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    辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)
    辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)01
    辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)02
    辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)03
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    辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)

    这是一份辽宁省六校协作体2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15          B,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间: 120分钟 满分: 150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15 B. £9.15 C. £9.18
    1.What des Jasn plan t d tday?
    A.Visit a schl.B.G dwntwn.C.Lk after his sn.
    2.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Friends.B.Clleagues.C.Waiter and custmer.
    3.Why is Mike ging t Charleri?
    A.T meet friends.B.T take phts.C.T visit a museum.
    4.What drink will the man have?
    5.Where des the wman like t wrk?
    A.At a restaurant.B.At a schl.C.At a supermarket.
    6.What des the article tell us abut Christmas shpping?
    A.The best time.B.The best places.C.The way t save mney.
    7.What day is it tday?
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    8.Hw did Christpher eat n the wedding in India?
    A.By using a spn and a frk.
    B.By using chpsticks.
    C.By using his hands.
    9.What did Christpher think f the fd?
    A.Terrible. B.Just s-s. C.Delicius.
    10.Where d the speakers live?
    A.In a city. B.In a twn. C.In a village.
    11.What des Henry especially want t d?
    A.G hiking. B.Surf in the sea. C.Visit King Arthur’s birthplace.
    12.What is mst prbably the Watering Hle?
    A.An island. B.A htel. C.A cafe.
    13.Wh is Mike?
    A.A teacher. B.A writer. C.A nurse.
    14.What is the man best at?
    A.Organizing classes and materials.
    B.Cmmunicating with thers.
    C.Giving rders as a leader.
    15.What made the man get int teaching?
    A.His interest. B.The easy wrk. C.The high salary.
    16.When did the man becme a teacher?
    A.At the age f 25. B.At the age f 28. C.At the age f 30.
    17.What is the talk mainly abut?
    A.Ways t learn Latin well.
    B.Attempts t bring Latin t life.
    C.The rigin f the Latin language.
    18.Hw lng des the weekly Vatican Radi news bradcast last?
    A.ten minutesB.five minutesC.thirty minutes
    19.In what languages was Luca Desiata’s bk published this mnth?
    A.In Latin and ancient Greek
    B.In mdern languages
    C.In dead languages
    20.What did Carl Egger try t d?
    A.Renew Latin thrugh the Internet.
    B.Create sme new Latin wrds.
    C.Frm Latin Facebk grups.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Representatives frm arund China gather in Beijing every five years fr the Natinal Cngress f the Cmmunist Party f China(中共二十大).
    This year, a ttal f 2,296 representatives were elected t attend the 20th Natinal Cngress f the CPC, which cnvened (召开) n Oct 16.
    ◆What d the representatives d?
    The Cngress will review the wrk f the CPC ver the past five years, map ut the curse fr the future, and elect a new central leadership.
    The representatives will reflect the pinins and demands f Party members and the public, discuss and decide n the Party’s majr issues, and elect new central leadership and a new tp anti-graft watchdg (反贪监察机构)
    ◆Wh can becme a representative
    The representatives are elected frm 38 electral units acrss the cuntry. They are utstanding Party members wh are highly qualified bth idelgically (意识形态上) and plitical, have a gd wrk style and high mral standards, are skilled in discussing State affairs, and have great achievements in their wrk.
    Amng the representatives are Party members in leadership psitins and thse wrking n the frnt lines. Wmen and peple frm ethnic minrity (少数民族) grups as well as peple with backgrunds in ecnmics, science and technlgy, plitical and legal affairs, educatin, culture, health and sprts, amng thers, all have representatin.
    This ensures Party members at the grassrts level are mre effectively represented when representatives make decisins n the Party’s key issues at the Cngress, accrding t China Daily.
    21.Hw ften is the Natinal Cngress f CPC launched?
    22. Which f the fllwing is Nt true?
    A. The representatives will state the pinins and needs f the peple.
    B. The representatives will make decisins n the Party’s majr issues.
    C. Peple frm the grassrts have little chice t be represented.
    D. Wman and peple frm all walks f life can have representatin.
    23. What is the purpse f this text?
    In many films, whenever the Earth faces a disaster, the slutin is always leaving the planet by spaceship. But an amazing Chinese sci-fi mvie, The Wandering Earth, ffers a different idea.
    In the film, which is adapted frm a shrt stry by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, the Earth is in danger f being destryed by the dying Sun. Humans arund the wrld wrk tgether t build a huge engine system that will push the Earth away frm the Sun. Instead f leaving the Earth behind, this time we're taking it with us.
    This idea didn't cme frm nwhere. Fr thusands f years, Chinese peple have had a special emtin twards their "hmeland" in their hearts and minds. One ld saying is "lu ye gui gen", which means returning t ne's hmeland in ld age, like fallen leaves returning t the rts f their trees. Or lk at an ancient pem: "The seasn called the White Dew(白露) begins tnight. Nwhere as in ur native place is the mn s bright." These bth shw the strng relatinship that Chinese peple have had with their hmeland.
    This is prbably what sets The Wandering Earth apart frm Hllywd-style space films. "What Chinese sci-fi?" Gu Fan, the film's directr, said in an interview. "Films that can really express ur cultural and spiritual cre(精神核心) can be called Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, we're just cpying thers and telling the same American stries."
    And the makers f The Wandering Earth may have chsen the best time t tell the Chinese sci-fi stry. The film was screened n Feb 5, the first day f Chinese New Year in 2019. It was a time when many peple had just made the hard jurney back t their hmetwn. S t them, there is nly ne pssible way t tell the stry: The Earth ges wherever humans g, because it's ur hme.
    24.What can we knw abut The Wandering Earth frm the passage?
    A. It fllws the latest film fashin.
    B. It is based n Liu Cixin's bk.
    C. It is a film cpying freign mvies.
    D. It ffers us a new experience f watching films.
    25.What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. The suitable seasn when the film was screened.
    B. The famus pems mentined in the film.
    C. The cmmn pints between Chinese films and freign films.
    D. The cultural backgrund f the film.
    26.Why did the makers chse the first day f Chinese New Year t put n the film?
    A. It was the Spring Festival and many peple had time t see it.
    B. Many ld peple wanted t return t their hmetwn.
    C. It can aruse many peple's cmmn feelings at that time.
    D. Chinese peple usually celebrate tgether n that day.
    27.What can we infer frm Gu Fan's wrds?
    A. Chinese sci-fi films shuld have their wn features.
    B. The Wandering Earth tells a freign stry.
    C. The American sci-fi fails t express its culture.
    D. Sci-fi films shuld express certain spiritual cres.
    Scenes f cmic characters swelling (肿 ) up after eating peanuts in Western TV shws have lng been puzzling fr many Chinese viewers, as few peple in China meet with thse wh have a severe peanut allergy(过敏反应).
    Their cnfusin can be explained by the results f a new Chinese study. It fund that Chinese adults and children are mre likely t be allergic t seafd and less likely t be allergic t peanuts, cmpared t peple in Eurpe and the US. The difference means that cultural, dietary(饮食的) and envirnmental factrs can play an imprtant rle in fd allergy patterns. The study was published in late August in China CDC Weekly, which was established by the Chinese Center fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin.
    In anther recently published study in China CDC Weekly researchers fund that the prevalence (流行) f fd allergies in the ppulatin was 8 percent frm 2009 t 2018, up frm 5 percent frm 1999 t 2008. It thus indicated that the prevalence f fd allergies in China is n the rise.
    Lu Xiaqun, a dctr at Fudan University’s Huashan Hspital, said during an interview with media utlet that the increasing rate f fd allergies is a phenmenn bserved wrldwide, driven by changes in lifestyles and eating habits, as well as grwing health awareness and diagnstic (诊断) ability.
    Fr cnsumers, reading allergen labels(过敏标签) n fd packages is an easy way t prtect themselves frm allergy triggers (诱因)
    Hwever, fd allergen labeling in China currently is ptinal and labeling largely fllws an internatinal standard that includes eight majr fd types such as milk, eggs, and fish and shellfish, which may nt be suitable fr Chinese cnsumers. “China has made imprvements in setting up fd labeling standards in recent years, and we hpe ur findings can accelerate (加速)the prcess f making such labeling cmpulsry in the near future,” Chen Hngbing, ne f the researchers at Nanchang University, tld China Daily.
    28.What is the functin f writing paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce fd peple are cmmnly allergic t
    B. T make a cmparisn between different allergies.
    C. T describe typical allergy symptms.
    D. T intrduce a study abut allergies.
    29.What can we learn frm the tw recent studies?
    A. Chinese are less likely t have allergies than Westerners
    B. Mre Chinese suffer frm fd allergies than befre.
    C. Fewer Chinese are allergic t sea fd than in 2008.
    D. Allergies are mainly caused by dietary factrs.
    30. What d we knw abut current fd allergen labeling in China?
    A. It cannt be read n all fd packages.
    B. It strictly fllws and internatinal standard.
    C. It shws nly eight majr fd types.
    D. It is nt ppular with fd prducers.
    31. What’s Chen’s attitude t the future f labeling fd allergens in China?
    A. Psitive B. Dubtful C. Wrried D. indifferent
    Electric vehicles are clse t the “turning pint" f rapid mass adptin thanks t the decreasing cst f batteries, experts say.
    Glbal sales f electric vehicles rse 43% in 2020, but even faster grwth is expected when cntinuing falls in battery prices result in the price f electric cars under the same petrl and diesel (柴油)mdels, which may happen between 2023 and 2025. Accrding t a study by Prf Tim Lntn, at the University f Exeter, the turning pint has already been passed in Nrway, where tax breaks(税收减免) mean electric cars arc cheaper and the market share f battery-pwered cars increased t 54% in 2020 in Nrway, cmpared with less than 5% in mst Eurpean natins.
    The falls in battery prices in the last decade have been dramatic and faster than predicted thanks t a massive prductin and cuts in csts, such as reducing the amunt f expensive cbalt (钻)required. BlmbergNEF's analysis predicts lithium-in(锂离子) battery csts will fall s sharply that electric cars can match the price f petrl and diesel cars by 2023. McKin-sey's Glbal Energy Perspective 2021, published n 15 January, frecasts that "electric vehicles are likely t becme the mst ecnmic chice in the next five years wrldwide".
    Electric cars, vital in effrts t fight climate crisis, are quieter and start t g faster, s peple d nt want t return t a petrl r diesel vehicle nce they have ne. A survey f 2,000 electric car wners fund 91 % said they did nt want t g back.
    “The survey shws the strng and lasting impact f switching t a clean car. The evidence in favr f electric vehicles grws mre cnvincing even in a year as destructive as 2020," said Melanie Shufflebtham, at Zap-Map, which maps charging pints.
    32.What leads t the grwing sales f electric vehicles?
    A. The rise in petrl prices. B. The desire fr a lwer tax.
    C. The drp in battery csts. D. The need fr a cleaner life.
    33.What can we infer frm paragraph 2?
    A. Plicies in Nrway supprt electric vehicles.
    B. Ecnmy in Nrway utgrws ther natins.
    C. The market share f electric vehicles will decline.
    D. The tax breaks in Eurpe will cntinue t increase.
    34. Hw will electric vehicles equal fuel vehicles in price?
    A. By increasing the demand fr cbalt.
    B. By bsting the sales f electric cars.
    C. By reducing the prductin f batteries.
    D. By cutting the csts f lithium-in batteries.
    35.What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Peple d nt tend t use a petrl vehicle.
    B. Electric vehicles have a strng impact n ur daily life.
    C. The prices f battery are decreasing because f electric vehicles.
    D. The prspect f electric vehicles will be imprving because f the falls in the battery prices.
    Althugh prblems are a part f ur lives, it certainly desn’t mean that we let them rule ur lives frever. One day r anther, yu’ll have t stand up and say, “Prblems, I dn’t want yu in my life.” Of curse, we’ve been fighting trubles ever since we were brn. Prblems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children—the list ges n. ___36___
    But gd news is that all prblems can be dealt with. Nw read n t knw hw t slve yur prblems.
    Talking really helps. What mst f us think is that ur prblems can be understd nly by urselves and that n talking is ging t help. But the truth is that when yu talk abut it, yu’re setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within yu. ___37___
    Write dwn yur prblems. Having a persnal diary can als be f great help if yu dn’t want a real persn t talk with. When yu write dwn yur prblems, yu are setting free all the tensin frm yur system. Yu can try thrwing away the paper n which yu wrte yur prblems. ___38___
    Dn’t lse faith r hpe. N matter what yu lse in life, dn’t lse faith r hpe. __39___ With faith, hpe and cnfidence, yu can rebuild everything that yu lse.
    ___40___ N matter what prblem yu get in life, there are anther ne millin peple whse prblems are bigger than yurs. Tell yurself: when they can deal with them, why can’t I? Yur prblems might just seem bigger and wrse, but in reality, they can be slved.
    G abut and slve yur prblems because every prblem, hwever big r small, always has a way ut.
    A.When we have a prblem, hw d we try and slve it?
    B.We can ften vercme the prblem and achieve the gal by making a direct attack.
    C.Even if yu lse all yu have, yu shuld still have cnfidence.
    D.Talking helps yu mve n and let g.
    E.By ding this, imagine yurself thrwing away the prblems frm yur life.
    F.Yur prblems aren’t the wrst.
    G.Apart frm these, the inner cnflicts within urselves wrk, t.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Jade lives in Australia, a cuntry famus fr kangars, but nt fr snw. Yet at 12, she 41 t ski at the Nrth Ple.
    In spite f the lack f authentic training space, Jade still built her 42 at the gym. She ran with giant tyres(大轮胎) 43 t her waist t feel what it was like t 44 a sled(雪橇) acrss ice. By the age f 14, Jade was 45 .
    The far nrth is nt a blank carpet f sft snw, but Jade 46 the tugh cnditins. Even thugh every part f her bdy was 47 , she never thught f giving up. In April, 2016, Jade made _48_ , becming the yungest persn t ski t the Nrth Ple.
    When talking abut her 49 , she stated that every human bdy is 50 , whether yu are a man r a wman. But when the talk was 51 nline, sme Internet bullies (霸凌者) wrte mean(刻薄的) 52 like “Make me a sandwich”, t make her feel small.
    T prve wmen’s place is far beynd the 53 , Jade and her team pushed n t the Suth Ple and made it. Hlding a plate with a sandwich, Jade 54 had her pht taken and psted nline. She faced the bullies directly, “I made yu a sandwich. Nw 55 37 days and 600 km t the Suth Ple, and yu can eat it.”
    42.A.career B.team C.strengthD.cnfidence
    44.A.pullB.carry C.pushD.stretch
    45.A.matureB.ready C.availableD.determined
    46.A.braved B.identified C.predictedD.imprved
    48.A.prgressB.effrts C.histryD.prmises
    49.A.hbbyB reward. C.advantageD.adventure
    50.A.cmplexB.valuable C.amazingD.beautiful
    51.A.deliveredB.remarked C.declaredD.psted
    52.A.cmmentsB.greetings C.cncernsD.suggestins
    53.A.gymB.ffice C.kitchenD.field
    54.A.unwillinglyB.prudly C.secretlyD.casually
    55.A.skiB.cycle C. runD.walk
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Step 8 seemed t be a __56____(definite) bad day. Everything went s quiet after the BBC News annunced the death f Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. By cincidence, my 17th birthday was n the same day, resulting in mixed feelings f bth happiness and__57__ (sad) at the same time. Everyne had different reactins. Everyne, ___58___, felt shcked. Nbdy had a clue f what was ging t happy next.
    Later n, that week, the schl annunced that Sept 19 wuld be a bank hliday, __59__ meant that we wuld have an extended break during that weekend. While n ur way t present flwers, we fund ut that the main street ___60___ (fill) with peple already. The queue was 8 kilmeters lng, stretching __61__ Suthwark Park t the Palace f Westminster. There were traffic jams all ver the city.
    Flwers were being placed n the flr as peple f different natinalities all murned (哀悼)tgether. The fact that s many peple came t memrialize the queen nt nly reflects hw much respect peple had fr ___62___ (they) devted queen; it als ___63___(shw) the desire f citizens t participate in such ___64___ emtinal event that drew the attentin f the wrld. The queen’s death brught peple tgether, __65__ (share) each ther’s grief(悲伤).
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,上周日你校为所有年满18岁的学生举办了 “成人礼活动”.请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容应包括:
    1. 活动目的
    2. 活动过程
    3. 活动反响
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Cming-f -Age Ceremny
    As a baby, I was spiled, fr my parents gave me whatever I wanted. I wuld play with a ty fr a while, get bred, and ask my parents fr a new ne. Then my dad died when I was 2, and I gt even mre stuff as my mm, friends, and family gave me mre and mre stuff t try t make me feel better. My mm cntinued t treat me t everything I wanted until I was seven and my wrld crashed.
    It was a mment when the real estate (房地产) market crashed. My mm had thught buying huses was a gd idea as a way t invest her mney t take care f us. After the crash, I went frm the kid wh gt a fine iPd and wh had the clest huse, t almst having nwhere t stay.
    Ever since then, when I wuld ask fr a new ty r bike, r even t see a mvie, my mm wuld say “I’m srry, hney, but we really can’t affrd it.” But my mm had grwn up in a family where mney was never a prblem, s this change was as big fr her as it was fr me. My cnstant requests fr tys and vide games deepened her cncern abut ur financial situatin. But I wasn’t used t hearing “n.” S, fr a year r tw, I kept asking fr things whether I really needed them r nt.
    Then smething happened that wuld change my way f thinking frever. My mm had been wrking really hard all the year, just t pay fr the necessities, like ur rents, and water and pwer bills. When she asked me what I wanted fr my birthday I said that I wanted a new vide gaming system. I didn’t knw that it was expensive. All I knew was that my friends had them and that I wanted ne, as well.
    Paragraph 1:On my birthday, I started pening presents, sure t get what I asked.________________________
    Paragraph 2:Frm then n, I wuldn’t ask fr anything that I didn’t need. _____________________________
    听力: 1-5 ACCBA 6-10.ABCCA 11-15.BCCBA 16-20.BBBAB
    阅读: 21-23 BCC 24-27 BDCA 28-31 DBAA 32-35 CADD
    七选五: 36-40 G D E C F
    完型填空:41--45DCDAB 46--50ABCDC 51--55DACBA
    56. definitely 57.sadness 58. hwever 59.which 60. had been filled
    61. frm 62. their 63. shws 64. an 65. sharing
    Cming-f-Age Ceremny
    In rder t celebrate us turning 18, a cming-f-age ceremny was held in ur schl. Anyne wh had turned the age f majrity jined in it.
    As scheduled, the ceremny started at last Friday, which lasted 2 hurs. At the beginning f the ceremny, the headmaster delivered a speech t celebrate us being grwn-ups. Fllwing this , we held a party and talked abut what we wuld be ding in the future.
    All the students think highly f it, fr nt nly des it make us aware f what the age f majrity means, but als it has us understand what respnsibility we shuld take n.
    Paragraph 1:
    On my birthday, I started pening presents, sure t get what I asked fr. As I pened the last gift bx, I fund nthing ther than a pair f jeans, which made me speechless. My mm culd tell hw disappinted I was and she started crying. I lked at her, appraching her, and hugged her harder than I had ever hugged anyne befre. At that mment, I culd feel my mm had made great effrts t meet my needs. I realized hw hard she was wrking and that she culdn’t affrd t give me anything I didn’t need.
    Paragraph 2:
    Frm then n I wuldn’t ask fr anything that I didn’t need. I learned the difference between what I wanted and what I needed. I learned t appreciate the tys r games I did have and tk gd care f them. I had grwn up and I culd slve the prblem by myself, s when I wanted a new iPd, I had t wrk t buy it. The feeling f having truly earned smething was ne f the best feelings in the wrld. I was als grateful t my mther, wh had given me all she culd give.
    1.W: Jasn, are yu ging dwntwn?
    M: N. I’m ging t Claires Curt Schl. My sn is ging t schl next year. I need t find him a gd schl nw.
    2.M: Was everything all right?
    W: Yes, it was wnderful. I especially liked the beef. May I have the check, please?
    M: Sure thing. Cming right up.
    3.W: Mike, I heard yu’re ging t Charleri. Are yu visiting friends there?
    M: N. Yu knw, I’m really interested in phtgraphy. S I want t lk at sme great wrks f phtgraphy. I can d that at Charleri Phtgraphy Museum.
    4.W: What wuld yu like t drink, sir? Juice r milk?
    M: Can I have a beer?
    W: Srry, sir, but we dn’t prvide beer n this plane.
    M: Well, please give me a glass f fruit juice.
    5.M: Will yu g t that middle schl t teach?
    W: I’m nt really interested. I prefer t wrk at a restaurant.
    M: Why?
    W: I like dealing with different peple.
    6.7.M: Linda, Christmas is getting clse. When will yu g and d Christmas shpping?
    W: I read an article n the Internet the ther day. It tells when we can avid lng lines when ding Christmas shpping. Accrding t the article, tw hurs befre nn is the best time in the day t d Christmas shpping.
    M: Des it say n which day there are the shrtest lines?
    W: Yes. It’s usually n Sundays.
    M: Great. In this case, let’s g shpping tgether tmrrw mrning.
    W: Why nt! I’ve n special plans fr tmrrw mrning after all.
    W: Christpher, I heard yu went t a wedding in India last week. Hw was it?
    M: It was quite different frm the weddings I had been t in the US. After the wedding, the fd was displayed in a buffet style. And after I gt my fd, I fund there was n spn r frk.
    W: What abut chpsticks?
    M: There were n chpsticks, either. When I lked arund, I fund the thers eating using their hands. S I fllwed their example.
    W: I heard peple in that cuntry eat that way. S hw did yu like the fd?
    M: Well, I didn’t get my hpes high befre eating it. But I just culdn’t stp eating after I tried sme. I finished all the fd I had gt.
    W: Henry, what abut ging t Crnwall fr a castal hliday next weekend?
    M: That’s a brilliant idea. I really want t have a shrt getaway(短假) frm Lndn. I d want sme relaxing time in a small twn r village. What can we d in Crnwall? I have never been there befre.
    W: It has breathtaking scenery and beaches. The Suth West Castal Path is great fr hiking lvers, and many f the bays n the Nrth Cast prvide sme f the best surfing spts in the UK.
    M: That’s great. I especially lk frward t the latter.
    W: There is als a lt f histry in Crnwall. We can g and explre the castal ruins f the birthplace f King Arthur. We can als visit Michael’s Munt.
    M: What’s Michael’s Munt?
    W: A small island n the Suth Cast.
    M: Is there a place fr a drink there?
    W: Certainly. We can d that at the Watering Hle n the beach.
    M: I really cannt wait t g t that twn.
    W: Me, either.【原文】
    W: Mark, yu wrk at a hspital, right?
    M: N, I dn’t. It’s my brther Mike that wrks at a hspital. He lks after patients there. I teach English at a schl.
    W: S what skills d yu need fr yur prfessin, aside frm(除了) English language skills?
    M: First, I need interpersnal cmmunicatin skills. Because teaching is all abut teaching ther peple. I als need t have great rganizatinal skills t rganize materials, the classes, the student assignments and s n and s frth. Als having sme leadership skills is als imprtant.
    W: S which f the three are yu best at?
    M: It’s the first.
    W: Hw d yu recmmend that peple develp their teaching skills? Is there a gd resurce fr develping these skills?
    M: The best resurce is feedback frm clleagues. I like listening t my clleagues fr advice. Als, ne shuld attend cnferences in the field, read bks abut teaching and try ut new things. I spend mst f my leisure time reading.
    W: S why did yu becme a teacher in the first place?
    M: It’s because I really lved teaching. Thugh there is a huge amunt f wrk fr me every week, I enjy my wrk.
    W: S hw lng have yu been teaching?
    M: I’m thirty-eight nw, which means I’ve been teaching fr ten years.【原文】
    M: Vatican Radi recently began its first regular news bradcast in Latin. The bradcast is the latest effrt t expand the use f Latin. The weekly Vatican Radi news bradcast lasts five minutes. It will be fllwed by a 30-minute shw with Latin cnversatin. The radi’s news team, as well as the Vatican’s Latin translatin department, will prduce the prgram. Italian businessman Luca Desiata published a new bk f crsswrd puzzles in Latin and ancient Greek this mnth. This bk is thught t be the first with n help r explanatins in mdern languages. Desiata said the Internet has helped renew interest in Latin as mre and mre schls arund the wrld stp teaching it. He said we nw have Wikipedia in Latin, and abut 40 Latin Facebk grups arund the wrld. Many attempts have been made t bring Latin back t ppular use. Sme have tried t intrduce new wrds fr things that did nt exist at the time f the Rman Empire. In the 1990s, fr example, tp Vatican Latin researcher Carl Egger came up with sme wrds fr cmmn bjects in the hme. Maybe given time, the dead language will cme back t life.
    Paragraph 1:
    On my birthday, I started pening presents, sue t get what I asked fr. As I pened the last gift bx, I fund nthing ther than a pair f jeans (指出礼物的内容) , which made me speechless. My mm culd tell hw disappinted I was and she started crying. I lked at her, appraching her, and hugged her harder than I had ever hugged anyne befre (“我”由失望到理解母亲的情感转变). At that mment, I culd feel my mm had made great effrts t meet my needs. I realized hw hard she was wrking and that she culdn’t affrd t give me anything I didn’t need (呼应伏笔).
    Paragraph 2:
    Frm then n, I wuldn’t ask fr anything that I didn’t need. I learned the difference between what I wanted and what I needed (呼应伏笔). I learned t appreciate the tys r games I did have and tk gd care f them. I had grwn up and I culd slve the prblem by myself, s when I wanted a new iPd (呼应伏笔), I had t wrk t buy it (以上描写“我”行为的转变). The feeling f having truly earned smething was ne f the best feelings in the wrld. I was als grateful t my mther, wh had given me all she culd give. (主旨升华)A. every fur years
    B. every fifth year
    C. every furth year
    D. every few years
    A. T call n peple t jin CPC
    B. T recmmend representatives f CPC
    C. T explain what is the Natinal Cngress f CPC
    D. T infrm us when the Natinal Cngress f CPC is held

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