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    这是一份广东省揭阳市普宁市勤建学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了5分,共37, wellingtnz, In 2003, Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    英语试卷   2023.1

    考试时间:120分钟;  卷面总分:120





    第一节        阅读理解  (共15小题,每小题2.5分,共37.5分)

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出最佳选项


    Singapore Zoo


    Singapore Zoo allows animals to walk around in spacious environments that are similar to their natural habitats. Kids can join in learning about the animals of Singapore Zoo in educational programs, guided tours and camps, including the Sleep with the Beasts Family Camp. wrs.com.sg

    Chester Zoo 

    Cheshire, England

    The most visited zoo in the United Kingdom, Chester Zoo asks a team of experts who do research on six key areas around the world to develop programs that hope to prevent animals from dying out. The zoo runs a number of activities, such as Sing for Songbirds, a partnership with singer / songwriter Ashley Fayth, which tries to make people notice the danger facing songbirds in Indonesia. chesterzoo.org

    Wellington Zoo   

    Wellington, New Zealand

    Wellington Zoo is green in more ways than one. The zoo works very hard to reduce waste and reuse rain water. The zoo supports conservation programs, and its animal hospital, The Nest Te Kōhanga, has treated over 3, 400 wildlife patients since its opening in 2009. wellingtonzoo.com

    San Diego Zoo

    San Diego, USA

    Over 3, 500 endangered animals call San Diego Zoo home, but the biggest achievement of this zoo is the number of endangered animals that are sent back into the wild. The zoo's breeding programs provide valuable information on the behavior and health of endangered species in over 45 countries. San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research also asks over 200 conservation scientists to protect some animals from dying out. zoo.sandiegozoo.org

    1. Where can people camp with their family?

    A. At Singapore Zoo.   B. At Wellington Zoo.       C. At San Diego Zoo.    D. At Chester Zoo.

    2. Which of the following websites will a songbird-lover be most likely to visit?

    A. wrs.com.sg.        B. zoo.sandiegozoo.org.      C. wellingtonzoo.com.    D. chesterzoo.org.

    3. What do we know about the San Diego Zoo?   

    A. It has been the most popular zoo in the USA for years.

    B. It runs an animal hospital to treat wild animals.

    C. It has helped some animals go back to nature.

    D. It helps American endangered animals only.


    When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me. I’ve lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem, but in my neighborhood, there are shoot-ups all the time. I know kids who have been shot (枪击) or beaten up. I have friends who ended up in prison. I could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark wouldn’t let that happen.

    Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact, the scores of our whole class rose. One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem. Before the show, he treated (招待) us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We did not want to let him down.

    Mr. Clark was selected (选拔) as Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year. He said he would draw three names (抽签) out of a hat: those students would go with him to Los Angles to get the award (奖品). But when the time came to draw names, Mr. Clark said, “You’re all going.”

    On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didn’t want his class to end. In 2001, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in touch. He started giving lectures about education, and wrote a best-selling book based on his classroom rules, The Essential 55. In 2003, Mr. Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit orphanages (孤儿院). It was the most amazing experience of my life. It’s now my dream to one day start a group of women’s clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.

    4How many students finally went to Los Angles with Mr. Clark?

    ANone BThree CFifty-five DAll

    5The Essential 55 is ___________.

    Aa show Ba book Ca classroom rule Da speech

    6Without Mr. Clark, the writer___________.

    Amight not have won the prize

    Bmight have joined a women’s club

    Cmight have been put into prison

    Dmight not have moved to Atlanta

    7What is the writer’s attitude(态度) towards Mr. Clark?

    AHe thinks highly of Mr. Clark.

    BHe looks down upon Mr. Clark.

    CHe doesn’t show his attitude towards Mr. Clark.

    DHe takes a neutral(中立的) attitude towards Mr. Clark.



    Moving to a foreign country is an amazing, life-changing experience. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, make yourself completely involved in a different culture and possibly learn another language. However, before embarking on such an adventure, there are some practical decisions that need to be made. One such decision is choosing where to live.

    For me, choosing to live with a French family was the best choice I made, and here are the reasons.

    Firstly, a family can show you around the city or town and help you settle in, stopping you from feeling lonely. When you’re in new surroundings with people you don’t know and who are speaking a language you’re still not fluent in, you might feel lost, tired and homesick—I know I did. However, my host family are wonderful and welcoming; they showed me which buses to take to get to work, cooked dinner for me, and took me with them on trips to the beach, the theatre and even a bullring. These were great opportunities to experience French culture and build relationships, which in turn helped me feel at home and welcome.

    Moreover, living with French people has been beneficial to helping me improve my language skills. Being constantly exposed to authentic French conversation has allowed me to learn new phrases, widen my vocabulary and even improve my accent. My host family are happy to answer my questions and correct me when I say things wrong, which makes me a better and more confident French speaker.

    Finally, the experience of living abroad is one that you will remember forever, and perhaps the friendships—like the memories—will also last. Your host family might become your friends for life. You might return for their birthdays, weddings, holidays, and many more things. I sincerely hope to remain in contact with my host family long after I leave France because when I was away from my friends and loved ones, they welcomed me and made me part of their family.

    8What does the underlined phrase “embarking on” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

    ARemarking on. BSetting about.

    CDepending on DWriting down.

    9Where did the writer choose to live when moving to a foreign country?

    AIn a dormitory. BIn his own apartment.

    CIn a host family. DIn his friend’s house.

    10What is the advantage of living with French people for the writer?

    AImproving his French skills.

    BFeeling homesick and lonely.

    CMaking friends from different countries.

    DIntroducing English culture to the French.

    11How does the writer develop the passage?

    ABy making comparisons.

    BBy following the order of time.

    CBy following the order of importance.

    DBy listing detailed reasons.


    Suppose you are out shopping and come across an old friend who starts telling you a story that seems to be dragging on and on. You want to seem interested, so you offer the occasional “Oh” or “I see”. To your surprise, though, this person angrily stops and says, “Sorry if I’m boring you!”

    Where did this come from? Clearly, your body language must have let out your inner feelings. The idea that verbal (口头的) and nonverbal messages can conflict was the inspiration for a recently published study from Yale University’s Lueylle Armentano.

    To test the role of verbal-nonverbal mismatch on emotional communication, Armentano and her partner created experimental conditions to see what happens when someone asks for help from strangers. The research team created videotapes of a fellow Yale student expressing nervousness in his words, bodily gestures, or both. The bodily gestures included running his hands through his hair, grabbing his arm, and facially expressing uneasiness. The key question was whether the other participants, another 82 Yale students, would believe the student and provide the help he was requesting. They needed to give their responses.

    Turning to the findings, those nonverbal cues (提示) of nervousness had a greater impact on helping behavior than the verbal cues. Surprisingly, helping behavior was the highest when verbal expressions of nervousness were low but nonverbal cues were high.

    Recognizing that your body language can outweigh your words means that you need to be mindful of what your body is doing when you’re interacting with others. Generally, when someone is speaking to you, you want to look like you’re interested. Not only should you maintain eye contact, but you should keep your body still and face toward the other person.

    12What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

    AThe obvious advantages of body language.

    BThe proper way to interact with old friends.

    CA situation where body language is necessary.

    DAn example of the conflict of verbal and nonverbal messages.

    13What was the task of the 82 Yale students ?

    ATry to win the nervous student’s trust.

    BRespond to the nervous student’s request.

    CIdentify the types of body language.

    DExpress nervousness in their words.

    14What would probably win kindness from strangers?

    ANonverbal cues of nervousness BGood manners in front of others.

    CSincere verbal expressions. DPositive attitude to nervousness.

    15What is the purpose of the writer in the last paragraph?

    AGive some warnings. BPresent some facts.

    COffer suggestions. DMake a prediction

    第二节  七选五(共5小题,每小题2.5分,共12.5分)


    If you are thinking about going on a camping trip, wait a minute. Pack your bags before you start.

    Bring plenty of food and cooking tools. This is to save money and time. Money spent on each meal will add up. ____16____Pack perishable(易腐的)foods in a cooler with ice. Bring nonperishable snacks to snack on. If you plan to cook, purchase a portable gas stove that runs on batteries.

    ____17____Find a tent that will accommodate your group, or buy a one-person tent if you want to sleep alone. Visit an online retailer like Amazon, or visit a sporting store to pick out your tent in person.

    Bring a sleeping bag and sleeping pad(垫子). Purchase a sleeping bag that features warming your body for cold weather, and one that keeps you cool for summer. ____18____Pillows may seem like a luxury item but they make camping much more comfortable.

    Consider bringing a canopy(翠篷). It can provide you with some shade and shelter. It also serves as a place for friends to gather during breaks, and as a place to eat meals. Double check to be sure your camping site is big enough to fit a canopy, and to make sure they are allowed. For maximum comfort, ____19____.

    Pack for the drive home, too. When you return to your car after the camping trip, ____20____ Pack a bag of warm, clean clothes, water, snacks, a towel, and some relaxing music to leave in the car. Bring anything else that will keep you comfortable for the journey home.

    APurchase a tent to sleep in.

    BDon’t forget to bring a pillow.

    CBe sure to have your cell on hand.

    Dyou’re likely to be worn-out and hungry.

    Eyou may desire some coffee for the morning!

    FAnd the lines to buy food will often be very long.

    Gyou can buy a fold able table and chairs to put in the canopy.


    第三节  完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

    Once, there was a small, unkept and rather poor village. People had to work hard to ___21___ themselves. Johnny lived in a wooden hut with his old grandma. He had dreamed to move to a big city he had never ___22___ before.

    All of Johnny’s friends had left for a long ___23___ in big cities. Only Johnny, who was ___24___ all summer long, and couldn’t even go to the nearest city for a moment.

    Johnny ___25___ walked into the hut and sank onto the muddy brown sofa. “Are you okay, dear?” His grandma asked. “No!” Johnny ___26___. “My friends are all taking trips to other cities, even countries, and I’m ___27___ in this place!” Johnny’s Grandma was ___28___. “Johnny,” she began. Immediately, Johnny interrupted. “I’m going to my room!” He then bolted () towards his room.

    One day, Johnny ___29___ up. He walked outside to look at the golden sun ___30___ over the horizon, standing firm against the ocean and blue sky. Soon after, his grandma went over to stand near Johnny. “Listen, Johnny,” she ___31___. “Look at the sky and the ocean. Aren’t they splendid? You won’t ___32___ them in a city, would you?” Just then, a few wolf cubs (幼崽) could be ___33___ at the end of the village. “See those wolf cubs? Aren’t they so ___34___? I don’t think you would find them crawling around a big city.” This made Johnny ___35___ how beautiful life is, and he’s lucky to even live in a village.

    21Aremind Bsupport Cenjoy Dbehave

    22Avisited Bimagined Cdescribed Dintroduced

    23Agathering Btreatment Cceremony Dvacation

    24Acurious Bregretful Cbored Damused

    25Aunhappily Bunbelievably Cunexpectedly Dunconsciously

    26Abroke down Bpassed down Cpointed out Dburst out

    27Ainterested Babsorbed Cstuck Dinvolved

    28Adisappointed Bshocked Cinspired Dashamed

    29Awoke Bturned Cgave Dgrew

    30Alanding Bwandering Crising Dburning

    31Arecalled Bcomplained Cshouted Dannounced

    32Ashare Bdraw Cfind Dmiss

    33Abought Bspotted Craised Drejected

    34Awonderful Bpitiful Cfierce Drespectful

    35Aremember Bimagine Csuspect Drealize



    第四节  用单词的适当形式完成短文(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)


    The Silk Road seems rather familiar to people, but not everyone knows about the Hexi Corridor (河西走廊) and the Qilian Mountains.

    The___36___(long) of the Hexi Corridor is about 1,000 kilometers. It’s___37___golden channel in the history of cultural exchange between China and the West. In ancient times, the Silk Road passed through here to Central and West Asia. The Qilian Mountains is the source of some rivers ___38___flow in the Hexi Corridor.

    ___39___ (influence) by the continental highland climate, the Qilian Mountains’ climate is mostly dry and cold with frequent winds. The glaciers (冰川) in the mountains are major water resources of the Hexi Corridor. More than 3,000 glaciers___40___(exist) in the mountain range are equal___41___tens of billions of cubic meters of water. The animals, plants and people along the Hexi Corridor highly depend on the melting water from the Qilian Mountains___42___ (live).

    However, due to climate change, glaciers in the Qilian Mountains are decreasing___43___ (rapid). As the important source of water, the glaciers’ change is of ___44___ (important) to the region’s sustainable development. The Qilian Mountain National Park, one of the country’s first pilot national parks, ___45___ (complete) in 2020 to better protect these areas.

    第五节  应用文写作(满分15分)









    第六节 读后续写(满分25分)


    The Gift of Kindness

    Will, a nine-year-old boy, was such a kind person that he brought home birds with broken wings. Money was very short for his family because his mother was ill. Every weekend, Will would mow his neighbors lawns to earn a little money.

    One hot dry morning, on his way to school, Will saw a man sitting on the roadside with his head in his hands. Not far away was his truck. Previously, the man spared no efforts in repairing it, but he failed, exhausted and thirsty. Will came up to him, ready to help.

    Hearing Will’s greeting, the man raised his head, looked at Will and asked for some water. Learning that he had even not had breakfast, Will walked into a shop, fingering the money in his pocket. Eventually, he picked up sandwiches and water. They cost all his money! He shrugged, walked back and handed him the food.

    The man received the supplies gratefully and they shared the brief meal while introducing themselves. Allan, a boss with a small factory who delivered goods by himself, smiled,” The delivering job is so tiring that nobody seems to want it. By the way, thank you for your food. I’m sorry that I forget to take money with me today. I’ll.”

    “It’s OK. My mom always says we should be kind to the world, and the world will be kind to you!” Will shrugged, “As for the job, don’t worry. There must be someone wanting to take it.”

    “Perhaps. Today, I feel kindness in the world like your mom says. Maybe she is the one the world has been kind to.” Allan commented.

    Will lowered his head, explaining quietly his mother’s situation and his father’s just being out of work because of the bankrupt of the company. Will pointed at a house. “My dad says we’ll have to sell it to pay for mom’s treatment. Sometimes, I hope the world could be kind to our family soon.” Tears rolled down Will’s cheeks and Allan patted his back gently. But soon, Will wiped his face, shouldered his school bag, waved goodbye to Allan and rushed for school, never imagining he would see Allan ever again.

    Allan stared at Will’s fading figure, lost in thought.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;


    After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house.


    Hearing the good news, Will turned overjoyed.



    1A    2D   3C


    4D    5B    6C   7A


    8B    9C    10A    11D


    12D    13B    14A    15C


    16F    17A    18B    19G    20D


    21B    22A    23D    24C    25A    26D    27C    28B    29A    30C    31D    32C    33B    34A    35D


    36length    37a    38that/which    39Influenced    40existing    41to    

    42to live    43rapidly    44importance    45was completed


    46Dear Tony,

    You wrote that you’ve met a lot of challenges at senior high school recently, which makes you lay sleepless until dawn. I understand quite well that you are confused and feel terrible. You think you have to study harder and it is very difficult to finish all the homework. I’m writing to give you some advice.

    I recommend that it be a good idea to have a talk with your teachers about your problem and they may give you some useful suggestions. What’s more, I feel it significant to make a proper arrangement of your study so that you can keep a balance between schoolwork and exercises. Doing some exercises can make you sleep better.

    I hope you’ll find the advice helpful and get used to your senior high school life as soon as possible.


    Li Hua


    After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house. Puzzled and curious, he quickened his pace, wondering who would be the unexpected visitor. Hardly had he stepped into the doorway when he noticed that Allan, the man he met in the morning, was talking with his father. Astonished to see the scene, he asked curiously, “ Are you old acquaintance?” His father beamed up, “No, but Mr. Allan have told me what had happened this morning and he offered to give me a job, as a deliveryman!”

    Hearing the good news, Will turned overjoyed. He asked eagerly, “Dad, with this job, do we need to sell our house?” “Probably not! At least it can help cover the medical expenses!” His father responded. Wearing a big smile on his face, Will expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Allan, offering that he would also help deliver the goods in the following summer vacation! Moved by the little boy, Allan stroked his head, “The vvorld will be kind to the one with a kind heart!” Leaning against the door was the father, who felt relieved, not only for the precious job, but for the kind boy. (175 words)


    After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house. Will rushed in. To his amazement, Allen, the man whom he imagined he wouldn’t see ever again, was talking with his dad. At the sight of Will, Allen waved at him with a smile while his dad gave him a sudden hug, who learned the whole story from Allen, touched and delighted. Tears rolling in his eyes, he shared good news with Will. In return for Will’s kindness, Allen offered his father a job as a driver in his factory.

    Hearing of the good news, Will turned overjoyed. He hugged Allen with a dump in his throat, tears welling up. Allen patted his head and appreciated the precious kindness. Even thought they had to sell the house for his mother’s treatment, Will could still buy food for a stranger. Allen asked,” We should be kind to the world, and the world will be kind to you, isn’t it?“ Listening to the words, Will burst into tears againbut this time warm and delighted. (175)


    After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house. Walking into the house with great curiosity, Will found the familiar figure sitting next to his father. He can’t believe he should be the boss he met this morning! Realizing his surprised son standing still, Will’s father gladly stood up, introducing Allan to will Allan, who had told everything to Will’s father, walked straight to Will, gently touched Will’s hair and said,” I have found a man who would like to take my delivering job.’

    Hearing the good news, Will turned overjoyed. “Really?” Will asked with a big smile on his innocent face. Will’s father gratefully explained that it is Allan who offered him the job opportunity at this hard time, and Allan even tried to make every effort to provide necessary helps for their family. Will was deeply touched, with a choking voice, he said, “Thank you. but I don’t know how to pay for your kindness.” “You owe me nothing, Will You are kind to the world, and the world is kind to you now.”(160)




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