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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES组合练课件
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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES组合练课件

    这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第3册UNIT3 DIVERSE CULTURES组合练课件,共32页。

    Ⅰ.阅读理解AThe tpic f China’s “slash yuth” has fueled heated debate n scial media recently,drawing attentin t the diverse pursuits f the yunger generatin.The slash yuth,which culd als be called “slashers” r “slash-generatin”,means thse wh refuse t be defined r bund by just ne persnal identity.They are keen t present themselves as multiple and smetimes distinct identities,such as a nurse and mdel,a teacher and stand-up cmedian,and an engineer and band player.Rather than material cmfrts,they pursue meaningful achievements.
    A study n “slash yuth” published in the China Yuth Research magazine analyzes the backgrund f this phenmenn:with part f mdern sciety’s structured rganizatin and stability nrms are brken,flexible labr markets and structural unemplyment has emerged,eliminating the sense f jb security f the yung peple in emplyment.Yung peple als face the dilemma f self-actualizatin,including the sense f pwerlessness,lst sense f value and lack f self-identity in the prfessin,which frces them t re-find the meaning f wrk.
    “The ‘slash life’ shws that ur sciety is becming mre and mre diversified and inclusive and it welcmes everyne’s self fulfillment,” said Shi Yanrng,an assciate researcher frm Tianjin Academy f Scial Sciences.The researcher added that against the backgrund that peple have multiple interests and are willing t pay fr these interests nwadays,the “slash life” f the yuth wuld drive the grwth f a new ecnmy,just as animatin culture affected the market.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了什么是“斜杠青年”和现在的青年人为什么要成为“斜杠青年”,及他们对社会产生的影响。
    1.Which is true abut the slash yuth?A.Tending t pursue meaningful psting themselves n scial themselves t challenges in t undertake multiple careers.
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Rather than material cmfrts,they pursue meaningful achievements.”可知,关于“斜杠青年”的描述,正确的是他们倾向于追求有意义的成就。故选A项。
    2.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?A.The significance f flexible labr fr the appearance f slash peple’s interest in their f lsing pwer amng the yuth.
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“with part f mdern sciety’s structured rganizatin and stability nrms are brken,flexible labr markets and structural unemplyment has emerged,eliminating the sense f jb security f the yung peple in emplyment.Yung peple als face the dilemma f self-actualizatin,including the sense f pwerlessness,lst sense f value and lack f self-identity in the prfessin,which frces them t re-find the meaning f wrk”可知,年轻人在就业中失去工作安全感,并且面临着自我实现的困境,包括在职业中的无力感、价值感的丧失和自我认同的缺乏,推断出第三段主要讲述了“斜杠青年”这一社会现象出现的原因。
    3.What des Shi Yanrng think f the slash life?A.It can gain peple’s inspires yung peple’s can pick up an ecnmic enables yung peple t earn high.
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The researcher added that against the backgrund that peple have multiple interests and are willing t pay fr these interests nwadays,the ‘slash life’ f the yuth wuld drive the grwth f a new ecnmy,just as animatin culture affected the market.”推断出,师艳荣认为斜杠生活可以促进经济增长。
    4.What is the purpse f the text?A.T prvide latest career intrduce a scial analyze a new cultural highlight a unique life experience.
    推理判断题。根据第一段“The tpic f China’s ‘slash yuth’ has fueled heated debate n scial media recently,drawing attentin t the diverse pursuits f the yunger generatin.”可知,这篇文章的主要目的是介绍“斜杠青年”这种社会现象。故选B项。
    BWhen Kim Ji-un lived in Seul,she wrried abut finding a gd jb. Nw,she is wrried that drught may ruin her crp.The 23-year-ld started a farm last year.Her first harvest was a success;she was surprised that her black beans did better than her strawberries.Ms Kim is part f a phenmenn called kwichn,r returning t rural life.Cined a millennium ag,the term crps up during perids f ecnmic hardship.This time,in the wake f the pandemic,many new farmers have never lived in the cuntryside befre.By planting yung farmers in rural areas,the gvernment hpes t enjy big rewards in future.
    The plan is wrking.In 2021 nearly 380,000 peple mved t the cuntryside.Cmfrt with digital technlgy gives yung farmers a leg up,says Ch Kyung-ik,the directr f the Beginning Farmer’s Centre,an institutin educating thse wh wish t kwichn at its dwntwn ffices.They sell fresh prduce n Naver,Suth Krea’s largest search engine. The centre teaches techniques like hw t use a tractr(拖拉机) r select the best crps.It arranges a trial perid during which ambitius farmers wrk under the guidance f an ld hand,learning what it means t d back-breaking labur frm dawn t dusk.
    The mst imprtant lessn is hw t get n with the lcals.The villagers are als ffered tips n hw t act twards the newcmers.That part is nt yet a ttal success.Ms Kim says her neighburs have a bad temper.“The ld peple cme in here and give me unwanted advice,r say that I will never be able t grw anything,”she says.Her black beans beg t differ.She and the Suth Krean gvernment will be hping that her crps put the argument t rest fr gd.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了韩国越来越多的年轻人远离城市喧嚣、回归田园生活的现象。
    5.Why des the writer tell Ms Kim’s stry?A.T start a intrduce a explain a make a cmparisn.
    推理判断题。第一段中“When Kim Ji-un lived in Seul,she wrried abut finding a gd jb.Nw,she is wrried that drught may ruin her crp.”提到Kim女士从城市回归农村,下文讲述了韩国出现的“回归农村生活”的现象,故第一段提到Kim女士是为了引入本文话题。
    6.What des the underlined “a leg up” in paragraph 3 mean?A.A new identity.B.A helping hand.C.A big reward.D.A different idea.
    词句猜测题。根据第三段最后一句“They sell fresh prduce n Naver,Suth Krea’s largest search engine.”可知,年轻农民可以在数字技术的帮助下在线上销售农产品。由此可推知,画线短语所在句意为“对数字技术的适应给年轻农民提供了帮助”,a leg up意为“帮助”。
    7.What is the challenge fr the yung farmers?A.Farming advice.
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“The mst imprtant lessn is hw t get n with the lcals.”可知,年轻农民面临的挑战是学习沟通技巧。
    8.What can we infer frm kwichn in Suth Krea?A.Farming makes huge need technical helps t revive rural gvernment shuld help farmers.
    推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“By planting yung farmers in rural areas,the gvernment hpes t enjy big rewards in future.”及第三段内容可知,年轻人从城市回归农村有助于振兴农村地区。
    Ⅱ.完形填空The suburb I live in backs n t a large nature reserve.One mrning I saw a kala sitting in a palm tree in my frnt yard.I phned arund t ask what I culd  1  this kala,but n ne knew.I ended up  2  the kala ut f my tree and we crssed the rad  3  fr him t return t the nature reserve. I’ve always been befriending animals.As a yung kid I used t pick up lizard eggs and 4  them.It stimulated my interest as t why there wasn’t anyne wanting t cme and  5  this kala in my tree.After that,I signed up fr all the  6  I culd find. 
    Once I had accreditatin(合格证),I vlunteered with the RSPCA in 2014,rehabilitating(使康复) wildlife.I was an ambulance driver, 7  vernight rescues.We rescued hundreds f animals and  8  mre. One day,I thught why nt  9  my wn rescue grup fcusing n my backyard?I purchased a tw-acre prperty and built enclsures n it t  10  injured animals.Last year,I planted 300 eucalyptus trees(桉树),with seven varieties t  11  the kalas. 
    I cut the leaves f the eucalyptus trees fr the kalas t eat and lk after the  12  wildlife at ur centre.If they recver,they are  13  back t where they cme frm. As a kid I wuld never have imagined ding this.I feel like I’m the 14  girl n the planet that I get t d what I lve.I believe it’s my  15 . 
    frm  B.d abutC.require fD.save D.identify
    utB.ran acrssC.gave upD.cared D.amuse
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是作者为保护野生动物而成立了一个救援小组,并把援救野生动物当作自己的使命。1.B 根据下文中的“I ended up  2  the kala ut f my tree and we crssed the rad  3  fr him t return t the nature reserve.”可知,此处指的是作者不知道如何“处理”在前院树上的考拉。 2.C 根据空后“ut f my tree”以及“fr him t return t the nature reserve”可知,此处指的是作者决定把考拉从树上“赶”下来。3.A 根据上文中的“we crssed the rad”可知,此处指的是“我”们“一起穿过马路”。 4.D 根据上文中的“I’ve always been befriending animals.”以及“pick up lizard eggs”可知,此处指的是“孵化”蜥蜴蛋,D项符合语境。
    5.A 根据下文中的“We rescued hundreds f animals and  8  mre.”和语境可知,本文与野生动物保护相关,所以此处指的是“援救”考拉。 6.A 根据下文中的“Once I had accreditatin”可知,此处指的是作者报名学习一些“课程”。 7.B 根据上文中的“I was an ambulance driver”可知,作为救护车司机,作者经常“参加”夜间救援。8.D 根据上文中的“rescued hundreds f animals”和语境可知,此处指的是“照顾”野生动物。9.B 根据下文中的“I purchased a tw-acre prperty and built enclsures n it t  10  injured animals.”可知,作者购买2英亩的土地是为了“成立”一个救援小组。 
    10.A 根据上文中的“I purchased a tw-acre prperty and built enclsures n it”及常识可知,在地上建围栏是给动物“提供住宿”。 11.C 根据上文中的“I planted 300 eucalyptus trees”以及下文中的“I cut the leaves f the eucalyptus trees fr the kalas t eat”可知,考拉是以桉树叶为食,所以此处指的是供考拉“食用”。 12.D 结合语境以及上文中的“lk after”可知,此处指的是“受伤的”野生动物。13.B 根据上文中的“If they recver”以及语境可知,野生动物受伤后被治疗,痊愈后“释放”到它们来的地方。
    14.D 根据下文中的“I get t d what I lve”可知,能够做自己喜欢做的事情,所以作者觉得自己是“最幸运”的人。15.B 根据上文中的“As a kid I wuld never have imagined ding this.I feel like I’m the  14  girl n the planet that I get t d what I lve.”可知,作者觉得自己小的时候从未想过的事情,现在成了自己喜欢做的事情,所以,作者觉得这是她的“使命”。故选B项。 
    Ⅲ.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When I arrived hme frm schl,night was falling.A call came frm the public:a bird f unknwn species was being attacked by a grup f nisy children in his frnt garden.He scared them ff and grabbed their victim.I immediately called fr my classmate Jack t the spt.
    We were standing in frnt f a stranger’s huse in an unfamiliar street, rescue bx in hand.My head is full f instructins t fllw.“The bird wuld be ur first test as a vlunteer wildlife rescuer!” Jack said excitedly.We had cmpleted the tw-day intensive training curse the previus mnth and learned the basic skills f rescuing animals in varius situatins.But we were anxius,t.After all,it was the first time fr us t rescue a bird.Wuld I be able t transfer the bird neatly int my rescue bx?Many wrries flashed in my mind.Sensing my unease abut the act ahead,Jack said, “These things are pretty easy t deal with!”
    I was wndering what kind f bird it was when a kind-lking man appeared and led us inside t see ur very first patient.I lifted the edge f the she bx very slightly t see an angry-lking bird standing t attentin n very thin and lng legs,tgether with a slice f banana and a small dish f water.He didn’t knw its true name but the flks called the creature Red Fan. “It’s eaten sme banana,” said the man prudly.The pr sul seemed rather nervus,s I decided nt t grab it by hand but just transfer the whle she bx int my rescue bx.
    Back hme,we culd nly see sme minr injuries in the left wing,but there was n bld n its feathers.Jack managed t treat the injuries with sme idphr(碘伏药水).We assessed its cnditin t find ut if it was apprpriate t release the bird the next day.Hw culd we help it spend the night peacefully?We hadn’t seen this species f bird befre,let alne its habits.注意:1.续写词数应为150个左右;2.请按如下格式作答。
    “Why nt d a search n the Internet?” suggested Jack.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The next day,we were glad t see the bird was well enugh.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    “Why nt d a search n the Internet?” suggested Jack.We acted quickly and surfed the Internet t figure ut the relevant infrmatin abut the bird, such as its species and habits.Fllwing the given advice,we put sme cttn at the bttm f the bx t keep it warm and placed it near the fireplace.In rder t recver its energy,we gave it sme fd and water.The bird lked a bit mre cmfrtable,and sn it fell asleep.Having ensured the bird was in gd cnditin,we felt relieved.

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