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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Reading can make you feel less alone and more connected with the world at large. It can open your eyes to issues, successes and challenges that you never dreamed of, and take you to faraway places. Here are the top books all teens should read before they turn 18.

    A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

    Though this book recently became popular again due to the release of the movie version, the movie is not a substitute for this beautiful story about family and the process of becoming who you truly are through the angle of space and time exploration.

    Wonder by R. J. Palacio

    Auggie was born with a facial difference that kept him out of school for years. In fifth grade, he discovers what it’s like to long for normalcy and also that difference can be the most meaningful teacher.

    Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson

    The author shares beautiful poetry that will speak to teenagers about her experience of growing up in the South as an African-American in the 1960s and 1970s. The poems are charged with the themes of self-awareness and identity.

    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    The attractive advice given in this book is perfect for teens going off to college or beginning a new stage of independence. It is a book that can be reread all throughout life without losing its power.

    1What is special about A Wrinkle in Time?

    AIt shows a teen’s difference. BIt’s about space exploration.

    CIt has been adapted for film. DIt has opened teenagers’ eyes.

    2Whose book is based on personal experience?

    AJacqueline Woodson’s. BR. J. Palacio’s.

    CMadeleine L’ Engle’s. DDon Miguel Ruiz’s.

    3Which book is intended for teens stepping into a novel life?

    AA Wrinkle in Time. BWonder.

    CBrown Girl Dreaming. DThe Four Agreements.


    I first came to Berwickshire for a job-to be the Ranger for the Berwickshire Marine Reserve.I was then Senior Ranger for St Abb’s Head National Nature Reserve and I set up my own business, In Our Nature, offering wildlife journeys,walks,talks and courses in 2020. There’s so much I love about Berwickshire.Its stunning scenery. Its variety of landscapes and habitats and range of amazing wildlife, both above and below the water. Its friendly people. In places you can feel like you are a million miles from anywhere, when in reality you’re just an hour’s drive from Edinburgh.

    The thing that supports everything on the Berwickshire Coast is its varied and fascinating geology(地质).The jewel in the crown is Siccar Point. With its world-famous non-conformity(均变)it’s considered the birthplace of modern geology. The geology not only shapes the landscape, but it also impacts on the wildlife, forming varied habitats from steep sheltered valleys and towering cliffs to sheltered sandy bays.

    There’s nothing I like more than being out in nature and sharing my passion with others, so starting up In Our Nature was a no brainer. In the warmer months I offer tours on land and sea to help folk enjoy the amazing wildlife and scenery of the Berwickshire Coast. In the darker months my online courses help people learn about wildlife in the hope that it will increase their enjoyment of the marine and coastal environments they spend time in.

    My favourite spot on the Berwickshire Coast has got to be a place called Petticowick. The views up the coast and inland to the Mire Loch are second to none. It’s a place where you can marvel at geology which covers unimaginable periods of time. You can listen to and watch thousands of seabirds that return to the cliffs to breed each spring. Or witness all the amazing activity of the breeding seal colony on the beach below during the early winter.

    4Why did the author go to Berwickshire?

    ATo do sightseeing.

    BTo make friends.

    CTo work in a reserve.

    DTo study wildlife.

    5What do the underlined words “The jewel in the crown" mean?

    AThe highest part.

    BThe most attractive part.

    CThe valueless part.

    DThe advanced part.

    6How does the author help people get to know wildlife in darker months?

    ABy providing online courses.

    BBy sharing her experiences.

    CBy offering tours on land.

    DBy organizing trips to the sea.

    7What can we learn from the text?

    AModern geology needs further study.

    BPetticowick should be well preserved.

    CPeople should not take advantage of nature.

    DThe author is enthusiastic about Berwickshire.


    Young adults have strong positive memories of the music their parents loved when they were the same age, a study finds.

    Participants in a study on musical memory said they remembered and loved the music that was popular in the early 1980s, when their parents were young. They also relished the music of the 1960s, which their grandparents may have been playing while changing their mom’s diapers (尿布). “They would hear this music and say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s my parents’ music,’ with obvious fondness,” says Carol Lynne Krumhansl, the psychology professor at Cornell University who led the study.

    The scientists had been testing musical memory in an earlier study, and were surprised to find that college age participants could recognize older pop and rock songs just as quickly as the new stuff. Even more surprisingly, they liked the older stuff more. Therefore, the researchers decided to find out what was happening, using clips (片段) from hits on Billboard lists between 1955 and 2009. More than 60 student volunteers (average age 20) listened to short clips of the top two pop and rock songs of each year. The researchers quizzed them about which songs they recognized, how much they liked them and their emotional responses. They were also asked if they had memories associated with the songs and whether those memories were from listening with parents, alone, or with others.

    “We didn’t have any idea that young adults had the strongest personal memories of the music of the early 1980s”, Krumhansl said. She and her colleague, Justin Adam Zupnick of the University of California, were even more surprised to see the second “reminiscence bump (回忆高峰)” in emotion and memory for top hits was from 1965 to 1969.

    The connection to parents’ music isn’t entirely surprising. Music plays a central role in bringing up a child. Songs are taught at home and school and heard more informally as part of the home environment. The songs parents choose to listen to reflect their taste, their values, and their era. Besides, music is a powerful cue (提示) for calling up strong personal memories — when you made a new friend at the summer camp or the blue dress you wore to a party. And the human brain remembers music in great detail, unlike spoken words, in which people remember just the general meaning.

    The 1960s music may evoke strong memories in people in their twenties because of the quality, Krumhansl guesses. She thinks the students might have memories of the 1960s music because it lives on as classics. Technology may also be a factor. The introduction of cassette tapes in the 1960s made music more ubiquitous (普遍存在的), and the same tapes were played long after that decade ended.

    Next, Krumhansl wants to find out if other generations have the same experiences with music, and try to trace influences back through multiple generations.

    8The underlined word “relished” in Paragraph 2 probably means________.

    Aplayed Bheard Cunderstood Denjoyed

    9We can learn from the study that young adults________.

    Acan only recognize the top two pop and rock songs on Billboard lists

    Bshowed no emotional response to music of the 1950s

    Chad the second strongest memories of the music of the late 1960s

    Dlike listening to the old songs with their parents

    10The last but one paragraph serves to________.

    Adraw a conclusion Bmake a comparison

    Cgive an example Dprovide an explanation

    11What’s the main idea of the passage?

    AMusic of parents’ era still appeals to young adults of today.

    BMusic can narrow the generation gap between parents and kids.

    CMusic matters a lot in the growth of young people.

    DMusic of quality can have a lasting influence.


    When you step off the elevator on the fourth floor of Kentucky Children's Hospital (KCH),you’re greeted by a magical unicom (独角兽) in a combination of greens,blues,and purples.

    It is a collaborative art piece, created by the staff of KCH and UK Arts in HealthCare. This mosaic (镶嵌图案) , roughly five feet tall and six feet wide, is made up of nothing but thousands of vial (药水瓶) caps, oral syringe caps,clamps,and tubes to create an image of a unicorn, silently greeting and comforting every patient and visitor.

    The idea for this mosaic was inspired by Tilda Shalof, a nurse in Canada who spent nearly 30 years collecting abandoned medical plastic to create a colorful mosaic. KCH nurses approached the Child Life staff about creating something analogous for their hospital. The staff agreed, and collection of plastic began.

    Soon the collection numbered in the thousands, but the question remained what would this become? After many meetings and discussions, KCH staff settled on the idea of a unicorn. After all, unicorns become the source where all dreamy thoughts can be achieved. Meeting a unicorn and making friends with it could be so appealing to children. More than stories about the healing power, for children, a unicorn might even have the magic power to change anything.

    Lexington artist Christine Kuhn joined the team to provide guidance on the design and construction process, but the work was done entirely by KCH staff who volunteered their time.“As the unicorn started to take shape, it became even clearer that many hands were present in the artwork,”said Joey Burke, a nurse ethicist. “Several music therapists asked if they could add a guitar pick and a member of the maintenance crew added a wire nut. In the end, medical waste became fantastic as the unicorn took shape.”

    When completed, this grand creature needed a name, so a contest was held among KCH staff and patients. The name with the most votes was Unity "MoonPie"McSparkles.

    12What is special about the art piece displayed in KCH?

    AIt is small in size and portable.

    BIt involves just one color.

    CIt is a joint effort of the Child Life staff and parents.

    DIt is composed entirely of hospital plastic waste.

    13What does the underlined word "analogous" in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

    ASimilar. BNecessary. CMeaningful. DChallenging.

    14What made KCH staff decide to make a unicom?

    AIt works well with plastic products.

    BIt symbolizes hope, healing, and magic.

    CIt appears in many KCH members' dreams.

    DIt can help strike up friendships among patients.

    15What do Joey Burke's words in Paragraph 5 imply?

    AThe design of the mosaic was a bit complicated.

    BSome members opposed reusing medical waste.

    CThe staff were enthusiastic about the unicorn work.

    DThe collection of medical waste was time-consuming.

    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项  为多余选项。

    It is common for people to complain. Actually, even the kindest and most thoughtful people complain. And complaining isn’t always an annoying thing. ____16____ However, if someone makes complaints frequently, the problems will start. So, these tips will help you quiet complainers.

    Change the topic.

    Some complainers will be distracted from their negative mood if you change the topic in a direction that interests them. If your neighbor is complaining about the noisy community environment, you can tell her you bought some beautiful flowers yesterday. ____17____

    Show your care.

    If the complainer keeps complaining to you, and asks something like, “Can you understand me?”, don’ t always say, “I’ve heard and gotten it.” Instead, listen carefully and make some eye contact with the person. Stand in his shoes, and if possible, offer him some advice.


    When someone frequently makes complaints to you, ask nicely what he’s done to improve it. This question may help to abruptly end the complaint and remind the person to do something useful.

    Be honest.

    ____19____ If someone complains to you many times before and you must cut the conversation short, you can simply be honest, saying you need to focus on your own business.

    Have a heart-to-heart talk.

    Maybe the complainer is very close to you, such as your best friend or your partner, and he stresses you out with loads of negative attitudes. ____20____ This will let the person know your true feelings. Otherwise, if you always hide your true feelings and continue listening to his repeated complaints, finally you may start avoiding the person.

    AFocus on the effect.

    BEncourage the person to take actions.

    CDon’t be afraid of letting him down.

    DAvoid saying the word complaining.

    ETalking about the problem with him frankly is important.

    FSometimes, making a complaint can at least release our stress.

    GIf your colleague is saying ill words of the boss, tell him there will be some new employees next week.

    第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)

    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Intentions matter

    When my daughter was very young, she broke my favorite cup. She was moving it aside, and it slipped from her hand and broke on the floor. I loved that cup and was really disappointed, but __21__ I didn’t punish her. It was an accident. She didn’t __22__ to drop it. Intentions matter. Or do they?

    I can’t help but feel that our modern world does not __23__ intentions. We are all so ready to find fault with another person and so concerned with our own responses that we don’t consider the __24__ of others.

    There are __25__ opportunities to be upset these days in the celebrity news cycle, in politics and in our own interpersonal interactions. Every single day, someone is torn apart on social media for something they have said or done.

    A friend of mine says, “It’s not how the message is intended; it’s how it’s received.” He means that we need to be __26__ when choosing our words because they can easily be __27__ by the person we are addressing.

    We all at times express ourselves poorly, make errors of judgment or have a moment of __28__ where we say the wrong thing. All of us have offended someone at some point in our lives.

    The internet is full of people seeking to make things worse. __29__ there are also many decent people who __30__ get things wrong or simply do not know better.

    I get that there is much to be angry about. The world is full of injustice. The actions and words of other people can cause harm; __31__, the actions and words of other people matter.

    But intention has to matter too, for us to make sense of the world, and for us to effect change. __32__ intentions can help us to feel better about our fellow humans. When we appreciate intent, it can help to lessen the impact of their message.

    On a more practical level, understanding intention can help us respond to people with __33__ instead of anger. People who wish to do the right thing are often willing to listen. When we scream at people in anger, we __34__ communication and make them less open to change. Remember, humans are __35__ as divided as social media suggests.

    Did the person throw the cup, or did it slip from their hands? Now, more than ever, I think the answer matters.

    21Aof course Bafter all Cabove all Dfor example

    22Achoose Bhappen Cmean Dexpect

    23Alearn from Bobject to Ccome across Dcare for

    24Abusiness Bintentions Cemotions Drelationships

    25Aendless Bunique Cgolden Dideal

    26Ahopeful Bcareful Ccheerful Dhelpful

    27Amisinterpreted Breported Cexplained Dcommented

    28Aweakness Bmadness Ccarelessness Dhopelessness

    29ASo BBut COr DAnd

    30Apurposefully Bgenerally Chardly Doccasionally

    31Ahowever Bbesides Ctherefore Dalthough

    32AExpressing BUnderstanding CIndicating DReturning

    33Asadness Bkindness Chappiness Dillness

    34Amake use of Blook forward to Ctalk about Dshut down

    35Ararely Bspecially Csuddenly Dsimply

    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Tourism can be both good and bad. Yes, it has brought in money for the local economy and___36___(create) jobs for locals, but it has also brought some problems.

    One growing problem is tourists who want to prove___37___they have visited a destination.Tourists have used paint, rocks, or even__38__(key)to write on many places of interest. I have three words for people like this: please stop it. If you  want to leave a mark on the world, do it___39___changing someone’s life with kindness and love.

    Another big problem in some places is tourists disturbing the local people and life. Some tourists take pictures of local people without asking for their____40____(permit).Some tourists love to party there late into the night,____41____(make)it difficult for locals to sleep. I have three words for tourists like this: please be___42___(consider).Have fun in a way that does not disturb others. The number of problems from tourists___43___(be)endless.The only way___44___(solve) the problem of the terrible tourist is to make sure that you are not one! Be___45___best, kindest, most polite tourist possible. Remember, whenever you step outside your country’s borders, you are representing your country to the rest of the world.

    第三部分      写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

    第一节(满分 15 分)

    46.假定你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华,下周英国某中学生访问团将访问你校。请你代表学校给 你将接待的学生 Lucy 写封电子邮件,内容如下:

    1. 表示热烈欢迎;

    2. 告知活动安排;

    3. 询问有何帮助或需求。

    注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Dear Lucy,



    Li Hua

    第二节(满分25 分)读后续写


    At a recent 6-year-old's birthday party together with my daughter, I watched two girls playing in a playroom. Three boys came over and decided they were going to drive the girls away. “No girls allowed, "said one boy. The other two boys crowded around the girls for effect. One of the girls, in fear, did as she was ordered and left the playroom. The other girl stood her ground. “We were here first. You can't kick us out,"she said.

    They weren't my kids, so I gently told the boys that everyone was allowed to play in the playroom. The boys ignored me, and continued to push the remaining girl out of the room. The girl fell on the ground and screamed in pain. The boys went on with their no-girls-allowed game. I took the girl over to the parents at the party and explained what had happened. What followed was a lesson in how girls were schooled in male power and privilege(特权).

    The girl's mother told her that she should have stayed away from the boys. The message to the girl was that it was her fault because she didn't do what the boys had ordered. A father of one of the boys laughed and told me that I should have caught the girl as she fell. There were no consequences for the boys. Their violence was so much an accepted part of their behaviour that it didn't even raise an eyebrow. In fact, the attitude of the father was that using physical strength to get what you wanted was to be celebrated. The message to the boys was that they could hurt girls without any consequence. Another mother said,"It's so hard for boys and girls to play together at this age.”






    Paragraph 1:

    To that mother's words, my response is: No! It's not!


    Paragraph 2:

    My six-year-old daughter observed the events at the party.



    1C    2A    3D  4C    5B    6A    7D  8D    9C    10D    11A  12D    13A    14B    15C  16F    17G    18B    19C    20E  21A    22C    23D    24B    25A    26B    27A    28C    29B    30D    31C32B    33B    34D    35A

    36has created    37that    38keys    39by    40permission    41making    42considerate    

    43is    44to solve    45the

    46Dear Lucy,

    I’m Li Hua, chairmam of the Students’ Union of Chenguang High School. Knowing that you will visit our school, on behalf of my school, I’m writing to express my warm welcome and inform you of the arrangements I have made especially for you.

    I’ll first show you around our campus so that you can have a general impression of our school. Afterwards, you will have lunch in our school canteen, where you can taste dumplings, noodles and other Chinese food. In the evening, there will be a welcome party for you.

    What’s your opinion about the arrangements? Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any help or have any demand. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Li Hua

    47Paragraph 1:

    To that mother's words, my response is: No! It's not! We are all humans, born without any difference. Though it seems to be a small thing, just a quarrel among children, what it shows is that girls are now suffering from prejudice. Actually, boys and girls are just like two poles of our Earth, so they can't be apart and there is nothing about who are better. Boys should have are respectful attitude to girls. I think all the parents should teach their children that boys and girls have the same rights.

    Paragraph 2:

    My six-year-old daughter observed the events at the party. And afterwards she said," Mum, I think those boys can't drive the girls away and even injure them."I said," That's true, my dear. Girls are now being looked down upon, but you need to understand that we are equal, though some people don't think like this. ”My daughter nodded and said," I will try my best to stop violence against women and girls.”


    西南大学附属中学校2022-2023学年高一英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份西南大学附属中学校2022-2023学年高一英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    西南大学附属中学2023届高三英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份西南大学附属中学2023届高三英语上学期12月月考试卷(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市西南大学附属中学校2022-2023学年高三英语上学期12月月考试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份重庆市西南大学附属中学校2022-2023学年高三英语上学期12月月考试题(Word版附答案),共18页。试卷主要包含了答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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