人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 1What's the matter 单词大闯关(无答案) 试卷
这是一份人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 1What's the matter 单词大闯关(无答案),共7页。
U1 What’s the matter?
A. adj.生病的 B. v.匹配
C. n./v.问题、关系 D. adj.困难的
A. n.肩膀 B.脖子
C. n.背部;腰背 D. v.往后
A.adj.疼痛的,酸痛的 B.adj.舒服的
C.adj.生病的 D.v.感觉酸痛
4.have a throat
A.牙痛 B.喉咙痛
C.背痛 D.生病了
5.have a stomachache
A.胃痛 B.膝盖痛
C.吃饱了 D.咳嗽
6.have a cold
A.打了个喷嚏 B.感冒
C.发烧 D.肚子痛
A.v.走路 B.n.脚
C.n.膝盖 D.n.脚趾头
A.n.脖子 B.n.脑袋
C. n.胃部 D.n.大腿
9.have a fever
A.发烧 B.生病
C.感冒 D.脑袋疼
A.v.躺;撒谎 B.v.坐下
C. v.撒谎 D.蹲着
A.adj.轻松的 B.v./n.放松;休息
C.v.呼吸 D.v.冒险
12.have a cough
A.喉咙痛 B. 感冒
C.咳嗽 D. 牙痛
13.have a toothache
A.胃痛 B.牙痛
C.脚痛 D.背酸
14.take one’s temperature
A.拿体温计 B.量体温
C.看天气预报 D.打走体温
15.have a headache
A.脖子疼 B.脑袋疼
C.喉咙痛 D.有脑子
16. passenger
A.n.游客 B.n.文章
C.n.乘客 D.n.村民
17.get off
A.下车 B.上车
C.起飞 D.吹灭
18.to one’s surprise
A.惊讶地 B.令某人惊喜
C.给某人惊喜 D.惊喜
19.agree to do sth.
A.建议做某事 B.认为做某人
C.同意做某事 D.想要做某事
A.n. 困难;麻烦 B.n.事件
C.v.打扰 D.n.宝藏
A.pron.他 B.pron.她自己
C.pron.她们 D.pron.她的
22.fall down
A.掉下 B.摔倒
C.掉进 D.落后
A. n.✂剪刀 B.n.胶带
C. n.绷带 D. n.布
A.n.胳膊 B.n.肩膀
C.n.大腿 D.n.膝盖
A. n.鼻塞 B.鼻痛
C.n.鼻出血 D.n.鼻炎
A.v.伤害;受伤 B.v.感觉起来
C.v.到期 D.v.烧焦
A.v.印刷 B.v.解决
C. v.感激 D.v.打,击
A. n.呼吸 B.v.呼吸
C. n.压力 D.v.破坏
A.n.烈日 B.v.刺眼
C.v.灼烧 D.adj.晒伤的
A.pron. 我们的 B.pron.我们
C.pron. 我自己 D.pron. 我们自己
31.be used to doing
A.被使用 B.过去常常做某事
C.习惯于做某事 D.害怕做某事
A.n./v.休息 B. v.计算
C.v.放松 D.v./n危险、冒险
33.take risks
A.有风险 B.降低风险
C.带走风险 D.冒险
34. almost
A.adv.接近地 B.adj.最多的
C.adv.几乎、差不多 D.adv.最近地
A.n.注意力 B. n.意识
C. n.要求 D.n.情况、状况
A.n.欢呼 B.v.喝彩
C.n.岩石 D.n.火山
37.run out of
A.跑完 B.筋疲力尽
C.用尽、用完 D.流逝
A.n.叉子 B.n.盘子
C.n.妻子 D.n.刀
39.cut off
A.删除 B.砍倒
C.切除、中断 D.切碎
A.n.汗水 B.n.毅力
C.n,血 D.n.勇气
41.be in control of
A.统治 B.掌管
C.裁员 D.招聘
A.v.意思是,打算 B.v.计划
C.n.意识 D.v.实现
A.n.计划 B.n.日程表
C.n.决定 D.n.后悔
A.n.鼓励 B.n.呐喊
C.n.勇气、意志 D.n.迷茫
A.v.死 B.adj.死亡的
C.n.死亡 D.n.生存
48.give up
A.屈服 B.赠送
B.放弃 D.分发
A.n.咨询者 B.n.护士
C.n.主任 D.病人
1. n./v.问题、关系
A. event B. match
C. matter D. mistake
2. n.背部;腰背
A. shoulder B. foe
C. toe D. back
3. adj.疼痛的,酸痛的
A. uncomfortable B. sick
C. hurt D. sore
A. have a throat B. brush teeth
C. pull one’s teeth out D. have a toothache
A. have a stomach B. have a stomachache
C. have a fever D. have a cold
6. 感冒
A. take a shower B. have a cold
C. have a sore cold D. have a toothache
7. n.脚
A. walk B. foe
C. knee D.foot
8. n.脖子
A. headache B.brain
C. stomache D.neck
9. 发烧
A. take a fever B. get ill
C.catch a cold D.have a fever
10. v.躺;撒谎
A.lie B.tie
C. fever D.educate
11. v./n.放松;休息
A.relax B. realize
C.cheer D.rest
12. 咳嗽
A.have a sore throat B. have a fever
C.lie down D. have cough
13. 背酸
A. have a sore throat B. have a sore back
C. hurt one’s back D. turn back
14. 量体温
A.under the temperature B.take one’s body
C.with the temperature D. take one’s temperature
15. 脑袋疼
A.have a sore neck B. have a head
C. have a headache D.take one’s mind
16. n.游客
A.passenge B.villiage
C.tourist D. passenger
17. 下车
A.take off B.go off
C.put off D. get off
18. 令某人惊喜
A.in surprise B. make sb. surprising
C.to one’s surprised D. to one’s surprise
19. 同意做某事
A. disagree to do sth. B.encourage to do sth.
C. agree doing sth. D. agree to do sth.
20. n. 困难;麻烦
A.treasure B.pleasure
C. trouble D. trouser
21. pron.她自己
A.himself B. she
C.hers D. herself
22. 摔倒
A.fall into B. fall behind
C. fall down D. fall off
23. n.绷带
A. cloth B. glue
C. scissors D. bandage
24. n.膝盖
A.arm B. keep
C.shoulder D. knee
25. n.鼻出血
A.headache B.stomachache
C.noseblood D. nosebleed
26. v.伤害;受伤
A.pain B.bury
C. hurt D.burn
27. v.打,击
A.beat B. hit
C. heat D. hint
28. n.呼吸
A. breathe B.break
C. bread D. breathing
29. adj.晒伤的
A.sunglasses B.shining
C.v. sunburned D. burning
30. pron. 我们自己
A.our B.ours
C. ourselves D.mine
31. 习惯于做某事
A.be used to do B.used to do
C.be used up D. be used to doing
32. v./n危险、冒险
A.risky B. risk
C.endanger D. rest
33. 冒险
A. at risk B. take risks
C.take risk D. in risk
34. adv.几乎、差不多
A. almost B. fortunately
C.lately D.recently
35. n.情况、状况
A. situation B. sense
C. attention D. satisfaction
36. n.岩石
A. stone B.proud
C.pride D. rock
37. 用尽、用完
A.get out B. run out of
C.give out D.put out
38. n.刀
A.plate B.wife
C. knife D.wolf
39. 切除、中断
A.cut in B. cut off
C.cut out D.cut up
40. n.血
A. blood B. persistence
C.flood D. courage
41. 掌管
A.under control B. take one’s place
C.be out of control D. be in control of
44. v.意思是,打算
A.decide B.expect
C. mean D.realize
45. n.决定
A.resolution B.regret
C. schedule D. decision
46. n.勇气、意志
A. spirit B.realization
C.encouragement D.blank
47. n.死亡
A.dying B.dead
C.arrival D. death
48. 放弃
A.give in B.get up
B.put up D. give up
49. n.护士
A. consulter B. patient
C. nurse D. manage
1. n. 足,脚;英尺 __________________
2. n. 颈,脖子 __________________
3. n. 胃,胃部,肚子 __________________
4. n. 咽喉, 喉咙, 嗓音__________________
5. n. 发烧 __________________
6. n.& v. 咳嗽 __________________
7. adv.几乎、差不多 __________________
8. n. 牙痛 __________________
9. n. 头疼 __________________
10. n. 膝盖 __________________
11. n. 事故,意外的事__________________
12. n. 千克 __________________
13. n. 小刀;匕首;刀片__________________
14. n. 血,血液 __________________
15. n. 决定;决心__________________
16. n. 精神,心灵,灵魂 __________________
17. n. 死__________________
18. n. 护士;保育员__________________
19. n. 岩石,大石头; __________________
20. n. 乘客, 旅客__________________
21. vi. & n. 控制__________________
22. v. 呼吸 __________________
23. v. 躺, 卧;平放;位于_________________
24. v. 打破;损坏,撕开 n. 间隙__________________
25. vt.伤害,受伤;伤人感情_________________
26. vt. 意思是,意指__________________
27. n.& vt. 打,撞,击中 __________________
28. n. 休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物)
v. 休息,歇息__________________
29. n. 要紧事,要紧__________________
v. 要紧,有重大关系
30. n. & v. 风险,冒险__________________
31. v. 使苦恼,使麻烦__________________
32. n. 问题; 疾病; 烦恼__________________
33. prep. 离开,脱离,(走)开__________________
34. 有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐________________
35. n.情况、状况__________________
36. pron. 她自己__________________
37. pron. 我们自己__________________
38. 放弃__________________
39. 头痛__________________
40. 胃痛__________________
41. 发烧__________________
42. 喉咙痛__________________
43. 切除、中断__________________
44. 掌管__________________
45. 咳嗽__________________
46. 感冒__________________
47. 量体温__________________
48. 下车__________________
49. 习惯于做某事__________________
50. 用尽__________________
1. foot (pl. feet) __________________
2. neck__________________
3. stomach__________________
4. throat__________________
5. fever__________________
6. cough__________________
7. situation__________________
8. toothache__________________
9. headache__________________
10. knee__________________
11. accident__________________
12. kilogram__________________
13. knife (pl. knives) __________________
14. blood__________________
15. decision__________________
16. spirit__________________
17. death__________________
18. nurse__________________
19. rock__________________
20. passenger__________________
21. control__________________
22. breathe__________________
23. lie (lay, lain) __________________
24. break(broke, broken)
25. hurt (hurt, hurt) __________________
26. mean(meant, meant)
27. hit (hit, hit) __________________
28. rest__________________
29. matter__________________
30. risk__________________
31. trouble__________________
32. off__________________
33. sick__________________
34. herself__________________
35. ourselves__________________
36. give up__________________
37. run out of__________________
38. get off__________________
39. be used to doing__________________
40. have a sore throat__________________
41. have a headache__________________
42. take one’s temperature
43. have a fever__________________
44. have cough__________________
45. be in control of__________________
46. cut off__________________
47. have a cold__________________
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. __________________________
11. __________________________
12. __________________________
13. __________________________
14. __________________________
15. __________________________
16. __________________________
17. __________________________
18. __________________________
19. __________________________
20. __________________________
21. __________________________
22. __________________________
23. __________________________
24. __________________________
25. __________________________
26. __________________________
27. __________________________
28. __________________________
29. __________________________
30. __________________________
31. __________________________
32. __________________________
33. __________________________
34. __________________________
35. __________________________
U1 What’s the matter?
A. adj.生病的 B. v.匹配
C. n./v.问题、关系 D. adj.困难的
A. n.肩膀 B.脖子
C. n.背部;腰背 D. v.往后
A.adj.疼痛的,酸痛的 B.adj.舒服的
C.adj.生病的 D.v.感觉酸痛
4.have a throat
A.牙痛 B.喉咙痛
C.背痛 D.生病了
5.have a stomachache
A.胃痛 B.膝盖痛
C.吃饱了 D.咳嗽
6.have a cold
A.打了个喷嚏 B.感冒
C.发烧 D.肚子痛
A.v.走路 B.n.脚
C.n.膝盖 D.n.脚趾头
A.n.脖子 B.n.脑袋
C. n.胃部 D.n.大腿
9.have a fever
A.发烧 B.生病
C.感冒 D.脑袋疼
A.v.躺;撒谎 B.v.坐下
C. v.撒谎 D.蹲着
A.adj.轻松的 B.v./n.放松;休息
C.v.呼吸 D.v.冒险
12.have a cough
A.喉咙痛 B. 感冒
C.咳嗽 D. 牙痛
13.have a toothache
A.胃痛 B.牙痛
C.脚痛 D.背酸
14.take one’s temperature
A.拿体温计 B.量体温
C.看天气预报 D.打走体温
15.have a headache
A.脖子疼 B.脑袋疼
C.喉咙痛 D.有脑子
16. passenger
A.n.游客 B.n.文章
C.n.乘客 D.n.村民
17.get off
A.下车 B.上车
C.起飞 D.吹灭
18.to one’s surprise
A.惊讶地 B.令某人惊喜
C.给某人惊喜 D.惊喜
19.agree to do sth.
A.建议做某事 B.认为做某人
C.同意做某事 D.想要做某事
A.n. 困难;麻烦 B.n.事件
C.v.打扰 D.n.宝藏
A.pron.他 B.pron.她自己
C.pron.她们 D.pron.她的
22.fall down
A.掉下 B.摔倒
C.掉进 D.落后
A. n.✂剪刀 B.n.胶带
C. n.绷带 D. n.布
A.n.胳膊 B.n.肩膀
C.n.大腿 D.n.膝盖
A. n.鼻塞 B.鼻痛
C.n.鼻出血 D.n.鼻炎
A.v.伤害;受伤 B.v.感觉起来
C.v.到期 D.v.烧焦
A.v.印刷 B.v.解决
C. v.感激 D.v.打,击
A. n.呼吸 B.v.呼吸
C. n.压力 D.v.破坏
A.n.烈日 B.v.刺眼
C.v.灼烧 D.adj.晒伤的
A.pron. 我们的 B.pron.我们
C.pron. 我自己 D.pron. 我们自己
31.be used to doing
A.被使用 B.过去常常做某事
C.习惯于做某事 D.害怕做某事
A.n./v.休息 B. v.计算
C.v.放松 D.v./n危险、冒险
33.take risks
A.有风险 B.降低风险
C.带走风险 D.冒险
34. almost
A.adv.接近地 B.adj.最多的
C.adv.几乎、差不多 D.adv.最近地
A.n.注意力 B. n.意识
C. n.要求 D.n.情况、状况
A.n.欢呼 B.v.喝彩
C.n.岩石 D.n.火山
37.run out of
A.跑完 B.筋疲力尽
C.用尽、用完 D.流逝
A.n.叉子 B.n.盘子
C.n.妻子 D.n.刀
39.cut off
A.删除 B.砍倒
C.切除、中断 D.切碎
A.n.汗水 B.n.毅力
C.n,血 D.n.勇气
41.be in control of
A.统治 B.掌管
C.裁员 D.招聘
A.v.意思是,打算 B.v.计划
C.n.意识 D.v.实现
A.n.计划 B.n.日程表
C.n.决定 D.n.后悔
A.n.鼓励 B.n.呐喊
C.n.勇气、意志 D.n.迷茫
A.v.死 B.adj.死亡的
C.n.死亡 D.n.生存
48.give up
A.屈服 B.赠送
B.放弃 D.分发
A.n.咨询者 B.n.护士
C.n.主任 D.病人
1. n./v.问题、关系
A. event B. match
C. matter D. mistake
2. n.背部;腰背
A. shoulder B. foe
C. toe D. back
3. adj.疼痛的,酸痛的
A. uncomfortable B. sick
C. hurt D. sore
A. have a throat B. brush teeth
C. pull one’s teeth out D. have a toothache
A. have a stomach B. have a stomachache
C. have a fever D. have a cold
6. 感冒
A. take a shower B. have a cold
C. have a sore cold D. have a toothache
7. n.脚
A. walk B. foe
C. knee D.foot
8. n.脖子
A. headache B.brain
C. stomache D.neck
9. 发烧
A. take a fever B. get ill
C.catch a cold D.have a fever
10. v.躺;撒谎
A.lie B.tie
C. fever D.educate
11. v./n.放松;休息
A.relax B. realize
C.cheer D.rest
12. 咳嗽
A.have a sore throat B. have a fever
C.lie down D. have cough
13. 背酸
A. have a sore throat B. have a sore back
C. hurt one’s back D. turn back
14. 量体温
A.under the temperature B.take one’s body
C.with the temperature D. take one’s temperature
15. 脑袋疼
A.have a sore neck B. have a head
C. have a headache D.take one’s mind
16. n.游客
A.passenge B.villiage
C.tourist D. passenger
17. 下车
A.take off B.go off
C.put off D. get off
18. 令某人惊喜
A.in surprise B. make sb. surprising
C.to one’s surprised D. to one’s surprise
19. 同意做某事
A. disagree to do sth. B.encourage to do sth.
C. agree doing sth. D. agree to do sth.
20. n. 困难;麻烦
A.treasure B.pleasure
C. trouble D. trouser
21. pron.她自己
A.himself B. she
C.hers D. herself
22. 摔倒
A.fall into B. fall behind
C. fall down D. fall off
23. n.绷带
A. cloth B. glue
C. scissors D. bandage
24. n.膝盖
A.arm B. keep
C.shoulder D. knee
25. n.鼻出血
A.headache B.stomachache
C.noseblood D. nosebleed
26. v.伤害;受伤
A.pain B.bury
C. hurt D.burn
27. v.打,击
A.beat B. hit
C. heat D. hint
28. n.呼吸
A. breathe B.break
C. bread D. breathing
29. adj.晒伤的
A.sunglasses B.shining
C.v. sunburned D. burning
30. pron. 我们自己
A.our B.ours
C. ourselves D.mine
31. 习惯于做某事
A.be used to do B.used to do
C.be used up D. be used to doing
32. v./n危险、冒险
A.risky B. risk
C.endanger D. rest
33. 冒险
A. at risk B. take risks
C.take risk D. in risk
34. adv.几乎、差不多
A. almost B. fortunately
C.lately D.recently
35. n.情况、状况
A. situation B. sense
C. attention D. satisfaction
36. n.岩石
A. stone B.proud
C.pride D. rock
37. 用尽、用完
A.get out B. run out of
C.give out D.put out
38. n.刀
A.plate B.wife
C. knife D.wolf
39. 切除、中断
A.cut in B. cut off
C.cut out D.cut up
40. n.血
A. blood B. persistence
C.flood D. courage
41. 掌管
A.under control B. take one’s place
C.be out of control D. be in control of
44. v.意思是,打算
A.decide B.expect
C. mean D.realize
45. n.决定
A.resolution B.regret
C. schedule D. decision
46. n.勇气、意志
A. spirit B.realization
C.encouragement D.blank
47. n.死亡
A.dying B.dead
C.arrival D. death
48. 放弃
A.give in B.get up
B.put up D. give up
49. n.护士
A. consulter B. patient
C. nurse D. manage
1. n. 足,脚;英尺 __________________
2. n. 颈,脖子 __________________
3. n. 胃,胃部,肚子 __________________
4. n. 咽喉, 喉咙, 嗓音__________________
5. n. 发烧 __________________
6. n.& v. 咳嗽 __________________
7. adv.几乎、差不多 __________________
8. n. 牙痛 __________________
9. n. 头疼 __________________
10. n. 膝盖 __________________
11. n. 事故,意外的事__________________
12. n. 千克 __________________
13. n. 小刀;匕首;刀片__________________
14. n. 血,血液 __________________
15. n. 决定;决心__________________
16. n. 精神,心灵,灵魂 __________________
17. n. 死__________________
18. n. 护士;保育员__________________
19. n. 岩石,大石头; __________________
20. n. 乘客, 旅客__________________
21. vi. & n. 控制__________________
22. v. 呼吸 __________________
23. v. 躺, 卧;平放;位于_________________
24. v. 打破;损坏,撕开 n. 间隙__________________
25. vt.伤害,受伤;伤人感情_________________
26. vt. 意思是,意指__________________
27. n.& vt. 打,撞,击中 __________________
28. n. 休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物)
v. 休息,歇息__________________
29. n. 要紧事,要紧__________________
v. 要紧,有重大关系
30. n. & v. 风险,冒险__________________
31. v. 使苦恼,使麻烦__________________
32. n. 问题; 疾病; 烦恼__________________
33. prep. 离开,脱离,(走)开__________________
34. 有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐________________
35. n.情况、状况__________________
36. pron. 她自己__________________
37. pron. 我们自己__________________
38. 放弃__________________
39. 头痛__________________
40. 胃痛__________________
41. 发烧__________________
42. 喉咙痛__________________
43. 切除、中断__________________
44. 掌管__________________
45. 咳嗽__________________
46. 感冒__________________
47. 量体温__________________
48. 下车__________________
49. 习惯于做某事__________________
50. 用尽__________________
1. foot (pl. feet) __________________
2. neck__________________
3. stomach__________________
4. throat__________________
5. fever__________________
6. cough__________________
7. situation__________________
8. toothache__________________
9. headache__________________
10. knee__________________
11. accident__________________
12. kilogram__________________
13. knife (pl. knives) __________________
14. blood__________________
15. decision__________________
16. spirit__________________
17. death__________________
18. nurse__________________
19. rock__________________
20. passenger__________________
21. control__________________
22. breathe__________________
23. lie (lay, lain) __________________
24. break(broke, broken)
25. hurt (hurt, hurt) __________________
26. mean(meant, meant)
27. hit (hit, hit) __________________
28. rest__________________
29. matter__________________
30. risk__________________
31. trouble__________________
32. off__________________
33. sick__________________
34. herself__________________
35. ourselves__________________
36. give up__________________
37. run out of__________________
38. get off__________________
39. be used to doing__________________
40. have a sore throat__________________
41. have a headache__________________
42. take one’s temperature
43. have a fever__________________
44. have cough__________________
45. be in control of__________________
46. cut off__________________
47. have a cold__________________
1. __________________________
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30. __________________________
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