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    10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)
    10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)01
    10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)02
    10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)03
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    10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)

    读后续写:救人型TOC \o "1-3" \h \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc27808" Part1:经典例文(铁轨救婴儿)  PAGEREF _Toc27808 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc11154" Part2:救人故事构造三部曲  PAGEREF _Toc11154 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc28076" 第一步:救人之前(恶劣环境+负面情绪)  PAGEREF _Toc28076 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc15875" 第二步:救人之中(努力+救人动作+如释重负)  PAGEREF _Toc15875 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc3773" 第三步:救人之后(感激+升华)  PAGEREF _Toc3773 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc5577" Part3:灵活应用  PAGEREF _Toc5577 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc11105" 例1:河中救人  PAGEREF _Toc11105 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc27334" 例2:海边救人  PAGEREF _Toc27334 \h 9读后续写很多时候会涉及自然灾害与防范、安全常识与自我保护的话题,会经常涉及到危难之际,挺身而出救助他人的故事。在这个话题中有时会写到危难之际,利用所学急救知识,成功救人脱离生命危险的故事;有时会写到楼内突发火灾,警察/群众舍己救人的故事;有时会写到群众/路人遇到有人不幸溺水,鼓足勇气跳入水中施救的的故事。Part1:经典例文(铁轨救婴儿)It was 7 a.m. on 12 May 1998.Mohr had already scanned several packages listing dangerous materials aboard the train. The presence of gas would mean taking extra precaution when braking the 6,200-ton train. With explosive gas on board, it would be disastrous if the train came off the track. After a final inspection, Mohr jumped aboard. He was heading east, into a sun that promised a beautiful day for their 276-km run to Peru, Indiana.At around noon that day, Marshall prepared to tackle some yardwork. It was a beautiful day for it, she thought, gazing past the houses across the street. Some 45 meters away, railroad tracks shone in the sun.Marshall began working in a patch (地块) of soil. Sitting next to her, cheerfully running her hands through dirt, was her 19-month-old daughter, Emily. For a while, she kept turning to check on Emily, who played close at hand. Eventually, though, Marshall's absorption in her work became total.Mohr approached the town where Marshall lived at about 1:45 p.m. and slowed the train to the 40-kmph speed limit. He activated the flashing lights and warning bell. Mohr had been through the town hundreds of times, but he grew extra cautious rounding the first curve.As the train came out of the curve, Mohr noticed a small dot on the track about 200 meters ahead. He thought it might be a dog. Although it was against the rules to do so in the town, he began lightly tapping his horn. "Come on, puppy, move," he urged.The toots (嘟嘟响) of a train whistle startled (使受惊吓) Marshall from her yardwork. That's odd, she thought. They don't usually blow the whistle through town. She glanced over to check her daughter, and her heart skipped. Emily was nowhere in sight.Now, as the train approached within 100 meters of the object on the rail, Mohr narrowed his eyes, trying to make out what exactly was lying ahead. Then shock ran through him like electric current.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语:3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Para 1 "My God!" he yelled as a tiny face turned towards him. “It's a baby!"______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Para 2 The child was now just 36 meters ahead.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Para 1 "My God!" he yelled as a tiny face turned towards him. “It's a baby!" Mohr had an instant decision to make, applying full emergency brakes with half the train still wrapped around a curve. He had to risk an emergency stop. Hard as he try, the train kept moving just as a cat saw a fish, whose enticing smell attracted the cat to approach the baby.Meanwhile, Marshall rushed towards her daughter, nervous but desperate, fearing the train would run into her beloved.“我的上帝啊!”他像一张小脸转向他时大声喊道。“这是个婴儿!”莫尔立即做出了决定,实施了紧急刹车,一半的火车仍然绕在弯道上。他不得不冒着紧急停车的危险。在他的努力中,火车继续移动,就像一只猫看到了一条鱼,它诱人的气味吸引了猫接近婴儿。与此同时,马歇尔冲向紧张但绝望的女儿,担心火车会撞到她的爱人。 Para 2 The child was now just 36 meters ahead. Mohr pulled the brake with his whole efforts.The sound of wheels grinding against the rails rang through the sky. The situation was quite dangerous.As the train was almost stopped, he immediately opened the left door of the engine cab quickly and swiftly jumped from the moving train and ran back to the child. She lay crying by the tracks.A great relief sweeping over Mohr, he lifted her from the dirt hurriedly. It was only then that Mohr noticed the train had stopped and Marshall was just coming to her baby.With the baby in his arms,Mohr began to walk towards the mother. 这个孩子现在只有前面36米远。莫尔竭尽全力地拉下了刹车。车轮撞击铁轨的声音响彻天空。情况很危险。当火车快停下来时,他立即打开驾驶室的左门,迅速从行驶的火车上跳下来,跑回孩子身边。她躺在铁轨边哭泣。他使莫尔松了一口气,急忙把她从泥土里抬了起来。直到那时,莫尔才注意到火车已经停了下来,马歇尔正要来接她的孩子。莫尔抱着孩子,开始向母亲走去。【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了火车司机Mohr,在一次驾驶火车全速前进时,他注意到远处的铁轨上有个黑点,他以为是一条狗,后来证实这个黑点是一个婴儿。他要在保证火车安全的情况下,救下这个婴儿。【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“我的上帝! ”当一张小脸转向他时,他大叫起来。“是个婴儿!”,可知,第一段可描写火车司机Mohr的心理感受及其采取的措施,同时可以描写婴儿妈妈Mashall的现场反应。②由第二段首句内容“这时火车距离婴儿只有36米了。”可知,第二段可描写火车司机Mohr努力减速火车直至火车停下,然后救婴儿,最终婴儿平安得救。2.续写线索:看见婴儿——决定刹车——跳车救孩子——孩子得救3.词汇激活行为类①.做决定:make a decision/make up his mind/keep in mind that②.刹车:pull the brake/stop the train with effort③.救孩子:save the child/ rescue the child/save the baby's life情绪类焦急:anxious/have one's heart in one's mouth【点睛】[高分句型1]. Mohr had an instant decision to make, applying full emergency brakes with half the train still wrapped around a curve. (applying...为现在分词作状语)[高分句型2]. Hard as he try, the train kept moving just as a cat saw a fish, whose enticing smell attracted the cat to approach the baby.(as引导的让步状语从句,whose之后为非限制性定语从句)Part2:救人故事构造三部曲第一步:救人之前(恶劣环境+负面情绪)1、恶劣环境(1)一到晚夏,池塘就会被绿色的起泡浮渣覆盖。有时候,池塘里冒出一阵强烈的难闻的味道。In late summer, the pond would be covered by a green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it. (2)在池塘中间,冰面忽然露出了一条裂缝。In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack.(3)空气里弥漫着浓厚灼热的味道。A thick burning smell filled the air. 2、负面情绪:害怕 (1) Watching the shore in the distance, I felt powerless(无力的) as if we were broken tiny boats at the mercy of strong waves.(2) Exhausted and cold, the thought that we might die here flashed across my mind, which made me quiver with an uncontrollable terror/horror/fright(难以控制地发抖)Looking at the vast sea, I felt a sense of fear surging through my whole body (在身体涌动)第二步:救人之中(努力+救人动作+如释重负)1、.挣扎努力Tom looked thoughtful(若有所思)“We need to think out a way!” I muttered (喃喃自语), scratching my head.(绞尽脑汁)...,We swam tooth and nailspared no effort totooth and nailspared no effort to(全力以赴地).2. 救人有关的惊险场面描写(1) The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in icy water. (2) I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, it broke like window glass(像玻璃一样破裂). (浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)(3)As the coat became completely wet, it dragged me down(把我拖下水). I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.(浙江省十校联盟考试续写2020.10)3实施救援的过程“帮我把西蒙斯弄下车!”诺伍德对惊慌失措的朋友们大声喊道。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)“Help me get Simmons out of the car!” Norwood yelled loudly to her friends, who were left in a panic. 诺伍德和朋友们把西蒙斯从车里拉了出来,把他放在一个安全并且离车有点远的地方。尽管紧张而焦虑,诺伍德努力让自己镇静下来,对西蒙斯进行了急救。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)Nervous and anxious, Norwood struggled to calm herself down and carried out first aid to Simmons. 诺伍德和她的朋友们把西蒙斯放到平躺的位置,打开了她的呼吸道。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)4、如释重负Ensuing their safety, I felt a surge of triumph .(感到一阵胜利的喜悦)Hearing the news, I couldn't help restraining my excitement.(情难自抑)It thrilled us to hear the good news (听到新消息很高兴).On hearing the good news, Tom and I sighed in great relief(如释重负地叹了口气), grinning merrily at each other.第三步:救人之后(感激+升华)1、感激如果我没有得到急救,我就会死了。西蒙斯感激地对诺伍德说。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)“If I had not been given first aid, I would have dead.” Simmons said to Norwood gratefully. Simmons showed her gratitude to Norwood, saying “It was you who came to my aid and saved my life.” 西蒙斯对诺伍德表示了感谢,她说:“是你来帮助我,救了我一命。”(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟) “谢谢你进入我的世界,我会永远记住你为我所做的。” 西蒙斯对诺伍德说。(2021年山东新高考质量测评联盟)“Thank you for entering my world and I will always remember what you have done for me.” Simmons whispered to Norwood.2、升华句(1) 花点时间来学习急救和心肺复苏术。拯救了生命,而且很有效。Take some time to learn the knowledge of first aid. It saves lives, and it works.(2) 这个故事表明,良好的急救知识真的可以起作用。The story shows that a good knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.(3) 每个人都应该学点急救知识,因为在紧急情况下每一秒都很重要。Everyone should learn something about first aid, for every second will count in an emergency. (4) 了解基础的急救知识有助于你对紧急情况作出迅速的反应。Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.Part3:灵活应用例1:河中救人Boys like to be considered to be brave, but what kind of things can be considered to be brave? It is not a question that can be answered by words, but by the actual deed. A boy with the name Henry gave us a good example. Ronny and Henry were two friends in the same class. They always played together and went home together. One day as Ronny and Henry were going home after school, they saw some people fighting in the street corner. Ronny said excitedly, “Some people are fighting! Let's go and have a look!” But Henry refused, “It's none of our business. We'd better go home and don't get close to them. Also our parents are expecting to have dinner with us together at home and I don't want them to worry about me.”“You are a coward, and afraid to go,” said Ronny, and off he ran to the spot with some other boys. Henry had to go home alone and didn't think about it anymore.But Ronny thought Henry was a coward and told all the boys that. They laughed at him a great deal. From then on, they looked down upon Henry and didn't want to play with him.Henry was sad but he wasn't angry with Ronny for his rude behavior, because he had learned that true courage was shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved, and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong. Thus, he just ignored the other boys' laughter and continued to stick to his thought and go to school and study as well. However, Ronny didn't invite Henry to go home with him anymore. Instead, he had his new friends who also thought Henry was a coward. Every day after school, they didn't go home directly but went to the river or somewhere to play games and had lots of fun.注意:1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1: A few days later, something terrible happened to Ronny. Paragraph 2: At that moment, Henry happened to pass by. Paragraph 1A few days later, something terrible happened to Ronny. That afternoon after school, Ronny was bathing with some of his new friends in the river happily. Suddenly, he was stuck in the mud and couldn't get out. He struggled hard but he was still trapped. He screamed for help, but all in vain. The boys who had called Henry a coward got out of the water as fast as they could. They were so scared and did not even try to help him.Paragraph 2:At that moment, Henry happened to pass by. He heard the screams and ran to the river as soon as possible. Seeing Ronny was almost drowned, Henry took off his clothes immediately and jumped into the water without any hesitation. He reached Ronny just as he was sinking the last time. With great effort, and with much danger to himself, he brought Ronny to the shore in time. Henry was happy to help his friend, though he was extremely tired.第1段几天后,罗尼发生了一件可怕的事情。那天下午放学后,罗尼和他的一些新朋友在河里快乐地洗澡。突然,他被困在泥里,无法出来。他努力挣扎,但仍然被困住了。他尖叫着呼救,但都没有成功。那些叫亨利是懦夫的孩子们尽可能快地离开了水面。他们很害怕,甚至没有试图帮助他。第2段:就在那一刻,亨利碰巧经过了。他听到了尖叫声,就尽快跑到河里去了。看到罗尼差点被淹死,亨利立即脱下衣服,毫不犹豫地跳进了水里。他上次就在罗尼下沉时,到达了罗尼。他费了巨大的努力,对自己也很危险,及时把罗尼带到了岸边。亨利很乐意帮助他的朋友,尽管他非常累。例2:海边救人阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。On July 8,2017,eight members of a family in total,were enjoying an evening together at the beach in Panhandle,Florida.As the sun sank lower on the horizon,the two boys Noah,11,and Stephen,8—swam into the waves without the grown-ups noticing.Soon they realized that the ocean had pulled them into the sea.After trying and failing to swim back,they started waving and screaming for help.But the lifeguards had been off duty for the evening.The boys had been struggling for several minutes when Jacky and Tabatha,a couple from Georgia,heard them.They dived into the water and soon reached the two brothers.But after a few minutes,they were all trapped in a rip current(离岸流)—a powerful one that could sweep even the strongest swimmer out to sea! By then,some teenagers had heard the cry.One of the teens rushed into the water,grabbed Jacky,and pulled him back to shore.Meanwhile,Tabatha could feel herself being pulled farther out.She was already exhausted and beginning to feel desperate as she was trying to save both boys alone.Onshore,Jacky was terrified.A man stopped.“What’s wrong?”asked Shaun,who was heading back to his car.“My wife is drowning!”Brittany said.Shaun immediately strode(大步跨)into the water.But several minutes later,a gaping 15 feet still lay between him and Tabatha and the boys.He knew that if he continued,he’d become another victim.He turned around to seek help.It was about that time that Roberta,the boys’mother,returned from the bathroom and looked around for her children.She was shocked to spot them floating much farther out than they were allowed to go.She fought the waves to get to her screaming sons and the stranger who was trying to save them,but she quickly discovered it was nearly impossible to make headway in any direction.Looking around,Roberta sighed with relief to see some more people coming to help.Paragraph 1 When they tried in vain to rescue the brothers and Tabatha, a risky idea came to them. _______________________________________________________________________________ By then, more swimmers had also noticed the group in trouble and rushed to join the human chain. _______________________________________________________________________________【答案】Paragraph 1 When they tried in vain to rescue the brothers and Tabatha,a risky idea came to them.To keep themselves from losing their footing in the rip current,they began holding on to one another to form a human chain extending from the beach all the way out to the struggling and Tabatha.They stayed linked tightly and managed to ensure they were safe by making their feet firmly planted in the sand.However,that required more links—probably dozens of them.Shaun spotted other swimmers on the beach and shouted,“Don’t just stand there! Come and help.”当他们试图营救塔巴塔兄弟和塔巴塔兄弟时,他们想到了一个危险的主意。为了防止自己在激流中站稳脚跟,他们开始互相抓住,形成一条人链,从海滩一直延伸到挣扎中的塔巴塔。它们紧紧地联系在一起,并把脚牢牢地放在沙子里,以确保自己的安全。然而,这需要更多的链接——可能有几十个。肖恩发现海滩上还有其他游泳者,他喊道:“不要只是站在那里!”来帮忙吧。”Paragraph 2By then,more swimmers had also noticed the group in trouble and rushed to join the human chain.One by one,link by link,total strangers walked into the waves and grasped one another by the wrists,determined that no one would die on that beach.At last,they made it and Tabatha and the two brothers were saved! “Those people on the beach are angels on earth,”said Roberta.“Whether it is the first person or the last person in the chain,they are all our heroes,who helped get our family out of trouble.到那时,更多的游泳者也注意到这群人陷入了麻烦,于是冲去加入。一个接一个地,一个接一个地走进海浪,抓住手腕,决定没有人会死在海滩上。最后,他们成功了,塔巴塔和两兄弟得救了!“海滩上的那些人都是地球上的天使,”罗伯塔说,“无论是铁链上的第一人还是最后一个人,他们都是我们的英雄,他们帮助我们的家人摆脱了麻烦。
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        10 读后续写:救人型(故事构造“三部曲”)-高考英语读后续写技巧与训练(新高考专用)
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