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    这是一份2022-2023学年湖南省部分学校高三下学期第一次联考英语试题(word版),文件包含湖南省部分学校2022-2023学年高三下学期第一次联考英语试题docx、湖南省部分学校2022-2023学年高三下学期第一次联考英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。





    1     .答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。

    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15. B. £9. 18.   C. £9. 15.


    1.   What is the woman most probably like?

    A Careless. B. Cautious.   C. Attentive.

    1.   What does the woman ask the man to do?

    A. Clean his room. B. See a movie.  C. Play basketball.

    1.    Who did the man visit in San Francisco?

    A. His boss. B. His uncle.   C. His aunt.

    1.    What will Jack do this afternoon?

    A. Go to work. B. Stay at home. C. See a doctor.

    1.    How much should the man pay?

    A. 340 yuan. B. 300 yuan, C. 40 yuan.

    第二节(共15小题;每小题L 5分,满分22. 5分)

    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


    1.    What do we know about the woman?

    A. She feels worried. B. She likes singing.

    1.    How does the woman often clean her ears?

    A. By using a plastic stick.    B. By using her fingers.     C. By using a metal stick.


    1.    Why does the woman refuse to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art today?
    1.    The weather isn't good.
    2.   She isn't interested in art.
    3.    She wants to stay outdoors.
    1.    Where are the speakers going first?
    1.    To the Times Square.
    2.   To the Central Park.
    3.    To the Statue of Liberty.


    1.    What does the man call the woman to do?
    1.    Check out of the hotel.
    2.   Make a reservation.
    3.    Ask about the city center.
    1.    What does the woman say about the Imperial?
    1.    It is cheaper than her hotel.
    2.   It is rated as a five-star hotel.
    3.    It is better known than her hotel.
    1.    What does the man finally want to know about the Imperial?

    A The telephone number. B. The price. C. The location.


    1.    Where are the speakers now?

    A. In Italy. B. In France. C. In England.

    1.    What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Colleagues. B. Neighbors. C. Classmates.

    1.    Why did Sharon fail to see the Bloody Tower?
    1.    Her son didn't like it.
    2.   She had no time to go to London.
    3.    There is nothing about it in her brochure.
    1.    How do the speakers feel about Pisa?

    A. It is noisy. B. It is great. C. It is small.


    1.    What is the speaker explaining?
    1.    How he'll make a presentation.
    2.   How to send e-mails to students.
    3.    How he'll grade for the group projects.
    1.   How many grades will the speaker give to his students?

    A. One. B. Two. C Three.

    1.    What will the speaker do with the written report's grade?
    1.    Check everyone's work.
    2.    Ask each one to make a report.
    3.    Give everyone the same grade.
    1.    What is the final grade related to?
    1.    The group presentation.
    2.    The personal contribution.
    3.   The group written report.

    第二部分 阅读共两节满分50 第一节15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)



    A family vacation may be a good opportunity to relax and enjoy ourselves. Destinations nestled in nature with plenty of breathing room and easy access to fresh air are trending. Here are four destinations with an eye towards the great outdoors.

    Woodloch Resort, Pennsylvania

    Considering meals, drinks and activities are all included, it is worry-free to travel at Woodloch Resort. With vast rural grounds, its location and safety measures make it easy to be socially distant. You can sail on the lake, hike, swim or enjoy family-friendly games and entertainment. Comfort food classics served three times each day should satisfy even picky eaters.

    Ocean Lakes Family Campground, South Carolina

    Camping is a time-honored tradition. Families may bond over simple pleasures such as eating burgers grilled over an open fire and stargazing. Ocean Lakes Family Campground in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, sits on nearly a mile of beachfront. Each site is roomy enough for a large camper. Mini-golf, a waterpark, and bike rentals are a few of the many family friendly recreational options.

    Hull-O Farms, New York

    Develop a connection to the land when you stay on a working farm. Take part in simple agricultural tasks such as picking fruit, gathering eggs and milking cows. Kids can enjoy the outdoor environment with healthy freedom that their parents might not be able to allow them in a crowded city. Hull-0 Farms is a 7th-generation family farm. Guests may reserve one of three comfortable houses and participate in farm life as much or as little as they please. Shenandoah Valley, Virginia

    Virginia's Shenandoah Valley is not far from Philadelphia and New York. You'll find a slower pace as you travel along scenic country roads through mountains, valleys and forests.

    You can hike in Shenandoah National Park, explore large caves» or rent a boat moving down the Shenandoah River.

    1.     Which destination offers all-inclusive service?

    A. Shenandoah Valley. B. Woodloch Resort.

    C. Hull-0 Farms. D. Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

    1.     What is special about Hull-0 Farms?
    1.    People can camp on the beach.
    2.    People can enjoy all kinds of foods.
    3.    People can take part in farm life.
    4.    People can row a boat along the river.
    1.     Where can the text be found?

    A. In a novel. B. In a biography.

    C. In a farming magazine. D. In a travel brochure.


    When Roosevelt was a kid, his doctors claimed that he was too weak to live a normal life like most children of his age. They strongly recommended him to avoid participation in any physical activities, fearing that it could worsen his health condition and potentially lead to his death. Their opinions implied that he would face up to a life full of all kinds of limitations. In­stead of permitting their limiting beliefs about what he could do and achieve, he chose to live a meaningful life.

    Despite his doctors strong suggestions that he remain inactive, he didn't want to be a carefree observer of the world as it passed him by. He was determined to force himself to be active. Roosevelt had daily adventures in the woods as a boy.

    He continued to play sports when he got to college. In fact, he didn't just play, but he excelled in both boxing and rowing, both of which require astonishing levels of strength and endurance. When Roosevelt graduated from college, his doctors were still not completely sure about his health condition. They still believed that he would be putting himself in serious dan­ger, because his heart problems had not improved. They firmly believed that it would be best to find a desk job for him after completing a college degree. Once again, Roosevelt decided to challenge himself to his physical limits by living an extremely energetic adult life. In about every field he took part, he would aim to push his physical limits. Impressively, he was excel­lent as an explorer, a hunter, an author, a soldier and a politician.

    Eventually, Roosevelt went beyond the mistaken limitation upon him and lived an amaz­ing life

    1.     What would happen if Roosevelt followed his doctors suggestions?
    1.     He would live a meaningful life.
    2.    His life would be full of limitations.
    3.    His parents would feel satisfied with him.
    4.    He would become an extraordinary person.
    1.    What did his doctors expect Roosevelt to become after college graduation?

    A. An explorer. B. A boxing player.

    C. An office clerk. D. A politician.

    1.    How is the text mainly developed?
    1.    By following time order.
    2.    By listing obvious reasons.
    3.    By giving some examples.
    4.    By making necessary comparisons.
    1.    Which of the following can best describe Roosevelt?

    A. Humorous. B. Generous. C. Considerate. D. Ambitious.


    Talking to your children about the misinformation they may find online is a great idea. Children don't always have the judgment or critical thinking skills to test what they read or watch, but they'll develop these abilities quickly if you help them figure out how to separate fact from fiction. We're here to help you do just that!

    Don5t wait for your kids to approach you with questions——instead, take a few minutes to sit down with them. Let them know that there's a lot of content out there on the Internet, and not all o£ it is true. With everything going on in the world, remind your kids that they might be seeing a lot of confusing, false information going around on social media and other parts of the web.

    It's a good idea to turn news reports and TV shows into teachable moments. Look for small opportunities to start helpful conversations about misinformation with your kids. Take a TV show or newspaper article and transform it into a helpful, easy way to understand what misinformation is9 and how to avoid it.

    Misinformation can be really upsetting and stressful for your kids to think about. Let them know that you're always available to listen and answer their questions if they're feeling confused. Reassure your kids that there are no stupid questions, and that you're always will­ing to explain something for them.

    Teach your kids a few tricks to fact-check misinformation online. Remind your kids to be on the lookout for strange-looking websites» like those ending with co". Tell them to read through the headline. If it has a lot of mistakes, or if it's written in all capital letters, there's a good chance that it might be misinformation. Additionally, introduce your kids to official websites, which are quick and easy ways to fact-check information.

    1.   Why should people talk to their children about online misinformation?
    1.    There is no information holding true online,
    2.   There is no one else willing to teach the children.
    3.    Children lack the ability to judge the information.

    D Children can't develop the judgement on their own.

    1. The approach mentioned in paragraph 4 aims to ______.
    1.   relieve children's financial burden
    2. approach children positively to help them
    3.   remind parents to seize every chance to teach
    4. encourage children to communicate with parents
    1. Which of the following is most likely to be misinformation?
    1.   A passage on the website www. i21st.cn.
    2. A passage on the website www. pep. com. cn.
    3.   A passage titled with Origins of the Mandela Effect”.
    4. A passage titled with "SHOK! GAS RAN OUT YESTERDAY".
    1. Who is the text intended for?

    A. Parents. B. Teenagers. C. Students. D. Teachers.


    Wildlife crossings don't just protect animals. They can also mitigate problems related to wildlife-vehicle collisions 碰撞and save significant money for a community.

    Wildlife crossings are man-made structures that help animals move safely around their habitat. They are often paths under or over another existing road or railway, or underground passages for animals to get past for food or avoiding attacks.

    Some animals are unable to migrate to survive. People still rely on highways for business and travel, and animals continue to have mobility needs for survival, though. When new roads are built, animals living in a part of their habitat can greatly increase the number of wildlife vehicle collisions while trying to cross the new barriers.

    In a new study, Wisnu Sugiarto, a Washington State University economics doctoral student, examined data for 13 of the 22 wildlife crossings, including bridges and underpasses, in the Washington State. He compared the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions each year be­fore and after the construction of a wildlife crossing. He considered the area within 10 miles of a crossing.

    Then he compared his analysis to a separate area in the state with no crossings at all. “The findings reported that wildlife crossing structures reduced the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions by one to three accidents on average per mile per year,“ Sugiarto said. "Therefore, building wildlife crossing structures is typically an essential and effective strategy to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions.

    Trior to working on this research, I wasn't aware of any strategies to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions. I also thought we couldn't do much about it, partly because we wouldn't be able to communicate with wildlife and control their movement, Sugiarto added. However, it turns out that there are multiple strategies to deal with issues related to wildlife-vehicle col­lisions and we can do something about them. ”

    It is reported that the government has invested $ 350 million over five years for the construction of wildlife crossings. Every wildlife crossing offers a mean benefit of between $235,000 and $443,000 each year.

    1.    What does the underlined word “mitigate” in paragraph 1 mean?

    A. Analyze. B. Reduce. C. Study. D. Discover.

    1.    What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?
    1.    How the wildlife crossings are built.
    2.   Why wildlife crossings are necessary.

    C What should be done to cross the roads.

    D. When wildlife-vehicle collisions happen.

    1.    What is Sugiarto's attitude to the construction of wildlife crossings?

    A. Tolerant. B. Skeptical.

    C. Favorable. D. Conservative.

    1.    What is the best title for the text?
    1.    Wildlife crossings save wild animals and money
    2.   The size of wildlife crossings affects animals greatly
    3.    Every wildlife crossing has a great effect on road safety
    4.   Wildlife crossings manage to help animals mratu safely

    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分125分)

    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。

    What is IQ-and how much does it matter? 36 In short, it is supposed to measure how well someone can use information and logic to answer questions or make predictions. IQ tests begin to assess this by measuring short- and long-term memory. They also measure how well people can solve puzzles and recall information they've heard-and how quickly.

    37 But some students struggle in school because of a weakness in one specific area of intelligence. These students often benefit from special education programs. There, they get extra help in the areas where they're struggling. IQ tests can help teachers figure out which students would benefit from such extra help.

    IQ tests can also help identify students who would do well in fast-paced gifted education programs. 38 And the US government uses IQ tests when choosing who to hire. These tests help predict which people would make good leaders, or be better at certain specific skills.

    39 Most non-experts think intelligence is the reason why successful people do so well. Psychologists who study intelligence find this is only partly true. IQ tests can predict how well people will do in particular situations, such as thinking abstractly in science, nearing or art. or lending teams of people. But there's more to the story. Extraordinary achievement depends on many things. And those extra categories include ambition persist­ence. opportunity the ability to think dearly——even luck. 40

    1.    IQ plays a role in how successful we become.
    2.   IQ is a measure of a person's reasoning ability.
    3.   Every student can learn, no matter how intelligent
    4.   Intelligence helps, but so does interest and patience.
    5.    It's tempting for people to read a lot into someone's IQ score.
    6.    In a word, intelligence matters, but not as much as you might think.
    7. Many colleges and universities also use exams similar to IQ tests to select students.


    第三部分 语言运用共两节满分30 第一节15小题;每小题1满分15


    One day, 1 came cross an old lady who looked worried on my way back home from run­ning a special assignment. She stopped me on the sidewalk, 41 asking for directions. I gave her the right directions, 42 the way she needed to go. But she looked 43 and started to tear up, like she had been lost for a while and wasn't 44 with the area. And the fact was like that.

    It was dark and cold, so 1 offered to walk with her, 45 her it was only a 5-minute walk. I saw her 46 to walk and keep up the pace, so I 47 down and carried her bags for her.

    I 48 with her during the whole time, getting to know her. I found out she lived out­side of the country and came here temporarily to 49 a sick family member. From what she said, I found she was incredibly 50 and kind.

    When we got to her 51 , she cried, gave me a big hug and showed me great 52 for helping her. With a smile on my face, I let her know I was 53 she was safe. Mean­while, I 54 myself being lost in an unfamiliar place. And I hoped I'd receive similar 55 in that situation.

    41. A. anxiously

    B. casually

    C. unexpectedly

    D. temporarily

    42. A. tracking

    B exploring

    C. pointing

    D quoting

    43. A. guilty

    B. upset

    C. ashamed

    D. amazed

    44. A- familiar

    B. bored

    C. disappointed

    D. satisfied

    45, A- calling

    B. convincing

    C. recognizing

    D. comforting

    46. A refuse

    B. pretend

    C. hesitate

    D. struggle

    47. A. settled

    13. cast

    C. slowed

    D. calmed

    48. A. competed

    B. chatted

    C. compared

    D. conflicted

    49. A- take care of

    B. take control of

    C. take advantage of

    D. take possession of

    50. A. mean

    B. professional

    C. creative

    D. sweet

    51. A. position

    B. office

    C. academy

    D. grocery

    52, A. progress

    B impression

    C. gratitude

    D. interest

    53. A. scary

    B. delighted

    C. embarrassed

    D. shocked

    1.    A. admitted B. denied C. imagined D. enjoyed
    2.    A. confidence B. kindness C. courage D. loneliness



    The Yin-yang diagram is an illustration of t'ai chi. Yin and yang are not 56 (complete) opposite, one of which can turn into the other. Chinese people boil down the laws of the uni­verse, nature and the human body to this Yin and yang are in a circle man and nature exist in unity. 57 (base) on such philosophical ideas, 58 (tradition) knowledge and sports practice about physical and mental cultivation have been formed and passed down from genera­tion 59 generation. Thus t'ai chi ch'uan came into being.

    Chinese people believe that movement is contained in stillness and fastness is contained in slowness. Tai chi ch'uan 60 (contain) these two kinds of energy. Do you think the most important characteristic of t'ai chi ch'uan is 61 (soft)? No. The fighting principle of it is to mobilize the internal energy flow of the human body, 62 has both speed and explosive power.

    The greatest uses of t*ai chi ch'uan are for people 63 (experience) life, the true prin­ciples of movement and stillness in nature, and to maintain harmony with nature in mind and body. So far, it 64 (prove) by medical research that t'ai chi ch'uan is 65 ideal thera­py against a number of chronic diseases. It can not only promote physical health, but also help ease your mind and delight your spirits.


    第四部分 写作(共两节满分40) 第一节(满分15)

    假定你是李华你校英文报拟刊登“Ocean Protection”为主题的短文。请给你的外国朋 Tom写封邮件向他约稿内容包括

    1      .稿件内容;

    2      .稿件长度

    3      .交稿时间。




    Dear Tom,

    Yours, Li Hua|



    When I was eight, my mom was very sick and very sad, and there was nothing my dad could do to cheer her up. I made her a get-well-soon card, but that didn't work either. All she said was, “There are no roses...

    I knew what she was talking about. Not long ago, we lived in a much bigger house, with a large garden full of roses, roses everywhere. Mom loved roses very much. We lived in that house all my life, then when I was six, things went very wrong. Dad's business crashed, and even though he managed to save the company, he had to fire two-thirds of his staff, and we had to sell the big house.

    We moved into a smaller house in front of which the earth was dry. The minute she saw it, Mom hated it. “It will be great,“ Dad comforted her cheerfully. "I'll paint the house on the weekends, and you'll plant your roses!99 "Yes," Mom said, forcing a smile. But we could see she was not a bit excited.

    “Oh, look. Mom! The neighbor has roses! I screamed, pointing to the garden next door with thousands of flowers. "That means you can grow roses too!” But Mom wasn't feeling well, and she didn't have the energy to start a new garden.

    I sat in our new yard and stared at the neighbor's garden. My neighbor, a kind granny, was out among the roses, wearing a huge hat. She saw me and asked, “What are you doing, looking at my roses?”

    “I was just looking,” I replied, "They're really beautiful! My mom used to have roses. But my mom is seriously ill now, and she is very sad because she misses her roses.

    “I am so sorry to hear that. But I know you are a good boy. You can pick as many as pos­sible if the flowers can offer your mom some relief. I hugged granny for her generosity.

    The next morning, when the sun rose, everything was ready. I sat on the floor in a cor­ner of my mom's bedroom and waited for her to wake up.




    My mom opened her eyes and sat up slowly and laboriously.

    After that, I often assisted my neighbor with her garden.



    2022-2023学年湖南省部分学校高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 PDF版含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年湖南省部分学校高三下学期第一次联考英语试题 PDF版含答案,文件包含湖南省部分学校2022-2023学年高三下学期第一次联考英语试题PDF版无答案pdf、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

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