A. pleasure B. mind C. character D. time

    26. A. accessible B. hard C. fancy D. addicted

    27. A. game B. schedule C. team D. field

    28. A. ride B. run C. drive D. jog

    29. A. Selling B. Renting C. Leaving D. Furnishing

    30. A. problem B. choice C. dream D. honor

    31. A. taught B. rescued C. struck D. protested

    32. A. pull B. smile C. shout D. hesitate

    33. A. looking B. running C. taking D. staring

    34. A. shadow B. thought C. concern D. sorrow

    35. A. get on B. get ahead C. deal with D. adapt to

    【答案】21. D    22. A    23. C    24. B    25. D    26. B    27. D    28. A    29. C    30. B    31. A    32. C    33. B    34. D    35. A




    考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我找到平衡时,她紧紧地抓住了椅背。A. obviously明显地;B. slowly缓慢地;C. gently温柔地;D. firmly紧紧地。通读第一段可知,本段讲述作者小时候母亲教其骑自行车的经历。教小孩骑自行车,为了帮助孩子保持平衡,大人应该是帮忙牢牢地(firmly)扶住自行车车座的后部。故选 D


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后她推了我一把,让我走了,当我骑车穿过草地时,她喊道:“踏板、踏板、踏板,滑行!”A. push推;B. hug拥抱;C. pull拉;D. smile微笑。这里只有推(push)孩子一下,放手让其骑车符合语境。故选 A


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我大一点的时候,我加入了一支足球队,我总是骑自行车去训练。A. managed努力;B. built建立;C. joined加入;D. led带领。结合上文“When I was older”可知,作为一名青少年,作者不可能去经营、成立或带领一个足球队,加入(joined)”一个足球队才符合语境。故选 C


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我大一点的时候,我加入了一支足球队,我总是骑自行车去训练。A. work工作;B. training训练;C. school学校;D. church教堂。结合下文“After a(n) ____6____ practice”可知,去足球队参加训练,故选B


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我的自行车上,我的时间是我自己的。A. pleasure愉快;B. mind想法;C. character性格;D. time时间。结合下文“ I can do what I want to”可知,骑自行车可以使作者能够自由支配自己的时间,故选D


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:经过艰苦的练习,我会在足球场附近的花园里的一棵树上摘一个苹果,一边骑车回家一边吃,或者骑车去商店,带着我最喜欢的零食回家。A. accessible可得到的;B. hard艰苦的;C. fancy精致的;D. addicted上瘾的。结合语境和常识可知,足球队的训练是“艰苦的”,故选 B


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过艰苦的练习,我会在足球场附近的花园里的一棵树上摘一个苹果,一边骑车回家一边吃,或者骑车去商店,带着我最喜欢的零食回家。A. game 游戏;B. schedule时刻表;C. team小组;D. field场地。结合上文“After a(n) ____6____ practice”可知,作者训练完在附近摘苹果,是在足球场附近,故选D


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过艰苦的练习,我会在足球场附近的花园里的一棵树上摘一个苹果,一边骑车回家一边吃,或者骑车去商店,带着我最喜欢的零食回家。A. ride骑自行车;B. run跑;C. drive开车;D. jog慢跑。结合上文“I always rode my bike”可知,作者骑自行车去训练,训练完骑自行车回家,故选A


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:离开家去骑个小时的自行车不再是一种生活的选项了。A. Selling卖;B. Renting租;C. Leaving离开;D. Furnishing布置。结合下文“for a two-hour ride”可知,此处表示离开家去骑自行车,故选C


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:离开家去骑个小时的自行车不再是一种生活的选项了。A. problem问题;B. choice选择;C. dream梦想;D. honor荣誉。结合上文“Then I got married and had babies”可知,一个人结婚有了孩子以后,会整日忙碌,离开家去骑个小时的自行车很可能就不再是一种生活的选项了。故选 B


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我的女儿长大后,我妈妈教她们骑自行车。A. taught教;B. rescued援救;C. struck击打;D. protested声明。结合下文“she’d ____12____ as she used to”可知,妈妈在教他们骑自行车,故选A


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“脚踏板,脚踏板,踏板,滑行!”她会像过去一样大喊。A. pull拉;B. smile微笑;C. shout喊;D. hesitate犹豫。根据第一段中“calling”及下文“as she used to”可知,妈妈像过去一样,冲孩子喊,故选C


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:可是这一次,手扶车座跟在她们身后奔跑的是我。A. looking看;B. running跑;C. taking带走;D. staring开始。根据常识可知,教人学骑自行车,一定是跟在骑车人的身后进行指导,所以此处表示“跟在他们身后奔跑”,故选B


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很伤心。A. shadow阴影;B. thought想法;C. concern关心;D. sorrow悲伤。结合上文“my mother died suddenly”可知,母亲去世,作者一定是陷入了深深的悲痛中,故选D


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天早上,我都会离开酒店,骑上自行车去自行车道。A. get on上某种交通工具;B. get ahead走在前面;C. deal with处理;D. adapt to适应。根据语境可知,母亲去世后,作者为了怀念她,每天早晨都会离开宾馆,去骑自行车。故选A



    On my trip to Dunhuang, Gansu province in December, I had an exciting experience of ____36____(explore) Mogao Grottoes (莫高窟) in Dunhuang with 735 caves ____37____(build) by believers from 366 to the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368).

    The guide ____38____ (random) opened one of the old caves at Mogao Grottoes and curious tourists began a journey of mystery. Following ____39____tiny points of light from the guide’s small flashlight (手电筒), we learned stories of the past from the Buddhist statues and murals (壁画) in the darkness.

    Some wall paintings represented musicians playing Chinese instruments, as well as complex gestures of dancers at parties in an ancient royal court. Others showed interesting and exciting scenes of hunting in the ____40____ (wood). The statues—even those ____41____ faces had turned black, and some having lost an arm or two to natural weathering(自然风化)—didn’t stop the solemn (庄严的) power.

    Thanks ____42____ its being the off-season, my group was able to see 12 caves. Tourists, however, ____43____ (allow) to see a maximum of eight caves during peak season. When I ____44____ (come) out from the three-hour exploration, I was amazed that I had bought ____45____ (vary) souvenirs, which help preserve the memory and feel of the place.

    【答案】36. exploring   

    37. built    38. randomly   

    39 the    40. woods   

    41. whose    42. to   

    43. are allowed   

    44. came    45. various##varied


    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在 12 月份去敦煌旅行的经历。文章旨在引导学生关注祖国的大好河山。


    考查非谓语动词。句意:在我12月去甘肃敦煌的旅行中,我有一次激动人心的经历,我探索了敦煌莫高窟,那里有735个洞穴,是由信徒从366年到元朝(1271-1368)建造的。设空处在句中作非谓语,位于介词 of 后,应用动名词形式。故填exploring


    考查非谓语动词。句意见上题解析。设空处在句中作非谓语,和其逻辑主语caves 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故空处应用过去分词作后置定语。故填built






    考查名词。句意:另一些则展示了在森林里打猎的有趣而激动人心的场景。设空处应为名词在句中作宾语,再根据“hunting(打猎)”可知,此处应是在森林里,应用wood 的复数形式表示“森林”。故填woods




    考查介词。句意:由于是淡季,我的团队能够看到12个洞穴。根据“my group was able to see 12 caves(我的团队能够看到12个洞穴)”可知,逗号前的内容表示原因。thanks to 意为“因为;幸亏”,为固定搭配。故填to


    考查谓语动词的时态和语态。句意:不过,游客在旺季最多只能参观8个洞穴。设空处在句中作谓语,主语Touristsallow之间为动宾关系,根据“during peak season(在旺季)”可知,此处叙述的是通常的情况,故空处应用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are allowed





    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40)


    46. 假如你是一所国际学校的优秀毕业生,新学期伊始应一位班主任的邀请返校给高一新生作一简短演讲,内容如下:

    1. 适应新环境,迎接新机遇;

    2. 充分利用学校的各种资源;

    3. 养成良好的学习习惯,有积极的心态。


    1. 词数:80左右;

    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Dear fellow students,


    【答案】Dear fellow students,

    Welcome to senior high school! The path before you leads to a world full of challenges: a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking. When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.

    First, take advantage of your classes, and make use of our school facilities. Join a club or two. And take an active part in different sports. Second, of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. Set clear goals, and carefully plan your study.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.






    首先:first→first of all




    原句:The path before you leads to a world full of challenges: a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking.

    拓展句:The path before you leads to a world full of challenges, which include a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking.

    【点睛】[高分句型1] When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)

    [高分句型2] Second, of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. (运用了of介词短语作表语放在句首,句子使用完全倒装的句型)


    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Dark rain clouds were gathering in the sky. I was cycling as fast as I could to get home before the downpour. When I felt a few big drops on my head, I decided to head for a bus stop, about a hundred meters away. As I was nearing the bus stop, I saw a woman rushing towards it from the opposite direction, behind whom was a little boy.

    Suddenly, a motorcycle sped past me, almost knocking me down. “Hey! Are you mad?” I shouted at the motorcyclist. He turned to look at me, saying, “Sorry.” However, for a split second, he just sped on. Then he was heading right for the woman and little boy! “Watch out! Watch out!” I shouted. I saw the lady turn her head to look at the motorcyclist, with a look of shock on her face.

    In an instant, the motorcyclist reached the woman and accidentally hit her. The hit made the woman move backward. The woman and the boy fell on the road, landing right in the path of a truck. “Stop! Stop!” I screamed at the motorcyclist and the truck driver, waving my arms wildly in the air. Thankfully, the truck driver had seen what was happening. With a sudden brake, the truck stopped a few meters from the spot where the woman and the boy had fallen. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist stopped. He kept apologizing, explaining he was in a hurry to the hospital to see his sick mother.

    I saw the woman climbing towards the crying child. Pulling over to the side of the road, I ran to help them. By the time I get there, the truck driver had reached them. He picked up the child in his arms and examined his legs.

    “I think your little boy is all right,” said the truck driver. “How about you? Do you feel any pain?” The lady replied anxiously, “Please help me. I am pregnant(怀孕的).”


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    “Don't panic. You'll be all right. I'll take you and your son to the hospital,” said the driver.


    The driver, the motorcyclist and I got them to the hospital just in time.


    【答案】“Don't panic. You'll be all right. I'll take you and your son to the hospital,” said the driver. The woman could not walk, so the driver and I held her and settled her in his truck. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist carried the boy to the truck. The driver asked me to go along with them so that I could help when we got to the nearest hospital. It was a coincidence that the motorcyclist's mother was being treated in the same hospital.

    The driver, the motorcyclist and I got them to the hospital just in time. The motorcyclist stayed in the hospital to take care of the woman and his mother. A few days later, I was told that the woman had suffered only minor injuries from the incident. She had recovered and left hospital. Thanks to the kind-hearted driver, her unborn baby was unharmed. The motorcyclist's mother also recovered soon. This thing has convinced me that safety and health are the most important at all times, even in an emergency.









    没事:all right/fine/nothing

    .回家:go back home/return home
    ③及时:in time/timely/without delay
    .感谢:Thank for/show one’s appreciation/show one’s gratitude/be grateful
    .积极:positive attitude/act positively
    [高分句型1]. The driver asked me to go along with them so that I could help when we got to the nearest hospital.这句话运用了so that引导的目的状语从句。
    [高分句型2]. It was a coincidence that the motorcyclist's mother was being treated in the same hospital.这句话运用了that引导的主语从句。

    听力答案:15 AABCB 610 CBACA  1115 CABCA  1620 BABAC



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