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    1. —Lingling, is this your bag?
    —Yes, it's ______.
    A. mine B. yours C. his D. hers
    2. —Where were you born, Meimei?
    —I was born ______ Tianjin.
    A. on B. to C. in D. for
    3. Tony likes rock music ______ his father doesn't like it at all.
    A. because B. so C. but D. or
    4. —Excuse me, ______ is the bank?
    —It's over there, near the shop.
    A.  what B. where C. why D. who
    5. —______ you play the violin, Daming?
    —Yes, I can.
    A. Can B. May C. Shall D. Need
    6. —This T-shirt looks nice. ______ is it?
    —It's 60 yuan.
    A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How long
    7. —What are you going to do this weekend?
    —I ______ a piano lesson on Saturday afternoon.
    A. have B. has
    C. had D. am going to have
    8. Machines ______ the heavy and difficult jobs in the future.
    A. do B. does C. did D. will do
    9. There ______ a small lake in the garden two years ago.
    A. is B. are C. was D. were
    10. I ______ this film last month. It's very interesting.
    A. see B. saw C. will see D. am seeing
    11. —Where is Mary?
    —Look! She ______ the flowers over there.
    A. waters B. watered C. will water D. is watering
    12. We Chinese often ______ when we meet visitors.
    A. smile B. smiled C. will smile D. are smiling

        Life is always about ups and downs, but life can teach you to grow.
        About two years ago, I was taking part in the first Table Tennis Championships (锦标赛). I was quite  (13)    about myself. My opponent (对手) was very short and thin. The thoughts in my head were something like "She's so short and of course I'll   (14)   ". When the match started, I found my opponent was really good at playing table tennis. With a smile on her face, she scored three points in the first ten seconds. I was so surprised, afraid and   (15)   everything my coach (教练) said. I only hoped not to lose the match. But the fact made me sad. I lost 0-3. I had never lost before. From then on, I was afraid of the  (16)   , and to me, her name was connected with failure (失败).
        The experience (经历) lasted with me. I worked and trained harder than before. I listened to my coach carefully and made sure I was not overconfident (过于自信的). The following year, I   (17)   the same girl once again at the championships. As the competition started, I wasn't afraid like the past match but   (18)   to my coach's words. I did as my coach told me. The main thought in my head was not about winning or losing, but doing my best.
        Finally, I won. My hard work and listening to my coach worked. My opponent had the same thin shape, but did not make me afraid anymore. She helped me find out who I  (19)    was.
        From this experience, I learned not to be too proud (骄傲的). It is important to know the fact that there are people better than you. But with this idea in mind, you can work hard to become that person who is better. This experience also taught me not to judge (判断) others by their   (20)   . We should learn more from others, especially from our opponents.
    13.  A. sure B. busy C. bored D. worried
    14.  A. shout B. smile C. win D. knock
    15.  A. left B. brought C. caught D. forgot
    16.  A. school B. girl C. coach D. subject
    17.  A. changed B. noticed C. faced D. believed
    18.  A. waved B. tuned C. jumped D. listened
    19.  A. really B. perfectly C. quickly D. personally
    20.  A. words B. looks C. hearts D. excuses

        Now, a lot of students would like to join in after-school activities(活动) in the school. The new clubs for this term are on the board. Let's have a look at them.

    Chinese Calligraphy(书法)Club
    Want to learn how to write traditional Chinese characters? Want to enjoy the beauty of Chinese Calligraphy? Ms Zhao is waiting for you.
    Time: Thursday afternoon

    Beijing Opera Club
    Are you interested in music, dancing, painting or beautiful clothes? You can enjoy all of these in our club. Sometimes we go to Mei Lanfang Theatre to watch Beijing Opera.
    Time: Friday afternoon

    Sports Club
    Choose something new, choose something fun. You can choose some new kinds of sports here, such as Taijiquan. It is an interesting and traditional kind of exercise. It's slow and quiet, but very good for your health.
    Time: Monday afternoon

    Food and Drink Club
    Do you like cooking? Come to our Food and Drink Club. Make your own (自己的) dishes (菜肴) and learn something about Chinese cooking. You can also learn some other cooking styles from the whole world.
    Time: Tuesday afternoon
    Room: 308
    21. Beijing Opera Club is in ________.
    A. Room 105 B. Room 107 C. Room 201 D. Room 308
    22. Tom likes Taijiquan, so he can choose ________.
    A. Sports Club B. Beijing Opera Club
    C. Food and Drink Club D. Chinese Calligraphy Club
    23. What can you do in Food and Drink Club?
    A. Do different sports. B. Watch Beijing Opera.
    C. Make our own dishes. D. Write traditional characters.
    No more blues    Jason was practicing (练习) a new song on the piano. His father was sitting in the room, reading a book. Suddenly Jason stopped and said to his father, "This song is too difficult! I don't think I can learn it. It's called 'No More Blues'."
        Jason's father closed his book and said, "The word 'blue' means the feeling when a person is unhappy, so your song is about not being unhappy anymore. Maybe you need a break from practicing. Let's take a walk. It's such a nice sunny day."
        Jason and his father began walking down the street. They turned into a park near their home. It was a cold autumn day, and the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow. A cool and gentle wind blew against Jason's face.
        An hour later, Jason and his father returned to the house. Jason sat down at the piano again and began to play. His fingers moved more easily over the keys, and music filled the room. "I don't understand why the same song seems easier to play now," he said.
        "How did you feel before the walk?" Jason's father asked. "Terrible," Jason said with a frown (皱眉).
        "And how do you feel now after taking a walk?" Jason's father went on.
        "Great!" Jason answered, then he smiled. "Taking a walk helped me stop being unhappy. Just like the song, I have no more blues! I think I'll play the song again."
    24. What was Jason's father doing at the beginning of the story?
    A. Playing the piano. B. Talking with Jason.
    C. Taking a walk. D. Reading a book.
    25. How does Jason feel after he takes a walk with his father?
    A. Terrible. B. Blue. C. Unhappy. D. Great.
    26. What can we learn from the story?
    A. The best kind of exercise is to take a walk.
    B. Learning to play a new song needs a cool day.
    C. It can be good to have a rest from something difficult.
    D. Reading a book can help people play the piano better.
        Stop coffee and cola! Let's drink another one of the world's most popular drinks—tea on May 21 International Tea Day. We all know that China is the birthplace of tea culture (文化). But do you know about the tea cultures of some other countries?
        Tea was brought to Japan from China in the ninth century by a traveling monk (僧人). The custom (习俗) of tea drinking later became an important part of Japanese culture. In Japan, serving tea is an art. People use beautiful tea bowls and enjoy the peace and calm of the tea room.
        India is one of the largest tea producers (生产国) in the world. It also learned the art of tea-drinking from China centuries ago. Tea is very popular in India. In fact Indian people use 70% of the tea produced in India. "Chai" is the Hindi (印地语) word for tea. Traditional Indian chai is a kind of black lea. But unlike Chinese black tea, chai is put together with strong spices (香料) such as ginger (姜).
        Turkey (土耳其) also has a tea culture. Tea was brought to the country from China in the nineteenth century. The traditional Turkish tea cup looks like a flower. The tea is usually served very hot. Most often salty or sweet biscuits called "kurabive" are served along with the tea.
    27. Tea culture was born in ________.
    A. China B. Japan C. India D. Turkey
    28. What do you know about the tea culture of India?
    A. Indian people use only ginger to make chai.
    B. Indian people like having strong spices in their tea.
    C. India doesnˈt produce enough tea for its own people.
    D. Indian people went to Japan to leam how to make chai.
    29. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A. International Tea Day falls on May 16.
    B. India produces 70% of the world's tea.
    C. Tea went to Turkey before it went to Japan.
    D. A traveling monk brought tea from China to Japan.
        Qian Xuesen was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911. He left Hangzhou at the age of three when his father got a job in Beijing. He graduated(毕业) from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University and went to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
        After his graduation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he travelled across the Pacific Ocean to the United States for further study. After he graduated, he became a professor(教授) to study rockets(火箭) and missiles(导弹).
        In 1949, when the news of the birth of the People's Republic of China came to the United States. Qian Xuesen and his wife decided to return to China. In 1950, when they were ready to return home, they were stopped by the US government(政府). With the help of Chinese government and his friends, he finally returned home.
        When he returned to China in 1955, our country's space research(研究) was almost a blank. In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles. From then on, he was busy working on China's missile, rocket and spacecraft research programs. He was named "the Father of China's Missiles".
        He died on October 31, 2009 at the age of 98, but he is a man who still encourages(激励) Chinese young people. When someone said he could make much more money if he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said. "My family name is Qian, but I don't like qian."
        A Chinese film production, Qian Xuesen, was released on December 11, 2011 in both Asia and North America, and on March 2, 2012 in China.
    30. How old was Qian Xuesen when he graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University?
    A. 20. B. 21. C. 23. D. 25.
    31. The words "a blank" in Paragraph 4 probably mean "_____".
    A. a start B. a change C. an ending D. a success
    32. Which of the following about Qian Xuesen is not true according to the passage?
    A. He finished high school in Beijing.
    B. He and his wife returned home in 1949.
    C. He died in October, 2009 when he was 98.
    D. He was named "the Father of Chinaˈs Missiles".
    33. What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A. The life of Qian Xuesen. B. The Family of Qian Xuesen.
    C. The film of Qian Xuesen. D. The research of Qian Xuesen.

    34.     AR(增强现实) is a new technology(技术) right now. AR lets us see the real-life environment(环境) right in front of us—a pterodactyl(翼手龙) landing in the trees and the palaces in the past. Many of us know that AR is used in mobile games. However, education(教育) is another important space where this technology can make a difference.
        AR brings science to life in education. In the past, teachers used 2D pictures and lifeless models(模型) to teach science. With AR, science will become more lively. Students can use AR apps to learn different animals. Students can also learn other subjects with AR. For example, in geography classes, students can see great natural phenomena(自然现象) wherever they are. In history lessons, students could walk into buildings of last century or talk with historical heroes. AR brings the real world to the classroom. AR is also useful for schools in villages and small towns, where students can't often go to museums in big cities. In the past, only students from rich families could pay for the travel to famous places like the British Museum or the Louvre. Soon, with the help of AR technology, students from around the world may be able to visit these places. In some ways, the AR experience would be even more exciting than a real trip to a museum because students could touch historical objects(物品) freely.
        AR in education is the future of all students. It will change the education for maybe a hundred years. With the help of AR, the classrooms of the future may not look much like the classrooms of the past.
    (1) Is AR a new technology right now?
    (2) What did teachers use lo teach science in the past?
    (3) What can students do in geography classes with the help of AR?
    (4) Why would the AR experience be even more exciting than a real trip to a museum?
    (5) What is the passage mainly about?

    35. 根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:be born, at the age of, begin, great
    ·Who is your favourite writer?
    ·How much do you know about him/her?
    ·What do you think of him/her?
        Reading is very important in our Life. ____________________________________________________________


    【解析】句意:——梅梅,你在哪里出生的?——我在天津出生的。考查介词辨析。on在……上;to到;in在……里;for为了。be born in“出生于某地”,故选C。

    【解析】句意:托尼喜欢摇滚音乐,但他的父亲一点也不喜欢。考查连词辨析。because因为;so所以;but但是;or或者。根据“Tony likes rock music...his father doesn't like it at all.”可知前后是转折关系,用but连接。故选C。

    【解析】句意:——打扰一下,银行在哪里?——它在那边,靠近商店。考查特殊疑问句。A.what什么;B.where哪里;C.why为什么;D.who谁。根据“It's over there, near the shop”可知,空处是询问地点,疑问词用where。故选B。

    【解析】句意:——大明,你会拉小提琴吗?——是的,我会。考查情态动词辨析。can能够;may可以;shall将;need需要。根据答语“ play the violin”和“Yes, I can”可知,此处应用can引导一般疑问句,can在这里表示能力,故选A。

    【解析】句意:——这件T恤看起来很好看。它多少钱?——60元。考查特殊疑问句。how many多少;how much多少/多钱;how old多大;how long多久。根据答语“It's 60 yuan”可知,询问多少钱,故选B。

    【解析】句意:——这个周末你将要做什么?——我将在星期六下午上钢琴课。考查时态。根据“What are you going to do this weekend?”可知,此处用一般将来时(will/be going to do),故选D。

    【解析】句意:将来机器将做繁重而困难的工作。考查时态。do“做”,根据“in the future”可知,此处用一般将来时(will do),故选D。

    【解析】句意:两年前,花园里有一个小湖。考查be动词。根据“two years ago”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,主语为单数“a small lake”,be动词应用was。故选C。

    【解析】句意:上个月我看了这部电影。它是非常有趣的。考查时态。see“看见”,根据“last month”可知,此处用一般过去时,过去式是saw。故选B。

    【解析】句意:——Mary在哪里?——看!她正在那浇花。考查动词时态。根据Look可知,此处用现在进行时be doing的结构,故选D。


    1. 句意:我对自己非常有信心。sure确信的;busy忙碌的;bored无聊的;worried担心的。根据后文的“My opponent (对手) was very short and thin. The thoughts in my head were something like "She's so short and of course I'l...”。”可知,作者确信自己会赢,故选A。
    2. 句意:她这么矮,我一定会赢的。shout大喊;smile微笑;win赢;knock敲。根据“My opponent (对手) was very short and thin.”可知,作者的对手又矮又瘦,所以作者确信自己会赢,故选C。
    3. 句意:我非常惊讶、害怕,并且忘记我的教练说的一切。left离开;brought带来;caught抓住;forgot忘记。根据“I was so surprised, afraid…”可知,作者感到害怕,所以她忘了教练说的话,故选D。
    4. 句意:从那时起,我害怕那个女孩。school学校;girl女孩;coach教练;subject科目。根据后文的“the same girl once again ”可知,此处her代指那个女孩,故选B。
    5. 句意:第二年,我又在锦标赛上面对同一个女孩。changed改变;noticed注意;faced面对;believed相信。根据“the same girl”可知,作者在锦标赛上又遇到了那个女孩,故选C。
    6. 句意:在比赛开始的时候,我不是像上次比赛那样害怕,而是听教练的话。waved挥手;tuned调音;jumped跳跃;listened听。根据后文的“My hard work and listening to my coach worked.”可知,作者听教练的话,故选D。
    7. 句意:她帮我找到了真正的自己。really真正地;perfectly完美地;quickly迅速地;personally私人地。根据“From this experience, I learned not to be too proud (骄傲的).”可知,我弄清楚真正的自己是什么样的,故选A。
    8. 句意:这次经历教会我不要以貌取人。words话;looks外貌;hearts心脏;excuses借口。judge others by their looks表示“以貌取人”,故选B。

    1. 细节理解题。根据“Beijing Opera Club…Room:107”可知,京剧社团在107室,故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据“Sports Club,Choose something new, choose something fun. You can choose some new kinds of sports here, such as Taijiquan.”可知,汤姆喜欢太极拳,他可以选择体育社团,故选A。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“Food and Drink Club,Do you like cooking? Come to our Food and Drink Club. Make your own (自己的) dishes (菜肴) and learn something about Chinese cooking.”可知,在餐饮俱乐部你可以自己做菜,故选C。

    1. 根据“His father was sitting in the room, reading a book”(他的父亲正坐在房间里看书 )可知他父亲正在读书。故选D。
    2. 根据倒数第二段“And how do you feel now after taking a walk”(你现在散步后有什么感觉)以及“Great”(很棒)可知和父亲散步之后,他感觉很好。故选D。
    3. 通读全文可知,Jason在练琴的时候发生了抵触心理,认为自己弹不好,他的爸爸带他出去散步,回来后Jason又可以顺利的进行练习了。文章通过Jason弹奏钢琴的故事告诉我们在遇到困难的时候,要学会适当的休息。故选C。

    1. 根据第一段“We all know that China is the birthplace of tea culture”可知中国是茶文化的发源地。故选A。

    2. 细节理解题。根据“chai is put together with strong spices”可知印度人喜欢在他们的茶中加入浓烈的香料。故选B。
    3. 细节理解题。根据“Tea was brought to Japan from China in the ninth century by a traveling monk”可知茶是由一位旅行僧人从中国带到日本的。故选D。

    1. 根据“Qian Xuesen was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911”及“After his graduation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934”可知,1911年出生,1934年从交通大学毕业,可推断出是23岁毕业的,故选C。
    2. 根据“In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles”可知,1956年,他建立了第一个火箭和导弹研究所,意味着之前中国在太空研究上几乎是一个空白,所以a blank与a start同义,故选A。
    3. 根据“In 1950, when they were ready to return home, they were stopped by the US government(政府). With the help of Chinese government and his friends, he finally returned home”可知,1950年准备回国,后来在政府和朋友的帮助下最终回国,由此可推断回国是发生在1950年后,B表述错误,故选B。
    4. 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了钱学森生平以及贡献,故选A。

    34.【答案】【小题1】Yes, it is.
    【小题2】Teachers used 2D pictures and lifeless models to teach science in the past.   
    【小题3】Students can see great natural phenomena in geography classes with the help of AR.
    【小题4】Because students could touch historical objects freely.
    【小题5】AR can make a difference to education.
    【解析】1. 根据第一句“AR(增强现实) is a new technology(技术) right now.”可知,AR现在是一项新科技。故填Yes, it is.

    2. 根据第二段“In the past, teachers used 2D pictures and lifeless models(模型) to teach science.”可知,老师过去用2D图片和无生命的模型教授科学。故填Teachers used 2D pictures and lifeless models to teach science in the past.
    3. 根据第二段“For example, in geography classes, students can see great natural phenomena(自然现象) wherever they are.”可知,借助AR技术,学生无论在何处都可以在地理课上看到神奇的自然现象。故填Students can see great natural phenomena in geography classes with the help of AR.
    4. 根据第二段“In some ways, the AR experience would be even more exciting than a real trip to a museum because students could touch historical objects(物品) freely.”可知,在某些方面,AR体验甚至比真正的博物馆之旅更令人兴奋,因为学生可以自由地触摸历史文物。故填Because students could touch historical objects freely.
    5. 根据全文内容及第一段However, education(教育) is another important space where this technology can make a difference.(教育是另一个重要的领域,在这个领域这种科技能够产生影响)可知,本文主要介绍AR这项新科技对教育领域的影响。故填AR can make a difference to education.

    35.【答案】    Reading is very important in our life. J.K.Rowling is my favourite writer. But itˈs not her real name. She was born in England in July,1965. She has three children, two daughters and a son. At the age of 5, she went to school. ①​​​​​​​When she was young, she liked telling stories. Harry Potter is one of her famous works. Today you can read it in over 70 languages. ②I think J.K.Rowling is one of the most successful writers in the world.
    ①be born in出生于
    ②like doing sth喜欢做某事

    ①​​​​​​​When she was young, she liked telling stories.(when引导时间状语从句)
    ②I think J.K.Rowling is one of the most successful writers in the world.(省略that的宾语从句)



    2021-2022学年北京市东城区初二(下)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文): 这是一份2021-2022学年北京市东城区初二(下)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文),共15页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,句子翻译,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年北京市海淀区初二(下)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文): 这是一份2021-2022学年北京市海淀区初二(下)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文),共19页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年北京市东城区初二(上)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文): 这是一份2021-2022学年北京市东城区初二(上)期末考试英语试卷(含解析,无听力音频和原文),共16页。试卷主要包含了单选题,完形填空,阅读理解,任务型阅读-简答,句子翻译,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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