名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Cookbook and a Prayer班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选A Cookbook and a Prayer话题归类阅读难度词数烹饪 感恩 奇迹四星993【文章梗概】儿子想向妈妈借一本烤面包的烹饪书,最终妈妈答应了。但他在制作的过程中还是把书弄脏了。哪儿也买不到这本书,他只能祈祷,希望出现奇迹。最后在差不多不得不向妈妈承认这件事的时候,他们外出买东西时看到了一家书店卖面包烹饪书。真诚的祈祷真会出现奇迹!I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.~G.K. Chesterton“Mom, can I borrow your bread cookbook?” My mother shot me an incredulous look. I knew exactly what she was thinking; she didn’t even have to say it. The expression on her face said it all. “I don’t think so, dear.”When it came to cooking and baking, my mother and I were of the same mind. We both clipped recipes from women’s magazines and could spend hours perusing cookbooks and planning special dinners as though it were sport. Oh, we were both creative in the kitchen, all right, and frequently joked that our talent must have been an inherited gift. After all, my grandmother could craft anything from apple strudel complete with homemade phyllo dough, to barbecue with all the fixings. What I didn’t inherit, however, was both ladies’ meticulous style.Since childhood, I’d watch in awe as my two mentors operated with nary a spill or so much as a grain of sugar dropped to the floor. On the other hand, I was a mess. I’d start off with the best of intentions, ingredients lined up like soldiers with measuring cups at the ready. But then I’d turn to grab the salt shaker and catch a cup of milk with my elbow, spilling it across the counter, or pour the flour a bit too fast from the container, dusting the floor. I tried to be neat, I really did. But despite it all, some unhappy little accident always seemed to happen.My clumsiness didn’t deter me, though, and I continued to increase my repertoire by mastering the art of baking with yeast. My mother made wonderful loaves of bread from recipes in this special cookbook. Walnut and oatmeal, raisin-cinnamon, or my favorite, a crusty French bread — her house smelled divine whenever she baked. I wanted to borrow that book. I needed to have it. “Mom, won’t you reconsider?”“Don’t you remember what happened to the last book you borrowed?” she reminded. “You spilled buttermilk on the corner, and the pages stuck together.”“I won’t do that again,” I assured her. “Besides, that was an accident.”“It’s always an accident with you.”I suppose I must have looked especially pitiful that day, or perhaps my mother was anticipating the extra loaf of bread she knew I would bake for her, but with a sudden change of heart, she reached into her cabinet and pulled out none other than The Bread Book. “Nothing better happen to this,” she warned.“Nothing,” I parroted as I grabbed the book with one hand and crossed my heart with the other. “Promise.”Back at my house, I cradledthe open cookbook in a clean kitchen towel and placed it on a shelf above my counter. I wasn’t taking any chances. This was my opportunity to redeem myself, and I wasn’t going to blow it. One by one, I measured, stirred and sifted each ingredient slowly and cautiously. Then it came time to turn the dough into a bowl rubbed with oil so that it could rise freely without sticking to the sides. With a sure hand, I unscrewed the cap. Then I lifted the bottle of oil and, in nothing short of a gymnastic maneuver, it flew from my fingers into the air and landed on top of my mother’s precious cookbook.I tried every trick I knew to minimize the damage. I mopped the pages with paper towels and placed tissues between them to stop the oil from spreading. I even dusted the book with baby powder and cornstarch to absorb the grease, all to no avail. It was ruined. I thought quickly, but could come up with no other good solutions. The only hope I had was to come clean to my mother and buy her a new book to replace the one I had damaged.In the days long before the Internet, that required some footwork. When I finished baking my bread, I began calling bookstores in the area to see if they had a copy in stock. All too soon, I found out the sorry truth: The Bread Book was out of print. Furthermore, it had been a small print run, and chances were no store — anywhere — had any remaining copies.I started to shake. And then I started to pray. Even though it seemed frivolous to make such a request in prayer, I could think of no other course of action. Oh, Lord, I thought. You know my heart. I meant to do something good, yet it turned out bad. I don’t want to disappoint my mother. Please help me find a way out of this mess.The following weekend, my mother and I had a date to do some holiday shopping. My stomach churned as I thought of seeing her again and having to tell her the truth. I would confess after we finished our errands, I decided. There was no use ruining the whole day. Besides, there was a bookstore in the mall and maybe, by some miracle, they might have a copy.Yet, it was not to be.On the drive home, I was getting ready to tell her when my mother pointed out a dollar store on the main road. “Let’s stop in and take a look,” she said. “I need some wrapping paper anyway.”So, we did. And as I walked through the doors of the most dusty, dingy dollar store I had ever seen, there, right at the first end cap, was a pile of scattered books with a copy of The Bread Book right on top. I can’t say for certain this was a miracle, but it sure felt like one. I paid my dollar and gave my mother the book. She was happy. I was happy. And after I filled her in on the details of my story, we both agreed that perhaps no honest request made in prayer is ever too frivolous to be answered.~Monica A. Andermann 【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.incredulous [ɪnˈkredʒələs] adj.___________________________2.clip [klɪp] v.___________________________3.strudel [ˈstruːdl] n.___________________________4.meticulous [məˈtɪkjələs] adj.___________________________5.mentor [ˈmentɔːr] n.___________________________6.deter [dɪˈtɜːr] v.___________________________7.repertoire [ˈrepərtwɑːr] n.___________________________8.divine [dɪˈvaɪn] adj.___________________________9.cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət] n.___________________________10.parrot [ˈpærət] vt.___________________________11.cradle [ˈkreɪdl] vt.___________________________12.redeem [rɪˈdiːm] vt.___________________________13.unscrew [ˌʌnˈskruː] v.___________________________14.maneuver [məˈnuvər] n.___________________________15.cornstarch [ˈkɔːrnstɑːrtʃ] n.___________________________16.avail [əˈveɪl] n.___________________________17.frivolous [ˈfrɪvələs] adj.___________________________18.churn [tʃɜːrn] v.___________________________19.confess [kənˈfes] v.___________________________20.dingy [ˈdɪndʒi] adj.___________________________【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. But then I’d __________________________________________ the salt shaker and_____________________ a cup of milk with my elbow, _____________________ it across the counter, or_____________________ the flour a bit too fast from the container,_____________________ the floor.但我会转身拿起盐瓶,用胳膊肘夹住一杯牛奶,结果不是把它洒在台子上,就是把面粉从容器里倒得有点太快而沾满了地板。2. With a sudden change of heart, she _____________________ her cabinet and _____________________none other than The Bread Book.她突然改变主意,把手伸进她的储藏柜里,拿出的竟然是那本面包烹饪书。3. One by one, I __________________________________________ each ingredient slowly and cautiously.我一个接一个地缓慢而谨慎地计量,搅拌和筛选每种原料。(二)情绪描写1. My mother __________________________________________.我妈妈向我抛来一个表示怀疑的眼神。2. __________________________________________ as I thought of seeing her again and having to tell her the truth.当我想到再次见到她,不得不告诉她真相的时候,我的肚子翻腾着,心烦意乱。3. “I won’t do that again,” I assured her. “Besides, that was an accident.” “_______________________________________________________________”“我不会再那样做了”,我向她保证。“再说,那是个意外”。“这对你来说总是一个意外”。(三)环境描写And as I walked through __________________________________________ I had ever seen, there, _______________________________________________________________ with a copy of The Bread Book right on top.当我走进我见过的最尘土飞扬、最肮脏的一美元商店的时,我看到就在第一个通道末尾处热门商品展示区,有一堆散落的书,上面有一本面包烹饪书。拓展练习读后续写阅读下面文章,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文。Since I was young, I always enjoyed cooking. Every night I would sit in the kitchen and watch my mother make dinner. I had a toy set of pots and pans, and would copy her actions at the table—pretending to pour in ingredients and mix them excitedly just as she did. On Sundays, my grandmother would make us a huge family dinner. A dish cooked from a charred chicken with flavored sauce enjoyed great popularity with us. Watching her in the kitchen was like watching an artist at work. She never needed a cookbook, never had to follow a recipe. Everything was second nature. I couldn't wait to learn to cook myself. So it was no surprise when as an adult I decided to be a chef. I had worked in a number of kitchens over the years, but when I got the chance to be the head chef at a new restaurant, I could not have been more excited. On the first night the restaurant opened, I proudly put my apron on and prepared for success. Soon, orders came in, and the kitchen was at full staff running in every direction. There were many waiters coming in and out, and cooks walking between stations. It was very exciting, but a bit stressful. There was so much to do and a lot of pressure to do it perfectly. It seemed like the crowd was not slowing down. I was hurrying to gather ingredients from the shelves and fill the orders when there was a scream from the other side of the kitchen. Looking over, I saw one of the other cooks holding her hand in pain. She had burned her fingers on a pan. I ran over to help, and as we placed her hand under cold water, a puff of smoke started to rise out of the oven. “Oh, no!” I screamed. I reached the oven just in time to open the door and see the charred remains of a roast. Placing my hand on my head, I thought the night couldn't get much worse. One of the waiters came into the kitchen, looking very worried. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he said anxiously, “The guests are asking for the roast.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。Paragraph 1: I stared at the charred roast, anxious to find a solution. Paragraph 2: Just then, one of the guests asked to speak to the chef. 心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.incredulous [ɪnˈkredʒələs] adj.表示怀疑的2.clip [klɪp] v.剪下3.strudel [ˈstruːdl] n.果馅卷(饼)4.meticulous [məˈtɪkjələs] adj.一丝不苟的5.mentor [ˈmentɔːr] n.导师;顾问6.deter [dɪˈtɜːr] v.制止;阻止7.repertoire [ˈrepərtwɑːr] n.(某人的)全部才能8.divine [dɪˈvaɪn] adj.绝妙的;极美的9.cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət] n.储藏柜;陈列柜10.parrot [ˈpærət] vt.鹦鹉学舌地说…11.cradle [ˈkreɪdl] vt.轻轻抱着12.redeem [rɪˈdiːm] vt.改变印象13.unscrew [ˌʌnˈskruː] v.拧松;拧开14.maneuver [məˈnuvər] n.谨慎而熟练的动作15.cornstarch [ˈkɔːrnstɑːrtʃ] n.玉蜀黍淀粉16.avail [əˈveɪl] n.效用;利益;帮助17.frivolous [ˈfrɪvələs] adj.愚蠢的;可笑的18.churn [tʃɜːrn] v.反胃,恶心;心烦意乱19.confess [kənˈfes] v.承认;坦白20.dingy [ˈdɪndʒi] adj.昏暗的;肮脏的【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. But then I’d turn to grab the salt shaker and catch a cup of milk with my elbow, spilling it across the counter, or pour the flour a bit too fast from the container, dusting the floor.但我会转身拿起盐瓶,用胳膊肘夹住一杯牛奶,结果不是把它洒在台子上,就是把面粉从容器里倒得有点太快而沾满了地板。2. With a sudden change of heart, she reached into her cabinet and pulled out none other than The Bread Book.她突然改变主意,把手伸进她的储藏柜里,拿出的竟然是那本面包烹饪书。3. One by one, I measured, stirred and sifted each ingredient slowly and cautiously.我一个接一个地缓慢而谨慎地计量,搅拌和筛选每种原料。(二)情绪描写1. My mother shot me an incredulous look.我妈妈向我抛来一个表示怀疑的眼神。2. My stomach churned as I thought of seeing her again and having to tell her the truth.当我想到再次见到她,不得不告诉她真相的时候,我的肚子翻腾着,心烦意乱。3. “I won’t do that again,” I assured her. “Besides, that was an accident.” “It’s always an accident with you.”“我不会再那样做了”,我向她保证。“再说,那是个意外”。“这对你来说总是一个意外”。(三)环境描写And as I walked through the doors of the most dusty, dingy dollar store I had ever seen, there, right at the first end cap, was a pile of scattered books with a copy of The Bread Book right on top.当我走进我见过的最尘土飞扬、最肮脏的一美元商店的时,我看到就在第一个通道末尾处热门商品展示区,有一堆散落的书,上面有一本面包烹饪书。 拓展练习读后续写参考范文Paragraph 1:I stared at the charred roast, anxious to find a solution. Suddenly, its smell dragged me back to a family dinner, when my grandmother cooked a delicious dish from a charred chicken. Letting out an excited scream, I cooked like an artist just the way she did. I mixed vinegar with sugar to make a kind of sauce and then poured it onto the roast. Finally, the waiter served a flavored roast to the guests. “What if the guests don’t like the dish?” I thought to myself.Paragraph 2:Just then, one of the guests asked to speak to the chef. Never before in my life had I sunk into such a nervous situation. I followed the waiter, my heart in my mouth. To my surprise, the guest stood up and held my hands. “Thanks for bringing the taste of hometown back to me,” she said in excitement. Beyond my expectation, the first night as the head chef turned out to be a great success. With a brand-new outlook, I returned to the kitchen and continued to brighten people’s lives with delicious food.