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    第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Write a pem abut hw curage, determinatin, and strength have helped yu face challenges in yur life.
    3 Grand Prizes:Trip t Washingtn, D.C. fr each f three winners, a parent and ne ther persn f the winner’s chice. Trip includes rund-trip air tickets, htel stay fr tw nights, and turs f the Natinal Air and Space Museum and the ffice f Natinal Gegraphic Wrld.
    6 First Prizes:The bk Sky Pineer:A Phtbigraphy f Amelia Earhart signed by authr Crinne Szab and pilt Linda Finch.
    50 Hnrable Mentins:Judges will chse up t 50 hnrable mentin winners, wh will each receive a T-shirt in memry f Earhart’s final flight.
    Fllw all rules carefully t prevent disqualificatin.
    ■Write a pem using 100 wrds r fewer. Yur pem can be any frmat any number f lines.
    ■Write by hand r type n a single sheet f paper Yu may use bth the frnt and back f the paper.
    ■On the same sheet f paper, write r type yur name, address, telephne number, and birth date.
    ■Mail yur entry t us by Octber 31 this year.
    1. Hw many peple can each grand prize winner take n the free trip?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Six.
    2. What will each f the hnrable mentin winners get?
    A. A plane ticket.B. A bk by Crinne Szab.
    C. A special T-shirt.D. A pht f Amelia Earhart.
    3. Which f the fllwing will result in disqualificatin?
    A. Typing yur pem ut.B. Writing a pem f 120 wrds.
    C. Using bth sides f the paper.D. Mailing yur entry n Octber 30.
    Jenifer Mauer has needed mre willpwer than the typical cllege student t pursue her gal f earning a nursing degree. That willpwer bre fruit when Jennifer graduated frm University f Wiscnsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family t earn a bachelr's degree.
    Mauer, f Edgar, Wiscnsin, grew up n a farm in a family f 10 children. Her dad wrked at a jb away frm the farm, and her mther ran the farm with the kids. After high schl, Jennifer attended a lcal technical cllege, wrking t pay her tuitin(学费), because there was n extra mney set aside fr a cllege educatin. After graduatin, she wrked t help her sisters and brthers pay fr their schling.
    Jennifer nw is married and has three children f her wn. She decided t g back t cllege t advance her career and t be able t better supprt her family while ding smething she lves: nursing. She chse the UW-Eau Claire prgram at Ministry Saint Jseph's Hspital in Marshfield because she was able t pursue her fur-year degree clse t hme. She culd drive t class and be hme in the evening t help with her kids. Jenifer received great supprt frm her family as she wrked t earn her degree: Her husband wrked tw jbs t cver the bills, and her 68-year-ld mther helped take care f the children at times.
    Thrugh it all, she remained in gd academic standing and graduated with hnrs. Jennifer sacrificed(牺牲)t achieve her gal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing imprtant events t study. ''Sme nights my heart was breaking t have t pick between my kids and studying fr exams r papers,'' she says. Hwever, her children have learned an imprtant lessn witnessing their mther earn her degree. Jennifer is a first-generatin graduate and an inspiratin t her family-and that's pretty pwerful.
    4. What did Jennifer d after high schl?
    A. She helped her dad with his wrk.
    B. She ran the family farm n her wn.
    C. She supprted herself thrugh cllege.
    D. She taught her sisters and brthers at hme.
    5. Why did Jennifer chse the prgram at Ministry Saint Jseph's Hspital in Marshfield?
    A. T take care f her kids easily.B. T learn frm the best nurses.
    C. T save mney fr her parents.D. T find a well-paid jb there.
    6. What did Jennifer sacrifice t achieve her gal?
    A. Her health.B. Her time with family.
    C. Her reputatin.D. Her chance f prmtin.
    7. What can we learn frm Jenifer's stry?
    A. Time is mney.B. Lve breaks dwn barriers.
    C. Hard wrk pays ff.D. Educatin is the key t success.
    In the mid-1990s, Tm Bissell taught English as a vlunteer in Uzbekistan. He left after seven mnths, physically brken and having lst his mind. A few years later, still attracted t the cuntry, he returned t Uzbekistan t write an article abut the disappearance f the Aral Sea.
    His visit, hwever, ended up invlving a lt mre than that. Hence this bk, Chasing the Sea: Lst Amng the Ghsts f Empire in Central Asia, which talks abut a rad trip frm Tashkent t Karakalpakstan, where millins f lives have been destryed by the slw drying up f the sea. It is the stry f an American travelling t a strange land, and f the peple he meets n his way: Rustam, his translatr, a lvely 24-year-ld wh picked up his clrful English in Califrnia, Oleg and Natasha, his hsts in Tashkent, and a string f freign aid wrkers.
    This is a quick lk at life in Uzbekistan, made f friendliness and warmth, but als its darker side f sciety. In Samarkand, Mr Bissell admires the architectural wnders, while n his way t Bukhara he gets a taste f plice methds when suspected f drug dealing. In Ferghana, he attends a muntain funeral(葬礼)fllwed by a strange drinking party. And in Karakalpakstan, he is saddened by the dust strms, diseases and fishing bats stuck miles frm the sea.
    Mr Bissell skillfully rganizes histrical insights and cultural references, making his tale a well-runded picture f Uzbekistan, seen frm Western eyes. His judgment and references are decidedly American, as well as his delicate stmach. As the authr explains, this is neither a travel nr a histry bk, r even a piece f reprtage. Whatever it is, the result is a fine and vivid descriptin f the purest f Central Asian traditins.
    8. What made Mr Bissell return t Uzbekistan?
    A. His friends' invitatin.B. His interest in the cuntry.
    C. His lve fr teaching.D. His desire t regain health.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “that” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Develping a serius mental disease.
    B. Taking a guided tur in Central Asia.
    C. Wrking as a vlunteer in Uzbekistan.
    D Writing an article abut the Aral Sea.
    10. Which f the fllwing best describes Mr Bissell's rad trip in Uzbekistan?
    A. Rmantic.B. Eventful.C. Pleasant.D. Dangerus.
    11. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T intrduce a bk.B. T explain a cultural phenmenn.
    C. T remember a writer.D. T recmmend a travel destinatin.
    Accrding t a recent study in the Jurnal f Cnsumer Research, bth the size and cnsumptin habits f ur eating cmpanins can influence ur fd intake. And cntrary t existing research that says yu shuld avid eating with heavier peple wh rder large prtins(份), it's the beanples with big appetites yu really need t avid.
    T test the effect f scial influence n eating habits, the researchers cnducted tw experiments. In the first, 95 undergraduate wmen were individually invited int a lab t stensibly(表面上)participate in a study abut mvie viewership. Befre the film began, each wman was asked t help herself t a snack. An actr hired by the researchers grabbed her fd first. In her natural state, the actr weighed 105 punds. But in half the cases she wre a specially designed fat suit which increased her weight t 180 punds.
    Bth the fat and thin versins f the actr tk a large amunt f fd. The participants fllwed suit, taking mre fd than they nrmally wuld have. Hwever, they tk significantly mre when the actr was thin.
    Fr the secnd test, in ne case the thin actr tk tw pieces f candy frm the snack bwls. In the ther case, she tk 30 pieces. The results were similar t the first test: the participants fllwed suit but tk significantly mre candy when the thin actr tk 30 pieces.
    The tests shw that the scial envirnment is extremely influential when we're making decisins. If this fellw participant is ging t eat mre, s will I. Call it the “I’ll have what she's having” effect. Hwever, we'll adjust the influence. If an verweight persn is having a large prtin, I'll hld back a bit because I see the results f his eating habits. But if a thin persn eats a lt, I'll fllw suit. If he can eat much and keep slim, why can't I?
    12. What is the recent study mainly abut?
    A. Fd safety.B. Mvie viewership.
    C. Cnsumer demand.D. Eating behavir.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “beanples” in paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. Big eaters.B. Overweight persns.
    C. Picky eaters.D. Tall thin persns.
    14. Why did the researchers hire the actr?
    A. T see hw she wuld affect the participants.
    B. T test if the participants culd recgnize her.
    C. T find ut what she wuld d in the tw tests.
    D. T study why she culd keep her weight dwn.
    15. On what basis d we “adjust the influence” accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. Hw hungry we are.B. Hw slim we want t be.
    C. Hw we perceive thers.D. Hw we feel abut the fd.
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Sme individuals are brn with a gift fr public speaking.___16___D yu want t be a gd public speaker? Here are sme principles yu must master.
    Peple want t listen t smene wh is interesting, relaxed and cmfrtable. T ften when yu stand up t give a speech, yu fcus n the “public”at the expense f the”speaking. “ ___17___ Fcus n the speaking. Talk directly t yur audience, be yurself and make a cnnectin.
    Even the mst successful public speaker will make mistakes. Yet, the nly ne wh cares abut any mistake is the ne wh is speaking. Peple’s attentin wanders cnstantly. In fact,mst peple nly absrb abut 20 percent f a speaker’s message. S, dn’t stp speaking when yu make a mistake unless it’s a truly serius ne.___18___
    Yur gal is nt t be a perfect public speaker.___19___And like everything else in life, that takes practice. Remember, even wrld champin athletes practice their skills n a cnsistent basis.
    ___20___It’s rare t hear smene say “I wish that speaker had spken lnger. “On the ther hand, yu prbably can’t cunt the times that yu’ve thught, “I’m glad that talk is ver. It seemed t g n frever! “S surprise yur audience. Always make yur presentatin just a bit shrter than anticipated. It’s better t leave yur listeners wishing fr mre than shifting restlessly in their seats waiting fr yur speech finally t end.
    A. D the ppsite.
    B. Yu want t be an effective public speaker.
    C. Yu dn’ t need t aplgize fr a minr slip.
    D. When it cmes t public speaking, less is usually mre.
    E. The bjective f mst speeches is t benefit the audience
    F. Take the fear ut f public speaking by fcusing n yur listeners
    G. Hwever, the majrity f peple are effective speakers because they train t be.
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Mlai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near sme wetlands which became his secnd_____21_____. He learned the value and beauty f ____22____ there frm a very yung age.
    When he was 16, Mlai began t ntice smething ____23____ happening arund his hme. A fld had hit the area earlier that year and the ____24____ it caused had driven away a number f birds. ____25____, the number f snakes had declined as well. He ____26____ that it was because there weren’t enugh trees t prtect them frm the ____27____. The slutin, f curse, was t plant trees s the animals culd seek ____28____ during the daytime. He turned t the ____29____ department fr help but was tld that nthing wuld grw there. Hwever, Mlai went lking n his wn and _____30_____a nearby island where he began t plant trees.
    ____31____ yung plants in the dry seasn was ______32______fr a lne by. Mlai built at the _____33_____ f each sapling(幼树)a bamb platfrm, where he placed earthen pts with small hles t______34______ rainwater. The water wuld then drip(滴落)n the plants belw.
    Mlai _____35_____ t plant trees fr the next 37 years. His effrts have resulted in 1,360 acres f naturally-grwn land that has becme hme t many plants and animals.
    21. A. dreamB. jbC. hmeD. chice
    22. A. natureB. yuthC. cultureD. knwledge
    23 A. preciusB. interestingC. disturbingD. awkward
    24. A. wasteB. tensinC. painD. damage
    25. A. BesidesB. HweverC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    26. A. agreedB. realizedC. rememberedD. predicted
    27. A. niseB. heatC. diseaseD. dust
    28. A. directinsB. partnersC. helpD. shelter
    29. A. labrB. pliceC. frestD. finance
    30. A. rebuiltB. discveredC. leftD. managed
    31. A. DecratingB. ObservingC. WateringD. Guarding
    32. A. tughB. illegalC. fantasticD. beneficial
    33. A. backB. tpC. ftD. side
    34. A. cl dwnB. keep ffC. purifyD. cllect
    35. A. returnedB. learnedC. failedD. cntinued
    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Many peple have the hbby f cllecting things, e.g. stamps, pstcards r antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, ___36___ (wealth) peple travelled and cllected plants, histrical bjects and wrks f art. They kept their cllectin at hme until it gt t big ___37___ until they died, and then it was given t a museum. The 80,000 bjects cllected by Sir Hans Slane, fr example, ___38___ (frm) the cre cllectin f the British Museum ___39___ pened in 1759.
    The parts f a museum pen t the public ___40___ (call) galleries r rms. Often, nly a small part f a museum’s cllectin ___41___ (be) n display. Mst f it is stred away r used fr research.
    Many museums are lively places and they attract a lt f visitrs. As well as lking at exhibits, visitrs can play with cmputer simulatins (模拟) and imagine ___42___ (they) living at a different time in histry r ___43___(walk)thrugh a rainfrest. At the Jrvik Centre in Yrk, the city’s Viking settlement is recreated, and peple experience the sights, sunds and smells f the ld twn. Histrical ___44___ (accurate) is imprtant but s is entertainment. Museums must cmpete ____45____peple’s spare time and mney with ther amusements. Mst museums als welcme schl grups and arrange special activities fr children.
    第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    46.假定你是李华, 上周日你校举办了5公里越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括:
    1. 参加人员:
    2. 跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下:
    3. 活动反响。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Crss-Cuntry Running Race
    47.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Meredith family lived in a small cmmunity. As the ecnmy was in decline, sme peple in the twn had lst their jbs. Many f their families were struggling t make ends meet. Peple were trying t help each ther meet the challenges.
    Mrs. Meredith was a mst kind and thughtful wman. She spent a great deal f time visiting the pr. She knew they had prblems, and they needed all kinds f help. When she had time, she wuld bring fd and medicine t them.
    One mrning she tld her children abut a family she had visited the day befre. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, wh tk care f him and culd nt g ut t wrk, and their little by. The little by -his name was Bernard-had interested her very much.
    “I wish yu culd see him,” she said t her wn children, Jhn, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help t his mther. He wants very much t earn sme mney, but I dn't see what he can d.”
    After their mther left the rm, the children sat thinking abut Bernard. “I wish we culd help him t earn mney,” said Clara. “His family is suffering s much.”
    “S d I,” said Harry. “We really shuld d smething t assist them.”
    Fr sme mments, Jhn said nthing, but, suddenly, he sprang t his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a slutin that we can all help accmplish(完成).”
    The ther children als jumped up all attentin. When Jhn had an idea, it was sure t be a gd ne. “I tell yu what we can d,” said Jhn. “Yu knw that big bx f crn Uncle Jhn sent us? Well, we can make ppcrn(爆米花), and put it int paper bags, and Bernard can take it arund t the huses and sell it.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    When Mrs. Meredith heard f Jhn's idea, she thught it was a gd ne, t.
    With everything ready, Bernard started ut n his new business.

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