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    1.(2分)Who can play the violin?
    2.(2分)Which sport does the boy like best?
    3.(2分)How does the boy think the weather will be?
    4.(2分)Why is David going to the library?
    A.To return English magazines.
    B.To discuss a study program.
    C.To find some information.
    5.(2分)What does the girl probably mean?
    A.She has already read the book.
    B.She doesn't want to read the book.
    C.She can learn a lot from the book.
    第二节 听下面2段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。
    (1)How was the result of Frank's physics exam?
    A.Pretty good.
    B.Not bad.
    C.Too poor.
    (2)What's the most probable relationship between Linda and Frank?
    A.Teacher and student.
    (3)What will Frank and Linda do tomorrow?
    A.Make some notes.
    B.Listen to a speech.
    C.Study for the exam.
    (1)What is Betty doing?
    A.She is playing music.
    B.She is watching TV.
    C.She is cooking dinner.
    (2)When will Steve and Betty meet?
    A.At 7:30.
    B.At 8:00.
    C.At 8:15.
    (3)Where is Steve now?
    A.At home.
    B.In a restaurant.
    C.At the cinema.
    (1)What is"True Stories"?
    A.An online course.
    B.A TV show.
    C.A radio program.
    (2)How does the speaker like Mary's story?
    (3)What happened at ten o'clock last night?
    A.Mary finished shopping.
    B.Mary drove off home.
    C.Mary went to bed.
    (4)Why didn't Mary hear her husband?
    A.Because she was sleeping.
    B.Because her husband's voice was very low.
    C.Because something was wrong with her ears.
    Name:Liu Mei Age:18
    Phone Number:(0568)334﹣632
    E﹣mail Address:liumei12345@163.com
    Main Courses:Chinese,math,English,history,chemistry,computer,geography
    Foreign Languages:
    English,8 years(listening,reading,writing,speaking)
    French,3 years(reading,writing)
    Arabic,2 years(reading)
    Experience:Radio presenter in a small radio station in Yancheng for three years
    I always love the radio.Two years ago,I got a part﹣time job as a radio presenter in a small radio station.
    I like traveling and playing basketball.After school I often play basketball with my friends and I usually travel on my holidays.
    I enjoy working with people and helping them.
    Mr.Wang,Head teacher of Jianhu High School;Mr.Zhang,Manager of a radio station in Yancheng.
    (1)What information cannot be found about Liu Mei?    
    A.Phone number.
    B.Family address.
    (2)What can we know about Liu Mei?    
    A.She is a very quiet and kind girl.
    B She has love but little experience for presenter.
    C.She knows at least four languages.
    D.She studied Arabic at Jianhu High School.
    (3)What kind of information is the above?    
    A.An activity plan.
    BA girl's diary.
    C.A radio notice.
    D.Self﹣introduction for a job.

    10.(8分)"Hi!How are you?"The woman smiled as she sat next to me on the airplane.She had to lower herself slowly,trying hard to push her fat body into the seat and fill all the space,leaving no for me.
    I felt uncomfortable and moved a little towards the window.She gave her greeting in a friendly voice again.
    "Hi,"I replied.
    "My name is Laura.I'm from Britain.How about you?"She smiled at me all the time.
    "Malaysia."I said coldly.
    Laura started a conversation with me.Although her voice was warm and caring,I still replied with unfriendly reactions.But when we were served drinks and meals,she tried hard to make sure that I had room to move in my seat."I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my'elephant size'!"She said with great sincerity.
    I looked at her surprisingly.I never thought she would face the problem and tell me her real thoughts.The face that I disliked before showed a nice smile﹣﹣lively and calm at the same time.With her words and actions,I couldn't help but feel good with her.
    Laura was interesting.During our conversation,Laura made every person on the plane who served us walk away laughing at her jokes.I asked Laura,"Have you ever thought about losing weight?You aren't worried about the illnesses that come with being overweight?"
    "Not at all,because I eat healthily and do sports,"she said."This may not be scientific,but I believe in my heart that the people who get illness are the ones who worry all the time.I'm this size because I was born to be big!There is more to life than worrying about weight all day long."
    She drank her wine,"Besides,I get so much happiness every day that I need a bigger body to hold all of it!If I lose weight,I'll lose my happiness."
    Surprised by her unusual reasons,I smiled.I suddenly realized that Laura was the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my life.

    (1)Why did the writer move towards the window at the very beginning?    
    A.The writer was not very happy that day.
    B.The writer didn't like Laura's body size.
    C.The writer wanted to enjoy the trip alone.
    D.The writer was not good at making friends.
    (2)What made the writer feel comfortable?    
    A.Laura's warm and caring voice.
    B.Laura's kindness and sincerity.
    C.Laura's lively and calm smiles.
    D.Laura's interesting and funny jokes.
    (3)What does the underlined word"sincerity"probably mean in this passage?    
    C Surprise.
    (4)What can we learn from the story?    
    A.No news is good news.
    B.One tree can't make a forest.
    C.Don't judge a book by its cover.
    D.The early bird catches the worm.
    11.(8分)We use elevators(电梯) all the time,but try and imagine life without them.Tall buildings wouldn't be possible without the elevator.It's convenient and safe,but did you know that long﹣ago people were afraid of using elevators?
    People had been using ropes to move things for thousands of years before the modern elevator.The ancient Romans moved heavy things by using rope.Then in 1743,the French king had a"flying chair".His men lifted the king up to the second floor by using ropes.Although elevators had been improving over time,people were afraid to use them.People liked the idea of an elevator,but they believed it might suddenly fall.
    In 1853,Elisha Otis is the inventor(发明者) of the modern elevator.He made safety brakes(刹车) to stop the elevator from falling.Otis had been thinking about people's fear of elevators.He decided to do an elevator act at a show in 1854.Otis stood on his elevator and cut the rope that was holding it.The elevator fell,but the safety brakes suddenly stopped it.How amazing!Three years later,customers at a store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.
    The next step was to improve the elevator ride.People had been feeling afraid about using elevators because they were small and noisy In the 1920s,elevators started playing relaxing music cover up other sounds.Then there was a great idea to put mirrors in elevators.People could check their hair and faces instead of fearing the elevator.They made the elevator seem bigger and quicker.
    These days,elevators aren't scary.Elevators are getting faster,and office buildings,apartments and hotels are getting higher.You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world.Remember to enjoy your ride in the elevator when you're going up to the thirty﹣fifth floor!

    (1)What's the correct order of the following event    .
    ①An Otis elevator was first put into use in New York.
    ②People used to move heavy things by using ropes.
    ③Elevators can be found in most parts of the world.
    ④Flying chair was once used to lift a king to the second floor.
    (2)Why did Otis do an elevator show in 1854?    
    A.to tell why it takes a lot of time to develop a new thing.
    B.To show how safe his elevators are with the safety brakes.
    C.To explain why safety brakes can be well used in any show.
    D.To check how hard it is for people to accept something new.
    (3)What does the underlined word"They"in Para.4 refer to?    
    D.Hair and faces.
    (4)Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?    
    A.The Size of the Elevator.
    B.The Safety of the Elevator.
    C.The Inventor of the Elevator.
    D.The History of the Elevator.
    12.(8分)"All right then——just one more piece…"Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake.Of course,many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.
    It isn't just girls.Most of us find it hard to say"no"to something attractive.However,scientists now say that willpower(意志力) is very important for success and a happy life.Scientists in different countries have been studying the influence of willpower on people's lives for a long time.In one study,scientists told young children that they could either have one candy now,or two candies in 15 minutes.Waiting of course needed more willpower.Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up.They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower.They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower influenced their lives.
    Years later,scientists found that the children who had waited for two candies were all healthier,happier and richer adults.But there is hope,Roy F Baumeister,an American expert told us that we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉).Even a little practice can make our self﹣control stronger.
    You could start by making yourself stand up straight,speaking in complete sentences,or using a computer mouse with the other hand.Scientists have found that people who are able to change little habits perform much better in willpower tests.
    Like muscles,willpower can"get tired".Don't try to do too many things at the same time,or when you don't have enough energy,for example,when you are ill.If you already feel tired,you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good night's sleep and by eating well.

    (1)Why did the writer use the example of a girl eating cheesecake?    
    A.The writer wanted to prove that girls usually have weak willpower.
    B.The writer wanted to describe girls' special love for cheesecake.
    C.The writer wanted to introduce the topic of willpower to the readers.
    D.The writer wanted to show the relationships between willpower and success.
    (2)What did the scientists get from the study?    
    A.Willpower has no influence on people's lives at all.
    B.Willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.
    C.The children who chose only one candy would be poor all their lives.
    D.The children who have stronger willpower are more successful in their lives.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower?    
    A.Train your muscles.
    B.Have a good rest and eat well.
    C.Change your habits.
    D.Don't use willpower too much.
    (4)What does the writer of the passage mainly tell us?    
    A.Willpower and muscles are similar and they can be tired.
    B.Willpower influences people's lives and it is the same as muscles.
    C.Willpower is very important to success and it can be developed.
    D.Willpower is connected with success and they influence each other.
    A.Arguments are useless.
    B.Parents help us grow better.
    C.Everyone's opinion counts.
    D.Learn to control our emotions.
    E.Deal with the bad situation better.
    F.My opinion seems perfectly right
    There always comes a moment when I wonder where I will end up and this moment always gives me a life lesson.These are the lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier:
    There was a time when everyone's opinion was mine as well.Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's,whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you.Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.
    When I was a teenager,I'd be angry and go crazy if I had heard someone said bad things behind my back.Looking back on those memories now,I'm not too surprised.After all,when you have little self﹣control,anything is possible.
    Will one small quarrel among friends decide the development of the friendship?In my world it felt like it.I just wanted so much to be right and for them so much to be wrong.It only resulted in me wasting my time and in the other person storming off in frustration.
    I'm not saying every parent knows what's the best for kids,but in general,parents do what they do to help us know how to look after ourselves.My parents used to make me do the dishes,cook dinner,sweep the floors,take out the garbage...Now I can take better care of myself.
    Whenever I'd lose a friend,get an awful grade,or disappoint my parents,I feel terrible.Fortunately,I know now that we don't have to be stuck in bad situations.We can go out and create better ones.It all depends on how you see the situation.
    14.(15分)One cold winter morning,Jim fell from his father's bike and his legs couldn't move.A doctor(1)   him and said he had to stay in bed for some time.Jim was sad at the doctor's(2)   because Christmas was coming.He wanted to look at the shop windows(3)   Christmas gifts and see them lit up(被照亮) at night.
    Jim's younger sister,Mary,Wanted.to (4)    Her brother.Every day,she went to the shop nearby after school to look at the windows(5)   When she got home,she would tell Jim what there were in the windows.
    There were Christmas trees in all windows.A big kind Father Christmas was standing in one of the windows,(6)   a long white bear(胡须).In his pockets were all kinds of toys.How (7)   he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!
    Every time Mary described the windows,Jim would(8)    his eyes,imagining himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop. (9)    there was one thing Mary didn't tell Jim.It was a lovely wooden horse.She wanted to give it to Jim as a Christmas(10)   
    The day before Christmas Eve,Mary (11)    her pocket money and found that it was not enough.So she asked Dad (12)   he could offer her a job to make some money.By helping her parents clean and decorate the house,Mary got enough money and bought the wooden horse.
    On Christmas morning,Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed.What a big (13)   !How happy he was!Mary was as happy as Jim because she made Jim happy.
    Actually,the(14)    people this Christmas were the parents because their daughter learnt to(15)   

    (3)A.sure about
    B.full of
    C.good at
    D.connected with
    (4)A help
    15.(10分)They eat wild animals,plants,berries,nuts,and insects.They hunt with bows and arrows.There are lots of dangerous snakes.It's one of southern Africa's(1)   ( hot) places:There is no water,(2)    people have to get water from plants.When they are ill,there are no hospitals.People have to get medicine from plants too.
    They are the San, (3)   last people living in the Kalahari.The San people have another name," Bush People''.(4)   ( they) lifestyle is very simple,but they know more about animals and plants than most people do.The San people live in small(5)   ( group) of 25﹣50.They live in huts.These houses(6)   ( make) of wood and grass.There are lots of things they have to learn so that they can live in a dangerous place like the Kalahari.In the evenings,people often sit around a fire and tell stories(7)   .( happy).
    The Kalahari is a big area of bush and in the southern Africa.It has two parts.There is less rain in the southern part than in the northern part,so the south is drier.There are fewer plants and animals there,and it's more difficult for people(8)   ( live).But when it rains(9)   the end of the summer,the land becomes greener and more beautiful.For a few weeks,there are(10)   ( million) of little flowers and even butterflies!
    16.(1分)— Will you help me carry the box?
    — With p    .
    17.(1分)Whether she wins or whether she l   this is her last game.
    18.(1分)He was very p     of himself for not giving up and winning the race at last.
    19.(1分)After finishing university,Tom came to China.Three years l    ,he was able to speak good Chinese.
    20.(1分)—W     volleyball is it?
    —It might be Mary's.She played it this morning.
    21.(1分)The car runs at a s   of 110 kilometers an hour.
    22.(1分)My deskmate c     the school bus this morning,but I missed it and was late for school.
    23.(1分)I'm very hungry.I haven't e    anything since 7 :00 this morning.
    24.(1分)Germany is a E    country.
    25.(1分)In many countries, New Year's Day falls on the first day of J   .
    To:Li Hua
    Dear Li Hua,
    How is everything going with you?Thanks for your invitation.I am so glad that I am visiting your school
    next week.From your letter,I know there is going to be a school food festival in your school.I love Chinese
    food culture a lot.Can you tell me when and where the festival will start?What can I do to during the festival?
    What should I do to prepare for the festival?What Can I learn from the festival?
    Looking forward to seeing you next week.

    From:Li Hua
    Dear Andrew,
    How's it going?
    Li Hua


    Name:Liu Mei Age:18
    Phone Number:(0568)334﹣632
    E﹣mail Address:liumei12345@163.com
    Main Courses:Chinese,math,English,history,chemistry,computer,geography
    Foreign Languages:
    English,8 years(listening,reading,writing,speaking)
    French,3 years(reading,writing)
    Arabic,2 years(reading)
    Experience:Radio presenter in a small radio station in Yancheng for three years
    I always love the radio.Two years ago,I got a part﹣time job as a radio presenter in a small radio station.
    I like traveling and playing basketball.After school I often play basketball with my friends and I usually travel on my holidays.
    I enjoy working with people and helping them.
    Mr.Wang,Head teacher of Jianhu High School;Mr.Zhang,Manager of a radio station in Yancheng.
    (1)What information cannot be found about Liu Mei?  B 
    A.Phone number.
    B.Family address.
    (2)What can we know about Liu Mei?  C 
    A.She is a very quiet and kind girl.
    B She has love but little experience for presenter.
    C.She knows at least four languages.
    D.She studied Arabic at Jianhu High School.
    (3)What kind of information is the above?  D 
    A.An activity plan.
    BA girl's diary.
    C.A radio notice.
    D.Self﹣introduction for a job.

    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据Phone Number;Experience;Interests(电话号码;经验;兴趣),可知,这里没有提到家庭地址,故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Main Courses:Chinese,math,English,history,chemistry,computer,geography;Foreign Languages:English,French,Arabic,(主要课程:语文、数学、英语、历史、化学、计算机、地理外语:英语、法语、阿拉伯语)可知,C项"她至少懂四种语言"观点正确,故选C。
    10.(8分)"Hi!How are you?"The woman smiled as she sat next to me on the airplane.She had to lower herself slowly,trying hard to push her fat body into the seat and fill all the space,leaving no for me.
    I felt uncomfortable and moved a little towards the window.She gave her greeting in a friendly voice again.
    "Hi,"I replied.
    "My name is Laura.I'm from Britain.How about you?"She smiled at me all the time.
    "Malaysia."I said coldly.
    Laura started a conversation with me.Although her voice was warm and caring,I still replied with unfriendly reactions.But when we were served drinks and meals,she tried hard to make sure that I had room to move in my seat."I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my'elephant size'!"She said with great sincerity.
    I looked at her surprisingly.I never thought she would face the problem and tell me her real thoughts.The face that I disliked before showed a nice smile﹣﹣lively and calm at the same time.With her words and actions,I couldn't help but feel good with her.
    Laura was interesting.During our conversation,Laura made every person on the plane who served us walk away laughing at her jokes.I asked Laura,"Have you ever thought about losing weight?You aren't worried about the illnesses that come with being overweight?"
    "Not at all,because I eat healthily and do sports,"she said."This may not be scientific,but I believe in my heart that the people who get illness are the ones who worry all the time.I'm this size because I was born to be big!There is more to life than worrying about weight all day long."
    She drank her wine,"Besides,I get so much happiness every day that I need a bigger body to hold all of it!If I lose weight,I'll lose my happiness."
    Surprised by her unusual reasons,I smiled.I suddenly realized that Laura was the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my life.

    (1)Why did the writer move towards the window at the very beginning?  B 
    A.The writer was not very happy that day.
    B.The writer didn't like Laura's body size.
    C.The writer wanted to enjoy the trip alone.
    D.The writer was not good at making friends.
    (2)What made the writer feel comfortable?  B 
    A.Laura's warm and caring voice.
    B.Laura's kindness and sincerity.
    C.Laura's lively and calm smiles.
    D.Laura's interesting and funny jokes.
    (3)What does the underlined word"sincerity"probably mean in this passage?  A 
    C Surprise.
    (4)What can we learn from the story?  C 
    A.No news is good news.
    B.One tree can't make a forest.
    C.Don't judge a book by its cover.
    D.The early bird catches the worm.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据She had to lower herself slowly,trying hard to push her fat body into the seat and fill all the space,leaving no for me.(她不得不慢慢地放低自己,努力把她肥胖的身体推到座位上,把所有的空间都填满,没有给我留下任何空间。)可知,这个女人非常胖,她艰难地坐下来后和作者打招呼,但作者没有搭理她还往窗边移了移,由此推测作者并不喜欢她的胖。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据She said with great sincerity.I looked at her surprisingly.I never thought she would face the problem and tell me her real thoughts.The face that I disliked before showed a nice smile﹣﹣lively and calm at the same time.With her words and actions,I couldn't help but feel good with her.(她非常真诚地说。我惊讶地看着她。我从没想过她会面对这个问题,告诉我她的真实想法。我以前不喜欢的那张脸上露出了一个很好的笑容——既活泼又平静。有了她的言行,我忍不住对她感觉很好。)可知,这个女人并没因为作者之前的不喜欢而改变对作者的态度,从始至终,她表现出她的真诚和积极的生活态度让作者最后改变了自己的态度。故选B。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据"I don't want to make you uncomfortable with my'elephant size'!"She said with great sincerity.("我不想让你对我的'lephant size'感到不舒服!"她非常真诚地说。)可知,Laura是个很体贴,诚恳的人。结合选项可以推测出,A选项"诚实的"意思相近。故选A。
    (4)主题归纳题。根据I suddenly realized that Laura was the most beautiful woman I had ever met in my life.(我突然意识到劳拉是我一生中见过的最美丽的女人。)以及文章故事的主线是刚开始作者因为这个胖的女人的体型,对她有看法,后面因为这个女的生活态度、她的善良感染到了作者,最后作者改变了之前的偏见,觉得这个女的是他所见过最美的女人,所以我们可以得出,不能以貌取人,故选C。
    11.(8分)We use elevators(电梯) all the time,but try and imagine life without them.Tall buildings wouldn't be possible without the elevator.It's convenient and safe,but did you know that long﹣ago people were afraid of using elevators?
    People had been using ropes to move things for thousands of years before the modern elevator.The ancient Romans moved heavy things by using rope.Then in 1743,the French king had a"flying chair".His men lifted the king up to the second floor by using ropes.Although elevators had been improving over time,people were afraid to use them.People liked the idea of an elevator,but they believed it might suddenly fall.
    In 1853,Elisha Otis is the inventor(发明者) of the modern elevator.He made safety brakes(刹车) to stop the elevator from falling.Otis had been thinking about people's fear of elevators.He decided to do an elevator act at a show in 1854.Otis stood on his elevator and cut the rope that was holding it.The elevator fell,but the safety brakes suddenly stopped it.How amazing!Three years later,customers at a store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.
    The next step was to improve the elevator ride.People had been feeling afraid about using elevators because they were small and noisy In the 1920s,elevators started playing relaxing music cover up other sounds.Then there was a great idea to put mirrors in elevators.People could check their hair and faces instead of fearing the elevator.They made the elevator seem bigger and quicker.
    These days,elevators aren't scary.Elevators are getting faster,and office buildings,apartments and hotels are getting higher.You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world.Remember to enjoy your ride in the elevator when you're going up to the thirty﹣fifth floor!

    (1)What's the correct order of the following event  C .
    ①An Otis elevator was first put into use in New York.
    ②People used to move heavy things by using ropes.
    ③Elevators can be found in most parts of the world.
    ④Flying chair was once used to lift a king to the second floor.
    (2)Why did Otis do an elevator show in 1854?  B 
    A.to tell why it takes a lot of time to develop a new thing.
    B.To show how safe his elevators are with the safety brakes.
    C.To explain why safety brakes can be well used in any show.
    D.To check how hard it is for people to accept something new.
    (3)What does the underlined word"They"in Para.4 refer to?  A 
    D.Hair and faces.
    (4)Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?  D 
    A.The Size of the Elevator.
    B.The Safety of the Elevator.
    C.The Inventor of the Elevator.
    D.The History of the Elevator.
    【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据第二段The ancient Romans moved heavy things by using rope.(古罗马人用绳索搬运重物。)以及Then in 1743,the French king had a"flying chair".(然后在1743年,法国国王有了一把"飞椅"。)第三段Three years later,customers at a store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.(三年后,纽约一家商店的顾客可以使用奥蒂斯电梯前往五楼。)最后一段These days,elevators aren't scary.Elevators are getting faster,and office buildings,apartments and hotels are getting higher.You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world.(如今,电梯并不可怕。电梯越来越快,写字楼、公寓和酒店越来越高。在全球大多数城市,你都可以找到奥蒂斯电梯。)可知,正确的顺序应为②④①③。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Otis had been thinking about people's fear of elevators.He decided to do an elevator act at a show in 1854.(奥蒂斯一直在思考人们对电梯的恐惧。他决定在1854年的一场演出中表演电梯表演。)可知,在1854年奥蒂斯做一个电梯展示是为了展示他的电梯带有安全闸是多么的安全。故选B。
    (3)代词指代题。根据第四段Then there was a great idea to put mirrors in elevators.People could check their hair and faces instead of fearing the elevator.They made the elevator seem bigger and quicker.(然后有一个好主意,在电梯里放镜子。人们可以检查自己的头发和脸,而不是害怕电梯。They让电梯看起来更大更快。)可知,They指的是镜子。故选A。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段It's convenient and safe,but did you know that long﹣ago people were afraid of using elevators?(方便又安全,但你知道很久以前人们都怕坐电梯吗?)第二段The ancient Romans moved heavy things by using rope.(古罗马人用绳索搬运重物。)以及Then in 1743,the French king had a"flying chair".(然后在1743年,法国国王有了一把"飞椅"。)第三段Three years later,customers at a store in New York could travel to the fifth floor by using an Otis elevator.(三年后,纽约一家商店的顾客可以使用奥蒂斯电梯前往五楼。)最后一段These days,elevators aren't scary.Elevators are getting faster,and office buildings,apartments and hotels are getting higher.You can find Otis elevators in most cities around the world.(如今,电梯并不可怕。电梯越来越快,写字楼、公寓和酒店越来越高。在全球大多数城市,你都可以找到奥蒂斯电梯。)可知,文章主要介绍了电梯的发展历程。本文的标题应为"电梯的历史"。故选D。
    12.(8分)"All right then——just one more piece…"Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake.Of course,many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.
    It isn't just girls.Most of us find it hard to say"no"to something attractive.However,scientists now say that willpower(意志力) is very important for success and a happy life.Scientists in different countries have been studying the influence of willpower on people's lives for a long time.In one study,scientists told young children that they could either have one candy now,or two candies in 15 minutes.Waiting of course needed more willpower.Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up.They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower.They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower influenced their lives.
    Years later,scientists found that the children who had waited for two candies were all healthier,happier and richer adults.But there is hope,Roy F Baumeister,an American expert told us that we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉).Even a little practice can make our self﹣control stronger.
    You could start by making yourself stand up straight,speaking in complete sentences,or using a computer mouse with the other hand.Scientists have found that people who are able to change little habits perform much better in willpower tests.
    Like muscles,willpower can"get tired".Don't try to do too many things at the same time,or when you don't have enough energy,for example,when you are ill.If you already feel tired,you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good night's sleep and by eating well.

    (1)Why did the writer use the example of a girl eating cheesecake?  C 
    A.The writer wanted to prove that girls usually have weak willpower.
    B.The writer wanted to describe girls' special love for cheesecake.
    C.The writer wanted to introduce the topic of willpower to the readers.
    D.The writer wanted to show the relationships between willpower and success.
    (2)What did the scientists get from the study?  D 
    A.Willpower has no influence on people's lives at all.
    B.Willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.
    C.The children who chose only one candy would be poor all their lives.
    D.The children who have stronger willpower are more successful in their lives.
    (3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower?  A 
    A.Train your muscles.
    B.Have a good rest and eat well.
    C.Change your habits.
    D.Don't use willpower too much.
    (4)What does the writer of the passage mainly tell us?  C 
    A.Willpower and muscles are similar and they can be tired.
    B.Willpower influences people's lives and it is the same as muscles.
    C.Willpower is very important to success and it can be developed.
    D.Willpower is connected with success and they influence each other.
    【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据第一段"All right then——just one more piece…"Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake.("那好吧——再来一块……"每个女孩面对美味的芝士蛋糕时都会说的一句话。)以及第二段It isn't just girls.Most of us find it hard to say"no"to something attractive.However,scientists now say that willpower is very important for success and a happy life.(不仅仅是女孩。我们大多数人都很难对有吸引力的事物说"不"。然而,科学家们现在说,意志力对于成功和幸福的生活非常重要。)可知,本文讲了女孩的例子是为了引出本文的主题,即向读者介绍意志力的主题。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Years later,scientists found that the children who had waited for two candies were all healthier,happier and richer adults.(多年后,科学家们发现,等待两颗糖果的孩子们都成为了更健康、更快乐、更富有的成年人。)可知,实验结果表明意志力更强的孩子在生活中更成功。故选D。
    (3)细节判断题。根据倒数第二段Scientists have found that people who are able to change little habits perform much better in willpower tests.(科学家们发现,能够改变小习惯的人在意志力测试中的表现要好得多。)以及最后一段Don't try to do too many things at the same time,or when you don't have enough energy,for example,when you are ill.If you already feel tired,you can try to recharge your willpower with a good night's sleep and by eating well.(不要试图同时做太多的事情,或者当你没有足够的精力时,例如,当你生病的时候。如果你已经感到疲倦,可以尝试通过良好的睡眠和良好的饮食来恢复意志力。)可知,A项,训练你的肌肉。没有提及。故选A。
    (4)目的意图题。根据第二段However,scientists now say that willpower is very important for success and a happy life.(然而,科学家们现在说,意志力对于成功和幸福的生活非常重要。)以及第三段But there is hope,Roy F Baumeister,an American expert told us that we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles.(但是有希望,美国专家Roy F Baumeister告诉我们,我们可以像训练肌肉一样训练意志力。)可知,本文主要告诉我们意志力对成功非常重要而且它可以培养。故选C。
    A.Arguments are useless.
    B.Parents help us grow better.
    C.Everyone's opinion counts.
    D.Learn to control our emotions.
    E.Deal with the bad situation better.
    F.My opinion seems perfectly right
    There always comes a moment when I wonder where I will end up and this moment always gives me a life lesson.These are the lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier:
    (1) C 
    There was a time when everyone's opinion was mine as well.Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's,whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you.Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.
    (2) D 
    When I was a teenager,I'd be angry and go crazy if I had heard someone said bad things behind my back.Looking back on those memories now,I'm not too surprised.After all,when you have little self﹣control,anything is possible.
    (3) A 
    Will one small quarrel among friends decide the development of the friendship?In my world it felt like it.I just wanted so much to be right and for them so much to be wrong.It only resulted in me wasting my time and in the other person storming off in frustration.
    (4) B 
    I'm not saying every parent knows what's the best for kids,but in general,parents do what they do to help us know how to look after ourselves.My parents used to make me do the dishes,cook dinner,sweep the floors,take out the garbage...Now I can take better care of myself.
    (5) E 
    Whenever I'd lose a friend,get an awful grade,or disappoint my parents,I feel terrible.Fortunately,I know now that we don't have to be stuck in bad situations.We can go out and create better ones.It all depends on how you see the situation.
    (1)C.根据后句"Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.每个人的意见都有同样的分量。"可知说的是人们的观点,结合选项,应说每个人的观点都很重要。故选C。
    (2)D.根据后句"After all,when you have little self﹣control,anything is possible.毕竟,当你几乎没有自制力时,一切皆有可能。"可知说的是控制力,结合选项,应说学会控制我们的情绪。故选D。
    (3)A.根据后句"Will one small quarrel among friends decide the development of the friendship?朋友之间的一次小小的争吵会决定友谊的发展吗?"可知说的是争吵,结合选项,应说争吵是没用的。故选A。
    (4)B.根据后句" I'm not saying every parent knows what's the best for kids,but in general,parents do what they do to help us know how to look after ourselves.我并不是说每个父母都知道什么对孩子最好,但总的来说,父母会做他们所做的事情来帮助我们知道如何照顾自己。"可知说的是父母的帮助,结合选项,应说父母帮助我们更好地成长。故选B。
    (5)E.根据后句"Whenever I'd lose a friend,get an awful grade,or disappoint my parents,I feel terrible.每当我失去一个朋友,得到一个糟糕的分数,或让父母失望时,我都会感觉很糟糕。"可知说的是糟糕的情况,结合选项,应说更好地处理糟糕的情况。故选E。
    14.(15分)One cold winter morning,Jim fell from his father's bike and his legs couldn't move.A doctor(1) D him and said he had to stay in bed for some time.Jim was sad at the doctor's(2) A because Christmas was coming.He wanted to look at the shop windows(3) B Christmas gifts and see them lit up(被照亮) at night.
    Jim's younger sister,Mary,Wanted.to (4) A  Her brother.Every day,she went to the shop nearby after school to look at the windows(5) C When she got home,she would tell Jim what there were in the windows.
    There were Christmas trees in all windows.A big kind Father Christmas was standing in one of the windows,(6) D a long white bear(胡须).In his pockets were all kinds of toys.How (7) A he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!
    Every time Mary described the windows,Jim would(8) B  his eyes,imagining himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop. (9) B  there was one thing Mary didn't tell Jim.It was a lovely wooden horse.She wanted to give it to Jim as a Christmas(10) D 
    The day before Christmas Eve,Mary (11) C  her pocket money and found that it was not enough.So she asked Dad (12) A he could offer her a job to make some money.By helping her parents clean and decorate the house,Mary got enough money and bought the wooden horse.
    On Christmas morning,Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed.What a big (13) C !How happy he was!Mary was as happy as Jim because she made Jim happy.
    Actually,the(14) D  people this Christmas were the parents because their daughter learnt to(15) B 

    (3)A.sure about
    B.full of
    C.good at
    D.connected with
    (4)A help
    【解答】(1)考查动词。A看见;B问;C听见;D检查。根据 couldn't move,A doctor(1)him and前面说不能动,后面应该是医生给他检查,故答案是D。
    (2)考查介词。A.words言语;B.actions动作;C.feelings感觉;D.predictions预测。根据句意:Jim听到医生的话很难过,因为圣诞节就要到了。固定短语be sad at one's words表示对某人的话表示伤心,故答案是A。
    (3)考查短语。A.sure about肯定是;B.full of充满;C.good at擅长;D.connected with与...有联系。应该是be filled with;根据He wanted to look at the shop windows(3)Christmas gifts and see themlitup(被照亮)at night前面说商店的窗户,后面说圣诞节礼物,应该是摆满了礼物,full of作定语。故答案是B。
    (4)考查动词。A.帮助;B.拯救;C.款待;D.治愈。根据上文哥哥想看摆满圣诞礼物的橱窗,wanted to(4)her brother妹妹应该是想帮助他,故答案是A。
    (5)考查副词。A.伤心地;B.生气地;C.认真地;D粗心地。根据下文When she got home,she would tell Jim what there were in the windows回到家,告诉Jim里面有什么,这里应该是认真地看,故答案是C。
    (7)考查形容词。A.暖和的;B.冷的;C.有耐心的;D.严肃的。根据后面he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!他好像穿着红色的大衣和皮帽,应该是多么暖和,故答案是A。
    (8)考查动词。A打开;B.关闭;C.洗;D.触摸。根据后面imagining himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop想象自己看着店里的玩具,结合前面eyes,应该是闭上眼睛,故答案是B。
    (9)考查连词。A.和;B.但是;C.或者;D.所以。根据后面there was one thing Mary didn't mention to Jim有一项没有向Jim提及,应该是表转折,故答案是B。
    (10)考查名词。A.树;B.卡片;C.歌曲;D.礼物。根据She wanted to give it to Jim as a Christmas她想给它这个,作为圣诞……,应该是圣诞礼物,故答案是D。
    (11)考查动词。A.借:B.隐藏:C.数数:D.借:根据后面her pocketmoney她兜里的钱应该是用count数,构成动宾关系,数完发现不够,故答案是C。
    (13)考查名词。A.希望;B.成功;C.惊讶;D.挑战。根据前面Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed.看见一匹木马,应该是非常惊讶,故答案是C。
    (14)考查形容词。A.最忙碌的;B.最富有的;C.最和蔼的;D.最开心的;根据文章大意妹妹通过帮助父母做家务挣到足够的钱,给哥哥买了木马作为礼物,这里this Christmgs were their parents应该是父母最开心,因为他们的女儿懂得了付出,故答案是D。
    (15)考查动词。A.到达;B.给;C.服从;D.收到:根据上文哥哥受伤期间妹妹通过自己的努力尽量满足哥哥的愿望,圣诞节来临时,妹妹通过帮助父母做家务挣到足够的钱,给哥哥买了木马作为礼物,这让他很惊喜,爸爸妈妈最开心,their daughter had learnt to因为他们的女儿懂得了付出,give表示给予,付出,故答案是B。
    15.(10分)They eat wild animals,plants,berries,nuts,and insects.They hunt with bows and arrows.There are lots of dangerous snakes.It's one of southern Africa's(1) hottest ( hot) places:There is no water,(2) so  people have to get water from plants.When they are ill,there are no hospitals.People have to get medicine from plants too.
    They are the San, (3) the last people living in the Kalahari.The San people have another name," Bush People''.(4) Their ( they) lifestyle is very simple,but they know more about animals and plants than most people do.The San people live in small(5) groups ( group) of 25﹣50.They live in huts.These houses(6) are made ( make) of wood and grass.There are lots of things they have to learn so that they can live in a dangerous place like the Kalahari.In the evenings,people often sit around a fire and tell stories(7) happily .( happy).
    The Kalahari is a big area of bush and in the southern Africa.It has two parts.There is less rain in the southern part than in the northern part,so the south is drier.There are fewer plants and animals there,and it's more difficult for people(8) to live ( live).But when it rains(9) at the end of the summer,the land becomes greener and more beautiful.For a few weeks,there are(10) millions ( million) of little flowers and even butterflies!
    【解答】(1)考查形容词。根据句意,它是南部非洲最热的地方之一。one of加形容词最高级。故填hottest。
    (3)考查冠词。根据句意,他们是散族人,即最后生活在卡拉哈里沙漠中的人。people 人们,表示特指,用定冠词the。故填the。
    (5)考查名词。根据句意,散族人生活在25﹣50人的小群体中。live in groups 群居生活。故填groups。
    (6)考查动词。根据句意,这些房子是用木头和草建成的。be made of…由…建成。故填are made。
    (8)考查动词。根据句意,而且人们生活更加困难。be difficult for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是困难的。故填to live。
    (9)考查介词。根据句意,但当夏末下雨时,at the end of…在…的最后。故填at。
    (10)考查数词。根据句意,几个星期,有数以百万计的小花,甚至蝴蝶!millions of 数百万计的。故填millions。
    16.(1分)— Will you help me carry the box?
    — With p  leasure .
    【解答】根据"你能帮我搬这个箱子吗?"及首字母提示可知,With pleasure"很荣幸"日常交际用语。
    17.(1分)Whether she wins or whether she l oses this is her last game.
    【解答】根据Whether she wins or whether she…"不管她赢还是…"及首字母提示,可知,应该是"输"lose.根据wins第三人称单数,可知,一般现在时态,主语she"她"第三人称单数,谓语动词用lose的第三人称单数loses.
    18.(1分)He was very p  roud  of himself for not giving up and winning the race at last.
    【解答】根据"他为自己没有放弃并最终赢得比赛而感到......。"及首字母提示可知,be proud of"为......感到骄傲"固定搭配。
    19.(1分)After finishing university,Tom came to China.Three years l  ater ,he was able to speak good Chinese.
    20.(1分)—W  hose  volleyball is it?
    —It might be Mary's.She played it this morning.
    21.(1分)The car runs at a s peed of 110 kilometers an hour.
    【解答】根据110 kilometers an hour"每小时110公里"及首字母提示可知,应该是"速度",不定冠词a修饰单数名词speed。
    22.(1分)My deskmate c  aught  the school bus this morning,but I missed it and was late for school.
    23.(1分)I'm very hungry.I haven't e  aten anything since 7 :00 this morning.
    【解答】根据I'm very hungry."我很饿。"及首字母提示可知,我没有"吃"任何东西。由助动词have可知,现在完成时态,填动词eat的过去分词eaten。
    24.(1分)Germany is a E uropean  country.
    【解答】结合常识可知德国是欧洲国家;European 欧洲的,形容词,在此处作定语,修饰名词country.
    25.(1分)In many countries, New Year's Day falls on the first day of J anuary .
    故答案为 January.
    To:Li Hua
    Dear Li Hua,
    How is everything going with you?Thanks for your invitation.I am so glad that I am visiting your school
    next week.From your letter,I know there is going to be a school food festival in your school.I love Chinese
    food culture a lot.Can you tell me when and where the festival will start?What can I do to during the festival?
    What should I do to prepare for the festival?What Can I learn from the festival?
    Looking forward to seeing you next week.

    From:Li Hua
    Dear Andrew,
    How's it going?
    Li Hua
    If you want to remember something,you can also prepare a video recorder.如果你想记住什么,你也可以准备一台录像机。条件状语从句。
    I look forward to your coming.我期待着你的到来。look forward to期待。
    【解答】Dear Andrew,
    How's it going?I'm very glad to hear that you can come to my school.My school will hold a food festival in the school playground next Friday afternoon. (时间和地点)At the food festival,you can taste almost all Chinese food,such as dumplings,fried noodles,etc. (做什么)Of course,you can also learn the stories behind these delicious foods. (学到什么)At the food festival,you can prepare napkins,because what you eat may stain your clothes.If you want to remember something,you can also prepare a video recorder. 【高分句型一】(准备什么)I look forward to your coming. 【高分句型二】
    Li Hua

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