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    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9. 15.
    1. What will the speakers d tnight?
    A. Visit Mary. B. G ut f twn. C. Hst a dinner.
    2. Hw des the wman g t wrk this week?
    A. By car. B. By bike. C. On ft
    3. What time des Dave's meeting star?
    A. At 8:30 B. At 9:00. C. At 10:00.
    4. What is Helen ging t d?
    A. Buy sme bks B. Study in the library. C. Attend a histry class.
    5. What is the wman's feeling nw?
    A. Relief B. Regret. C. Embarrassment.
    6. What is Tm busy ding?
    A. Raising mney.
    B. Writing a lab reprt.
    C. Giving classes t children.
    7. Wh might be able t help Tm this week?
    A. Mike. B. Cathy. C. Jane.
    8. Why is Jack leaving early?
    A. T avid getting stuck in traffic.
    B. T enjy the scenery n the way.
    C. T buy sme gifts fr his family.
    9. What des Judy ften d at the railway statin?
    A. Read bks. B. Call sme friends. C. Lk arund the shps.
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. What t d next year
    B. Where t g fr vacatins.
    C. Hw t pass the waiting time.
    11. Why des Bill lk trubled?
    A. He is shrt f mney
    B. He has made a big mistake.
    C. He is facing a tugh chice.
    12. What is Bill nw?
    A. A cllege student B. An army fficer. C. A cmputer engineer.
    13. What des the wman seem t suggest Bill d?
    A. Learn t repair cars.
    B. Decline the jb ffer.
    C. Ask his uncle fr advice.
    14. What is the wman recmmending t the man?
    A. A writer. B. A club. C. A curse.
    15. What is the wman reading nw?
    A. The Beautiful Mind. B. The Great Gatsby. C. The Kite Runner.
    16. Hw much time des the man have t read the bk?
    A. Tw weeks. B. Three weeks. C. Fur weeks.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting a study. B. Chairing a meeting. C. Teaching a class.
    18. What shuld yu pay mst attentin t when taking ntes?
    A. Listening B. Reading. C. Writing.
    19. What is an advantage f using symbls in nte-taking?
    A. It keeps infrmatin secret.
    B. It leaves space fr future use.
    C. It makes key wrds nticeable.
    20. What will the speaker d next?
    A. Ask a few questins. B. Shw sme ntes. C. Make a summary.
    Pali Overnight Adventures ffers children and teens exciting experiences this summer. Frm bradcasting t street art, these are just 4 f the 17 highly unique camps being ffered.
    Bradcasting Camp
    Becme the next star reprter news writer, directr r prducer. While running every aspect f ur wn news statin, kids and their fellw campers will create and hst a bradcast airing each night at dinner fr the entire camp. Every night it ges n the web, keeping parents and the wrld infrmed f the happenings at Pali.
    Secret Agent Camp
    In the mvie Missin Impssible, Tm Cruise made being a secret agent seem like the clest jb ever. Campers wh sign up fr the 2-week secret agent camp can get t knw abut the life f real secret agents by learning strategies and military skills n the paintball field.
    Culinary Camp
    If yur child enjys being in the kitchen, then the culinary camp is definitely the right fit. Campers learn technical skills f rasting, frying and cutting, as well as sme recipes that they can take hme and share with their families.
    Street Art Camp
    This camp takes creative license t an entirely new level. Campers will share their clrful ideas and imaginatin with each ther and wrk tgether t visualize, sketch and paint with nn-traditinal techniques t create the clest mural which will be displayed in public fr all t see.
    1. Hw many camps des Pali Overnight Adventures ffer this summer?
    A. 2.B. 4.C. 17.D. 21.
    2. What will campers d at the Bradcasting Camp?
    A. Create a website.B. Run a news statin.
    C. Meet a star reprter.D. Hld a dinner party.
    3. Which camp will attract children wh are interested in cking?
    A. Bradcasting Camp.B. Secret Agent Camp.
    C. Culinary CampD. Street Art Camp.
    The end f the schl year was in sight and spirits were high. I was back teaching after an absence f 15 years, dealing with the varius kinds f "frbidden fruit" that cme ut f bk bags. Nw was the spring f the water pistl.
    I decided t think up a methd f dealing with frbidden fruit.
    "Please bring that pistl t me" I said. "I'm ging t put it in my Grandma's Bx."
    "What's that?" they asked.
    "It's a large wden chest full f tys fr my grandchildren" I replied,
    "Yu dn't have grandchildren," smene said.
    "I dn't nw." I replied. "But smeday I will. When I d, my bx will be full f wnderful things fr them."
    My imaginary Grandma's Bx wrked like magic that spring, and later. Smetimes. students wuld ask me t describe all the things I had in it. Then I wuld try t remember the different pssessins I suppsedly had taken away—since I seldm actually kept them. Usually the ffender wuld appear at the end f the day, and I wuld return the belnging.
    The-years went by, and my first grandchild Grdn was brn. I shared my jy with that year's class. Then smene said, "Nw yu can use yur Grandma's Bx." Frm then n instead f cming t ask their pssessins back, the students wuld say, "That's kay. Put it in yur Grandma's Bx fr Grdn."
    I lved talking abut the imaginary bx, nt nly with my students but als with my wn children. They enjyed hearing abut all the frbidden fruit I had cllected. Then ne Christmas I received a surprise gift—a large, beautifully made wden chest. My sn Bruce had made my Grandma's Bx a reality.
    4. What was the authr's purpse in having the cnversatin with the students?
    A. T cllect the water pistl.B. T talk abut her grandchildren.
    C. T recmmend sme tys.D. T explain her teaching methd.
    5. What d the underlined wrds "the ffender" in paragraph 8 refer t?
    A. The student's parent.B. The maker f the Grandma's Bx.
    C The authr's grandchild.D. The wner f the frbidden fruit.
    6. What did the students d after they learned abut the birth f Grdn?
    A. They went t play with the baby.B. They asked t see the Grandma's Bx.
    C. They made a present fr Grdn.D. They stpped asking their tys back.
    7. What can we infer abut the authr?
    A. She enjys telling jkes.B. She is a strict and smart teacher.
    C. She lves ding wdwrk.D. She is a respnsible grandmther
    In May 1987 the Glden Gate Bridge had a 50th birthday party. The bridge was clsed t mtr traffic s peple culd enjy a walk acrss it. Organizers expected perhaps 50,000 peple t shw up. Instead, as many as 800, 000 crwded the rads t the bridge. By the time 250,000 were n the bridge, engineers nticed smething terrible:the radway was flattening under what turned ut t be the heaviest lad it had ever been asked t carry. Wrse, it was beginning t sway(晃动). The authrities clsed access t the bridge and tens f thusands f peple made their way back t land. A disaster was avided.
    The stry is ne f scres in T Frgive Design:Understanding Failure, a bk that is at nce a lve letter t engineering and a paean(赞歌)t its breakdwns. Its authr, Dr. Henry Petrski, has lng been writing abut disasters. In this bk, he includes the lss f the space shuttles(航天飞机)Challenger and Clumbia, and the sinking f the Titanic.
    Thugh he acknwledges that engineering wrks can fail because the persn wh thught them up r engineered them simply gt things wrng, in this bk Dr. Petrski widens his view t cnsider the larger cntext in which such failures ccur. Smetimes devices fail because a gd design is cnstructed with lw quality materials incmpetently applied. Or perhaps a design wrks s well it is adpted elsewhere again and again, with seemingly harmless imprvements, until, suddenly, it des nt wrk at all anymre.
    Readers will encunter nt nly stries they have heard befre, but sme new stries and a mving discussin f the respnsibility f the engineer t the public and the ways yung engineers can be helped t grasp them.
    "Success is success but that is all that it is," Dr. Petrski writes. It is failure that brings imprvement.
    8. What happened t the Glden Gate Bridge n its 50th birthday?
    A. It carried mre weight than it culd.
    B. It swayed vilently in a strng wind
    C. Its radway was damaged by vehicles
    D. Its access was blcked by many peple.
    9 Which f the fllwing is Dr. Petrski's idea accrding t paragraph 3?
    A. N design is well received everywhere
    B. Cnstructin is mre imprtant than design.
    C. Nt all disasters are caused by engineering design
    D. Imprvements n engineering wrks are necessary.
    10. What des the last paragraph suggest?
    A. Failure can lead t prgress.B. Success results in vercnfidence
    C. Failure shuld be avided.D. Success cmes frm jint effrts.
    11. What is the text?
    A. A news reprtB. A shrt stry.
    C. A bk reviewD. A research article.
    Rainfrests are hme t a rich variety f medicinal plants, fd, birds and animals. Can yu believe that a single bush(灌木丛)in the Amazn may have mre species f ants than the whle f Britain! Abut 480 varieties f trees may be fund in just ne hectare f rainfrest.
    Rainfrests are the lungs f the planet-string vast quantities f carbn dixide and prducing a significant amunt f the wrld's xygen. Rainfrests have their wn perfect system fr ensuring their wn survival; the tall trees make a canpy(树冠层)f branches and leaves which prtect themselves, smaller plants, and the frest animals frm heavy rain, intense dry heat frm the sun and strng winds.
    Amazingly, the trees grw in such a way that their leaves and branches, althugh clse tgether, never actually tuch thse f anther tree. Scientists think this is the plants' way t prevent the spread f any tree diseases and make life mre difficult fr leaf-eating insects like caterpillars. T survive in the frest, animals must climb, jump r fly acrss the gaps. The grund flr f the frest is nt all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear. It is where dead leaves turn int fd fr the trees and ther frest life.
    They are nt called rainfrests fr nthing! Rainfrests can generate 75%f their wn rain. At least 80 inches f rain a year is nrmal-and in sme areas there may be as much as 430 inches f rain annually. This is real rain-yur umbrella may prtect yu in a shwer, but it wn't keep yu dry if there is a full rainstrm. In just tw hurs, streams can rise ten t twenty feet. The humidity(湿气)f large rainfrests cntributes t the frmatin f raincluds that may travel t ther cuntries in need f rain.
    12. What can we learn abut rainfrests frm the first paragraph?
    A. They prduce xygen.B. They cver a vast area.
    C. They are well managed.D. They are rich in wildlife.
    13. Which f the fllwing cntributes mst t the survival f rainfrests?
    A. Heavy rainsB. Big trees.
    C. Small plants.D. Frest animals.
    14. Why d the leaves and branches f different trees avid tuching each ther?
    A. Fr mre sunlight.B. Fr mre grwing space.
    C. Fr self-prtectin.D. Fr the detectin f insects.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Life-Giving RainfrestsB. The Law f the Jungle
    C. Animals in the AmaznD. Weather in Rainfrests
    Talking with yur dctr
    Talking freely with yur dctr can make yu feel better and gives yur dctr the infrmatin she r he needs t give yu the best care. Dn't be afraid r embarrassed t discuss smething that is bthering yu.____16____
    ●Stay psitive.
    G t yur dctr's visits with a gd attitude.____17____Think teamwrk! Think psitive!
    ●Keep track f hw yu are feeling.
    ____18____This will make it easier fr yu t answer questins abut yur symptms(症状)and hw medicines make yu feel. It als makes it easier fr yu t bring up anything that yu are wrried abut. Make sure t be hnest abut hw yu feel and hw lng yu've felt that way.
    Yur medical histry is a list f yur illnesses, treatments, what the dctrs tld yu t d, and anything else yu think yur dctr shuld knw. Als, if yu are allergic(过敏)t any medicines, be sure t mentin that t yur dctr.
    ●Ask questins.
    D nt be afraid t ask yur dctr any questins yu have. T remember all the questins yu have when yu are nt in the dctr's ffice, write them dwn and bring the list with yu t yur appintment.____20____Remember—there's n such thing as a stupid questin. If yu dn't understand the answer t a questin, ask the dctr t explain it again until yu d understand.
    A. This will make getting answers easier.
    B. Here are sme tips fr talking with yur dctr.
    C. Yu can talk t anther dctr if the treatments dn't wrk.
    D. Befre yur dctr's visit, keep ntes n hw yu are feeling.
    E. Remember, yur dctr and ther caregivers are n yur side.
    F. Bring yur medical histry, including a list f yur current medicines.
    G. Writing dwn what the dctr says will help yu remember imprtant infrmatin.
    When Jim Grant sptted black smke cming ut f a building n his way t wrk, he____21____his car t call 911. Then he____22____a U-turn, circling back t take anther lk.
    Pulling up t the building, Grant saw flames(火焰)shting ut f a secnd-flr windw. Nt seeing r hearing any fire engines____23____. Grant rushed t a side____24____and ran up the stairs.
    On the secnd flr, he____25____every apartment dr. "Get ut!" Grant shuted, N ne____26____and he assumed that peple had already____27____. Reaching the end f the hallway, thugh, Grant____28____a half-pen dr. He kicked it wide pen, finding a____29____wman in a wheelchair with a little by and a tiny baby. "Let's_____30_____!" he screamed. The wman lked at him in cnfusin and said smething abut changing her clthes. Grant didn't wait, clutching(抓牢)the baby t his chest and_____31_____the by alngside, Grant ran dwn the hallway. When he was_____32_____utside, the nly_____33_____in sight was a pliceman. Grant tld him abut the_____34_____and they rushed int the smky building.
    Thanks t them, a family was saved frm the fire. Grant and the pliceman were hnred fr their_____35_____.
    21. A. drveB. stppedC. reachedD. abandned
    22. A. sawB. madeC. missedD. crssed
    23. A. burningB. leavingC. apprachingD. waiting
    24. A. entranceB. radC. buildingD. windw
    25. A. lckedB. kickedC. cuntedD. repaired
    26. A. agreedB. caredC. respndedD. understd
    27. A. arrivedB. returnedC. hiddenD. escaped
    28. A. skippedB. clsedC. nticedD. remembered
    29. A. frightenedB. curiusC. patientD. grateful
    30. A. turn backB. g upC. get utD. lie dwn
    31. A. fllwingB. draggingC. examiningD. passing
    32. A. safelyB. secretlyC. suddenlyD. previusly
    33. A. witnessB. guideC. serviceD. help
    34. A. wmanB. drC. carD. baby
    35. A. wisdmB. genersityC. hnestyD. curage
    These days, it is nt unusual fr 10-t 12-year-lds t publish their wn websites r fr secnd and third graders____36____(begin)cmputer classes. At the same time, cmputer games are becming increasingly ppular as majr publishing huses cntinue t develp____37____(educatin)cmputer prgrams fr children in preschl. Als, technlgical knw-hw has becme a____38____(require)fr mst jbs in an increasingly digital wrld, as the cmputer has becme a cmmn tl in mst____39____(prfessin)
    The Digital Wrld is a set f vlumes____40____aim t describe hw digital systems influence sciety and help readers understand the nature f digital systems and their many interacting parts. Each vlume in the set explres____41____wide range f material, explains the basic cncepts f majr applicatins f digital systems, ____42____discusses the influences they have n everyday life. Because the number f pssible tpics____43____(be)practically limitless, we fcus n a sample f the mst interesting and useful applicatins and tls and explain the basic principles f technlgy. Readers____44____(encurage)t cntinue explring the digital wrld with the guidance f_____45_____(we)Further Resurces sectin featured in each vlume.
    46. 假定你是李华, 上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括:
    1. 参加人员:
    2. 跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下:
    3. 活动反响。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Crss-Cuntry Running Race
    47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Meredith family lived in a small cmmunity. As the ecnmy was in decline, sme peple in the twn had lst their jbs. Many f their families were struggling t make ends meet. Peple were trying t help each ther meet the challenges.
    Mrs. Meredith was a mst kind and thughtful wman. She spent a great deal f time visiting the pr. She knew they had prblems, and they needed all kinds f help. When she had time, she wuld bring fd and medicine t them.
    One mrning she tld her children abut a family she had visited the day befre. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, wh tk care f him and culd nt g ut t wrk, and their little by. The little by -his name was Bernard-had interested her very much.
    “I wish yu culd see him,” she said t her wn children, Jhn, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help t his mther. He wants very much t earn sme mney, but I dn't see what he can d.”
    After their mther left the rm, the children sat thinking abut Bernard. “I wish we culd help him t earn mney,” said Clara. “His family is suffering s much.”
    “S d I,” said Harry. “We really shuld d smething t assist them.”
    Fr sme mments, Jhn said nthing, but, suddenly, he sprang t his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a slutin that we can all help accmplish(完成).”
    The ther children als jumped up all attentin. When Jhn had an idea, it was sure t be a gd ne. “I tell yu what we can d,” said Jhn. “Yu knw that big bx f crn Uncle Jhn sent us? Well, we can make ppcrn(爆米花), and put it int paper bags, and Bernard can take it arund t the huses and sell it.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    When Mrs. Meredith heard f Jhn's idea, she thught it was a gd ne, t.
    With everything ready, Bernard started ut n his new business.

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