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    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)01
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)02
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)03
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)04
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)05
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)06
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)07
    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)08
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    (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)

    这是一份(新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解),共47页。PPT课件主要包含了diverse,admit,downtown,mission,district,seek,earn,select,claim,fold等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    主题语境:人与社会(历史,社会与文化)【话题词汇】1.celebratin n. 庆祝(会)2.feast n. 盛宴;宴会3.get­tgether n. 聚会4.treat vt.&vi. 招待;款待5.decrate vt. 装饰;修饰6.lantern n. 灯笼;提灯7.firewrk n. 焰火;(pl.)烟火8.firecracker n. 鞭炮
    9.flame n. 火焰;光辉10.balln n. 气球11.heritage n. 遗产12.symbl n. 象征;标志 13.ccasin n. 场合14.frmal adj. 正式的15.traditinal adj. 传统的16.scial adj. 社会的;社交的
    【话题短语】1.celebrate the festival 庆祝节日2.n special ccasins 在特殊场合3.a display f firewrks 烟火表演4.cultural exchange 文化交流5.cultural backgrund 文化背景6.cultural shck 文化冲击7.crss­cultural cmmunicatin 跨文化交流8.multicultural sciety 多元文化社会9.cultural diversity 文化多样性10.cultural cnflict 文化冲突
    【话题佳句】1.Built in the 16th century, the castle has witnessed t much cming and ging in histry.建于16世纪,这座城堡见证了太多的历史沉浮。2.Well­knwn fr its extrardinary quality, beautiful design and brilliant clr, Chinese silk has been regarded as a symbl f Chinese culture.中国丝绸因非凡的质量、美丽的设计和色泽,已被认为是中国文化的象征。3.Cultural heritage is a symbl f splendid ancient civilizatin and prtecting it can make us feel prud f ur natin.文化遗产是辉煌文明的象征,保护文化遗产能让我们为我国感到自豪。
    【话题练习】1.With China becming mre pwerful in the wrld, an increasing number f freigners becme interested in learning Chinese.随着中国在世界上不断强大,越来越多的外国人对学习中文变得感兴趣。2.Schlars fcus mre attentin n the return f Chinese traditinal culture at this seminar.在这次研讨会上,中国传统文化的回归成了学者更加关注的焦点。
    Ⅰ.重点单词1.________________ adj. 不同的;多种多样的2.________________ vi.&vt. 承认vt. 准许进入(或加入)3.________________ vi. 发生;出现4.________________ adv. 在市中心;往市中心5.________________ n. 传教(区);重要任务;使命6.________________ n. 地区;区域7.________________ vt.&vi.(sught /sɔ:t/,sught) 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人) 请求8.________________ vt.&vi. 挣得;赚得;赢得;博得9.________________ vt. 选择;挑选;选拔10.________________ vt.&.n. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言11.________________ vt. 包;裹;折叠vt.&vi. (可)折小;(可)叠平
    Ⅱ.拓展单词1.________ adj.不同的;多种多样的→________ n.差异性;多样性2.________ v.承认→________ n. 承认,招认3.________ adj.肯定的;确定的→________ adv.肯定; 确实→________ adj.模糊不清的;不明确的4.________ v.收集;收藏→________ n. 收藏品5.________ v.合身;适合 n.西装;套装→ ________ adj.合适的;适宜的
    6.________ n.诗人→________ n.诗;韵文→________ n.诗集;诗歌;诗作7.________ n.毒药;毒物→________ adj.有毒的8.________ n.资金;财政;金融→________ adj.财政的;财务的;金融的9.________ v.定居→________ n.定居者→________ n.定居点10.________ v.包含;含有→________ n.容器;集装箱;货柜→________ n.所含之物;内容
    联想拓展否定前缀大家庭①un-unfriendly adj. 不友好的②in-infrmal adj. 不正规的③dis-disappear v. 消失④im-impssible adj. 不可能的⑤mis-misunderstanding n. 误解与文明、文化有关的词汇①civilized adj. 文明的②cultural adj. 文化的③civilizatin n. 文明④multicultural 多元文化的⑤crss­cultural 跨文化的
    Ⅲ.核心短语1.________________ 朝……前进;向……去2.________________ 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界3.________________ 谋生4.________________ 一系列或一连串(事件)5.________________ 除了……之外(还) ;此外6.________________ 仅举几例7.________________ 导致;引起8.________________ 第一手;亲自9.________________ 安居下来;使平静下来10.________________ 过去常常
    seek ne's frtune
    earn a living
    t name but a few
    (at) first hand
    联想拓展“除……之外”短语大集合①apart frm②except fr③ther than④aside frm⑤in additin t
    “引起;导致”词语大荟萃①cntribute t 导致;造成;有助于②lead t 引起;导致;造成③result in 导致;造成④bring abut 引起;导致;造成⑤cause 引起;造成⑥result frm 起因于
    Ⅳ.重点句型1.独立主格There are s many beautiful ld buildings— _______________________ (好多都坐落在群山之上),……2.what引导的感叹句And ________________ (这是一个多么棒的城市啊)—a city that was able t rebuild itself after the earthquake that ccurred in 1906.3.which引导的非限制性定语从句In the same year,gld was discvered near San Francisc, ___________________ (这开始了淘金热). 4.t d做目的状语______________ (为了谋生),sme pened up shps and restaurants in Chinatwn.
    many sitting n tp f big hills
    what a city
    which started a gld rush
    T earn a living
    高频考点探究Ⅰ.核心词汇1.admit v. (admitted; admitting)允许(某人/某物)进入;准许(某人)加入(俱乐部、组织);接收;承认【教材原句】I have t admit that it definitely feels gd t be back in the city again.我必须承认,再次回到城市的感觉确实很好。 (1)admit ding/having dne 承认做过某事admit sb.t/int 允许某人进入……/允许某人参加…… admit that... 承认某事……(2)admissin n. 接纳;进入权;承认
    【练透考点】单句语法填空①If yu _________ (admit) t a university in China, regardless f whatever yu chse as yur majr, there's ne cmpulsry curse that yu can't avid: English.②She ________ (admit) having stlen that car last night.③He failed t gain ________ (admit) t the university f her chice.【佳句背诵】The exams are likely t wrk ut as expected and my dream f being admitted int/t my favurite university will cme true.考试结果可能正如所预料的那样,我被我所喜爱的大学录取的梦想将会成为现实。
    are admitted
    2.ccur vi 发生;出现【典型例句】Years ag, a critical event ccurred in my life that wuld change it frever.多年前,在我生活中发生了一个会永远地改变我人生的关键事件。(1)sth. ccurs/ccurred t sb. (主意或想法)突然浮现在某人的脑海中(2)it ccurs/ccurred t sb. that... (某人)突然想到……it ccurs/ccurred t sb./t d... 某人突然想到做……
    【练透考点】单句语法填空①A perfect idea ________ (ccur) t us that we culd give a handmade gift t ur teacher fr Teachers' Day.②It never ccurred t him t ________ (ask) anyne fr helping him with English.③It suddenly ccurred t him ________ he had left his keys in the ffice.【佳句背诵】If headaches nly ccur at night, lack f fresh air and xygen is ften the cause.如果头痛只发生在晚上,缺少新鲜空气和氧气常常是其原因。 
    3.seek 寻找;寻求;争取;请求【典型例句】Yur lives are busy enugh ding hmewrk, playing sprts, making friends, seeking after yur dreams.您的生活忙于做作业,从事运动,交朋友和追求你的梦想。(1)seek t d sth. 试图/设法做某事(2)seek fr 寻找(3)seek after 追求;寻求(4)seek ne's frtune 寻找致富/成功之路(5)过去式sught——过去分词sught
    【练透考点】单句语法填空①We shuldn't seek ________ cmfrt,persnal fame r gain.②Many yung peple leave their hmetwn t seek ________ (they)frtune in big cities.③Scientists have been seeking ___________ (understand) the mystery f the sixth sense. 【佳句背诵】T care fr wisdm and truth and imprvement f the sul is far better than t seek mney and hnr and reputatin.注重智慧、真理和灵魂的进步比追求金钱、荣誉和名声要好得多。
    t understand
    4.claim v.声称; 主张; 要求; 索赔【典型例句】Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisc earthquake and the series fires that ccurred after it.3000人的生命在1906年的旧金山地震和随后发生的一系列火灾中被夺走。(1)claim t d sth./that... 声称/主张做……(2)claim t have dne sth. 声称做过某事(3)It is claimed that... 据说……(4)claim n. 断言;权利;要求权;所有权(5)make a claim fr sth. 要求; 对……提出赔偿
    【练透考点】写出下列句中claim的含义①Tw yung girls claim t have seen the fairies. ________②The plice said that if n ne claimed the watch, yu culd keep it.________③Because the accident had nt been her fault, Barbara was able t claim damages.________④Unluckily,the car crash claimed three lives.________【佳句背诵】Whatever a guarantee says, when smething ges wrng, yu can still claim yur rights frm the shp.不管保修单上怎么说,当产品出现故障时,你仍然可以去商店维护自身的权益。
    5.escape vi.&vt.逃走;逃脱;避开;n.逃跑,逃走;解脱【典型例句】Tears escaped (frm) his eyes and rlled dwn his cheeks.眼泪从眼里出来,顺着脸颊流下。escape ding 逃避做某事escape frm 从……逃脱escape ne's attentin/ntice 逃过某人的注意fire escape 太平梯a narrw escape 九死一生
    【练透考点】单句语法填空/句式升级①We had ________ narrw escape in the accident. ②Large quantities f animals escaped _________ (kill) in the big fire.③The man ________ (narrw) escaped being kncked ver in the street. ④I met a classmate f mine in my previus junir high but I frgt her name. =I met a classmate f mine in my previus junir high but ________________.
    being killed
    her name escaped me
    6.settle v.定居,结束(争论);(解决)纠纷【典型例句】Wait until the students settle dwn befre yu start the lessn.等学生都静下心来再开始上课。(1)settle dwn t (ding) sth. 安下心来(做)某事(2)settlement n. 解决;处理;决定;和解reach/arrive at a settlement 达成协议(3)settler n. 移民;殖民者
    【练透考点】单句语法填空/句式升级①If yu watch lng enugh, yu will see many prblems ________ (settle) in this way.②There is a little time left, s we shuld settle dwn t ________ (deal) with the urgent thing.③It's time yu ________ (settle) yur differences with yur father.④There exists a lt f difficulty t settle, s the newly­elected president is having a hard time.=________________________, the newly­elected president is having a hard time.(with 复合结构)
    With a lt f difficulty t settle
    Ⅱ.核心短语7.apart frm 除此之外;另外(1) 将……拆卸开(2) 区分,分辨(3)set sb./ sth. apart (frm ) 使某人/某物与众不同 【练透考点】单句语法填空①Rd lves taking ________ clcks. Hwever, he never manages t put them tgether again.②He had a deep vice, which set him ________ frm thers in ur small twn.③Apart frm ________ (be) the kingdm f flwers, Yunnan prvince is hme t many ethnic minrity grups.
    【佳句背诵】In rder t learn English well, apart frm English classes, I tk an active part in English crner and ther after­class English activities, which benefited me a lt.为了学好英语,除了上英语课,我积极参加英语角和其他课外英语活动,使我受益很多。
    8.bring abut 引起;造成【典型例句】Science has brught abut many changes in ur daily life,which inspires me t be a scientist.科学给我们的生活带来了诸多变化,这激励我去做一名科学家。(1)bring up 抚养;养育;教养(2)bring back 把……带回来;使回忆起;使恢复(3)bring dwn 降低;使倒下(4)bring in 推行;引入;引进(5)bring ut 使表现出;出版
    【练透考点】单句语法填空①Wrking with the medical team in Africa has brught ________ the best in her as a dctr.②Brn int a family with three brthers, David was brught ________ t value the sense f sharing.③The Internet has brught ________ his changes in the way we wrk.④The gvernment plans t bring ________ new laws frcing parents t take mre respnsibility fr the educatin f their children. 【佳句背诵】Nearly all educatrs believe that a challenging situatin can ften bring ut the best qualities f a persn. 几乎所有的教育者都相信,具有挑战性的环境往往能激发出一个人最好的品质。
    Ⅲ.典型句式精析9.There are s many beautiful ld buildings—many sitting n tp f big hills. 有那么多美丽的古老建筑——好多都坐落在群山之上。【典型例句】The guide leading the way, we had n truble getting ut f the frest.由向导带路,我们毫无困难地走出了森林。【句式分析】“独立主格结构”是由名词或代词作为逻辑主语,加上分词、形容词、副词、动词不定式或介词短语作为逻辑谓语构成。这种结构在形式上与主句没有关系,通常称为“独立主格结构”。
    【练透考点】单句语法填空/句式升级①Mre time and mney ________ (give), we can finish the wrk in advance.②The party will be held in the garden, weather ________ (permit).③________ (be) clever, he never makes mistakes.句式升级④After the task was cmpleted, we had a glbal traveling.=The task ________, we had a glbal traveling.【佳句背诵】All things cnsidered, he did a gd jb.所有的事情考虑在内,他做得非常好。
    10.What great fd!多好的食物啊!【句式分析】感叹句的结构如下:(1)What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主谓)!(2)What+形容词+可数名词复数(+主谓)!(3)What+形容词+不可数名词(+主谓)!(4)Hw+形容词/副词+(主谓)!(5)Hw+形容词+a+名词(+主谓)!
    【练透考点】单句语法填空①As I lked at the memrial, I thught abut ________ terrible life was fr the Jews then and ________ they were t fight the Nazis.②The little by came riding full speed dwn the mtrway n his bicycle.________ a dangerus scene it was!③—Lk at the flying pigens in the sky.—Yu can't imagine ________ crucial a rle they played in the battlefields.【佳句背诵】What great fun it is t have a bwl f ice cream n such a ht day!在如此热得一天吃一碗冰淇淋真有趣!
    Ⅰ.高考能力同步化——单句语法填空1.[2020·全国卷Ⅱ]Designer Jennifer Andersn ________ (admit) it tk her a while t cme arund t the pinin that using nutria fur fr her creatins is mrally acceptable.2.[2020·全国卷Ⅲ]We are the prducts f evlutin, and nt just evlutin that ________ (ccur) billins f years ag.3.[2019·全国卷Ⅰ]Hungry bears may be cngregating (聚集) arund human ________ (settlement), leading t the illusin (错觉) that ppulatins are higher than they actually are.4.[2019·天津卷]Yet,nw that I'm grwing and the wrld I nce knew as being s simple is becming mre cmplex,I find myself needing a way ________ (escape).
    5.[2019·全国卷Ⅰ]Mitch Prinstein,a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status ________ (seeker).6.I d believe this vluntary wrk ________ (suit)me, because I have a gd knwledge f English.7.It was a difficult time.Apart ________ everything else, we had financial prblems. 8.The nly way they can bring ________ plitical change is by putting pressure n the cuntry.9.A man ________ (claim) t be a jurnalist threatened t reveal details abut her private life.10.She __________ (admit)t the hspital with a high temperature.It tk him a lng time t recver. 
    was admitted
    Ⅱ.必备知识试题化——完成句子1.We must _________ a slutin t the prblem.我们必须寻找解决问题的方法。2.________________ sme teachers in ur schl are wrking 90 hurs a week.据说我们学校有些老师每周工作90小时。3._____ suddenly __________________ I hadn't finished my hmewrk.我突然想到,我还没完成作业。4.He __________ basketball when he was yung.他年轻的时候常常打篮球。5.He __________________ the mney.他承认偷了这笔钱。
    It is claimed that
    ccurred t me that
    used t play
    admitted having stlen
    Ⅲ.教材语篇高考化——语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。June 21 was my first day back in San Francisc after 1.________ (camp) in the Redwd Frest. It 2.________ (definite) feels gd t be back in the city again, 3.________ rebuilt itself after the earthquake. In the mrning, I visited the Missin District, which used t be a pr area f twn and is a centre 4.________ art, music and fd nw.In the afternn, I 5.________ (head) t a lcal museum that shwed the 6.________ (histry)changes in Califrnia.
    Gld 7.____________ (discver) near San Francisc, which caused a gld rush. Many peple 8.________ (cme) frm all ver the wrld sught 9.________ (they) frtune. T earn a living, many Chinese peple did all kinds f jbs. Many 10.__________ (immigrant) made great cntributins t building America.In the evening, I went t Chinatwn, where I enjyed great fd. Tmrrw evening, I'm ging t a jazz bar.
    was discvered
    洪水、火山爆发、地震和海啸等自然灾害经常会不期而至。我们应该怎么做呢?请你根据以下要点提示,以Hw t deal with natural disasters为题写一篇英语短文。1.自然灾害造成的损失惨重;2.掌握有关自然灾害的知识并做好准备;3.保持镇静,努力自救和帮助他人。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Step 1 斟酌打磨 丰富句式1.精挑细选——核心词汇想周全①________________ 应对;对付②________________ 灾难③________________ 发生④________________ 破坏;损坏⑤________________ 与……作斗争⑥________________ 保持冷静
    fight against
    2.遣词造句——句式升级是亮点句式翻译:①俗话说:“众人拾柴火焰高。”We all knw an ld saying, which says, “Many hands make light wrk.”(用as引导方式状语从句改写句子)→_________________________________________________________②只有这样,我们才能最终战胜自然灾害。We can nly defeat natural disasters in the end in this way.(用“nly+状语置于句首”改写句子)→_________________________________________________________
    As the ld saying ges, “Many hands make light wrk.”
    Only in this way can we defeat natural disasters in the end.
    Step 2 逻辑衔接 连句成文参考范文:Hw t deal with natural disastersNatural disasters, such as flds, vlcanic eruptins, earthquakes and tsunamis, can happen at any time. They ften cause a sad lss f life and damage. Hw shuld we deal with them?First f all, we shuld master rich knwledge abut natural disasters and make adequate preparatins fr them. Secndly, when natural disasters really happen, we shuld have a firm belief and unite t fight against them. As the ld saying ges, “Many hands make light wrk.” Mrever, we shuld keep calm and try t save urselves and help thers. Only in this way can we defeat natural disasters in the end.

    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第三册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第三册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件,共54页。PPT课件主要包含了历史的,收藏品,多种多样的,diversity,fortunate,准许进入,admission,selection,poisonous,construct等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了必备知识·自主检测,definitely,downtown,comic,china,jazz,bar,diagram,journal,escape等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了必备知识·自主检测,definitely,downtown,comic,china,jazz,bar,diagram,journal,escape等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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        (新高考)高考英语一轮复习课件必修三 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures (含详解)
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