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    这是一份2023年春外研版英语九年级下册开学测试卷(一),文件包含2023年春外研版英语九年级下册开学测试卷一解析版doc、2023年春外研版英语九年级下册开学测试卷一原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.(8分)The Shenzhou Ⅷ mission crew's six﹣month journey in space has left many talks about the differences between male and female astronauts.
    Wang Yaping a 41﹣year﹣old female astronaut from Shandong province in East China.became the first Chinese woman to enter China's space station.
    "Spaceflight missions(任务) are extremely hard.Astronauts need to meet both the physical and emotional challenges.so female astronauts are no exception."said Pang Zhihao,a spaceflight researcher in Beijing ."Although many people think that it is inconvenient for women to take part in long﹣term spaceflights,female astronauts actually have many advantages.They are usually more thoughtful and careful,and better at communicating."
    Wang's space dream started in 2003.when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space.At that time,she was a pilot in the Chinese army.After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years,Wang was a strong candidate(候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010.She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men.The hardest part is the high﹣G training.Sitting in a spinning(旋转的) machine,Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood."There 's a red button,"said Wang."If you can't bear it,you can press it to stop."But Wang never used it."There is no such red button in my heart."That strong spirit finally made her dream come true in 2013.She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission.Then,she was chosen for the Shenzhou Ⅷ mission in December 2019.
    Retired NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman sent a greeting to Wang before the Shenzhou XIII trip.Coleman said,"When you look out the window and see the stars and the Earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you."Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.

    (1)Which of the following about the female astronauts is TRUE?    
    A.It is easier for them to take the training.
    B.They are better than male astronauts in a way.
    C.They need to meet more challenges than male astronauts.
    D.It is more convenient for them to take long﹣term spaceflights.
    (2)Which of the following shows the order of Wang Yaning's experience?    
    a.Wang was going to be chosen to become an astronaut.
    b.Wang started her Shenzhou XIII trio with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu.
    c.Wang worked as a pilot in the Chinese army.
    d.Wang trained herself as hard as men did to prepare for being an astronaut.
    e.Wang began to dream of becoming a female astronaut to the space.
    f.Wang became an astronaut and entered the space for the first time.
    (3)What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?    
    A.Wang is setting an example for billions of women.
    B.Billions of women will go to the space with Wang.
    C.There are many women in the spaceship with Wang.
    D.Wang is teaching other women to see the stars and the Earth
    (4)The writer writes the passage to    .
    A.show how hard Wang Yaping worked
    B.introduce how to become an astronaut
    C.ask more women to become astronauts
    D.encourage women to dream something big bravely
    Is it possible to have a diet(日常饮食)that's both healthy and friendly to our planet?Here are answers to your eco﹣friendly food questions.
    Does what I eat influence climate(气候)change?
    Yes.The world's food system is responsible for(为……负责)about one quarter of the planet﹣warming greenhouse gases that humans produce each year.That includes raising and harvesting all the plants,animals,and animal products we eat,as well as processing,packaging,and shipping food to markets all over the world.
    Which foods have the largest influence?
    In general,beef and lamb have the biggest climate footprint per gram of protein while plant﹣based foods like beans,rice,corn and wheat have the smallest influence.Pork,chicken,eggs are somewhere in the middle.
    Is there a simple food choice I can make?
    Studies have shown that people who eat a meat﹣heavy diet can reduce their food﹣related footprint by one third or more by moving to a vegan diet ﹣ no meat,dairy(乳制品),or eggs.If you don't want to go that far,just eat less meat.
    Can I really make a difference to our planet?
    We need more food to feed the world's growing population.One person alone can make only a tiny difference.If many people make changes to their diets,that will start to add up.It will make a greater difference if the world's heaviest meat eaters make some changes to their diets.

    (1)According to the passage,which foods have the smallest influence on our planet?    
    A.Beef and lamb.
    B.Rice and corn.
    C.Chicken and pork.
    D.Beans and beef.
    (2)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?    
    A.One person alone makes no difference to our planet.
    B.Shipping food all over the world has no influence on climate change.
    C.All the planet﹣warming greenhouse gases come from the food system.
    D.Meat eaters can reduce their food﹣related footprint by eating less meat.
    (3)What is the best title for the passage?    
    A.How to produce more meat.
    B.How to make more plant﹣based foods.
    C.How to eat better for the planet.
    D.How to ask eco﹣friendly food questions.
    3.(8分)Potatoes are very popular today.But in the past this was not true.Potatoes grew in South America 5,000 years ago.But they only became popular in other places 200 years ago.
    In the 16th century,the Spanish took the potato from South America to Europe.But the people didn't like this strange vegetable.Some people thought that their skins would look like the skin of the plant if they ate the potato.So they only ate the leaves.This made them sick because there is poison (毒药) in the leaves.
    In the 1800s,people started to eat potatoes.Potatoes became the main food in Ireland.Then something unlucky happened.In 1845,a disease killed all the potatoes in Ireland.Two million people died of hunger.
    Today each country has its potato dish.Germans eat potato salad,and the USA has the baked potato.Of course,the French invented French fries.Now French fries are enjoyed all over the world.

    (1)5,000 years ago,potatoes grew in     .
    A.South America
    B.North America
    (2)    took the potato to Europe in the 16th century.
    A.The Americans
    B.The Spanish
    C.The Irish
    D.The Germans
    (3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?    
    A.Potatoes didn't become popular in the other places until 200 years ago.
    B.The people in Europe liked potatoes a lot when they first saw them.
    C.Eating the potato leaves made people sick.
    D.People in Ireland began to eat potatoes in the 1800s.
    (4)Why did two million people die in Ireland in the 1845?    
    A.Because a disease killed them.
    B.Because they ate the leaves of the potatoes.
    C.Because potatoes brought them bad luck.
    D.Because they didn't have enough food to eat.
    4.(8分)English play writer Arthur Wing Pinero said,"Where there's tea,there's hope." Similarly,a Chinese saying goes that "Firewood,rice,cooking oil,salt,sauce,vinegar and tea are the seven necessary things to begin a day."Tea is,without doubt,welcomed all over the world.Tea production around the world reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018.It has become the most popular drink in the world﹣﹣after water,of course.
    In order to celebrate the popular drink,the United Nations General Assembly has named May 21 International Tea Day.According to the UN,tea is much more than just a hot drink.It's a big part of many cultures around the world.You probably know that people in China use top﹣grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests.Meanwhile,the British afternoon tea is an important part of that country's culture.Making Malaysia's pulled tea(拉茶)has become a kind of art form.Moroccan(摩洛哥人的)mint tea(薄荷茶)is served when getting together.
    Besides its cultural importance,tea is also a medicine,used from ancient times to modern days."Tea is cold and lowers the fire,"Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen once said.The health benefits(好处)of tea are still being discovered today:preventing heart illness and cancer has been connected with drinking green tea.It's believed that the mania for healthy tea products will continue into the next ten years.People,especially women,are crazy about wonderful tea products such as moisturizers(润肤霜)and other beauty products.
    Hot or cold,bagged or loose﹣leaf,tea is more than a drink ﹣﹣ it's a social custom and also a magic medicine,a link to the past and a way of life.

    (1)Why are the two sayings mentioned in the first paragraph?    
    A.To show the long history of tea.
    B.To show the importance of tea to people.
    C.To tell us a hobby shared by British and Chinese people.
    D.To show the difference between British and Chinese tea.
    (2)What does the underlined word "mania" probably mean?    
    A.Great interest.
    B.A mixed feeling.
    C.A new situation.
    D.General knowledge.
    (3)Which of the following is true according to the passage?    
    A.Tea is the most popular drink in the world.
    B.Tea is the most important thing to begin a day.
    C.Only important guests can drink top﹣grade tea.
    D.Drinking green tea is good for preventing heart illness.
    (4)What is the main idea of the passage?    
    A.Tea has a long history in China.
    B.Tea has many health benefits.
    C.Tea is a big part of many cultures around the world.
    D.May 21 is celebrated as international Tea Day.
    5.(10分)3 D printers (打机) have been around us for some time.There is a lot you can do and image with a 3 D printer.(1)   
    A company in China has recently used 3 D printers to make ten full﹣sized housed in just 24 hours.(2)   
    These houses are printed with special"ink"that has been made from industrial construction (建筑) waste.
    The using of cheap materials makes it possible to print each house under 5000.The CEO of the company says," (3)   "He plans to set up 100 recycling factories across China and changing waste into cost﹣effective (划算的)"ink"for 3 D printers.(4)   However,at present,multi﹣storey (多层) 3 D﹣printed building are not allowed in China.So,it's important that the 3 D printing technology will be widely used to build any time soon.(5)   
    Let's wait and see!

    A.The 3 D printer are both environment﹣friendly and cost﹣effective.
    B.Now add"building a house in a day"to the list.
    C.He also hopes his printers can be used to build tall buildings.
    D.And each of the houses covers an area of 200 square meters.
    E.Maybe there be still a long way to go.
    F.There is no limit in China to print tall buildings with 3 D printers.
    6.(10分)Mr.Johnson has a clothes store. He(1)   nice clothes to people. The clothes are always(2)   very good prices.
    One day, a boy comes to Mr. Johnson's store. He looks at a blue (3)   .Then he asks.
    "Excuse me. How (4)   is the blue skirt?""It's ﹩20."Mr. Johnson says."Oh, that's too expensive."the boy says. He looks (5)    sad.
    Mr.Johnson asks the boy, "(6)    do you want to buy this skirt for?"
    "For my mother. Her birthday is next week. She must look nice in this skirt.(7)    I only have ﹩5.I can't buy it for her."
    "Well,the skirt is on(8)   these days. It's only ﹩5.You can have it now."
    "Oh,that's really great!I'll take(9)   ! Thank you!"the boy says. He (10)    happy now.
    "Good boy!I'm sure your mother can have a happy birthday."

    B. How about
    C. Where
    D. What color
    四.语篇填空(满分20分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    7.(20分)Chinese writing is one of the world's greatest writing systems(系统).It is more(1)   (wide)used than alphabetic(字母的)writing systems.More than half of the books(2)   (write) in Chinese,including historical writings and novels,along with writings on government and law.
    At the beginning,written Chinese was(3)    picture﹣based language.It dates back several thousand years to the use of animal bones and shells(壳)(4)   which symbols were carved(雕刻)by ancient Chinese people.Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in(5)   (today)hanzi.
    By the Shang Dynasty,these symbols had become a well﹣developed writing system.Over the years,the system developed into different(6)   (form),as it was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to different dialects(方言)and characters.This,however,changed under Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty.
    Emperor Qinshihuang united(统 一)the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system(7)   (begin)to develop in one direction.That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.And it has also become an important way connecting China's present with(8)   (it)past.
    Today,Chinese writing system is still a part of Chinese culture.As China plays great role in the world,an increasing number of international students(9)   (be)beginning to appreciate(欣赏)China's culture through this(10)   (amaze)language.Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it goes.
    五.阅读表达 (满分10分)
    8.(10分)My name is Liu Mei.Last night my grandfather told me about his life story.
    At that time,my grandfather's family was not rich.He didn't have time to play after school ,and he always helped his parents on the farm.When it was dark (黑暗的) ,my grandfather went home.After he had supper ,he did his homework in the poor light.For the holidays,my grandfather often stayed at home to help his parents.He never travelled ,because his family didn't have much money.
    In summer,the weather was very hot and my grandfather often went to the river to play with his friends.They swam and caught (捉) fish in the river.At that time my grandfather had no money to buy toys(玩具),so he made toys by himself to play,like spinning tops (陀螺) and sleds (雪橇) .
    Hearing my grandfather's life story,I know that I have a good life and I decide to study hard.

    (1)What was Liu Mei's grandfather's family like at that time? (no more than 6 words)
    (2)What did her grandfather do after school? (no more than 8 words)
    (3)Why didn't her grandfather travel ? (no more than 7 words)
    (4)Did her grandfather buy toys for himself? (no more than 3 words)
    (5)What did Liu Mei decide to do after she heard her grandfather's life? (no more than 5 words)
    9.(15分)假如你是李华,你的好友 Grace 给你写了封信诉说了她的烦恼,请根据邮件内容写一封不少于 80 词的回信,提出一些合理的建议帮助她解决问题。(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)
    Dear Li Hua,
    I'm not happy.I always argue with my parents.They only care about my schoolwork.The winter holiday is coming.They plan to choose lots of after﹣school classes for me.But I don't want to be so busy.I just want to take painting lessons.They disagree with me.I don't know what to do.And how can I improve the relationship with my parents?Can you give me some advice?

    1.(8分)The Shenzhou Ⅷ mission crew's six﹣month journey in space has left many talks about the differences between male and female astronauts.
    Wang Yaping a 41﹣year﹣old female astronaut from Shandong province in East China.became the first Chinese woman to enter China's space station.
    "Spaceflight missions(任务) are extremely hard.Astronauts need to meet both the physical and emotional challenges.so female astronauts are no exception."said Pang Zhihao,a spaceflight researcher in Beijing ."Although many people think that it is inconvenient for women to take part in long﹣term spaceflights,female astronauts actually have many advantages.They are usually more thoughtful and careful,and better at communicating."
    Wang's space dream started in 2003.when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space.At that time,she was a pilot in the Chinese army.After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years,Wang was a strong candidate(候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010.She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men.The hardest part is the high﹣G training.Sitting in a spinning(旋转的) machine,Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood."There 's a red button,"said Wang."If you can't bear it,you can press it to stop."But Wang never used it."There is no such red button in my heart."That strong spirit finally made her dream come true in 2013.She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission.Then,she was chosen for the Shenzhou Ⅷ mission in December 2019.
    Retired NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman sent a greeting to Wang before the Shenzhou XIII trip.Coleman said,"When you look out the window and see the stars and the Earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you."Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.

    (1)Which of the following about the female astronauts is TRUE?  B 
    A.It is easier for them to take the training.
    B.They are better than male astronauts in a way.
    C.They need to meet more challenges than male astronauts.
    D.It is more convenient for them to take long﹣term spaceflights.
    (2)Which of the following shows the order of Wang Yaning's experience?  C 
    a.Wang was going to be chosen to become an astronaut.
    b.Wang started her Shenzhou XIII trio with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu.
    c.Wang worked as a pilot in the Chinese army.
    d.Wang trained herself as hard as men did to prepare for being an astronaut.
    e.Wang began to dream of becoming a female astronaut to the space.
    f.Wang became an astronaut and entered the space for the first time.
    (3)What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?  A 
    A.Wang is setting an example for billions of women.
    B.Billions of women will go to the space with Wang.
    C.There are many women in the spaceship with Wang.
    D.Wang is teaching other women to see the stars and the Earth
    (4)The writer writes the passage to  D .
    A.show how hard Wang Yaping worked
    B.introduce how to become an astronaut
    C.ask more women to become astronauts
    D.encourage women to dream something big bravely
    【解答】(1)B.细节判断题。根据female astronauts actually have many advantages.They are usually more thoughtful and careful,and better at communicating.但女性宇航员其实有很多优势。她们通常更体贴、更细心,更善于沟通。可知女宇航员在某种程度上比男宇航员好。故选B。
    (2)C.排列顺序题。根据 Wang's space dream started in 2003.when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space.At that time,she was a pilot in the Chinese army.After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years,Wang was a strong candidate(候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010.She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men.王的太空梦始于2003年。当中国将第一名宇航员杨利伟送入太空时。当时,她是中国军队的飞行员。经过九年1600个小时的安全飞行,王亚平是一个强有力的候选人在 2010年成为一名宇航员。她努力锻炼自己,得到了和男人一样的训练以及That strong spirit finally made her dream come true in 2013.She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission.Then,she was chosen for the Shenzhou Ⅷ mission in December 2019.这种坚强的精神最终使她的梦想在2013年实现。她加入了神舟X号任务的团队。随后,她于2019年12月入选神舟八号任务。可知正确的顺序为c﹣e﹣a﹣d﹣f﹣b。故选C。
    (3)A.句意理解题。根据Coleman said,"When you look out the window and see the stars and the Earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you."Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.可知科尔曼说:"当你向窗外望去,看到星星和地球时,数十亿妇女将和你一起向窗外望去。"小王承载着每个梦想大事业的年轻女性的精神。因此可知这句话的意思是王亚平为亿万女性树立了榜样。故选A。
    (4)D.目的意图题。通读全文,尤其是根据 Retired NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman sent a greeting to Wang before the Shenzhou XIII trip.Coleman said,"When you look out the window and see the stars and the Earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you."Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.退休的美国宇航局宇航员凯瑟琳•科尔曼在神舟十三号飞行前向王致意。科尔曼说:"当你向窗外望去,看到星星和地球时,数十亿妇女将和你一起向窗外望去。"小王承载着每个梦想大事业的年轻女性的精神。可知本文主要目的是为了鼓励女性勇敢地梦想大事。故选D。
    Is it possible to have a diet(日常饮食)that's both healthy and friendly to our planet?Here are answers to your eco﹣friendly food questions.
    Does what I eat influence climate(气候)change?
    Yes.The world's food system is responsible for(为……负责)about one quarter of the planet﹣warming greenhouse gases that humans produce each year.That includes raising and harvesting all the plants,animals,and animal products we eat,as well as processing,packaging,and shipping food to markets all over the world.
    Which foods have the largest influence?
    In general,beef and lamb have the biggest climate footprint per gram of protein while plant﹣based foods like beans,rice,corn and wheat have the smallest influence.Pork,chicken,eggs are somewhere in the middle.
    Is there a simple food choice I can make?
    Studies have shown that people who eat a meat﹣heavy diet can reduce their food﹣related footprint by one third or more by moving to a vegan diet ﹣ no meat,dairy(乳制品),or eggs.If you don't want to go that far,just eat less meat.
    Can I really make a difference to our planet?
    We need more food to feed the world's growing population.One person alone can make only a tiny difference.If many people make changes to their diets,that will start to add up.It will make a greater difference if the world's heaviest meat eaters make some changes to their diets.

    (1)According to the passage,which foods have the smallest influence on our planet?  B 
    A.Beef and lamb.
    B.Rice and corn.
    C.Chicken and pork.
    D.Beans and beef.
    (2)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?  D 
    A.One person alone makes no difference to our planet.
    B.Shipping food all over the world has no influence on climate change.
    C.All the planet﹣warming greenhouse gases come from the food system.
    D.Meat eaters can reduce their food﹣related footprint by eating less meat.
    (3)What is the best title for the passage?  C 
    A.How to produce more meat.
    B.How to make more plant﹣based foods.
    C.How to eat better for the planet.
    D.How to ask eco﹣friendly food questions.
    【解答】(1)B 细节理解题。根据"plant—based foods like beans,rice,corn and wheat have the smallest influence"可知,豆类、大米、玉米和小麦等植物性食品的影响最小,故选B。
    (2)D 推理判断题。根据"heavy diet can reduce their food﹣related footprint by one third or more by moving to a vegan diet — no meat,dairy(乳制品),or eggs.If you don't want to go that far,just eat less meat"可知,肉食者可以通过少吃肉来减少与食物相关的碳足迹,所以D表述正确,故选D。
    (3)C 最佳标题。根据"Is it possible to have a diet(日常饮食)that's both healthy and friendly to our planet?Here are answers to your eco﹣friendly food questions"可知,本文主要通过回答四个环保食品的问题来告诉大家如何为地球吃得更好,故选C。
    3.(8分)Potatoes are very popular today.But in the past this was not true.Potatoes grew in South America 5,000 years ago.But they only became popular in other places 200 years ago.
    In the 16th century,the Spanish took the potato from South America to Europe.But the people didn't like this strange vegetable.Some people thought that their skins would look like the skin of the plant if they ate the potato.So they only ate the leaves.This made them sick because there is poison (毒药) in the leaves.
    In the 1800s,people started to eat potatoes.Potatoes became the main food in Ireland.Then something unlucky happened.In 1845,a disease killed all the potatoes in Ireland.Two million people died of hunger.
    Today each country has its potato dish.Germans eat potato salad,and the USA has the baked potato.Of course,the French invented French fries.Now French fries are enjoyed all over the world.

    (1)5,000 years ago,potatoes grew in  A  .
    A.South America
    B.North America
    (2) B  took the potato to Europe in the 16th century.
    A.The Americans
    B.The Spanish
    C.The Irish
    D.The Germans
    (3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  B 
    A.Potatoes didn't become popular in the other places until 200 years ago.
    B.The people in Europe liked potatoes a lot when they first saw them.
    C.Eating the potato leaves made people sick.
    D.People in Ireland began to eat potatoes in the 1800s.
    (4)Why did two million people die in Ireland in the 1845?  D 
    A.Because a disease killed them.
    B.Because they ate the leaves of the potatoes.
    C.Because potatoes brought them bad luck.
    D.Because they didn't have enough food to eat.
    【解答】(1)A。细节理解题。根据"Potatoes grew in South America 5,000 years ago"五千年前,土豆生长在南美洲。可知A符合题意。故选:A。
    (2)B。细节理解题。根据" In the 16th century,the Spanish took the potato from South America to Europe"16世纪,西班牙人将土豆从南美洲带到欧洲。可知B符合题意。故选:B。
    (3)B。推理判断题。根据"In the 16th century,the Spanish took the potato from South America to Europe.But the people didn't like this strange vegetable"16世纪,西班牙人将土豆从南美洲带到欧洲。但是人们不喜欢这种奇怪的蔬菜。可知欧洲人第一次见到土豆时并不喜欢它们。可知B符合题意。故选:B。
    (4)D。细节理解题。根据"In 1845,a disease killed all the potatoes in Ireland.Two million people died of hunger"1845年,一种疾病杀死了爱尔兰所有的土豆。200万人死于饥饿。可知他们没有足够的食物吃。可知D符合题意。故选:D。
    4.(8分)English play writer Arthur Wing Pinero said,"Where there's tea,there's hope." Similarly,a Chinese saying goes that "Firewood,rice,cooking oil,salt,sauce,vinegar and tea are the seven necessary things to begin a day."Tea is,without doubt,welcomed all over the world.Tea production around the world reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018.It has become the most popular drink in the world﹣﹣after water,of course.
    In order to celebrate the popular drink,the United Nations General Assembly has named May 21 International Tea Day.According to the UN,tea is much more than just a hot drink.It's a big part of many cultures around the world.You probably know that people in China use top﹣grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests.Meanwhile,the British afternoon tea is an important part of that country's culture.Making Malaysia's pulled tea(拉茶)has become a kind of art form.Moroccan(摩洛哥人的)mint tea(薄荷茶)is served when getting together.
    Besides its cultural importance,tea is also a medicine,used from ancient times to modern days."Tea is cold and lowers the fire,"Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen once said.The health benefits(好处)of tea are still being discovered today:preventing heart illness and cancer has been connected with drinking green tea.It's believed that the mania for healthy tea products will continue into the next ten years.People,especially women,are crazy about wonderful tea products such as moisturizers(润肤霜)and other beauty products.
    Hot or cold,bagged or loose﹣leaf,tea is more than a drink ﹣﹣ it's a social custom and also a magic medicine,a link to the past and a way of life.

    (1)Why are the two sayings mentioned in the first paragraph?  B 
    A.To show the long history of tea.
    B.To show the importance of tea to people.
    C.To tell us a hobby shared by British and Chinese people.
    D.To show the difference between British and Chinese tea.
    (2)What does the underlined word "mania" probably mean?  A 
    A.Great interest.
    B.A mixed feeling.
    C.A new situation.
    D.General knowledge.
    (3)Which of the following is true according to the passage?  D 
    A.Tea is the most popular drink in the world.
    B.Tea is the most important thing to begin a day.
    C.Only important guests can drink top﹣grade tea.
    D.Drinking green tea is good for preventing heart illness.
    (4)What is the main idea of the passage?  C 
    A.Tea has a long history in China.
    B.Tea has many health benefits.
    C.Tea is a big part of many cultures around the world.
    D.May 21 is celebrated as international Tea Day.
    【解答】(1)B.推理判断题。根据文章开篇点题,引用这两句话Where there's tea,there's hope.有茶的地方就有希望和Firewood,rice,cooking oil,salt,sauce,vinegar and tea are the seven necessary things to begin a day.柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋和茶是开始一天的七大必需品。是为了表明茶叶在人们生活中的有着重要地位。故选B。
    (2)A.词义猜测题。根据It's believed that the mania for healthy tea products will continue into the next ten years.People,especially women,are crazy about wonderful tea products such as moisturizers(润肤霜)and other beauty products.相信对健康茶产品的狂热将持续到未来十年。人们,尤其是女性,热衷于茶类产品,如保湿霜和其它美容产品。由此可知,划线词意为"狂热"。故选A。
    (3)D.细节判断题。根据preventing heart illness and cancer has been connected with drinking green tea.预防心脏病和癌症与饮用绿茶有关。可知,喝绿茶对预防心脏病有好处。故选D。
    5.(10分)3 D printers (打机) have been around us for some time.There is a lot you can do and image with a 3 D printer.(1) B 
    A company in China has recently used 3 D printers to make ten full﹣sized housed in just 24 hours.(2) D 
    These houses are printed with special"ink"that has been made from industrial construction (建筑) waste.
    The using of cheap materials makes it possible to print each house under 5000.The CEO of the company says," (3) A "He plans to set up 100 recycling factories across China and changing waste into cost﹣effective (划算的)"ink"for 3 D printers.(4) C However,at present,multi﹣storey (多层) 3 D﹣printed building are not allowed in China.So,it's important that the 3 D printing technology will be widely used to build any time soon.(5) E 
    Let's wait and see!

    A.The 3 D printer are both environment﹣friendly and cost﹣effective.
    B.Now add"building a house in a day"to the list.
    C.He also hopes his printers can be used to build tall buildings.
    D.And each of the houses covers an area of 200 square meters.
    E.Maybe there be still a long way to go.
    F.There is no limit in China to print tall buildings with 3 D printers.
    【分析】这篇短文主要讲述了3 D打印技术的应用,并重点介绍了一家中国公司在24小时内,用3 D打印技术,打印出了10座全尺寸的房子的故事。
    (1)B.根据后文A company in China has recently used 3 D printers to make ten full﹣sized housed in just 24 hours.最近一家中国的公司仅在24小时内使用3 D印制机制作十个大型房。可知说的是建造房子,结合选项,应是说现在这个清单上加入了"一天建造一座房子"。故选B。
    (2)D.根据上文A company in China has recently used 3 D printers to make ten full﹣sized housed in just 24 hours.最近一家中国的公司仅在24小时内使用3 D印制机制作十个大型房。可知说的是大型房子,结合选项,应是说并且每个房子占地面积有200平方米。故选D。
    (3)A.根据上文These houses are printed with special"ink"that has been made from industrial construction (建筑) waste.这些房子是用特殊的﹣﹣由工业废料制成的墨水打印的。可知说的是优点,结合选项,应是说它们既环保又经济实惠。故选A。
    (4)C.根据上文He plans to set up 100 recycling factories across China and changing waste into cost﹣effective (划算的)"ink"for 3 D printers.他计划在全国建立100家废物回收厂,改变垃圾为3 D打印机的"墨水"。可知说的是未来的希望,结合选项,应是说他也希望他的打印机能用来建筑高楼大厦。故选C。
    (5)E.根据上下文So,it's important that the 3 D printing technology will be widely used to build any time soon....Let's wait and see!因此,重要的是3 D打印技术将被广泛使用,以建立任何事物时间会很快。......让我们拭目以待!可知说的是还需要发展,结合选项,应是说也许仍然有很长的路要走。故选E。
    6.(10分)Mr.Johnson has a clothes store. He(1) D nice clothes to people. The clothes are always(2) B very good prices.
    One day, a boy comes to Mr. Johnson's store. He looks at a blue (3) C .Then he asks.
    "Excuse me. How (4) D is the blue skirt?""It's ﹩20."Mr. Johnson says."Oh, that's too expensive."the boy says. He looks (5) A  sad.
    Mr.Johnson asks the boy, "(6) A  do you want to buy this skirt for?"
    "For my mother. Her birthday is next week. She must look nice in this skirt.(7) B  I only have ﹩5.I can't buy it for her."
    "Well,the skirt is on(8) C these days. It's only ﹩5.You can have it now."
    "Oh,that's really great!I'll take(9) A ! Thank you!"the boy says. He (10) C  happy now.
    "Good boy!I'm sure your mother can have a happy birthday."

    B. How about
    C. Where
    D. What color
    【解答】1.D 考动查词辨析.A玩;B买;C观看;D卖;根据He(1)nice clothes to people前面说有个衣服商店,这里应该是卖漂亮的衣服给人们,故答案是D.
    2.B 考查介词辨析.A在…下;B在;C和;D…的;根据题干,at very good prices以很好的价格是固定短语,故答案是B.
    3.C 考查名词辨析.AT恤;B毛衣;C短裙;D夹克;根据下文the blue skirt?""可知是短裙,故答案是C.
    4.D 考查形容词辨析.A大的;B长的;C短的;D很多;根据后面It's ﹩20,可知要问价钱,用how much,故答案是D.
    5.A 考查副词辨析.A非常;B总是;C确信;D然后;根据He looks (5)sad应该是看起来伤心,故答案是A.
    6.A 考查疑问代词辨析.A谁;B…怎么样;C哪儿;D什么颜色;根据下句For my mother.为我妈妈,应该是为谁买的,故答案是A.
    7.B 考查连词辨析.A所以;B但是;C在…之后;D和;根据前面说是20元,这里I only have ﹩5只有5元,转折关系,故答案是B.
    8.C 考查名词辨析.A美元;B商店;C出售;D价格;根据题干,on sale在促销,故答案是C.
    9.A 考查代词辨析.A它;B它们;C我们;D她;根据I'll take应该是买它,有it代替 skirt,故答案是A.
    10.C 考查动词辨析.A拿;B需要;C看;D知道;根据He (10)happy now应该是看起来很开心,故答案是C.
    四.语篇填空(满分20分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    7.(20分)Chinese writing is one of the world's greatest writing systems(系统).It is more(1) widely (wide)used than alphabetic(字母的)writing systems.More than half of the books(2) are written (write) in Chinese,including historical writings and novels,along with writings on government and law.
    At the beginning,written Chinese was(3) a  picture﹣based language.It dates back several thousand years to the use of animal bones and shells(壳)(4) on which symbols were carved(雕刻)by ancient Chinese people.Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in(5) today's (today)hanzi.
    By the Shang Dynasty,these symbols had become a well﹣developed writing system.Over the years,the system developed into different(6) forms (form),as it was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to different dialects(方言)and characters.This,however,changed under Emperor Qinshihuang of the Qin Dynasty.
    Emperor Qinshihuang united(统 一)the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system(7) began (begin)to develop in one direction.That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.And it has also become an important way connecting China's present with(8) its (it)past.
    Today,Chinese writing system is still a part of Chinese culture.As China plays great role in the world,an increasing number of international students(9) are (be)beginning to appreciate(欣赏)China's culture through this(10) amazing (amaze)language.Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it goes.
    【解答】(1)widely.考查副词。句意:它比字母书写系统使用更广泛。此处使用副词修饰过去分词used。故填 widely。
    (2)are written.考查被动语态。句意:一半以上的书籍是用中文写成的,包括历史著作和小说,以及有关政府和法律的著作。此处主语和write之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,本句为一般现在时,结构为are done。故填are written。
    (4)on.考查介词。句意:它可以追溯到几千年前,中国古代人使用动物骨头和贝壳雕刻符号。on which为介词+关系代词形式,引导定语从句,此处which指代前面的animal bones and shells。故填on。
    (9)are.考查be动词。句意:随着中国在世界上扮演着重要角色,越来越多的国际学生开始通过这门令人惊叹的语言来欣赏中国文化。a number of+名词复数作主语,谓语动词使用复数形式,本句为一般现在时,使用are。故填are。
    五.阅读表达 (满分10分)
    8.(10分)My name is Liu Mei.Last night my grandfather told me about his life story.
    At that time,my grandfather's family was not rich.He didn't have time to play after school ,and he always helped his parents on the farm.When it was dark (黑暗的) ,my grandfather went home.After he had supper ,he did his homework in the poor light.For the holidays,my grandfather often stayed at home to help his parents.He never travelled ,because his family didn't have much money.
    In summer,the weather was very hot and my grandfather often went to the river to play with his friends.They swam and caught (捉) fish in the river.At that time my grandfather had no money to buy toys(玩具),so he made toys by himself to play,like spinning tops (陀螺) and sleds (雪橇) .
    Hearing my grandfather's life story,I know that I have a good life and I decide to study hard.

    (1)What was Liu Mei's grandfather's family like at that time? (no more than 6 words)
     His family was not rich. 
    (2)What did her grandfather do after school? (no more than 8 words)
     He always helped his parents on the farm. 
    (3)Why didn't her grandfather travel ? (no more than 7 words)
     Because his family didn't have much money. 
    (4)Did her grandfather buy toys for himself? (no more than 3 words)
     No,he didn't. 
    (5)What did Liu Mei decide to do after she heard her grandfather's life? (no more than 5 words)
     She decides to study hard. 
    【解答】(1)His family was not rich.细节理解题。根据At that time,my grandfather's family was not rich.可知家庭不富有,故答案是His family was not rich。
    (2)He always helped his parents on the farm.细节理解题。根据He didn't have time to play after school ,and he always helped his parents on the farm.可知放学后帮助父母做农活,故答案是He always helped his parents on the farm。
    (3)Because his family didn't have much money.细节理解题。根据He never travelled ,because his family didn't have much money.可知是因为没有很多钱,故答案是Because his family didn't have much money。
    (4)No,he didn't.推理判断题。根据At that time my grandfather had no money to buy toys(玩具),so he made toys by himself to play,like spinning tops (陀螺) and sleds (雪橇) .可知没有钱买玩具,故答案是No,he didn't。
    (5)She decides to study hard.细节理解题。根据 Hearing my grandfather's life story,I know that I have a good life and I decide to study hard.可知刘梅决定努力学习,故答案是She decides to study hard。
    9.(15分)假如你是李华,你的好友 Grace 给你写了封信诉说了她的烦恼,请根据邮件内容写一封不少于 80 词的回信,提出一些合理的建议帮助她解决问题。(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)
    Dear Li Hua,
    I'm not happy.I always argue with my parents.They only care about my schoolwork.The winter holiday is coming.They plan to choose lots of after﹣school classes for me.But I don't want to be so busy.I just want to take painting lessons.They disagree with me.I don't know what to do.And how can I improve the relationship with my parents?Can you give me some advice?
    You should find a suitable time and have patience to talk to your parents.你应该找一个合适的时间,并有耐心和你的父母交谈。
    情态动词should +动词原形;表示应该……。
    I believe your parents will understand you and help you.我相信你的父母会理解你,帮助你。
    I believe +宾语从句;表示我相信……。
    【解答】Dear Grace,
    I'm glad you can tell me about your troubles.Your problem is that you always argue with your parents.They only care about your homework.These are the problems of most children.Don't worry.I can give you some advice.(点明主题)
    You should find a suitable time and have patience to talk to your parents. 【高分句型一】You should express your views politely and tactfully.For example,having after﹣school classes ,it's just a waste of time and money.You tell your parents that you have made a good study plan.You should convince them that you are not behind others in your study.You can also talk about the rich activities of your holiday.You can also spend more time reading some famous works,doing sports and participating in some volunteer activities. .(建议)Parents love their children.I believe your parents will understand you and help you.(效果)【高分句型二】
    I hope you have a pleasant holiday.
    Li Hua

    日期:2022/2/4 13:50:29;用户:初中账号6;邮箱:3560915887@xyh.com;学号:39888718

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