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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)
    Architecture Summer Schl
    Curse verview
    It will be an interesting design experience at the Ryal Cllege f Art Schl f Architecture. The Architecture Summer Schl ffers a challenging and attractive prgrammer f design studi experience, visits, lectures and skill training.
    Admissin criteria
    Participants must:
    <>have an undergraduate degree in design r a creative backgrund;
    <>have a gd level f English language;
    <>be 18 years r ver.
    Hw t apply
    We d nt accept applicatins at the mment. The belw infrmatin des nt apply until the curse is live again. T apply, please cmplete ur nline applicatin frm. This nline frm requires yu t;
    <> submit yur Curriculum Vitae (简历);
    <> submit a 300-wrd statement f interest utlining yur relevant experience r practice and why yu wuld like t jin the Architecture Summer Schl.
    If yur applicatin is accepted, yu will be emailed with a bking link s that yu can make payment f the curse fee. The place will be held until the payment deadline, and if yu d nt make payment by this date then yur place will be ffered t anther participant.
    If yur applicatin is unsuccessful, we will infrm yu by email. Unfrtunately, we are nt able t prvide persnal feedback due t the great number f applicatins that we receive.
    If the curse is fully bked and yur applicatin is successful, we will add yur name t a waiting list.
    Applicatin deadlines
    Applicatins will be assessed by the RCA curse team every tw weeks r until the curse is fully bked. We will infrm all applicants by email within tw weeks after they submit an applicatin. Participants are advised t apply early t avid disappintment as places are strictly limited.
    1. What's the requirement if yu want t apply fr Architecture Summer Schl?
    A. Applying n line nw.
    B. Being at least 18 years ld.
    C. Hlding a graduate degree, in design.
    D. Having a gd cmmand f freign languages.
    2. What shuld yu d when yu cmplete the nline applicatin frm?
    A. Submit yur design wrk.
    B. Pay 300 punds in advance.
    C. Mail the schl yur curse fee
    D. Describe yur reasn fr jining the schl.
    3. What if yu dn't pay by the payment deadline?
    A. Yu may nt get the place.
    B. Yu may get a persnal feedback.
    C. Yu will have t pay a duble fee later.
    D. Yu will find yur name n the waiting list.
    By day, Rbert Tittertn is a lawyer. In his spare time thugh he ges n stage beside pianist Maria Rasppva — nt as a musician but as her page turner. “I’m nt a trained musician, but I’ve learnt t read music s I can help Maria in her perfrmance.”
    Mr. Tittertn is chairman f the Omega Ensemble but has been the grup’s fficial page turner fr the past fur years. His jb is t sit beside the pianist and turn the pages f the scre (总谱) s the musician desn’t have t break the flw f sund by ding it themselves. He said he became just as nervus as thse playing instruments n stage.
    “It’s a demanding jb. A lt f skills are needed fr it. Yu have t make sure yu dn’t turn tw pages at nce and make sure yu find the repeats in the music when yu have t g back t the right spt.” Mr. Tittertn explained.
    Being a page turner requires plenty f practice. Sme pieces f music can g fr 40 minutes and require up t 50 page turns, including back turns fr repeat passages. Silent nstage cmmunicatin is key, and each pianist has their wn style f “ndding” t indicate a page turn which they need t practise with their page turner.
    But like all perfrmances, there are mments when things g wrng. “I was turning the page t get ready fr the next page, but the draft wind frm the turn caused the spare pages t fall ff the stand,” Mr. Tittertn said, “Luckily I was able t catch them and put them back.”
    Mst page turners are pian students r up-and-cming cncert pianists, althugh Ms Rasppva has nce asked her, husband t help her ut n stage.
    “My husband is the wrst page turner.” she laughed. “He’s interested in the music, feeling every nte, and I have t say: ‘Turn, turn!’ Rbert is the best page turner I’ve had in my entire life.”
    4. What shuld Tittertn be able t d t be a page turner?
    A. Read music.B. Play the pian.
    C. Sing sngs.D. Fix the instruments.
    5. The underlined wrd “demanding” in paragraph 3 prbably means ______.
    A. bringB. tiring
    C. challengingD. creative
    6. What des Tittertn need t practise?
    A. Cunting the pages.B. Recgnizing the “ndding”.
    C. Catching falling bjects.D. Perfrming in his wn style.
    7. Why is Ms Rasppva’s husband “the wrst page turner”?
    A. He has very pr eyesight.B. He ignres the audience.
    C. He has n interest in music.D. He frgets t d his jb.
    When making chices, peple assume that they pick what they like. Hwever, research suggests that we like smething strictly because we have chsen it. In ther wrds, we dislike things we dn’t chse. And this phenmenn has existed since we were babies.
    In an experiment, US researchers brught several 10 t 20-mnth-ld babies int a lab and gave them tw same bright and clrful sft blcks t play with. They set each blck far apart, s the babies had t crawl t ne r the ther—a randm chice. After the baby chse ne f the tys, the researchers tk it away and came back with a new ptin. The babies culd then pick either the ty they didn’t play with befre, r a brand-new ty.
    It turned ut that the babies reliably chse t play with the new ty rather than the ne they had nt chsen.
    In fllw-up experiments, when researchers instead helped chse which ty the baby wuld play with, the phenmenn disappeared. “As if they were saying, ‘Hmm, I didn’t chse that bject last time, because I guess I didn’t like it very much” said Lisa Feigensn, c-authr f the study.
    This is a very imprtant phenmenn in life, Feigensn nted. Adults will less like the thing they didn’t chse, even if they had n real preference in the first place. It lks like babies d just the same.
    It shws that the act f making chices changes hw we feel abut ur ptins. The randm chices might becme ur preferences. “They are really nt chsing based n whether they are nvel r what they prefer,” said Alex Silver, c-authr f the study.
    This new finding explains why adults build uncnscius preference when they make chices between the same things. Justifying(证明有道理) chice is smehw fundamental t the human experience. “I chse this, s I must like it. I didn’t chse this ther thing, s it cannt be s gd. Adults make these inferences uncnsciusly,” Feigensn said.
    Such tendency makes sense t us as we live in a cnsumer culture and must make s many chices every day, between everything frm tthpaste brands t styles f jeans.
    Next, researchers will lk at whether t many chices culd be a prblem fr babies as they certainly are fr adults.
    8. What is the purpse f the experiments?
    A. T test whether peple chse what they like.
    B. T see why babies prefer new tys t ld nes.
    C. T explain hw babies and adults make chices differently.
    D. T study if t many chices culd create prblems fr peple.
    9. What can be learned frm the experiments?
    A. Babies prefer bright and clrful tys.
    B. Babies’ preference largely affects their chices.
    C. Babies prefer adults t help them make chices.
    D. Babies’ previus randm chices affect their preference.
    10. Why is the new finding imprtant in life?
    A. It entirely changes ur styles t chse.
    B. It helps us make wise decisins in a cnsumer culture.
    C. It prmtes the relatinship between adults and babies.
    D It helps us understand ur uncnscius preference fr chices.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Babies like what they chseB. Randm chices matter
    C. T many chices puzzle the adultsD. Preference affects the chice
    In a time when t much imprtance has been attached t utilitarianism (功利主义), it desn’t cme as a surprise t me that we peple n lnger believe in petry. Utility is nw ften the standard f what ne shuld devte his r her time and energy t and what he r she shuldn’t, but dn’t get me wrng. I am nt saying that ne shuld nt cnsider utility at all when making crucial decisins. On the cntrary, everyne shuld take it int accunt. Medicine, law, business and engineering, these are nble pursuits and necessary t sustain life. But petry, beauty, rmance and lve, these are what we stay alive fr.
    My dad nce tld me that “life is suffering”, which nw I think is prbably a unanimus (无异议的) pinin amng mst peple. With a tugh life inevitably cmes a tugh language—and that is what petry is and why petry is needed. It ffers peple a way t talk abut the difficult, t describe things in life, like death, suffering, prfund jy and transfrmatin. S whenever I hear smene say that petry is nt a must, r it’s an ptin, r it’s nly fr the educated middle classed, I suspect that he r she must have had things pretty easy.
    But hw can peple live withut petry? Unlike what the academics may tell yu, my suggestin abut bringing petry int yur lives is that dn’t analyze it and dn’t ask thers t analyze it. Dn’t decnstruct (解构) it r try t make meaning f it. Just find the pems that wake yu up, that make yu feel as if yu’ve submerged (沉浸) yurself in a ht spring r an ice bath. Find the pems that make yu feel almst irratinal jy r sadness. Find the pems that make yu want t rll arund in them r paint their clrs all ver yur bedrm ceiling. Thse are the pems yu want t play with. Find the pems that cmmunicate with the deepest parts yur being and welcme them in.
    If finding thers’ pems n lnger satisfies yu, cmpse yur wn! Yu dn’t have t be a pet t cmpse petry. After all, petry is nt a luxury. It’s abut searching fr the real meaning f life and als abut giving meaning t life. Just like Walt Whitman’s “O Me! O Life!”, a pem that ends by speaking directly t its readers: “the pwerful play ges n and yu may write a verse (诗),” petry is abut everyne. And nw I want t ask yu the mther f all inspiratinal questins; “What will yur verse be?”
    —Inspired by Jeanette Wintersn’s bk:
    Why Be Happy When Yu Culd be nrmal?
    12. The authr thinks that petry is very imprtant fr human beings because it ______.
    A. has nthing t d with the shared belief in utility
    B. symblizes a status as an educated middle class
    C. ffers a tl fr describing hard experiences
    D. uncver an imprtant truth that life isn’t all rses
    13. T appreciate petry by academic standards, ne shuld first ______.
    A decnstruct and making meaning f itB. enjy a ht spring r an ice bath
    C. paint it ver his r her bedrm ceilingD. feel irratinal jy r sadness
    14. The authr quted (引用) Walt Whitman’s pem “O Me! O Life!” t indicate that ______.
    A. nly a true pet can write pemsB. n pem can appeal t everyne
    C. life feels just like a pwerful playD. every human is entitled t petry
    15. The best title fr the text may be ______.
    A. Cmpsing PetryB. Petry fr Life
    C. The Art f petryD. Analyzing petry
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    If anyne had tld me three years ag that I wuld be spending mst f my weekends camping, I wuld have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were peple wh enjyed insect bites, ill-cked meals, and uncmfrtable sleeping bags. They had nthing in cmmn with me. ____16____
    The friends wh intrduced me t camping thught that it meant t be a pineer. _____17_____ We slept in a tent cked ver an pen fire, and walked a lng distance t take the shwer and use the bathrm. This brief visit with Mther Nature cst me tw days ff frm wrk, recvering frm a bad case f sunburn and the dctr’s bill fr my sn’s fd pisning.
    I was, nevertheless, talked int ging n anther fun-filled hliday in the wilderness. _____18_____ Instead, we had a pp-up camper with cmfrtable beds and an air cnditiner. My nature-lving friends had remembered t bring all the necessities f life.
    ____19____ We have dne a lt f it since. Recently, we bught a twenty-eight-ft travel trailer cmplete with a bathrm and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedrm, a mdern kitchen with a refrigeratr. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains.
    ____20____ It must be true that sner r later, everyne finds his r her way back t nature. I recmmend that yu find yur way in style.
    A. This time there was n tent.
    B. Things are ging t be imprved.
    C. The trip they tk me n was a rugh ne.
    D. Hwever, I learned a lt abut camping later.
    E. I must say that I have certainly cme t enjy camping.
    F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.
    G. There was n shade as the trees were n mre than 3 feet tall.
    第二部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    When I first heard frm my dctr that I was allergic t hay (干草), it weighed pretty heavily n my mind.
    I grew up ____21____ arund big pen fields and playing with the animals n my friend’s farm. There were n limits set n me as a child.
    After I ____22____ abut my allergy, I felt that a kind f ____23____ had been placed n me. I culd never get a rabbit r a pig, since hay is the main cmpnent f their diets. I remember that ____24____ feeling in my stmach when I realized I was s seriusly allergic t smething that I’d always need t keep the pill within ____25____.
    Disappintment at this ____26____ was the first feeling that sunk in. With time, ____27____, I began t see my allergies as a gift.
    I was the kid that tried never t ____28____. I was kay with enduring a six-hur drive in a(n) ____29____ car with my knees t my chest. I was kay with eating burnt r under cked fd. But this allergy finally let me feel _____30_____ saying “n”. I finally felt free t refuse t g places r d things where my allergies wuld act up. I didn’t have t aplgize fr r explain my _____31_____ at the smell f grass clippings. I didn’t have t _____32_____ myself fr nt wanting t sit n the grass with my friends n summer days while I gt bitten.
    Yes, my hay allergy _____33_____ sme activities, but it’s als given me a brader appreciatin fr experiences I actually like and want mre f. I’m _____34_____ t be getting a dg instead f a bunny. Let’s be hnest, a bunny brings yu mre truble.
    I ught t thank this allergy fr giving me the space t be _____35_____.
    21 A. meetingB. runningC. lkingD. shpping
    22. A. askedB. gtC. learnedD. cared
    23. A. misfrtuneB. mistakeC. disbeliefD. dishnesty
    24. A. cnfusedB. excitedC. funnyD. sinking
    25. A. reachB. cntrlC. spaceD. memry
    26. A. riskB. secretC. reasnD. burden
    27. A. therefreB. againC. hweverD. besides
    28. A. cryB. cmplainC. nticeD. care
    29. A. dirtyB. smallC. cheapD. ugly
    30. A. cmfrtableB. prudC. awkwardD. ashamed
    31. A. srrwB. eagernessC. sicknessD. satisfactin
    32. A. frgiveB. excuseC. pushD. dress
    33. A. ignresB. ffersC. cversD. limits
    34. A. pwerfulB. helpfulC. gratefulD. meaningful
    35. A. differentB. freeC. giftedD. brave
    第三部分 语法填空(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China ____36____ (take) highly rganized measures t cntain the COVID-19 risks. Chinese peple are always active in respnding t the call f the gvernment and university students are n exceptin.
    A ttal f 416,300 university students stayed n campus during the Spring Festival hliday as the cuntry encuraged peple t stay put during the year’s mst imprtant ____37____ (traditin) Chinese hliday. Nne f the students and teachers staying put was reprted ____38____ (catch) the disease and they had an enjyable and safe hliday.
    During the hliday, universities tk measures ____39____ (active). They disinfected (消毒) imprtant places frequently and checked all peple and items entering the universities. Teachers and students were als asked t reprt their health cnditins every day.
    Meanwhile, universities managed t meet the ____40____ (student) study and leisure needs. University canteens, libraries, study rms and sprts facilities stayed pen during the hliday. In Renmin University f China, the needs f the students ____41____ (meet) in a timely fashin. Accrding t its vice-president, Hu Baijing, 1,208 students spent the hliday at the university, half f ____42____ were graduating students. The schl sent them gift packages and free mbile phne data, as well ____43____ great meals. “____44____ deeply tuched us is that many students chse t spend the nights f Lunar New Year’s Eve and the next day, usually the time fr family gatherings and relaxing, ____45____ (study) in classrms,” said Hu.
    第二节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    46. When he heard the terrible nise, he ______ (panic) and ran away quickly.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    47. ______ (impress) thugh the film is, I’m nt impressed with its backgrund music. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    48. They sat in the garden, ______ (talk) abut the days they spent tgether. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    49. The 5G applicatin in a ______ (vary) f fields encurages the grwth f the digital ecnmy. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    50. Yu will pass yur exam nly if yu really apply yurself ______ yur study.(用适当的词填空)
    51. I was abut t give up ______ my father came and encuraged me t keep trying. (用适当的词填空)
    52. Yu’d better write dwn the phne number f that restaurant fr further ________(refer). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. Eating fish can prvide health benefits ________ (particular) t the heart. (所给单词适当形式填空)
    54. When I reflect ______ my schldays, I realize hw happy I was at that time. (用适当的词填空)
    55. Yu can’t imagine what great difficulty we have ever had ______ (find) the persn yu referred t in yur letter. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    56. I wnder hw it came ______ that she was tw hurs late n such a shrt trip. (用适当的词填空)
    57. Michael put up a picture f his favurite ftball player beside the bed t keep himself___________(remind)f his wn dreams. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. Whenever the baby cried, I needed t figure________ the reasn: was the little ne hungry r did he need sleep? (用适当的词填空)
    59. Filled with ______ (curius), the artist packed his bags and left fr the village. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    60. I dn’t wnder ______ his gd deed, fr he is always ready t help thers in need. (用适当的词填空)
    第四部分 书面表达(满分30分)
    61. 假如你是李华,你昨天收到好友Tm的来信,他说自己上了高中以后遇到诸多学习和生活问题,如感到孤独、不适应新环境、学习压力大等,请你给他写一封邮件,从以下两个方面提出建议:
    1. 学习方面;
    2. 课余生活方面。
    1. 字数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 可紧扣主题适当发挥。
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. D 11. B
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    【答案】16. D 17. C 18. A 19. F 20. E
    第二部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B
    第三部分 语法填空(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    【答案】36. has been taking##has taken
    37. traditinal
    38. t have caught
    39. actively
    40. students’
    41. were met
    42. whm 43. as
    44. What 45. studying
    第二节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    第四部分 书面表达(满分30分)
    【答案】Dear Tm,
    I am srry t hear that yu are having truble with yur high schl life. Hwever, the situatin is easy t change if yu take my advice. Here are sme tips t help yu.
    First, yu shuld be friendly t anyne yu meet at schl and try t make friends with them. Thus yu will feel less lnely. In additin, take part in after-schl activities as much as pssible, which can make yu familiar with yur new schl and get acquainted with mre peple. Third, yu shuld study hard and have a gd preparatin fr every class s that yu can fllw the teacher in class.
    I hpe yu will find these tips useful and I am lking frward t yur gd news.
    Li Hua

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