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    英语选择性必修 第四册Lesson 3 Anne of Green Gables教课内容ppt课件

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第四册Lesson 3 Anne of Green Gables教课内容ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,¤重点单词,¤重点词块,¤重点句式,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,归纳拓展,◇句式解读,随堂知能小练,语 言 时 空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.adpt vi. &vt. __________________________________2.freeze vi. &vt. ________________________________3.prceed vi. ____________________4.reveal vt. ________________________
    收养,领养;采取某种方法、政策、态度 呆住;突然停止;(使)结冰,(使)冻结  
    继续进行,继续做 揭示,揭露;展现,显露 
    5.______________ adj. 有泪痕的6.______________ vi. &vt. 查明,调查,侦查7.______________ n.&vt. 胆敢,敢于8.______________ n.骨头;骨质物9.______________ vi. 扑向,急冲进;跳水,潜水
    tear-stained investigate dare bne dive 
    1.掉在____________________2.冲向____________________3.nd at____________________4.remain silent____________________5.到达____________________6.step in____________________7.burst int tears____________________
    fall n rush t 点头 保持沉默 arrive at 介入;插入;干预 突然大哭;放声大哭 
    8.in the depths f____________________9.不再____________________10.send ff____________________11.好像____________________12.一张三条腿的桌子____________________13.turn dwn____________________14.put ut____________________15.收拾____________________
    在……里面;在……深处 nt…any mre 寄出;派遣;解雇 as if a three-legged table 减小;降低;拒绝 扑灭;出版;打扰 put away 
    16.躲进;钻进____________________17.cme alng____________________18.hall table____________________19.dwntwn area____________________20.shw…arund…____________________21.迷惑____________________22.a tear-stained face____________________
    dive dwn int 出现;一起来 餐桌 市中心 带领……参观…… in amazement 一张泪痕未干的脸 
    1.(P14)____________(坐在桌子边的一张椅子上,手臂放在椅子上,手捂着脸), she prceeded t cry strmily. (分词短语充当方式状语)【答案】1.Sitting dwn n a chair by the table, thrwing her arms n it, and burying her face in them
    2.(P15)“Yu’re nt eating anything,” said Marilla sharply, eying her ________(好像) it were a serius prblem. (as if)3.(P15)“Gd night,” she said, ______________(一点点尴尬,但是,也并非不友好).(句子副词的用法)【答案】2.as if3.a little awkwardly, but nt unkindly
    1.adpt vi. &vt. 收养,领养;采取某种方法、政策、态度(P14)They apply t adpt a by frm an rphanage as they need help n their farm. 【翻译】他们申请从孤儿院领养一个男孩,因为他们在农场需要帮手。
    【语言提升】The United Natins General Assembly has adpted a reslutin calling n all parties in the cnflict t seek a plitical settlement. 联合国大会已采纳了一项呼吁所有冲突各方寻求政治解决的决议。There are hundreds f peple desperate t adpt a child. 有数以百计的人极其渴望收养小孩。
    The grup is wrking t prmte the adptin f bradband wireless access ver lng distances. 该集团正致力于推广远距离宽带无线接入的采用。adpt 还可以理解为“正式通过;过继”。adpted adj. 收养的;领养的;移居的;所选择居住的Jimmy is adpted and thus unrelated t Beth by bld. 吉米是收养的,因此和贝丝无血缘关系。
    adpted daughter 养女;义女adpted child 领养的子女;养子;收养儿童nt adpted 不采用;不通过;没采纳adptive adj. 采用的;有收养关系的He was brught up by adptive parents in Kentucky. 他是被他在肯塔基州的养父母抚养大的。
    dptable adj. 可采用的;可收养的The passage puts frward the adptable steps t perfect the interest rates’ effects nw. 本文提出了当前适当的政策措施,以完善利率效应。
    adptin n.采用;收养;接受In 1783 he secured the adptin f the decimal cinage in Cngress. 在1783年,他促使国会采纳了十进位币制。adpter 养父母adptee 被收养者
    【形近词】adapt vt. 使适应;改编 vi. 适应The wrld will be different, and we will have t be prepared t adapt t the change. 世界将会改变,所以我们必须准备好适应这种变化。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)_____ _____(adpt)can fail fr all kinds f reasns. (2)He was a wnderful father t bth his natural and ________ (adpt) children. 【答案】(1)Adptin (2)adpted 
    (3)Bth children seem very lyal t their ______(adpt) mther. (4)Remembering that he wuld have an imprtant meeting tmrrw, there was nly ne ________(adpt) chice, ging back. 【答案】 (3)adptive (4)adptable
    2.freeze vi. &vt. 呆住;突然停止;(使)结冰,(使)冻结(P14)But when her eyes fell n the dd little figure in the stiff, ugly dress, with the lng red hair and the eager, bright eyes, she frze in amazement. 【翻译】但是,当她的眼睛落在穿着硬邦邦的丑陋衣服的小个子身上时,注意到了那一头又长又红的头发和那渴望而又明亮的眼神。她惊呆了。
    【语言提升】Yu can freeze the sup at this stage. 你此时可以把汤冷藏。If the temperature drps belw 0°C, water freezes. 如果温度降到摄氏零度以下,水就会结冰。The gvernr’s actin freezes 300,000 accunts. 州长采取行动冻结了30万个账户。
    What if it rained and then frze all thrugh thse mnths?如果那几个月一直下雨然后又结冰该怎么办?freeze作名词时,也可表示“冻结;凝固;停止;冰冻期;严寒期;霜冻”等意义。The trees were damaged by a freeze in December. 那些树被12月的一次冰冻冻坏了。A wage freeze was impsed n all staff earlier this mnth. 本月早些时候,所有员工的工资都被冻结了。
    frzen adj. 冻结的;冷酷的freezing adj. 冰冻的;严寒的;冷冻用的freezer n.冰箱;冷冻库;制冷工I’ve defrsted the freezer. 我已经给冷冻柜除过霜了。We need t stck up the freezer. 我们需要在冰柜里存满东西。
    We nce walked acrss the frzen pnd at tw ’clck in the mrning. 我们曾在凌晨2点徒步横穿冰冻的池塘。When everybdy else is biling ht, I’m freezing! 当其他每一个人都热得不行时,我却冻得发抖!
    freeze space 冷冻区freeze ver 全面结冰;封冻freeze ut 冻死;逼走big freeze 大寒冰;大冰冻freeze pint 冰点;凝固点
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The cinema was _________(freeze).(2)There’s always fd in the ________(freeze) if need be. (3)It was bitterly cld nw and the grund was ____________ (freeze) hard. 【答案】(1)freezing (2)freezer (3)frzen
    完成句子(4)The children wanted the lake t __________ s they culd ice-skate. 孩子们希望湖面结冰,这样他们就可以在上面滑冰了。(5)Half f the vegetable__________ in the sudden cld last year. 一半的蔬菜在去年突如其来的寒潮中冻死了。【答案】(4)freeze ver (5)frze ut
    3.prceed vi. 继续进行,继续做(P14)Sitting dwn n a chair by the table, thrwing her arms n it, and burying her face in them, she prceeded t cry strmily. 【翻译】她坐在桌子边的一张椅子上,手臂放在椅子上,手捂着脸,继续大哭不已。
    【语言提升】He prceeded t tell me f my birth. 他接着给我讲了我的出生。The grup prceeded with a march which they knew wuld lead t bldshed. 这群人继续行进,他们知道这会导致流血事件的发生。
    The ideas were nt new. Their develpment had prceeded steadily since the war. 这些想法并不新。它们的发展自开战以来一直在稳步进行。
    prceed作名词时,可以表示“收入”。The prceeds frm the lttery g twards sprts and recreatin, as well as swelling the cffers f the gvernment. 彩票收入用于体育和娱乐事业,以及充实国库。
    prceeding n.进行;程序;诉讼prcessin n.队伍,行列;一列;一排The prceedings f the inquiry will take place in private. 调查行动将秘密进行。The prcessin snaked its way thrugh narrw streets. 队伍沿着狭窄的街道曲折穿行。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The __________(prceed) f the activity will g t charity. (2)Musicians played at the frnt and rear f the __________ (prceed).(3)Maximian’s campaigns were nt __________(prceed) smthly. 【答案】(1)prceeds (2)prcessin (3)prceeding
    4.reveal vt. 揭示,揭露;展现,显露(P14)The child raised her head, revealing a tear-stained face. 【翻译】这个孩子抬起头,展现出她那泪痕未干的脸庞。【语言提升】Officers culd nt reveal hw he died. 警察们不能透露他是怎么死的。
    In the principal rm, a grey carpet was remved t reveal the riginal pine flr. 在主卧里,一块灰色的地毯被挪开了,使原有的松木地板露了出来。A survey f the American diet has revealed that a grwing number f peple are verweight. 一项美国人日常饮食的调查表明越来越多的人超重。
    revealer n.启示者;探测器Realizing the reality, the revealer steals sme real meal. 认清了现实之后,揭示者偷了一些真正的膳食。A new machine called “the Revealer” has been invented and it has been used t detect gld which has been buried in the grund. 一种叫“探宝器”的新机器已经发明出来,并被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子。
    revealing adj. 透露真情的;有启迪作用的;袒胸露肩的The answers the children gave were extremely revealing. 孩子们所给的答案极其发人深省。Sme say that this des nt matter, because the prcess f ding the analysis is mre imprtant and revealing than the results f the analysis themselves. 有人说这无关紧要,因为分析的过程比分析结果本身更为重要,也更有启迪作用。
    revealingly adv. 启发人的;坦率地Tw cncepts f man cnfrnt each ther, mvingly, revealingly, and nt withut a subtle ambiguity. 两种人的观念互相碰撞,既令人感动又有揭露性,同时不乏一种巧妙的含糊其辞。
    Revealingly, sme f the requests that best shw hw cmpanies’ nervusness may be causing them t miss ut n cmmercially useful infrmatin were made by jurnalists and members f the public. 具有启发性的是,有些请求最好显示出,公司的紧张情绪如何可能导致它们得不到商业上有用的信息,而这些请求都是由记者和公众提出的。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)He laughed, ________(reveal)a line f white teeth. (2)He spke __________(revealing) abut his prblems. 【答案】(1)revealing (2)revealingly 
    (3)But he is the creatr and definer and ________(reveal) f lve and mercy, nt us. (4)Hamiltn ________(reveal) his grand design fr the ecnmic future f the United States just nw. 【答案】(3)revealer (4)revealed
    5.dare n.&vi. 胆敢,敢于(P15)I daren’t trust yu t put it ut yurself. 【翻译】我觉得,你自己不敢熄灭蜡烛。【语言提升】Dare she risk staying where she was?她敢冒险待在原地不动吗?Jnes brke int a military base n a dare. 约翰接受了挑战,冲进一个军事基地。
    Over cffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him t cmment. 她一边喝着咖啡,一边点了支烟,用目光激他做出评价。Hw dare yu pick up the phne and listen in n my cnversatins!你竟敢拿起电话偷听我的谈话!
    daring adj. 大胆的; 勇敢的Bergit was prbably mre daring than I was. 伯杰特极有可能比我胆子还大。His daring rescue saved the lives f the yungsters. 他英勇的救援行动挽救了那些少年的生命。
    daringly adv. 大胆地; 毅然地This article analyses the new envirnment, gives feasible advice fr teachers’develpment, and designs a new teaching mdel daringly. 本文分析了新的环境,对教师的发展提出可行性建议,并大胆设想了一种新型的教学模式。
    As a persn wh has ability in being respnsible fr his wn, t daringly face reality and curageusly meet challenges may be the mst imprtant key t success. 作为一个有能力为自己负责的人,大胆地面对现实,勇敢地迎接挑战可能才是成功最重要的关键所在。
    Dn’t be afraid f being laughed by ther peple if yu want t practice t speak in English, and cmmunicate with them daringly, and yu will make prgress n it just like this. 如果你想练习说英语就不要怕别人笑话,大胆的与别人交流,只有这样你才会有进步!
    【归纳拓展】(1)dare表示“敢”,dare作情态动词时,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,一般不用在肯定句中,多用在否定或疑问句中。dare 除用作情态动词外,更多的是当实义动词使用;在句子中要考虑人称、单复数、时态等变形。(2)值得说明的是,作实义动词时,在肯定句中,dare后面通常接带t的不定式。在否定和疑问句中,dare后面可接带t或不带t的不定式。
    I dare t swim acrss this river. 我敢游过这条河。He des nt dare (t) answer. 他不敢回答。Dn’t yu dare (t) tuch it!你不敢碰它!I wndered he dare (t) say that. 他居然敢那样说。
    The little girl dare nt speak in public. 小女孩不敢在公众面前说话。Dare yu catch the little cat?你敢抓那只小猫吗?D yu dare t walk in the dark?你敢走夜路吗?He desn’t dare t tell the teacher what happened that day. 他不敢告诉老师那天发生的事。
    I dare yu t d it!我谅你也不敢!Dn’t yu dare smack my children!你敢打我的孩子!Hw dare yu t flut at him?你怎敢藐视他?
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)His ________(dare) may have cst him his life. (2)Beautiful peple live in fear, while truly beautiful peple live________(daring).(3)He sprayed all srts f clrs ________(daring), and they lked really fantastic n paper. 【答案】(1)daring (2)daringly (3)daringly
    翻译句子(4)Nbdy dare tuch her. ____________________________(5)Yung peple shuld dare t think, dare t speak and dare t act. ____________________________【答案】(4)没有人敢碰她。 (5)青年人要敢想,敢说,敢做。
    (6)Hw dare yu accuse me f lying!____________________________(7)Hw dare yu take apart my letter?____________________________(8)Hw dare yu talk back t me!____________________________【答案】(6)你怎敢指责我说谎! (7)你怎么敢拆开我的信?  (8)你竟敢跟我顶嘴!
    6.dive vi. 扑向,急冲进;跳水,潜水(P15)Then she dived dwn int the bedclthes again. 【翻译】然后,她又钻向床单里。【语言提升】
    dive vi. 扑向;急冲进;跳水,潜水dive的过去式为 dived或 dve, 过去分词为 dived, 现在分词为diving, 第三人称单数为 dives。
    They dived int a taxi. 他们冲进了出租车。He tried t escape by diving int a river. 他企图跳入河中逃走。She was standing by a pl, abut t dive in. 她正站在池边,准备跳进去。Bezanik is diving t cllect marine rganisms. 贝赞尼克正在潜水采集海洋生物。Prfits have dived frm $7,700,000 t $7,100,000.利润从770万美元骤跌至710万美元。
    dive也可用作名词,意为“潜水,下潜;跳水;俯冲;冲,扑;突降,暴跌;假摔”。Stck prices tk a dive. 股票价格暴跌。Pat had earlier made a dive f 80 feet frm the Chasm Bridge. 早些时侯,帕特曾从卡泽姆大桥进行过80英尺高的跳水。
    This sighting ccurred during my dive t a sunken wreck ff Sardinia. 这次亲眼所见发生在我向撒丁岛外一艘沉船潜水的期间。He made a sudden dive fr Uncle Jim’s legs t try t trip him up. 他猛地扑向吉姆大叔的双腿,试图绊倒他。
    diving n.跳水,潜水 adj. 跳水的,潜水的Weight is crucial in diving because the aim is t cause the smallest splash pssible. 体重对于跳水运动来说至关重要,因为跳水的目标是尽可能不激起水花。diver n.潜水者;跳水的选手A diver faces danger each time he ges under water. 每次下水,潜水员都要面对危险。
    【归纳拓展】(1)g diving 去潜水make a dive fr… 向……猛冲;冲过去拿……;冲向(2)dve除了是dive的过去式,也可以作名词,意为“鸽子;鸽派(参政者);温和派”。The dve is symblic f peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。A dve ced sftly. 一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)A dve ________(sit) in the tree nw. (2)Japan is a great place fr skiing and ________(dive)!(3)We squatted beside the pl and watched the ________ (dive) sink slwly dwn. 【答案】(1)is sitting (2)diving (3)diver
    完成句子(4)Is it dangerus _____________ here? 在这里跳水有危险吗?(5)The galkeeper __________________ fr the ball. 守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去。(6)The main purpse f his hliday t Greece was t ________________. 他到希腊度假的主要目的就是去潜水。【答案】(4)t dive (5)made a dive (6)g diving
    1.(P14)Sitting dwn n a chair by the table, thrwing her arms n it, and burying her face in them, she prceeded t cry strmily. 【翻译】她坐在桌子边的一张椅子上,手臂放在椅子上,手捂着脸,继续大哭不已。
    【句式剖析】“Sitting dwn n a chair by the table, thrwing her arms n it, and burying her face in them”是由and连接的三个分词短语,在句子中充当方式状语,表示伴随动作。
    The children ran ut f the rm, laughing and talking merrily. The children laughed and talked merrily, and they ran ut f the rm. 那些孩子们跑出房间,愉快地笑着、说着。Helped by their teacher, the students finished the task successfully. 在他们的老师的帮助下,学生们成功地完成了任务。
    (2)分词短语在句子中还可以用作其他状语:Hearing their teacher’s vice, the pupils stpped talking at nce. (=On hearing their teacher’s vice…=When they heard their teacher’s vice, the pupils…)一听到老师的声音,学生们立即停止讲话。(时间状语)Dn’t be careless when/while having an exam.
    =Dn’t be careless in having an exam. =Dn’t be careless when/while yu are having an exam. 考试时不要粗心。(时间状语)Nt knwing hw t wrk ut the difficult physics prblem, he asked the teacher fr help. =Because he didn’t knw hw t wrk ut the difficult physics prblem, he asked the teacher fr help. 因为不知道如何解这道物理难题,他向老师求助。(原因状语)
    Having lived with the girl fr 5 years, we all knw her very well. =Because we have lived with the girl fr 5 years, we all knw her very well. 因为与那个女孩一起生活了五年,我们都非常了解她。(原因状语)Wrking hard, yu’ll succeed. =If yu wrk hard, yu’ll succeed. 如果你努力工作,你会成功的。(条件状语)
    Turning t the left, yu will find the path leading t the park. =If yu turn t the left, yu will find the path leading t the park. 如果转向左边,你将找到通向公园的小道。 (条件状语)
    Weighing almst ne hundred jin; the stne was mved by him alne. =Althugh the stne weighed almst ne hundred jin, it was mved by him alne. 虽然那块石头重将近一百斤,他一个人就把它挪开了。(让步状语)
    Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. =Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus it caused the delay. 他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。(结果状语)
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)__________,she remembered her childhd. 看到那些画面,她想起了自己的童年。 (2)__________,he jumped with jy. 他一听到这个好消息,就高兴地跳起来。【答案】(1)Seeing thse pictures(2)Hearing the gd news 
    (3)__________,he didn’t g t schl yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有上学。(4)__________,they made me pay fr the damage. 尽管知道了一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。(5)She came int the huse, __________. 她捧着许多书走进了房间。【答案】(3)Being ill (4)Knwing all this (5)carrying a lt f bks
    (6)He lay n the grass, ______________. 他躺在草地上,久久地望着天空。 (7)His father died,________________. 他父亲去世了,留给他许多钱。(8)__________,I fund nbdy in it. 走进教室,我发现里面没人。【答案】(6)staring at the sky fr a lng time(7)leaving him a lt f mney (8)Entering the classrm
    2.(P15)“Yu’re nt eating anything,” said Marilla sharply, eying her as if it were a serius prblem. 【翻译】“你什么也没有吃,”玛利亚厉声说道,盯着她,好像是一个很严重的问题。【句式剖析】as if在本句中引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”。
    【句式提升】(1)as if 从句的作用①在lk, seem等系动词后引导表语从句。She lks as if she were ten years yunger. 她看起来好像年轻了十岁。
    ②引导方式状语从句。She lves the by as if she were his mther. 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。The child talked t us as if he was a grwn-up. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。
    (2)as if还可用于省略句中,如果as if 引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。He acts as if (he was)a fl. 他做事像个傻子。Tm raised his hands as if (he was ging)t say smething. 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。
    (3)as if从句的语气及时态①as if 从句用陈述语气的情况:当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。
    ②as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况:当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,从句虚拟语气谓语动词的形式如下:▲如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词的形式用过去式。Yu lk as if yu didn’t care. 你看上去好像并不在乎。He talks as if he knew where she was. 他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。
    ▲从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词的形式用“had+过去分词”。He talks abut Rme as if he had been there befre. 他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。▲从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词的形式用“wuld/culd/might+动词原形”。It lks as if it might snw. 看来好像要下雪了。
    ▲as if后面可以接陈述语气和虚拟语气,如果句子的情况是真实的,那么只要保持时态一致即可,如果后面接的并非真实情况,则要按照虚拟语气规则把句子形式改变时态。It seems as if it is raining. 外面看起来像是下雨了。(陈述)It seems as if it were raining. 外面看起来好像下雨一样。(虚拟,其实并没有下雨)
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)She left the rm hurriedly __________________. 她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。(2)It seems ____________________ ur team is ging t win. 看来我们队要赢了。【答案】(1)as if (she was) angry (2)as if
    (3)It sunds _______________. 听起来像是在下雨。(4)He pened his muth ___________he wuld say smething. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。(5)The girl listened ___________ she had been turned t stne. 那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像是变成了石头似的。【答案】(3)as if it is raining (4)as if (5)as if
    翻译句子(6)他看上去好像要微笑。____________________________(7)我觉得好像我的心都不跳了。____________________________【答案】(6)He lked as if he was ging t smile. (7)I felt as if my heart had stpped.
    (8)今天是我的生日。你好像不知道似的!__________________ (9)好像我愿意谈论这样一个话题似的!__________________ (10)看她的表现就像根本没有发生过什么大事似的。__________________ 【答案】(8)It’s my birthday. As if yu didn’t knw! (9)As if I wuld talk n such a subject! (10)She behaved fr all the wrld as if nthing unusual had happened.
    3.(P15)“Gd night,” she said, a little awkwardly, but nt unkindly. 【翻译】“晚安,”她说道,带着一点点尴尬,但是也并非不友好。【句式剖析】“a little awkwardly” “but nt unkindly”是两个副词短语,在句中修饰句子she said,而不只是修饰动词said。这种副词或短语在英语中通常叫作句子副词。
    【句式提升】(1)句子副词的特点句子副词用于修饰句子(而不是修饰某个单词),反映说话人的观点和看法,如actually, certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently, frtunately, frankly, hnestly, luckily, bviusly, perhaps, pssibly, prbably, surely, unexpectedly等。
    (2)句子副词在句中的位置句子副词通常位于句首(或分句句首)。Obviusly he can’t tell the difference between them. 显然他无法区别两者的不同。I arrived late but luckily the meeting had been delayed. 我迟到了,幸而会议推迟了。但有些句子副词也可以出现在句中。He smiled nastily. He evidently knew smething I didn’t. 他发出狞笑,显然知道一些我所不知道的事。
    (3)句子副词与其他副词的用法比较有的句子副词也可用作其他种类的副词,不过这往往会导致位置和语义的变化。Clearly he didn’t say s. 显然他没有这样说。(句子副词)He didn’t say s clearly. 他说得没有那么清楚。(方式副词)Frankly, yu are wrng. 说实在的,你错了。(句子副词)He spke frankly abut his past life. 他坦率地谈了他过去的生活。(方式副词)
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)________________ there is a prblem here. 显然这里有问题。(2)________________ everybdy’s well-rested because it culd be a lng day. 希望大家都休息好了,因为这一天会很漫长。【答案】(1)Clearly (2)Hpefully 
    (3)______________,we wuld like t start ur prject next mnth. 理想而言,我们希望下个月就启动我们的项目。(4)______________,they are quite stupid. 坦率地讲,他们很愚蠢。【答案】(3)Ideally (4)Frankly 
    (5)The price was t high. ______________,the huse isn’t in a gd psitin. 价格太高,而且房子的位置不好。(6)We have recrded a 10% drp in sales last year. ______________,we were frced t cut ur expenditure. 去年我们的销量下降了10%。因此,我们被迫减少开支。【答案】(5)Mrever (6)Accrdingly
    一、单词拼写1.He __________(坚决地)refused t speak English unless frced t. 2.She wiped her eyes, and a slight smile began t crease(弄皱) her __________(有泪痕的) cheeks. 【答案】1.reslutely 2.tear-stained 
    3.D________ is the feeling that everything is wrng and that nthing will imprve. 4.A p________ is a rectangular cushin that yu rest yur head n when yu are in bed. 5.T get yu started, we have asked five successful writers t __________(揭示) sme f the tricks f the trade. 【答案】3.Despair 4.pillw 5.reveal
    二、单句语法填空1.The wrd is nw English by ________(adpt).2.________(freeze)fish is a very healthy cnvenience fd. 3.The shw is a keeper-________(dare), imaginative and prvcative. 4.I dn’t think that __________(reveal)yur past t yur byfriend scared him ff. 【答案】1.adptin 2.Frzen 3.daring 4.revealing
    5.We shuld settle the dispute thrugh negtiatins withut resrting t legal ________ (prceed).6.I am cnfident that China will quickly vercme the cnsequences f the tragic event and help restre its peple’s cnfidence and ____________(reslute)in facing such unfreseen disaster. 【答案】5.prceeding 6.resluteness
    三、完成句子1.She __________ the cause f a generatin f American yuth. 她承担起了一代美国年轻人的事业。2.These creatures live _____________ the Pacific Ocean. 这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。【答案】1.had taken up 2.in the depth f
    3.It’s very cnvenient t travel frm the airprt t ____________. 从机场到市区十分方便。4.Yu’ll have t ______________ yur studies if yu want t pass the entrance examinatins. 要想通过入学考试,你必须埋头读书。【答案】3.the dwntwn area 4.bury yurself in
    5.If yu prmise me all this, I ________________ the water and bring up yur pretty glden ball. 如果你答应我这些,我就潜到水里去把你漂亮的金球拿上来。【答案】5.will dive dwn int 
    6.Fr this questin frm Tmmy, I std __________ fr such a lng time. Hlding his paper angel, lking int the sea in nightfall, I can hardly say ut a wrd. 为着汤米的这句问话,我呆住了好久好久,捏着他做的纸天使,望着黄昏的海面说不出话来。【答案】6.in amazement
    7.When we’re talking with thers, we ____________ the speaker frm time t time t shw that we’re listening attentively. 当与他人交谈时,我们可以不时向说话者点头,以表明我们正在认真倾听。【答案】7.can nd at
    一、由于国家间地域的不同,所说话的口音之间也是存在差别的。 1.美式发音与英式发音之间的最大区别就是美式发音中除了“Mrs”之外,会将每个单词中的r体现出来,其中位于词尾的r需强调是卷舌音。而英式读法中,一般都习惯性地不会将r读出来。
    2.关于非重音字母e的发音。在美式英语中读作/e/,而在英式英语中读作音音音/ɪ/。例如:except,美式英语为/eksept/,而英式英语为音音音/ɪksept/。 3.清辅音/t/处于两个元音中间,前一个是重读元音,后一个是轻读元音时,美式英语会将清辅音浊化,所以writer 和rider (骑马人)发音几乎相同。
    4.在许多重音节的读法上,美式英语习惯省略重音节前面的轻音部分;例如:herbal,美式中,省略h音。 5.美式英语与英式英语的说话语气方面也有很大的区别:美式英语的调域变化较小,听起来柔顺舒服一点;英式英语比较抑扬顿挫,调域之间变化较大,更有气势。
    二、在用词方面,美式英语与英式英语在单词的用意上也是有很多不同的,以下面一些单词作为示例:一些常见的规则:1.在美式英语中,通常会省略英式英语中的ur组合中的u。favurite →favrite;neighbur→neighbr;clur→clr。2.美式英语常用z代替英式英语中的s。capitalisatin→capitalizatin;aplgise→aplgize;recgnise→recgnize。
    3.英式英语在单词中一般双写最后的辅音字母,美式英语不会。traveller→traveler;labelled → labeled。4.在某些单词名词中,英式英语的c在动词形式时要变成s,而美式英语则不会,一律都用c。practice→practise;licence→license。5.结尾re与er的区别,前者为英式结尾,后者为美式结尾。centre(英)→center(美);metre(英)→meter(美)。
    三、请课后牢记下来美式英语和英式英语的表达:公寓apartment/flat大学cllege/university剧院theater/theatre假期,休假vacatin/hliday炸薯条(french)fries/chips电影院the mvies/the cinema电影mvie/film邮箱mailbx/pstbx
    药店drugstre/chemist’s足球sccer/ftball饼干ckie/biscuit排队line/queue出租车cab/taxi花园yard/garden秋天autumn/fall地铁subway/undergrund电梯 elevatr/lift
    【答案】1.dialg; dialgue 2.theater; theatre
    3.练习(v. ):________(美式)____________(英式)4.米:__________(美式)____________(英式)5.节目: __________(美式)____________(英式)6.颜色: __________(美式)____________(英式)
    【答案】3.practice; practise 4.meter; metre 5.prgram; prgramme 6.clr; clur 

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