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    这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市高二上学期期末模拟测试英语试题Word版含答案,共15页。试卷主要包含了12,D.Fiber,去掉t,shw→shws,made→making, mean→means等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    英 语           2022.12


    1. 本试卷包含选择题和非选择题两部分.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效.本次考试时间为90分钟,满分值为120分.

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    We all need inspiration. Dealing with neck to neck competition in the modern era, sometimes we get tired of trying and want to give up. But movies make us look inside ourselves and, often, can be used as inspiration themselves. So, without further ado(废话), here are our Top 3 Motivational Movies for students:

    Dead Poets Society (1989)

    Robin Williams is on top form as the iconoclastic(打破旧习的) John Keating, the unconventional English teacher who uses his love of poetry and classic literature to break down barriers at the oppressive Welton Academy. Keating inspires his students to “seize the day” rather than just wasting hours, challenge the school’s strict rules, and truly be themselves.

    The film is packed with emotionally-charged, touching scenes; but the one that won’t fail to make the hairs on your arm stand up is this one where Keating’s students demonstrate what he means to them – “Oh Captain, My Captain…”

    Forrest Gump (1994)

    This classic movie starring Tom Hanks is very motivating. It’s about a man who has low IQ but manages to be part of many important moments in modern history, able to achieve a lot, and even given a Medal of Honor for his bravery. Gump inspires a popular dance for Elvis Presley and even plays ping pong in China. No student should miss out on this movie. Nothing is impossible if you have the will to do it…and a box of chocolates.

    The Pursuit of Happiness (2006)

    The Pursuit of Happiness is the amazing real-life tale of Chris Gardner who, with the power of hard work and perseverance, takes himself from sleeping on the subway all the way to the millionaire founder of his own brokerage house.

    Never missing an opportunity and studying hard, after a few years, Chris works his way up the career ladder from medical equipment salesman to financial hotshot. If there’s one story that demonstrates that you should never give up, no matter how bad things get, it’s Chris’.

    1Which of the following best explains “seize” underlined in paragraph 2?

    Amake sure of Bmake up for

    Cmake the most of Dmake a mess of

    2What is Forrest Gump mainly about?

    AIt tells a story about a man who plays ping pong in China and becomes famous.

    BIt tells a story in which the main character with a low intelligence achieves a lot unexpectedly.

    CIt is a classic motivational movie teaching how to gain a Medal of Honor.

    DIt shows the evidence and arguments for the importance of high IQ.

    3Who is the original model of The Pursuit of Happiness?

    ATom Hanks BJohn Keating

    CRobin Williams DChris Gardner


    If you live in the U.S., you’re probably used to throwing banana peel into the trash. But people in other countries, including India, have been taking advantages of their nutritional benefits for many years.

    While the flesh of a banana is soft and sweet, the skin is thick, hard and slightly bitter. To eat the peel, you can fry, bake, or boil it for at least 10 minutes. Also, the riper bananas get, the thinner and sweeter banana peel will become. That’s because of a natural plant hormone(激素) called ethylene(乙烯) that fruits release as they ripen. Ethylene interacts with the sugars and fiber in the banana skin, changing complex sugars into simple sugars and breaking down pectin, a form of fiber in bananas that keeps them stiff. That’s why the older your banana is, the flimsier(不结实的) it feels.

    The sweet flesh of a medium-sized banana contains great percentages of your daily recommended intake of various nutrients, such as:

    ·12% of your daily fiber, which helps with digestion and may help lower your risk of diabetes(糖尿病)

    ·17% of your vitamin C, which is important for your immune system as well as your growth

    ·20% of your vitamin B6, which aids the body’s ability to turn food into energy

    ·12% of your potassium, which helps with the development of cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body

    If you eat the skin along with the flesh, you will get an even bigger increase in these same nutrients.

    Eating the peel is not only good for your body but also better for the earth. The average American ate 11.4 pounds of bananas in 2014. Since a medium-sized banana weighs about 0.3 pounds, that equates to about 38 bananas per person, or about 12 billion for the whole of the U.S. And since most of us throw away the peel, that also means a lot of organic waste.

    4We can learn from the text that in the U.S. people                .

    Alike eating bananas

    Bwaste a lot of food every year

    Cdon’t make good use of banana peel

    Dknow little about the value of the flesh of bananas

    5What’s the role of ethylene in bananas?

    AHelping bananas grow faster.

    BMaking banana peel stay strong.

    CKeeping banana flesh from going bad.

    DHelping to soften and sweeten banana peel.

    6Which of the following helps humans digest?

    AVitamin C BPotassium.

    CVitamin B6. DFiber.

    7The last paragraph mainly shows that eating banana peel benefits our      .

    Adiet Beconomy

    Cenvironment Dphysical health


    The kakapo is the world’s heaviest and only flightless parrot. Now, some scientists are using advanced technology to rescue the endangered kakapos. If successful, the techniques used may help save other bird species as well.

    The few remaining kakapos live on three small islands, where their progress can be monitored through a smart device. Once found in large numbers across New Zealand, the cute bird, which can weigh up to 11 pounds (5 kilograms), is now heading to extinction. While cruel predators (捕食者) such as foxes, cats, and snakes are largely to blame, the kakapo’s strange habits of laying eggs don’t help either. For starters, the parrots, which can live up to 100 years, do not start laying eggs until the age of five.

    Scientists have set up individual feeding stations for all the birds to keep track of how much they eat. Given the difficulties to increasing the population, it is not surprising that only 114 adult parrots remain. Though the number is low, it is a great improvement over the 51 kakapos that remained on Earth in 1995. The increase of its population results from the government’s decision to remove the 51 birds to three small predator-free islands off the coast of New Zealand, and the efforts of a team led by Andrew Digby, a kakapo scientist for the New Zealand Department of Conservation.

    A four-day-old kakapo chick will receive a health check. Young chicks in nests are examined and weighed every night, to ensure they are healthy.

    Once the birds lay eggs, the eggs are carefully moved from the nests and taken to a hatching (孵化) room to hatch. “We tend to be more successful at raising kakapo eggs than the kakapo,” says Digby. “We break less of them. ” Once the eggs hatch, each mother is given only one chick, while the rest of the newborns are hand-fed (人工喂养). This helps ensure they all receive enough food.

    8What makes the kakapo unique in the parrot family?

    AIts food. BIts way of hatching.

    CIts feather. DIts flightless heavy body.

    9What do we learn about the kakapo from paragraph 2?

    AThe way it feeds the young. BThe environment it needs to live in.

    CThe nature of its natural enemies. DThe cause of its being endangered.

    10What effort did the government make to protect the kakapos in 1995?

    AGiving the kakapos a new home without natural enemies.

    BSetting up individual feeding stations for the kakapos.

    CBuilding a fence to keep the predators away.

    DDriving all the predators nearby away.

    11Why is each mother kakapo given only one baby chick?

    ATo help the mother kakapo keep laying eggs.

    BTo make every chick get enough food to survive.

    CTo protect the mother kakapo from the predators.

    DTo protect the chick from being killed by accident.


    The good news is that more people bought electric vehicles (EVs) in 2020. The bad news is that sport utility (多用途的) vehicles (SUVs) continued to grow in popularity, too. “The fall in oil consumption due to the first trend was completely canceled out by the second,” said Laura Cozzi, an officer at the International Energy Agency (JEA).

    Between 2010 and 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions (排放) from conventional cars fell by nearly 35 billion tons, due to reasons such as fuel efficiency improvements as well as the switch to electric cars. Emissions from SUVs rose by more than 50 billion tons. “While the growth in EVs is encouraging, the boom in SUVs is heart-breaking,” says Peters at the Cicero Climate Research Centre in Norway.

    There are many reasons for the growing popularity of SUVs. For example, rising economic boom in many countries means more people are able to afford them. Some people see them as status symbols. Also, SUVs are heavily advertised by car-makers, whose profit is higher on these vehicles. Some countries, including France, have introduced plans under which more taxes are paid on heavier cars. But Peters thinks that people who are rich enough to afford SUVs won’t be deterred by slightly higher taxes. “There are now some electric SUVs available, but I hope one day you will see more electric vehicles brought to the SUV market,” says Peters.

    Even if it happens, switching to electric SUVs isn’t a good solution. Due to their size and bigger batteries, it takes more resources to build electric SUVs, and they consume around 15 percent more electricity. That means higher emissions unless the electricity comes entirely from renewable sources, and higher electricity demand makes it harder to green the electricity supply.

    12What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

    AScientists should devote themselves to improving fuel efficiency.

    BElectric vehicles will certainly take the place of sport utility vehicles.

    CThe popularity of SUVs destroys some efforts at environmental protection.

    DThe emission of carbon dioxide of motor vehicles has hit a new low.

    13What does the underlined word “deterred” probably mean?

    AEncouraged. BBlocked.

    CRemoved. DConnected.

    14What is one of the reasons that SUVs are popular with consumers?

    ASUVs are discounted heavily.

    BSUVs are often advertised by car producers.

    CSUVs are taxed at a lower rate in some countries.

    DSUVs consume fewer resources than other vehicles.

    15What point does the author try to make in the last paragraph?

    AThe electric SUVs should be made smaller and lighter.

    BThe electric SUVs are a good guarantee for less pollution.

    CMore electric SUVs don’t necessarily mean “environment-friendly”.

    DFuture electric SUVs will be powered with completely green energy.



    To raise money for wildlife conservation, Mozambique in Africa will allow sports hunting. The plan is to sell 80 hunting permits a year at $11,000 each for elephants and about 60 permits for lions at $4,000 each. The government will collect most of the profits, but 20% will go to the communities in the conservation areas.

    Critics fear legal hunting can destroy Mozambique’s fragile elephant population. ____16____ Others argue that hunting, if properly managed, can be a tool for protecting wildlife.

    Here are two primary school students to share their views.

    A 9-year-old girl from Beaufort, South Carolina supports the idea. She thinks that hunters kill animals without contributing a single dollar to conservation. But if hunting were permitted, they might pay for the chance to get a big-game trophy(战利品). ____17____ For example, the money could be used to pay the guards to make sure those breaking the hunting rules were punished. ____18____

    However, a 10-year-old girl from Atlanta, Georgia disagrees. She thinks that if sports hunting were allowed, endangered species could become extinct. ____19____ It would teach the children of the world about killing, death and sorrow instead of peace, love and kindness. We have to protect big-game animals so that future generations can experience them. ____20____ These protected areas will attract tourists, who will pay for a chance to see such amazing creatures in their natural habitat.

    AThat would be a permanent loss for the mankind.

    BIs this the best way to save animals from extinction?

    CWell-regulated sports hunting can benefit the conservation of listed species.

    DIllegal hunters have already wiped out nearly half of the country’s elephants.

    EThe money raised from legal hunting would contribute to protecting the wildlife.

    FSo instead of raising money by hunting, the country should build more wildlife preserves.

    GThe money could also be used to buy more protected lands where animals can wander freely.




    The auction(拍卖)took place on a mild morning. _21_ , standing in front of an expectant _22_ with a sign with his pig's picture, 15-year-old Wayion Klitzman was sweating.

    Waylon called his pig "Roo". The farm boy hoped the money from Roo's _23_ would help with cancer research.

    It started with a _24_ .

    In August 2017, Wayion _25_ 9th grade and in those first weeks of school, Wayion _26_his algebra teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, for support. Their special _27_ grew over the last school year. "She saw the _28_ in me and we just connected that way," said Wayion.

    Then Katzenmeyer's niece was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that mostly _29_children. After months of watching her niece receive cancer treatments, Katzcnmcyer _30_her teaching job to volunteer full time at the cancer research charity, Beat NB

    Katzenmeyer meant a lot to Wayion and he just wanted to _31_ . Then he had an _32_to auction his pig to _33_ money for the cancer charity. So before the auction day, Wayion sent letters to people explaining his _34_ to sell his pig and donate the profits to Beat NBThe letter _35_ his beloved teacher whose niece was battling cancer.

    The auction turned out to be particularly _36_ . Buyers kept _37_ Way Ion's pig so he could sell it over and over. Wayion had thought that, with luck, his pig would bring in _38_ over $ 600. In the end, Roo fetched more than $ 10,000 for Beat NB

    “We give back to the community _39_ we can. We are blessed to be able to be doing what we do," said one of the buyers with a _40_ of pride.

    21ATherefore BOtherwise CYet DBesides

    22Astaff Bcrowd Cniece Dseller

    23Asale Bperformance Cshow Daction

    24Aboy Bteacher Cdoctor Dfarmer

    25Acompleted Bcontinued Cbegan Dskipped

    26Arelied on Bpicked up Cdevoted to Dcame across

    27Afavor Bresponse Ctouch Dbond

    28Afirst Bleast Cbest Dworst

    29Aaffects Bowes Cfollows Dfaces

    30Aheld Bquit Cstarted Dfound

    31Ainterrupt Bchange Cstop Dhelp

    32Aoffer Bappeal Cidea Deffort

    33Ademand Bconvey Cstore Draise

    34Arequest Bdesire Cpromise Dapproval

    35Adescribed Breminded Cinformed Dignored

    36Aattractive Bacceptable Cappropriate Dsuccessful

    37Afeeding Breturning Cadmiring Dintroducing

    38Aeven Bstill Cjust Dexactly

    39Aunless Bbecause Conce Dwherever

    40Asense Bthought Cmind Dstate



    Climate change makes wildfires, hurricanes and heat waves more frequent ____41____ stronger than before. The bad effects are in the headlines ____42____ (regular). The warming climate also changes lives ____43____ subtler (不易察觉的) ways.

    In Tampa, Fla. , Sara Brogan says summers are getting ____44____ (hot). Going to the beach to cool off is a decades-long tradition for her family. They ____45____ (go) to the beach once this summer. There was a red tide. These algae (水藻) blooms are increasing, likely because of human ____46____ (pollute) and warming temperatures. They produce toxins (毒素) that kill sea life. That is ____47____ Brogan is staying away from the beach. A lot of times it's—before you even get there, you can feel the smell of dead fish is very strong.

    Wildfire smoke obviously is not good for people and the animal. Heather Duchow and her husband celebrated ____48____ (they) 20th anniversary in Montana's Glacier National Park. When they got there, it was very smoky. She felt disappointed: the smoke made it difficult ____49____ (see) the awe-inspiring views she remembered. For future anniversaries, they may go sooner in the summer,____50____ (hope) to avoid the worst of fire season. It's strongly recommended that some measures should be taken to control the warming climate.









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    Dear Kevin,

    As president of our School's Sinology Club, I'm writing to show our warm welcome and tell you some detail about it.

    First, since it is challenged to learn about Sinology, you will have to pass a related interview after being admitted. But don't be too nervous. You may just to tell us your knowledge about Chinese civilization, like its history, classics, arts, philosophy, etc. Once stepping in, you'll be absorbed in their magnificent activities. As routine, we meet every Wednesday evening to take lectures, appreciate distinctive cultural show or freely exchange ideas. I'm sure you will gladly find yourself made out what Sinology really mean and why it enjoys so much popularity worldwide.

    Thank you for your trust, and looking forward to your participate.


    Li hua


    .假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你校将于下周五上午举行中国诗词朗诵比赛 (Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest),请你以学生会的名义,结合以下要点用英语写一份通知张贴于学校的通告栏,希望同学们参加。

    1. 活动目的、内容;

    2. 活动时间、地点;

    3. 报名及奖励情况。


    1. 开头,结尾已经给出,直接写正文词数100左右;

    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


    Dear fellow students,


    The Students’ Union

    December, 01 -2021


    1C    2B    3D  4C    5D    6D    7C  8D    9D    10A    11B  12C    13B    14B    15C  16D    17E    18G    19A    20F   21C    22B    23A    24B    25C    26A    27D    28C    29A    30B    31D    32C    33D    34B    35A    36D    37B    38C    39D    40A   41and    42regularly    43in    44hotter    45went    46pollution    47why    48their    49to see    50Hoping


    2. challenged→challenging

    3. after→before






    9. mean→means

    10. participate→participation


    应用文写作Dear fellow students,

    In order to make students learn about ancient Chinese culture, enrich school life and promote friendship between each other, a Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest will be held at the meeting room next Friday morning.

    The contest will last about two hours and it will be very interesting and instructive. You will have a chance to gain access to a series of activities related to ancient Chinese culture. If the activity appeals to you, please sign up for it before Tuesday next week. Additionally, five teachers, two American teachers included, will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards.

    Everyone is expected to attend it on time.

    The Students’ Union

    February 23, 202



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