2018-2022年北京中考英语5年真题1年模拟汇编 专题02 完形填空(学生卷+教师卷)
专题02 完形填空
Our Christmas Goose
On a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommie’s on the other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it.
That morning, dark clouds were coming together overhead. I knew it was going to snow on the ____13____.
When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us. “Boys, I’m not ____14____ you off,” he said, “but the wind is picking up. You’d better get the goose and head for home soon.”
After a quick thank-you and goodbye I took the goose and we left. Halfway up the mountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose ____15____ to me.
By the time we reached the top of the mountain. it showed more heavily. And the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. “You must be cold. Open your coat!”
“Are you crazy?” Rick asked. “I’ll lose what little warmth I have!” When he saw I was ____16____, he slowly opened his coat.
I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气). My plan was ____17____ .
On the way down, I started to shiver (发抖). Rick said. “Dave. it's your turn now.”
He passed me the goose. For a long moment, I just stood and ____18____ my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body. We passed the goose back and forth (来回地) between us all the way. Finally, We got home.
Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing. “We can’t have him for dinner! This goose helped ____19____ our lives,” I said.
Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived out his life in the yard, bossing around the chickens and another goose we bought to keep him company. A life as the most important bird was fitting for our ____20____.
13.A.mountain B.island C.lake D.beach
14.A.paying B.rushing C.showing D.calling
15.A.lightly B.secretly C.high D.close
16.A.frightened B.regretful C.serious D.surprised
17.A.working B.continuing C.improving D.changing
18.A.raised B.dried C.warmed D.examined
19.A.spare B.save C.treasure D.give
20.A.leader B.boss C.guide D.hero
The Picture of Peace
When Mike was seven, he knew his dream was to be a photographer. He kept working on it for years. Recently, he was trying to take a picture of a sunset(日落) to enter the school 13 competition.
“Mom, it has been cloudy these days. I don’t think I can get this picture!” Mike complained.
“Why not use one of your photos on the computer?” suggested Mom.
“I can’t—the rules say the photos have to be taken with a traditional camera. We hand in a roll of film, it gets developed(冲洗胶卷) , and we 14 one photo for the competition. ”
“Why is a sunset so important? ” Mom asked.
“The 15 of the competition is peace,” Mike explained, “and I feel most peaceful seeing a sunset.”
Zach, his six-year-old brother came out of the bedroom. “Hey, you want to take a picture of me? Look! ” He put both arms over his head.
“Not right now,” said Mike, laughing.
That very afternoon, Mike felt excited when he saw clear skies. He carefully lined up his shot(镜头) and waited 16 till the sun reached the ground.
“That’s it! Perfect!” he shouted cheerfully.
The next morning, Mike noticed he could take one more picture to complete the roll of film, so he walked into Zach’s room. Zach was 17 quietly with a teddy bear under his arm. Mike didn’t wake Zach up, and carefully took a picture of him.
A week later, Mike got the photos. The sunset picture was the one he was most 18 to see. There it was! It was as nearly perfect as Mike had expected.
Then, he looked through the other photos. Suddenly, he stopped. His eyebrows(眉毛) rose as he 19 the photo of Zach. He looked back at the photo of the sunset, which seemed less perfect now. He 20 the two choices. Finally, he decided to hand in the photo of Zach for the competition.
13.A.violin B.tennis C.photo D.chess
14.A.choose B.collect C.describe D.design
15.A.prize B.topic C.result D.purpose
16.A.politely B.bravely C.hopefully D.secretly
17.A.playing B.reading C.writing D.sleeping
18.A.afraid B.eager C.surprised D.confused
19.A.studied B.shared C.copied D.fixed
20.A.changed B.offered C.accepted D.weighed
At the end of my first year of high school, I realized I needed to find a summer job. I was tired of having to ask my parents for 13 . I wanted to go to the shopping center or movies with friends without having to ask for $20 from my parents. I imagined having a job at a store or at a summer camp where I could play games with children. But what actually happened was 14 . The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant.
At first, the idea of clearing tables upset me. The thought of getting up at dawn(黎明) to go clean up after people made me 15 ever asking for a job. The first day was terribly busy. I was running around, racing to get a table ready for the waiting customers. I’ll never forget how 16 I felt that day, but I’ll also never forget sitting down for lunch with my co-workers for the first time. People my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days. All of a sudden I was a part of that, and it felt good to be so 17 .
I’ve now worked at the restaurant for almost one year. I’ve learned to be happy about getting up so early, because I know there’re going to be a few good 18 every day there.
From starting there as a shy student, I’ve been able to grow into a person that can go up and 19 anyone, at work or anywhere else. I’m also not as sensitive(敏感的) as I used to be-getting an impolite customer might make me feel bad, but very soon I can laugh it off with my co-workers. The little job has given me so much, and I can’t wait to go back and continue to 20 from my experience.
13. A. food B. money C. attention D. advice
14. A. exciting B. encouraging C. confusing D. disappointing
15. A. forget B. enjoy C. regret D. imagine
16. A. tired B. happy C. curious D. relaxed
17. A. loved B. missed C. needed D. included
18. A. dishes B. choices C. moments D. customers
19. A. find B. greet C. push D. stop
20. A. grow B. stand C. rest D. hide
Run for Class President
Two months ago, when our class election(选举) started, I decided to run for class president. I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people, so I felt it easy to win. But I was ___13___that people would feel bad for me if I lost.
I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn’t to make promises to do things I couldn’t ___14___ but to show my class why I wanted to be president. I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech, saying that I was the one they could turn to whenever they had a problem. Since I was ___15___prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.
However, when I gave my speech on Election Day, the response(反应) wasn’t what I had ___16___. Few people actually listened. When it was my opponent’s(对手的)turn, everyone was screaming his name. His speech was short, but all to the point. By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.
It was obvious who would ___17___. For the rest of the day, I felt like it was over. I wanted to just go home and cry, but I made it through.
My ___18___ was right: I didn’t win.
The next day, people were still talking about the election. I just pretended(假装) not to hear. But later, things got better. People ___19___about the election and talked to me just as they did before.
I don’t regret putting time and energy into the election because I’ve learned that things aren’t always going the way I expect. And moments of failure like this build ___20___ —since then I’ve learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.
13. A. bored B. afraid C. excited D. hopeful
14. A. compare B. remember C. manage D. repeat
15. A. fully B. quickly C. freshly D. physically
16. A. feared B. faced C. mentioned D. pictured
17. A. insist B. return C. wait D. win
18. A. suggestion B. prediction C. direction D. introduction
19. A. forgot B. wrote C. cared D. discussed
20. A. trust B. pride C. character D. support
Real Solutions(解决方法) to Problems
Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems
One day, the team was called for a ____13____in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various____14____. As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons
The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective(各自的)balloons ____15____so that the balloons wouldn’t blow out. All tried, but not everyone was ___16___. Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力).
Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were ___17___ out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were ___18___ and then put into a room, here and there.
The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on, All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to ___19___ the right one. The second level of the game was over.
Then came the final level. the engineers were asked to pick any balloon and give it to person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons ___20___ the hands of the respective engineers.
The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life,sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.
13.A.game B.show C.concert D.party
14.A.purposes B.suggestions C.thoughts D.plans
15.A.quietly B.carefully C.secretly D.clearly
16.A.honest B.ready C.patient D.successful
17.A.checked B.helped C.ruled D.cleaned
18.A.collected B.weighed C.tied D.cleaned
19.A.mark B.hide C.number D.find
20.A.freed B.reached C.lifted D.hit
“It’s time for Field Day again,” thought Carly as she started the last week of school. Carly was not looking forward to it. “Why does everybody make a big deal out of it?” Carly asked her mom. “Well, it’s supposed to be a fun day and a day to ___1___ yourself,” said Carly’s mom. “I’m not good at any of those games that are played, and I’m afraid the kids are going to laugh at me. Maybe I can stay at home and ___2___ Field Day,” said Carly.
Mary was Carly’s closest friend, and they walked to school every day. “Aren’t you ___3___ Field Day?” Mary asked Carly. “No, I don’t care about such a silly day. No one ever picks me for their team because I’m not good at those games,” answered Carly ____4____.
Mary felt bad and she told her mom how unexcited Carly was and ___5___ what she could do to cheer her friend up. “See if you can get in a game that you know Carly is good at,” ___6___Mary’s mom. Mary thought for a moment and said that she knew Carly loved to play horseshoes, and was really good at that game. She was also good at the water balloon toss (投掷) too.
Field Day finally arrived. Mary came by Carly’s house for their daily walk to school. Carly was very ___7___on the way to school. “I hear they are going to have horseshoes this year and also a water balloon game,” Mary said. “Really? I love horseshoes, and I am pretty good at catching those water balloons,” said Carly. Suddenly, Carly felt more excited about going to school and starting Field Day than she had ever been.
The games began, and Carly had the best Field Day ever! Thanks to Carly, her team won the first place in the water balloon toss, and she got a ribbon (绶带) for the second place in horseshoes. “What a great day!” Carly said to Mary. Because of Mary’s ___8___, Carly is now looking forward to Field Day next year!
1.A.examine B.relax C.help D.fight
2.A.watch B.enter C.miss D.join
3.A.satisfied with B.surprised at C.angry with D.excited about
4.A.sadly B.happily C.confidently D.nervously
5.A.understood B.knew C.wondered D.thought
6.A.asked B.suggested C.replied D.explained
7.A.quiet B.excited C.cheerful D.glad
8.A.mention B.attention C.notice D.care
I hurried across the grass to the forest and sat down on a large rock. I thought that no one would know where to look for me. At last I had peace and quiet. I felt ____9____ as I lifted my guitar onto my knee.
I started to play and sing, “Lean on me, when you’re not strong...” It sounded terrible, and I tried to play again.
“How’s it going, Tina?”
I was surprised to see my brother James standing behind me.
“Don’t you have a basketball game to watch?” I ____10____. So much for my perfect hideaway.
“The game was almost over when I noticed you leave. I thought you might like some ____11____.”
That’s the last thing I want. I feel I don’t have any privacy at home. Yesterday I found Eliza looking through my diary, and Sara was listening to the radio in my room after lunch today. I just want to be alone for a change.
James studied me for a moment. “It’s ____12____ living in such a big family, isn’t it? I felt the same way when I was your age, but now...”
“Now you have your own room because Daniel went to college,” I said.
James laughed. “It is great to have my own room, but sometimes I really ____13____ Daniel. It was actually wonderful to have someone else there. We share memories and jokes no one else understands, and when things get difficult, we can always ____14____ one another. Didn’t Sara help you with your homework until midnight last week?”
I admitted(承认)____15____, “Yeah, sometimes she can be all right.”
“So this place can be your ‘room’. Anytime you really need a little quiet, just come out here. I won’t tell anyone about it,” James said. “Now, how about the song you were trying to play? Here, let me try.”
“Maybe ____16____ isn’t so bad after all,” I thought when I handed my brother the guitar.
9.A.afraid B.warm C.tired D.relaxed
10.A.argued B.complained C.suggested D.reminded
11.A.advice B.discussion C.company D.protection
12.A.difficult B.surprising C.helpful D.dangerous
13.A.know B.trust C.miss D.admire
14.A.praise B.promise C.support D.respect
15.A.proudly B.bravely C.regretfully D.unwillingly
16.A.music B.family C.quiet D.change
Love is Just a Thread(线)
I once really doubted whether there was love between my parents. Every day they are very ____17____ and they don’t have time to act in the romantic ways that I see on TV.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(缝被子). I ____18____ sat down beside her and just looked at her.
“Mum, can I have a question?” I asked after a while.
“What?” she replied, still doing her work.
“Is there love between you and Dad?”
My mother raised her head with ____19____ in her eyes. She didn’t answer immediately. My question seemed out of her expectation.
I was worried because I thought I had ____20____ her. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:
“Susan, look at this thread. It really makes the quilt strong and durable(耐用的). If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it’s really there.”
I listened carefully, but I couldn’t ____21____ her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. After they were back, every day in the afternoon, my mother helped my father ____22____ slowly on the country road. Along the road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. All of these ____23____ up the most beautiful picture in the world.
The doctor had said my father would become well in two months. But after two months he still couldn’t walk by himself. We all worried about him.
“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. “Susan, I’m OK.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mum.” ____24____ his eyes, I knew he loved my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses, but now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt. Love is inside.
17.A.happy B.busy C.patient D.polite
18.A.silently B.angrily C.proudly D.freely
19.A.confidence B.sadness C.surprise D.pleasure
20.A.hurt B.cheated C.lost D.missed
21.A.face B.influence C.correct D.understand
22.A.run B.walk C.jump D.drive
23.A.gave B.set C.put D.made
24.A.Examining B.Imagining C.Reading D.Considering
The Height of Life
Michael Stone had always dreamed of flying. His mother read him so many stories about flying that they ____25____ his dreams with color and beauty. His dad, on the other hand, believed in hard work. He always said, “If you want something, work for it!”
From the age of 14, Michael started ____26____ as a pole vaulter. He worked out every day with weightlifting and running, and he continued to help his parents with their farm work. His mother wished he could ____27____ bit more, but his father would smile and say, “You want something, work for it!”
Now Michael was standing in the stadium as one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event in the National Junior Olympics. After a warm-up, he found his pole, and ____28____ on the runway that led to the most challenging event of his 17-year-old life. Suddenly he became ____29____. He had never experienced this before.
Then he thought of his mother. She always told him to take deep breaths when he felt nervous. So he did. Slowly the nervousness was gone. He gently put down his pole, and began to stretch(伸展)out his arms and upper body. And then, he ____30____ picked up his pole. He knew it was his time to fly.
As he began sprinting (冲刺)down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar (熟悉的). When he took a deep breath, it happened. He began to fly, just like in his childhood dreams. Only this time he knew he wasn’t dreaming.
The loud cheers from the audience brought Michael back. He could ____31____ the smile on his parents’ faces. His life would never be the same. It wasn’t because he won the National Junior Olympics and ____32____ a new world record. And it wasn’t because he had just increased his personal best. It was simply because Michael Stone was blind.
25.A.filled B.left C.put D.told
26.A.playing B.working C.training D.showing
27.A.help B.relax C.improve D.exercise
28.A.stayed B.climbed C.entered D.stepped
29.A.nervous B.confused C.angry D.upset
30.A.secretly B.strangely C.carefully D.curiously
31.A.wonder B.predict C.find D.imagine
32.A.set B.broke C.ran D.hit
Ada Falls
Today, on the final day of summer camp, Ada and Lilly stand below the Bear Crawl, the camp’s highest, hardest rope course. They watch the rope ladder, with its wooden rungs (阶梯) and rope sides, sway (摇摆) in the wind between two tall pines.
Ada feels very ____33____, but she can breathe again to hear Lilly volunteer to go first. The camp teacher, Mark, nods and helps Lilly get ready. Then Lilly begins her frightening crawl across the rope ladder. The wind blows and the ladder sways, but she holds tight.
“Go, Lilly, go! You’re a champion. You’ve got this!” Ada cheers from below. When Lilly ____34____ the challenge, Ada feels relieved for her friend but also nervous, it is her ____35____ now. Mark checks Ada’s helmet and harness, and he lifts Ada up to the platform.
On the platform, Ada looks down at the whole camp. Lilly and Mark are so tiny! Ada stretches her arms out to the first rung on the rope ladder. Her arms feel shaky as she feels the ladder turn left or right under her weight. She carefully ____36____ her hands forward to the next rung. About halfway across the Bear Crawl, Ada is starting to feel a little more confident. With every rung, she is getting closer to the opposite platform. She can do this!
Suddenly a stronger wind makes the rope ladder sway, Ada’s hand does not ____37____ the wood rung. Instead, her body falls downward. Almost immediately, the harness catches her.
Mark slowly lowers Ada to the ground. Ada can see all the other kids staring up at her, she is embarrassed.
“Can I try again?” Ada says in a low voice, trying to hold back tears.
Mark looks at his watch. “I’m sorry, Ada, we don’t have time.”
Ada’s body feels slow and heavy as the bus leaves camp. Beside her, Lilly sits silent and thoughtful.
“Hey Ada?” Lilly says. “I couldn’t ____38____ without you. I got so frightened in the middle, but then you shouted my name and I kept going.”
“You got scared?”
Lilly nods and says softly, “Super scared. I’m ____39____ I didn’t faint (晕倒) or throw up on everybody below. You were just unlucky such a big wind came up. It felt like a hurricane or something. I thought all the trees were going to fall over and squish (压扁) us like pancakes.”
Ada smiles. She knows her friend was just trying to cheer her up, but suddenly falling off the ladder does not seem so important any more. Having good ____40____ is more important.
33.A.excited B.curious C.nervous D.confused
34.A.completes B.fails C.refuses D.accepts
35.A.turn B.share C.want D.rest
36.A.brings B.walks C.runs D.carries
37.A.touch B.hold C.move D.miss
38.A.imagine B.live C.succeed D.risk
39.A.worried B.frightened C.believed D.surprised
40.A.challenges B.teachers C.friends D.chances
Speedy and Steady
“Well, Amy, how are you getting on with your napkin(餐巾)?” cried Lizzy, whose skillful fingers seemed to fly over her work. “Not very fast, I have almost finished one side.” answered Amy.
“One side!” said Lizzy, with a ____41____ which was neither pleasant nor kind, “why, we both began hemming our napkins at the same time, and I’m now at the fourth side of mine!”
“I know that I am ____42____,” sighed Amy. “But I’ll try to be steady(稳), and to do my best,” said the little girl, as she threaded her tiny needle, and went on with her work.
“As I sew so fast,” cried Lizzy, “I am sure to have finished my napkin long before the bell rings for ____43____. I’ll just run for a minute to the garden, to see if the roses are out.” —so, tossing down her work on a chair, Lizzy flew off.
Amy ____44____ for the fresh air and the flowers, but her work must first be done. Steadily she laid down her broad hem, and had finished the second side of her napkin before her sister came back.
Then Lizzy left again for a cup of coffee. Amy went on with her work. Before her sister again entered the room, the ____45____ side of her napkin was hemmed.
“Had you not better finish your sewing?” said Amy, “It must be near dinner time now.” “Oh! I can finish it in two minutes, only I want to look at that story, which Tom told us was so amusing.” Lizzy replied impatiently.
“But if you are late?” murmured Amy.
“No ____46____ of that!” cried Lizzy, “No one is so likely to be late as a slow little creature like you!”
Poor Amy made no reply, but quietly she worked on. Lizzy was soon so ____47____ in her story that she forgot all about her work, till shocked by the sound of the bell.
“Can it be dinner-time!” she cried, “Oh dear, and my napkin is not hemmed! And yours?”
“It is just finished.” said Amy.
“It is just like ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’.” thought Lizzy, who had enough of sense to ____48____ a lesson.
Quickness may have the start, but the quiet, steady worker does most in the end.
41.A.laugh B.smile C.hello D.kiss
42.A.slow B.smart C.poor D.busy
43.A.class B.dinner C.show D.bed
44.A.waited B.longed C.called D.asked
45.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
46.A.idea B.doubt C.excuse D.fear
47.A.happy B.frightened C.confused D.deep
48.A.give B.pass C.take D.teach
A Bad Movie
We all sat wide-eyed without daring to move, I tried to be brave and not to look away. Then the hero killed the beast (怪兽). With a terrible cry, the awful creature died and fell to the ground at the end of the ____49____. We all cheered.
We’d all heard that the movie was a good movie, and we weren’t ____50____. Today was special because Bobby showed up. Bobby was the coolest guy in our school and everybody liked him.
Then Derek asked us what we wanted to do after the movie. He told us it was the perfect timing to see another movie — Rodent Extreme and there was a showing just starting over in Theater Four. I checked the money in my pocket and ____51____ because I didn’t have enough money. Bobby laughed and said that we were already inside, so we could sneak into (溜进) Theater Four without paying. Although I wanted to see the movie very much, I was hesitated (犹豫的).
Bobby headed over to the theatre with Derek and my other friends. I didn’t want to be ____52____ out and I did want to see that movie. Bobby said he did this all the time, so it would be OK. I rejoined the group. Bobby showed us a good door to go through, so nobody would see us. I was enjoying the movie when I saw the beam (光线) of a flashlight ____53____ our theater. “Let me see your ticket,” the theater manager said. “I, uh, I lost it,” a voice said. The voice came from our friend Kenny who sat behind us. “Lost it? I don’t think so, you need to come with me,” the manager said.
Kenny followed the manager out of the theater. My skin felt hot all over. “He was so nailed (逮个正着的). And the manager missed all of us!” Bobby said ____54____ . He sat up and looked around at us, as if he expected to be congratulated. I didn’t know what to do. Kenny was in big trouble. Should I leave? Or would I be in trouble, too? I felt terrible, but Bobby didn’t seem to ____55____ . After the movie, Bobby bragged (吹嘘) about how cool it was that Kenny got tossed out (扔出) and we didn’t. I didn’t think it was so cool. To tell the truth, I didn’t think Bobby was so cool anymore either. ____56____ the crowd is not always a good idea.
49.A.movie B.picture C.song D.letter
50.A.relaxed B.upset C.excited D.disappointed
51.A.changed B.accepted C.refused D.smiled
52.A.worked B.left C.looked D.picked
53.A.searching B.pointing C.cleaning D.finding
54.A.nervously B.happily C.bravely D.sadly
55.A.show B.believe C.care D.support
56.A.Staying B.Leading C.Leaving D.Following
I almost messed up “big time”.
My 5-year-old son and I were coming back from school when we saw a(n) ____57____ man on the side of the road. I wanted to give the man some money, but I didn’t have any cash(现金). My son Justus noticed the man as well. And then it happened...
Justus insisted on giving the man the 30 cents he had in his pocket. I was more than happy that he wanted to do this with ____58____ . But honestly I was hesitant(犹豫不决的), I didn’t want to give this man who clearly needed all the help he could get, just 30 cents. My own pride and thoughts of the homeless man’s unknown reaction(反应) to ____59____ just two coins were standing in the way.
I quickly realized that I was the only problem in this situation. I almost told my son what he had wasn’t enough by my inaction. I almost showed him that what he saw as a good thing, and was in fact a good thing, wasn’t good enough to make a ____60____ in someone’s life. I almost taught him that pride was more important than helping another human. Thank goodness I quickly dropped that foolishness.
I then rolled down the window and said, “I’m sorry, man. I don’t have any cash on me, but my son back here wants to give you everything he ____61____ right now. He just turned five.”
The smile on that man’s face lit up the crossroad and he said to Justus, “Thank you so much!”
The only thing that ____62____ the brightness of that stranger’s smile after that moment was... the bigger smile on my boy’s face!
I also believed that a chain reaction of ____63____ started behind us that day, as other people rolled down their windows to help him, too.
My little boy, without even ____64____ it, reminded me once again by his actions that it was always about the heart. It doesn’t matter how much you have or how little; giving in love and sincerity is very important.
57.A.old B.strange C.ordinary D.homeless
58.A.joy B.surprise C.curiosity D.patience
59.A.losing B.receiving C.keeping D.finding
60.A.promise B.decision C.difference D.wish
61.A.believes B.wants C.has D.knows
62.A.matched B.lightened C.explained D.described
63.A.confidence B.kindness C.trust D.courage
64.A.refusing B.recognizing C.remembering D.realizing
A Birthday Present for Brandon
Brandon went to the pet store with his mom and his brothers, Isaiah and Matt. Isaiah needed food for his rabbit. Matt wanted a toy for his bird.
Brandon looked at a red-and-blue-striped fish while he waited. Air bubbled(冒泡) to the top of the fish tank. Brandon leaned close to the glass. Could he hear the bubbles pop(爆裂)?
“May I have a pet?” Brandon asked.
“You can’t take care of a ____65____.” Isaiah said. “You’re too little.”
“I’m almost seven.” said Brandon. “I can take care of a pet.”
“You won’t be gentle with a pet.” said Matt. “You’re too little.”
Mom smiled. “It’s ____66____ to keep a pet’s cage neat.”
Brandon stood tall. “I can be neat.”
When they got home. Brandon went to the room he shared with Matt. Brandon’s blocks dotted the floor. Toy cars covered the top of his desk. Books were flopped on his bed. Brandon’s pajamas hung from the back of his chair. “My side of the room is not neat,” Brandon said.
He dropped his blocks into a bin. He ____67____ the cars on his shelf. He stacked (堆放) the books, leaving One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, on the top.
Brandon put his pajamas away. He smiled. He could be ____68____.
The doorbell rang. Brandon heard Uncle Jay say hello to Mom. He heard his baby cousin, Rubie, crying. “Hi, Uncle Jay,” Brandon said. “Why is Rubie ____69____?”
“She’s hungry, Brandon,” Uncle Jay said. “Can you get her baby bottle?”
Brandon found the bottle in Rubie’s bag. Uncle Jay put Rubie on a blanket. Brandon sat in front of her. He ____70____ his face with his hands. “Peekaboo(躲猫猫),” Brandon said, lowering his hands. Rubie stopped crying.
“You’re very gentle,” said Uncle Jay. “Do you want to feed Rubie?”
Brandon nodded.
Rubie helped Brandon hold the bottle with her little fingers. She looked at him as she drank. Tiny white bubbles floated in Rubie’s ____71____, then popped.
“Thank you for helping take care of Rubie,” Uncle Jay said to Brandon. “You’re really growing up.”
Mom looked at Brandon ____72____ Rubie. “Yes, he is,” she said and kissed the top of Brandon’s head.
That night, Mom and Dad told Brandon he could have a pet for his birthday.
“Wow, thanks,” Brandon said. “I know just what I want. A fish. And a tank full of bubbles.”
65.A.rabbit B.bird C.pet D.fish
66.A.hard B.upset C.good D.exciting
67.A.drove B.parked C.caught D.locked
68.A.noisy B.messy C.clean D.neat
69.A.sleeping B.laughing C.shouting D.crying
70.A.washed B.hid C.touched D.felt
71.A.bottle B.bag C.blanket D.room
72.A.praising B.encouraging C.feeding D.protecting
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