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    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Des yur child lve high-tech, writing r specialty arts? Attending a summer camp with this fcus is a perfect way fr them t explre and t experience. Lk thrugh ur selectin and find the perfect fit fr yur child.
    ID Tech Summer Camps
    We’re trusted and hsted by the wrld’s tp learning rganizatins. The right instructr changes everything. With persnalized learning, yur child will prgress at their wn pace. Yur child can level up t Grade 10, standing ut t clleges and future wrkers. We can’t wait t welcme yur child t ur cmmunity f 500, 000+ students.
    Summer Academic Yuth Prgrams
    Summer is the perfect time fr pre-cllege students t explre their career interests. Our prgrams prvide pprtunities fr students t experience cllege life while expanding their knwledge and explring their interests. There are many pprtunities including vernight camps and class credit pprtunities.
    Independent Lake Camp
    It is an vernight summer camp ffering impressive activities due t ur quality facilities (设备), and talented staff. Started as a nn-traditinal summer camp, we fcus n prmting creativity within each camper and the cmmunity and develping individual grwth with ur persnalized scheduling — each camper chses their wn activities.
    Virtual Live Creative Writing Camp
    Creative writing is taught live nline by experienced teachers. Great fr ages 7+ and divided int age-based grups, this camp has a limited class size s students can learn fun new skills. Vides will be made available t all creative writing campers. S with several camps t attend, yur child will never miss a beat!
    1. Wh will be interested in Summer Academic Yuth Prgrams?
    A. Graduates lking fr jbs.B. Students t level up credits.
    C. Learners t have academic curses.D. High schlers expecting cllege life.
    2. What d ID Tech Summer Camps and Independent Lake Camp have in cmmn?
    A. They make arrangements fr wrk.B. They include vernight activities.
    C. They ffer persnalized learning.D. They imprve persnal creativity.
    3. Which camp best suits children with busy summer schedules?
    A. ID Tech Summer Camp.B. Independent Lake Camp.
    C. Virtual Live Creative Writing Camp.D. Summer Academic Yuth Prgrams.
    Christine Rwsey didn’t knw hw she wuld g n. The last three years had been hard, but she still felt that she was making prgress tward her gal f becming a nurse. “I didn’t have any mney. I didn’t have anything—just a dream,” she recalled.
    That dream came ut f the lss f her sn, wh was brn 3 weeks in advance. Unfrtunately, after a whle mnth in the intensive care unit, the by left her. Christine’s main surce f supprt during that rdeal had been the hspital’s nursing staff. “I really lved the way they helped me,” she said. That’s when Christine had a realizatin:She wanted t d smething with her life that mattered. Christine became determined t becme a nurse and help peple the way she had been helped.
    She was able t learn in Oakland University’s ne-year licensed practical nursing (LPN)prgram. She tk ut lans (贷款)and wrried abut hw she wuld repay them. She became the star student but struggled t take care f her family and study at the same time. With schlarships she was able t cver abut half f her csts. Fr the rest, she culdn’t find a way ut. That’s when Christine fund ut abut a VOA prgram, which nt nly paid fr her study but ffered t cver gas and fd. “The VOA prgram was a real blessing,” said Christine. “I wuldn’t have been able t cntinue if VOA hadn’t been there fr me.”
    Christine nw wrks as an LPN in Detrit, where she cares fr patients. Thrugh VOA, she gives talks t yung peple abut the nursing prfessin. “Nursing schl was the hardest thing I’ve ever dne, and VOA helped me thrugh it,” said Christine. “All these peple helped me rewrite my life, the way I wanted it t be written.”
    4. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “rdeal” in Paragraph 2?
    A. Suffering.B. Adventure.C. Operatin.D. Blessing.
    5. What made Christine determined t be a nurse?
    A. The help f the medical wrkers.B. The dream in her childhd.
    C. The lss f her ld jb.D. The death f her sn.
    6. Hw did Christine slve her ecnmic prblem?
    A. By getting an extra jb and cutting living csts.
    B. By asking fr family supprt and wrking fr VOA.
    C. By studying hard and getting help frm a prgram.
    D. By applying fr schlarships and brrwing mney.
    7. Which f the fllwing can best describe Christine?
    A. Warm-hearted and humrus.B. Strng-willed and thankful.
    C. Well-educated and strict.D. Open-minded and fearless.
    Heading sccer balls seems t take greater injuries n wmen than n men, accrding t a new study which fcused n the brains f sccer players.
    Head kncks can really hurt the brain. Female athletes tend t suffer mre brain damage than males d after injuries, the study pints ut. But until nw, n ne had directly cmpared damage in men and wmen after heading balls.
    Michael Liptn, a brain-imaging expert at the Albert Einstein Cllege f Medicine in NewYrk City, led the research. He nted, “It’s imprtant t figure ut hw males and females might be different after brain injury. Hpefully, determining hw the sexes differ after brain damage will help chse better treatments fr each.”
    Researchers chse 98 sccer players frm amateur teams. The players estimated hw ften they had headed a ball in the past year. The average headers amng men were 487 while wmen 469. The researchers then studied the brain scans f each player lking fr signs f damage. They used a special type f scan t highlight changes in the brain’s white matter. White matter is made up f fibers (纤维), which carry electrical signals frm nerve cells in ne part f the brain t thse in anther. S damage t white matter affects hw well the brain wrks. The scans turned up mre widespread brain damage in the female players. In wmen, eight regins shwed ptential damage linked t frequent headers. In men, nly three regins did.
    The brain changes studied here weren’t big enugh t cause brain damage. But repeated blws t the brain can cntribute t memry lss, depressin and ther prblems. One bigger cncern is CTE, which can lead t cnfusin, truble remembering things and emtinal utbursts. Researchers dn’t knw why wmen’s brains appear at greater risk. Differences in their heads and necks may play a rle. S might genetics and hrmnes.
    8. What des the new study fcus n?
    A. Cmparisn f brain damage between sexes.B. Causes f brain injuries amng players.
    C. Functins f white matter in ur brain.D. Effect f repeated blws n athletes.
    9. Why did Michael Liptn’s team carry ut the study?
    A. T find ut the differences between men and wmen.B. T cntribute t treatments fr brain injury.
    C. T prevent sccer players frm getting hurt.D. T make a breakthrugh in sccer skill study.
    10. Hw was the research carried ut?
    A. By interviewing sccer players.B. By studying the brain scans.
    C. By using a cmputer mdel.D. By referring t frmer studies.
    11. What can be learned frm the last paragraph?
    A. It is hard t identify brain damage.B. The study prves t be a ttal failure.
    C. Reasns fr brain damage remains unclear.D. Mental prblems cause physical differences.
    The San Dieg Cunty Water Authrity has an unusual plan t use the city’s scenic San Vicente Reservir (水库) t stre slar pwer s it’s available after sunset. The prject culd help unlck America’s clean energy future.
    Perhaps ten years frm nw, if all ges smthly, large undergrund pipes will cnnect this lake t a new reservir, a much smaller ne, built in a nearby valley abut 1100 feet higher. When the sun is high in the sky, Califrnia’s abundant slar pwer will pump water int that upper reservir. It’s a way t stre the electricity. When the sun ges dwn and slar pwer disappears, peratrs wuld pen a valve (阀门) and the frce f 8 millin tns f water, falling back dwnhill thrugh thse same pipes, wuld drive machines capable f prducing 500 megawatts f electricity fr up t eight hurs. That’s enugh t pwer 130, 000 typical hmes.
    “It’s a water battery!” says Neena Kuzmich, Deputy Directr f Engineering fr the water authrity. She says energy strage facilities like these will be increasingly imprtant as Califrnia starts t rely mre n energy frm wind and slar, which prduce electricity n their wn schedules, withut cnsidering the demands f cnsumers.
    Califrnians learned this during a heat wave this past summer. “Everybdy in the state f Califrnia gt a text message at 5:30 in the evening t turn ff their appliances,” Kuzmich says. The sun was ging dwn, slar generatin was disappearing, and the remaining pwer plants, many f them burning gas, culdn’t keep up with demand. The reminder wrked:Peple stpped using s much pwer, and the grid (电网) survived.
    Yet earlier n that same day, there was s much slar pwer available that the grid culdn’t take it all. Grid peratrs turned away mre than 2000 megawatt hurs f electricity that slar generatrs culd have delivered, enugh t pwer a small city. That electricity was wasted. There was n way t stre it fr later, when peratrs desperately needed it.
    12. What is the functin f Paragraph 2?
    A. T present the imprtance f a reservir.B. T recall a situatin in recent ten years.
    C. T intrduce the usage f slar energy.D. T explain a way t stre electricity.
    13. What may Neena Kuzmich agree?
    A. The reservir serves t stre energy.B. Califrnians need little slar energy.
    C. Peple used t waste t much energy.D. New strage ways are envirnmentally friendly.
    14. Why was a text message sent t everyne in Califrnia?
    A. T stp peple wrking.B. T warn peple f danger.
    C. T tell peple the sunset time.D. T remind peple f lack f energy.
    15. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Scenic San Vicente ReservirB. San Dieg Cunty Energy Plan
    C. Water Batteries t Stre Slar PwerD. Machines t Stre Water in Califrnia
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Yur teen years are a time t learn abut yurself and start thinking abut yur future. Ding well in schl and leading a healthy scial and persnal life will make yu happier and mre likely t succeed. But dn’t get t carried away with success and the far-future right nw. ____16____
    Becme an eager reader. G t yur schl library r the public library and check ut bks that interest yu. It can be anything frm petry t graphic nvels and cmics. ____17____ If yu dn’t knw where t start, ask the librarian fr suggestins based n yur interests.
    ____18____ D yur hmewrk, shw up fr class n time, keep yur schlwrk rganized, and have a planner f imprtant dates t help yu turn in assignments n time and with less stress. During class, pay attentin and ask questins t further yur understanding f the material.
    Take extracurricular activities yu enjy. Make yur extracurriculars a chance fr yu t relax a little and express yurself. ____19____ Yu can always find classes at schl r beynd. Als, yu can use the activities t make yur vice heard.
    Set realistic academic and persnal gals. Set realistic gals fr yurself t feel a sense f accmplishment regarding yur schl and persnal life. ____20____ Or yu can gain extra credits at least nce per term. As fr persnal gals, yu might set an intentin t get really gd at shting 3-pint shts r learn hw t bake bread.
    A. Just get reading!
    B. Be an excellent student.
    C. It desn’t matter what yu like.
    D. Yu can turn t yur advisers fr help.
    E. Take the chance fr yu t express yurself.
    F. Here are sme tips fr yu t enjy yur teenage life.
    G. Fr example, yu might set a gal t achieve all A’s.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Kyler Nipper has a disease preventing his heels frm tuching the grund while walking. T walk, he usually places his ____21____ n his frnt tiptes, and his different way f walking ____22____ his shes t bend in the middle and ften cme apart. His parents wuld get him new nes, ____23____ they’d wear ut in weeks. Because his shes were always wrn ut, sme kids ____24____ him.
    Kyler didn’t want anyne else t ____25____ it fr having ld shes, s he made a she dnatin ____26____ . “Please dnate shes fr the ____27____ kids,” He wrte n the bx. He ____28____ t give the dnated shes t anyne in his schl wh needed a new pair f shes.
    Mved by Kyler’s stry Lady Gaga’s Brn This Way Fundatin has partnered with Kyler and nw ____29____ dnate wnderful pairs f shes t his charity(慈善机构). “I’m s prud and ______30______ with his wrk. Yung peple like Kyler are the key t building a kinder, braver wrld fr us all,” said Maya Smith, directr f the Fundatin.
    Nw Kyler has set up several “Kyler’s Clsets” at lcal ______31______ and students can cme in private t ______32______ any pair that they like. Kyler als regularly brings shes t the Las Vegas Rescue Missin fr thse ______33______ peple during evening meals.
    Kyler believes in ______34______ fr thers and he likes t say that we shuld nt nly tell peple t be kind, but als ______35______ it. “We’re spreading it alng the way, s that t me is a success,” said Kyler.
    21. A. shesB. balanceC. safetyD. actins
    22. A. causesB. requiresC. expectsD. allws
    23. A. rB. nceC. sD. yet
    24. A. heard fB. talked withC. cared frD. laughed at
    25. A. explreB. rememberC. experienceD. fear
    26. A. rganizatinB. speechC. bxD. party
    27. A. naughtyB. needyC. sickD. strange
    28. A. plannedB. supprtedC. agreedD. affrded
    29. A. regularlyB. hardlyC. nrmallyD. simply
    30. A. familiarB. impressedC. patientD. disappinted
    31. A. parksB. hspitalsC. schlsD. huses
    32. A. buyB. exchangeC. chseD. dnate
    33. A. luckyB. carelessC. hmelessD. suitable
    34. A. respnsibilityB. kindnessC. benefitD. cnfidence
    35. A. discverB. recrdC. explainD. shw
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    In the heart f mdern Beijing is the Frbidden City. It served as the plitical center f ancient China between 1420 and 1912 and nw it is ____36____ wrld famus museum.
    The Frbidden City ____37____ (build) by Emperr Yngle, the third Ming ruler, ____38____ mved the capital frm Nanjing t Beijng in 1403. Surces say it tk a millin ____39____ (wrker) t build it between 1406 and 1420. Legend has it that the Frbidden City was redesigned t have 9, 9991/2 rms. Half a rm is missing t avid ____40____ (upset) the Gd f Heaven. The mainclrs f the Frbidden City are yellw and red. The walls, drs, and windws were ____41____ (mst) painted in red, a symbl f ____42____ (happy) in Chinese culture.
    The English name “Frbidden City” is a translatin f the Chinese name Zijincheng. In the past, it was frbidden t rdinary peple and that is ____43____ the Frbidden City is s named. After the Qing Dynasty, it was made a ____44____ (natin) museum-the Palace Museum and was pen t the public. As ne f the wrld’s largest cultural museums, the Palace Museum hlds mre than a millin rare and valuable wrks f art. S d find a chance _____45_____ (visit) it sme day!
    第四部分 单词拼写(共10个小题,满分15分)
    46. One secret t staying healthy is t hld a ________ (乐观的) attitude t life. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    47. Our schl invited a famus scientist t give us a l________ abut water pllutin. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    48. Jack had t jump ver the huge rck with all his ________(力量). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    49. Thugh we hadn’t seen each ther fr years, I r________ him at first sight. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    50. The scenery in Qianf Muntain is ________(极其) beautiful and it is wrth a visit. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    51. After living in China fr years, Mike can speak f________ Chinese nw. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    52. With the lud nise utside it is hard fr students t c________ n the exam. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    53. Angela ________(假装) that she didn’t see me when we met in the party. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    54. Jim was c________ abut Mr. Brwn’s questin, s he really didn’t knw hw t answer it. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    55. It is knwn t all that the ________(源头) f the Yellw River lies in Western China. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    第五部分 写作(满分25分)
    56. 假定你是高一学生李华。你的英国朋友Eric也刚刚开启高中生活,他写信询问你的高中生活。请你根据以下要点写一封回信:
    1. 表示感谢
    2. 高中生活介绍
    3. 表达祝愿
    1. 字数80词左右
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Eric,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. C
    【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. B 11. C
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    【答案】16. F 17. A 18. B 19. E 20. G
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. D
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    【答案】36. a 37. was built
    38. wh 39. wrkers
    40. upsetting
    41. mstly 42. happiness
    43. why 44. natinal
    45. t visit
    第四部分 单词拼写(共10个小题,满分15分)
    第五部分 写作(满分25分)
    【答案】Dear Eric,
    Hw is everything ging? I'm very glad t have received yur letter, in which yu expressed great interest in my senir high life.
    I can't wait t share my senir high life with yu. I have made several new friends, and my new teachers here are all prfessinal, helpful and kind t us. Mrever, there are varius schl activities fr us students t participate in every term. I believe I will spend a wnderful time in the next three years. Wuld yu like t share smething abut yur senir high with me?
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li Hua

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