所属成套资源:2023年高考英语一轮复习 精讲与精练资料(教师版)
专题22 阅读理解之应用文类-2023年高考英语一轮复习 精讲与精练资料(教师版)
专题22 阅读理解之应用类
《考点•题型 •技巧》
1. 考点趋势:今后对语篇领悟能力的检测仍是高考的重点和基本点,同时还需关注对主旨大意题和文章结构题的考查。
2. 理解层次趋势:表层意义理解题减少,深层含义理解题增多。考查难度有所增加,由简单寻找信息向多层次细节推理的趋势比较明显。
3. 信息量和词汇量:阅读理解材料信息浓缩,词汇总量减少,但对词汇量的考查在加大,非考纲词汇有所增加(主要为词根加上前、后缀或有词义转化的词)。旨在引导学生掌握词汇的合成、派生和转化,让考生能通过上下文或构词法来理解词汇的含义。《考试说明》中"根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义"这一新要求预示对能力要求有所提高。
4. 句子的难度:长句增多,句子难度加大。复合句、省略句、倒装句和插入语等语言现象普遍。
5. 体裁和题材:继续体现体裁和题材多样化,并彰显英语国家语言与文化特点,强化文化意识的渗透。题材涉猎广泛,体现"语言是文化的载体"这一理念。
1. 材料特点:大家知道,刊登广告是要钱的,为了节省费用,人们在拟写广告时往往都希望用最少的篇幅表现最大量的信息,这就决定了广告类材料通常具有以下特点:信息量大,用词简练,形式灵活。
2. 内容特点:综观近几年的高考英语阅读理解题,其中广告类阅读题内容主要涉及的是与人们生活息息相关的信息,如产品宣传、服务介绍、招生招聘等。
3. 形式特点:做广告的主要目的就是要让受众了解并记住广告的内容,并为广告上所刊登的内容(产品或服务等)买单。为了达到这一目的,人们在设计广告时往往会做到:标题醒目,重点突出,条理清楚。
4. 用词特点:广告类阅读材料的用词有"三多"特点:一是人名、地名、专有名词多;二是生词多;三是缩略词、省略句多。
5. 命题特点:广告类阅读是近几年高考英语阅读理解最常考的题材,在阅读理解的选材中占有很大的比重。命题者的目的是要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,所以命题的题型多是以获取信息为主的细节理解题。
1. 细节理解题
2. 主旨大意题
应用文强调实用性,无论是信件、广告、通知,还是倡议书、海报等,在阅读时都应该快速掌握其主旨大意。如:海报介绍的那部电影?通知的是哪个活动?邀请哪些人参加什么活动?这些都是主旨大意题考查的内容。常见的主旨大意题的题干表达方式有“The poster introduces us to _______.” “The e-mail mainly tells us about_______.”
3. 观点态度题
作者往往通过海报、广告等形式的应用文表明自己对于某事的态度,也可以通过通知、倡议书、邀请函等形式暗示自己对某次活动的看法和态度。常见的观点态度题的题干表达方式有“What is the author’s attitude towards...” “What does the author think of the...?”
4. 推理判断题
与记叙文和说明文有所不同,应用文阅读中出现的推理判断题常考查文章的出处或者来源,常见的题干表达方式有“You can find the ad _______.” “Where would you probably read the notice?”
1. 选材特点
2. 内容特点
3. 形式特点
4. 语言特点
5. 命题特点
1. 先题后文
2. 题干定向
3. 生词模糊
4. 信息补全
1. 就文体特点而言,应用文主要是为了向读者传递信息,措辞简洁明了,一般来说,和所述问题无关的文字不会出现。例如很多文章没有标题,甚至通篇没有一个完整的句子,而是用词、数字、缩写、短语等来替代。
2. 就选材特点来说,信息量大,文句精练,形式灵活,用最小的篇幅表述最大量的信息。其中书信,招聘和商品销售等广告,交通运输时刻表,日记等的比例较大。其内容特点表现为:生活化,实用化,多样化。
3. 就形式特点而言,标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用粗体字或各类项目符号使文章结构更鲜明。
4. 就语言特点来说,文章充斥大量冗长而生僻的专有名词,如人名、地名、机构名、组织名、书籍名、作品名等等,而且没有汉语注释。缩略词、祈使句、省略句多。
5. 在行文方式方面,应用文的每种文体都有固定的格式。叙述性应用文采用一般记叙文的写作方法,无特别之处;说明性应用文的行文呈排列式,即以小标题为单位逐一下行排列。
6. 就命题特点来说,高考英语应用文的设问一般是按照文章段落的顺序依次设置,主要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既考查对特定细节的选取、排除、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对容易。具体讲来主要有四大类:(1)细节理解题,即要求考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节进行理解。这一题型常见的命题方式有事实认定题、图形辨认题、数字运算题等。(2)推理判断题。这类题主要考查考生根据文章的字面意思,通过分析语篇的逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。(3)主旨大意题。该类题主要考查考生对所读材料中心思想的概括。其考查形式有很多,如概括标题、主题、中心思想等。(4)词义猜测题,即要求考生根据一定的上下文猜测生词的词义。
The incorrect description of London Eye is that _______.
A. it is one of the world’s tallest observation wheels
B. you can see up to 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsule
C. it has 32 capsules and carries around 1,000 visitors every day
D. you can enjoy a full 360-degree panorama when you are at the top of the wheel
【解析】这是一个细节理解题,由表格一中第二句 “It has 32 capsules (密闭舱) and carries about 10, 000 visitors every day.”可知,是10,000不是1,000答案应该选C。
The advertisement mainly make people _______.
A. give help to those in need
B. not throw away used clothes
C. know about the organization
D. learn the use of donated clothes
【解析】这是一个主旨大意题,由表格一中的“Don’t throw away used clothes. Use them to help change the lives of others.”可知答案应该选A。
In Allison’s opinion, other kids of her age may _______ their parents.
A. have problems with
B. get on well with
C. like to talk to
D. like to listen to
【解析】这是一个观点态度题,从信中的第一段中“kids say they don’t get on well with theirs”可知答案应该选A。
We can infer (推断) from the advertisements that _______.
A. none of the organization accept children’s clothes
B. people can donate used clothes throughout the USA
C. some organization need money to help some people
D. some donated clothes will be given to cancer patients
【解析】这是一个推理判断题,由表格二中第二句“Sales (销售额) of your used clothes will support…”,由表格三中第二句“Sales from used clothes will benefit (有助于)”,由表格四中第二句“Sale from donated clothes will help the Boys and Girls Club in Venice, CA.”可知答案应该选C。
Life and Health Insurance Risk Manager Wanted
Our company has partnered with an international insurer and is looking for a full-time risk manager with responsibility for the UK Life and Health Insurance business. The role is in a small risk team and is suited to a high-performing individual.
*Support the chief risk officer;
*Oversee the reporting of health and life risks;
*Deliver advice and cooperate with some stakeholders(利益相关者);
*Assess relevant risks of technical pricing and reinsurance;
*Continuously contribute to the capital requirements, internal model review and data model processes.
Key requirements
The individual will be a qualified life or health manager who has experience in risk management or consulting. You must work in the UK---these rules have changed recently, so when applying, please state your qualification to work in the UK. (E.g. British passport, Irish passport, ILR, settled-status, etc.)
£70,000-£90,000 per year and performance-based salary.
Contact information
The deadline for applications is 14th May, 2021.
If you are interested, please apply here or contact the associate consultant Abi Logeswaran at HFG Insurance Recruitment(招聘). Sign in to apply instantly.
We'd love to send you information about Jobs and Services from CareersinRisk.com by email. We do not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes. By applying for a job listed on CareersinRisk.com you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. You should never be required to provide bank account details. If you are, please email us.
1. What do we know about the job?
A. It hunts for a chief risk officer. B. It is a part-time job.
C. It is related to insurance business. D. It involves a high-risk team.
2. Which of the following is a must for applicants?
A. A professional certificate. B. The ability to change working rules.
C. An Irish passport. D. Relevant experience.
3. What do we have to do when applying for the job?
A. Hand in our applications before May. B. Accept the company's privacy policy.
C. Offer our bank account details. D. Give our information to third parties.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. B
1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“Our company has partnered with an international insurer and is looking for a full-time risk manager with responsibility for the UK Life and Health Insurance business. ”(我们公司与一家国际保险公司合作,正在寻找一位负责英国人寿和健康保险业务的全职风险经理。)可知,本则广告中招聘的岗位与保险行业有关,故选C。
2. 细节理解题。在“Key requirements”部分中的内容“The individual will be a qualified life or health manager who has experience in risk management or consulting.”(个人将是有风险管理或咨询经验的合格的生活或健康经理。)可知,应聘者必须有相关的工作经验,故选D。
3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“By applying for a job listed on CareersinRisk.com you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. ”(通过申请CareersinRisk.com上列出的工作,您同意我们的条款和条件以及隐私政策。)可知,申请者需要通过申请CareersinRisk.com上列出的工作,并同意该公司的条款和条件以及隐私政策。故选B。
Summer Pre-College Program 2021—Register Now!
Earn up to 12 college credits online with FDU’s Summer Pre-College Program!
Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Summer Pre-College Program offers motivated students in grades 9 to 12 the opportunity to get a jump-start on earning college credits through new, engaging, interactive courses. Students will develop in-demand skills and earn cutting-edge techniques in a virtual academic setting.
Program highlights
Our courses have been designed to keep students engaged in a remote learning format. Register today to experience:
The opportunity to earn 3 college credits per course and up to 12 college credits this summer for future university studies.
Customized, exclusive curriculum developed and taught by distinguished FDU professors.
The perfect blend of real-time instruction, self-paced projects and virtual teamwork.
A glimpse into the most desired majors and careers of today.
The ability to advance the quality of your college application from the comfort of your home.
Program schedule
Session 1-July 5 to July 15, 2021
Classes: 9 AM to 12: 30 PM
Pre-Medical Professions and the Health Sciences
Creative Writing: The Power of Storytelling
Introduction to Data Science and Business Intelligence
Classes: 1: 30 PM to 5 PM
Optimizing Smartphone Photography and Videography
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to Applied Statistics
Drug Discovery: The Exciting Future of Pharmacology
Session 2-August 1 to August 11, 2021
Classes: 9 AM to 12: 30 PM
Wall Street Careers: An Introduction to Financial Markets and Trading
Astrophysics: Exploring the Stars and the Galaxies
Around the World in Eight Days: Introduction to Global Tourism Management
Classes: 1: 30 PM to 5 PM
Advanced Coding and Development
Cognitive Psychology: Understanding the Mind, the Brain and Your Behavior
Digital Art: Create Your Own Online Canvas
Program Cost: $770 per course (You can get a 20% discount if you book now!)
Contact Information
Summer Pre-College Program
precollege@ fdu. edu
1000 River Road, H-DH1-02 Teaneck, NJ 07666
7. Who are the courses intended for?
A. High school students. B. College graduates.
C. College freshmen. D. Primary school pupils.
8. What can you infer about the Summer Pre-College Program?
A. It offers hands-on learning chances. B. A student can earn 15 college credits.
C. All the courses are given online. D. Students must stay on the campus.
9. How much will you pay if you book two courses now?
A. $308. B. $770. C. $1232. D. $1540
【答案】7. A 8. C 9. C
7. 细节理解题。根据第一自然段“Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Summer Pre-College Program offers motivated students in grades 9 to 12 the opportunity to get a jump-start on earning college credits through new, engaging, interactive courses.(费尔雷·迪金森大学的暑期大学预科项目为9-12年级的积极学生提供了一个机会,通过新的、吸引人的、互动的课程来获得大学学分)”可知,这个课程主要是针对9至12年级,准备上大学的高中生。故选A项。
8. 推理判断题。根据第一自然段“Students will develop in-demand skills and learn cutting-edge techniques in a virtual academic setting.(学生将在虚拟的学术环境中发展所需的技能和学习前沿技术 )”和第二自然段“Our courses have been designed to keep students engaged in a remote leaning format.(我们的课程是为了让学生参与远程学习而设计的)”可推知,所有课程都是线上教学课程。故选C 项。
9. 细节理解题,根据Program Cost部分“$770 per course(You can get 20% discount if you book now!)(每门课程$770,如果您现在预订,可以享受8折优惠!)”可知,一门课程的学费是770美元,现在预订可打8折,两门课程就是:770×2×0.8=1232美元。故选C项。
Hibernation is a complex solution to a simple problem. In winter, food is scarce. To survive this seasonal starvation, animals, such as the arctic ground squirrel and black bear, hibernate so that physiological shifts keep them alive despite the lack of food, water and movement. Researchers and doctors alike are interested in how these hibernation tricks could help humans with their own health.
THREAT: Stroke
INSIGHT: Blood flow in the brain of a hibernating arctic ground squirrel drops to a tenth of normal. Typically such oxygen shortage would cause a stroke. But these squirrels can survive all winter because their metabolism lowers to 2 percent of its summer rate—requiring much less oxygen to maintain. If doctors could similarly lower the metabolism of a human patient immediately after a stroke—perhaps by cooling the body—they might prevent permanent brain damage, says Brian Barnes, a biologist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
THREAT: Diabetes
INSIGHT: People who gain a lot of weight often stop responding to insulin, which regulates the amount of glucose that cells take up from the blood. Yet grizzly bears gain 100 pounds or more each autumn and somehow avoid diabetes. A recent study found that the grizzlies' fat cells become more sensitive to insulin as they prepare for the winter, allowing the bears to keep processing and storing sugar. Scientists at biotechnology company Amgen are now testing whether making slight changes to the same protein that controls sensitivity in diabetic humans could have similar results.
THREAT: Osteoporosis
INSIGHT: If a human were to lie still for long periods without food, his or her bones would slowly degrade. A black bear, however, emerges from its cave after winter just as strong as ever because its bone is recycled at 25 percent of normal levels during hibernation. Researchers at Colorado State University are now trying to identify the hormones that control this extreme limit on bone turnover. They aim to create a drug for people at risk for osteoporosis that similarly protects bone density.
THREAT: Heart Disease
INSIGHT: During heart surgery, a patient becomes short of oxygen when the heart stops beating. To cope, the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Unfortunately, the change creates lactic acid, which can kill cells if it builds up. Damage of this kind does not occur in hibernating arctic ground squirrels, likely because they break down more fats than sugars even after the heart has slowed to just one beat per minute. Researchers at Duke University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks are now working to identify how this species prioritizes fat as fuel in low-oxygen conditions. Finding a way to get heart surgery patients to do the same may reduce injury to organs during procedures.
13. What is the passage mainly about?
A. What humans can learn from animals that sleep for months on end.
B. What health threats humans are facing while they are under treatment.
C. How humans can survive from the same tough conditions as animals do.
D. How health threats can be avoided if humans are with certain animals.
14. How grizzly bears process sugar in the autumn may give insights into how to deal with________.
A. stroke B. diabetes C. osteoporosis D. heart disease
15. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Metabolism usually consumes a small amount of oxygen.
B. Fat cells are less sensitive to insulin than other cells.
C. Lying still for a long time will affect bone density.
D. Doctors are seeking ways to keep patients' hearts beating in surgery.
【答案】13. A 14. B 15. C
13. 主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Hibernation is a complex solution to a simple problem. In winter, food is scarce. To survive this seasonal starvation, animals, such as the arctic ground squirrel and black bear, hibernate so that physiological shifts keep them alive despite the lack of food, water and movement. Researchers and doctors alike are interested in how these hibernation tricks could help humans with their own health.(冬眠是一个简单问题的复杂解决方案。冬天食物匮乏。为了在这种季节性的饥饿中生存下来,动物,如北极地松鼠和黑熊,会冬眠,这样生理上的变化使它们在缺乏食物、水和运动的情况下仍能生存。研究人员和医生都对这些冬眠技巧如何帮助人类保持健康感兴趣)”结合文章主要介绍了4个人类可以从冬眠的动物身上学到的一些帮助人类保持健康的知识。可知,这篇文章的主要内容是人类可以从连续睡几个月的动物身上学到什么。故选A。
14. 细节理解题。根据THREAT: Diabetes部分中“Yet grizzly bears gain 100 pounds or more each autumn and somehow avoid diabetes. A recent study found that the grizzlies' fat cells become more sensitive to insulin as they prepare for the winter, allowing the bears to keep processing and storing sugar.(然而,灰熊每年秋天都会增重100磅或更多,而且不知怎么就能避免患糖尿病。最近的一项研究发现,灰熊的脂肪细胞在为冬天做准备时对胰岛素更加敏感,这使得灰熊能够继续处理和储存糖分)”可知,灰熊在秋天处理糖的过程可能会给我们提供一些关于如何处理糖尿病问题的见解。故选B。
15. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“If a human were to lie still for long periods without food, his or her bones would slowly degrade.(如果一个人长时间不吃东西而躺着不动,他或她的骨头就会慢慢退化)”可知,C选项“长期躺着不动会影响骨密度”正确。故选C。
Turkish Treats
Hello London foodies!
I’m kicking off this week’s blog by talking about a fantastic new Turkish restaurant in Soho called Moda. I can’t remember ever eating better dolma or hummus—it was so delicious! In fact, this is one of the things which the restaurant prides itself on—the freshness and authenticity of the ingredients. Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. He may be a perfectionist, but it was so delicious that I can’t complain. Moda isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely worth every penny.
And I’ve got great news for you. When I told him that I write a food blog, he said he’d give all my readers a 10% discount! Just mention this blog when you book.
A very different restaurant, where I had lunch last Monday, is Chez Fitz. Situated near Leicester Square, its main selling point is that its food is all locally sourced (within 30 kilometres of the restaurant). My friends and I were completely amazed—we had no idea that so much could be grown so close to central London. But it turns out that there are pockets of green all over the city—you just need to know where to look.
One final point: I couldn’t believe how pricey my weekly shop was this week. Normally if s about £40, but this week it was more than £55 for more or less the same amount of food. Any ideas why?
More in a couple of weeks as I’m going away on my holidays tomorrow!
10 October
Hi—regarding your last point, I’ve found the same thing recently. I read somewhere that the average ‘shopping basket’ has already increased by 20% this year. The prices have gone up so much, because of the awful weather we’ve been having, and they may go up even more. How are we meant to feed our families?
10 October
I’m not sure we should be supporting restaurants like Moda. They are very bad for the environment. What about all the extra carbon emissions from the ‘food miles’ created by bringing over those ingredients from Turkey?
11 October
I know what you’re saying, Ecovore, but don’t have a go at restaurants like Moda. If we grow exotic vegetables in the UK, then we have to use heated greenhouses and that probably uses even more energy.
19. Why does the blogger like Moda?
A. It offers its customers a discount.
B. It provides typical Turkish food
C. It hires a chef who comes from Turkey.
D. It transports ingredients from all over the world.
20. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Chef Fitz is located 30 kilometers from Leicester Square.
B. The blogger is angry that he spends so much on food this week.
C. SouthLondonMum is worried about the ever worsening weather
D. Ecovore doesn’t think of Moda in the same way as the blogger does.
21. The word “exotic” (in Anonymous’s comments) is closest in meaning to________.
A. local B. foreign
C. fruitful D. fruitless
【答案】19. B 20. D 21. B
19. 细节理解题。根据博文第二段中“Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. (显然,这位厨师坚持每天的水果和蔬菜都是从他的家乡土耳其运来的,而不是从其他地方。)”可知,博主之所以喜欢Moda,是因为它提供典型的土耳其食物。故选B项。
20. 细节理解题。根据博文第二段中“He may be a perfectionist, but it was so delicious that I can’t complain. Moda isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely worth every penny.(他可能是个完美主义者,但它太美味了,我不能抱怨。Moda不便宜,但每一分钱都绝对值。)”等内容可知,博主很喜欢Moda;根据Ecovore的评论中“They are very bad for the environment.(它们对环境有害)”等内容可知,Ecovore评论中强调了Moda餐馆的缺点。从而判断选项D“Ecovore对Moda的看法与博主不同”是正确的。故选D项。
21. 词句猜测题。博文第二段中“Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. (显然,这位厨师坚持每天的水果和蔬菜都是从他的家乡土耳其运来的,而不是从其他地方。)”说明Moda餐厅从国外土耳其运来食材,再根据Anonymous(匿名)评论中“…but don’t have a go at restaurants like Moda.(……但不要去Moda这样的餐馆。)”可知,此处在谈论Moda餐馆。从而推断评论中exotic所在句“If we grow exotic vegetables in the UK, then we have to use heated greenhouses and that probably uses even more energy. (如果我们在英国种植exotic蔬菜,那么我们必须使用加热的温室,这可能会消耗更多的能源。)”中exotic应为“歪国的”的意思,对应前面提到的“从土耳其运来食材”,故选B项。
Online Early Childhood Education Course Programs
If you're interested in receiving a degree in early childhood education, you may want to take relevant courses. If you have a busy plan, finding online early education courses can be a true lifesaver. With the following online course programs, you'll find it easier to complete your coursework around your plan.
Associate in Science
Price: $105/credit hour
Duration: 60 credit hours
This program from Florida State Collage is designed for those who are interested in working with young children in child development centers or home child care centers. Students will learn how they can best plan to meet the needs of younger learners. When they sign up for this program, learners will have the choice to hose to focus on management or education.
Bachelor of Arts
Price: $510/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program from Ashford University is broken down into a series of five week courses. You'll only need to complete one course at time, so you'll be able to devote all of your attention to one subject matter. The participant will learn about early childhood development, how to plan and how to create programs for young learners.
BS in EC Education
Price: $ 375/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program tom Alabama University focuses on how children between the ages of birth and eight develop emotionally, physicality socially and cognitively(认知). Courses cover ideas such as designing learning programs for preschoolers and building partnerships with families.
EC Education Bachelor's Degree
Price: $ 402.50/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program from K State Online is designed to prepare educators to work with children from birth through kindergarten. The program will also include information on working with children who have disabilities or other special needs. In addition to the online courses, learners will also join in an in-classroom field experience with a local school
25. Which course program follows you to focus on management sill?
A. Associate in Science. B. Bachelor of Arts.
C. BS in EC Education. D. EC Education Bachelor's Degree
26. How much should you pay to finish Ashford University's course program?
A. $ 6,120. B. $ 6,300. C. $ 45,000. D. $ 61,200.
27. What is special about EC Education Bachelor’s Degree?
A. It is sponsored by a famous university. B. It is available mostly in a local school,
C. It refers to working with disabled kids, D. It focuses on early childhood education.
【答案】25. A 26. D 27. C
25. 细节理解题。 根据Associate in Science部分中“When they sign up for this program, learners will have the choice to hose to focus on management or education.(当他们报名参加这个项目时,学习者将可以选择专注于管理或教育)”可知,Associate in Science可以允许你专注学习管理技能。故选A。
26. 细节理解题。根据Bachelor of Arts部分中“Price: $510/credit hour;Duration: 120 credit hours;The program from Ashford University is broken down into a series of five week courses.(价格:510美元/学时;时长:120学时;这个来自阿什福德大学的项目分为一系列为期五周的课程)”可知,要完成Ashford University的整个课程项目需要花费510×120=61200美元。故选D。
27. 细节理解题。根据EC Education Bachelor's Degree部分中“The program will also include information on working with children who have disabilities or other special needs.(该计划还将包括与有残疾或其他特殊需要的儿童一起工作的信息)”可知,EC Education Bachelor’s Degree的特别之处是涉及到要与残疾孩子一起工作。故选C。
Write a poem about how courage, determination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.
3 Grand Prizes:Trip to Washington, D.C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner’s choice. Trip includes round-trip air tickets, hotel stay for two nights, and tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office of National Geographic World.
6 First Prizes:The book Sky Pioneer:A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch.
50 Honorable Mentions:Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart’s final flight.
Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification.
■Write a poem using 100 words or fewer. Your poem can be any format, any number of lines.
■Write by hand or type on a single sheet of paper. You may use both the front and back of the paper.
■On the same sheet of paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.
■Mail your entry to us by October 31 this year.
1. How many people can each grand prize winner take on the free trip?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.
2. What will each of the honorable mention winners get?
A. A plane ticket. B. A book by Corinne Szabo.
C. A special T-shirt. D. A photo of Amelia Earhart.
3. Which of the following will result in disqualification?
A. Typing your poem out. B. Writing a poem of 120 words.
C. Using both sides of the paper. D. Mailing your entry on October 30.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
1.细节理解题。根据Prizes部分中第一段中的”Trip to Washington, D.C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner's choice”可知,每位获奖者都可以带一名家长和另一名由获奖者选择的人员。因此,每位获奖者可以带两个人。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据Prizes部分中第三段”50 Honorable Mentions: Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart's final flight”可知,每位优秀奖获奖者都将获得一件纪念埃尔哈特最后一次飞行的T恤。故选C。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一部分中的”Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification. Write a poem using 100 words or fewer”可知,所写的诗字数不能超过100字。否则,将会被取消资格。故结合选项,B选项(写一首120字的诗)是会被取消资格的。故选B。
Four things that you can't miss in Macao
Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump
The Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world's 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as gambling, eating and entertainment. One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the skywalk on the 57th floor --- it's still remarkable.
Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner
Macao was colonized by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people.
Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul
The Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St. Paul's College and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.
Visiting a museum
Macao, as a tiny city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural heritage, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.
4. Which activity will be popular with adventurous visitors?
A. Going Bungee Jumping.
B. Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner.
C. Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul.
D. Visiting a museum.
5. What is incredible about the Ruins of St. Paul?
A. It has a unique culture.
B. It serves as a symbol of Macao.
C. It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.
D. It is a combination of a college and a church.
6. What do "'Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner" and "Visiting a museum" have in common?
A. Taking a selfie in it.
B. Finding historical sites.
C. Enjoying a breathtaking experience.
D. Feeling both eastern and western cultures.
【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D
【解析】这是一篇应用文。本篇介绍了去澳门游玩时不可错过的四件事:去AJ Hackett蹦极,吃传统澳门餐,打卡圣保罗大教堂、参观博物馆。
4. 推理判断题。根据Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump部分的One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world.(蹦极是最受欢迎的活动之一。AJ Hackett澳门塔蹦极有233米高,是世界上最高的商业蹦极)可推测,喜欢冒险的人会去AJ Hackett塔蹦极。A. Going Bungee Jumping.(去蹦极)符合以上说法,故选A项。
5. 细节理解题。根据Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul部分的It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.(令人难以置信的是,在经历了一轮又一轮的重建和火灾后,巨大的表面和前面的楼梯仍然没有被烧毁)可知,圣保罗大教堂的不可思议之处是虽然经历了很多次火灾,它的一些部分没有被大火烧毁。C. It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.(在猛烈的火灾后,它的一部分仍然完好无损)符合以上说法,故选C项。
6. 细节理解题。根据Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner部分的As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people (因此,许多来澳门的人都深深融入了葡萄牙文化。许多葡萄牙人在澳门特别行政区定居,并开设了餐馆,但这里的风味更适合中国人。)和Visiting a museum部分的Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found.(由于其独特的历史,东方和西方的历史遗迹都可以找到)可知,Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner和Visiting a museum的共同之处是,在这两项活动中都能够体验到东西方的文化。D. Feeling both eastern and western cultures.(能够感觉到东西方文化)符合以上说法,故选D项。
Four-Day Rwanda Gorilla Trekking(徒步旅行)
This four-day travel will take you for gorilla trekking of Mountain Gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, the “land of a thousand hills". Gorilla trekking in Rwanda is one of the highlight travel experiences in Africa.
Day 1: Pick u from Kigali Airport- -Transfer to Kigali Serena
Today upon your arrival at Kigali International Airport, you will be warmly welcomed and transferred by road to your hotel, You will relax at the hotel for the rest of the time.
Journey Time: 10 minutes Accommodation: Kigali Serena Meal Plan: Not included
Day 2: Kigali City Tours- Transfer to Volcanoes National Park
Today after breakfast, you will go for a guided city tour of Kigali, one of the safest and cleanest capital cities in Africa. The tour will start from the first modern building that the city was founded on, during which you can learn about the country's history. After the city tour, you will begin the journey northwards to Volcanoes National Park. Bisate Lodge(旅馆) is Rwanda' s first real comfort lodge. Activities at the lodge include Bind watching and participating in the reforestation programme.
Journey Time; 3 hours Accommodation: Bisate Lodge Meal Plan: All food
Day 3: Gorilla Trekking- Visit Twin Lakes
Today after breakfast, your guide will transfer you to Volcanoes National Park headquarters to start your gorilla trekking.
You will trek through foothills of the Virunga, enjoying great views from all angles. Upon seeing where the mountain gorillas are, you will stay with them for an hour as they go about their day-to-day life- playing, feeding, touching among others. Coming face to face with these endangered mountain gorillas is an experience you will never forget.
PS: We highly recommend that you hire services of a waiter who carries your backpack during the gorilla trekking. It costs 15 US dollars per waiter.
Accommodation: Bisate Lodge Meal Plan: All meals
Day 4: Departure
Today after breakfast, you will be transferred back to Kigali International Airport for your onward journey.
10. What can tourists do at Bisate Lodge?
A. Visit a modem building. B. Tour Kigali with a guide,
C. Lear the history of Rwanda. D. Do some bird watching.
11. What can tourists do with gorillas while hiking?
A. Meet gorillas face to face. B. Feed gorillas with snacks.
C. Play with gorillas for an hour. D. Follow the footprints of gorillas.
12. What is strongly advised for tourists on Day 3?
A. Exploring the volcanoes, B. Employing a porter for help.
C. Catching a mountain gorilla. D. Leaving the backpack in the hotel.
【答案】10. D 11. A 12. B
10. 细节理解题。根据 Day 2部分的“Bisate Lodge(旅馆)is Rwanda's first real comfort lodge. Activities at the lodge Include Bird Watching..."可知,Bisate Lodge是卢旺达的第一个正真舒适的宾馆。在旅馆的活动包括观鸟...... 即在Bisate Lodge可以进行观察鸟的活动。故选D项。
11. 细节理解题。根据Day 3部分的“Upon seeing where the mountain gorillas are, you will stay with them for an hour as they go about their day-to-day life- playing, feeding, touching among others. Coming face to face with these endangered mountain gorillas is an experience you will never forget. ”可知,看到山地大猩猩的所在地后,你可以和它们待上一个小时,因为它们会继续它们的日常生活——玩耍、进食、抚摸其它动物。与这些濒危的山地大猩猩面对面是一个你永远不会忘记的经历。由此可知,在徒步旅行的过程中可以面对面地与黑猩猩接触。故选A项。
12. 细节理解题。根据Day 3部分的“We highly recommend that you hire services of a waiter who carries your backpack during the gorilla trekking.”可知,在观察大猩猩的徒步旅行中,旅行社强烈建游客们雇佣一个背包的人。即,雇佣一个搬运工帮忙。故选B项。
The Master Gardener Foundation
The Master Gardener Foundation provides free information to the public on environmentally safe gardening practices and water conservation. The information is research-based and encourages limited use of farm chemicals and fertilizers.
Donation Activities
The master gardeners here did much donation work. They donated over 35,000 volunteer hours, serving 40,000 adults and more than 5,200 children. They did this through about 35 plant clinics, 6 demonstration gardens, 4 youth gardens, as well as a classroom program and dozens of workshops. The Master Gardener Foundation provides roughly two-thirds of the financial support for all these valuable activities.
Washington State University currently provides the salary and benefits of the Master Gardener Program. The foundation funds office space and supplies, as well as a part-time program assistant.
The Master Gardener Program
Safe and green gardening and water use practices are vital to preserving our environment. The Master Gardener Program seeks to provide this kind of education and information to the citizens for free. It is a highly successful example of cooperation between a foundation and volunteers.
Waiting for Your Donations
The Master Gardener Foundation is a non-profit organization, and all donations are allowed by law and support the Master Gardener Program and activities.
Please consider a donation to the Master Gardener Foundation and help keep our environment green!
16. What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Science research. B. Adopting children.
C. Donation work. D. Sparing volunteer hours.
17. What do we know about the Master Gardener Program?
A. It's very expensive.
B. It proves to be unsuccessful.
C. It provides education just in producing farm chemicals.
D. It's a bridge between the foundation and volunteers.
18. What is the main purpose of the text?
A. To encourage donations.
B. To describe volunteer work. '
C. To spread the agricultural knowledge.
D. To give some suggestions to gardeners.
【答案】16. C 17. D 18. A
【解析】这是一篇广告类文章。文章介绍了The Master Gardener Foundation相关信息。它鼓励人们捐款给the Master Gardener Foundation,让我们更好地保护环境!
16. 词义猜测题。根据Donation Activities中The master gardeners here did much donation work. They donated over 35,000 volunteer hours, serving 40,000 adults and more than 5,200 children.“这里的园丁们做了大量的捐赠工作。他们捐赠了超过35000个志愿者小时,服务了40000名成年人和5200多名儿童。”再根据They did this through about 35 plant clinics, 6 demonstration gardens, 4 youth gardens, as well as a classroom program and dozens of workshops.“他们通过大约35个植物诊所、6个示范花园、4个青年花园、以及一个课堂项目和几十个讲习班做到了这一点。”由此可知,划线词this指代的是“donation work”。故选C。
17. 细节理解题。根据The Master Gardener Program中It is a highly successful example of cooperation between a foundation and volunteers.“这是一个基金会和志愿者合作的非常成功的例子。”由此可知,Master Gardener Program是基金会和志愿者之间的桥梁。故选D。
18. 目的意图题。根据Waiting for Your Donations中Please consider a donation to the Master Gardener Foundation and help keep our environment green!“请考虑捐款给the Master Gardener Foundation,让我们的环境更环保!”由此判断出,这篇文章的目的是“鼓励捐赠。”故选A。
《考点•题型 •技巧》
1. 考点趋势:今后对语篇领悟能力的检测仍是高考的重点和基本点,同时还需关注对主旨大意题和文章结构题的考查。
2. 理解层次趋势:表层意义理解题减少,深层含义理解题增多。考查难度有所增加,由简单寻找信息向多层次细节推理的趋势比较明显。
3. 信息量和词汇量:阅读理解材料信息浓缩,词汇总量减少,但对词汇量的考查在加大,非考纲词汇有所增加(主要为词根加上前、后缀或有词义转化的词)。旨在引导学生掌握词汇的合成、派生和转化,让考生能通过上下文或构词法来理解词汇的含义。《考试说明》中"根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义"这一新要求预示对能力要求有所提高。
4. 句子的难度:长句增多,句子难度加大。复合句、省略句、倒装句和插入语等语言现象普遍。
5. 体裁和题材:继续体现体裁和题材多样化,并彰显英语国家语言与文化特点,强化文化意识的渗透。题材涉猎广泛,体现"语言是文化的载体"这一理念。
1. 材料特点:大家知道,刊登广告是要钱的,为了节省费用,人们在拟写广告时往往都希望用最少的篇幅表现最大量的信息,这就决定了广告类材料通常具有以下特点:信息量大,用词简练,形式灵活。
2. 内容特点:综观近几年的高考英语阅读理解题,其中广告类阅读题内容主要涉及的是与人们生活息息相关的信息,如产品宣传、服务介绍、招生招聘等。
3. 形式特点:做广告的主要目的就是要让受众了解并记住广告的内容,并为广告上所刊登的内容(产品或服务等)买单。为了达到这一目的,人们在设计广告时往往会做到:标题醒目,重点突出,条理清楚。
4. 用词特点:广告类阅读材料的用词有"三多"特点:一是人名、地名、专有名词多;二是生词多;三是缩略词、省略句多。
5. 命题特点:广告类阅读是近几年高考英语阅读理解最常考的题材,在阅读理解的选材中占有很大的比重。命题者的目的是要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,所以命题的题型多是以获取信息为主的细节理解题。
1. 细节理解题
2. 主旨大意题
应用文强调实用性,无论是信件、广告、通知,还是倡议书、海报等,在阅读时都应该快速掌握其主旨大意。如:海报介绍的那部电影?通知的是哪个活动?邀请哪些人参加什么活动?这些都是主旨大意题考查的内容。常见的主旨大意题的题干表达方式有“The poster introduces us to _______.” “The e-mail mainly tells us about_______.”
3. 观点态度题
作者往往通过海报、广告等形式的应用文表明自己对于某事的态度,也可以通过通知、倡议书、邀请函等形式暗示自己对某次活动的看法和态度。常见的观点态度题的题干表达方式有“What is the author’s attitude towards...” “What does the author think of the...?”
4. 推理判断题
与记叙文和说明文有所不同,应用文阅读中出现的推理判断题常考查文章的出处或者来源,常见的题干表达方式有“You can find the ad _______.” “Where would you probably read the notice?”
1. 选材特点
2. 内容特点
3. 形式特点
4. 语言特点
5. 命题特点
1. 先题后文
2. 题干定向
3. 生词模糊
4. 信息补全
1. 就文体特点而言,应用文主要是为了向读者传递信息,措辞简洁明了,一般来说,和所述问题无关的文字不会出现。例如很多文章没有标题,甚至通篇没有一个完整的句子,而是用词、数字、缩写、短语等来替代。
2. 就选材特点来说,信息量大,文句精练,形式灵活,用最小的篇幅表述最大量的信息。其中书信,招聘和商品销售等广告,交通运输时刻表,日记等的比例较大。其内容特点表现为:生活化,实用化,多样化。
3. 就形式特点而言,标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用粗体字或各类项目符号使文章结构更鲜明。
4. 就语言特点来说,文章充斥大量冗长而生僻的专有名词,如人名、地名、机构名、组织名、书籍名、作品名等等,而且没有汉语注释。缩略词、祈使句、省略句多。
5. 在行文方式方面,应用文的每种文体都有固定的格式。叙述性应用文采用一般记叙文的写作方法,无特别之处;说明性应用文的行文呈排列式,即以小标题为单位逐一下行排列。
6. 就命题特点来说,高考英语应用文的设问一般是按照文章段落的顺序依次设置,主要考查考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既考查对特定细节的选取、排除、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对容易。具体讲来主要有四大类:(1)细节理解题,即要求考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节进行理解。这一题型常见的命题方式有事实认定题、图形辨认题、数字运算题等。(2)推理判断题。这类题主要考查考生根据文章的字面意思,通过分析语篇的逻辑关系,研究细节的暗示,推敲作者的态度,理解文章的寓意等。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题。(3)主旨大意题。该类题主要考查考生对所读材料中心思想的概括。其考查形式有很多,如概括标题、主题、中心思想等。(4)词义猜测题,即要求考生根据一定的上下文猜测生词的词义。
The incorrect description of London Eye is that _______.
A. it is one of the world’s tallest observation wheels
B. you can see up to 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsule
C. it has 32 capsules and carries around 1,000 visitors every day
D. you can enjoy a full 360-degree panorama when you are at the top of the wheel
【解析】这是一个细节理解题,由表格一中第二句 “It has 32 capsules (密闭舱) and carries about 10, 000 visitors every day.”可知,是10,000不是1,000答案应该选C。
The advertisement mainly make people _______.
A. give help to those in need
B. not throw away used clothes
C. know about the organization
D. learn the use of donated clothes
【解析】这是一个主旨大意题,由表格一中的“Don’t throw away used clothes. Use them to help change the lives of others.”可知答案应该选A。
In Allison’s opinion, other kids of her age may _______ their parents.
A. have problems with
B. get on well with
C. like to talk to
D. like to listen to
【解析】这是一个观点态度题,从信中的第一段中“kids say they don’t get on well with theirs”可知答案应该选A。
We can infer (推断) from the advertisements that _______.
A. none of the organization accept children’s clothes
B. people can donate used clothes throughout the USA
C. some organization need money to help some people
D. some donated clothes will be given to cancer patients
【解析】这是一个推理判断题,由表格二中第二句“Sales (销售额) of your used clothes will support…”,由表格三中第二句“Sales from used clothes will benefit (有助于)”,由表格四中第二句“Sale from donated clothes will help the Boys and Girls Club in Venice, CA.”可知答案应该选C。
Life and Health Insurance Risk Manager Wanted
Our company has partnered with an international insurer and is looking for a full-time risk manager with responsibility for the UK Life and Health Insurance business. The role is in a small risk team and is suited to a high-performing individual.
*Support the chief risk officer;
*Oversee the reporting of health and life risks;
*Deliver advice and cooperate with some stakeholders(利益相关者);
*Assess relevant risks of technical pricing and reinsurance;
*Continuously contribute to the capital requirements, internal model review and data model processes.
Key requirements
The individual will be a qualified life or health manager who has experience in risk management or consulting. You must work in the UK---these rules have changed recently, so when applying, please state your qualification to work in the UK. (E.g. British passport, Irish passport, ILR, settled-status, etc.)
£70,000-£90,000 per year and performance-based salary.
Contact information
The deadline for applications is 14th May, 2021.
If you are interested, please apply here or contact the associate consultant Abi Logeswaran at HFG Insurance Recruitment(招聘). Sign in to apply instantly.
We'd love to send you information about Jobs and Services from CareersinRisk.com by email. We do not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes. By applying for a job listed on CareersinRisk.com you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. You should never be required to provide bank account details. If you are, please email us.
1. What do we know about the job?
A. It hunts for a chief risk officer. B. It is a part-time job.
C. It is related to insurance business. D. It involves a high-risk team.
2. Which of the following is a must for applicants?
A. A professional certificate. B. The ability to change working rules.
C. An Irish passport. D. Relevant experience.
3. What do we have to do when applying for the job?
A. Hand in our applications before May. B. Accept the company's privacy policy.
C. Offer our bank account details. D. Give our information to third parties.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. B
1. 推理判断题。根据第一段中“Our company has partnered with an international insurer and is looking for a full-time risk manager with responsibility for the UK Life and Health Insurance business. ”(我们公司与一家国际保险公司合作,正在寻找一位负责英国人寿和健康保险业务的全职风险经理。)可知,本则广告中招聘的岗位与保险行业有关,故选C。
2. 细节理解题。在“Key requirements”部分中的内容“The individual will be a qualified life or health manager who has experience in risk management or consulting.”(个人将是有风险管理或咨询经验的合格的生活或健康经理。)可知,应聘者必须有相关的工作经验,故选D。
3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“By applying for a job listed on CareersinRisk.com you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. ”(通过申请CareersinRisk.com上列出的工作,您同意我们的条款和条件以及隐私政策。)可知,申请者需要通过申请CareersinRisk.com上列出的工作,并同意该公司的条款和条件以及隐私政策。故选B。
Summer Pre-College Program 2021—Register Now!
Earn up to 12 college credits online with FDU’s Summer Pre-College Program!
Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Summer Pre-College Program offers motivated students in grades 9 to 12 the opportunity to get a jump-start on earning college credits through new, engaging, interactive courses. Students will develop in-demand skills and earn cutting-edge techniques in a virtual academic setting.
Program highlights
Our courses have been designed to keep students engaged in a remote learning format. Register today to experience:
The opportunity to earn 3 college credits per course and up to 12 college credits this summer for future university studies.
Customized, exclusive curriculum developed and taught by distinguished FDU professors.
The perfect blend of real-time instruction, self-paced projects and virtual teamwork.
A glimpse into the most desired majors and careers of today.
The ability to advance the quality of your college application from the comfort of your home.
Program schedule
Session 1-July 5 to July 15, 2021
Classes: 9 AM to 12: 30 PM
Pre-Medical Professions and the Health Sciences
Creative Writing: The Power of Storytelling
Introduction to Data Science and Business Intelligence
Classes: 1: 30 PM to 5 PM
Optimizing Smartphone Photography and Videography
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to Applied Statistics
Drug Discovery: The Exciting Future of Pharmacology
Session 2-August 1 to August 11, 2021
Classes: 9 AM to 12: 30 PM
Wall Street Careers: An Introduction to Financial Markets and Trading
Astrophysics: Exploring the Stars and the Galaxies
Around the World in Eight Days: Introduction to Global Tourism Management
Classes: 1: 30 PM to 5 PM
Advanced Coding and Development
Cognitive Psychology: Understanding the Mind, the Brain and Your Behavior
Digital Art: Create Your Own Online Canvas
Program Cost: $770 per course (You can get a 20% discount if you book now!)
Contact Information
Summer Pre-College Program
precollege@ fdu. edu
1000 River Road, H-DH1-02 Teaneck, NJ 07666
7. Who are the courses intended for?
A. High school students. B. College graduates.
C. College freshmen. D. Primary school pupils.
8. What can you infer about the Summer Pre-College Program?
A. It offers hands-on learning chances. B. A student can earn 15 college credits.
C. All the courses are given online. D. Students must stay on the campus.
9. How much will you pay if you book two courses now?
A. $308. B. $770. C. $1232. D. $1540
【答案】7. A 8. C 9. C
7. 细节理解题。根据第一自然段“Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Summer Pre-College Program offers motivated students in grades 9 to 12 the opportunity to get a jump-start on earning college credits through new, engaging, interactive courses.(费尔雷·迪金森大学的暑期大学预科项目为9-12年级的积极学生提供了一个机会,通过新的、吸引人的、互动的课程来获得大学学分)”可知,这个课程主要是针对9至12年级,准备上大学的高中生。故选A项。
8. 推理判断题。根据第一自然段“Students will develop in-demand skills and learn cutting-edge techniques in a virtual academic setting.(学生将在虚拟的学术环境中发展所需的技能和学习前沿技术 )”和第二自然段“Our courses have been designed to keep students engaged in a remote leaning format.(我们的课程是为了让学生参与远程学习而设计的)”可推知,所有课程都是线上教学课程。故选C 项。
9. 细节理解题,根据Program Cost部分“$770 per course(You can get 20% discount if you book now!)(每门课程$770,如果您现在预订,可以享受8折优惠!)”可知,一门课程的学费是770美元,现在预订可打8折,两门课程就是:770×2×0.8=1232美元。故选C项。
Hibernation is a complex solution to a simple problem. In winter, food is scarce. To survive this seasonal starvation, animals, such as the arctic ground squirrel and black bear, hibernate so that physiological shifts keep them alive despite the lack of food, water and movement. Researchers and doctors alike are interested in how these hibernation tricks could help humans with their own health.
THREAT: Stroke
INSIGHT: Blood flow in the brain of a hibernating arctic ground squirrel drops to a tenth of normal. Typically such oxygen shortage would cause a stroke. But these squirrels can survive all winter because their metabolism lowers to 2 percent of its summer rate—requiring much less oxygen to maintain. If doctors could similarly lower the metabolism of a human patient immediately after a stroke—perhaps by cooling the body—they might prevent permanent brain damage, says Brian Barnes, a biologist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
THREAT: Diabetes
INSIGHT: People who gain a lot of weight often stop responding to insulin, which regulates the amount of glucose that cells take up from the blood. Yet grizzly bears gain 100 pounds or more each autumn and somehow avoid diabetes. A recent study found that the grizzlies' fat cells become more sensitive to insulin as they prepare for the winter, allowing the bears to keep processing and storing sugar. Scientists at biotechnology company Amgen are now testing whether making slight changes to the same protein that controls sensitivity in diabetic humans could have similar results.
THREAT: Osteoporosis
INSIGHT: If a human were to lie still for long periods without food, his or her bones would slowly degrade. A black bear, however, emerges from its cave after winter just as strong as ever because its bone is recycled at 25 percent of normal levels during hibernation. Researchers at Colorado State University are now trying to identify the hormones that control this extreme limit on bone turnover. They aim to create a drug for people at risk for osteoporosis that similarly protects bone density.
THREAT: Heart Disease
INSIGHT: During heart surgery, a patient becomes short of oxygen when the heart stops beating. To cope, the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Unfortunately, the change creates lactic acid, which can kill cells if it builds up. Damage of this kind does not occur in hibernating arctic ground squirrels, likely because they break down more fats than sugars even after the heart has slowed to just one beat per minute. Researchers at Duke University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks are now working to identify how this species prioritizes fat as fuel in low-oxygen conditions. Finding a way to get heart surgery patients to do the same may reduce injury to organs during procedures.
13. What is the passage mainly about?
A. What humans can learn from animals that sleep for months on end.
B. What health threats humans are facing while they are under treatment.
C. How humans can survive from the same tough conditions as animals do.
D. How health threats can be avoided if humans are with certain animals.
14. How grizzly bears process sugar in the autumn may give insights into how to deal with________.
A. stroke B. diabetes C. osteoporosis D. heart disease
15. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Metabolism usually consumes a small amount of oxygen.
B. Fat cells are less sensitive to insulin than other cells.
C. Lying still for a long time will affect bone density.
D. Doctors are seeking ways to keep patients' hearts beating in surgery.
【答案】13. A 14. B 15. C
13. 主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Hibernation is a complex solution to a simple problem. In winter, food is scarce. To survive this seasonal starvation, animals, such as the arctic ground squirrel and black bear, hibernate so that physiological shifts keep them alive despite the lack of food, water and movement. Researchers and doctors alike are interested in how these hibernation tricks could help humans with their own health.(冬眠是一个简单问题的复杂解决方案。冬天食物匮乏。为了在这种季节性的饥饿中生存下来,动物,如北极地松鼠和黑熊,会冬眠,这样生理上的变化使它们在缺乏食物、水和运动的情况下仍能生存。研究人员和医生都对这些冬眠技巧如何帮助人类保持健康感兴趣)”结合文章主要介绍了4个人类可以从冬眠的动物身上学到的一些帮助人类保持健康的知识。可知,这篇文章的主要内容是人类可以从连续睡几个月的动物身上学到什么。故选A。
14. 细节理解题。根据THREAT: Diabetes部分中“Yet grizzly bears gain 100 pounds or more each autumn and somehow avoid diabetes. A recent study found that the grizzlies' fat cells become more sensitive to insulin as they prepare for the winter, allowing the bears to keep processing and storing sugar.(然而,灰熊每年秋天都会增重100磅或更多,而且不知怎么就能避免患糖尿病。最近的一项研究发现,灰熊的脂肪细胞在为冬天做准备时对胰岛素更加敏感,这使得灰熊能够继续处理和储存糖分)”可知,灰熊在秋天处理糖的过程可能会给我们提供一些关于如何处理糖尿病问题的见解。故选B。
15. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“If a human were to lie still for long periods without food, his or her bones would slowly degrade.(如果一个人长时间不吃东西而躺着不动,他或她的骨头就会慢慢退化)”可知,C选项“长期躺着不动会影响骨密度”正确。故选C。
Turkish Treats
Hello London foodies!
I’m kicking off this week’s blog by talking about a fantastic new Turkish restaurant in Soho called Moda. I can’t remember ever eating better dolma or hummus—it was so delicious! In fact, this is one of the things which the restaurant prides itself on—the freshness and authenticity of the ingredients. Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. He may be a perfectionist, but it was so delicious that I can’t complain. Moda isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely worth every penny.
And I’ve got great news for you. When I told him that I write a food blog, he said he’d give all my readers a 10% discount! Just mention this blog when you book.
A very different restaurant, where I had lunch last Monday, is Chez Fitz. Situated near Leicester Square, its main selling point is that its food is all locally sourced (within 30 kilometres of the restaurant). My friends and I were completely amazed—we had no idea that so much could be grown so close to central London. But it turns out that there are pockets of green all over the city—you just need to know where to look.
One final point: I couldn’t believe how pricey my weekly shop was this week. Normally if s about £40, but this week it was more than £55 for more or less the same amount of food. Any ideas why?
More in a couple of weeks as I’m going away on my holidays tomorrow!
10 October
Hi—regarding your last point, I’ve found the same thing recently. I read somewhere that the average ‘shopping basket’ has already increased by 20% this year. The prices have gone up so much, because of the awful weather we’ve been having, and they may go up even more. How are we meant to feed our families?
10 October
I’m not sure we should be supporting restaurants like Moda. They are very bad for the environment. What about all the extra carbon emissions from the ‘food miles’ created by bringing over those ingredients from Turkey?
11 October
I know what you’re saying, Ecovore, but don’t have a go at restaurants like Moda. If we grow exotic vegetables in the UK, then we have to use heated greenhouses and that probably uses even more energy.
19. Why does the blogger like Moda?
A. It offers its customers a discount.
B. It provides typical Turkish food
C. It hires a chef who comes from Turkey.
D. It transports ingredients from all over the world.
20. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Chef Fitz is located 30 kilometers from Leicester Square.
B. The blogger is angry that he spends so much on food this week.
C. SouthLondonMum is worried about the ever worsening weather
D. Ecovore doesn’t think of Moda in the same way as the blogger does.
21. The word “exotic” (in Anonymous’s comments) is closest in meaning to________.
A. local B. foreign
C. fruitful D. fruitless
【答案】19. B 20. D 21. B
19. 细节理解题。根据博文第二段中“Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. (显然,这位厨师坚持每天的水果和蔬菜都是从他的家乡土耳其运来的,而不是从其他地方。)”可知,博主之所以喜欢Moda,是因为它提供典型的土耳其食物。故选B项。
20. 细节理解题。根据博文第二段中“He may be a perfectionist, but it was so delicious that I can’t complain. Moda isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely worth every penny.(他可能是个完美主义者,但它太美味了,我不能抱怨。Moda不便宜,但每一分钱都绝对值。)”等内容可知,博主很喜欢Moda;根据Ecovore的评论中“They are very bad for the environment.(它们对环境有害)”等内容可知,Ecovore评论中强调了Moda餐馆的缺点。从而判断选项D“Ecovore对Moda的看法与博主不同”是正确的。故选D项。
21. 词句猜测题。博文第二段中“Apparently, the chef insists that the fruit and vegetables are brought over every day from his home region in Turkey—and from nowhere else. (显然,这位厨师坚持每天的水果和蔬菜都是从他的家乡土耳其运来的,而不是从其他地方。)”说明Moda餐厅从国外土耳其运来食材,再根据Anonymous(匿名)评论中“…but don’t have a go at restaurants like Moda.(……但不要去Moda这样的餐馆。)”可知,此处在谈论Moda餐馆。从而推断评论中exotic所在句“If we grow exotic vegetables in the UK, then we have to use heated greenhouses and that probably uses even more energy. (如果我们在英国种植exotic蔬菜,那么我们必须使用加热的温室,这可能会消耗更多的能源。)”中exotic应为“歪国的”的意思,对应前面提到的“从土耳其运来食材”,故选B项。
Online Early Childhood Education Course Programs
If you're interested in receiving a degree in early childhood education, you may want to take relevant courses. If you have a busy plan, finding online early education courses can be a true lifesaver. With the following online course programs, you'll find it easier to complete your coursework around your plan.
Associate in Science
Price: $105/credit hour
Duration: 60 credit hours
This program from Florida State Collage is designed for those who are interested in working with young children in child development centers or home child care centers. Students will learn how they can best plan to meet the needs of younger learners. When they sign up for this program, learners will have the choice to hose to focus on management or education.
Bachelor of Arts
Price: $510/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program from Ashford University is broken down into a series of five week courses. You'll only need to complete one course at time, so you'll be able to devote all of your attention to one subject matter. The participant will learn about early childhood development, how to plan and how to create programs for young learners.
BS in EC Education
Price: $ 375/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program tom Alabama University focuses on how children between the ages of birth and eight develop emotionally, physicality socially and cognitively(认知). Courses cover ideas such as designing learning programs for preschoolers and building partnerships with families.
EC Education Bachelor's Degree
Price: $ 402.50/credit hour
Duration: 120 credit hours
The program from K State Online is designed to prepare educators to work with children from birth through kindergarten. The program will also include information on working with children who have disabilities or other special needs. In addition to the online courses, learners will also join in an in-classroom field experience with a local school
25. Which course program follows you to focus on management sill?
A. Associate in Science. B. Bachelor of Arts.
C. BS in EC Education. D. EC Education Bachelor's Degree
26. How much should you pay to finish Ashford University's course program?
A. $ 6,120. B. $ 6,300. C. $ 45,000. D. $ 61,200.
27. What is special about EC Education Bachelor’s Degree?
A. It is sponsored by a famous university. B. It is available mostly in a local school,
C. It refers to working with disabled kids, D. It focuses on early childhood education.
【答案】25. A 26. D 27. C
25. 细节理解题。 根据Associate in Science部分中“When they sign up for this program, learners will have the choice to hose to focus on management or education.(当他们报名参加这个项目时,学习者将可以选择专注于管理或教育)”可知,Associate in Science可以允许你专注学习管理技能。故选A。
26. 细节理解题。根据Bachelor of Arts部分中“Price: $510/credit hour;Duration: 120 credit hours;The program from Ashford University is broken down into a series of five week courses.(价格:510美元/学时;时长:120学时;这个来自阿什福德大学的项目分为一系列为期五周的课程)”可知,要完成Ashford University的整个课程项目需要花费510×120=61200美元。故选D。
27. 细节理解题。根据EC Education Bachelor's Degree部分中“The program will also include information on working with children who have disabilities or other special needs.(该计划还将包括与有残疾或其他特殊需要的儿童一起工作的信息)”可知,EC Education Bachelor’s Degree的特别之处是涉及到要与残疾孩子一起工作。故选C。
Write a poem about how courage, determination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.
3 Grand Prizes:Trip to Washington, D.C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner’s choice. Trip includes round-trip air tickets, hotel stay for two nights, and tours of the National Air and Space Museum and the office of National Geographic World.
6 First Prizes:The book Sky Pioneer:A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch.
50 Honorable Mentions:Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart’s final flight.
Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification.
■Write a poem using 100 words or fewer. Your poem can be any format, any number of lines.
■Write by hand or type on a single sheet of paper. You may use both the front and back of the paper.
■On the same sheet of paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.
■Mail your entry to us by October 31 this year.
1. How many people can each grand prize winner take on the free trip?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.
2. What will each of the honorable mention winners get?
A. A plane ticket. B. A book by Corinne Szabo.
C. A special T-shirt. D. A photo of Amelia Earhart.
3. Which of the following will result in disqualification?
A. Typing your poem out. B. Writing a poem of 120 words.
C. Using both sides of the paper. D. Mailing your entry on October 30.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
1.细节理解题。根据Prizes部分中第一段中的”Trip to Washington, D.C. for each of three winners, a parent and one other person of the winner's choice”可知,每位获奖者都可以带一名家长和另一名由获奖者选择的人员。因此,每位获奖者可以带两个人。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据Prizes部分中第三段”50 Honorable Mentions: Judges will choose up to 50 honorable mention winners, who will each receive a T-shirt in memory of Earhart's final flight”可知,每位优秀奖获奖者都将获得一件纪念埃尔哈特最后一次飞行的T恤。故选C。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一部分中的”Follow all rules carefully to prevent disqualification. Write a poem using 100 words or fewer”可知,所写的诗字数不能超过100字。否则,将会被取消资格。故结合选项,B选项(写一首120字的诗)是会被取消资格的。故选B。
Four things that you can't miss in Macao
Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump
The Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world's 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as gambling, eating and entertainment. One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the skywalk on the 57th floor --- it's still remarkable.
Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner
Macao was colonized by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people.
Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul
The Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St. Paul's College and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.
Visiting a museum
Macao, as a tiny city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural heritage, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.
4. Which activity will be popular with adventurous visitors?
A. Going Bungee Jumping.
B. Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner.
C. Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul.
D. Visiting a museum.
5. What is incredible about the Ruins of St. Paul?
A. It has a unique culture.
B. It serves as a symbol of Macao.
C. It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.
D. It is a combination of a college and a church.
6. What do "'Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner" and "Visiting a museum" have in common?
A. Taking a selfie in it.
B. Finding historical sites.
C. Enjoying a breathtaking experience.
D. Feeling both eastern and western cultures.
【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D
【解析】这是一篇应用文。本篇介绍了去澳门游玩时不可错过的四件事:去AJ Hackett蹦极,吃传统澳门餐,打卡圣保罗大教堂、参观博物馆。
4. 推理判断题。根据Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump部分的One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world.(蹦极是最受欢迎的活动之一。AJ Hackett澳门塔蹦极有233米高,是世界上最高的商业蹦极)可推测,喜欢冒险的人会去AJ Hackett塔蹦极。A. Going Bungee Jumping.(去蹦极)符合以上说法,故选A项。
5. 细节理解题。根据Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul部分的It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.(令人难以置信的是,在经历了一轮又一轮的重建和火灾后,巨大的表面和前面的楼梯仍然没有被烧毁)可知,圣保罗大教堂的不可思议之处是虽然经历了很多次火灾,它的一些部分没有被大火烧毁。C. It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.(在猛烈的火灾后,它的一部分仍然完好无损)符合以上说法,故选C项。
6. 细节理解题。根据Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner部分的As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people (因此,许多来澳门的人都深深融入了葡萄牙文化。许多葡萄牙人在澳门特别行政区定居,并开设了餐馆,但这里的风味更适合中国人。)和Visiting a museum部分的Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found.(由于其独特的历史,东方和西方的历史遗迹都可以找到)可知,Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner和Visiting a museum的共同之处是,在这两项活动中都能够体验到东西方的文化。D. Feeling both eastern and western cultures.(能够感觉到东西方文化)符合以上说法,故选D项。
Four-Day Rwanda Gorilla Trekking(徒步旅行)
This four-day travel will take you for gorilla trekking of Mountain Gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, the “land of a thousand hills". Gorilla trekking in Rwanda is one of the highlight travel experiences in Africa.
Day 1: Pick u from Kigali Airport- -Transfer to Kigali Serena
Today upon your arrival at Kigali International Airport, you will be warmly welcomed and transferred by road to your hotel, You will relax at the hotel for the rest of the time.
Journey Time: 10 minutes Accommodation: Kigali Serena Meal Plan: Not included
Day 2: Kigali City Tours- Transfer to Volcanoes National Park
Today after breakfast, you will go for a guided city tour of Kigali, one of the safest and cleanest capital cities in Africa. The tour will start from the first modern building that the city was founded on, during which you can learn about the country's history. After the city tour, you will begin the journey northwards to Volcanoes National Park. Bisate Lodge(旅馆) is Rwanda' s first real comfort lodge. Activities at the lodge include Bind watching and participating in the reforestation programme.
Journey Time; 3 hours Accommodation: Bisate Lodge Meal Plan: All food
Day 3: Gorilla Trekking- Visit Twin Lakes
Today after breakfast, your guide will transfer you to Volcanoes National Park headquarters to start your gorilla trekking.
You will trek through foothills of the Virunga, enjoying great views from all angles. Upon seeing where the mountain gorillas are, you will stay with them for an hour as they go about their day-to-day life- playing, feeding, touching among others. Coming face to face with these endangered mountain gorillas is an experience you will never forget.
PS: We highly recommend that you hire services of a waiter who carries your backpack during the gorilla trekking. It costs 15 US dollars per waiter.
Accommodation: Bisate Lodge Meal Plan: All meals
Day 4: Departure
Today after breakfast, you will be transferred back to Kigali International Airport for your onward journey.
10. What can tourists do at Bisate Lodge?
A. Visit a modem building. B. Tour Kigali with a guide,
C. Lear the history of Rwanda. D. Do some bird watching.
11. What can tourists do with gorillas while hiking?
A. Meet gorillas face to face. B. Feed gorillas with snacks.
C. Play with gorillas for an hour. D. Follow the footprints of gorillas.
12. What is strongly advised for tourists on Day 3?
A. Exploring the volcanoes, B. Employing a porter for help.
C. Catching a mountain gorilla. D. Leaving the backpack in the hotel.
【答案】10. D 11. A 12. B
10. 细节理解题。根据 Day 2部分的“Bisate Lodge(旅馆)is Rwanda's first real comfort lodge. Activities at the lodge Include Bird Watching..."可知,Bisate Lodge是卢旺达的第一个正真舒适的宾馆。在旅馆的活动包括观鸟...... 即在Bisate Lodge可以进行观察鸟的活动。故选D项。
11. 细节理解题。根据Day 3部分的“Upon seeing where the mountain gorillas are, you will stay with them for an hour as they go about their day-to-day life- playing, feeding, touching among others. Coming face to face with these endangered mountain gorillas is an experience you will never forget. ”可知,看到山地大猩猩的所在地后,你可以和它们待上一个小时,因为它们会继续它们的日常生活——玩耍、进食、抚摸其它动物。与这些濒危的山地大猩猩面对面是一个你永远不会忘记的经历。由此可知,在徒步旅行的过程中可以面对面地与黑猩猩接触。故选A项。
12. 细节理解题。根据Day 3部分的“We highly recommend that you hire services of a waiter who carries your backpack during the gorilla trekking.”可知,在观察大猩猩的徒步旅行中,旅行社强烈建游客们雇佣一个背包的人。即,雇佣一个搬运工帮忙。故选B项。
The Master Gardener Foundation
The Master Gardener Foundation provides free information to the public on environmentally safe gardening practices and water conservation. The information is research-based and encourages limited use of farm chemicals and fertilizers.
Donation Activities
The master gardeners here did much donation work. They donated over 35,000 volunteer hours, serving 40,000 adults and more than 5,200 children. They did this through about 35 plant clinics, 6 demonstration gardens, 4 youth gardens, as well as a classroom program and dozens of workshops. The Master Gardener Foundation provides roughly two-thirds of the financial support for all these valuable activities.
Washington State University currently provides the salary and benefits of the Master Gardener Program. The foundation funds office space and supplies, as well as a part-time program assistant.
The Master Gardener Program
Safe and green gardening and water use practices are vital to preserving our environment. The Master Gardener Program seeks to provide this kind of education and information to the citizens for free. It is a highly successful example of cooperation between a foundation and volunteers.
Waiting for Your Donations
The Master Gardener Foundation is a non-profit organization, and all donations are allowed by law and support the Master Gardener Program and activities.
Please consider a donation to the Master Gardener Foundation and help keep our environment green!
16. What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Science research. B. Adopting children.
C. Donation work. D. Sparing volunteer hours.
17. What do we know about the Master Gardener Program?
A. It's very expensive.
B. It proves to be unsuccessful.
C. It provides education just in producing farm chemicals.
D. It's a bridge between the foundation and volunteers.
18. What is the main purpose of the text?
A. To encourage donations.
B. To describe volunteer work. '
C. To spread the agricultural knowledge.
D. To give some suggestions to gardeners.
【答案】16. C 17. D 18. A
【解析】这是一篇广告类文章。文章介绍了The Master Gardener Foundation相关信息。它鼓励人们捐款给the Master Gardener Foundation,让我们更好地保护环境!
16. 词义猜测题。根据Donation Activities中The master gardeners here did much donation work. They donated over 35,000 volunteer hours, serving 40,000 adults and more than 5,200 children.“这里的园丁们做了大量的捐赠工作。他们捐赠了超过35000个志愿者小时,服务了40000名成年人和5200多名儿童。”再根据They did this through about 35 plant clinics, 6 demonstration gardens, 4 youth gardens, as well as a classroom program and dozens of workshops.“他们通过大约35个植物诊所、6个示范花园、4个青年花园、以及一个课堂项目和几十个讲习班做到了这一点。”由此可知,划线词this指代的是“donation work”。故选C。
17. 细节理解题。根据The Master Gardener Program中It is a highly successful example of cooperation between a foundation and volunteers.“这是一个基金会和志愿者合作的非常成功的例子。”由此可知,Master Gardener Program是基金会和志愿者之间的桥梁。故选D。
18. 目的意图题。根据Waiting for Your Donations中Please consider a donation to the Master Gardener Foundation and help keep our environment green!“请考虑捐款给the Master Gardener Foundation,让我们的环境更环保!”由此判断出,这篇文章的目的是“鼓励捐赠。”故选A。