18. 阅读理解七选五专练 -版上海名校高中自主招生英语黄金宝典
展开第18讲: 阅读理解七选五专项训练
Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger, but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways. You may wonder how paving (铺砌) a road can lead to less usable fresh water. A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater. ____1____. It comes from underground.
The more roads and parking lots we pave, ____2____.
____3____. Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts than areas with more rainfall, but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.
Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States, a family of four can use 1.5 tons of water a day! ____4____. However, there’s a lot we can do to lower the number.____5____. To start with, use the same glass for your drinking water all day. Wash it only once a day. Run your dishwasher only when it is full. Help your parents fix any leaks in your home. You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.
A.Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages
B.there is much we can do to reduce family size
C.Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers
D.You can take steps to save water in your home
E.This shows how much we depend on water to live
F.All water shortages are due to human behavior
G.the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater
How to Improve Speed Reading Skills
Speed reading is one of many skills that can improve your reading comprehension and shorten your study time. ____6____
Look at groups of words, not single words.
____7____, then this will slow your reading speed down. However, if you can get into the habit of reading groups or chunks (大量) of words at onetime, then you can read much faster. Start by trying to look at a group of three or four words at once, then work up to looking at an entire line of works. Focus on words that give the sentence meaning, such as the nouns and verbs and pay less attention to the filler words, such as a, the, and, etc.
Scanning is a highly effective way of extracting answers from a text without really reading it. If you know exactly what you are looking for—a name, a date, a statistic, or a specific word—you can find it quickly by skipping over large chunks of the text. To scan, first visualize the word, number, or phrase you would like to find. ____9____The information you are looking for should pop out at you.
Race the clock.
You can train yourself to read faster by timing yourself as you go. Start by getting your base time. Set a timer (定时器) for fifteen minutes, and speed read as you normally do. ____10____, check to see how far you have got. Do not count the words, just the pages or paragraphs. Record your figures: for instance, you might write “15 min/6.5 pages.”
A.Then, run your eyes rapidly over the text
B.Check your comprehension
C.Scan for keywords
D.Here are some speed reading techniques
E.When the timer goes off
F.you have to pause sometimes to understand what a passage is saying
G.If you read a text one word at a time
Studies have shown that to cultivate (培养) gratitude can increase an individual’s happiness, reduce one’s sadness, and give strength to a person. Those who consciously express and cultivate gratitude have been reported to have much higher self-esteem (自尊) compared to those who do not. They are also more willing to help others. ___11___
Wondering how you yourself can cultivate gratitude more and more every single day? Below are some wonderful tips to follow.
A board on the wall is a great boost, especially in work environments. ___12___ Remember that it is very important to acknowledge what to appreciate, especially when you don’t really feel grateful. It can change your mood for the better right away.
___13___ Another way to cultivate gratitude in your life, whether at home or in the workplace, is gratitude cards. Give them to your colleagues or your clients. You can show your appreciation by saying what you’re actually grateful for on the cards.
Give heart-felt thanks. It’s not your casual thank you, like saying “hi” without really thinking about it. We’re talking about good quality, deeply grateful, heartfelt thanks. When someone goes out of their way to do something really important for you, you should make them know how grateful you are to them. ___14___ If possible,do it in person. This will have a bigger impact if you say it rather than just emailing them.
___15___ Cultivating gratitude will not only help you keep going in a challenging work environment, but also make you have a positive attitude to do an amazing job or to accomplish a difficult task.
A.Gratitude cards.
B.Gratitude journal.
C.This type of behavior always connects to greater happiness.
D.And you can’t wait to help others see this positive change as well.
E.The board lets everyone write down what they are grateful for.
F.And let them believe you can’t wait to do something awesome for them, too.
G.Just imagine the positive culture shift if everyone went ahead and thanked other people for their help.
You’ll probably be familiar with the North American spelling of the word “ airplane”. However, if you’ve ever been on an international flight leaving the United States and going to another English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, you’ve probably noticed that there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning. ____16____ . The American English spelling is “airplane” while the British English spelling is “aeroplane”. So, why does this happen?
Let’s look at the root of the phenomenon. ____17____ . “ British English has a general tendency to favour spellings and words that remind people of French, but American English, when it has deviated(背离)from what British English does, often changes into the direction of seeming less French, ”says Lynne Murphy, author of The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between British & American English.
____18____ . “Aeroplane ”is no exception. “We’re comfortable with ‘aero’ in scientific terms, but as planes became more common things to talk about, the ‘aero’ seemed too fancy, ”explains Murphy. “In Scientific American in 1906, there was already a claim that ____19____. Ten years later, ‘airplane’ was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term. It was considered in the United Kingdom, but that suggestion didn’t go anywhere.”
There’s a good reason why words that mean the same thing are spelled differently, and why that will continue to happen. “____20____ , and people are generally proud of it, so they continue to spell differently, ”says Murphy.
A.Every country has different culture
B.Your spelling tells people where you’re from
C.The word “airplane” happens to be an example
D.Airplane is a much better word than aeroplane
E.American English and British English have similar historical origins
F.There’s a lot of history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government, and science
G.A lot of words in the English language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin, Greek, and French
Carbon Footprint
While making visits to national parks or forest preserves, you’ll often be told to leave nothing but foot-prints. However, wherever we go, we actually leave two sets of footprints. ____21____, and the other is what is known as your carbon footprint. That refers to the level of greenhouse gases your lifestyle and activity produce and send out.
Often people consider their carbon footprint to be the result of their immediate use of fossil fuels and energy usage, like cooking with natural gas or using petrol to run their automobile. ____22____. This may include the fossil fuel used to transport the food that you buy at your local grocery store, or the energy used to deal with the waste produced in your household.
Taking small step to reduce your carbon footprint and saving energy is actually fairly simple. ____23____ It requires the burning of fossil fuels to make the bottle, transport it, and get rid of it if it’s not recycled. Compared with it, in-house filtration (过滤) systems can reduce your influence and cost for water.
Unplugging appliances that are not frequently in use is another way to reduce your carbon foot-print. ____24____ , most of them have a standby mode (待机模式) that wastes energy. Cutting off power is the best way to ensure that unnecessary energy is not lost. What is more, new energy efficient light bulbs, filters, and appliances could also help reduce your carbon footprint.
____25____. With easy steps, you are on your way to reducing the size of the carbon footprint left behind.
A.Even when these appliances are not in use
B.For instance, the use of bottled water leaves a rather significant carbon footprint
C.Although fossil fuels may lead to carbon footprints
D.One is you physical footprint
E.We often forget footprints sometimes consequently do harm to the environment
F.However, your carbon footprint consists of many activities that can be far less obvious
G.In a word, less energy used means less greenhouses gas produced
Some people love a great thunderstorm; others are frightened by the first flash of lightning or sound of thunder. ____26____ But there are easy steps you can take to protect your home and your life from lightning.
Protect Electronics from Severe Weather
____27____ It can follow the wires or phone lines into your room—ruining computers, TVs and other electronics. One protection against electronics being “fried” by lightning is simply to unplug them whenever a rain or a storm is coming. Disconnect Internet and satellite dish connections no matter where they are.
Reduce the Risk of Fire
Lightning rods (避雷针) can protect a building from catching fire. ____28____ They just provide a path for the electricity to reach the ground more safely. The rods at the top of the building are only the first part of a good system. When lightning strikes, the electricity needs to move to the ground. Wires conduct electricity from the lightning rods to metal rods buried in the ground. ____29____
Understand Lightning
When lightning hits the ground, a tree, a tower or even a building, it may also spreads along the ground, so being near something that’s struck by lightning is almost as dangerous as being hit directly by lightning. ____30____ The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning around 20 times every year. Its lightning rod protects the structure, as well as the people inside.
A.It can even strike the same spot more than once.
B.You might want to consider protecting an entire building.
C.When this happens, anything in its path could be in danger.
D.But the chance of lightning striking your house doesn’t change.
E.Each connection must be secure so lightning doesn’t jump to the building.
F.Lightning hitting your roof or nearby power lines is terrible but not worst.
G.Whether you love or hate them, thunderstorms produce dangerous lightning.
Dancing is natural and almost any child can dance. However, why do so many people find it hard to dance when they reach their teens or adulthood? ____31____
Most people have heard the words Dance like nobody is watching. “ ____32____ When we’re learning something new, we hate having an audience watching our silly mistakes. Actually everyone else is too busy worrying about their own mistakes. Chances are that you’re not the only one struggling with the steps!
We all have patterns of muscle memory. Your body likes doing repetitive movements that it doesn t have to think about. ____33____ Your brain may understand, but it can take a while to direct your limbs to interpret these new and unfamiliar movements. Be patient with yourself and understand it’s the way your body works.
____34____If you’ve never danced before, the complex rhythms and fast footwork of flamenco would be a big challenge as the first dance style. If you’re inflexible, I wouldn’t recommend starting cold with ballet, either. Instead, do some yoga first to get your body used to the new demands ballet will place on it
A lack of rhythm is the biggest obstacle to learning to dance. However, it can be overcome with enough practice. ____35____ Then learn to dance when you begin to feel the beat.Dance can be a very rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Just be patient with yourself and learn to dance
A.It’s human nature to dislike looking foolish
B.You’ll be able to do them almost without thinking.
C.If you have no rhythm, try to master dance steps first.
D.Learning a musical instrument is a good way to learn rhythm.
E.Dance requires you to move your arms and legs in unusual ways.
F.The other possibility is that you picked a style of dance that doesn’t suit you.
G.There are many things that can hold people back when they try to learn dancing.
There are many other kinds of intelligence in addition to intellect(才智), and one important type is emotional intelligence, called EQ for short. Some people have naturally good EQ skills. ___36___ The good news is that EQ is a combination of several different skills and everyone can get better — if they know what to do.
Be aware of your emotions. People feel many different emotions throughout the day. Some feelings, like surprise, last just a few seconds. Others may stay longer, creating a mood like happiness or sadness. Noticing emotions helps you manage them. ___37___ Labeling them in your mind (for example, by saying to yourself “I feel grateful”, “I’m upset” etc.) would be a useful way to do that.
Manage emotional reactions. People all get angry; everyone has disappointments. ___38___ But managing your reaction means knowing when, where, and how to express yourself. When you’re able to manage emotions, you can use self-control to hold in your feelings if now is not the right time or place to express them. Someone who has good EQ knows it can damage relationships to react to emotions in a way that’s disrespectful, too intense, or harmful.
___39___ People are naturally designed to try to perceive others. Part of EQ is about being able to imagine others’ feelings in certain situations. It is also about understanding why they feel the way they do. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling is an important ability. ___40___ You’ll also know what to say and how to behave around someone who is feeling strong emotions with it.
A.It’s definitely a thing worth learning.
B.Understand how others feel and why.
C.Often it’s important to express how you feel.
D.Practice recognizing emotions as you feel them.
E.Meanwhile, many people need to work on them.
F.It helps you care about others and build good relationships.
G.Some people might go through the entire day in a bad mood.
Online training is one of the fastest growing parts of the fitness industry. If you’re considering joining the online fitness community, consider these benefits and drawbacks.
One of the most popular reasons for working out following an online video is that it offers ultimate convenience. No need to roll out of bed at 5 a. m. to attend that 6 a. m. boot camp class, which may end up being full when you arrive.____41____And what if you’re on the road? No problem. You can access your workout video through your phone.
____42____Most online fitness programs are much less expensive than similar offline programs—most range in cost from $ 10 to $ 20 per month. Some are even free. For example, the online Les Mills+program offers a free 30-day trial of its 1, 500-plus workouts.
Online training also has broad offerings. When you head online, you have instructors from around the globe, all ready and willing to help you master your favorite moves.____43____Just because there isn’t a Krav Maga class in your area doesn’t mean you can’t go online to find one led by qualified instructors.
All these are undoubtedly positive-online training provides fitness resources to general consumers wherever they are, without requiring access to a gym or fitness studio.____44____
Very few online fitness programs enable the instructor to see you, check your form, and offer corrections based on your performance.____45____This is particularly concerning for beginners, as they’re more likely to do incorrectly. Besides, if you struggle with self-motivation and prefer a social workout environment, online fitness may not be for you.
A.Another is the price.
B.But it’s not without problems.
C.The same goes for different types of exercise.
D.However, online personal training isn’t for everyone.
E.Instead, you can turn it on at home at your convenience.
F.That being said, online workouts aren’t perfect when it comes to safety.
G.This means you could perform exercises wrongly, or even unsafely, without knowing it.
Research shows 59% of employees say they’ve never had a leader who “truly appreciates” them. 53% admit they would stay longer at their company if they are shown more appreciation for their work. ____46____ Here’re some recommendations for managers.
Don’t underestimate the influence of expressing gratitude (感激). Some managers think expressing gratitude has little effect on employees. ____47____ Expressers significantly underestimated the positive reactions from receivers and overestimated how awkward the gesture was. Moreover, receiving gratitude is associated with better performance.
____48____ Leaders hoping to create a culture of gratitude should show gratitude in their informal encounters with employees, as well as in formal settings like performance reviews. Many companies are taking gratitude practice. At Zappos, an online shoe and clothing company, the leader encourages employees to give a co-worker doing something praiseworthy a form of play money called “Zollars”, which can be exchanged for items at the Zollar Store. Ideally, the practice will map onto preexisting values.
Recognize and emphasize the contribution of low-ranking employees. Low-ranking employees may be hesitant to seek recognition. ____49____ Publicly stressing the contribution of low-ranking employees will help them receive the recognition they deserve. For example, during a team meeting, managers could state, “In the past two weeks, Michael has made progress in these aspects...”
Ultimately, our message is: Don’t assume that your employees or co-workers know how much you appreciate their work. ____50____ After all, everyone benefits when genuine expressions flow through an organization.
A.However, this belief is proved to be misguided.
B.Communicate the feeling of gratitude completely.
C.Build an atmosphere of gratitude and lead by example.
D.The existence of gratitude consultants speaks to the impact of the problem.
E.Employees can help co-workers get a boost by acknowledging their contribution.
F.It’s problematic because their contribution is easily unintentionally overlooked.
G.Clearly, organizations should and can do more to make employees feel appreciated.
Anyone who has studied a foreign language knows how difficult it is to become really fluent.____51____ .
Find a conversation partner
____52____, and ask him or her to meet with you regularly to have conversations in that language. Talking to someone with whom you feel comfortable is a great way to get experience with actual usage.
Watch TV
Try to find a foreign language TV station and watch often. At first the actors will seem to speak too quickly, but try to recognize a few words or phrases.____53____. Pay attention to patterns of pronunciation and the way that the voices rise and fall when questions are asked and statements are made. Children’s shows are great for learning and reviewing basic concepts.
If you are visiting a foreign country and trying to learn the language, you’ll want to take every chance to go out and practice. Each day make a habit of going to a place like a shop, restaurant or bank. Successfully making a purchase or getting information in a foreign language will help you become more confident.____55____, but in a foreign country things are different. Any situation can be an interesting learning experience.
A.They actually became less fluent speakers
B.Try to find someone in your school who is a native speaker
C.Going grocery shopping in your hometown may not be very interesting
D.Try to learn a new language in a club
E.Here are some suggestions to help you practice your language skills
F.Go out and practice
G.Later it’ll become easier to follow the dialogues
Whether you are looking for a chance to add to your work experience or push yourself outside of your comfort zone, volunteering abroad is a decision that will benefit you for the rest of your life. ____56____
When volunteering overseas as an undergraduate, you can gain hands-on experience in your chosen field. ____57____ Besides, experiencing volunteer work abroad will also make you more open-minded, improve your understanding of the world, let you experience different cultures first-hand, sharpen your language skills and even change the course of your life!
Many of the college student volunteers travel independently, which pushes them out of their comfort zone and makes their confidence grow. ____58____ But you will never actually be alone. Many of your fellow volunteers will become your friends for life. You’ll also form strong connections with the local people you’ll be working with.
____59____ Volunteer trips for college students are available year-round. If you want to join in a volunteer program abroad during your break, you can take the spring or winter break, which enables you to contribute to a meaningful project, meet people from across the globe and explore a new country!
You may also want to know how to find the best programs. As with choosing the right school, when it comes to volunteering abroad, research is important! ____60____ That will ensure you the right program for you. Consider your skills and motivations for volunteering abroad before making your choice.
A.You may also travel by yourself sometimes.
B.There are plenty more projects to choose from.
C.This is perfect if you are a person who loves to travel.
D.What’s more, choose a proper time to make your journey.
E.Here are what you need to know about volunteering abroad.
F.You need to check the program you intend to volunteer for.
G.More importantly, you can make a difference to communities in need.
I love learning foreign languages so much that I learn a new language every two years. When people find I’m a polyglot(通晓多种语言的人), they always ask me, “How do you do that?” Honestly, my answer will be, “I don’t know. I simply love learning languages.” ____61____ They want to know why they spend years learning even one language, never achieving fluency, and what’s the secret of being polyglots.
____62____ And what do we have in common? I decided to find that out. I went to several events where language lovers gather to practice their languages, asked dozens of polyglots about methods they use, and heard dozens of approaches. ____63____
One time as I was listening to an Irish polyglot, it suddenly dawned on me; the thing they have in common is that they found ways to turn language learning from a boring subject into a pleasant daily activity. All these polyglots talked about language learning as if it was great fun. You should have seen their faces when they were showing me their colorful grammar charts and handmade flash cards. ____64____ The methods are various, but they make sure it’s something enjoyable.
I realized it’s actually how I learn. ____65____ Then interesting programs became my choice. So all is clear. If you don’t like writing words down on paper, type them in an app. If you’re a shy person, apply self-talk at home. This is how polyglots learn languages, and the best news is that it’s available to anyone willing to take the learning into their own hands.
A.But people are never happy with the reply.
B.There’s no shortcut to learning languages for anyone.
C.One of them even made recipes in a foreign language.
D.That made me wonder, too, how polyglots actually do it.
E.When learning Spanish last year, I was bored with textbooks.
F.What is it that enables polyglots to learn languages faster than others?
G.Everybody seems to have a unique way to speak several languages fluently.
Escaping from stressful lives--a growing market
Hotels are introducing programs aimed at helping guests stay healthy, both mentally and physically. ___66___
Growing stress from life and work is one of the reasons why people are seeking more ways to refresh themselves. In an online survey, about 1,000 participants were conducted by CBNData in June 2021. ____67____ 50% of 962 respondents said they would participate in fitness activities to relieve stress.
____68____ Staying in a wellness (健康) hotel is a healthy experience that allows people to relax physically and mentally, change themselves and become a positive influence to people around them.
The quality of sleep is one of the most important factors of good health. This opinion is shared by the majority of the respondents to a survey cited by CBNData. ____69____ An increased need to improve the quality of sleep has presented new opportunities to hotels where many guests sleep.
But, can any hotel with a wellness program, a healthy menu, a spa (水疗会所) and a gym call itself a wellness hotel?
A wellness hotel, an article suggests, must have the concept of wellness integrated into its DNA, philosophy, culture, system and services. ____70____ They must cover the cycle from disease prevention, detection and treatment to health management. Services such as screening tests for serious diseases, genetic (基因) testing and private medical consultation should be offered. Moreover, it should try to establish a harmonious relationship among nature, space, people and services.
A.Its services must start before check-in.
B.They should offer mental services to guests.
C.Is it reasonable for the wellness hotel to focus on this market?
D.What are the reasons for wellness hotels to catch hold of this market?
E.The increased interest in wellness is driving changes in the hotel industry.
F.59% said they had experienced work-related stress and anxiety in the past year.
G.It showed that 81% of them considered “sleeping well” part of the definition of “healthy”.
Simple Ways to Improve Your Written English
There are many different aspects of learning English such as listening, speaking and writing. Many people think it is really difficult to improve their writing in English. Don’t worry, though. ____71____
·Increase your vocabulary
To express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. ____72____, and it also means actually being able to use them correctly. So it’s a good idea to enlarge your vocabulary by using them in your writing
People often say that we learn to write best by reading. Reading in English is useful in many ways. It is a great way to get an idea of the different writing styles.
Reading shouldn’t be boring. ____74____, and remember the beautiful words from them. Finally, use them in your writing.
·Double check your writing
____75____ The first time, look for general mistakes and the second time look for mistakes with the grammar points you are studying at the moment.
·Just do it
Remember, practice makes perfect! The best way to improve your writing is to get a pen and paper and write. Be prepared to write several versions of each text.
A.Know your levels
B.Read widely and often
C.Always check your writing twice
D.It not just means being able to know lots of words
E.Choose books or articles that interest you
F.Use simpler language and shorter sentences to show your ideas
G.Here are some simple steps that you can take to improve your written English
Picking out ripe (成熟的) fruit is an art form, and one which you can perfect with practice. Depending on the fruit, there are a few general rules to help pick a ripe piece. ___76___
Fruit undergoes a series of changes as it ripens which have a great impact on the taste. If allowed to ripen all the way, fruit will grow sweet, and it will also get juicy, deepen in color, and start to give off a rich pleasant smell. ___77___ Cooled produce prevents you from smelling the fruit for ripeness.
___78___ Some types are able to ripen off the parent plant, especially when stored with bananas, which give out ripening agents. Other types cannot ripen off the parent plant, meaning that they must be vine (藤) or tree ripened. These fruits tend to be much more costly, as transporting delicate ripe pieces without damaging them is difficult.
Fruits like berries, cherries, and grapes are all considered non-climacteric fruits. This means that once they are picked, they will not ripen any further, because the parent tree provides the ripening agents and sugars that sweeten them. ___79___ So when selecting these types in the market, look for juicy ones with pleasant smells.
Climacteric fruits like avocados (牛油果) will ripen off the parent plant. In the case of avocados, they must be picked in order to ripen and buying green avocados is actually advised. ___80___ Set an avocado out at room temperature to ripen. It is ripe when the skin is black and the flesh is slightly soft to the touch.
A.Which is better, yellow or green?
B.What you see is what you will get.
C.Fruit can be divided into two basic types.
D.It can often be hard to tell if some fruits are bad.
E.You can store them under refrigeration or ripen them as needed.
F.This is why it is important to examine it in room temperature conditions.
G.However, if you still have trouble, talk with a fruit seller to get recommendations.
Public Speaking and Critical Thinking
What is critical thinking? To a certain degree, it’s a matter of logic – of being able to spot weaknesses in other people’s arguments and to avoid them in your own. It also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.
In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking — the ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. _____81_____ The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available and put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking.
_____82_____ As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging the ideas you already have. _____83_____
What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. _____84_____ As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately. _____85_____ As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.
If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.
A.Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.
B.This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.
C.It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.
D.It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.
E.If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.
F.The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.
G.As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.
As a parent, you want your kids to do their best in school. You already know plenty of sleep, healthy food and some school supplies are necessary. However, what else do children need to be successful without a professional homework helper? ____86____
Keep it ordered.
____87____ Hence, have your kids keep ahead of their homework with an organized system. For example, they could use a scheduling application like Asana or Trello to manage projects with arranged dates, or they might stick to an old-fashioned pen and a paper planner. See what works best for them and go from there.
Break projects down.
Many children get stressed out when they have big assignments due. ____88____ Often people get frightened by the difficulty of tasks without understanding that the large task is actually just made up of smaller ones. Another solution is to use a project proposal to help keep them on track with homework and projects.
Avoid delaying tasks.
One mistake students usually make is postponing unpleasant work and deliberately looking for distraction. Teach your children that the workload isn’t going to get smaller if they wait longer. ____89____
There are a growing number of online references and homework resources. Not only will your children be better prepared for class the next day, but they’ll also learn a valuable lesson about how to research and find information online. From them you can also find ideas for educational activities that you can do with your children.
A.Get help online.
B.Focus on homework.
C.Online applications are becoming more and more popular.
D.Here are some tips from educators and professionals for helping your children with it — both at home and school campus.
E.Organization is the key to success, because it can maximize efficiency.
F.Teach them to break larger projects into smaller pieces.
G.Instead, it will only become larger and seem more difficult to get started.
Litterati is a company that’s trying to make the world a cleaner place.___91___Shared online, this information contributes to building a global database of “litter maps,” which can influence policy and packaging design.
Jeff Kirschner is the founder and CEO of Litterati. He came up with the idea while walking in a forest with his then-four-year-old daughter. ___92___ Despite being young, she expressed distress (悲痛) at the container being somewhere that it wasn’t supposed to be. This awareness stays with us as adults. The litter problem is so huge: what’s an individual person supposed to do?
___93___ Uploading pictures to an app shows users that they’re not the only ones picking up litter from public places and that others are cleaning the planet, too. And the data accumulates rapidly. Kirschner said,“___94___ This information includes the objects, materials, brands and their location.”
kirschner describes these data-driven maps as being like a fingerprint. “That fingerprint provides both the source of the problem and the path to the solution.” ___95___In San Francisco ,the Litterati app was able to map more than 5,000 pieces of trash (垃圾) in order to determine how much was generated by cigarettes specifically. Using this information the city successfully challenged a lawsuit (诉讼) by tobacco companies and doubled an existing cigarette sales tax. In the Netherlands, Litterati’s data helped push Dutch brand Anta Flu to repackage its hard candies in waxed paper rather than plastic.
A.She noticed a plastic container in a river.
B.That’s where Kirschner thinks an app can help.
C.However, these maps turned out to be a failure.
D.We haven’t collected enough amount of data for our litter maps.
E.Our database now contains over 8 million pieces, growing at about 20,000 per day.
F.There are several examples of how Litterati’s data has already provided a path to a solution.
G.It has created an app people can use to upload information about the litter they collect outside.
Many people desire to return to school to increase earning potential, realize dreams, or finish something they started long ago. Unfortunately, some have families and jobs, and getting to day or night courses can be an impossible thing. ____96____
Thanks to the Internet and other forms of quick communication, e-learning for students has become the busy person’s preferred method for achieving education goals. In reality, almost anyone can benefit from the flexibility of e-learning. ____97____
If you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad and looking to return to the school then you are a best candidate for e-learning. ____98____ As long as you can meet deadlines and perform high-quality work, you can achieve the highest educational goals.
____99____ You can earn the master’s or doctoral degree, as well as high-level certifications in your online program.
If you live in a place that does not offer the kind of education you want, you may want to look at e-learning in an oversea college or university. For instance, England has some of the world’s most well-known institutes. ____100____
A.What a pity that they are kept away!
B.Below are some examples about e-learning.
C.But now, here comes a new learning type—e-learning.
D.And now its high-quality education can be enjoyed worldwide.
E.The Internet provides you a new form of learning to realize dreams.
F.Many e-courses enable you to access the learning system whenever you can.
G.If you have got the undergraduate degree, you still have motivations for further education.
There are a total of 3, 044 national parks worldwide. Africa contains 249. Asia has 985. 474 are in Europe. 297 are in Central and North America. 335 are in South America and Oceania has 704. ____101____. Let us check out some of them below.
Ecological (生态的) values
The world is fast losing its natural assets (资产). According to a study by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2015, the total number of species (物种) in the last 30 years is 477. Their habitats are getting destroyed worldwide because of all kinds of human activities. How to solve the problem? ____102____.
Economic (经济的) values
Well-protected national parks serve as a good way to increase national economy. ____103____. In other words, these wildlife-rich parks can help the country develop tourism. As tourism becomes better; other industries can be developed too.
It has been found that people can make some illnesses like stress, frustration, eye problems, and anger go away if they spend some quality time in the national parks’ green surroundings. Moreover, people also have chosen these national parks to be a place where they can spend a joyful time.
Social and cultural values
____105____. They serve as the role of a natural history book that dates back centuries. Some locations of national parks have a history as old as 22, 000 years. The protected areas of Australia are used by the Aboriginal people in a number of ways, like being the source of food, medicine, trade, and also in ceremonial procedures.
A.Political values
B.Health and pleasure
C.The reason is that they hugely attract tourists
D.They have great significance in various directions
E.Now, national parks are a solution to this problem
F.The national parks are alive with rich history and culture
G.In national parks, all plants and animals are kept in their natural state
Some paper plates can be recycled. ____106____ Rather than throw them away after one use, consider more eco-friendly choices.
____107____ First, they’re coated in plastic. This coating offers a smooth surface and prevents the paper plate from taking in liquids. Usually, the coating can’t be separated from the paper in a recycling facility, so these paper plates can’t be recycled like regular paper. Second, they’re polluted with food waste. Once they’ve been used, paper plates become covered in food waste. This adds pollutants to the recycling process. ____108____
If you’re trying to reduce your impact on the environment, then looking at ways to reuse any paper plates you do have is a good option. If you bought heavy-duty paper plates and they’re only a little dirty after use-if you served dry food on them, for example--you can clean them and use them again. ____109____
The most obvious alternative to paper plates is reusable plates. Even though you have to wash them with water, the environmental impact of a reusable plate will still be lower. If you’re looking for a semi-disposable (用数次的) plate,then you can find plates made from natural materials like bamboo. These plates can be used and washed or cleaned a few times. ____110____
A.The short answer is yes and no.
B.However, the vast majority usually can’t
C.At the end of their life, they will break down naturally
D.PLA is a bioplastic that’s used to coat some paper plates.
E.So most cities won’t accept used paper plates for recycling.
F.There are two main reasons why the majority of paper plates can’t be recycled
G.If you have clean paper plates, they can be used for a wide range of other projects.
The quality of the family relationship is more important than family configuration(结构). A healthy family relationship is the base of a happy family.____111____. Although family relationship are different, there are certain characteristics that healthy family relationships share .
____112____. Family members listen to and genuinely care about what the others are saying. In these families, communication is on a deep enough level that all members are able to share their feelings, goals, achievements and experiences. When some feedback and constructive criticism are given, love and affection are made clear by the use of positive words.
A family with a healthy relationship requires every single family member’s commitment. Family members hold family as a top priority (优先考虑的事) and consider the impact on relatives before making important decisions. Family members are dependable and always there for each other in times of crisis .____113____.
A characteristic of healthy family relationship is that they spend time doing enjoyable activities together.____114____. Often, these activities become family traditions, such as sharing meals together, having family outings every weekend or playing sports together.
____115____. Family members accept that they each have their own personalities, qualities and interests. Everyone plays an important role in the family. When there is conflict between family members, it is solved in a positive and healthy manner. Family members also acknowledge each other’s achievements and show appreciation for other members .
A.Therefore, members do not feel they are on their own
B.Family members share everything they have with each other
C.It is important to keep in mind that each family member is individual
D.Respect is an important characteristic of healthy family relationships
E.It provides members with the support and encouragement that they need
F.Family members tend to select activities that help the family to grow closer
G.Family with healthy relationship engage in positive and meaningful communication
The Problem with Online Returns
Online shopping is booming: In 2020, Americans spent $ 813 billion online, a 42% increase over 2019. This year, experts expect that figure to top $ 1 trillion for the first time. But millions of those purchases will eventually get sent back. ___116___ Here’s what you need to know.
When shoppers can’t physically examine products before purchase, they’re more likely to buy clothes that don’t fit or items that don’t suit their needs. People return on average about 25% of what they buy online, compared with 8% of what they buy in stores. However, many items that get returned never go back on sale. ___117___ About 5 billion pounds of returned goods went to landfills each year, according to logistics(物流)company Optoro.
___118___ When you send a product back, companies already owe you a refund, and it would cost them even more to ship it to a sorting facility and have someone evaluate whether it can be sold again. At this stage, every person that touches that item is adding cost, but the company doesn’t earn any value.
Although it’s unlikely that returned items will be sold as new, some items get sent to discount stores. ___119___ Other unwanted items might be sent overseas-although many could still go to the garbage eventually.
In some cases, giant companies like Amazon and Target have begun telling customers to just keep their unwanted items rather than send them back. Third-party logistics businesses have also popped up to help clean up the return process. But that’s not enough on its own. ___120___ If we continue to shop without thinking about the environmental impacts of our decisions, we’ll ultimately have very unsustainable supply chains.
A.It sounds shocking, but it all boils down to cost.
B.The responsibility falls on us consumers as well.
C.Those returns can have a big environmental impact.
D.Things like electronics could get separated into parts.
E.That increase has accelerated rapidly during the pandemic.
F.Instead, they’re often thrown out, even if they’re still brand-new.
G.In response, France forbade the destruction of unsold consumer goods.
Will there be an outbreak of bird flu that threatens human? Many experts disagree on when or whether a human pandemic (流行病) will occur, but do say there is a chance that the virus could mutate (变异), leading to widespread infection. ____121____Here’s what you need to know to help keep yourself healthy.
Stock up on food, water and household supplies. If there is a bird flu pandemic, you’ll want to minimize your chance of catching it by staying indoors; you might even be required to stay home if the government asks that people remain in quarantine (隔离期). You’d better stock up today on at least two weeks’ essentials such as water, food, emergency and medical supplies. ____122____
Have an outbreak plan. It may feel odd or uncomfortable to talk to family members and loved ones about the worst case-a pandemic case. But when that case strikes, you’ll all be much better off if you have a plan decided on and ready. ____123____Figure out how you would care for them and what your first response and responsibilities would be; this is an especially important conversation to have with those in need of special care.
____124____ Things like keeping a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough rest can help keep you healthy in an outbreak and also keep you from catching the common cold. Particularly in a flu outbreak situation, it will be important to wash our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Be diligent about covering coughs and sneezes with tissues.
Moreover, know your essential health information such as blood type, allergies, and past or current medical conditions. Make a list of that essential information for all the members of your family. ____125____ And do make sure everyone in your household knows where to find it.
A.Pick up the good habits.
B.Work out regularly to stay slim.
C.It is wise to keep it somewhere safe and visible.
D.Talk with your friends and family about how you’d respond to an epidemic.
E.It’s important to ask yourself these questions before a pandemie occurs.
F.That will help you get through an extended time at home if there is an outbreak.
G.In that case, the best thing you can do right now is to prepare for that possibility.
Searching for a new cat to add to your family? If your home already has a cat, you may wonder how your cat will welcome a new partner. ____126____Continue reading for tips on how to do that.
Your existing cat’s needs come first. ____127____Does your cat prefer female cats over male cats? If he/ she enjoys the company of female cats, adopting a female cat can help. If you adopt a young kitten as a companion for your older cat, it can work well as kittens get along with a cat of any age.
Shower your existing cat with extra attention. Cats can be territorial when it comes to their space; the same can be true for their owners as well. ____128____Giving your cat more hugs and care during the introduction of a new cat can help ease his/ her bad feeling. This also helps your cat accept and trust the new one more quickly.
____129____ When you bring your new cat home, it’s best to keep the cats in different rooms. This way they won’t try to defend their territory. Each should have their own space with bowls and cat furniture so he/ she don’t feel the need to compete. And do spend time with the new cat as he/ she can also be stressed in a new environment.
Introduce the new cat slowly. Your cats will have the chance to get used to each other’s smell through the door. When they seem interested in meeting, you can bring one into the other’s territory._______130_______If you notice either of the cats getting uncomfortable, separate them.
A.Separate the cats initially.
B.Make sure your cat feels at home.
C.Do this at least a few days after the new cat arrives.
D.Think about your existing cat’s personality and habits.
E.Your cat can get envious of a newcomer easily if feeling ignored.
F.Give both cats a special treat when they first meet to encourage peace.
G.There is a process to make the change less stressful for both you and the cats.
Innovation (创新) skills play a vital role in your professional life. There have been various researches and studies conducted to design tips to improve innovation skills. Some of them are given below.
·Think outside the box
____131____. To grab that newness, you need more original ways of thinking. Hence, breaking the regular chain of thoughts and initiating a new one is necessary. You need to think something different from others associated with similar sorts of tasks.
·Creative thinking
Many times, creativity is a way of innovation. Creative thinking is a way of thinking by applying the techniques used to create something new. With creative thinking, you will desire a new innovative way of doing something which will empower you to innovate something new. ____132____
·Be a good listener
You should listen to others and try to think about their ideas and concepts. ____133____ Also, adaptability increases innovation. It would help if you tried adopting newer versions of solutions for the betterment of your company. Being a good listener will help you in having the skills to analyze different versions while thinking of some news of resolving any issue.
Sharing of ideas and concepts helps have better communication. With clear communication, you will be able to share your ideas in a more proper fashion, which will, in turn, offer you better chances of getting the right feedback about the effectiveness of your thoughts.
·Make decisions based on judgments
From the inferences of team activities or other tasks, you can make judgments about the current situations. ____135____ These will help with innovation. Innovative ideas must be useful, and decisions based on judgments help in ensuring this.
A.Have clear communication.
B.Innovation means something new.
C.Develop ideas based on facts.
D.Innovation refers to being creative.
E.Be open to other points of view.
F.Decisions based on these judgments should be realistic.
G.As a result, it will effectively increase your innovation skills.
Anger is the most destructive emotion. When you are angry, you make ill-considered decisions that you will probably regret. ____136____ How to stop being angry? Here are ways that you can reduce the causes of anger.
You need to change your attitude to the way the world works. You have to accept that sometimes things go wrong and that people are not always lovely and perfect. ____137____ So realizing others may behave in an unproper way will help you prevent your annoyance.
____138____ There are occasions when anger can be directed in such a way as to achieve great things. Martin Luther King was angry about the lack of civil rights and Gandhi was angry about British domination. They both used that anger to motivate themselves to fight against injustice.
It is beneficial to stop trying to manage your anger. Anger management used to be promoted as a way of dealing with anger. ____139____ A better way of facing anger is to identify the root cause. Once you know why you get mad, it is possible to deal with the cause.
Don’t take the easy way when you get angry. We would like to throw something, hit something, or scream when we are angry. A reaction like that is the easy way. It is much harder to stay calm, walk away and act normally. That, however, is what you must do if you are to stop anger from becoming your master. By learning control, you can become a much calmer and less violent person. ____140____
A.Don’t regard anger as a bad emotion.
B.The trick is to manage your anger well.
C.Recognize that anger is something you can control.
D.However, all that happens is that anger is overcontroled.
E.You will also regret the language spoken without thought.
F.You will be better liked and better placed to influence others.
G.The actions of other people can be a significant cause of anger.
A cultural view on personal space
It’s a well-known fact that the British prefer a large “bubble” of personal space around them. ____141____ And in South America, a friend may grab you by the arm during conversation to make their point.
Now, a study published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology has looked into why different cultures have such different approaches to personal space. ____142____ They developed an earlier study that divided individuals into “contact” and “non-contact” cultures. Contact cultures—southern European, Latin American and Arabian—engaged in more touching and stood closer during conversation than non-contact cultures in northern Europe, North America and parts of Asia.
To a degree, this proved correct. Argentina becomes known as the most touchy-feely nation; people here keep the same distance from a stranger as a British person would an acquaintance and a Canadian individual a close friend or partner. ____143____ They come out with the widest distance you should stand from a stranger—more than 1.3m—but one of the narrowest gaps for close friends, just 40cm, compared to nearly 60cm for a British person. So the theory of warm versus cold is not as straightforward as it sounds.
____144____ The higher a country’s average temperature, the closer people will stand to a stranger. But older people in warm climates keep a bigger distance from close friends and stand closer to strangers; women generally keep a greater distance from someone they don’t know.
The academics leading this study admit that there is a lot more to do. But what we do know is to keep your distance in Canada; prepare for a hug in Argentina. ____145____ They like to stand closer than anybody. To keep warm, perhaps.
A.It’s important to get the distance right, though.
B.Romanians clearly take longer to establish trust.
C.How close we stand to other people varies widely between countries.
D.And if you end up on good terms with a Norwegian, don’t draw back.
E.However, in India people will pack into trains and buses without a second thought.
F.One theory the researchers wanted to test was whether climate affects personal space.
G.The study certainly found that climate, age and gender have an effect on personal distance across cultures.
Around the world, people are realizing the significant problems caused by plastic waste. In the last 65 years, we have become increasingly dependent on plastic. It’s easy to understand why: it’s cheap to produce, light — therefore easy and cheap to transport — and incredibly strong and durable. ___146___
One popular solution to the problem is to prohibit single use plastics. In the British supermarkets, shoppers are encouraged to make more environmentally-friendly choices in packing and transporting their food. ___147___ Some governments have even promised to ban the use of single-use plastic altogether by the not-too-distant future.
However, such plans may not be beneficial to eliminate (消除) the use of single-use plastic altogether. ___148___ This is not just because of its low cost. It’s also because infection and cross-contamination (交叉感染) are minimized. Plastic packaging is also crucial in the food industry. It ensures that food is safe for consumers.
Another issue is that alternative materials to plastic are often more environmentally harmful than plastic. Take paper bags, for example. ___149___ The process requires cutting trees, the emission of greenhouse gases and the production of poisonous chemical waste. Even more pollution is created when paper bags break down.
Clearly there is a need to reduce plastic waste and its impact on the environment. ___150___ Industries that rely on single-use plastics for people’s health and safety must be considered. Moreover, alternative materials must be evaluated strictly regarding their own environmental impact.
A.But it’s these advantages that also make it so harmful.
B.They are very fragile and rarely reusable, unlike plastic.
C.One of the fields where single-use plastic has a vital role is medicine.
D.However, simply banning their single use may not be the best option.
E.It also boosts the local economy and save costs in managing littering and waste.
F.Bans on single-use plastic items like drinking straws are also coming into place.
G.According to a research, they require four times more energy when produced than a plastic bag.
1.C 2.G 3.A 4.E 5.D
6.D 7.G 8.C 9.A 10.E
11.C 12.E 13.A 14.F 15.G
16.C 17.G 18.F 19.D 20.B
21.D 22.F 23.B 24.A 25.G
26.G 27.F 28.D 29.E 30.A
31.G 32.A 33.E 34.F 35.C
36.E 37.D 38.C 39.B 40.F
41.E 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.G
46.G 47.A 48.C 49.F 50.B
51.E 52.B 53.G 54.F 55.C
56.E 57.G 58.A 59.D 60.F
61.A 62.D 63.G 64.C 65.E
66.D 67.F 68.E 69.G 70.A
71.G 72.D 73.B 74.E 75.C
76.G 77.F 78.C 79.B 80.E
81.D 82.E 83.A 84.F 85.G
86.D 87.E 88.F 89.G 90.A
91.G 92.A 93.B 94.E 95.F
96.C 97.B 98.F 99.G 100.D
101.D 102.E 103.C 104.B 105.F
106.B 107.F 108.E 109.G 110.C
111.E 112.G 113.A 114.F 115.D
116.C 117.F 118.A 119.D 120.B
121.G 122.F 123.D 124.A 125.C
126.G 127.D 128.E 129.A 130.C
131.B 132.G 133.E 134.A 135.F
136.E 137.G 138.A 139.D 140.F
141.E 142.F 143.B 144.G 145.D
146.A 147.F 148.C 149.G 150.D
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