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    湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)
    湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)01
    湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)02
    湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)03
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    湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案)

    这是一份湖北省黄冈市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题 (含答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了选择题的作答,非选择题的作答,考试结束后,请将答题卡上交等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    1. Hw des the wman feel abut the man's idea?
    A. Wrried. B. Satisfied. C. Disappinted.
    2. What des the man want t be?
    A.A reprter. B. A lawyer. C. A designer.
    3. Where are prbably the speakers?
    A. In the htel. B. In the ffice. C. At the hairdresser's.
    4. Hw much des the man charge the wman at first?
    A.$ 100. B.$1 ,050. C.$ 1,150.
    5. Why des Steven refuse Mandys invitatin?
    A. He has t prepare fr a game.
    B. He failed t win a cntest.
    C. He dislikes ding sprts.
    英语试卷第 1页(共10页)
    6. Which mvie are the speakers ging t see?
    A. Jaws. B. Saving Private Ryan.C. Jurassic Park.
    7. Hw will the speakers g t the cinema?
    A. By car. B. By subway. C. By bus.
    8. Where are prbably the speakers?
    A. At hme. B. In the ffice. C. In a stre.
    9. Which key is the man lking fr?
    A. His ffice key. B. His huse key. C. His car key.
    10. What will the man d next?
    A. Attend a meeting. B. G t the kitchen. C. Search fr his bag.
    11. Which f the fllwing is the man's favrite chclate?
    A. White chclate. B. Milk chclate. C. Dark chclate.
    12. Wh brught cca pwder t Eurpe?
    A. The Indian. B. The Mexican. C. The Spanish.
    13. What des the wman think f chclate?
    A. It's quite tasty. B. It's t bitter. C. It's t sweet.
    14. What des the man want t d at first?
    A. Brrw smething. B. Ask fr advice. C. Make an invitatin.
    15. Why des the wman dress up tday?
    A. T attend a wedding. B. T g t a party. C. T g n a date.
    16. What des the man say abut the wman's clthing?
    A. It's t frmal. B. It's a bit tight. C. It's pretty.
    17. What will the wman d in the end?
    A. Try ther clthes. B. Date with the man. C. Start t lse weight.
    18. Hw d mst peple g t Glacier Bay Natinal Park?
    A. By car. B. By ship. C. By plane.
    英语试卷第 2页(共10页)
    19. What can visitrs d if they stay lcally at a htel?
    A. Take a rute frm UnCruise.
    B. Have a flightseeing trip.
    C. Experience Alaska Adventure Sailing.
    20. What d we knw abut Glacier Bay Natinal Park?
    A. It's part f the Wrld Heritage Site.
    B. It's hme t mre than 200 species f butterflies.
    C. It's the wrld's secnd largest internatinally prtected area.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    At the apprach f a shrt hliday, yu may prepare fr a vacatin. As yur ne-stp vacatin planner, VME has everything yu need t bk an unfrgettable getaway. Bking a vacatin has never been mre cnvenient. If yu aren't sure where t g, check ut ur mst ppular destinatins
    If yu are cuntry music-lvers, there truly is nthing better than witnessing a shw at Nashville TN. Having a muthwatering meal n a yacht is als a gd experience. There are many different ptins fr ldging(住宿),frm the luxury t the mpe budget-friendly and cmfrtable ptins.
    Myrtle Beach
    If yu are lking fr castal views and ceanic adventures, then Myrtle Beach is the place fr yu! This city is knwn fr its amazing beaches and adventures that ffer pprtunities t create the mst unfrgettable memries. A wide variety f accmmdatins als awaits yu.
    San Antni
    San Antni is a great place t visit fr a cmbinatin f American histry and mdern attractins. Favred activities include the City Sightseeing Tur and Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Yur trip t San Antni will be wnderful! Varius ptins fr ldging are available.
    Lake Tahe
    Lake Tahe is knwn fr its amazing and luxurius(奢华的) ski resrts. Fr thse wh lve nature, the Get Outdrs in Lake Tahe is a must. This grgeus regin is filled with natural wnders, amazing shws, and ldging t suit yur needs.
    21. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T intrduce the functin f VME.
    英语试卷第 3页(共10页)
    B. T shw hw t be a gd planner.
    C. T explain hw t bk a vacatin.
    D. T recmmend sme ppular destinatins.
    22. Which destinatin attracts peple interested in the winter sprts?
    A. Lake Tahe. B. Nashville TN. C. San Antni. D. Myrtle Beach.
    23. What d the fur destinatins have in cmmn?
    A. They hst wnderful shws. B. They have many amazing wnders.
    C. They have interesting activities. D. They ffer different chices fr ldging.
    “The arrw sht is s straight that it hits the bull's eye, the yung peple will have gd luck…” Dargye sang as he wrked n his handmade bag.
    Dargye,56. an artist wh excels at traditinal craftsmanship and Tibetan flk music in Drinba village in Dragyib district, Nyingchi, Tibet autnmus regin, remembers many flk sngs he learned frm his father and uncle. Nw, it's his turn t pass them n.
    “I have liked traditinal sngs and dances since I was a child,” said Dargye, wh has fur apprentices(学徒).“The sngs tell the histries f ur ancestrs and carry ur unique culture, and-it's always a lt f fun t perfrm these traditinal sngs and dances at varius gatherings.” The-sng'tpies vary-frm archery, lve, t labr and praise fr the land. In additin t teaching these sngs t/his family members and apprentices, he als uses scial media platfrms such as WeChat t teach sngs.
    His daughter, Chk Butri, als admires the flk culture. After psting a vide f her daughter, Tsering Kyi, dancing n Duyin, she gained a lt f new fans n the ppular shrt-vide platfrm.“We are mdern peple living in a mdern era, s it's imprtant and ur respnsibility that we use mdern tls t pass n ur traditinal culture t make it last frever.”said Chk Butri, adding that she ften psts sngs and dances n WeChat and Duyin.
    Dargye and his fellw villagers als recreate sngs, adding mdern elements such as aircraft and trains t the lyrics. Besides singing and dancing, Dargye makes handicrafts decrated with Tibetan cultural elements, including varius hide and hair rpes, bags made f leather and clth, and knife sheaths.
    The lcal gvernment encurages villagers t inherit(继承) and develp flk sngs and ther frms f traditinal culture. Dargye's effrts t preserve flk culture have been acknwledged by the gvernment. In 2014, he was chsen as a cunty-level intangible (无形的) cultural inheritr and receives funds every year.
    英语试卷第 4 页(共10页)
    24. Why des Dargye want t pass the culture n?
    A. He wants t satisfy his interest. B. He wants t learn frm the senirs.
    C. He wants t bring peple fun. D. He wants t inherit and develp it.
    25. What is the authr's purpse in mentining Dargye's daughter?
    A. T shw flk music's effect n her. B. T stress Dargye's influence n her.
    C. T emphasize her lve fr flk culture. D. T reveal the ppularity f flk culture nline.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Dargye?
    A. Ambitius and hnest. B. Talented and curius.
    C. Devted and creative. D. Generus and determined.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. All effrts t preserve culture pay ff.
    B. Craftsman carries tunes t preserve culture.
    C. An artist prefers traditinal sngs and dances.
    D. Tibetan culture is being prtected and passed n.
    It's the middle f winter, and the prspect f warm sunny days is a lng way ff. Fr sme f us.it's-the-mst depressing time f year, where daylight is limited and the weather is ften miserable——this is wheñ the winter blues set in. S what can be dne t lift ur spirits?
    The shrter days and lnger nights can make us feel dwn, which can cause us t eat mre and exercise less. Sme fear lneliness and islatin Thse peple wh suffer this seasnal md swing mre seriusly are described as/ having seasnal affective disrder—r SAD fr shrt. It's a type f depressin with a seasnal pattern caused by a shrtage f light and is thught t affect the part f the brain that rules sleep. appetite, md and activity levels.
    Jenny Sctt-Thmpsn, diagnsed(诊断) with SAD struggled with perids f tiredness and unhappiness. She was recmmended light therapy(疗法), which invlved sitting in frnt f a light bx as well as ging utside during daylight hurs. This is believed t help anyne wh is affected by the winter depressin.
    Althugh having mre light is an bvius cure, antidepressants can help thse with mre severe depressin by artificially raising the amunt f sertnin(血清素) in the brain. But this isn't suitable fr everyne, and many f us can try t just change ur mindset. Clinical psychlgist Laura Keyes says, “It can be helpful t think abut hw t adapt yur eating and exercise patterns t the change f seasn.”
    It might sund easier said than dne, but accepting winter and thinking psitively may
    英语试卷第 5 页(共10页)
    energise us. Writing fr the BBC Scial website, Esther De La Frd asks“What if we explred what this phase f winter has t ffer us, instead f being upset abut thse things that it is taking away?” She suggests we use this time fr rest, reflectin and slwing dwn.
    28. What is the majr cause f winter depressin?
    A. Eating mre. B. Lack f light. C. Less exercise. D. Feeling lnely.
    29. What des the underlined wrd“antidepressants”refers t in paragraph 4?
    A. Dctrs. B. Plants. C. Medicine. D. Gd Habits.
    30. Hw des the authr develp his idea in paragraph 5?
    A. By describing details. B. By prviding evidence.
    C. By making a cmparisn. D. By giving an example.
    31. What's this passage mainly abut?
    A. The types f SAD. B. The imprtance f taking actin.
    C. The causes f winter depressin. D. The way t stay cheerful in winter.
    A small device n bigger than a taster has generated xygen n the surface f Mars, bringing the chances f surviving n the red planet a step clser. The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resurce Utilisatin Experiment, better knwn as Mxie, has been generating xygen frm the atmsphere ـ ﻘﺘ ﻳﺮﺜch-in carbn dixide, as part f NASA's Perseverance rver missin, which began in February last year.
    Research published in the jurnal-Science-Advances reprted that Mxie prduced breathable xygen in seven hur-lng tests cnducted in varius weather and atmspheric cnditins since landing last year. The research fund that during each test_and even in extreme temperatures r after a Martian dust strm, Mxie cntinued t prduce high-purity xygen.
    The device uses pumps that suck in carbn dixide. The gas is heated t 800℃ and separates the carbn and xygen. Carbn mnxide is emitted as waste while the pure xygen is left behind.“This is the first demnstratin f actually using resurces n the surface f Mars and transfrming them chemically int smething that wuld be useful fr a human missin,”Jeffrey Hffman said. Hffman,a retired astrnaut and a prfessr at MIT aernautics department, als nted that the results were“grundbreaking and histric.”
    NASA and the MIT team are planning t build a bigger versin f Mxie. They hpe advanced mdels will prduce enugh xygen t supprt a crewed missin t Mars and generate the gas needed t send a rcket back t Earth.“T supprt a human missin t Mars we have t bring a lt f stuff frm Earth.”Hffman said.“But dumb ld xygen? If yu can make it there, g fr it. Yu're way ahead f the game.”
    The thin atmsphere n Mars is 96 percent carbn dixide and much mre mutable than
    英语试卷第 6页(共10页)
    n Earth. Hffman said, “One bjective nw is t shw we can run Mxie in all seasns.”
    32. What can we learn abut Mxie in this passage?
    A. It fails in the seven-hur lng test.
    B. It perfrms wrse in extreme weather.
    C. It can imprve the chance f survival n Mn.
    D. It can prduce xygen frm the atmsphere n Mars.
    33. What's the attitude twards the test results f Mxie accrding t Hffman?
    A. Negative. B. Psitive. C. Indifferent. D. Unclear.
    34. What is the purpse f building a bigger Mxie?
    A. T make Mxie mre advanced. B. T take a lead in this field.
    C. T guarantee the need f xygen. D. T avid bringing much stuff.
    35. Where can the text be fund?
    A. In a bigraphy. B. In a science fictin.
    C. In a science magazine. D. In chemistry textbks.
    Whether they are furry, feathered r scaly(多鳞的), the nn-human members f yur family help yu in mre ways that yu knōw._36_.
    They keep yu active. If yu have a dgs chances-are-that yu're walking it at least 30minutes a day. and likely mre——an activity that ges a lng way twards keeping yu fit.
    They bst yur immune system. Grwing up indrs in disinfected spaces later causes ur bdies t ver-react t harmless substances, making us mre allergic. As is ften the case, pets have muddy paws, abundant furs and affectin fr licking(舔) us._37_.
    They lwer yur risk f a fatal heart attack. Researchers fund that cat wners had a 30per cent lwer risk f dying f a heart attack._38_. The researchers assumed — and mst cat wners wuld agree—that cats' unbthered nature has a calming effect. Spending time with any pet lwers stress, an imprtant cntributr t heart disease.
    They help yu manage a chrnic disease._39_, animals always keep their wners busy 一and that can be a gd thing fr chrnic disease sufferers f all types. When distracted frm the pain. they will perceive less pain, and therefre they are in less pain.
    _40_. Studies have shwn that pet wnership is beneficial fr peple with depressin, anxiety, PTSD. and ther lng-term mental health cnditins. Pet wners themselves reprt that their animal pals benefit them mentally a lt, like prviding emtinal supprt and helping them frm scial bnds.
    A. They als imprve yur mental health
    英语试卷第 7页(共10页)
    B. They cntribute a lt t ur strng bdy
    C. With the cnsiderate care frm the wners
    D. Here are sme ways that yur pet pal benefits yu
    E. With their regular tasks f feeding, walks and play
    F. They intrduce mre bacterial diversity that ur bdy adapts t
    G. But yu may wnder hw it cmes abut withut taking a cat fr walks
    第三部分 ,语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Our. huse was near a hspital. We lived dwnstairs and rented the upstairs rms t ut-patients in the hspital.
    One summer evening as I was_41_supper, there was a knck at the dr. I pened it t see a truly awful — lking man. He was_42_taller than my eight- year- ld sn. I wuld lse rmers by_43_such peple. Yet his vice was_44_as he said,“ Gd evening.I' ve cme t see if yu have a_45_fr just ne night.I came fr a treatment this mrning.There is n bus until tmrrw mrning.” Fr a mment,I hesitated, but his next wrds _指_me,“I_culd sleep in this rcking chair n the prch. My_47_leaves quite early in the mrning.”
    When I finished fixing supper,I asked him if he wuld_48_us. He plitely refused.Later, I went ut n the prch tó talk with him. Sn I fund this ld man had an versized heart crwded int that tiny_49_. He tld- me he fished fr a living t_50_his five children. He didn't tell it by way f_51_. He was_52_that hpain_actmpanied his disease thugh the disease affected his life t sme degree…“Culd I please cme back and stay the next time I have a_53_?” Befre he left fr his bus, he said, as if asking fr a great_54_.I tld him he was welcme t cme again.
    Over these years, when he came t stay vernight with us. there was never a time that he didn't bring us marine fd.I knw ur family will always be grateful t have knwn him.Frm him, we learned what it was t_55_the bad withut cmplaint and the gd with gratitude.
    41. A. having B. preparing C. rdering D. finishing
    42. A. undubtedly B. ultimately C. hardly D. surely
    43. A. putting up B. mixing with C. turning dwn D. picking ut
    44. A. small B. clear C. cld D. pleasant
    45.A. rm B. chair C. huse D. garden
    46.A. delighted B. astnished C. cnvinced D. cmfrted
    47. A. friend B. dctr C. train D. bus
    英语试卷第 8 页(共10页)
    48. A. serve B. jin C. apprach D. help
    49. A. bdy B. brain C. mind D. sul
    50.A. encurage B. adpt C. supprt D. teach
    51. A. cmplaint B. dubt C. example D. attack
    52.A. aware B. grateful C. determined D. guilty
    53. A. sleep B. talk C. treatment D. cmmitment
    54. A. dnatin B. tip C. dish D. favr
    55.A. refuse B. accept C. recgnize D. emply
    After finishing nline classes at hme during the cvid一19 pandemic. Hng Nanjia,16, frm Zhixin High Schl in Guangzhu, puts n her aprn(围裙) and begins her ne hur f chres. Then she needs t share her feelings in a diary_56_will be handed in t her teacher.
    Mst students_57_( require) t take part in the labr class nce per week. Since September, labr class has been listed as_58_fficial curse in the schl lives f primary and, middle schl students. Qian Chenyi supprts this plicy. He said that he started the nabr class during , middle schl. All the students wuld gather tgether, weed the schl garden_59_water the plants.
    Accrding t Qian, his gehpl wuld invite prfessinals t prvide them_60_practical skills fr their daily lives.“ When shared bikes- became_61_( gradual) ppular in 2020, students were taken t the parking spts and/helped/put them int the right place. Prfessinals als_62_( shw) us hw t fix the bikes.” Qian said.“ After_63_( learn)first aid, students vlunteer t help peple wh have had accidents in the water. ⁶ He added that if students fund a specific tpic_64_( attract), they wuld fcus n it and nly take part in the labr class_65_( relate) t that tpic.“ Thrugh the labr classes, we nt nly find ur interests but als becme mre well- runded.” said Qian.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    英语试卷第 9页(共10页)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    It was a bright May afternn alng the Maryland cast, and Jnathan Bauer, 51, an expert dctr at a hspital, and his 13-year-ld daughter, Ava. were taking full advantage f his prfessinal knwledge t help thers. They were driving with the windws dwn as they headed hme n the 1.4-mile-lng, tw-lane Rute 90 bridge, which stretches acrss the shallw waters f Assa-wman Bay. Suddenly, the calm was disturbed by the high sund f tires.
    Nt far ahead f them. a black pickup was sliding frm ne lane t the ther. T the Bauers' hrrr, it ran int a cncrete barrier, turned ver the SUV directly ahead f them, and came t rest hanging ver the railing(栏杆) f the bridge. Bauer hit the brakes in time t avid the vehicles in his path.
    Bauer stpped the car. “Ava, are yu OK?” he asked. She was shaken, but therwise unhurt.
    And then a scream. It came frm the pickup. The driver's dr threw pen and a man climbed ut. He drpped t the grund, then ran t the railing. Bauer ran up beside him.Fhe span pinted dwn, saying smething in Spanish. In the water was a car seat. Fastened t. Tt 's a girF. abrt/tw years ld. lked terrified, flating n her back, kicking and splashing and streaming.
    Matters quickly went frm bad t-frightening when the girl rlled ver nt her stmach. Bauer waited fr the pickup driver t-d-smething, but he didn't mve. Maybe he was in shck.
    “Ava!” Bauer shuted, bending t remve his shes.“Stay by the car!”
    He climbed nt the railing and jumped int the water withut hesitatin.
    A mment later the pickup driver pulled Bauer and the little girl ashre and the ambulance arrived.
    阅读:21-23DAD24-27DBCB28-31BCDD32-35DBCC 36-40DFGEA
    完形填空: BCA DA CDBAC AB C D B
    56. that /which 57. are required 58. an 59. and 60. with
    61. gradually 62. shwed 63. learning 64. attractive 65. related
    Last week, a sprts meeting was held by ur schl in the stadium, which was s exciting that it impressed me deeply. All the students gt actively invlved in it and the whle schl was alive and full f freshness. The playgrund was crwded with audiences. Every athlete made great effrts t win, the students wh std by the runway let ut the mst encuraging slgan.Exhausted/Wrn ut as we were, we enjyed urselves cheering and jumping.
    This activity was f great significance, nt nly culd it help us sense the fun f exercise, but als cultivate the awareness f teamwrk, and deepen ur friendship.
    He climbed nt the railing and jumped int the water withut hesitatin. Seeing the little girl flating n her chest ten feet away, Bauer swam t her with all his strength and lifted her ut f the water swiftly. Hwever, the tddler’s critical cnditin had Bauer’s heart in his muth,heartbeat racing wildly. In n time he cllected himself as a prfessinal t ffer timely assistance_standing straight, lying her against his shulder and hitting hard at her back with the flat f his hand. With anther hit n the back and retches fllwed by a breath, Bauer sensed the beautiful feeling f little fingers hlding him arund the neck. Her eyes were pened nw, fcused n him. A mixture f relief and cncern flded in him as Bauer pulled her clse as if t shelter her frm any dangers. In the meantime, Ava, stunned at what she eyewitnessed, called fr the ambulance.
    A mment later the pickup driver pulled Bauer and the little girl ashre and the atribulance arrived. Minutes later, much t everyne’s relief, the girl was rushed t hspital in a helicpter,and Bauer breathed a sigh f relaxatin ultimately and hugged his wn daughter n the bridge,with his eyes glittering in the sun. Sn they were infrmed gratefully the tddler suffered a brken shulder but was therwise uninjured. Hearing the inspiring news, Ava was n nine clud with thrill and felt prud f her father, withut whse immediate leap, that little girl wuld nt live a whle life. Added t the excitement and inspired by his actins, she made up her mind t save lives when she grew up.
    文章出处:Readers Digest
    21.D解析:意图目的题。根据第一段最后一句话“If yu aren't sure where t g, check ut ur mst ppular destinatins”可知,本文是介绍几个最受欢迎的景点。
    22.A解析:细节题。根据Lake Tahe部分中的“Lake Tahe is knwn fr its amazing and luxurius ski resrts”中可知,它以其令人惊叹和豪华的滑雪胜地而闻名。
    23.D解析:细节题。根据Nashville TN中的第三行的ldging, San Beach第三行的ldging,Lake Tahe中的第三行的ldging以及Myrtle Beach中的第三行accmmdatins(膳宿,食宿),可知三个旅游景点都提供了各种各样的膳宿。
    体裁:记叙文题材:社会文化 主题:Dargye对藏族文化的传承及发展
    24.D【解析】细节理解题。结合第二段的最后一句话“Nw, it's his turn t pass them n.”,以及最后一段“The lcal gvernment encurages villagers t inherit and develp flk sngs and ther frms f traditinal culture. Dargye's effrts t preserve flk culture have been acknwledged by the gvernment..”可知,传递文化市是为了继承和发扬。ABC选项都不是根本原因。
    25.B【解析】推理判断题。文章围绕Dargye 对传统文化的传承和发扬为核心, Dargye 是文章故事的主角,从篇章的角度,所有的细节服务于主旨,因此提及他女儿的事迹是为了强调他对他女儿的影响。
    27.B【解析】主旨大意题。B选项的意思是“手艺人通过传播歌曲来保护文化”,正好契舍文章的庄旨, Dargye 作为一个艺术家,通过音乐舞蹈以及其他方式来传播藏族文化。而文章又主要以他如何传播音乐文化的事情为中心,因此选择B。A选项“所有保护文化的努力都得偿所报”,C选项“一个偏爱传统歌曲与舞蹈的艺术家” ,D选项“藏族文化正在得以保护与传承”。
    C篇体裁:说明文 题材:人与社会 主题:如何在冬天提振精神?
    30.D推断题从第五段可知作者通过举例来说明观点accepting winter and thinking psitively may energise us.
    31.D主旨题从文章的主题句S what can be dne t lift ur spirits?可知。
    体裁:说明文 题材:介绍说明 主题:一个可以在火星上制造氧气的设备
    32.D【解析】细节理解题。通过第一段“…better knwn as Mxie, has been generating xygen frm the atmsphere n Mars…”我们得知选择D。ABC均可以通过阅读第二段相关细节进行排除。
    33.B【解析】推理判断题。通过第三段最后一句话中“… grundbreaking and histric”可知,Hffman对实验结果的评价是积极的。
    34.C【解析】细节理解题。通过第四段“They hpe advanced mdels will prduce enugh xygen t supprt a crewed missin t Mars and generate the gas needed t send a rcket back t Earth.”得知,建立更大的设备是为了确保载人太空任务往返火星与地球的过程中氧气充足。
    体裁:说明文 题材:科普知识 主题:养宠物的好处
    37.F 【解析】此段的中心思想是宠物增强人们的免疫系统。通过对比,先说在过度干净的环境里生活会造成人体免疫低下。再说宠物与我们的接触并不洁净,可知下一句是说这会提高我们的免疫力。F选项进一步说明了它们是通过何种方式来提高我们免疫力的。因此选择F。
    38.G 【解析】此段中心思想是宠物降低我们心脏病风险。此段作者以科学家关于猫咪的发现为证据,来服务于段落中心。选项前一句是研究发现。选项后俩句中“calming effect”,“lwers stress”可见主要讲述为何养猫能降低心脏病发作。那么38题这个空起衔接功能,G 选项中出现了关键词“cat”,与段落主旨相符,“it”指代上句的科学发现。
    39.E【解析】首先观察句子结构,符合的选项有C和E。又根据后面部分“keep their wners busy”可知选择E。
    41.B 解析:考查动词。根据48题原文得知,作者这个时候在准备晚餐,并没有吃完晚餐。
    43.A 解析:考查动词词组。put up:t prvide smene with a place t stay temprarily. mix with:(使)与…混[结]合;与(某人)交往,在(人群)中周旋。turn dwn:拒绝。pick ut:辨认出|选出|挑选出。“我如果留宿这样的人,会流失不少房客。”
    44.D解析:考查形容词。pleasant与上文的awful-lking形成对比关系。外表令人不舒服,但声音令人愉快的,舒适的giving ne a feeling f enjyment r happiness。
    46.C解析:考查动词。hesitate说明作者犹豫了,但是后面紧跟着but,根据后文得知作者让病人进来了。所以,那个病人后面说的话说服了作者。Cnvince:make (smene) agree, understand, r realize the truth r validity f smething.
    47.D解析:考查名词。根据前文得知病人要搭第二天的车回家。There is n bus until tmrrw mrning。
    48.B解析:考查动词。“当我布置好晚餐准备开饭时,我问他要不要和我们一起吃。”jin sb:vt.&vi.加入,参加,同…一起做某事 becme a member f, take part in,participate;cme int the cmpany f。 apprach:走近;靠近;接近。
    50.C解析:考查动词。supprt:t prvide the necessities f life fr(a family r persn)。Adpt:采用,采取,采纳;收养;正式接受。
    52.B解析:考查形容词。“他很感激这个病并没有带来什么疼痛。”guilty:内疚的;aware:知道;意识到;明白aware(that…) knwing r realizing sth。
    54.D解析:考查名词。“像是要请求一个天大的恩惠”favr:an act f gracius kindness.
    56. that /which考查定语从句
    57. are required考查谓语与被动语态
    58. an考查不定冠词
    59. and 考查连词及其用法
    60. with考查介词及动词词组
    62. shwed考查谓语动词
    63:learning 考查介词的用法及非谓语动词做宾语
    64. attractive考查词性转换及形容词做宾补
    65. related 考查非谓语动词
    选自Reader's Digest 2022.07&08
    51岁的医院技术主管Jnathan Baue和13岁的女儿Ava 行驶在Assa-wman海湾大桥上目睹了一起交通事故并运用自己的专业知识救人的故事。
    He climbed nt the railing and jumped int the water withut hesitatin. Seeing the little girl flating n her chest ten feet away, Bauer swam t her with all his strength and lifted her ut f the water swiftly. Hwever, the tddler’s critical cnditin had Bauer’s heart in his muth,heartbeat racing wildly. In n time he cllected himself as a prfessinal t ffer timely assistance, standing straight, lying her against his shulder and hitting hard at her back with the flat f his hand. With anther hit n the back and retches fllwed by a breath, Bauer sensed the beautiful feeling f little fingers hlding him arund the neck. Her eyes were pened nw, fcused n him. A mixture f relief and cncern flded in him as Bauer pulled her clse as if t shelter her frm any dangers. In the meantime, Ava, stunned at what she eyewitnessed, called fr the ambulance。
    A mment later the pickup driver pulled Bauer and the little girl ashre and the ambulance arrived. Minutes later, much t everyne's relief, the girl was rushed t hspital in a helicpter,and Bauer breathed a sigh f relaxatin ultimately and hugged his wn daughter n the bridge,with his eyes glittering in the sun. Sn they were infrmed gratefully the tddler suffered a brken shulder but was therwise uninjured. Hearing the inspiring news, Ava was n nine clud with thrill and felt prud f her father, withut whse immediate leap, that little girl wuld nt live a whle life. Added t the excitement and inspired by his actins, she made up her mind t save lives when she grew up.

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