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    1.(2分)How was the weather last Sunday?
    2.(2分)What was Linda doing at 8:00 last night?
    A.Doing exercise.
    B.Reading a book.
    C.Taking a shower.
    3.(2分)Where are the two speakers most probably?
    A.In a post office.
    B.In a bookstore.
    C.In a restaurant.
    4.(2分)Who went to the show with Sandy yesterday?
    5.(2分)How much does Nancy get from her parents each month?
    A.300 yuan.
    B.200 yuan.
    C.100 yuan.
    6.(6分)(1)What are Emily and Sam mainly talking about?
    A.A weekend plan.
    B.A book.
    C.A cinema
    (2)What kind of movie is My Neighbor?
    A.A cartoon.
    B.A comedy.
    C.A science fiction.
    (3)When will the movie begin?
    A.At 6:30.
    B.At 7:00.
    C.At 8:00.
    7.(6分)(1)What did Tanya buy in the morning?
    B.A wallet.
    C.Carrot juice.
    (2)Where is most probably Tanya's wallet?
    A.In the supermarket.
    B.In the classroom.
    C.In the library.
    (3)When will Tanya probably find her wallet?
    8.(8分)(1)What does the speaker do?
    A.An artist.
    B.A writer.
    C.A director.
    (2)How many volunteers are needed?
    (3)Which skills should the volunteers have?
    A.Speaking and writing.
    B.Writing and rending.
    C.Painting and speaking.
    (4)What is the best reason for being one of the group?
    A.To make a lot of money.
    B.To get some fun experience.
    C.To become an excellent student
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。
    Please remember this is an a cappella competition!No instruments or recorded (录制的) music will be allowed.
    Competitors may sing songs in any style.Competitors must be between 8 and 15 years old.
    There are four kinds:
    ★Solo(﹣11 years old)★Solo(12﹣15 years old)★Group(&﹣1 I years old)★Group(12﹣15 years old)
    Competitors under 12 years old must stay with parents or other adults at all times.
    Each competitor must pay 10.Winnerswillreceive500 and 20 lessons from the famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard.
    Winners will be decided by three teachers from the Chilton School of Music.Their decision is final.
    •Other information
    Please arrive at the Edward Greatcoat Theater between 8:00am.And 8:30 am.to make preparations.
    The competition will start at 9:00 am.and it will last for 2 hours.
    Shared dressing rooms with showers will be provided for all competitors.
    Tickets to watch the competition are available at the theater from June 1st.They are free,but spaces are limited.

    (1)What time will the competition finish?    
    A.At 8:00 a.m.
    B.At 8:30 a.m.
    C.At 9:00 a.m.
    D.At 11:00 a.m.
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE?    
    A.It will cost you $10 if you take part in the competition.
    B.The competitors should come to the competition with parents.
    C.The famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard will decide the winner.
    D.You can sing songs with some recorded music or one instrument.
    (3)What's the writer's purpose of writing this poster?    
    A.To offer some singing talent shows to the adults.
    B.To invite the young to a concert in Chilton.
    C.To suggest visitors enjoy the singing competition.
    D.To tell the youth about a singing competition.
    10.(8分)My name is Gulliver,and when I was a young man,I went travelling.I joined a ship and sailed to the islands of the South Pacific.It was a wonderful voyage (航海) at first.We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.Suddenly there was a terrible storm and I fell into the water.Finally,I swam to an island.I walked on the beach and looked around me.There were no people and no houses.I was very tired so I fell asleep on the sand.
    When I woke up in the morning,I couldn't move.I was lying on my back and my arms and my legs were tied to the ground.I was very hot in the sun and I was scared.Suddenly I saw a very small man.He was about 15 centimeters tall and he was walking on my leg.Then I saw lots of small men on my arms and my legs.I shouted and,in surprise,the men fell off my body.Then I spoke to them in English.They didn't understand my language,but they saw that I was friendly.
    I pointed at my mouth to show I was hungry and they brought me some food.Their food was normal,but it was very,very small and it meant I had to eat a lot.I finished my meal and then hundreds of men and thousands of horses carried me to their city.It was a very long journey.
    When I arrived at the city,I looked around me.The houses were smaller than my feet and I was bigger than the trees.The king and the people were kind to me so I stayed on the island.I learned that I was in Lilliput (小人国) and I learned their language.I played with their children and I gave them gifts such as my watch and some coins.These things were enormous to little men.Finally,I left the city and travelled again.

    (1)How did Gulliver feel when he was on the island at first?    
    (2)In which order did the story happen?    
    a.He went to an island.
    b.He went to a city,
    c.He had some food.
    d.He saw some little men.
    (3)What does the underlined word "enormous" in the last paragraph most probably mean?    
    (4)What can we infer (推断) from the story?    
    A.Gulliver got on well with the people in Lilliput.
    B.There were no people and no houses on the island.
    C.The food was so delicious that Gulliver ate a lot.
    D The language in Lilliput was too difficult to learn.
    11.(8分)Nowadays,more and more people are sitting and working in offices.Our stressful lives are now very different from the past.A hundred years ago,people used to do more physical work and they were healthier because of this.Today,many people have health problems simply because they don't move around enough.This needs to change.
    One great form of exercise is yoga (瑜伽).It is good for people who don't exercise a lot because the movements are not fast.This can help people become more active and stop back problems that people who work in offices often have.Yoga alone isn't enough.People need to do other exercise,too.Going to the gym isn't pleasant for everybody,but you don't have to go to the gym.Walking is a great exercise and it's free.Try to walk at least an hour a day,and you will feel much better.You could do this rather than catch the bus.Also,break with your old and unhealthy routine (惯例).For example,take the stairs rather than taking the lift.Within weeks,you will feel so much better!
    It's also a good idea to think about how you can reduce stress.It's important to do things that you enjoy,but be careful.Too much time watching TV can make you feel worse,even if it is something you like doing.Hobbies that make you feel calm,happy,and,most of all,give you energy are perfect.Do you like photography?Then don't just look at photos on the Internet,spend some time outside taking photos!Do you like films?Don't just stay in your living room,try and go out to the cinema with friends.Hobbies where we can get out of the house and move around are always better for us in the end.

    (1)Why were people in the past healthier?    
    A.Because they had a good rest.
    B.Because they did lots of physical work.
    C.Because they worked in offices.
    D.Because they moved house quite often.
    (2)What do the underlined words "do this" in Paragraph 2 refer to?    
    A.Do yoga.
    B.Go to the gym.
    D.Take the stairs.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?    
    A.Yoga is good exercise but easy to cause backache.
    B.People must go to the gym to do other exercise.
    C.A short walk can make you feel much better.
    D.Hobbies are not always good for your health.
    (4)What's the writing purpose of the text?    
    A.To discuss different kinds of sports.
    B.To explain some reasons of being unhealthy.
    C.To give examples of how to exercise.
    D.To encourage people to move around often.
    12.(8分)Many people have the impression (印象) that sharks are man﹣eating monsters (怪兽) that pull swimmers down to eat them.This is far from the truth,however,and has largely been made by Hollywood movie producers who use this false image to add the feeling of fear and danger to their movies.
    In fact,many sharks will only feed on already dead animals.Some,like the huge whale shark,have no teeth and are harmless to nearly everything.Out of over 470 kinds of sharks,only some will attack (攻击) humans:the great white shark,oceanic whitetip shark,tiger shark,and bull shark.These kinds of huge and powerful sharks can cause serious injuries.However,these usually avoid humans as we are not a part of their natural diet.In most cases of shark attacks,the shark mistakes a human for marine mammal (海洋哺乳动物).After taking a bite (咬),it usually will soon know its mistake and stop attacking a human.The number of shark attacks every year is about four,and if you compare this to the number of sharks killed each year by humans over a hundred million —it's the sharks who should be scared of us,not the other way around.
    More than 600 people die every year from snake bite in Sri Lanka alone.Falling fruits kill about 150 people every year,and about 40,000 Americans die each year in car accidents.Experts even say that you are far more likely to die from a bee than a shark attack.
    So what does this mean?Like all dangerous animals,sharks must be well treated,but in fact,they are nothing like the killing machines that they are made out to be in the movies.Sharks are amazing animal.They've been around for over 420 million years,and they have excellent problem﹣solving skills.It's time we stop seeing sharks as sea monsters.

    (1)What causes our wrong impression of sharks?    
    A.The huge whale sharks.
    B.Some Hollywood Movies.
    C.The sharks' natural diet.
    D.The number of shark attacks.
    (2)What can we know about sharks?    
    A.Only four kinds of sharks may attack humans.
    B.Whale sharks are harmful to nearly everything.
    C.About four sharks are killed by humans each year.
    D.Some sharks still eat humans after they know mistakes.
    (3)Why does the writer use a lot of numbers in Para.3?    
    A.To show people are easy to die.
    B.To show accidents are everywhere.
    C.To show car accidents are serious.
    D.To show sharks are not so dangerous.
    (4)What's the last paragraph mainly about?    
    A.Sharks are like dangerous animals.
    B.Sharks are great sea animals.
    C.Humans should be scared of sharks.
    D.Sharks are good for humans.
    第二节 下面文章中有五处 需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的建议。选项中有一项是多余选项。
    How often do you go food shopping?If you don't go very often,you probably have no idea of what supermarkets use to make you spend your money.Read on to find out more.
    Do you know why supermarkets give people something to put their shopping in?It's so that they can buy more things.People usually don't realize bow much they are buying when they use a basket or a supermarket trolley (手推车).
    Where do supermarkets put the products (产品) you use every day?At the back of the shop,Milk and bread are always as far as possible from the door.This is to make people walk through the shop and buy things they don't need.
    Where are the cheapest products?Yes,they're in the last place you look on the lowest part of the shelf.The shelves at eye level are where you can find the most expensive products.
    Why do supermarkets play music?Not to make your shopping experience more pleasant!Supermarkets know that slow music makes shoppers take their time and spend more money.
    Why are these always sweets and snacks next to the checkout (付款台)?To make sure that you see them.People pick up chocolate bars while they're waiting to pay because they're bored,not because they really want them.

    A.Wait for a while.
    B.Size is important.
    C.Listen to that!
    D.Where's the milk?
    E.Have a basket!
    F.Look down.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节:完形填空 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
    14.(15分)One school day,Judy,a fifth grader,returned home with a book in her hand and tears in her eyes. "Our teacher asked us to recite the(1)    Little Jim'," she told her mother. "The student who can recite it best will get a prize.But I am afraid I(2)    do it well.The boys always call me "Slow Judy' and laugh at me," said Judy(3)    . "The poem is so long and difficult.I may not go(4)   the prize,but I'll try my best to recite it.I don't want the boys to laugh at me anymore.
    "Well,dear," said her mother, "Look at that snail on the wall there. (5)   it and you will see It'll get to the top at last.So just try(6)   lines each day,and you may get a surprise in the end."
    Judy thought(7)   she couldn't catch up with the boys,she might run a race with the snail.So she decided to(8)   it.Finally,the day came.The teacher(9)   the students to recite the poem.Then it was Judy's turn.To everyone's surprise,Judy didn't(10)   miss a word.She felt quite happy when the teacher praised her.After the rest of the class had tried,the teacher said Judy had done best and gave(11)   the prize.
    "And now tell us(12)   you could recite the poem so well," said the teacher.
    "The(13)   taught me," said Judy.There was a loud(14)   when Judy said this.But the teacher said, "Don't laugh!We can learn a lot from things such as snails.How did the snail teach you,Judy?"
    "I saw it climb up the wall bit by bit.It never stopped.So I recited it bit by bit,and did not(15)   ," said Judy.
    "Well done!" said the teacher, "Now boys and girls,let's give a good cheer for Judy and the snail on the wall." The classroom rang with a great cheer.

    (15)A.give up
    B.cheer up
    C.warm up
    D.speak up

    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分10分)第二节: 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
    15.(10分)If an old man suddenly falls down in front of you,will you help him?Most of us would choose to help him (1)   we know it's the right thing to do.But others might refuse(2)    (do) so.In my opinion,we should not only think about(3)    (we) but others as well.
    I've had an experience like this before.I saw a woman walking with a baby in her arms while it (4)    (rain) heavily.They were both wet because they didn't have (5)    umbrella.I held out my umbrella for them(6)    (quick).I walked several miles with them till they got home.The woman thanked me a lot for (7)   I did for her.At that moment,I had such a strong feeling of satisfaction.Offering help to people (8)    trouble can make them feel really warm.And perhaps one day we'll become the one that needs help.So why don't we just reach out a helpful hand whenever we can?The more we trust and help each other,the (9)    (good) our world will be.
    It's a high time for us to show our(10)    (kind) to others.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上技题号写出各单词的正确、完整形式(每空限填一词)。
    16.(1分)Be careful !It's not s     to swim in the river alone.
    17.(1分)I have c     up with a good idea to solve this problem.
    18.(1分)—What's the m     with you?
    —I have a sore back.
    19.(1分)What a heavy storm!We have to stay at home i     going outside to have a picnic.
    20.(1分)—Can you speak F    ?
    —Sure.I have been in Paris for over 10 years.
    21.(1分)At birth, a baby panda w    about 0.1 kilo.
    22.(1分)It's snowing outside.U     you put on your thick coat,you'll catch a cold.
    23.(1分)You should be careful with the b     glass.It may cut your finger.
    24.(1分)Listening to something interesting is the s   to language learning.
    25.(1分)I didn't understand the English teacher and I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor p    .
    第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)
    Dear Li Ping,
    Last term,our school called on us to be helpers in our life.Some of my classmates do chores at home every day during this summer vacation.They think it's good to improve their life ability.Some of my classmates volunteer in the community.What do Chinese students think of doing chores?What do Chinese students do for their families and communities as helpers?What do they learn from doing these activities?Hope to hear from you soon.
    Dear Linda,
    Li Ping


    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。
    Please remember this is an a cappella competition!No instruments or recorded (录制的) music will be allowed.
    Competitors may sing songs in any style.Competitors must be between 8 and 15 years old.
    There are four kinds:
    ★Solo(﹣11 years old)★Solo(12﹣15 years old)★Group(&﹣1 I years old)★Group(12﹣15 years old)
    Competitors under 12 years old must stay with parents or other adults at all times.
    Each competitor must pay 10.Winnerswillreceive500 and 20 lessons from the famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard.
    Winners will be decided by three teachers from the Chilton School of Music.Their decision is final.
    •Other information
    Please arrive at the Edward Greatcoat Theater between 8:00am.And 8:30 am.to make preparations.
    The competition will start at 9:00 am.and it will last for 2 hours.
    Shared dressing rooms with showers will be provided for all competitors.
    Tickets to watch the competition are available at the theater from June 1st.They are free,but spaces are limited.

    (1)What time will the competition finish?  D 
    A.At 8:00 a.m.
    B.At 8:30 a.m.
    C.At 9:00 a.m.
    D.At 11:00 a.m.
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE?  A 
    A.It will cost you $10 if you take part in the competition.
    B.The competitors should come to the competition with parents.
    C.The famous voice teacher Vickie Leonard will decide the winner.
    D.You can sing songs with some recorded music or one instrument.
    (3)What's the writer's purpose of writing this poster?  D 
    A.To offer some singing talent shows to the adults.
    B.To invite the young to a concert in Chilton.
    C.To suggest visitors enjoy the singing competition.
    D.To tell the youth about a singing competition.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文章中句子The competition will start at 9:00 am.and it will last for 2 hours.(比赛将在上午9:00开始,将持续2个小时。)可知,比赛结束的时间在上午11:00。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文章中句子Each competitor must pay 10.(每个参赛者必须支付10美元。)可知,选项A"如果你参加比赛将花费你10美元。"符合文章内容。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据文章中句子Do you like to sing?Come and show your talents at Chilton Youth A Cappella Competition.(你喜欢唱歌吗?来展示你的才能在Chilton 青年无伴奏合唱比赛。)可知,选项D"告诉年轻人一个唱歌比赛。"符合文章内容。故选D。
    10.(8分)My name is Gulliver,and when I was a young man,I went travelling.I joined a ship and sailed to the islands of the South Pacific.It was a wonderful voyage (航海) at first.We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.Suddenly there was a terrible storm and I fell into the water.Finally,I swam to an island.I walked on the beach and looked around me.There were no people and no houses.I was very tired so I fell asleep on the sand.
    When I woke up in the morning,I couldn't move.I was lying on my back and my arms and my legs were tied to the ground.I was very hot in the sun and I was scared.Suddenly I saw a very small man.He was about 15 centimeters tall and he was walking on my leg.Then I saw lots of small men on my arms and my legs.I shouted and,in surprise,the men fell off my body.Then I spoke to them in English.They didn't understand my language,but they saw that I was friendly.
    I pointed at my mouth to show I was hungry and they brought me some food.Their food was normal,but it was very,very small and it meant I had to eat a lot.I finished my meal and then hundreds of men and thousands of horses carried me to their city.It was a very long journey.
    When I arrived at the city,I looked around me.The houses were smaller than my feet and I was bigger than the trees.The king and the people were kind to me so I stayed on the island.I learned that I was in Lilliput (小人国) and I learned their language.I played with their children and I gave them gifts such as my watch and some coins.These things were enormous to little men.Finally,I left the city and travelled again.

    (1)How did Gulliver feel when he was on the island at first?  D 
    (2)In which order did the story happen?  A 
    a.He went to an island.
    b.He went to a city,
    c.He had some food.
    d.He saw some little men.
    (3)What does the underlined word "enormous" in the last paragraph most probably mean?  B 
    (4)What can we infer (推断) from the story?  A 
    A.Gulliver got on well with the people in Lilliput.
    B.There were no people and no houses on the island.
    C.The food was so delicious that Gulliver ate a lot.
    D The language in Lilliput was too difficult to learn.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Finally,I swam to an island.I walked on the beach and looked around me.There were no people and no houses.I was very tired so I fell asleep on the sand.(最后,我游到一个岛上。我走在海滩上,环顾四周。没有人,也没有房子。我很累,所以我在沙滩上睡着了。)可知,格列佛最初在岛上的时候是很累的。故选D。
    (2)顺序排列题。根据第一段Finally,I swam to an island.I walked on the beach and looked around me.There were no people and no houses.I was very tired so I fell asleep on the sand.(最后,我游到一个岛上。我走在海滩上,环顾四周。没有人,也没有房子。我很累,所以我在沙滩上睡着了。)第二段Then I saw lots of small men on my arms and my legs.(然后我看到我的胳膊和腿上有很多小人。)第三段I pointed at my mouth to show I was hungry and they brought me some food.Their food was normal,but it was very,very small and it meant I had to eat a lot.I finished my meal and then hundreds of men and thousands of horses carried me to their city.It was a very long journey.(我指着我的嘴表示我饿了,他们给我带来了一些食物。他们的食物很正常,但非常非常小,这意味着我必须吃很多。我吃完饭,然后数百人和数千匹马把我送到他们的城市。这是一次很长的旅行。)可知,顺序是a﹣d﹣c﹣b。故选A。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据I played with their children and I gave them gifts such as my watch and some coins.These things were enormous to little men.(我和他们的孩子玩,我给他们礼物,如我的手表和一些硬币。这些事对小人来说都是…。)可知,"enormous"意为"巨大的"。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据The king and the people were kind to me so I stayed on the island.I learned that I was in Lilliput (小人国) and I learned their language.I played with their children and I gave them gifts such as my watch and some coins.(国王和人民对我很好,所以我留在了岛上。我知道我是在小人国,我学会了他们的语言。我和他们的孩子玩,我给他们礼物,如我的手表和一些硬币。)可知,格列佛和小人国的人相处得很好。故选A。
    11.(8分)Nowadays,more and more people are sitting and working in offices.Our stressful lives are now very different from the past.A hundred years ago,people used to do more physical work and they were healthier because of this.Today,many people have health problems simply because they don't move around enough.This needs to change.
    One great form of exercise is yoga (瑜伽).It is good for people who don't exercise a lot because the movements are not fast.This can help people become more active and stop back problems that people who work in offices often have.Yoga alone isn't enough.People need to do other exercise,too.Going to the gym isn't pleasant for everybody,but you don't have to go to the gym.Walking is a great exercise and it's free.Try to walk at least an hour a day,and you will feel much better.You could do this rather than catch the bus.Also,break with your old and unhealthy routine (惯例).For example,take the stairs rather than taking the lift.Within weeks,you will feel so much better!
    It's also a good idea to think about how you can reduce stress.It's important to do things that you enjoy,but be careful.Too much time watching TV can make you feel worse,even if it is something you like doing.Hobbies that make you feel calm,happy,and,most of all,give you energy are perfect.Do you like photography?Then don't just look at photos on the Internet,spend some time outside taking photos!Do you like films?Don't just stay in your living room,try and go out to the cinema with friends.Hobbies where we can get out of the house and move around are always better for us in the end.

    (1)Why were people in the past healthier?  B 
    A.Because they had a good rest.
    B.Because they did lots of physical work.
    C.Because they worked in offices.
    D.Because they moved house quite often.
    (2)What do the underlined words "do this" in Paragraph 2 refer to?  C 
    A.Do yoga.
    B.Go to the gym.
    D.Take the stairs.
    (3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?  D 
    A.Yoga is good exercise but easy to cause backache.
    B.People must go to the gym to do other exercise.
    C.A short walk can make you feel much better.
    D.Hobbies are not always good for your health.
    (4)What's the writing purpose of the text?  D 
    A.To discuss different kinds of sports.
    B.To explain some reasons of being unhealthy.
    C.To give examples of how to exercise.
    D.To encourage people to move around often.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段A hundred years ago,people used to do more physical work and they were healthier because of this.(一百年前,人们常常从事更多的体力劳动,因此他们更健康。)可知过去人们更健康因为他们从事很多体力劳动。故选B。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第二段Try to walk at least an hour a day,and you will feel much better.(试着每天至少走一个小时,你会感觉好多了。)猜测划线部分指的是"走路"。故选C。
    (3)细节判断题。根据第三段It's important to do things that you enjoy,but be careful.Too much time watching TV can make you feel worse,even if it is something you like doing.(做你喜欢的事情很重要,但要小心。太多时间看电视会让你感觉更糟,即使这是你喜欢做的事情。)推断爱好并不总是有利于健康。故选D。
    (4)目的意图题。根据第三段Don't just stay in your living room,try and go out to the cinema with friends.Hobbies where we can get out of the house and move around are always better for us in the end.(不要只是待在客厅里,试着和朋友一起去看电影。爱好可以让我们走出家门,四处走动,最终对我们来说总是更好的。)可知本文的目的是鼓励人们经常外出活动。故选D。
    12.(8分)Many people have the impression (印象) that sharks are man﹣eating monsters (怪兽) that pull swimmers down to eat them.This is far from the truth,however,and has largely been made by Hollywood movie producers who use this false image to add the feeling of fear and danger to their movies.
    In fact,many sharks will only feed on already dead animals.Some,like the huge whale shark,have no teeth and are harmless to nearly everything.Out of over 470 kinds of sharks,only some will attack (攻击) humans:the great white shark,oceanic whitetip shark,tiger shark,and bull shark.These kinds of huge and powerful sharks can cause serious injuries.However,these usually avoid humans as we are not a part of their natural diet.In most cases of shark attacks,the shark mistakes a human for marine mammal (海洋哺乳动物).After taking a bite (咬),it usually will soon know its mistake and stop attacking a human.The number of shark attacks every year is about four,and if you compare this to the number of sharks killed each year by humans over a hundred million —it's the sharks who should be scared of us,not the other way around.
    More than 600 people die every year from snake bite in Sri Lanka alone.Falling fruits kill about 150 people every year,and about 40,000 Americans die each year in car accidents.Experts even say that you are far more likely to die from a bee than a shark attack.
    So what does this mean?Like all dangerous animals,sharks must be well treated,but in fact,they are nothing like the killing machines that they are made out to be in the movies.Sharks are amazing animal.They've been around for over 420 million years,and they have excellent problem﹣solving skills.It's time we stop seeing sharks as sea monsters.

    (1)What causes our wrong impression of sharks?  B 
    A.The huge whale sharks.
    B.Some Hollywood Movies.
    C.The sharks' natural diet.
    D.The number of shark attacks.
    (2)What can we know about sharks?  A 
    A.Only four kinds of sharks may attack humans.
    B.Whale sharks are harmful to nearly everything.
    C.About four sharks are killed by humans each year.
    D.Some sharks still eat humans after they know mistakes.
    (3)Why does the writer use a lot of numbers in Para.3?  D 
    A.To show people are easy to die.
    B.To show accidents are everywhere.
    C.To show car accidents are serious.
    D.To show sharks are not so dangerous.
    (4)What's the last paragraph mainly about?  B 
    A.Sharks are like dangerous animals.
    B.Sharks are great sea animals.
    C.Humans should be scared of sharks.
    D.Sharks are good for humans.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Thisisfarfromthetruth,however,andhaslargelybeenmadebyHollywoodmovieproducerswhouse thisfalseimagetoaddthefeelingoffearanddangertotheirmovies.(然而,这与事实相去甚远,而且很大程度上是由好莱坞电影制片人制作的,他们利用这种虚假形象为他们的电影增添了恐惧和危险的感觉。)可知,一些好莱坞电影导致我们对鲨鱼的错误印象。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Outofover470 kindsofsharks,onlysomewillattack humans:the greatwhiteshark,oceanicwhitetipshark,tigershark,andbullshark.(在470多种鲨鱼中,只有一些会攻击人类:大白鲨、大洋白鳍鲨、虎鲨和牛鲨。)可知,只有四种鲨鱼攻击人类。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段Morethan 600 peopledieeveryeveryyearfromsnakebiteinSriLankaalone.Fallingfruitskillabout 150 people everyyear,andabout 40,000 Americansdieeachyearincaraccidents.(仅在斯里兰卡,每年就有超过600人死于蛇咬伤。掉落的水果每年造成约150人死亡,每年约有40,000美国人死于车祸。)可知,作者使用了大量数字来证明鱼不是那么危险。故选D。
    (4)段落理解题。根据最后一段Sharksareamazinganimal.They'vebeen aroundforover 420 millionyears,andtheyhaveexcellentproblem﹣solvingskills.It'stimewestopseeingsharks asseamonsters.(鲨鱼是一种神奇的动物。它们已经存在了超过4.2亿年,而且它们具有出色的解决问题的能力。是时候我们不再将鲨鱼视为海怪了。)可知,最后一段主要讲的是"鲨鱼是伟大的海洋动物。"故选B。
    第二节 下面文章中有五处 需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的建议。选项中有一项是多余选项。
    How often do you go food shopping?If you don't go very often,you probably have no idea of what supermarkets use to make you spend your money.Read on to find out more.
    (1) E 
    Do you know why supermarkets give people something to put their shopping in?It's so that they can buy more things.People usually don't realize bow much they are buying when they use a basket or a supermarket trolley (手推车).
    (2) D 
    Where do supermarkets put the products (产品) you use every day?At the back of the shop,Milk and bread are always as far as possible from the door.This is to make people walk through the shop and buy things they don't need.
    (3) F 
    Where are the cheapest products?Yes,they're in the last place you look on the lowest part of the shelf.The shelves at eye level are where you can find the most expensive products.
    (4) C 
    Why do supermarkets play music?Not to make your shopping experience more pleasant!Supermarkets know that slow music makes shoppers take their time and spend more money.
    (5) A 
    Why are these always sweets and snacks next to the checkout (付款台)?To make sure that you see them.People pick up chocolate bars while they're waiting to pay because they're bored,not because they really want them.

    A.Wait for a while.
    B.Size is important.
    C.Listen to that!
    D.Where's the milk?
    E.Have a basket!
    F.Look down.
    (1)根据原文People usually don't realize bow much they are buying when they use a basket or a supermarket trolley (手推车).(当人们使用购物篮或超市手推车时,他们通常没有意识到自己买了多少东西。)可知E选项符合题意。故选E。
    (2)根据原文At the back of the shop,Milk and bread are always as far as possible from the door.(在商店的后面,牛奶和面包总是尽可能远离门。)可知D选项符合题意。故选D。
    (3)根据原文Yes,they're in the last place you look on the lowest part of the shelf.(是的,它们就在架子最下面你看的最后一个地方。)可知F选项符合该段的大意。故选F。
    (4)根据原文Why do supermarkets play music?Not to make your shopping experience more pleasant!Supermarkets know that slow music makes shoppers take their time and spend more money.(超市为什么播放音乐?不是为了让你的购物体验更愉快!超市知道,舒缓的音乐能让顾客不慌不忙,花更多的钱。)可知讲的是和听有关的话题。C选项符合题意。故选C。
    (5)根据原文People pick up chocolate bars while they're waiting to pay because they're bored,not because they really want them.(人们在等待付款时拿起巧克力棒是因为他们感到无聊,而不是因为他们真的想要。)可知F选项符合该段提示。故选A。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节:完形填空 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
    14.(15分)One school day,Judy,a fifth grader,returned home with a book in her hand and tears in her eyes. "Our teacher asked us to recite the(1) D  Little Jim'," she told her mother. "The student who can recite it best will get a prize.But I am afraid I(2) B  do it well.The boys always call me "Slow Judy' and laugh at me," said Judy(3) C  . "The poem is so long and difficult.I may not go(4) D the prize,but I'll try my best to recite it.I don't want the boys to laugh at me anymore.
    "Well,dear," said her mother, "Look at that snail on the wall there. (5) C it and you will see It'll get to the top at last.So just try(6) C lines each day,and you may get a surprise in the end."
    Judy thought(7) B she couldn't catch up with the boys,she might run a race with the snail.So she decided to(8) A it.Finally,the day came.The teacher(9) A the students to recite the poem.Then it was Judy's turn.To everyone's surprise,Judy didn't(10) C miss a word.She felt quite happy when the teacher praised her.After the rest of the class had tried,the teacher said Judy had done best and gave(11) B the prize.
    "And now tell us(12) A you could recite the poem so well," said the teacher.
    "The(13) D taught me," said Judy.There was a loud(14) B when Judy said this.But the teacher said, "Don't laugh!We can learn a lot from things such as snails.How did the snail teach you,Judy?"
    "I saw it climb up the wall bit by bit.It never stopped.So I recited it bit by bit,and did not(15) A ," said Judy.
    "Well done!" said the teacher, "Now boys and girls,let's give a good cheer for Judy and the snail on the wall." The classroom rang with a great cheer.

    (15)A.give up
    B.cheer up
    C.warm up
    D.speak up

    【解答】(1)名词辨析。A.戏剧;B.报道;C.故事;D.诗。根据The poem is so long and difficult.(这首诗又长又难。)可知老师要求学生背诵诗歌。故选D。
    (2)情态动词辨析。A.不需要;B.不能;C.不应该;D.不允许。根据The boys always call me "Slow Judy' and laugh at me.(男孩们叫我"迟钝的Judy"还嘲笑我。)可知Judy担心自己不能做得很好。故选B。
    (3)副词辨析。A.开心地;B.冷静地;C.伤心地;D.疯狂地。根据The boys always call me "Slow Judy' and laugh at me.(男孩们叫我"迟钝的Judy"还嘲笑我。)可知Judy很伤心。故选C。
    (4)介词辨析。A.在上面;B.越过;C.穿过;D.为了。根据The poem is so long and difficult.(这首诗又长又难。)可知Judy认为自己可能得不了奖,用短语get for,表示"获得"。故选D。
    (5)动词辨析。A.闻;B.触摸;C.观察;D.感觉。根据Look at that snail on the wall there.(看那里墙上的蜗牛。)可知妈妈叫Judy仔细观察蜗牛。故选C。
    (7)连词辨析。A.但是;B.尽管;C.所以;D.因为。根据____she couldn't catch up with the boys,she might run a race with the snail.(____她不能跟上男孩子们,他或许可以和蜗牛赛跑。)可知此处用although(尽管)引导让步状语从句。故选B。
    (8)动词辨析。A.尝试;B.抄写;C.唱;D.写。根据 she decided to____it.(她决定____它。)可知她决定尝试一点一点背诵这首诗。故选A。
    (10)副词辨析。A.仅仅;B.曾经;C.甚至;D.仍然。根据Judy didn't____miss a word.(Judy____没有漏掉一个单词。)可知even(甚至)符合语境。故选C。
    (11)代词辨析。A.它;B.她;C.他;D.他们。根据the teacher said Judy had done best(老师说Judy做得最好),可知老师把奖品给了她。故选B。
    (12)疑问词辨析。A.怎样;B.什么时候;C.什么;D.哪里。根据And now tell us____you could recite the poem so well.(现在告诉我们____你能把这首诗背诵得这么好。)可知用how(怎样)符合语境。故选A。
    (13)名词辨析。A.男孩;B.墙;C.老师;D.蜗牛。根据How did the snail teach you,Judy?(蜗牛是怎样教你的,Judy?)可知Judy说蜗牛教会了她。故选D。
    (14)名词辨析。A.噪音;B.大笑;C.哭;D.喊。根据下文Don't laugh!(不要笑!)可知Judy说蜗牛教会了她,有人在笑她。故选B。
    (15)动词短语辨析。A.放弃;B.使振作;C.热身;D.大声说。根据I saw it climb up the wall bit by bit.It never stopped.(我看到它一点一点往墙上爬。从未停止。)可知Judy也像蜗牛一样一点一点背诗,从未放弃。故选A。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分10分)第二节: 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
    15.(10分)If an old man suddenly falls down in front of you,will you help him?Most of us would choose to help him (1) because we know it's the right thing to do.But others might refuse(2) to do  (do) so.In my opinion,we should not only think about(3) ourselves  (we) but others as well.
    I've had an experience like this before.I saw a woman walking with a baby in her arms while it (4) was raining  (rain) heavily.They were both wet because they didn't have (5) an  umbrella.I held out my umbrella for them(6) quickly  (quick).I walked several miles with them till they got home.The woman thanked me a lot for (7) what I did for her.At that moment,I had such a strong feeling of satisfaction.Offering help to people (8) in  trouble can make them feel really warm.And perhaps one day we'll become the one that needs help.So why don't we just reach out a helpful hand whenever we can?The more we trust and help each other,the (9) better  (good) our world will be.
    It's a high time for us to show our(10) kindness  (kind) to others.
    (2)考查动词不定式。句意:但其他人可能会拒绝这样做。refuse to do为动词的固定搭配,意为拒绝做某事,故答案为to do。
    (4)考查过去进行时。句意:一天,在我回家的路上,雨下得很大。根据when I was on my way home判断时态为过去进行时,It后谓语动词用was doing的形式,故答案为was raining。
    (8)考查介词。句意:向有困难的人提供帮助会让他们感到非常温暖。in trouble作为后置定语,修饰people,故答案为in。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上技题号写出各单词的正确、完整形式(每空限填一词)。
    16.(1分)Be careful !It's not s  afe  to swim in the river alone.
    17.(1分)I have c  ome  up with a good idea to solve this problem.
    【解答】根据"a good idea to solve this problem"可知,此处是"想出了一个解决这个问题的好主意",短语come up with..."想出,提出",根据语境是现在完成时,其结构是have done的形式,come的过去分词是come。
    18.(1分)—What's the m  atter  with you?
    —I have a sore back.
    【解答】考查的交际用语。What's the matter with you?用来询问人怎么样的。
    19.(1分)What a heavy storm!We have to stay at home i  nstead  going outside to have a picnic.
    【解答】根据What a heavy storm!"多大的暴风雨啊"可知,此处是"我们不得不呆在家里而不是出去野餐",短语instead of..."代替,而不是"。
    20.(1分)—Can you speak F  rench ?
    —Sure.I have been in Paris for over 10 years.
    21.(1分)At birth, a baby panda w eighs  about 0.1 kilo.
    【解答】根据0.1 kilo"0.1公斤"及首字母提示可知,应该是"重"weigh.主语panda单数,这里强调的是客观事实,用一般现在时态,谓语动词用weigh的第三人称单数weighs.
    22.(1分)It's snowing outside.U  nless  you put on your thick coat,you'll catch a cold.
    23.(1分)You should be careful with the b  roken  glass.It may cut your finger.
    24.(1分)Listening to something interesting is the s ecret to language learning.
    【解答】根据"Listening to something interesting "以及给出的首字母提示s,因此可知这句话的意思是"听些有趣的东西是学习语言的秘诀."空格前面是定冠词the,所以要用名词来填空.
    25.(1分)I didn't understand the English teacher and I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor p  ronunciation .
    【解答】根据I didn't understand the English teacher and I was afraid to ask questions"我听不懂英语老师的话,我不敢问问题"可知,此处是"因为我的发音很差",pronunciation"发音",是名词。
    第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)
    Dear Li Ping,
    Last term,our school called on us to be helpers in our life.Some of my classmates do chores at home every day during this summer vacation.They think it's good to improve their life ability.Some of my classmates volunteer in the community.What do Chinese students think of doing chores?What do Chinese students do for their families and communities as helpers?What do they learn from doing these activities?Hope to hear from you soon.
    Dear Linda,
    Li Ping
    As students,they think doing housework can not only cultivate their independence,but also let them learn how to take care of themselves.作为学生,他们认为做家务不仅能培养他们的独立性,还能让他们学会如何照顾自己。句子中think后面跟一个宾语从句。
    By doing housework,they can understand the meaning of fairness.通过做家务,他们可以理解公平的含义。句子中by是一个介词,后面跟动名词形式。
    【解答】Dear Linda,
    I am very glad to hear from your letter.Now let me tell you about what Chinese students do housework for their families.(点题)Most Chinese students often help their parents with housework.As students,they think doing housework can not only cultivate their independence,but also let them learn how to take care of themselves.【高分句型一】(做家务的重要性)By doing housework,they can understand the meaning of fairness. 【高分句型二】They learn that living together meant sharing chores.It also shows their love for their families.(学到了什么)
    I hope to hear from you soon.(希望)
    Li Ping

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