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    这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市第三十三中学高二下学期期末联考前测试英语试题含答案,文件包含甘肃省兰州市第三十三中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末联考前测试英语试题原卷版docx、甘肃省兰州市第三十三中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末联考前测试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Belw yu will find a prfile f each gap year prgram. If there is a specific prgram yu are interested in r a questin yu have regarding these prgrams, please feel free t cntact them directly.
    Yuth Internatinal
    Since 1997, Yuth Internatinal has prvided many peple with the mst exciting and educatinal experience f their life. It is a learning prgram that cmbines internatinal travel, inter-cultural exchange, hme stays, vlunteer cmmunity service wrk and utdr adventures.
    Carpe Diem Educatin
    Thrugh vlunteer service, travel and cultural exchange, students f Carpe Diem Educatin receive a persnal insight int themselves and their culture. We specialize in guiding summer and semester prgrams fr high schl students. Each curse is carefully crafted t develp leadership and self-awareness within ur students, wh return hme better prepared t be leaders in thught and actin.
    Center fr Interim Prgrams
    Funded in 1980, the Center fr Interim Prgrams is the first independent gap year rganizatin in America. Based n students' interests and budget, ur experienced teachers help make individual curse chices including lw cst vlunteer ptins, language prgrams, research trips, and s n. We are cmmitted t helping students find mre experiences f frmal educatin and wrk.
    EF Gap Year
    An EF Gap Year ffers students the ability t explre several cuntries where yu will learn a language, vlunteer fr a gd cause, gain internatinal wrk experience 12-week semester r 26-week academic. Chse between a persnalize yur prgram t meet yur learning. Yu can then by deciding where, when, and hw yu wish t stand interests wn. Our well-structured curriculum even allws yu t have cllege-level classes and earn credits tward graduatin.
    1. Which phne number can yu dial if yu want t imprve yur leadership?
    A. 1-720-270-3323B. 503-285-1800
    C. 413-585-0980D. 1-800-726-9746
    2. What is EF Gap Year's unique feature?
    A. Its reasnable fee.
    B. Its experienced teachers
    C. Its flexible study time.
    D. Its diverse curriculum chices
    3. What d the fur prgrams have in cmmn?
    A. They pay attentin t vlunteer service wrk.
    B. They cmbine educatin with hme stays.
    C. They mainly ffer crss-cultural educatin.
    D. They raise students' interest in adventure.
    I was sitting at my desk when anther graduate student in my lab apprached me. “Can yu help?” he begged. His experiment wasn’t wrking and he desperately needed help. I was a fifth year PhD student the senir member f the lab at the time. As I had many times befre, I gave in and said yes.
    I had a hard time saying n t such requests. I was new t the United States fr graduate schl. I fund it difficult t make new friends and discver after-wrk activities I enjyed. S I spent a huge chunk f my time in the lab, with my labmates serving as my primary surce f scial cnnectin. I feared that if I brushed them ff, I’d lse their favr.
    After I graduated and started a jb in industry, I cntinued t carry the same attitude with me, and it cntinued t cst me. It wasn’t until my wife gave birth t ur first child that I realized hw thin I had stretched myself and hw misguided my pririties (重要的事) were. While she lay in a hspital bed in the early stages f labr (分娩阵痛), I sat nearby, busy in crrecting a wrk reprt n my laptp fr my clleague. Hurs later, after hearing my daughter’s first cry and watching her tiny fingers grab tightly nt mine, it dawned n me that I shuld have been fully present during my daughter’s birth.
    Frm then n, I determined t spare mre time fr my family by reducing my wrk tasks and carefully cnsidering each request fr help. I still enjyed cperating with thers, but I dealt with mutually (共同地) beneficial tasks first, rather than accepting everything that came my way.
    I nticed many benefits and few disadvantages. My daily wrk schedule was nt s crwded. I n lnger wrked vertime, and I was able t imprve my wrk perfrmance by fcusing mre n imprtant tasks. I was als pleased t discver that “Srry, I’d lve t help but I have a deadline cming up” is an acceptable respnse t a request fr assistance. Mst clleagues seem t understand.
    It’s hard t say “n” t thse yu wrk with. But I’ve learned that smetimes that’s the best way t avid t much wrklad and lead a freer and happier life.
    4. Why was it hard fr the authr t refuse thers’ requests in schl?
    A. He was eager fr gd relatins with thers.
    B. He was interested in helping thers.
    C. He was fnd f ding experiments.
    D. He was the mst experienced student.
    5. What did the authr realize after his daughter’s birth?
    A. He felt very happy after his daughter’s birth.
    B. His wife had sacrificed a lt fr the family.
    C. He shuld have balanced wrk and life better.
    D. He shuld wrk harder due t the increased respnsibilities.
    6. What happened t the authr after refusing thers?
    A. He gt alng badly with his clleagues.
    B. He gt a lt mre vital tasks.
    C. He received assistance frm his clleagues.
    D. He gt less wrk and mre jy.
    7. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Enjying family life.
    B Giving pririty t family.
    C. Giving and taking.
    D. Learning t say “n”.
    With the imprvement f privacy prtectin awareness, everyne has questins abut the telephne address, ID card infrmatin and s n. This visible privacy has been particularly cncerned, but fr chat phts and riginal pictures, it has nt attracted enugh attentin. The tpic “Hw much privacy can a pht reveal” has been trending n Sina Weib, sparking cncern and heated discussin abut privacy awareness. In grup chats, sme peple may pst their riginal phts. But that may give away yur hme address and ther infrmatin.
    Images ften cntain a lt f infrmatin and varius traces left by digital cameras r pht manipulatin (处理) sftware. This data, called Exchangeable Image File Frmat (EXIF), is a key tl fr many prfessinals. It can detail whether the phtgrapher used a flash, which digital effects were applied t a picture and when the pht was taken. EXIF can als cntain the precise GPS crdinates (坐标) f the lcatin where a pht was taken, accrding t CNN. If yu take a landscape picture frm yur windw and send the riginal picture t a grup chat, it means that yu are releasing yur lcatin data t all strangers in the grup. They may even accurately infer yur huse number by analyzing the shting time and angle.
    Nt just in a grup chat, sending an image in a text message, email, r ther delivery tls will als include the accmpanying infrmatin. S hw d we prtect ur privacy when sending phts? The mst effective way is t avid sending riginal phts in grup chats. If it’s necessary, try nt t tap the “riginal picture”. Hwever, phts sent by WeChat Mments are autmatically pressed by the system, and they travel withut lcatin and ther infrmatin. T slve the prblem at its rt, we can delete and remve a picture’s EXIF data n a cmputer. If yu are using an iOS smartphne, yu can turn ff lcatin services fr the camera in the privacy settings. If yu’re using an Andrid, the settings vary. Typically, yu can g t the setting menu and switch the services ff fr the camera, accrding t CTV News. There is ne mre thing yu can d—phtshp yur phts befre yu share it. What cmes with yur edited images is phts withut stred lcatin data.
    8. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T explain the meaning f privacy prtectin.
    B. T lead t the tpic f privacy prtectin.
    C. T describe peple’s cncern abut privacy.
    D. T tell the readers the imprtance f privacy.
    9. Why is EXIF s imprtant?
    A. It can be used as a flash fr the phtgrapher.
    B. It may apply digital effects t a picture.
    C. It includes the hme address f the viewers.
    D. It prvides a pht’s shting time and place.
    10. Hw can we prtect privacy when sharing phts?
    A. By switching ff lcatin services fr Wechat.
    B. By sending ut their EXIF data n ur phne.
    C. By editing the phts with pht editing apps.
    D. By turning ff Internet cnnectin when taking phts.
    11. What is prbably the best title?
    A. Securing Scial MediaB. The Imprtance f Prtecting Phts
    C. The Privacy a Pht RevealsD. Getting Infrmatin frm Phts
    Heat is the biggest end use fr energy all ver the wrld. It’s als critically imprtant fr survival in a cuntry like Finland where the winter is lng, cld and dark. And the recent mve by Russia t cut ff supplies f gas and electricity in respnse t Finland jining NATO has caused cncern.
    There is gd news, hwever, that the wrld’s fully first wrking sand battery has been installed in Finland. It is a device which can stre sustainably prduced heat fr mnths at a time and can be used t keep hmes warm in winter. That’s why the new technlgy was develped by researchers there. Researchers believe it can slve the cuntry’s year-rund crisis in pwer supply, which is a significant issue fr green energy.
    The sand battery was installed in the Vatajankski pwer plant that runs the heating system fr the huses in the area. It wrks by heating the sand, circulating the heat generated in the sand using a heat exchanger. Researchers used lw-grade sand t charge the devices with heat frm cheap electricity cming frm either slar r wind energy. The sand battery can stre energy and heat up t 500 degrees Celsius. which can be used t warm hmes during winter when electricity is mre expensive.
    It is a cst-effective methd because when the battery releases the ht air, it warms the water fr the district heating system that is pumped arund hmes, ffices, and the lcal swimming pl. Sand is an ideal material because it is cheap and readily available everywhere. While ther inexpensive items like water can stre heat, sand can be heated t much higher temperatures. The sand used is f the lwest quality s it cannt be used in cnstructin thus making it a sustainable chice. Besides, sand-based batteries last lnger than ther batteries. Accrding t a study, researchers btained silicn using sand t create a battery that lasts three times lnger than lithium-in(锂离子) batteries.
    “This innvatin is a part f the smart and green energy transitin. Heat strage systems can significantly help t increase intermittent (间歇性的) renewables in the electrical netwrk,” said Markku Ylönen, cfunder f Plar Night Energy. “At the same time, we can make full use f the heat waste t keep the city warm.”
    12. Why did researchers install sand battery in Finland?
    A. Because Finland is in desperate need f it wing t the climate.
    B. Because peple there can use it t keep warm in summer.
    C. Because Russia cut ff supplies f gas and electricity there.
    D. Because sand in Finland can generate a great deal f slar pwer.
    13. Hw des the sand battery wrk?
    A. It generates electricity with seawater.B. It stres heat frm green energy.
    C. It charges electrnic devices.D. The ht air is circulating inside a plant.
    14. Sand is used in this new technlgy mainly because ________.
    A. ther material can’t stre heatB. it is thrwn everywhere
    C. it is a kind f unsustainable resurceD. it is inexpensive
    15. What’s Markku Ylönen’s attitude twards the battery?
    A. Indifferent.B. Negative.C. Psitive.D. Neutral.
    At 6 a.m., mst f us are lucky if we have the energy t reach fr a cup f cffee. It turns ut the early bird may get mre than the wrm. There are ways t wake up with the sun, and we’ve gt sme tips n making it easier.
    Get enugh sleep
    It may seem bvius, but getting thse recmmended seven t nine hurs will make getting up earlier easier. Pr tip? Keep the laptp and ther wrk ut f the bed t sleep sundly.
    Stay cnsistent.
    ___16___ A cnstant wakeup call may make it prgressively easier t jump ut f bed. When picking a new wakeup time, yu shuld gradually wrk twards it. Remember t skip the beeps and blares and set an alarm tne t smething peaceful r fun.
    Skip the snze (小睡).
    Disrupting sleep an hur r s befre actually getting ut f bed may disturb ur REM (rapid eye mvement) cycle, which helps stimulate brain regins linked t cgnitin (认知). Dn’t want t mess with that (r bug a rmmate with multiple alarms!). Set ne alarm fr when it’s time t rise. ___17___
    Let in the light r hit the gym.
    Research shws a little light may be all we need t reset the bdy clck. ___18___ Or greet the day and brush yur teeth utside! Thse tired eyes may g away nce a mrning wrkut rutine is in rder. Exercise will definitely bst energy—give these early-bird exercises a try.
    Sleepiness desn’t disappear just frm drinking a cup f cffee. Having enugh time fr sme green eggs and ham (r maybe just a ygurt parfait) will als prvide energy, nt t mentin it’ll bst that brainpwer, t. Have a reward waiting in the a. m. t mtivate climbing ut f the cvers. Dive int sme freshly based fruit and nut bars, r slide int a warm bath instead f taking a quick shwer.
    ___20___ Researchers have fund that creativity may grw strnger when we feel grggy (昏昏沉沉), s dn’t let a little sleepiness interrupt seizing the day!
    A. Eat breakfast r treat yurself.
    B. Start slwly and set sme happy sunds.
    C. A simple slutin is t keep the curtain pen during the night.
    D. Smetimes we need t bite the bullet and “just d it.”
    E. Being a mrning persn may actually be gd fr ur health, t.
    F. And maybe anther a few minutes later in case yu sleep thrugh.
    G. Try t set the alarm clck fr the same time every mrning—including weekends.
    第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I used t hate being called upn in class mainly because I didn’t like attentin drawn t myself. And unless therwise ____21____ a seat by the teacher, I always chse t sit at the back f the classrm.
    All this ____22____ after I jined a sprts team. It began when a teacher suggested I try ut fr the basketball team. At first I thught it was a ____23____ idea because I didn’t have a gd sense f balance, nr did I have the ____24____ t keep pace with the thers n the team and they wuld laugh at me. But fr the teacher wh kept insisting n my “____25____ it”, I wuldn’t have decided t give it a try.
    Getting up the curage t g t the tryuts was nly the ____26____ f it! When I first started ____27____ the practice sessins. I didn’t even knw the rules f the game, much less what I was ding. Smetimes I’d get ____28____ and take a sht at the wrng directin— which made me feel really stupid. ____29____, I wasn’t the nly ne “new” at the game, s I decided t _____30_____ n learning the game, d my best at each practice sessin, and nt t be t hard n myself fr the things I didn’t knw “just yet”.
    I practiced and practiced. Sn I knew the _____31_____ and the “mves”. Being part f a team was fun and mtivating. Very sn the _____32_____ part in me was winning ver my lack f cnfidence. With time, I learned hw t play and make friends in the prcess— friends wh respected my effrts t wrk hard and be a team player. I never had s much fun!
    With my _____33_____ self-cnfidence cmes mre praise frm teachers and classmates. I have gne frm _____34_____ in the back f the classrm and nt wanting t call attentin t myself, t raising my hand— even when I smetimes wasn’t 100 per cent _____35_____ whether I had the right answer. Nw I have mre self-cnfidence in myself.
    21. A. apprvedB. remvedC. cnfirmedD. assigned
    22. A. cntinuedB. changedC. seededD. started
    23. A. crazyB. memrableC. cmplicatedD. dangerus
    24. A. rightB. chanceC. abilityD. patience
    25. A. ging frB. lking frC. cheering frD. accunting fr
    26. A. pintB. halfC. restD. end
    27. A. enjyingB. preparingC. attendingD. watching
    28. A. frightenedB. astnishedC. amazedD. cnfused
    29. A. EssentiallyB. FrtunatelyC. ObviuslyD. Hpefully
    30. A. fcusB. actC. relyD. try
    31. A. stepsB. rdersC. rulesD. games
    32. A. matureB. cmpetitiveC. distinctD. specific
    33. A. expressedB. imprvedC. restredD. recgnised
    34. A. dreamingB. playingC. relaxingD. hiding
    35. A. luckyB. happyC. sureD. satisfied
    Hua Weiguang, ___36___ retired teacher frm Tnglia, Inner Mnglia Autnmus Regin, is a phtgraphy enthusiast.
    A decade ag, the arrival f tree planters ___37___ (catch) Hua’s attentin and the phts f the tree planters ___38___ (take) by Hua are evidence f the ___39___ (remark) transfrmatin f the land. In thse phts, hats, scarves and gggles, fr the wrkers fighting desertificatin, are basic necessities t prtect them ___40___ the wind and sand. There was n way t avid the brutal summer heat in the land s the wrkers had t lie dwn n the grund r curl up in the narrw shade f their cars t cl ff. And they als had t eat their lunch amid the blwing sands, taking in the small pieces f sand with their fd.
    “___41___ we dn’t fl the tree, it wn’t fl yu. Yu take it ___42___ (serius), and then it behaves in the same way t yu. Yu put effrts t make it live, and the tree lives up t yur ___43___ (expect),” the planters say.
    China’s frest resurces have increased by ver 70 millin hectares in the past decade, ___44___ (rank) first in the wrld. One tree after anther, a green Great Wall has been built. Brush by brush, a green field ____45____ (paint) ver the yellw sandy land up t nw.
    46. 随着信息技术飞速发展,QQ,微博,微信,抖音等媒体平台得以普遍使用和推广。假如你是李华,请你就它们的优缺点,写一篇英语短文,参加你校英语社团组织的主题为“Hw t Use Scial Media Wisely”的征文比赛。
    Hw t Use Scial Media Wisely
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Riya, an 8-year-ld pupil, lived happily in a big city with her parents, wh lved Riya dearly and did what they culd t buy what she wanted fr her. Riya was smart and excellent in her studies. Nt nly that, she was always ready t help thers.
    One day when Riya entered her classrm, she saw a crwd admiring Riya’s friend Mary’s new pen and talking cheerfully. Riya fell in lve with that pen at first glance and desired t get Mary’s permissin t let her use it. Secnds later, the schl bell rang, sending the children hurrying t the schl grunds fr mrning prayers.
    After a while, their teacher Grace let Riya fetch sme chalk frm the classrm, in which Riya nce again saw Mary’s delicate pen, lying n the desk elegantly. Riya tk it fndly and went t her desk, ready t write n her bk with the lvely pen when she heard the sund f smene walking by. Withut thinking, she put the pen in her pcket and saw wh it was. Jane, her ther friend, was returning t the classrm. Riya immediately ran ut frm the back dr niselessly and went t the playgrund t pray
    The mrning prayers finished, everyne went t class, fllwed by their teacher Grace. The mment Mary fund her pen was missing, she gt annyed. Withut delay, she ran t the frnt and cmplained t Grace, saying in tears, “Smene must have stlen my new pen.”
    Having quietened the nisy class, Grace asked them wh was in the classrm during the prayers. Almst everyne pinted at Jane, wh explained she just felt uncmfrtable when praying and came back t rest. Grace asked Jane if she had taken Mary’s new pen, t which Jane said n firmly, insisting she knew nthing abut that pen. But she had nbdy t prve her wrds. Suspected and feeling sad, Jane burst ut crying.
    Everything happened fast and unexpectedly befre Riya suddenly realized the pen was still in her pcket. She frze n the spt, afraid f being treated as a thief.
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    But Riya knew what was the right thing t d.
    Grace ndded and patted Riya n the back with a relieved smile.

    2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州第三十三中学高三下学期第八次月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州第三十三中学高三下学期第八次月考英语试题含答案,文件包含甘肃省兰州第三十三中学2022-2023学年高三下学期第八次月考英语试题原卷版docx、甘肃省兰州第三十三中学2022-2023学年高三下学期第八次月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市第五十八中学高三下学期建标考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市第五十八中学高三下学期建标考试英语试题含答案,共26页。

    2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市第一中学高二下学期期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年甘肃省兰州市第一中学高二下学期期中英语试题含答案,共18页。试卷主要包含了5分; 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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