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    高中外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Nature in words完整版ppt课件

    这是一份高中外研版 (2019)Unit 6 Nature in words完整版ppt课件,共41页。

    Review:nn-finite frms as attributive,adverbial and cmplementLk at the sentences frm the reading passage and answer the questins.
    a  saw the grund s fantastically carpeted.b  up t find yurself in anther quite different,  can see the children flattening their nses against the windw,  my nse against the cld windw t watch the falling snw...
    1 What is the difference between the verbs in bld in sentences(a)and(c)?2 In sentence(b),des “t find” indicate purpse r result?3 In sentence(d),des “t watch” indicate purpse r result? What is the functin f “falling”?
    Nw lk fr mre sentences with these structures in the reading passage.
    1 What is the difference between the verbs in bld in sentences(a)and(c)?2 In sentence(b),des “t find” indicate purpse r result?3 In sentence(d),des “t watch” indicate purpse r result? What is the functin f “falling”?
    “Carpeted”in sentence(a)is a past participle used as cmplement and “flattening” in sentence(c) is a present participle used as cmplement.
    In sentence(b),“t find” indicates result.
    In sentence(d),“t watch” indicates purpse;“falling” is an attributive used t describe the snw.
    Mre sentences:· I fund all lking thrugh the windw...· the faintly flushed snw lining its branches...· artfully dispsed alng its trunk...· all the trees s many black and threatening shapes.· bdy f hrsemen might be seen breaking ut frm the black trees...
    Cmplete the passage with the crrect frm f the verbs in brackets.
    The Lake Pets were a small grup f pets 1    (live)in the Lake District f England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Lake District,2    (knw) fr its beauty,is in the nrth-west f England. The first f the pets 3     (cme)there was Rbert Suthey,ne f the mst 4     (respect)pets f his time. He was fllwed by William Wrdswrth,perhaps Britain’s mst 5     (celebrate)19th century pet,and then Samuel Cleridge,wh had written the 6     (pineer) wrk Lyrical Ballads with Wrdswrth. Sn,7    (draw)bth by its natural beauty and a desire t be near these famus pets,ther pets came 8    (live)in the Lake District. All f these pets were seen as part f the Rmantic Mvement.
    t cme/cming
    Lk at the picture and cmplete the travel jurnal entry with the wrdsin the bx. Use the structures yu have learnt in this unit where apprpriate.
    find blw g see fall relax enjy run
    Tday,whilst walking alng a peaceful river running thrugh a university campus,I was amazed t find... ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Wrk in pairs. Talk abut a travel experience f yur wn that brught yu clser t nature,using the structures yu have learnt in this unit where apprpriate.
    单元语法非谓语动词作定语、状语和补语1 非谓语动词作定语(1)动词不定式作定语动词不定式作定语,通常置于被修饰的名词或代词之后,与被修饰的词构成逻辑上的主谓、动宾或同位关系。She is always the first t cme and the last t leave.(主谓关系)她总是第一个到,最后一个离开。D yu have anything t say fr yurself ?(动宾关系)你有什么话要为自己说吗?D yu have the ability t read and write in English?(同位关系)你有用英语读写的能力吗?
    (2)分词作定语① 作定语的及物动词的分词形式为ding,being dne 和dne。当被修饰的名词与分词之间为主动关系时,用ding;当被修饰的名词与分词之间为被动关系且表示分词动作正在进行时,用being dne;当被修饰的名词与分词之间为被动关系且表示分词动作已完成时,用dne。I have never seen a mre mving film.我从没看过更令人感动的电影了。The huses being built are fr the teachers.正在建的房子是给老师的。The brken glass is Tm’s.这个打破了的杯子是汤姆的。② 作定语的不及物动词的分词形式为ding和dne。ding表示正在进行;dne表示已经完成。biling water正沸腾的水biled water 开水(3)动名词作定语动名词可置于名词前作定语,表示被修饰的名词的用途和性能。a walking stick = a stick fr walking手杖a sleeping car = a car fr sleeping卧铺车
    单句语法填空(1)As we walked n,I said,“I dn’t have cash,but why dn’t we ask him if he wuld like smething __________(eat)?”(2)The railway ___________ (build) nw will cnnect the village t a large city.(3)Accrding t ne study ___________(publish)in a cancer research jurnal,drinking green tea reduces the risk f sme types f cancer by nearly sixty percent.(4)We had t walk n a path __________(make)by a line f bricks n the muddy grund.(5)Hwever,reading nvels is nt the nly way ___________(imprve) yur English.(6)His pem,Secnd Farewell t Cambridge,is nw a cmpulsry text n Chinese literature,_______________(learn)by millins f schl children acrss ur cunty every year.(7)That very same night,she heard a piece f __________(shck) news.(8)On Christmas Day,I shared the spirit f giving by presenting relatives in the village with __________(imprt) chclates wrapped in festive gld paper.
    being built
    2 非谓语动词作状语(1)分词作状语分词作状语时,其逻辑主语是句子的主语;一般在句中作时间、原因、方式、条件、伴随等状语。① 现在分词作状语时,分词表示的动作是由句子主语执行的动作,它们之间是主动关系。Hearing the news,they gt excited.听到这个消息,他们很兴奋。② 过去分词作状语时,分词表示的动作是句子主语承受的动作,它们之间是被动关系。Given the right kind f training,these teenage sccer players may ne day grw int internatinal stars. 如果给予一种正确的训练,这些青少年足球运动员有一天可能会成为国际明星。
    (2)动词不定式作状语① 动词不定式作状语可以表示目的、结果、原因等。He pened the windw t let sme fresh air in. (表示目的)他打开窗户让一些新鲜空气进来。I hurried t the statin,nly t find the train had left. (表示结果)我匆忙赶到车站,结果发现火车已经开走了。She was surprised t see Gerge walk in. (表示原因)看到乔治走进来,她很惊讶。② 动词不定式作目的状语时,常位于句首或句中,形式上可用in rder t d,s as t d,t d 等,但s as t d 不能置于句首。In rder t pass the exam,he wrked hard.为了通过考试,他努力学习。③ 作目的状语的动词不定式动作必须是主语发出的。T learn English well,his father bught him a dictinary.(×)T learn English well,he bught a dictinary.(√)
    单句语法填空(1)Nt __________(have) much experience n buses,I was made extremely angry by the bus driver wh pulled ver and waited every few streets.(2)Thugh they did all they culd __________(help) them but times were tugh fr them.(3)____________(encurage) by the prgress he has made,he wrks harder.(4)Generally __________(speak),bys like active sprts mre than girls d.(5)I g inside,excited t tell grandpa abut what I’ve dne,nly __________(find) he is sleeping.(6)He wiped his feet at the dr and clsed the dr behind him,__________(mean)that he was careful.(7)If I gt ne mre chance t be 15-year-ld,I wuld make full use f the schl time __________(enrich) my knwledge.(8)Parkur pays mre attentin t efficiency,__________(make) it different frm the similar practice f free running.
    3 非谓语动词作补语(1)后接动词不定式作补语的动词及动词短语① 有些动词或动词短语后接动词不定式作宾补,即“动词/ 动词短语+ 宾语+ t d”。常见的这类动词或动词短语有:advise 建议allw允许 ask要求beg 恳求 cause导致 encurage 鼓励permit 准许 frbid禁止 frce强迫intend 打算 invite邀请 rder命令persuade 说服 prefer 更喜欢require 要求teach 教 remind提醒 tell 告诉want 想要warn警告wish希望wait fr 等待 call n 号召 depend n 依靠She explained the rules t the students and required everyne t fllw them. 她向学生解释了规则,并要求每个人都遵循它们。He depends n yu t help him with his English.他指望你帮他学英语。
    ② 下列动词接省略t 的动词不定式作宾语补足语:一感(feel),二听(hear,listen t),三让(let,have,make),五看(see,ntice,bserve,watch,lk at),半帮助(help)。但在变为被动语态时需加t。Smene bserved the thief enter the bank. → The thief was bserved t enter the bank.(被动语态)有人看见小偷进了银行。③下列句型中常用动词不定式作主语补足语,它们是:sb./sth. Be said/believed/knwn/ reprted/cnsidered/thught + t d/t have dne/t be dne/t be ding/t have been dne sth.。He is said t have been cheated in the street.据说,他在大街上被骗了。The accident is reprted t have killed tw peple. 据报道,那次事故中有两人丧生。
    (2)非谓语动词作感官动词(短语)、使役动词的宾补① 感官动词(短语)see,watch,bserve,lk at,ntice,hear,listen t,feel 的宾语补足语有四种形式,以see 为例:I saw him leave a few minutes ag.我看见他几分钟前离开了。As I gt clser,I saw him kicking his legs in the air and breathing heavily. 当我走近时,我看见他的腿在空中乱踢,并且呼吸沉重。I’d like t see the plan carried ut. 我想看到这个计划被执行。
    ② 使役动词make,let,have 后接复合宾语的情况:The teacher made sme students stay in the classrm after schl.老师让一些学生放学后待在教室里。He tried t make himself understd. 他尽量把自己的意思表达清楚了。
    单句语法填空(1)The new teaching methds encurage children __________ (think) fr themselves.(2)He gave me full directins t enable me __________(find) his huse.(3)I dn’t think she intended me __________(hear) the remark.(4)The ld cuple ften take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dg __________ (fllw) them.(5)They had the light __________(burn) all night.(6)US bilgist Stacey Harmer and her clleagues had it __________(explain) in a recent paper published in the jurnal Science.(7)Late last mnth,Karen Martinez nticed a small by __________(wander) n the street alne withut any shes.
    (8)After picking bks,brrwers are required __________(present) the infrmatin such as their library membership cards,cell phne numbers and s n.(9)Within days,I fund myself having cmplete cnversatins in English and even __________(use) idims crrectly.(10)Listen! D yu hear smene __________(call) fr help?(11)Alexander tried t get his wrk __________(recgnise) in the medical circles.(12)Rbert is said ______________ (study) abrad,but I dn’t knw what cuntry he studied in.(13)She didn’t knw French at all,s she culdn’t make herself __________(understand).(14)The managers discussed the plan that they wuld like t see __________ (carry) ut the next year.(15)It was quite dark,but I culd see a man ________(lie) n the flr,tied up with rpe.
    t have studied
    Describing nature
    Read the paragraph and answer the questins. Pay attentin t the wrds in bld.
    1 What des this paragraph mainly describe? 2 What aspects des the authr describe?
    This paragraph mainly describes the beautiful appearance in the mnth f August.
    The authr describes the skies,fields,flwers,rchards,trees,wheat and the quality f the light.
    Put the wrds in Activity 5 int the bxes. Find ut what they are used t describe.
    thick clusters,graceful sheaves
    Nw think f mre wrds in each categry and add them t the bxes. Then describe nature during yur favurite seasn with the wrds yu have learnt.
    Open a dictinary,and yu’ll be surprised t find that there are many mre wrds abut nature than yu wuld think. There are varius ways t describe the things we see in the natural wrld,n matter whether it’s a flwer,an animal r the rain. Fr example,there are many ways t describe the different sunds f birds,such as chatter,chirp,cluck,ht and tweet. These wrds can help us t write vivid descriptins f nature. Did Yu Knw?
    Listen t the cnversatin and answer the questins.
    1 What bk was the man reading? 2 Why was the man annyed? 3 What was the girl’s pinin?
    The man was reading a bk called Landmarks.
    Smething Rbert Macfarlane wrte made him annyed.
    Ging fr a walk utside can cheer peple up.
    >听力文本 M=male speaker,Eric,grandfather;F=female speaker,Suzie,his granddaughterF:Mrning,Grandpa!M:[grumpily] Mrning,Suzie.F: Grandpa,is there smething wrng? Yu seem a bit upset .M: Yes,well... I’m srry,Suzie. It’s just that I’ve been reading this new bk called Landmarks by Rbert Macfarlane,and smething he wrte abut has made me rather annyed.F:What is it?M: He explained that many wrds describing nature were nw missing frm the new versin f the junir dictinary.F: I dn’t quite understand. Can yu give me sme examples?M: Well,wrds such as “pasture” and “bluebell”.
    F: I dn’t knw thse wrds. What d they mean?M: The frmer means a field f grass fr cws and hrses t eat. “Bluebells” are blue flwers shaped like bells.F: I’ve never heard f them. Why wuld they take them ut f the dictinary?M: Well,accrding t Macfarlane,the main reasn fr ding this is that these wrds are n lnger relevant t children. Instead,they’ve replaced them with new terms like “blg”.F: I dn’t knw,maybe the dictinary has a pint. Mst children dn’t get ut int nature that much nwadays. They spend much f their time n cmputers,fr instance. I think the new terms they added are wrds we hear in ur everyday use.M: Ah! That may be true,but it’s a pity.F: In what way?
    M: Tw reasns,I think. Firstly,children are lsing the jy f being yung,f being utside under the trees with grass under their feet. Secndly,these wrds frm part f ur histry. They add clur t ur lives,and shuldn’t be lst. F: I’m nt s sure,Grandpa. Yung peple might nt get ut int nature much,but we still experience jy. And as fr lsing wrds... well,yu dn’t remember all the wrds frm Shakespeare’s day,d yu? M:Er... well,n... F: Exactly! Times change. Cmputers play a large part in ur lives nw. Cnsider scial media. It is as nrmal t us nw as... what was that funny ld wrd yu said? Psture? M: Pasture,Suzie! F: Yes. Scial media is as nrmal t yung peple as pasture is t yu. M:[sighs] F: [laughs] I knw what wuld cheer yu up. Let’s g fr a walk utside. M: Aha! See? Yu can’t beat nature,Suzie,eh? [bth laugh]
    Listen t the cnversatin again and crrect the mistakes in the man’s blg.
    Nw wrk in pairs and act ut the cnversatin.
    “annyed”instead f “cnfused”“ nw missing frm” instead f“being added t”“ field f grass”instead f“dense frest”“blue flwers” instead f“fruit”“blg”instead f“film”“ n cmputers” instead f“ watchingTV”“histry”instead f“literature”“ a different pinin frm” insteadf “the same pinin as”“ new wrds becme as nrmal tyung peple as the ld nes are t me” instead f “ld wrds becme as nrmal t yung peple as the new nes are t me”
    Cmplete the bxes with the expressins frm the cnversatin.
    · as... ·The main reasn... ·...,fr instance. ·Tw reasns,I think. ·Cnsider...
    Giving examples Giving explanatins
    ,fr instance.
    The main reasns,I
    Wrk in pairs. Talk abut yur pinins f the issue discussed in Activity 8 using the expressins in this sectin.
    Nw think abut yur perfrmance. Have yu actively participated in the discussin? What can yu d t imprve yur perfrmance?
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.66 the memry f snw,and ice,and bleak winds,has faded frm ur minds as cmpletely as they have disappeared frm the earth... ……当冰雪和寒风的记忆从我们的脑海中完全消失,就像它们已经从地球上消失一样……1 fade v. 逐渐消失;褪色fade away 逐渐消失;变弱fade in(画面)渐入;(声音)渐强fade ut(画面)淡出;(声音)渐弱As the years passed,the memries faded away. 岁月流逝,那些记忆都淡忘了。He slide a cntrl t fade ut the music. 他滑动控制器,让音乐声渐渐减弱。The sun had faded the curtains. 太阳把窗帘晒褪了色。
    单句语法填空(1)The vices became luder and clser and then faded __________ again.(2)The utline f the land faded __________. Eventually,everything befre us was s clear.完成句子(3)The sund f the by’s sbs __________________________(逐渐消失在远处).(4) Gerge,____________________(把音乐减弱)at the end f the scene.
    faded away in the distance
    fade ut the music
    教材原句p.66 the wheat,piled in graceful sheaves,r waving in every gentle wind that sweeps abve it,tinges the landscape with a glden clur. ……一捆捆优雅地堆在一起的小麦,或是在微风中摇曳的小麦,给大地染上了金色的色彩。2 sweep v. 吹过,掠过;清扫,打扫sweep away 消灭;彻底消除;完全打消sweep ut 打扫干净sweep up 打扫,清扫Willw branches swept the river’s surface. 柳枝拂掠过河面。The twn was swept away in the earthquake. 城镇在那次地震中被毁灭了。Did yu sweep ut the clset? 你把壁橱收拾干净了吗?Jane is sweeping up the bits f paper and brken glass. 简在清扫纸屑和碎玻璃。
    完成句子(1)On Sunday mrning after getting up,I helped my mther __________________(清扫) and wash clthes.(2)First,we clean ur huse and __________________(扫除)bad luck,and then we paintdrs and windws red.(3)The keeper tld him t __________________ (清理干净)the mnkey cage.单句语法填空(4)The wner f the shp _____________ (sweep)his flr when I walked in.
    was sweeping
    教材原句p.66 Nw think f mre wrds in each categry and add them t the bxes. 现在想想每个类别中更多的单词,并把它们添加到方框中。3 往……加入……,把……加到……上Please add sme milk t the cffee. 请往咖啡中加一些牛奶。D yu want t add yur name t the list? 你想把你的名字加到名单里吗?【归纳拓展】add t 增加,增添add up 把……加起来add up t 总共是,合计为  add that... 补充说……Firewrks added t the beauty f the festival night. 烟火使节日的夜晚更加美丽。Please add up the numbers and I’m sure they will add up t mre than100. 请把这些数字加起来,我确信总数会超过100。He added that he wuld nt bther us again. 他补充说,他不会再打扰我们了。
    【图解助记】add 短语
    单句语法填空(1)He added __________ all the bills and they added up __________$1,000.(2)Wuld yu like t add sme sugar __________ yur cffee?(3)The natural scenery adds __________ the beauty f my hmetwn.完成句子(4)Please ___________(把……加起来)all the numbers t see hw much they _____________(总共是).(5) It is t salty. Wuld yu please ____________________ (往……加些水)the sup?(6) The engine f the ship was ut f rder and the bad weather __________________ (增加)the helplessness f the crew at sea.
    up t
    add up add up t
    add sme water t
    教材原句p.67 Perhaps the dictinary des have a pint... 也许词典的确有道理……4 have a pint 有道理I think bth sides have a pint. 我认为双方观点都有道理。Yu have a pint—it wuld be better t wait till this evening.你说的有道理,还是等到今天晚上比较好。【归纳拓展】see/take/get ne’s pint 明白某人的观点cme t/get t the pint 谈到正题t the pint 简明恰当,简洁中肯  ff the pint 离题,不中肯be n the pint f ding sth.(when...)正要做某事(这时……)
    完成句子(1)Well,____________________(你说的有道理)there,but wh’s respnsible fr the theft?(2)Mr Brwn,if yu dn’t mind,I’ll ________________________(谈正题).(3)I like Mr Miner’s speech; it was clear and ____________________(简洁中肯).
    yu have a pint 
    get t/cme t the pint 
    重点句式教材原句p.67 The reasn why they are ding this is that they think these wrds are irrelevant t children... 他们这样做的原因是他们认为这些词与孩子无关……The reasn that... ……的原因是……(why 引导定语从句,that 引导表语从句)The reasn why I walked ut was that I was bred. 我走出去的原因是我感到很无聊。【学法点拨】We dn’t knw the reasn why/fr which she resigned. 我们不知道她辞职的原因。I wn’t accept the reasn that/which he explained fr his behaviur. 我不会接受他对他的行为所作的解释。
    【归纳拓展】It/This/That is because + 原因. 这/ 那是因为……It/This/That is why + 结果. 这/ 那就是为什么……He was late. That’s because he was caught in the strm.他迟到了,那是因为他遇到暴风雨了。He was caught in the strm. That’s why he was late.他遇到暴风雨了,那就是他为什么迟到了。
    单句语法填空(1)Part f the reasn Charles Dickens lved his wn nvel,David Cpperfield,was __________ it was rather clsely mdeled n his wn life.(2)The reasn __________ grass is green was a mystery t the little by.(3)The reasn ____________ she gave fr being late was __________ her car brke dwn n the way.(4)The reasn __________ he didn’t sign up fr the curse is __________ he had n interest in bdy building.(5)Frm space,the earth lks blue. This is __________ abut seventy-ne percent f its surface is cvered by water.(6)I’m afraid he’s mre f a talker than a der,which is __________ he never finishes anything.
    that/which that
    why that

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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature优质课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 6 Nurturing nature优质课件ppt,共28页。

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