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    这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省浙南名校联盟高二上学期11月期中联考试题英语Word版含答案,共22页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本卷共10 页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What time will the man see the dctr?
    A. At 2 pm next Tuesday.
    B. At 3 pm next Tuesday.
    C. At 2 pm next Wednesday.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. In a repair shp.B. In the cleaner’s.C. In an appliance stre.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man mean in the end?
    A. He is ging t learn French.
    B. He is a native speaker f French.
    C. He will g t Germany after graduatin.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d after lunch?
    A. Play badmintn.B. Have a gd rest.C. G t the library.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A ftball match.B. A TV prgramme.C. A training methd.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    6. What d we knw abut the wman’s neighbrs?
    A. They argue a lt.
    B. They have a party every day.
    C. They play lud music at night.
    7. What des the wman plan t d with her neighbrs?
    A. Ask them t be quiet.B. Invite them t dinner.C. Knck n their dr.
    8. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Make a cmplaint.B. Pick up a mail.C. Find a laptp.
    9. What is wrng with the handbag this time?
    A. It is in the wrng clr.
    B. It is brken.
    C. It is delivered late.
    10. Hw des the wman feel?
    A. Surprised.B. Tired.C. Angry.
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a plane.B. At an airprt.C. In a railway statin.
    12. Where des the man wuld like t sit?
    A. In the frnt rw.B. In the middle rw.C. In the back rw.
    13. What will the man d next?
    A. Shw his ticket.B. See his daughter ff.C. G thrugh security.
    14. What des the man think f the wman’s ffice?
    A. Amazing.B. Unique.C. Small.
    15. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Mve huse.B. Change his jb.C. Ask fr a prmtin.
    16. What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Talk with his manager.
    B. Watch the wman practising.
    C. Play table tennis with the wman.
    17. Wh are the listeners?
    A. Parents.B. Students.C. Turists.
    18. What can the listeners d in the mrning?
    A. Have classes.B. G climbing.C. Sing karake.
    19. When can the listeners make adventure trips?
    A. On weekday afternns.
    B. On weekday evenings.
    C. On weekends.
    20. Which adventure trip invlves hill walking?
    A. The Lake District Adventure.
    B. The Beach Adventure.
    C. The Lndn Experience.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Yellwstne Natinal Park
    Yellwstne is pen year-rund t visitrs, thugh experiences differ depending n the seasn yu visit.
    March-May: Snw can cntinue t fall int March and many f the rads may remain clsed, with plughing usually beginning sme time in April. Hiking cnditins at this time are wet. Yu wn’t find many crwds, fr gd reasn.
    June-August: The busiest time f year in the park is July and August, as families arrive in their drves and temperatures rise up int the mid-20s (℃). Backcuntry trails are fully pen and this is the ideal time t g hiking.
    September-Octber: By September, the weather is pretty mild (highs f 19℃ in September). Bears can be sptted by radside as they try desperately t fatten up befre winter.
    Nvember-February: Temperatures can drp belw zer, but this als yields sme unique experiences. Elk and bisn are already migrating in impressive herds and this is a great time fr wlf sptting-their dark cats are much easier t see against a white backdrp f snw. Wlf-tracking trips are a must.
    Cst f travel
    Entrance fees fr Yellwstne are £16 fr individuals and an additinal £30 fr a car. Campsites vary in price, csting as little as £12.50 per night.
    During the peak summer mnths, prices rise and rms are bked up lng in advance. In winter just a handful f the park’s ldges remain pen.
    21. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A research reprt.B. A science newspaper.
    C. A travel brchure.D. A gegraphy textbk.
    22. Which mnth is mst suitable fr hiking in Yellwstne Natinal Park?
    A. July.B. April.C. Octber.D. Nvember.
    23. Hw much shuld a cuple driving a car pay fr entrance fees?
    A. £46.B. £44.5.C. £32.D. £62.
    Frm his uptwn Manhattan hme, Samir Kumar can usually see skyscrapers dwntwn. But this week, as smke frm wildfires raging in the western United States and Canada stretched all the way t the East Cast, the city skyline was invisible.
    Currently, nearly 300 wildfires are burning in British Clumbia and abut 80 are blazing thrugh states in the U.S. West. The fires get wrse due t heat waves and prlnged drught in the west, tw weather patterns made mre extreme by climate change.
    As the smke spreads acrss the cuntry and expses millins f peple, the health impact becmes mre widespread amng the mst vulnerable. In additin t causing respiratry (呼吸的) prblems, the smke can lead t pr heart health. What’s mre, smke frm wildfires culd make it harder fr peple t fight ff COVID-19 infectins and the emerging variants because their immune systems are already battling pllutin. Studies have shwn that peple expsed t air pllutin are mre likely t die frm COVID-19.
    Fr the first time in its histry as a state, Califrnia’s ppulatin is decreasing. Falling birth rates, high husing prices, and high taxes have been factrs fr years, and COVID-19 has exacerbated the trend, delaying planned mves int the state. Many survivrs f wildfires have als chsen t rebuild indifferent states. “If I was starting t raise prbably wuld leave this state,” says Hertz-Piccitt, a directr f the university’s health science center. She plans t spend several weeks during the height f wildfire seasn in August away frm her hme in nrthern Califrnia, where wildfires have becme cmmn.
    Reducing air pllutin frm wildfire smke in Califrnia and the rest f the cuntry will require reducing the number and size f wildfires themselves. Lawmakers have intrduced laws aimed at better managing frests, training mre firefighters, and making infrastructure mre fire resistant.
    “Ultimately until we stp burning fssil fuels, I dn’t see why it’s nt ging t get wrse. It certainly can’t get better,” says Hertz-Piccitt.
    24. What’s the functin f Paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce the spread f wildfires.B. T demnstrate the threat f wildfires.
    C. T describe the situatin f wildfires.D. T explain the cncern f wildfires.
    25. What wrsens wildfires?
    A. Extreme weather.B. Climate types.
    C. Human activities.D. Climate mdels.
    26. What is the effect f wildfire smke accrding t the text?
    A. Cmmn respiratry issues.B. Emerging infectius diseases.
    C. Strng immune systems.D. Califrnia’s ppulatin grwth.
    27. What is advised t tackle wildfires?
    A. Fighting fire with fire.B. Mving away frm hme.
    C. Aviding expsure t fires.D. Prhibiting fssil fuels use.
    Whether r nt yu want an electric vehicle in yur driveway, yu might sn spt ne shwing up n yur neighbrhd.
    All majr delivery cmpanies are starting t replace their gas-pwered fleets (车队) with electric r lw-emissin vehicles, a switch that cmpanies say will bst their bttm lines, while als fighting climate change and urban pllutin.
    UPS has placed an rder fr 10,000 electric delivery vehicles. Amazn is buying 100,000 frm the start-up Rivian. DHL says zer-emissin vehicles make up a fifth f its fleet, with mre t cme. And FedEx has just been seeking the gal f replacing 100% f its pickup and delivery fleet with battery-pwered vehicles by 2040.
    “I think we’ve just started t reach the turning pint where we are slwly getting rid f gas-pwered delivery trucks and vans,” Mitch Jacksn, the chief sustainability fficer fr FedEx, says.
    Switching t electric vehicles fr shrter distances makes a lt f sense fr cmpanies like FedEx.
    Cmpared t the 18-wheelers that carry packages between states, delivery vehicles — typically vans and smaller trucks — are much easier t electrify, with current battery technlgy prviding enugh range fr many rutes. And cmpanies als have plenty f charging time. Jacksn calls it an “ideal situatin.”
    “If yu think abut it, ur vehicles perate thrughut the day picking up and delivering ur custmers gds,” Jacksn says. “And in the evening, they cme back t ur statins and they’ll be parked there vernight.”
    And, while electric vehicles are still expensive up frnt, Jacksn says this switch will als serve the bttm line. Electric vehicles save mney n fuel, and because they have fewer mving parts, they’re als cheaper t maintain, which means they are prfitable in the lng run “And fr sure, they emit zer green-huse gases. Our cmmunity will definitely lve them,” adds Jacksn.
    28 Which f the fllwing is NOT a delivery cmpany?
    A. UPS.B. Rivian.C. DHL.D. FedEx.
    29. Which f the fllwing statements may Mitch Jacksn agree t?
    A. Electric vehicles like the 18-wheelers can carry mre and be easily charged.
    B. Electric vehicles are charged during the parking time.
    C Electric vehicles need imprve their battery technlgy badly.
    D. Electric vehicles discurage delivery cmpanies due t their cst.
    30. The underlined phrase “the bttm line” in the last paragraph means .
    A. the final prfitB. the final gal t pursue
    C. the last thing t bearD. the mst imprtant pint
    31. What is the writing purpse f this passage?
    A. T prve an idea.B. T cnfirm a cncept.
    C T intrduce a trend.D. T describe an event.
    Playing a rhythm-based game fr eight weeks helps nn-musicians becme better at remembering recently seen faces. This suggests that learning t play an instrument culd imprve shrt-term memry fr nn-musical tasks.
    There have been several studies shwing that musicians tend t have better shrt-term memry than nn-musicians when it cmes t music-related tasks, such as remembering musical sequences. It is less clear whether these benefits carry ver t nn-musical tasks r t nn-musicians wh are learning t play an instrument, and hw these changes might actually be seen in the brain.
    Thedre Zant at the University f Califrnia, San Francisc, and his clleagues, randmly assigned a grup f 47 nn-musicians, aged between 60 and 79, t play either a tablet-based musical rhythm training game, which emulates (模仿) learning t hit a drum in time with a teacher, r a wrd game fr eight weeks.
    At the start and end f the eight weeks, participants tk a shrt-term memry test t measure their ability t remember a face they saw secnds befre. Only the grup wh played the rhythm training game shwed an imprvement n their initial scres f arund 4 percent. This suggests, says Zant, that the rhythm training is imprving the brain’s ability t fcus attentin n a task t get it ready fr transfrming what yu are ding int memry.
    The ability t remember and recgnise faces tends t decline as we age, s any pssible mechanism t turn that the ppsite way is imprtant, says Jsh Davis at the University f Greenwich, UK. Hwever, the effect demnstrated in this study needs t be shwn in real-wrld facial recgnitin scenaris as well as in lab-based tests t be cmpletely cnvincing, says Davis. Thedre Zant hpes that extending training perid beynd eight weeks may lead t a strnger effect n memry recall.
    32. What can we knw in the first tw paragraphs?
    A. Musicians are gd at remembering tasks.
    B. Musicians can easily change their memry.
    C. Musicians are mre likely t memrize musical tasks.
    D. Musicians have better memries than nn-musicians.
    33. Why can rhythmed games benefit memry imprvement?
    A. The cntrl f attentinal aspect f memry.
    B. The enhancement f the brain’s ability t fcus n a task.
    C. The increase f the ability t remember and recgnize face.
    D. The transfrmatin f what peple d int memry.
    34. What can we infer frm Jsh Davis’ cmments?
    A. The rhythm games are sure t bst memry.
    B. Measures have been taken t avid memry lss.
    C. The effect f playing instruments remains t be seen.
    D. The extending training can certainly affect memry.
    35 What’s the main idea f the passage?
    A. Playing musical games imprves the memry.
    B. Playing musical games stps memry decline.
    C. Playing an instrument benefits face recgnitin.
    D. Playing an instrument bsts shrt-term memry.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12.5 分)
    As the cler days f autumn arrive in the nrthern part f the wrld, peple are clearing ut ld plants and planning new gardens fr next year. ____36____
    If the plants have gtten larger than their riginal cntainers during their time utside, yu can replant them int larger nes. ____37____ And replant them with fresh ptting sil, and then water them. If yu are having truble remving the plants frm their cntainers, r pts, check t see if the rts have cme thrugh the drainage hles at the bttm f the pt. If they have, gently pull r cut the extra rts t help remve the plant.
    Yu can then divide plants like spider plants and flaming flwers int tw r mre individual plants. Firstly, shake ff any extra sil carefully. Secndly, find the cnnectin between the rt system and the plant’s tp grwth and pull apart the rts gently. ____38____ Be sure that there are at least three healthy leaves attached t the rt system f each new plant. Lastly, place each new plant in its cntainer. Be sure t use fresh sil mix. Water the plants well until new plants frm.
    All the huse plants that spent summer days utside shuld be mved t a shady area fr a week befre ging inside fr the winter seasn. ____39____ Cntinue t water regularly during this time.
    After a week, lk fr insects n the plant, especially under the leaves. ____40____ If yu are still wrried abut insects, yu can spray the plants with Neem il mixed with water. And cmplete the mve inside befre temperatures drp belw 12.7 degrees Celsius.
    A. Yu can then water the plants.
    B. Inside huseplants still need care t.
    C. This helps the plant get used t lwer light levels.
    D. Or yu culd cut thrugh them with a sharp knife.
    E. Chse a cntainer that is n mre than 5 centimeters wider than the riginal.
    F. Hwever, utside plants will als need help t return t the inside envirnment.
    G. Wash the leaves with water t make sure there are n uninvited guests, like pests.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    Pltu ran straight t his study table. There, in an empty bttle, was the treasure, a cluful butterfly, nce keeping flying away frm his ____41____. But nw it was ging t be part f his bilgy prject in schl.
    Pltu lved the different ____42____ n the wings. He had made a few hles n the cap f the bttle t let air pass ____43____. He dressed hurriedly, ____44____ schl and ____45____ the bttle n the windwsill. That day’s bilgy class was the mst interesting! Pltu’s teacher was happy with his ____46____ and asked everyne t thank him.
    On the way back hme, the butterfly still fluttered its wings ____47____. Whatever small creature Pltu came acrss, he felt like putting int the bttle. But he ____48____ himself as he wanted t give breathing space t his butterfly.
    Waking up arund midnight suddenly, he lightly ____49____ the bttle. The butterfly did nt mve. He shk the bttle sme mre, but still n ______50______. He pured a little water. The water seemed t help as the butterfly ______51______ a little. Plu heaved a sigh f ______52______. After a while Plu quickly pened the bttle and gave it a ______53______ shake.
    T Pltu, the tiny nise f the fluttering wings was ______54______. He sat staring at the empty bttle, but he was happy that he had sent the butterfly back t where it ______55______- nature.
    41. A. senseB. abilityC. graspD. view
    42. A. clursB. sptsC. shapesD. lines
    43. A. pastB. acrssC. verD. thrugh
    44. A. called nB. left ffC. left frD. drpped in
    45. A. abandnedB. placedC. threwD. pulled
    46. A. creatinB. cnditinC. intentinD. expectatin
    47. A. changeablyB. reasnablyC. weaklyD. energetically
    48. A. cntrlledB. seizedC. managedD. hid
    49. A. kickedB. embracedC. pattedD. beat
    50. A. respnseB. appearanceC. symptmD. signal
    51. A. climbedB. jumpedC. turnedD. trembled
    52. A. regretB. shckC. reliefD. depressin
    53. A. vilentB. gentleC. suddenD. natural
    54. A. terribleB. unbelievableC. cnfusingD. musical
    55. A. disappearedB. belngedC. survivedD. died
    The wrds “mn resrt” (月球度假村) may evke images f sme kind f luxury accmmdatins requiring rcket ship travel that wn’t ____56____ (build) until decades r centuries frm nw. Hwever, a new prpsal frm Canada-based cmpany Mn Wrld Resrts Inc. imagines this idea a little clser t hme—yu’d nly have t travel t Dubai, and yu certainly wuldn’t need t wait decades t visit.
    ____57____ (name) “MOON”, the prject envisins a 735-ft-tall mixed-use building ____58____ the shape f the mn. Inside, guests will find a full-service destinatin resrt in additin t ____59____ (apprximate) 300 private residences available fr purchase. In essence, the structure ____60____ (make) up f tw distinct sectins: a spherical base vlume built frm three “stacked” disks and the lunar rb. In the base, guests will find ____61____ (facility) like the spa, cnventin center, and the htel lbby. Hwever, the main attractin isn’t a htel rm r dance flr, ____62____ a lunar surface simulatin (模拟) that lets guests experience the sensatin f space explratin firsthand.
    “MOON will frm the bridge, delivering ____63____ affrdable and entirely authentic space turism experience ____64____ millins f enthusiasts arund planet Earth have been waiting fr,” Michael R. Hendersn, MOON cfunder, tells AD. Like a mn resrt in uter space, ____65____ (bring) the prject t life will require billins f dllars, but the cmpany is assured that a destinatin like this is a wrthy prject.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你以Living With Exam Anxiety为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:
    1. 考试焦虑的不良影响
    2. 提出建议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Living With Exam Anxiety
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    On a warm summer evening in Surat, my wife and I were n ur way t the grcery stre, when I nticed a man sitting n the pavement under a street light. Smething abut him made me stp. He sat mtinless, his steady gaze fixed n an bject nly he culd see. His beard was lng and untidy, much like the matted hair n his head. An abandned advertisement banner(横幅) hung lsely arund his waist was his nly prtectin frm the envirnment. The vacant lk in his eyes indicated he was pssibly incapable f nrmal mental functin.
    We tried asking him a few questins, but he shwed n signs f having heard r understd us. He just sat there, staring int the darkness, unaware f ur presence. It was quite apparent that he was in need f help and we thught a while abut what we culd d. “He lks hungry,” my wife remarked, “but there is n pint in giving him mney.” I agreed. “Let’s buy him a laf f bread instead,” I suggested.
    It tk us a while t finish ur shpping. When we returned t the spt where we had first seen the man, he wasn’t there. We lked arund, but there was n sign f him. Disappinted, we decided t g hme, wndering what t d with the laf f bread.
    We’d barely gne a hundred meters when we sptted him. Driven by hunger, he had crssed the rad and was seated with a family f migrant laburs, wh had camped there. They were wrkers wh were tired ut frm a lng day wrk under the biling summer sun and struggled t supprt family. Surprisingly, nne f the family members seemed t mind his presence. In fact, he lked t be quite welcme. The family had accepted him withut questin, just as they wuld a visiting relative r a clse friend. Curius, I stpped my mtrcycle in the shadws and watched.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    It was dinner time when a lady was rasting meat ver an pen fire with her family.
    Watching fr a while, we were deeply tuched.
    1. 本卷共10 页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C
    【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C
    【答案】14. A 15. B 16. C
    【答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
    【答案】24. B 25. A 26. A 27. D
    【答案】28. B 29. B 30. A 31. C
    【答案】32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12.5 分)
    【答案】36. F 37. E 38. D 39. C 40. G
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    【答案】41. C 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. D 55. B
    【答案】56. be built
    57. Named 58. in
    59. apprximately
    60. is made
    61. facilities
    62. but 63. an
    64. that##which
    65. bringing
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】Gd mrning, everyne,
    I feel s hnred/privileged t deliver a speech themed Living With Exam Anxiety.
    Almst everyne will feel nervus when faced with an exam. T much anxiety affects ur academic perfrmance. Fr example, we find it hard t fcus n questins, r demnstrate ur knwledge during the exam.
    Therefre, I suggest getting regular sleep and exercise, which is vital fr cncentratin and memry. In additin, we shuld get rid f negative thughts s that we can manage ur stress when taking an exam. Thank yu. (88 wrds)
    【答案】It was dinner time when a lady was rasting meat ver an pen fire with her family. As she rlled and rasted mre meat, she handed the beggar a share, keeping an eye n him t make sure that his plate was nt empty. The beggar was eating hungrily frm an aluminum plate. She smiled as she watched him dig int the fd clumsily, drpping every ther share n t his chest and then t the grund. The ther members f the family chatted happily as they ate, the meat disappearing faster than the cheerful lady culd make them. (82 wrds)
    Watching fr a while, we were deeply tuched. The scene where the family wrked and earned a few rupees(卢比) under the biling summer sun t keep their stmachs frm grwling came t mind. Overcme with guilt, we placed the laf f bread near the man and rde away. Nt until then did we learn the true meaning f giving and sharing. That family was far frm wealthy, but they shared what they had, nt smething they had n use fr, r smething they culd easily affrd, like a laf f bread. (87 wrds)

    浙江省浙南名校联盟2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中联考试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份浙江省浙南名校联盟2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中联考试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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