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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T get a phne number.B. T find an address.C. T brrw a bk.
    2. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 10:30.B. At 11:00.C. At 12:00.
    3. What happened t the painting Simpsn’s Mther?
    A. It was burned.B. It was sptted.C. It was tm.
    4. What is the wman unsatisfied with abut the table?
    A Its shape.B. Its size.C. Its clur.
    5. What will the man prbably have tnight?
    A. Burgers.B. Pizzas.C. Sandwiches.
    6. What did the man d last night?
    A. He visited a friend.B. He had an interview.C. He fixed the radi.
    7. Hw des the man feel abut the wman’s plan?
    A. Interested.B. Surprised.C. Disappinted.
    8. Why des the man ask fr help?
    A. He will g n hliday.
    B. He will be in hspital.
    C. He will be away n business.
    9. Wh will prbably take care f the dg?
    A. Marina.B. Rbin.C. Thmas.
    10. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Increase her study time.
    B. Manage her time prperly.
    C. Fllw his revisin schedule.
    11. When will the speakers hld a party?
    A. On the 25th.B. On the 26th.C. On the 27th.
    12. What will the wman d next?
    A. Prepare sme fd.B. Play sme music.C. D sme revisin.
    13. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Fellw wrkers.B. Cllege friends.C. Teacher and student.
    14. Hw did the wman get int vlunteer wrk?
    A. She funded a lcal rganizatin.
    B. She fllwed a grup f yung peple.
    C. She gt the infrmatin frm a friend.
    15. What des the man think f his manager?
    A. Strict.B. Generus.C. Energetic.
    16. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Jin in the prject.B. Visit the cmpany.C. Write an email.
    17. When did the strm happen?
    A. Last Thursday.B. Last Friday.C. This Friday.
    18. Hw many peple were badly injured in the strm?
    A. 15.B. 14.C. 9.
    19. Where was the farmer when the strm came?
    A. In the kitchen.B. In the bedrm.C. In the field.
    20. What did the wman d when she saw her huse shaking?
    A. She tk ut her belngings quickly.
    B. She rushed ut with her children at nce.
    C. She tld her husband t leave immediately.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Hidden gardens in Lndn
    Frm nature reserves t cmmunity spaces, we’ve dug up sme f Lndn’s mst secret gardens, where yu’ll find pckets f splendid nature and frget abut all yur wrries.
    Queen’s Wd
    Acrss the rad frm the better-knwn Highgate Wd, there is smething mre magical and quiet abut Queen’s Wd— witness its hilly pathways thrugh the muntain ash and cherry trees. It might be nly a few hundred metres frm Highgate tube statin, but native bluebells and cuntless species f small animals make this a wnderful retreat.
    Phenix Garden
    Behind Charing Crss Rad this is a super spt fr a leafy lunchtime break. Lk ut fr frgs and sparrws, which are thriving thanks t an enthusiastic cnservatin initiative. The garden clsed last autumn fr redevelpment wrk but has repened in time t take advantage f ur lng-awaited spell f imprved weather.
    Pstman’s Park
    A shrt walk frm St Paul’s Cathedral lies ne f Lndn’s mst tuching mnuments: Gerge Frederic Watts’s Memrial t Heric Self-Sacrifice. Within the quiet Pstman’s Park, nestled beneath a rf, are just ver 50 ceramic plaques(牌匾), each hnring the memry f an rdinary persn wh lst their life trying t save thers.
    Red Crss Garden
    Originally intended t give Suthwark children a space t play, this Victrian garden has been restred t its riginal design, cmplete with pnd, cttage, bandstand and frmal brders. While relaxing in the restred bandstand, it’s hard t imagine the view back in 1887 when it was surrunded by wrkhuses and factries.
    21. Which garden is clse t a subway statin?
    A. Queen’s Wd.B. Phenix Garden.
    C. Pstman’s Park.D. Red Crss Garden.
    22. What can yu d in Pstman’s Park?
    A. Take phts f ld wrkhuses.B. Swim in the pnd.
    C. Learn stries abut selflessness.D. Enjy a band shw.
    23. What d Phenix Garden and Red Crss Garden have in cmmn?
    A. They have gt sme repair wrk.B. They were surrunded by factries.
    C. They will be temprarily clsed.D. They have the same riginal design.
    NFK Editrs—Octber 14, 2021—Zara Rutherfrd is flying arund the wrld by herself in a small plane. When she finishes her trip, which will take ver tw mnths, she’ll becme the yungest wman t fly all the way arund the glbe by herself. She’s just 19 years ld. Ms. Rutherfrd began her trip in Belgium n August 18. This trip is smething she has dreamed abut fr a lng time.
    Ms. Rutherfrd has been learning t fly planes since she was 14 years ld. Ms. Rutherfrd’s parents are bth pilts, and they helped her practice. She gt her pilt’s license in 2020 and has hundreds f hurs f flying practice. She’s making this trip in a small tw-seater plane called a micrlight. One f the seats has been replaced with an extra gas tank, which will allw Ms. Rutherfrd t cver lnger distances. The plane has had several ther updates fr safety, including a secnd radi, and satellite cmmunicatins.
    T fllw her rute, Ms. Rutherfrd needs t be able t see, since her plane can’t be guided using its instruments alne. That means she can’t fly at night r in bad weather. Ms. Rutherfrd is nw in Nme, Alaska—the halfway pint f her trip. While she’s had sme delays and is a little behind schedule, she is upbeat. “As lng as I’m hme befre Christmas, I’m cntent,” she says.
    Ms. Rutherfrd plans t stay a night r tw in each place t visit with schls and yuth grups. She hpes t inspire yung girls t explre areas like aviatin (flying), science, mathematics, and engineering. As her father pints ut, currently, nly abut 5% f pilts are wmen.
    24. What is Zara Rutherfrd’s lng-held dream?
    A. An independent flight arund the wrld.B. Building a small plane.
    C. A tw-mnth self-driving travel in Belgium.D. Becming the yungest pilt
    25. What can we learn abut Ms. Rutherfrd frm paragraph 2?
    A. She needs a guide.B. She is well prepared.
    C. She is knwledgeable.D. She has lts f hbbies.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “upbeat” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Reliable.B. Inncent.
    C. Elegant.D. Optimistic.
    27. Why des Ms. Rutherfrd plan t visit schls and yuth grups?
    A. T learn mre scientific knwledge.B. T celebrate the festival tgether.
    C. T encurage ther girls t aim high.D. T help her father make speeches.
    Thusands f years f dmesticatin have left dgs with a remarkable capacity t cmprehend human speech, and new research reveals that the brains f ur fur-legged friends are even able t differentiate between languages. Appearing in the jurnal Neurimage, the new study is the first t detect such an ability in any nn-human animal.
    T cnduct their research, the study authrs trained 18 pet dgs t lie mtinless inside a functinal magnetic resnance imaging (fMRI) scanner s that their brain activity culd be recrded while they listened t audi recrdings f human speech. Tw f the dgs invlved in the study came frm hmes that spke Spanish, while the remaining 16 belnged t Hungarian-speaking families.
    While in the scanner, each dg listened t an excerpt (节选) frm Antine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince in bth Spanish and Hungarian. They als heard scrambled (杂乱的) versins f these recrdings that made n sense and sunded cmpletely unnatural.
    When examining the respnses f the dgs’ brains t these recrdings, the researchers nted that activity patterns within the animals’ primary auditry crtex (听觉皮层) differed depending n whether they heard actual speech r scrambled nnsense. This suggests that dgs are indeed able t tell the difference between speech and nn-speech, regardless f the language spken.
    The researchers als fund that this respnse t language was mre prnunced in lder dgs, leading them t cnclude that lnger expsure t human speech enables pet dgs t imprve their language recgnitin skills.
    In a statement, study authr Attila Andie explained these findings indicate that “the capacity t learn abut the regularities f a language is nt uniquely human.” Hwever, it remains t be seen “whether this capacity is dgs’ specialty, r general amng nn-human species.”
    “Indeed, it is pssible that the brain changes frm the tens f thusands f years that dgs have been living with humans have made them better language listeners, but this is nt necessarily the case.”
    28. What is the requirement fr the dgs in the study?
    A. They must be smart.B. They can study languages.
    C. They must keep still.D. They can train their partners.
    29. Hw did the researchers get their findings?
    A. By cnsulting language experts.B. By cllecting clinical data.
    C. By bserving the dgs’ bdy mvements.D. By analyzing the dgs’ brain activity.
    30. What can we infer abut the findings frm Attila Andie’s explanatin?
    A. They have prved his assumptin.B. They need further cnfirming.
    C. They are in line with the frmer nes.D. They apply t nn-human species.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Older Dgs Can Learn New Tricks
    B. Dgs Are Gd Language Learners
    C. Older Dgs Are Humans’ Perfect Partners
    D. Dgs Can Distinguish Different Languages
    In 2007, the African Unin annunced an ambitius prject—t plant the Great Green Wall (GGW), a band f trees that wuld stretch the length f the Sahel.
    The GGW is an eclgical restratin prject designed by African peple fr African peple. Heavy rains, drughts, wildfires and landslides have all becme cmmn thrughut the wrld. But nwhere is quite like the Sahel. In this huge African regin, climate change has materialized in a dramatic manner. In sme cases, the severe cnditins have left peple with n ptin ther than t migrate elsewhere t survive. It was with all f this in mind that the extrardinary, but heavily debated prject was first put frward.
    Furteen years have passed since the initiative frmally kicked ff. The stated gal was t create a 15-kilmetre-wide, 8, 000-kilmetre-lng green belt f trees and ther plants that, by 2030, wuld span(跨越)the entire width f the Sahel, frm Senegal t Djibuti. Overall, 100 millin hectares(公顷)f land wuld be restred by 2030. Once cmpleted, it was annunced, the wall culd end up capturing(俘获)250 millin tnnes f carbn dixide, while its creatin and upkeep culd create ten millin jbs in rural areas.
    Lking at the prject as a whle, there’s still a lng way t g. Accrding t a status reprt by the UN Cnventin t Cmbat Desertificatin, abut fur millin hectares f degraded land have been restred. This means that prgress twards the 100 millin hectares target stands at just fur per cent.
    “When we started restring the sil, we realized the area at risk was much wider than we initially thught,” explains Elvis Paul Tangem, the African Unin’s GGW crdinatr. “We had few funds t push the initiative as much as we wanted t. There was skepticism amng investrs, wh didn’t understand the prject, but als amng the African states themselves, which needed time t figure ut if the GGW was a pririty.”
    32. What is the purpse f the GGW prject?
    A. T imprve lcal eclgy.B. T develp rural ecnmy.
    C. T predict climate patterns.D. T strengthen reginal ties.
    33. What d the statistics in paragraph 3 shw f the initiative?
    A. The service perid.B. The ttal budget.
    C. The targeted grups.D. The expected benefits.
    34. Hw des Elvis Paul Tangem feel abut the prject?
    A. Skeptical.B. Wrried.
    C. Cnfident.D. Satisfied.
    35. What message des the authr intend t cnvey in the text?
    A. African cuntries shuld stand tgether.
    B. The prgress f the GGW prject is slw.
    C. Fighting climate change is ur tp pririty.
    D. Natural disasters are wrse than we thught.
    Studying smarter, nt lnger, matters nw mre than ever, with students in many cuntries having t manage their time and study mre n their wn. ____36____ The gd news: Science pints t nes that really wrk.
    Use pictures. Pay attentin t drawings, graphics, chart and ther visual aids in yur class materials, psychlgist Mark McDaniel says. “____37____ And if there aren’t pictures, creating them can be really, really useful.”
    Find examples. Abstract cncepts can be hard t understand. It tends t be far easier t frm a mental image if yu have a cncrete example f smething, psychlgist Cynthia Nebel says. Fr instance, sur fds usually taste that way because they cntain an acid.____38____ But if yu think abut a lemn r vinegar, it’s easier t understand and remember that acids and sur g tgether.
    ____39____ Psychlgist Nate Kmell “definitely did cram (临时抱佛脚)” befre big tests when he was a student. He still thinks it’s a gd idea t study the day befre a big test. But research shws it’s a bad idea t cram all yur studying int that day. Instead, allw time between study sessins and yu’ll learn and remember material better.
    Dig deeper. It’s hard t remember a string f facts and figures if yu dn’t push further. Ask why things are a certain way. Hw did they cme abut? Why d they matter? Psychlgists call this elabratin. “It’s asking a lt f hw and why questins abut it,” Nebel says.____40____
    Try adding just ne new study skill each week r tw. It may seem dd at first. But, by the time week tw rlls arund, it becmes a nrmal thing.
    A. Reread bks and ntes.
    B. Space ut yur studying.
    C They really bst yur memry f the material.
    D. Yet many students have never learned thse skills.
    E. In ther wrds, dn’t just accept facts at face value.
    F. On its wn, that cncept might be hard t remember.
    G It’s like telling students t learn t swim by “just swimming.”
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    It was 4-year-ld Darrin’s first chirpractic adjustment(脊椎矫正术). He was afraid, as mst children are n their first visit t any ____41____.
    But if yu gain children’s ____42____ and take the time t develp gd relatinship, yu can d anything with their cmplete ____43____. One f the ____44____ I find mst useful is t shw an interest in a child’s special ty. When yu tuch, hug and lve their ____45____ ty, yu pen the dr t their heart. I have given thusands f chirpractic adjustments t teddy bears, Barbie dlls and fire trucks—yu name it, I’ve ____46____ it.
    Darrin’s____47____, hwever, was different.
    I had tld Darrin’s mther t ____48____ his favrite ty, but when I ____49____ abut it, she said, “Srry, Dr. Stillwagn. Darrin’s favrite play ty is ur upright vacuum sweeper(立式吸尘器), and I just culdn’t feel _____50_____ cming t the ffice with it.”
    “Wait just a minute,” said. I went ut, gt ur upright vacuum sweeper and _____51_____ the adjusting rm. I intrduced him t ur vacuum sweeper,_____52_____him t play with it.
    Our examinatin _____53_____ invlves the use f a hand-held scanner t mnitr the patient’s prgress. I tk the scanner and _____54_____ it the full length f the upright vacuum sweeper. I then placed the sweeper n the adjusting table and _____55_____ t adjust it. Darrin watched my every _____56_____ . I tld him that the sweeper wuld sn feel _____57_____.
    Darrin was next. Full f cnfidence, he sat n the chair fr the scan, and then _____58_____ sat n the adjusting table. We had becme _____59_____, and I had adjusted my _____60_____ upright vacuum sweeper!
    41. A. teacherB. dctrC. plicemanD. fireman
    42. A. cmpanyB. resistanceC. trustD. sympathy
    43. A. cperatinB. instructinC. admiratinD. prtectin
    44. A. techniquesB. prjectsC. regulatinsD. experiments
    45. A. hand-madeB. cstlyC. husehldD. favred
    46. A. createdB. affrdedC. adjustedD. exhibited
    47. A. appearanceB. reactinC. illnessD. situatin
    48. A. bringB. buyC. plishD. perate
    49. A. warnedB. askedC. dreamedD. argued
    50. A. bitterB. ambitiusC. embarrassedD. cmfrtable
    51. A. paintedB. decratedC. cleanedD. entered
    52. A. beggingB. encuragingC. frcingD. frbidding
    53. A. prcedureB. standardC. resultD. paper
    54. A. cveredB. testedC. ranD. dug
    55. A. declinedB. failedC. learnedD. pretended
    56. A. designB. planC. mveD. prgram
    57. A. wiserB. betterC. tidierD. tighter
    58. A. mindlesslyB. nervuslyC. fearlesslyD. hesitatingly
    59. A. friendsB. neighbrsC. cmpetitrsD. clleagues
    60. A. slidB. firstC. bestD. new
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Zhejiang prvince, hme t an impressive number f flk artists, has many types f flk art. Rted in life experiences, they cntribute ____61____ (huge) t enriching peple’s cultural life.
    In the village f Dngyuan, Wenzhu, the ancient Chinese____62____ (invent) f wden mvable type printing is marching frward, which____63____ (date) back t the Yuan dynasty. Tday peple in Rui’an still print the family-tree bks in this way,____64____(fllw) the previus printing tips. And traditinally, peple in Zhejiang update the family trees every 30 years. It indicates the Chinese ____65____ (peple) deep-rted sense f family and lve fr their hmeland. Anther interesting art frm is____66____ the Zhang family in Nichu village f Cangnan cunty has taken and perfected fr seven generatins. It is abut ____67____ (create) all kinds f artifacts with rice flur and has been added t the prvincial intangible cultural heritage list. Besides, in the early 1990s, there emerged private museums,____68____ were amng the first natinwide. Cmpared with ther prvinces, they are als ____69____(large) in number, and have bigger impact. Nw, Yinzhu District in Ningb, knwn ____70____ the “Museum District”, is hme t 30 private museums.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Our schl rganizes ftball matches in every year. Sme students are willing take part but they were wrried that they dn’t have enugh time. I want t share sme f my idea here. There is n dubt that jining in the matches take up sme study time. Therefre, they can bring sme benefits like thse sprting activities hld befre. They can lead t a healthier bdy, less stress, and mre actively thinking. Students can nt nly live the happy life but als perfrm well at schl. I hpe we can make right decisins fr us.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 高中生活即将结束,你对未来的学习和生活有什么好的规划?请用英语写一篇短文给某英文报YOUR VOICE栏目,内容包括:
    1. 提出规划;
    2. 给出理由。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    听力答案:1-10 ACBAC BACCB 11-20 BCACA ABCAB
    21. A 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. F 39. B 40. E
    41. B 42. C 43. A 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. D 51. D 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. D 56. C 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. B
    61. hugely
    62. inventin
    63. dates 64. fllwing
    65. peple’s
    66. what 67. creating
    68. which 69. larger
    70. as
    72. Time flies, and three years f high schl life is cming t an end. I plan t g t a Medical University in the future and hpe t make my wn cntributin in this field.
    Inspired by the curageus medical staff wh have emerged in the epidemic, I am determined t becme a dctr and help patients, especially in difficult times like this. In rder t experience the life as a dctr, I intend t wrk as a vlunteer in a hspital during the summer vacatin t learn mre abut rutine f medical staff and knwledge f first aid.
    T realize my dream, I will wrk harder.

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