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    1.(10分)Dad had a green cmb.Every night he handed me his cmb and said "Gd girl,help Daddy clean it,OK?" The task brught me such (1) that I wuld excitedly turn the tap (2) and brush the cmb.Then I wuld happily return the cmb t Dad.He wuld (3) me and place the cmb n his wallet.
    Tw years later,Dad started his wn (4) which wasn't ding s well.Dad didn't cme hme as early as he used t.Mrever,we had t mve frm ur cmfrtable huse t a small apartment.Mm and I became(5) with him fr placing ur family in truble.An uncmfrtable silence grew between us.
    After my graduatin,Dad's cmpany was getting better.On my 18th birthday,Dad came hme(6) .I helped him carry his bags int his study.Then he said, "Hey,wuld yu help me clean my cmb?"
    That rutine meant Dad was hme t (7) the whle evening with Mm and me again.I passed the clean cmb back t Dad.He thanked me and (8) placed his cmb n his wallet.But this time,I nticed smething (9) Dad had aged.He had wrinkles next t his eyes when he smiled(10) his smile was still as warm as befre,the smile f a father wh just wanted a gd life fr his family.
    二、阅读理解(40 分)
    2.(7.5分)In ur daily life,rbts are ften fund t d wrk that is t dangerus,bring,difficult,r dirty.And we ften see kids play with ty rbts.
    But what exactly is a rbt?There are sme imprtant characteristics(特征)that a rbt must have.These characteristics might help yu t decide what is and what is nt a rbt.They will als help yu t decide what yu will need t build int a machine befre it can be cnsidered as a rbt.A rbt has these imprtant characteristics:
    First f all,yur rbt wuld have t be able t sense the envirnment arund it.It shuld have the fllwing sensrs(传感器):light sensrs (eyes),tuch sensrs (hands),chemical sensrs(nse).hearing sensrs(ears)and taste sensrs(tngue).
    A rbt needs t be able t mve arund its envirnment.It can mve n wheels,walk n legs r be driven by small engines.A rbt can mve either the whle bdy r just parts f it.
    A rbt needs t be able t pwer itself.Sme rbts might pwer itself with sunlight sme might with electricity while thers with the battery(电池).The way yur rbt gets its energy will depend r what yur rbt needs t d.
    A rbt needs sme kind f "smarts".A prgrammer is the persn wh gives the rbt its "smarts".The rbt will have t have a certain way t receive the prgram s that it knws what t d.
    (1)Accrding t paragraph 1,what can rbts d fr peple?
    A.Rbts can teach,children.
    B.Rbts can learn by themselves.
    C.Rbts can jin in cmpetitins
    D.Rbts can d sme unpleasant wrk.
    (2)What des the underlined wrd "it" in Paragraph 2 refers t?
    A.The ty.
    B.The characteristic.
    C.The machine.
    D.The engine.
    (3)What can the chemical sensrs help a rbt t d?
    A.They can help rbts t see.
    B.They can help rbts t hear.
    C.They can help rbts t smell.
    D.They can help rbts t catch things.
    (4)In hw many ways can a rbt pwer itself accrding t the passage?
    (5)What is the writer's main purpse f writing the passage?
    A.T intrduce the histry f rbts.
    B.T describe the mvement f a rbt.
    C.T tell what a rbt can d in ur life.
    D.T help peple understand what a rbt is.
    3.(7.5分)"Life is speeding up.Everyne is becming unknwn." This may sund like smething smene wuld say tday.But in fact,an unwell persn wh lived in ancient Rme wrte it.
    We all lve new inventins.They are exciting,amazing and can even change ur lives.But is it true that having all these develpments really imprves the quality f ur lives?
    Picture this:Yu're rushing t finish yur hmewrk n the cmputer.Yur mbile phne rings A message frm yur friend appears n the screen.The nise frm the telephne is getting luder and luder.Suddenly the cmputer ges blank and yu lse all yur wrk.Nw yu have t stay up all night t get it dne.
    Inventins have speeded up ur lives s much that they ften leave us feeling stressed and tired Why d yu think peple wh live far away frm nisy cities,wh have n telephnes,n cars,nt even any electricity ften seem t be happier?Perhaps that is because they live simpler lives.
    One family in the UK went "back in time" t see what life was like withut all the inventins we have tday.The grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsns,Benjamin,10,and Thmas,7,spent nine weeks in a 1940s huse.They had n washing machine,micrwave,cmputer r mbile phne.
    The grandmther,Lyn,said, " The mre things yu have,the mre difficult life becmes." The bys said they fught less.Prbably,they said because there was less t fight ver,such as their cmputer.Benjamin als nticed that his grandmther had changed frm being a fashinable granny t ne wh cked things.
    (1)Wh was the qute(引语)in paragraph 1 written by?
    A.The ld granny.
    B.The unknwn writer.
    C.An ancient Rman.
    D.A creative inventr.
    (2)What des the writer want t tell us in paragraph 3?
    A.New inventins can bring us sme trubles.
    B.New inventins can help us wrk mre efficiently
    C.New inventins can imprve the quality f ur lives.
    D.New inventins can make peple feel relaxed while wrking
    (3)Why did the family chse t spend sme time in a 1940s huse?
    A.Because they lved t live simple lives
    B.Because they were trubled by mdern inventins.
    C.Because they all enjyed living in a different time.
    D.Because they wanted t experience life withut mdern inventins.
    (4)What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Their life became simpler.
    B.The family enjyed living tgether.
    C.They fell in lve with the ld huse.
    D.They felt their life was full f excitement.
    (5)What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.The histry f technlgy.
    B.Prblems caused by technlgy.
    C.The develpment f technlgy.
    D.Hw technlgy imprves ur life.
    4.(7.5分)When yu walk in a Chinese city early in the mrning,yu're likely t see grups f peple exercising in the park.Yu'll see them mving thrugh a series f slw graceful mvements.As their bdies flw frm ne exercise t the next,their minds are fcused nly n their deep,relaxed breathing.
    Tai chi is part f natinal cultural heritage(遗产)which Chinese peple take pride in.This ancient mind﹣bdy exercise is knwn as tai chi,and yu dn't have t live in China t benefit frm it.Accrding t a survey in 2007,mre than 2 millin Americans are currently practicing tai chi.
    Tai chi is called a mind﹣bdy type f exercise because it cmbines meditatin,fcused breathing and physical mvement.Because it's als a lw﹣impact(低强度的)exercise may be particularly suitable fr lder adults,but it's a beneficial exercise fr peple f all ages.
    Tai chi develped in China as a type f martial art.Tday tai chi is used t develp fitness,meditatin,balance,breathing,and well﹣being.
    If tai chi is smething yu might like t try,lk fr a tai chi class near yu.Keep in mind that training prgrams are different in many ways.Yu might want t ask arund fr a recmmendatin r try a class befre yu sign up.Ask ptential tai chi instructrs abut their training and experience.
    Tai chi is generally cnsidered a lw﹣risk exercise that is bth safe and enjyable.If yu have any physical r medical prblems,talk with yur health care prvider befre starting any exercise prgram.And remember,althugh tai chi has many benefits,it can't take the place f regular medical care.
    (1)Why des the authr give the example in paragraph 1?
    A.T describe a scene.
    B.T intrduce the tpic.
    C.T summarize the text.
    D.T guide the readers arund the city.
    (2)What can we knw frm paragraph 2?
    A.Sme freigners are interested in tai chi.
    B.Tai chi makes peple happy,wise and energetic.
    C.Chinese peple dn't take tai chi seriusly nw.
    D.Tai chi was cnsidered a way t lengthen ne's life.
    (3)What des the underlined wrd "meditatin" mean?
    A.Hard training.
    B.Deep thinking.
    C.Bdy stretching.
    D.Vilent exercising.
    (4)Wh may benefit frm practicing tai chi?
    A.Old peple.
    B.The patients.
    C.Yung peple.
    D.Peple f all ages.
    (5)What is the best title f this passage?
    A.Different Schls f Tai Chi arund the Wrld
    B.Tai Chi﹣﹣a Natinal Heritage and Wnderful Exercise
    C.Chinese Martial Arts﹣﹣the Origin and Frms f Tai Chi
    D.The Advantages and Disadvantages f Practising Tai Chi
    Training fr a marathn (马拉松)requires careful preparatin.There are steady,gradual increases in the length f the runs.(1) N ne can say which brand will wrk best fr yu,s yu have t rely n the feel f each pair n yur feet.When yu have fund shes that seem right,walk in them fr a few days t duble﹣check the fit. (2) As always,yu shuld stretch at least ten minutes befre each run t prevent injuries.
    During the first week,d nt think abut distance,but run five minutes lnger each day. (3) Relaxatin is als imprtant.
    But during the next week,set a gal f at least a mile and a half per run. (4)
    After tw weeks start timing yurself.(5) Depending n the kind f race yu plan t enter,yu can set up a timetable fr the remaining weeks befre the race.
    A.This rbt is easy t perate.Just put yur shes in it.The brush in the center spins very fast,causing the water t wash and clean yur shes.
    B.This rbt is respnsible fr the fd delivery inside htels.It can cmmunicate with gate machines and will nt get in peple's way.
    C.This rbt can check hmewrk and explain things mre lgically and clearly.It might have mre effective teaching plans.
    D.This rbt wrks in factries.It can help build cars,washing machines and s n.It can wrk efficiently.
    E.This rbt is cnvenient fr travelers.It can fit in yur hand when it is flded.Put in water,washing liquid and clthing and it will rub by itself.
    F.This rbt can hang ff the side f a building and uses its brushes t clean the dirt n the glass panes It can mve up and dwn skillfully.
    (1) Ken wns a htel which needs helpers in delivering fd.
    (2) Ry has many sprts shes.It takes him a lt f time t clean his shes.
    (3) Jane lves travelling,but hates washing her clthes.
    (4) Gerge wants sme rbts t help d sme wrk in a car cmpany.
    (5) Tm wants sme rbts t clean the glass panes f skyscrapers.
    There were tw carpenters(木匠) in a village. (1) f them were gd at their jbs.The cuntry's king made a(2) (decide)t hld a cntest t find ut which ne was better.The winner wuld becme the fficial ryal carpenter.
    The carpenters (3) (give)three days t carve(雕)a wden muse.The ne(4) carved the mre lifelike muse wuld win.
    The first carpenter carved a muse with lifelike features.The secnd carpenter's muse,hwever,lked quite rugh.In fact,it hardly lked(5) a muse at all.The king and his ministers agreed that the first carpenter was the winner.
    The secnd carpenter said the judgement was (6) (fair). "We shuld ask cats.Cats can recgnize mice much better than humans.
    The king thught it was (7) reasnable pint.He rdered his ministers t catch several cats and bring them t judge the carpentersmice.(8) (surprise),all f the cats were mre attracted by the secnd carpenter's muse.
    The king asked the secnd carpenter, "Hw did yu make the cat (9) (belief)that yur muse lked mre real?" The carpenter said, " If yu lk clsely,yu can see that I carved a muse(10) (hld)a fishbne!The cats dn't care hw real it lks,but hw gd it might taste."
    8.(15分)假如你是李华,你在劳动技能课上学会了制作贺卡,昨天是母亲节,你为妈妈亲手制作了一张卡片作为礼物。请根据下面提示给你的外国好友Julie 写一封信,介绍贺卡的制作过程及相关情况。
    参考词汇:卡纸:cardbard 彩色铅笔:clred pencils 剪刀:scissrs
    剪成心形:cut…int a heart shape
    Dear Julie,
    Hw's everything?Recently I have learnt hw t make greeting cards in the labr class.Yesterday was Mther's Day.___________
    1.(10分)Dad had a green cmb.Every night he handed me his cmb and said "Gd girl,help Daddy clean it,OK?" The task brught me such (1) A that I wuld excitedly turn the tap (2) C and brush the cmb.Then I wuld happily return the cmb t Dad.He wuld (3) A me and place the cmb n his wallet.
    Tw years later,Dad started his wn (4) D which wasn't ding s well.Dad didn't cme hme as early as he used t.Mrever,we had t mve frm ur cmfrtable huse t a small apartment.Mm and I became(5) B with him fr placing ur family in truble.An uncmfrtable silence grew between us.
    After my graduatin,Dad's cmpany was getting better.On my 18th birthday,Dad came hme(6) C .I helped him carry his bags int his study.Then he said, "Hey,wuld yu help me clean my cmb?"
    That rutine meant Dad was hme t (7) B the whle evening with Mm and me again.I passed the clean cmb back t Dad.He thanked me and (8) D placed his cmb n his wallet.But this time,I nticed smething (9) C Dad had aged.He had wrinkles next t his eyes when he smiled(10) B his smile was still as warm as befre,the smile f a father wh just wanted a gd life fr his family.
    【解答】(1)考查名词。A.快乐;B.悲伤;C.勇气;D.痛苦。由空后 I wuld excitedly turn the tap (我会兴奋地打开水龙头)可知,此处是快乐,句意:这项任务给我带来了极大的快乐,我会兴奋地打开水龙头,刷梳子。故选:A。
    (2)考查副词。A.向下,B.向……上方,C.表示持续性,D.在里面。由空前 I wuld excitedly turn the tap (我会兴奋地打开水龙头)可知,此处是打开,turn the tap n打开水龙头,句意:这项任务给我带来了极大的快乐,我会兴奋地打开水龙头,刷梳子。故选:C。
    (4)考查名词。A.旅行;B.家庭;C.卡车;D.生意。由空后句子Mrever,we had t mve frm ur cmfrtable huse t a small apartment.(此外,我们不得不从舒适的房子搬到一个小公寓。)可知,此处是生意,句意:两年后,爸爸开始了自己的生意,但生意并不好。故选:D。
    二、阅读理解(40 分)
    2.(7.5分)In ur daily life,rbts are ften fund t d wrk that is t dangerus,bring,difficult,r dirty.And we ften see kids play with ty rbts.
    But what exactly is a rbt?There are sme imprtant characteristics(特征)that a rbt must have.These characteristics might help yu t decide what is and what is nt a rbt.They will als help yu t decide what yu will need t build int a machine befre it can be cnsidered as a rbt.A rbt has these imprtant characteristics:
    First f all,yur rbt wuld have t be able t sense the envirnment arund it.It shuld have the fllwing sensrs(传感器):light sensrs (eyes),tuch sensrs (hands),chemical sensrs(nse).hearing sensrs(ears)and taste sensrs(tngue).
    A rbt needs t be able t mve arund its envirnment.It can mve n wheels,walk n legs r be driven by small engines.A rbt can mve either the whle bdy r just parts f it.
    A rbt needs t be able t pwer itself.Sme rbts might pwer itself with sunlight sme might with electricity while thers with the battery(电池).The way yur rbt gets its energy will depend r what yur rbt needs t d.
    A rbt needs sme kind f "smarts".A prgrammer is the persn wh gives the rbt its "smarts".The rbt will have t have a certain way t receive the prgram s that it knws what t d.
    (1)Accrding t paragraph 1,what can rbts d fr peple? D
    A.Rbts can teach,children.
    B.Rbts can learn by themselves.
    C.Rbts can jin in cmpetitins
    D.Rbts can d sme unpleasant wrk.
    (2)What des the underlined wrd "it" in Paragraph 2 refers t? C
    A.The ty.
    B.The characteristic.
    C.The machine.
    D.The engine.
    (3)What can the chemical sensrs help a rbt t d? C
    A.They can help rbts t see.
    B.They can help rbts t hear.
    C.They can help rbts t smell.
    D.They can help rbts t catch things.
    (4)In hw many ways can a rbt pwer itself accrding t the passage? B
    (5)What is the writer's main purpse f writing the passage? D
    A.T intrduce the histry f rbts.
    B.T describe the mvement f a rbt.
    C.T tell what a rbt can d in ur life.
    D.T help peple understand what a rbt is.
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据In ur daily life,rbts are ften fund t d wrk that is t dangerus,bring,difficult,r dirty.And we ften see kids play with ty rbts.(在我们的日常生活中,机器人经常被发现从事危险、无聊、困难或肮脏的工作。我们经常看到孩子们玩玩具机器人。)可知根据第1段,机器人能为人类做一些令人不愉快的工作。故选D。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据They will als help yu t decide what yu will need t build int a machine befre it can be cnsidered as a rbt.(它们还将帮助你决定在...被视为机器人之前,你需要在机器中构建什么。)可知第2段中带下划线的"it"是指"机器"。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据chemical sensrs(nse)(化学传感器﹣﹣﹣鼻子)可知化学传感器能帮助机器人的闻东西。故选C。
    (4)细节理解题。根据A rbt needs t be able t pwer itself.Sme rbts might pwer itself with sunlight sme might with electricity while thers with the battery.(机器人需要能够自己供电。一些机器人可以用太阳光为自己供电,一些机器人用电,而另一些机器人用电池。)可知根据这篇文章,一个机器人可以通过三种方式为自己提供动力。故选B。
    3.(7.5分)"Life is speeding up.Everyne is becming unknwn." This may sund like smething smene wuld say tday.But in fact,an unwell persn wh lived in ancient Rme wrte it.
    We all lve new inventins.They are exciting,amazing and can even change ur lives.But is it true that having all these develpments really imprves the quality f ur lives?
    Picture this:Yu're rushing t finish yur hmewrk n the cmputer.Yur mbile phne rings A message frm yur friend appears n the screen.The nise frm the telephne is getting luder and luder.Suddenly the cmputer ges blank and yu lse all yur wrk.Nw yu have t stay up all night t get it dne.
    Inventins have speeded up ur lives s much that they ften leave us feeling stressed and tired Why d yu think peple wh live far away frm nisy cities,wh have n telephnes,n cars,nt even any electricity ften seem t be happier?Perhaps that is because they live simpler lives.
    One family in the UK went "back in time" t see what life was like withut all the inventins we have tday.The grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsns,Benjamin,10,and Thmas,7,spent nine weeks in a 1940s huse.They had n washing machine,micrwave,cmputer r mbile phne.
    The grandmther,Lyn,said, " The mre things yu have,the mre difficult life becmes." The bys said they fught less.Prbably,they said because there was less t fight ver,such as their cmputer.Benjamin als nticed that his grandmther had changed frm being a fashinable granny t ne wh cked things.
    (1)Wh was the qute(引语)in paragraph 1 written by? C
    A.The ld granny.
    B.The unknwn writer.
    C.An ancient Rman.
    D.A creative inventr.
    (2)What des the writer want t tell us in paragraph 3? A
    A.New inventins can bring us sme trubles.
    B.New inventins can help us wrk mre efficiently
    C.New inventins can imprve the quality f ur lives.
    D.New inventins can make peple feel relaxed while wrking
    (3)Why did the family chse t spend sme time in a 1940s huse? D
    A.Because they lved t live simple lives
    B.Because they were trubled by mdern inventins.
    C.Because they all enjyed living in a different time.
    D.Because they wanted t experience life withut mdern inventins.
    (4)What can we infer frm the last paragraph? A
    A.Their life became simpler.
    B.The family enjyed living tgether.
    C.They fell in lve with the ld huse.
    D.They felt their life was full f excitement.
    (5)What is the passage mainly abut? B
    A.The histry f technlgy.
    B.Prblems caused by technlgy.
    C.The develpment f technlgy.
    D.Hw technlgy imprves ur life.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段But in fact,an unknwn persn wh lived in ancient Rme wrte it.(但事实上,这是一位住在古罗马的无名人士写的。)可知这句话是古罗马人说的。故选C。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段Picture this:Yu're rushing t finish yur hmewrk n the cmputer.Yur mbile phne rings A message frm yur friend appears n the screen.The nise frm the telephne is getting luder and luder.(想象一下:你正在匆忙地在电脑上完成作业。您的手机响了,屏幕上会出现您朋友的消息。电话的噪音越来越大。)可知第3段告诉我们新发明会给我们带来一些麻烦。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段One family in the UK went "back in time" t see what life was like withut all the inventins we have tday.(英国的一个家庭"回到过去",看看没有我们今天所有的发明,生活会是什么样子。)可知因为他们想体验没有现代发明的生活。故选D。
    (4)细节推断题。根据最后一段Prbably,they said because there was less t fight ver,such as their cmputer.Benjamin als nticed that his grandmther had changed frm being a fashinable granny t ne wh cked things.(他们说,可能是因为没有太多的争论,比如他们的电脑。本杰明还注意到,他的祖母已经从一个时髦的奶奶变成了一个做饭的人。)可知他们的生活变得简单了。故选A。
    (5)文章主旨题。根据全文尤其第三段Picture this:Yu're rushing t finish yur hmewrk n the cmputer.Yur mbile phne rings A message frm yur friend appears n the screen.The nise frm the telephne is getting luder and luder.(想象一下:你正在匆忙地在电脑上完成作业。您的手机响了,屏幕上会出现您朋友的消息。电话的噪音越来越大。)可知这篇文章的主要内容是技术引起的问题。故选B。
    4.(7.5分)When yu walk in a Chinese city early in the mrning,yu're likely t see grups f peple exercising in the park.Yu'll see them mving thrugh a series f slw graceful mvements.As their bdies flw frm ne exercise t the next,their minds are fcused nly n their deep,relaxed breathing.
    Tai chi is part f natinal cultural heritage(遗产)which Chinese peple take pride in.This ancient mind﹣bdy exercise is knwn as tai chi,and yu dn't have t live in China t benefit frm it.Accrding t a survey in 2007,mre than 2 millin Americans are currently practicing tai chi.
    Tai chi is called a mind﹣bdy type f exercise because it cmbines meditatin,fcused breathing and physical mvement.Because it's als a lw﹣impact(低强度的)exercise may be particularly suitable fr lder adults,but it's a beneficial exercise fr peple f all ages.
    Tai chi develped in China as a type f martial art.Tday tai chi is used t develp fitness,meditatin,balance,breathing,and well﹣being.
    If tai chi is smething yu might like t try,lk fr a tai chi class near yu.Keep in mind that training prgrams are different in many ways.Yu might want t ask arund fr a recmmendatin r try a class befre yu sign up.Ask ptential tai chi instructrs abut their training and experience.
    Tai chi is generally cnsidered a lw﹣risk exercise that is bth safe and enjyable.If yu have any physical r medical prblems,talk with yur health care prvider befre starting any exercise prgram.And remember,althugh tai chi has many benefits,it can't take the place f regular medical care.
    (1)Why des the authr give the example in paragraph 1? B
    A.T describe a scene.
    B.T intrduce the tpic.
    C.T summarize the text.
    D.T guide the readers arund the city.
    (2)What can we knw frm paragraph 2? A
    A.Sme freigners are interested in tai chi.
    B.Tai chi makes peple happy,wise and energetic.
    C.Chinese peple dn't take tai chi seriusly nw.
    D.Tai chi was cnsidered a way t lengthen ne's life.
    (3)What des the underlined wrd "meditatin" mean? B
    A.Hard training.
    B.Deep thinking.
    C.Bdy stretching.
    D.Vilent exercising.
    (4)Wh may benefit frm practicing tai chi? D
    A.Old peple.
    B.The patients.
    C.Yung peple.
    D.Peple f all ages.
    (5)What is the best title f this passage? B
    A.Different Schls f Tai Chi arund the Wrld
    B.Tai Chi﹣﹣a Natinal Heritage and Wnderful Exercise
    C.Chinese Martial Arts﹣﹣the Origin and Frms f Tai Chi
    D.The Advantages and Disadvantages f Practising Tai Chi
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段When yu walk in a Chinese city early in the mrning.yu're likely t see grups f peple exercising in the park.Yu'll see them mving thrugh a series f slw graceful mvements.(当你清晨漫步在中国城市时。你可能会看到一群人在公园里锻炼。你会看到他们通过一系列缓慢优雅的动作移动。)可知作者在介绍主题﹣﹣太极。故选B。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第二段Accrding t a survey in 2007,mre than 2 millin Americans are currently practicing tai chi(根据2007年的一项调查,目前有超过200万美国人在练习太极。)可知一些外国人对太极感兴趣。故选A。
    (3)词义理解题。根据第三段Tai chi is called a mind﹣bdy type f exercise because it cmbines meditatin,fcused breathing and physical mvement.(太极被称为心身运动,因为它结合了、集中呼吸和身体运动。)可知"meditatin"的意思为"冥想"。故选B。
    (4)细节理解题。根据第三段Because it's als a lw﹣impact exercise may be particularly suitable fr lder adults,but it's a beneficial exercise fr peple f all ages.(因为它也是一种低影响的运动,可能特别适合老年人,但它对所有年龄的人都是有益的。)可知所有年龄的人可以从练习太极中受益。故选D。
    (5)最佳标题题。根据全文尤其第二段Tai chi is part f natinal cultural heritage which Chinese peple take pride in.(太极是国家文化遗产的一部分,这是中国人引以为豪的。)根据第三段Because it's als a lw﹣impact exercise may be particularly suitable fr lder adults,but it's a beneficial exercise fr peple f all ages.(因为它也是一种低影响的运动,可能特别适合老年人,但它对所有年龄的人都是有益的。)可知最佳标题为:太极——国家遗产和精彩运动。故选B。
    Training fr a marathn (马拉松)requires careful preparatin.There are steady,gradual increases in the length f the runs.(1) F N ne can say which brand will wrk best fr yu,s yu have t rely n the feel f each pair n yur feet.When yu have fund shes that seem right,walk in them fr a few days t duble﹣check the fit. (2) C As always,yu shuld stretch at least ten minutes befre each run t prevent injuries.
    During the first week,d nt think abut distance,but run five minutes lnger each day. (3) A Relaxatin is als imprtant.
    But during the next week,set a gal f at least a mile and a half per run. (4) B
    After tw weeks start timing yurself.(5) E Depending n the kind f race yu plan t enter,yu can set up a timetable fr the remaining weeks befre the race.
    (1)根据后文N ne can say which brand will wrk best fr yu,s yu have t rely n the feel f each pair n yur feet.(没有人能说哪个品牌最适合你,所以你必须依赖每双鞋的脚感。)可知是说准备鞋。在开始训练之前,买最合脚的跑鞋。符合题意。故选F。
    (2)根据前一句When yu have fund shes that seem right,walk in them fr a few days t duble﹣check the fit.(当你找到合适的鞋子时,穿上几天,仔细检查是否合脚。)可知要说的是检查鞋子是否合脚。如果他们仍然感觉良好,你可以开始穿着他们跑步。符合题意。故选C。
    (3)根据前一句During the first week,d nt think abut distance,but run five minutes lnger each day.(在第一周,不要考虑距离,而是每天多跑五分钟。)可知一周七天,六天后,休息一天是明智的。符合题意。故选A。
    (4)根据前文During the first week,d nt think abut distance,(在第一周,不要考虑距离,)But during the next week,set a gal f at least a mile and a half per run.(但在接下来的一周里,设定每次跑步至少1.5英里的目标。)可知第二周要每天增加一英里的距离。故选B。
    (5)根据前文After tw weeks start timing yurself(两周后,开始为自己计时。)可知做好准备工作,现在,您已经为提高距离和时间的目标做好了准备。符合题意。故选E。
    A.This rbt is easy t perate.Just put yur shes in it.The brush in the center spins very fast,causing the water t wash and clean yur shes.
    B.This rbt is respnsible fr the fd delivery inside htels.It can cmmunicate with gate machines and will nt get in peple's way.
    C.This rbt can check hmewrk and explain things mre lgically and clearly.It might have mre effective teaching plans.
    D.This rbt wrks in factries.It can help build cars,washing machines and s n.It can wrk efficiently.
    E.This rbt is cnvenient fr travelers.It can fit in yur hand when it is flded.Put in water,washing liquid and clthing and it will rub by itself.
    F.This rbt can hang ff the side f a building and uses its brushes t clean the dirt n the glass panes It can mve up and dwn skillfully.
    (1) B Ken wns a htel which needs helpers in delivering fd.
    (2) A Ry has many sprts shes.It takes him a lt f time t clean his shes.
    (3) E Jane lves travelling,but hates washing her clthes.
    (4) D Gerge wants sme rbts t help d sme wrk in a car cmpany.
    (5) F Tm wants sme rbts t clean the glass panes f skyscrapers.
    (5)汤姆想要一些机器人来清洁摩天大楼的玻璃窗。﹣﹣﹣ 这个机器人可以悬挂在建筑物的侧面,用刷子清洁玻璃窗上的污垢,它可以熟练地上下移动。
    【解答】(1)根据Ken wns a htel which needs helpers in delivering fd.(肯拥有一家旅馆,需要帮忙送食物。)可知说的是帮忙送食物,结合选项,可知选项B"这个机器人负责酒店内的食物配送。它可以与门机通信,不会妨碍人们。"符合题干。故选:B。
    (2)根据Ry has many sprts shes.It takes him a lt f time t clean his shes.(罗伊有许多运动鞋。他花了很多时间擦鞋。)可知说的是擦鞋,结合选项,可知选项A"这个机器人很容易操作。把你的鞋穿进去。中间的刷子旋转非常快,导致水冲洗和清洁鞋子。"符合题干。故选:A。
    (3)根据Jane lves travelling,but hates washing her clthes.(简喜欢旅行。但她讨厌洗衣服。)可知说的是洗衣服,结合选项,可知选项E"这个机器人对旅行者很方便。折叠时可以放在你的手上。放入水、洗衣液和衣物中,它会自行摩擦。"符合题干。故选:E。
    (4)根据Gerge wants sme rbts t help d sme wrk in a car cmpany.(乔治想要一些机器人来帮助汽车公司做一些工作。)可知说的是帮助汽车公司做一些工作,结合选项,可知选项D"这个机器人在工厂工作。它可以帮助制造汽车、洗衣机等。它可以高效地工作。"符合题干。故选:D。
    (5)根据Tm wants sme rbts t clean the glass panes f skyscrapers.(汤姆想要一些机器人来清洁摩天大楼的玻璃窗。)可知说的是清洁摩天大楼的玻璃窗,结合选项,可知选项F" 这个机器人可以悬挂在建筑物的侧面,用刷子清洁玻璃窗上的污垢,它可以熟练地上下移动。"符合题干。故选:F。
    There were tw carpenters(木匠) in a village. (1) Bth f them were gd at their jbs.The cuntry's king made a(2) decisin (decide)t hld a cntest t find ut which ne was better.The winner wuld becme the fficial ryal carpenter.
    The carpenters (3) were given (give)three days t carve(雕)a wden muse.The ne(4) wh carved the mre lifelike muse wuld win.
    The first carpenter carved a muse with lifelike features.The secnd carpenter's muse,hwever,lked quite rugh.In fact,it hardly lked(5) like a muse at all.The king and his ministers agreed that the first carpenter was the winner.
    The secnd carpenter said the judgement was (6) unfair (fair). "We shuld ask cats.Cats can recgnize mice much better than humans.
    The king thught it was (7) a reasnable pint.He rdered his ministers t catch several cats and bring them t judge the carpentersmice.(8) Surprisingly (surprise),all f the cats were mre attracted by the secnd carpenter's muse.
    The king asked the secnd carpenter, "Hw did yu make the cat (9) believe (belief)that yur muse lked mre real?" The carpenter said, " If yu lk clsely,yu can see that I carved a muse(10) hlding (hld)a fishbne!The cats dn't care hw real it lks,but hw gd it might taste."
    【解答】(1)考查代词。句意:他们都很擅长自己的工作。根据There were tw carpenters(木匠) in a village. (在一个村庄里有两个木匠。)可知,bth两者都。故填Bth。
    (2)考查名词。句意:这个国家的国王决定举行一场比赛,看看哪一个更好。可知,固定短语make a decisin做决定。故填decisin。
    (3)考查动词。句意:木匠们被给予三天时间来雕刻一只木老鼠。分析题干,可知是一般过去式的被动语态,其结构was/were+动词的过去分词,主语是the carpenters,故用were,give"给"的过去分词是given。故填were given。
    (4)考查代词。句意:雕刻出更逼真的老鼠的那个人将获胜。根据the ne指人,先行词用wh。故填wh。
    (5)考查介词。句意:事实上,它看起来一点也不像一只老鼠。根据固定短语lk like看起来像,可知用like像。故填like。
    (6)考查形容词。句意:第二个木匠说判决不公平。根据The king and his ministers agreed that the first carpenter was the winner.(国王和他的大臣们一致认为第一个木匠是获胜者。)可知,第二个木匠说判决不公平,用unfair不公平的。故填unfair。
    (9)考查动词。句意:你是怎么让猫相信你的老鼠看起来更真实的?根据固定短语make sb d使某人做某事,可知,用动词原形,belief的动词是believe相信。故填believe。
    8.(15分)假如你是李华,你在劳动技能课上学会了制作贺卡,昨天是母亲节,你为妈妈亲手制作了一张卡片作为礼物。请根据下面提示给你的外国好友Julie 写一封信,介绍贺卡的制作过程及相关情况。
    参考词汇:卡纸:cardbard 彩色铅笔:clred pencils 剪刀:scissrs
    剪成心形:cut…int a heart shape
    Dear Julie,
    Hw's everything?Recently I have learnt hw t make greeting cards in the labr class.Yesterday was Mther's Day.___________
    I decided t make a birthday card fr my mther.我决定给妈妈做一张生日贺卡。
    decide t +动词原形,表示决定做……
    I'm lking frward t yur reply.我期待着你的答复。
    lk frward t 期待。
    【解答】Dear Julie,
    Hw's everything?Recently I have learnt hw t make greeting cards in the labr class.Yesterday was Mther's Day.I decided t make a birthday card fr my mther. 【高分句型一】First,I bught sme preparatin paper,clred pencils and scissrs.Then I cut the paper int hearts and drew beautiful pictures.Finally,I wrte dwn my blessing t my mther and expressed my thanks.(贺卡的制作过程) I thught Mm wuld be happy when she receives the card.She wuld praise me and said my card was gd. (妈妈收到卡片时的感受和评价)Julie,hw d yu celebrate Mther's Day?(询问Julie是如何庆祝母亲节的)
    I'm lking frward t yur reply.【高分句型二】
    Li Hua
    声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/9/18 14:29:19;用户:山东省北镇中学;邮箱:bzzx001@xyh.cm;学号:44838527(1)A.jy
    (3)A.smile at
    B.stare at
    C.shut t
    D.pint t
    A.After six days,it is wise t take a day ff t rest.
    B.With each day,increase the distance by a hall mile.
    C.If they still feel gd,yu can begin running in them.
    D.As a gd marathn runner,yu shuld have a healthy diet.
    E.Nw yu are ready fr a gal f imprving distance and time.
    F.Befre yu begin yur training,buy the best﹣fitting running shes.
    (3)A.smile at
    B.stare at
    C.shut t
    D.pint t
    A.After six days,it is wise t take a day ff t rest.
    B.With each day,increase the distance by a hall mile.
    C.If they still feel gd,yu can begin running in them.
    D.As a gd marathn runner,yu shuld have a healthy diet.
    E.Nw yu are ready fr a gal f imprving distance and time.
    F.Befre yu begin yur training,buy the best﹣fitting running shes.

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