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    Unit1 My classroom!
    一、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新更换的教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’s in the classroom?”“Let’s go and see!”“—Where is it? —It’s near the window.”“Let’s clean the classroom.”“Let me clean the teacher’s desk.”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。

    二、 学情分析

    1 知识与能力
    1. 能够听、说、认读句型“What’s in the classroom?”“Let’s go and see!”“—Where is it? —It’s near the window.”“Let’s clean the classroom.”“Let me clean the teacher’s desk.”
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is…? —It’s in/on/under/near the…”询问并回答物品的位置。
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“Let’s…”“Let me…”提出行动建议。
    4. 能够按意群朗读“—Where is the green book? —It is under the teacher’s desk.”等四组句。
    5. 能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。
    6. 能够掌握a-e的发音规则,即a-e在单词中发长音/eɪ/。
    7. 能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词,并能够根据读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词。

    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 学习礼貌言行,能够对请求、道歉等行为做出恰当反应。
    2. 具有讲卫生、爱整洁的意识。
    3. 通过丰富有趣的活动和和谐宽松的教学气氛,激发英语学习兴趣,在学习教科书名称时让学生了解课文的重要性,教育他们爱护课本,爱护书籍。

    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Color and say
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Part C Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第一课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’s in the classroom?” “Let’s go and see!” “—Where is it? —It’s near the window.”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, really, picture, near, window。
    1. 能够通过观察和谈论Let’s talk板块的图片理解对话大意。
    2. 能够用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is…? —It’s in/on/under/near…”询问并回答物品的位置。
    4. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“What’s in the classroom?”“Let’s go and see!”谈论教室。
    5. 能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“classroom, really, picture, near, window”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    能够理解和掌握本课重点句型“What’s in the classroom?” “Let’s go and see!”“—Where is…? —It’s in/on/under/near…”。
    1. 角色扮演;
    2. 游戏;
    3. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.(课件出示:新学期教师自我介绍——如果换老师的情况下)
    2. Free talk.(课件出示:自由对话的主体内容,以及老师、书包、书、文具盒等与对话内容相关的图片)
    T: Hello, S1. Nice to see you.
    S1: Nice to see you again.
    T: What’s in your bag?
    S1: (Open the bag) Some books, a pencil box, …
    T: Oh, how many books do you have ? / what’s in your pencil box? / how many pens do you have?
    S1: Answer.
    The teacher asks more students to answer the question.
    3. Let’s do.(课件出示:自由对话的主体内容,以及老师、书包、书、文具盒等与对话内容相关的图片)
    T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game—“I say, you do.”
    Show me your ruler.
    Put your pencil on your desk.
    Put your crayon in your bag.
    Put your eraser on your book.
    设计意图:利用“我说你做”的小游戏,调动班级学习气氛,同时利用活动带领学生复习方位介词 in, on, under等。
    4. Lead-in.
    T: OK. Let’s have a break. Look at the picture.There is a box. Please guess. What’s in this box?(课件出示:三个好看的盒子,触发器控制点击容器出现容器内有什么。并提示对话的主体框架。)
    T: S1, what’s in the first box?
    S1: Some ……?
    T: Is he right? Let’s go and see. Oh, yes / no. They are …… . S2, what’s in the second box?
    S2: ……
    T: Really? Let’s go and see. Oh, yes / no. They are ……
    设计意图:在小游戏活动中引入了本节课中需要重点学习的句型What’s in …… 和 Really? Let’s go an see. 方便后续学生代入到文章中学习和理解。
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new vocabulary “classroom, picture, window, near the window”.
    (1)Look and learn.
    T: Good, your pictures are very nice. Look! I have some pictures, too. Class, all the things in the pictures are in our new classroom.
    Show a picture of “classroom”.(课件出示:教室的图片及单词)
    T: Look! This is a new classroom. Read after me: class/klɑːs/-room/ru:m/, classroom /ˈklɑ:sru:m/.
    Write down the word “classroom” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Show another picture with a cover. (课件出示:一张被遮住的图画的图片)
    T: Guess! What is it?
    Ss: 图画。
    T: Really? Let’s have a look! Yes. It’s a picture. Read after me: c/k/-ture/tʃə(r)/, picture /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/.
    Write down the word “picture” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Do we have pictures in our classroom? Where are they?
    Ss: Yes, they are on the…
    T: Yes, they are on the wall.
    Point to a picture near the window and teach the phrase “near the window” and the sentence “It’s near the window.”
    (课件出示:几张在窗户附近的图画及短语near the window)
    T: (Point to a picture near the window on the PPT.) Where is the picture?
    Ss: It’s near the window.
    T: Yes, it’s near the window. Read after me: n/n/-ear/ɪə(r)/, near/nɪə(r)/, w/w/-i/ɪ/-n/n/-d/d/-ow/əʊ/, window/ˈwɪndəʊ/. It’s near the window. Write down the sentence “It’s near the window.” on the blackboard and teach it.
    (2)Ask and answer.
    The teacher asks questions and let students answer them with the sentence structures “—Where is the…? —It’s near the…” according to some objects or word cards.
    2. Learn the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.
    Show the headdresses of Sarah and Zhang Peng.
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: Sarah and Zhang Peng.
    Show the picture of Sarah and Zhang Peng’s new classroom. (出示课件)
    T: Class, we have a new classroom. This is Sarah and Zhang Peng’s new classroom. They’re happy, because they have a new classroom. What’s in the classroom? Let’s go and see!
    S1: Many desks and chairs.
    S2: A window.
    S3: Some pictures.
    Write down the sentences “We have a new classroom.” “What’s in the classroom?” “Let’s go and see!” on the blackboard.
    T: Good job! Guess! What are Sarah and Zhang Peng talking about?
    S1: They are talking about the new classroom.
    S2: They are talking about the picture.
    3. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
    T: Well done! Let’s listen to the recording with the questions. Underline the answers in the books. Let’s go and see! (播放教材P4 Let’s talk板块的音频)
    Ask students to answer the questions.
    Q1. What’s the classroom like?
    Q2. Is that Zhang Peng’s picture?
    Q3. Where is the picture?
    S1: It’s so big.
    S2: No, it isn’t. It’s Sarah’s picture.
    S3: It’s near the window.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen to the dialogue again and imitate.
    Play the recording and let students listen and imitate sentence by sentence.
    2. Read the dialogue.
    Ask students to read the dialogue freely and in pairs or in groups.
    3. Read and act out.
    T: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Girls will be Sarah. Boys will be Zhang Peng.
    Then act out in pairs and show in class.
    T: Who will be Sarah and Zhang Peng? Now, find your partners and act it out. I will select the best pair. The red star is for the winner!
    4. Let’s play.
    Present the picture of “Let’s play”. (出示课件)
    T: I see something in the picture. It begins with “c”. What is it?
    S1: It’s a crayon.
    T: Really? Let’s go and see! Where is it?
    S1: It’s in the desk.
    S2: It’s a car. It’s on the desk.
    S3: I see a crayon, too. It’s on the floor.
    T: Good job, kids! Now boys and girls, let’s play a game: I spy.
    (游戏说明:当老师说“I spy. I spy. I see a letter ‘p’.”,学生可以问“Where is it?”。老师告诉学生在哪里,然后学生必须告诉老师那是什么。)
    Make a model:
    T: I spy. I spy. I see a letter “p”.
    S1: Where is it?
    T: It’s near the window.
    S1: It’s a picture.
    Then let students practice in pairs.
    5. Play a game.
    Borrow some pencil boxes from students and hide the pencil boxes in different places.
    T: Where is S1’s pencil box?
    Let some students guess.
    T: What’s in his/her pencil box?
    Open the pencil box and let students answer.
    Ask students to play this game in pairs or in groups.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Ask and answer in pairs.
    Show the picture of a classroom. (课件出示:另一幅教室图片) Ask students to make their own dialogues according to the picture.
    A: I have a new classroom.
    B: Really? What’s in the classroom?
    B: Where’s ...?
    A: It’s...
    Practice in pairs and act it out in class.
    2. Draw the new classroom and talk about it.
    3. Show time.
    T: So nice! You all have your new classroom. You must keep your classroom clean and beautiful.



    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第二课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’s in the classroom?”并作出相应的回答,能够听、说、认读单词和短语“classroom, blackboard, window, picture, door, light”, 能够听懂指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应。
    6. 能够听、说、认读单词“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, TV”。
    7. 能够在情景中熟练运用句型“—What’s in the classroom? —One blackboard…”来问答教室中的各种物品。
    8. 能够通过操练在情景中恰当运用“open, turn on, close, put up, clean”等动词(短语)。
    通过角色扮演、情景模拟、小组合作活动,引导学生将所学“What’s in the classroom?” 等句型应用于实际生活中,培养学生在生活运用中学习英语的习惯,能够听懂指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应。
    能够理解和掌握句型“What’s in the classroom?”及重点单词“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door”。
    1. 能够掌握句型“What’s in the classroom?”及重点单词“classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door”。
    2. 能够在情景中熟练运用动词(短语)“open, turn on, close, put up, clean”。
    4. 角色扮演;
    5. 游戏;
    6. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    T: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our classroom!
    2. Enjoy the song—We have a new classroom. (出示课件)
    3. Free talk.
    T: What’s in the classroom?
    Ss: One blackboard…
    4. Lead-in.
    Write down the topic “Unit 1 My classroom” on the blackboard.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the word “classroom”. (课件出示:一间教室的图片)
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a classroom.
    Teach the word “classroom” and write it down on the blackboard. Ask students to read the word three times to help them understand the spelling and the word formation of “classroom”.
    T: Class+room=classroom.
    Cl/kl/-a/ɑː/-ss/s/-r/r/-oo/u:/-m/m/,classroom [ˈklɑːsruːm].
    Let students read it after the teacher.
    Then show another picture of “classroom” on the PPT. (课件出示:另一间教室图片,重点突出教室中物品的陈列)
    T: What’s in the classroom?
    Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question.
    2. Teach the word “window”.
    After students say out the word “window”, write it down on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: W/w/-i/I/-n/n/-d/d/-ow/ əʊ/, window [ˈwɪndəʊ].
    Let students read it after the teacher.
    T: Look at the window. (Point to an open window.) What can we do?
    Do the action of closing the window. Write down the sentence “Close the window.” on the blackboard and teach the word “close”.(cl/kl/-o/ əʊ/-se/z/, close [kləʊz , kləʊs].) Let students read it aloud after the teacher with the action of closing the window.
    3. Teach the word “door”. (课件出示:门的图片及单词)
    T: What is this?
    Ss: Door.
    Write down the word “door” on the blackboard and teach it. Emphasize that “oor” sounds / ɔ:(r)/.
    Point to the word “blackboard” and tell students that “oar” also sounds / ɔ:/ here.
    Students try to read the word “blackboard”.
    Show the video of opening the door on the PPT. (课件出示:开门的动画及短语)
    T: What can we do?
    Write down the sentence “Open the door.” on the blackboard and teach the word “open”(o + pen=open). Ask students to read it with the action of opening the door.
    Show the video of closing the door, opening the window and closing the window on the PPT. (课件出示:关门、开窗户和关窗户的动画及短语)
    T: Look! What else can we do?
    Get students to do the actions with the teacher and say out the sentences.
    4. Teach the word “blackboard”. (课件出示:黑板图片和对应的单词)
    Take out the word card of “blackboard”. Cover the word “board”. Let students read “black” aloud. Then show the whole word “blackboard”. Get students to read it. At last, write it down on the blackboard. Show a picture of Sarah cleaning the blackboard on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P5 Sarah擦黑板的图片及短语)
    T: What is she doing?
    Ss: She’s cleaning the blackboard.
    Write down the sentence “Clean the blackboard.” on the blackboard and teach the word “clean” (cl/kl/-ea/i:/-n/n/, clean/kli:n/). Let students read the sentence “Clean the blackboard.” aloud after the teacher with the action.
    Show some pictures. (课件出示:首先呈现一张教室脏乱的图片,通过点击鼠标控制,图片上的门、窗户、桌子和椅子能被打扫干净)
    T: Wow! This classroom is so dirty. What can we do? I can clean the window. You can…
    S1: Clean the door.
    S2: Clean the desks.

    5. Teach the words “picture, light” in the same way.
    (1)Show a picture and teach the word “picture”. (课件出示:一幅图片及单词picture) Write down the word “picture” on the blackboard, and write “ture” with a red chalk.
    T: “-ture” sounds /tʃə(r)/. p/p/-i/ɪ/-c/k/-ture/tʃə(r)/, picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)].
    Use the phonetic knowledge to help students remember the word better.
    (2)T: Let me put up the picture on the blackboard.
    Write down the sentence “Put up the picture.” on the blackboard and ask students to read it and do the action together.
    T: Look at the two words “put” “up”. p/p/-u/ʊ/-t/t/, put/pʊt/, u/ʌ/-p/p/, up/ʌp/.
    Get students to read in the same way.
    (3)Show the picture of “light” on the PPT. Then teach the word “light”. (课件出示:灯的图片及单词)
    T: l/l/-igh/aɪ/-t/t/, light/laɪt/.
    Get students to read it.
    (4)Turn on the light in the classroom, and teach the sentence “Turn on the light.”
    T: t/t/-ur/ɜː/-n/n/, turn/tɜːn/.
    Get students to read it.
    Write down the sentence “Turn on the light.” on the blackboard and ask students to read it and do the action together.
    (5)Take out the picture of “TV”.
    T: What is this?
    Ss: TV.
    Teach the word “TV” and let students pay attention to the pronunciation.
    Lead students to say the sentence “Turn on the TV.” Tell them to form the habit of saving energy.
    6. Show a picture of “classroom”. (课件出示:一幅教室图片,教室里有一块黑板,两盏灯,三扇窗户,许多桌子和椅子)
    T: There is one blackboard, two lights, three windows, many desks and chairs…
    Help students understand the plural forms of countable nouns.
    Show the corresponding exercises on the PPT.

    7. Listen, read and act.
    (1)Let students listen to the recording of “Let’s learn” and read after it. (出示课件)
    (2)T: We can see all these things in our classroom. What’s in Zoom and Zip’s classroom? Let’s go and see. You can listen to the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. When we state many things, the word “and” must be used before the last thing. We read the things before “and” with the rising tone, and read the last thing with the falling tone.
    Play the recording again and let students listen and read it twice.
    Ask students to act out the dialogue in pairs. Choose several groups to show the dialogue in class.
    Make a model:
    —What’s in the classroom?
    —One blackboard, one TV…
    8. Play the recording of “Let’s do”. (出示课件)
    Ask students to listen for the first time and get the overall perception of the recording.
    Listen again. Let students point out the correct picture in their books and do the actions with the teacher.
    Finally, ask four students to come to the platform and do the actions.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game—“Loudly and quietly.”
    (游戏说明:将本课的所有单词卡片背面朝上摆放在讲台上,每组选派一名学生配合组员完成游戏。这名学生随机拿起一张卡片,读出该单词, 如果他/她是大声读,则其他组员小声读;如果他/她是小声读,则其他组员大声读。)
    2. Look and match.
    T: I have some pictures of these words. Can you look and match? (课件出示:本课所有单词及图片)
    3. Guessing game.
    T: Wow! You learn so many words. Let’s play a game. Can you guess what words they are?
    Show the six words with some letters missing on the PPT. (课件出示:本课所有单词省略几个字母,然后逐个出示并播放单词读音)
    Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the recording of these words. Help students spell the words according to the phonetic knowledge.
    For example, ind , “w” is /w/, and “ow” is / əʊ /.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Draw and say.
    Let students draw the pictures of their classroom.
    Ask each group to choose a student to show her/his picture in class and say what is in the classroom in the picture.
    2. Enjoy a song.
    Enjoy the song—We have a new classroom. (出示课件) While listening to the song, recall the learning content of the class.



    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第三课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。这一课时和音标有关,教学重点是学生能够归纳a-e在单词中的发音规则,即a-e在单词中发长音/eɪ/,能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳a-e在单词中的发音规则,即a-e在单词中发长音/eɪ/。
    2. 能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词。
    3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词。
    7. 游戏;
    8. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings and free talk.
    2. Listen to a chant and review the sound of “/æ/”.
    T: Let’s listen to a chant together.
    A is for apple,  /æ/  /æ/  /æ/.
    A is for ant,  /æ/  /æ/  /æ/.
    A is for cat,  /æ/  /æ/  /æ/.
    A is for cap, /æ/  /æ/  /æ/.
    T: Listen again. Then tell me the words you hear in the chant.
    Ss: Apple./Ant./Cat./Cap.
    T: They have the same letter “a” and the letter “a” sounds /æ/. Read together.
     /æ/  /æ/  /æ/ apple,
     /æ/  /æ/  /æ/ ant,
     /æ/  /æ/  /æ/ cat,
     /æ/  /æ/  /æ/ cap.
    3. Show and read some words. (课件出示:单词dad, hat, map, bag)
    Let students read the words in groups. Give a prize to the best group.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Lead-in.
    Create a situation and introduce the open syllable words with letter “a”.
    (1)Teach the words “name, Jake, face”.
    Show Jake’s photo. (课件出示:Jake的照片)
    T: Look at the boy. He’s my friend. His name is Jake. /n/-/eɪ/-/m/, name/neɪm/; /dʒ/-/ eɪ/-/k/, Jake/ dʒeɪk/.
    Let students repeat the words “name, Jake” and write them down on the blackboard.
    T: He has a small face. /f/-/eɪ/-/s/, face/feɪs/.
    Let students repeat the word “face” and write it down on the blackboard.
    (2)Teach the words “cake, make”.
    Show a picture of a cake. (课件出示:一张蛋糕的图片)
    T: Oh, what’s this? Yes, it’s a birthday cake. Jake can make a cake. /k/-/eɪ/-/k/, cake/keɪk/; /m/-/eɪ/-/k/, make/meɪk/.
    Let students repeat the words “cake, make” and write them down on the blackboard.
    (3)Teach the words “date, Dave”.
    Show Dave’s photo. (课件出示:Dave的照片)
    T: Is this Jake? No, he’s Dave. Can Dave make a cake? No, he can’t. But he likes to eat cake. Dave’s birthday is coming, so Jake will make a cake for Dave. What’s the date of Dave’s birthday? Dave, /d/-/eɪ/-/v/, /deɪv/; date, /d/-/eɪ/-/t/, /deɪt/.
    Let students repeat the words “Dave, date” and write them down on the blackboard.
    2. Learn the pronunciation rule of “a-e”.
    (1)Find the common letters.
    Show the words “name, Jake, face, cake, make, date, Dave” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Play the recording of “Read, listen and chant”. (课件出示:Read, listen and chant的音频)
    T: Boys and girls, let’s listen to the recording. Pay attention to the words on the PPT. What can you find?
    Ss: They have the same letter “a”, and they have the same letter “e” at the end.
    (2)Learn the pronunciation of “a-e”.
    T: Great! They all have “a-e”. The letter “e” at the end is silent. Let’s read these words again. Pay attention to their pronunciation.
    T: Yes, “a-e” sounds “/eɪ/”. Look at my mouth: /eɪ/, /eɪ/, /eɪ/. Pay attention to the letter “e”. It’s silent.
    (3)Read after the recording.
    Play the recording again. (出示课件)
    Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    Let students read the words by themselves.
    (4)Try to pronounce the words.
    Show more words with “a-e”.
    Spell first, then let students pronounce the following words.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read, listen and tick.
    Read the words in the book. Let students pay attention to the sounds /æ/ and /eɪ/.
    Listen to the recording and tick the right words. (课件出示:教材P6 Read, listen and tick部分的音频)
    Check the answers.
    Answers: 1. cake 2. dad 3. hate
    2. Listen, circle and write.
    Listen to the recording and try to circle the right letters and write the right words. (课件出示:教材P6 Listen, circle and write部分的音频)
    First let students observe the pictures carefully and make predictions. Then play the recording and let students listen, circle and write. Let students pay attention to the handwriting.
    Check the answers.
    Answers: cap cake map face

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Classify the given words.
    Let students read the following words and classify them according to their pronunciations. Ask them to discuss with their partners.(课件出示发音与bag 或 kate 相同的单词,学生分类。)



    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第四课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“Let me ...”并能够作出相应的回答,能够听、说、认读短语clean the classroom, clean the windows, clean the door, clean the teacher’s desk。
    1. 能够按照正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。
    2. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“Let’s…”“Let me…”提出行动建议并做出正确反应。
    3. 能够在语境中理解新词“teacher’s desk, clean, help”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    通过角色扮演、情景模拟、游戏等方式,引导学生能够听、说、认读核心句型“Let me ...”并能够作出相应的回答,能够听、说、认读短语clean the classroom, clean the windows, clean the door, clean the teacher’s desk。
    1. 能够按照正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。
    2. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“Let’s…” “Let me…”提出行动建议并做出正确反应。
    能够在情景中熟练运用句型“Let’s…” “Let me…”提出行动建议并做出正确反应。
    9. 角色扮演;
    10. 游戏;
    11. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings and sing an English song—We have a new classroom. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    2. Do the TPR action.
    T: First, let’s do some actions together. I say, you do and then repeat. Let’s stand up!

    T: Wonderful! Are you happy now? Good. Sit down, please!
    3. Revision and lead-in.
    Show the second picture of “Let’s talk” in Part A on the PPT. (出示课件) Point to different objects. Lead students to review the words in Part A: classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door. Then lead in the new phrase: teacher’s desk.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the phrase “teacher’s desk” and the word “clean”.
    T: (Point to a student’s desk.) That’s your desk.
    T: (Point to the teacher’s desk.) I’m a teacher. And this is my desk. This is the teacher’s desk.
    Read it like this: teacher—teacher’s—teacher’s desk. Let students read the phrase in groups, read by boys and girls, read one by one and so on.
    Show a picture of a dirty teacher’s desk on the PPT. (课件出示:一张脏的讲台图片)
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a teacher’s desk.
    T: Yes, but it is dirty. Let’s clean the teacher’s desk.
    Take out the rag and do the action of wiping the teacher’s desk to help students understand the meaning of the word “clean”.
    Students practice the phrases: clean the teacher’s desk/window/blackboard /door. (Practice through these ways: say in unison, rush to answer, say in groups, say one by one and so on.)
    2. Teach the sentence structures “Let’s…”“Let me…”
    Look around the classroom and say, “Our classroom is messy. Let’s clean the classroom and give other teachers a surprise. OK?”
    Write down the sentence structure “Let’s…” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Point to S1 and S2 and say, “Let’s clean the desks and chairs, S1, S2.”
    T: For two, three or many people, we can use “Let’s…” to teach “let’s=let us”.
    Ask students to read the sentence “Let’s clean the classroom.”
    Ask a row of students to read the sentence one by one and check if they can read it correctly.
    T: The blackboard is dirty. I can clean it by myself. Let me clean the blackboard.
    Write down the sentence structure “Let me…” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: For only one person, we can say “Let me…” “Let him…” or “Let her…”
    Ask students to read the sentence “Let me clean the blackboard.” twice.
    T: Who wants to clean the teacher’s desk/windows/blackboard/
    Let some students practice the sentences “Let me clean the teacher’s desk/windows/blackboard/door…”
    3. Teach the word “help”.
    Take out another rag and say to S2, “Let me help you.” Clean the windows and say to students, “So many windows, who can help us?” Repeat the word “help” and teach it.
    Ss: Let me help you. Several students join in. The teacher says “Thank you.” to the students.
    T: Thank you, good boys and girls. The windows are clean now. Our classroom is clean, too. Go back to your seat! I think other teachers will be very happy!
    4. Teach the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.
    (1)Let students have a preliminary understanding of the dialogue.
    Show the pictures of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P7 Let’s talk板块的图片)
    T: Look! Who can you see in the pictures?
    S1: Wu Yifan and his classmates./Wu Yifan, Mike, John and Zhang Peng.
    T: Right. Where are they?
    S2: They are in the classroom.
    T: Good! What are they doing in the classroom?
    Ss: They are cleaning the classroom.
    (2)Show some questions and make students understand the dialogue.
    Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P7 Let’s talk板块的音频)

    (3)Listen to the recording again and answer the questions.
    (4)Check the answers.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen again and repeat.
    Play the recording again. (出示课件) And ask students to repeat after it.
    2. Practice the dialogue in pairs or in groups.
    Let students read the dialogue in pairs or in groups.
    3. Read the dialogue in different roles.
    T: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Group 1 is Wu Yifan. Group 2 is John. Group 3 is Mike. Group 4 is Zhang Peng.
    T: Now read the dialogue in groups of four. Then act it out. I will reward the best group.
    4. Play a game.
    Show the pictures. (课件出示:快速显示打扫教室、擦窗户、擦桌椅、擦黑板、擦讲台、擦门等图片) Ask students to say a sentence with the sentence structures “Let’s…” or “Let me…” as quickly as they can.
    5. Let’s play.
    Take out the dice prepared before class and play with students.
    (游戏说明:教师在课前按照教材中的示意图制作一个大的六面体骰子,出示骰子并投掷一次,按照投掷结果说句子“Let me…”“Let’s…”,然后请学生掷骰子说句子。再进行小组活动,最后小组展示。)
    T: Let’s clean the classroom. Throw the dice like this. OK. Let me…
    S1: (Throw the dice.) Let me…
    T: Boys and girls, are you clear? Play with your partners now. Let some groups show in class.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Create a new dialogue.
    Show a picture of a messy house. (课件出示:一张凌乱的房屋图片)
    T: Grandma Wang is ill. Her house is messy. Can we help her?
    Ss: Yes, we can. We can help her clean the house.
    T: OK. Please work in groups of four and make a dialogue.

    Let students make their dialogues in groups.
    2. Show time.
    Prepare some rags. Let several groups show in class.
    3. Give some presents to the performers.
    4. Sum up.
    T: Grandma Wang is happy now. I’m also very happy that you’re helpful at school. I think you’re helpful at home, too. Please help your parents at home!



    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Color and say
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第五课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读单词“teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。通过完成为教室涂色并作口头表达的活动,帮助学生更好地理解词汇含义,并为学生提供运用词汇个性化表达的机会。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词“teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。
    2. 能够熟练描述教室中各种物品的颜色。
    3. 能够听、说、认读单词和短语“teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”。
    4. 能够熟练描述教室中各种物品的颜色。
    12. 角色扮演;
    13. 游戏;
    14. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings and sing the song—We have a new classroom. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    2. Do and say.
    The teacher says and students do and repeat.

    T: Wonderful! You are very helpful!
    3. Lead-in.
    Show the pictures of Zoom and Zip. (课件出示:Zoom和Zip的头像)
    T: Zoom and Zip have a new classroom. They will go and have a look. Let’s go with them!
    Ss: Great!
    Show the picture of the classroom in “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块的教室图片)
    T: Wow! Their classroom is so nice. It’s new. This is the new classroom.
    Write down the sentence “This is the new classroom.” on the blackboard. Teach the sentence. Then let students read it one by one.

    Step 2: Presentation
    T: OK. Let’s look at Zoom and Zip’s new classroom. What’s in the classroom? What colour is it/are they?
    Talk with students to review the names and colours of the objects in the classroom.
    Pay attention to the plural forms of nouns, such as “lights”: There are four lights.
    1. Teach the new word “computer” and the new phrase “teacher’s desk”.
    T: Please find something in the picture of the classroom! It’s black. It’s near the blackboard. Come on, boys and girls! Point to it! Who is the first?
    S1: (Point to the computer.)…
    T: Good! You find it. You are the first. It’s a computer. Repeat “computer”. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块中的电脑图及computer的相关内容)
    Teach the word “computer” syllable by syllable: /kəm/-/pju:/ -/tə(r)/, /kəmˈpjuːtə(r)/
    T: What colour is the computer?
    S1: It’s black.
    T: Yes. We can say “The computer is…”
    S2: The computer is black.
    T: Good job! The computer is black.
    Write down the sentence “The computer is black.” on the blackboard.
    T: What colour is the computer?
    Let some students answer the question with the sentence structure “The computer is…”
    T: Look at our classroom. Where is the computer in our classroom?
    Ss: It’s on the teacher’s desk.
    (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块中的讲台图及teacher’s desk的相关内容)
    Teach the new phrase (teacher—teacher’s—teacher’s desk).
    T: What colour is the teacher’s desk in the picture?
    S1: It’s yellow. The teacher’s desk is yellow.
    T: What colour is the teacher’s desk in our classroom?
    S2: It’s… The teacher’s desk is…
    2. Teach the new word “fan”.
    T: I feel hot. What can make me cool? Can you find it in the classroom?
    Students point to the fan and answer.
    T: Good! It’s a fan. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块中的风扇图及fan的相关内容)
    Read the word: Fan, /f/-/æ/-/n/, /fæn/.
    T: What colour is the fan in the picture?
    S1: The fan is blue.
    T: What colour is the fan in our classroom?
    S2: It’s…
    Show the pictures of fans in different colours. (出示课件) Lead students to describe them with the sentence structure “The fan is…”
    3. Teach the new word “wall”.
    T: Look at Zoom and Zip’s new classroom. Where is the fan?
    Students point to the fan and say, “There it is!”
    T: Yes, it’s on the wall.
    Teach the word “wall”. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块中的墙壁图及wall的相关内容)
    Teach the pronunciation of the word “wall” with the words “all, tall, small”.
    T: Look at our classroom. What colour is the wall?
    Ss: It’s white.
    T: Look at Zoom and Zip’s new classroom. What colour is the wall?
    S1: It’s white and blue.
    4. Teach the new word “floor”.
    Point to the floor and ask a question.
    T: Is our floor white, too?
    Ss: No, it’s yellow.
    T: Good. The floor is yellow.
    Teach the word “floor”. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块中的地板图及floor的相关内容)
    Teach the pronunciation of the word “floor” with the word “door” and read the word “floor”.
    T: The floor is yellow in our classroom. What colour is the floor of Zoom and Zip’s classroom?
    S1: The floor is green.
    5. Listen to the recording, read and act.
    Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块的音频) Let students listen to the recording and read after it. Remind students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    Ask students to act out the sentences in pairs.
    Make a demonstration:
    This is the new classroom. The door is orange. The computer is black.
    Then let students act out the sentences in pairs and show in class.
    Practice the sentence structures “This is the new classroom. The…is/are…”

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Talk about the classroom.
    Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the picture. (课件出示:教材P8 Let’s learn板块的图片)

    Let students discuss in groups. Choose one student from each group and show in class.
    Check the answers.
    Answers: door; floor; wall; fan; lights; teacher’s desk; computer
    2. Play some games.
    T: Now let’s play some games. If you do a good job, you can get a sticker. Come on!
    (1)Guessing words.
    Take out the word cards of the objects in the classroom. Select a card randomly from them and ask students to guess what it is.
    (2)Watch, think and guess.
    T: Now, look, what’s this? We can see a part of the picture. Please guess.
    S1: Is it a TV?
    T: No, it isn’t.
    S2: It’s a computer.
    T: Good job! You’re right. A sticker for you! Let’s go on.

    (3)Make up the words.
    Present the letters that can make up the words in random order. (课件出示:几组被打乱字母的单词:1. alwl 2. olfro3. eptocmru4. skde5. anf ) Ask students to guess the words.
    T: Look at these letters. Put the letters in correct order and we can see the words. What are they?
    T: Write down the words in your exercise book. Let’s go! Who is the fastest? Come on!
    Check the answers. Give out the stickers to the winner.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Colour and say.
    Show the picture of “Colour and say”. (课件出示:教材P8 Colour and say板块的图片)
    T: This is a new classroom. It doesn’t have colours. Please colour it and then say something about it. (课件出示:涂上颜色的教室图片)

    Ask students to colour the classroom in the book by themselves and describe it as the demonstration.
    2. Draw your dream classroom.
    Divide students into several groups. Draw a classroom together and colour it.
    Choose one student from each group to introduce his/her classroom in class.
    3. Make the evaluation.
    Choose the best group and give an award.



    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第六课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇和句型,完成相关练习题,巩固本单元所学的知识点。
    1. 能够读懂四组句子并完成判断正误的读后任务。
    2. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    3. 能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇。
    4. 能够从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有意识地去听录音,听后完成判断 任务。
    5. 能够了解歌词意义,并能够清晰、准确地歌唱。
    能够综合利用本单元的核心词汇进行替换并练习核心句型“—Where is…? —It is in/on/ under/ near the…”。
    15. 角色扮演;
    16. 游戏;
    17. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—We have a new classroom. (课件出示:教材P10 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“What’s missing?” (出示课件)
    Review the vocabulary “classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor”.
    4. Look and circle. (课件出示:教材P10 Look and circle部分中的教室图片及内容)
    T: Look at the picture. What’s in the classroom? Please read and circle.
    Check the answer.
    Answer: BT: Text A is different from the picture. What’s the difference? Let’s read Text A, then find the difference.
    5. Lead-in.
    Look and say. (课件出示:几组图片:1. 先呈现红钢笔,再呈现它在桌子上;2. 先呈现一本绿色的书,再呈现它在书包里;3. 先呈现一把黄色的椅子,再呈现它在课桌旁边;4. 先呈现一只黑色的猫,再呈现它在椅子下面)
    T: Look! What’s this?
    S1: A pen.
    T: What colour?
    S1: Red.
    T: Where’s the red pen?
    S2: It’s on the desk.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Pre-reading.
    Look and say: What’s in Zhang Peng’s classroom?
    T: Now look at the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P9 Read and tick or cross 的图片) This is Zhang Peng’s classroom. What’s in it?
    S1: A green book, a yellow book, a green bag, a kite, a picture, a blue pencil box…
    2. While-reading.
    (1)Ask and answer.
    T: There are many things in Zhang Peng’s classroom. Now look at the PPT, then answer the questions.
    Q: Where is the green book?/Where is the kite?/Where is the picture?/
    Where is the blue pencil box?
    Lead students to answer.
    Ss: It is on the teacher’s desk./It is near the window./It is on the desk./It is on the floor.
    (2)Read and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P9 Read and tick or cross 中的相关内容,并呈现阅读提示Tips: Read, find and circle the key words)
    Read the four pairs of sentences carefully. Find and circle the key words. Ask students to finish the task in the book.
    (3)Check the answers together.
    Answers: × √ × √
    (4)Listen and read aloud.
    Play the recording. Ask students to read after it correctly. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (5)Who will be the reading star?
    Choose some students to read the sentences. The student who reads best will be the reading star.
    3. Post-reading.
    (1)Show the picture of “Look, choose and write”. (课件出示:教材P9 Look, choose and write部分的图片) Ask students to say the things in it.
    Ss: A window, a desk, a chair, a picture, a bag, a computer and a newspaper…
    Lead students to ask and answer the questions with the sentence structures “—Where is the bag/the newspaper/the computer/…? —It’s in/under/near the…”
    (2)Write down the words.
    Write down the words to finish the sentences according to the picture.
    T: Pay attention to the spelling of the words. When we write sentences, we should pay attention to capitalizing the first letter and punctuation marks.
    Answers: desk; chair; window

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Talk about our own classroom in groups of four.
    T: Is the study clean or messy?
    Ss: Messy.
    T: Do you like the study?
    Ss: No.
    T: We all like clean and tidy places. So we should keep our classroom clean and tidy. Look! This is our own classroom. Now talk about our own classroom with your partners. You can use the sentence structures “—Where is the…? —It is in/on/under/near the…”

    Let students practice in groups and act out in class.
    Then ask students to finish the sentences in the book.
    Let students show the sentences.
    2. Listen and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P10 Listen and tick or cross 部分的相关内容)
    T: Look at these pictures. The pictures are all about the classroom. Let’s look at Picture 1. Who are in the classroom?
    Ss: Chen Jie and Mike.
    T: What are they doing?
    Ss: Mike is cleaning the blackboard and Chen Jie is cleaning the desks.
    T: Good! They are cleaning the classroom. Now, look at Picture 2. What can you see in this classroom?
    Ss: A blackboard, a teacher’s desk and some desks and chairs.
    T: Good job! What colour are the walls/the desks? What colour is the floor/the blackboard?
    Ss: …
    T: This is the last picture. What’s in it?
    Ss: A fan and a window.
    T: Where is the fan?
    Ss: It’s near the window.
    T: Now listen to the recording. Then tick or cross.
    T: Show me your answers, please.
    Answers: √ × √

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Write about your dream classroom.
    T: What’s your dream classroom like? Clean or messy? Please draw a picture of your dream classroom. And describe your classroom with the sentence structures “—Where is the…? —It is in/on/under/near the…”. Please write them correctly in your exercise book.
    Practice in groups. Choose the best one in each group, then let him/her show in class.
    T: Your dream classroom is clean and tidy. I like it. How to make our classroom become our dream classroom?
    Ss: Keep our classroom tidy and clean! Make our classroom beautiful!



    The seventh period
    Part C Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1第七课时。本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。这是一节故事课,教学重点学习有关教室内设施的词汇,理解“Story time”部分的故事。
    6. 复习本单元所学的关于教室内设施的词汇和句型。
    7. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    8. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    1. 复习单元重点词汇及句型。
    2. 理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    18. 角色扮演;
    19. 游戏;
    20. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—We have a new classroom. (课件出示:教材P10 Let's sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“What's in the classroom?” (出示课件)
    Review the vocabulary “window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher's desk, computer, fan, wall, floor, TV”.
    4. Lead-in.
    Look and guess. (课件出示:Miss Sheep, Zip和Zoom在教室里的图片,作 为故事书的封面)
    T: Look! Who is in the picture?
    S1: Miss Sheep , Zip and Zoom.
    T: What is happening in the picture?
    S1: Maybe there's a ...in the classroom.


    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. while-reading.
    Watch and guess (课件出示: story time 情景1-4)
    T: Now look at the PPT. What do you want to know?
    S1: How many…… Where…… Do they like……
    Listen and tick (播放1-4图的录音)
    T: Now Listen to the tape , tick the pictures of bees on the assignment paper.
    Watch and check (播放1-4图的视频)
    T: Now, Let's check the answer by watching the video. If you right, please say bingo !
    T: OK, where is .....
    S1: It's ......
    T: is it right ?(看视频)
    S1: bingo !
    设计意图:使用本单元核心句型及内容Where is...? It's...以Bingo游戏的形式,引发学生思考,激发学习兴趣。
    Read and act(课件出示 story time 1-4图所涉及的角色)
    T: Now let's read the dialogue from picture1 to picture 4 together. And then, I'll choose three students do role play, I will play the bee.(板书1-4图蜜蜂的位置)
    Guess and act(课件出示蜜蜂从墙上飞走的图)
    T: Where is the bee now?
    S1: Maybe...
    Watch and find
    T:Let's watch videos to find the answer.(出示图5,播放视频)
    Read and check(出示图6)
    T: Look, is there a bee on the blackboard ?
    S1: Ah, yes. It really is a bee.
    T: Good, let's read the dialogue from picture 5 to picture 6 together.(板书5-6图蜜蜂的位置)
    2. After-reading.
    (1)Read along.
    (2)Role play.( 4 students in a group )
    (3)Think and discuss
    T: Do you like the bee ? Why ?
    S1: I like the bee, because...
    S2: I don't like the bee, because...

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    Let's say: What will Miss sheep say? 学生猜Miss Sheep接下来的反应,说一说Miss Sheep的心情与个性。教师顺着学生的猜测说一说演一演蜜蜂可能会有的反应。
    Imagine and act: 四人一小组表演,选择不同状态下的Miss Sheep、蜜蜂及小动物,做出不同的反应并进行表演。
    Think and discuss: Have you ever seen any uninvited guests in your classroom? 学生分享在教室里遇到“不速之客”的经历。


    1. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    2. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对where is... It’s ...句型的掌握。
    3. 由于课时限制,角色扮演活动只能找1-2两组学生进行,给学生提供的展示机会较少。
    Unit2 My schoolbag
    三、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。教学内容主要通过展示学生们的新书包、教材及文具物品,以及通过张鹏在失物招领处寻找丢失的书包的情景,呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—What’s in your schoolbag? —An English book…”“—What colour is it? —It’s…”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key”。
    四、 学情分析

    1 知识与能力
    8. 能够听、说、认读句型“—What’s in your schoolbag? —An English book…”“—What colour is it? —It’s…”。
    9. 能够听、说、认读单词和短语:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key。
    10. 能够按意群朗读“I have two storybooks, three keys, some candies…”等句子。
    11. 能够在情景中运用句型“What’s in your…?”询问某处有什么物品并做出回答,能够在情景中运用句型“—What colour is it? —It’s…”询问并回答物品的颜色。
    12. 能够掌握i-e的发音规则,即i-e在单词中发长音/aɪ/。
    13. 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词,并能根据发音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。
    2 情感态度价值观
    4. 学习教科书名称时,使学生了解教科书的重要性,要求他们爱护书本。
    5. 了解Hope School(希望学校),Lost & Found(失物招领)的意思,培养学生拾金不昧的精神。
    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Draw and say
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Part C Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第一课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。教学内容主要通过展示学生们的新书包、教材及文具物品,以及通过张鹏在失物招领处寻找丢失的书包的情景,呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。这一课时主要谈论Let’s talk板块的内容,理解对话大意,学习本单元生词,借助游戏学习重点句型。
    9. 能够通过观察和谈论Let’s talk板块的图片理解对话大意。
    10. 能够用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。
    11. 能够在语境中理解新词“schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook”的意思,并能够正确发音
    12. 在趣味游戏中运用语言,操练并巩固句型“—What’s in your…? —It’s a/an…”。
    2.能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s in your schoolbag? —An English book…”“I have a new schoolbag. It’s black and white.”。
    21. 角色扮演;
    22. 游戏;
    23. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    T: I have a new bag. What colour is it? Guess!
    S1: It’s red.
    S2: It’s white.

    T: Yes, you are right. It’s black! Wow! You’re lucky. Here’s a sticker for you.
    3. Let’s review.
    Review the words about colours. Students look at the PPT and say out the words quickly. (课件出示:不同颜色的方块)
    4. Lead-in.
    The teacher shows a colourless pencil box on the PPT. (课件出示:一个无色的文具盒)
    Let some students guess what colour it is.
    Ss: …
    T: Really? (Click the pencil box.) Look! It’s blue and yellow.
    The teacher must emphasize how to express two or more colours.
    Show the other two kinds of colourless stationery pictures in turn on the PPT and let students guess the colours. (课件出示:依次显示一个无色的橡皮和一个无色的铅笔图片)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new vocabulary and sentence structures.
    (1)Learn the new vocabulary: schoolbag, English book, maths book, storybook.
    T: I have a magic bag.
    Help students ask: Really?
    T: Yes. It’s a cat. It’s yellow.
    Write down the sentence structure “I have a/an…” on the blackboard.
    Show several kinds of stationery pictures. (课件出示:一个黄蓝相间汽车形状的魔术文具盒) Practice the sentence structures “I have a/an… It’s a/an… It’s…” with students.
    T: Guess! What’s in the bag?
    Let one student click the mouse.
    Ss: Wow! It’s a pencil box! It’s a bus.
    T: Good. A bus pencil box. So nice! What colour is it?
    S1: It’s yellow and blue.
    T: What’s in the pencil box? Who wants to click the mouse? (S2 clicks the mouse.)
    Ss: Wow!
    T: It’s a schoolbag in it! So magic! It’s a magic pencil box!
    Write down the word “schoolbag” on the blackboard and teach the word “schoolbag” (school + bag=schoolbag).
    Ask some students to show their schoolbags and say “I have a schoolbag. It’s a/an… It’s…” one by one.
    In the same way, lead in the new vocabulary: English book, maths book, storybook.
    (2)Let students understand the sentence: It’s a fat panda!
    T: I have a new schoolbag!
    Ss: Really?
    Show a real schoolbag to students. There are many things in the schoolbag.
    T: Look! It’s a cat! It’s yellow and white. What’s in the schoolbag?
    Ss: A pencil box, an English book, a maths book…
    The teacher puts the things in the bag again.
    T: It’s a fat bag. It’s a fat cat! Cat, /k/-/æ/-/t/, /kæt/, fat, /f/-/æ/-/t/, /fæt/.
    Help students understand “fat” and “It’s a fat panda!”Learn the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.
    (1)Present the pictures of “Let’s talk” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Amy has something new, too. What’s it? Guess! A. A toy panda. B. A panda schoolbag.
    Ask students to underline the key sentence about the question in their books.
    (2)Listen to the dialogue and answer the question. (课件出示:Let’s talk板块的音频)
    S1: A new schoolbag.
    S2: It’s a panda.
    S3: It’s a panda schoolbag.
    Check the answer.
    Answer: B
    (3)Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.
    T: What colour is the schoolbag? What’s in the schoolbag? Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions. Underline the key sentences in your books about the questions.

    Check the answers.
    Answer 1: B
    Answer 2: B

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen to the recording of “Let’s talk” and imitate.
    Play the recording again. Let students read the dialogue after the recording. Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    2. Read and role play in groups.
    T: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Amy? Let’s read it in roles.
    3. Act out the dialogue in roles.
    T: Now let’s find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front of the classroom and show the dialogue.
    4. Fill in the blanks.

    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    5. Activity: What’s in the pencil box?
    (1)Ask and answer with the partner.
    (2)Show time.
    6. Let’s play. (课件出示:Let’s play板块的图片)
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: Sarah and Zhang Peng.
    T: Yes, they’re Sarah and Zhang Peng. They are playing a guessing game. What’s in Sarah’s hand? Is it a pencil?
    Ss: No. It’s an eraser.
    Let students play the game in groups.
    Act out in class.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Create a new dialogue.
    Show three schoolbags on the PPT: A black and white football schoolbag, a yellow and white cat schoolbag and a blue and red cap schoolbag. (出示课件)
    T: Do you like these schoolbags?
    Lead students to answer: I like this schoolbag.
    T: OK! Choose a schoolbag you like. Make a new dialogue with your partner.
    Show the language scaffolds on the PPT to help students make dialogues.
    Practice in pairs and report it in class.
    2. Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with your partner.
    Students draw a new schoolbag, then talk about it in pairs.
    Choose some groups to act out in class.
    The teacher and students evaluate their performances together.


    1上课伊始,通过与学生自由谈话拉近师生间的距离,创造和谐愉悦的学习环境, 并自然而然地引出本课表达物品颜色的句型。
    2在教学过程中遵循“词不离句,句不离篇”的教学原则,如“Really? What’s in…?”贯穿教学的各个环节。
    4新单词是通过PPT展示的一个神奇的魔术包一个个地“变”出来的,牢牢地抓住了学生的眼球;新句型的呈现则是通过实物书包和教师的相应动作,生动直观地帮助学生理解了“a fat panda”的含义。
    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第二课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。本课时重点针对书包中有什么的问答展开,在练习“What’s in your bag?”的句型的同时,追加指令练习,锻炼学生能够根据指令做出正确动作,加深对器物名称的印象。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词和短语“schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook”。
    2. 能够熟练运用句型“What’s in your schoolbag?”来询问书包中各种书本的名称并做出回答。
    3. 能够听懂指令,并做出正确的动作反应。
    通过欣赏歌曲,营造英语学习氛围,吸引学生的注意力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,并为后面学习新内容做好铺垫。将Let’s do中的句型穿插在Let’s learn板块的教学中,教师引入相关指令语,让学生听听做做,手、眼、耳、脑并用,帮助学生更好地记忆单词的意思与读音,同时增加课堂的趣味性,活跃课堂气氛。
    1. 能够理解和掌握句型“What’s in your schoolbag?”及重点单词和短语“schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook”。
    2. 注意含有单词 “book”的短语“maths book, English book, Chinese book”及合成词“storybook”的正确书写。
    1 .能够熟练运用句型“What’s in your schoolbag?”来询问书包里各种书本的名称并做出回答。
    2. 能够熟练使用句型“Put…in/on/under/near…”。
    24. 角色扮演;
    25. 游戏;
    26. 观看动画。
    27. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Sing a song.
    T: Hello, boys and girls! Let’s enjoy the song My schoolbag. You can sing the song gently with the music. (课件出示:歌曲《My schoolbag》)
    2. Revision.
    Review the dialogue of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示: Amy的熊猫书包)
    T: Look! What’s this? Oh, It’s a panda. It’s Amy’s new…
    Ss: Schoolbag.
    The teacher writes down the word “schoolbag” on the blackboard.
    T: Good. It’s Amy’s new schoolbag.
    T: OK. Who wants to be Amy? Who wants to be Chen Jie?
    Act out the dialogue in roles.
    3. Lead-in.
    T: Good job! Amy has a fat panda. Amy’s schoolbag is heavy. We can ask Amy: Amy, What’s in your schoolbag?
    Write down the sentence “What’s in your schoolbag?” on the blackboard. Teach the word “schoolbag”.
    T: Pay attention to the word “schoolbag”: “s” sounds /s/, “ch” sounds /k/, “sch” sounds /sk/, “oo” sounds /u:/, school, school, school, “a” sounds /æ/, bag, bag, bag, school + bag=schoolbag.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new vocabulary.
    (1)Watch the cartoon and answer. (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s learn板块的动画)
    Play the cartoon for the first time.
    T: What’s in Amy’s schoolbag?
    Ss: Many books.
    T: Right! Many books are in Amy’s schoolbag. So her schoolbag is so heavy.
    (2)Watch and do.
    T: What books are in Amy’s schoolbag? Watch the cartoon again. Then take out the right books of your schoolbags.
    Check the answer on the PPT. (出示课件)
    (3)Learn the new vocabulary: English book, Chinese book, maths book, storybook.
    ①Learn “English book”.
    The teacher shows an English book.
    T: It’s an English book. Pay attention to “an”.
    Write down “an English book” on the blackboard.
    T: Pay attention to the first letter of “English”. The letter “E” is the capital letter. It sounds /ɪ/. It is a vowel. So there is an “an” before “English”. OK. Read after me: /ɪ/-/ŋg/-/lɪʃ/, [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]. Very good!
    T: I say and you do. Show me your English book. Put your English book on your head. Put your English book on your desk.
    ②Learn “Chinese book”.
    The teacher shows two books.
    T: I have two books. An English book and a Chinese book.
    Write down “a Chinese book” on the blackboard.
    T: Pay attention to the first letter of “Chinese”. The letter “C” is the capital letter. Now read after me: “ch” sounds /tʃ/, /tʃaɪ/-/ni:z/, [,tʃai'ni:z].
    T: Show me your English book and Chinese book. Put your Chinese book on your English book.
    ③Learn “maths book”.
    T: S1, show me your schoolbag. What’s in your schoolbag? Let me see! Oh, you have a maths book.
    Write down “a maths book” on the blackboard.
    T: Please look at my mouth and pay attention to the pronunciation of the word “maths”: “m” sounds /m/, “a” sounds /æ/, “th” sounds /θ/, “s” sounds /s/. The letter “m” sounds /m/. It is a consonant. So there is an “a” before “maths book”.
    T: Everybody, show me your maths book. Put your maths book on your desk. How many books are there on your desk now?
    Ss: Three books.
    T: What are they?
    Ss: An English book, a Chinese book and a maths book.
    ④Learn “storybook”.
    T: Look at my schoolbag. What’s in my schoolbag? Please guess.
    Ss: …
    The teacher opens the schoolbag and says: A Chinese book, a maths book, an English book and…
    The teacher shows three storybooks and says: Storybooks. One storybook, two storybooks, three storybooks.
    Write down “three storybooks” on the blackboard. Lead students to observe the structure of the word “storybook”.
    T: This word “storybook” is a compound word. The words “story” and “book” are not written separately. And what’s in my schoolbag?
    Ss: A Chinese book, a maths book, an English book and three storybooks.
    T: Very good!
    2. Look and match.
    Look at the PPT and match the words with the pictures.

    3. Listen to the recording of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s learn板块的音频)
    Let students read after the recording. Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    4. Let’s do.
    (1)The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence. (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s do板块的音频) Students show the things they have heard.
    (2)The teacher repeats sentence by sentence. Students point out the pictures in their books.
    (3)Listen and do.
    T: Class! Now, I say and you do. Show me your Chinese book/English book/maths book/pencil box/eraser… OK, wonderful! Please listen and do after the recording.
    Play the recording again and let students do the corresponding actions after the recording together.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game—“Loudly and quietly.”
    Tips: The teacher hides the word card in a certain place. Ask one student to find. If he/she comes near the word card, students speak the word quietly. If he/she goes far away from the card, students read the word loudly.
    2. Play a game—“Simon says.”
    (游戏说明:教师发指令前说Simon says,学生则做此动作,发指令前没有说Simon says,学生则不做此动作。如:Simon says, show me your Chinese book.则学生做此动作;如: Put your maths book in your schoolbag.则学生不做此动作。这个活动可以以小组竞赛的形式进行。)
    3. Play a game—“Sharp eyes.”
    Show some pictures and options one by one, and let students choose the correct option for each picture as quickly as they can.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. A guessing game.
    Play the game in groups of four. One student hides a book in his/her schoolbag. The others guess.
    S1: What’s in my schoolbag? Guess!
    S2: A maths book?
    S3: …
    S4: …
    2. Play a chain game.
    S1: What’s in your schoolbag?
    S2: A Chinese book.
    S3: A Chinese book and a pencil box.
    S4: …
    3. A circling game.
    T: Anna has a nice schoolbag. What’s in it? Let’s listen and circle the things in Anna’s schoolbag. [课件出示:一个书包,一些书本,一些文具(必须包含下面对话中出现的物品,再加上一些无关的物品)]

    Students listen to the dialogue and circle the things.


    2将Let’s do中的句型穿插在Let’s learn板块的教学中,教师引入相关指令语,让学生听听做做,手、眼、耳、脑并用,帮助学生更好地记忆单词的意义与读音,同时增加了课堂的趣味性,活跃了课堂气氛。

    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第三课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。这一课时和音标有关,教学重点能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词,能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。
    4. 能够感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则,即i-e在单词中发长音/aɪ/。
    5. 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词。
    6. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision& Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My schoolbag. (出示课件)
    3. Let’s chant.
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: A pig.
    T: Yes, It’s a big pig. (Write down “big, pig” on the blackboard.) How many pigs now?
    Ss: Six.
    T: Good. Six big pigs. (Write down “six” on the blackboard.)

    Chant in groups. Let’s have a PK. The winner will get a red star.
    4. Lead-in.
    T: S1, show me your schoolbag. What’s in your schoolbag?
    S1: A Chinese book, a maths book…
    Talk about things in the schoolbags with several students.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Find the letters: i-e.
    Find and learn the pronunciation rule of “i-e”.
    (1)T: Look! Zoom has a new schoolbag, too. Wow! It’s nice. (Write down “nice” on the blackboard.)
    Students read it after the teacher. The teacher underlines the letters “i-e” and teaches /aɪ/.
    (2)T: Zoom’s schoolbag is nice. So he likes it very much. (Write down “like” on the blackboard.)
    Students read it after the teacher. The teacher underlines the letters “i-e”.
    T: How does “i-e” sound? Yes, “i-e” sounds /aɪ/. Read after me, /aɪ/-/aɪ/-/aɪ/.
    Read like this: i-e/aɪ/-c/s/-ice/aɪs/, nice/naɪs/; i-e/aɪ/-k/k/-ike/aɪk/, like/laɪk/.
    (3)T: Guess! What’s in Zoom’s schoolbag?
    Ss: An English book/A Chinese book/…?
    The teacher clicks the mouse. Show a kite on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Ss: Wow! It’s a kite.
    T: Yes, It’s a kite. (Write down “kite” on the blackboard.)
    Students read “kite” after the teacher. Then the teacher repeats /aɪ/ and let some students try to underline the letters. (Reward students with some red stars.)
    Read like this: i-e/aɪ/-t/t/-ite/aɪt/, kite/kaɪt/.
    (4)Click the mouse and enlarge the picture of the kite on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Look! There’s a secret on the kite. What is it? Yes, two numbers: five and nine. (Write down “five, nine” on the blackboard.) Read like this: i-e/aɪ/-v/v/-ive/aɪv/, five/faɪv/; i-e/aɪ/-n/n/-ine/aɪn/, nine/naɪn/.
    (Reward students with some red stars.)
    (5)T: Zoom has a nice kite in his schoolbag. He likes the kite very much. He flies the kite all day. He’s hungry. He’s eating some rice. (课件出示:Zoom正在吃米饭的图片) (Write down “rice” on the blackboard.)
    Let students underline “i-e” and read it. Then spell the word. (Reward students with some red stars.)
    Lead students to observe their common points: “i-e”, the vowel letter “i” and a silent “e” at the end of the words, sounds the same sound /aɪ/ with “i”. That is, “i-e” sounds /aɪ/ in the words.
    2. Read and match.
    T: Look at the PPT. Read the words and match with the pictures. (课件出示:单词like, kite, five, nine, rice及其图片)
    3. Read after the recording. (课件出示:教材P16 Read, listen and chant部分的音频)
    (1)Look at the pictures carefully and say something about the pictures.
    (2)Students listen to the recording.
    (3)Students read after the recording.
    (4)Students listen to the chant and circle the letters “i-e”.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read, listen and number. (课件出示:教材P16 Read, listen and number部分的音频)
    T: Turn to page 16 and finish the exercise of “Read, listen and number”.
    (1)The teacher teaches the word “fine” and students read the words.
    (2)Listen to the recording and number the words.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Answers: 1. pig 2. big 3. fine 4. nice 5. six 6. ice
    2. Read and distinguish.

    Read the words in each group and distinguish.
    3. Listen, circle and write.
    (1)Give an example.
    T: Look at the first picture. What can you see?
    Ss: “Five”.
    T: Great! Now listen to the recording. (课件出示:“five”的音频) What do you hear?
    Ss: /faɪv/.
    T: Good job!
    (2)Lead students to observe the pictures of this part and try to predict the content of the listening text.
    (3)Let students listen, circle and write. (课件出示:教材P16 Listen, circle and write部分的音频) Remind them to pay attention to the words’ handwriting.
    Answers: six big kite

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Try to read the following words.
    Show some words with “i-e”, just like “time, wife, white, line, bite, Mike, drive” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Let students try to spell these words. Then read them aloud.
    2. Classify the given words.
    T: Read the following words and classify them according to their pronunciations. Discuss with your partners. Then report the results.

    Check the answers.
    Answers: /ɪ/: A C F J /aɪ/: B D E G H I K



    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第四课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。本课时以Zhang Peng丢失自己的书包于是寻求Miss White的帮助作为开始,在两人的对话中学习如何描述书包的颜色,以及如何说明书包中有什么的句型。在学习完故事内容后,利用游戏环节强化学生对-What colour is it? -It’s…… 句型的掌握。
    4. 能够通过观察和谈论Let’s talk板块的图片理解对话大意。
    5. 能够在情境中恰当运用句型“—What colour is it? —It’s…”问答颜色
    6. 能够在情境中理解新词“lost, toy, notebook”的意思并能正确发音
    7. 能够通过本板块提供的教学活动,操练并巩固本课的核心句型“—What colour is it? —It’s…”
    通过角色扮演、情景模拟、游戏等方式,引导学生能够听、说、认读核心句型“Let me ...”并能够作出相应的回答,能够听、说、认读短语clean the classroom, clean the windows, clean the door, clean the teacher’s desk。
    5. 能够理解新词并掌握重点句型。
    6. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—What colour is it? —It’s…”问答颜色。
    能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—What colour is it? —It’s…”问答颜色。
    28. 角色扮演;
    29. 游戏;
    30. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—My schoolbag. (出示课件)
    3. Do the TPR action.
    T: Where is your mouth/the door/your pen/…?
    Ss: Here it is!

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Lead-in.
    T: Good job. Are you happy now?
    Ss: Yes.
    Show the main scene graph of Unit 2 on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P12主情景图中有关Sarah和Amy的图片)
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: Sarah and Amy.
    T: Is Sarah happy?
    Ss: No.
    (The teacher shows a notebook.)
    T: You’re right. Sarah is not happy, because she lost her notebook.
    Write down “lost, notebook” on the blackboard.
    T: Read after me, please. /l/-/ɒ/-/s/-/t/, /lɒst/. /n/-/əʊ-/t/, /nəʊt/, the letter “e” is silent. /b/-/ʊ/-/k/, /bʊk/, note/nəʊt/-book/bʊk/, notebook[ˈnəʊtbʊk].
    Let students read after the teacher.
    2. Learn “Lost & Found, excuse me”.
    (1)T: Sarah isn’t happy. She lost her notebook. Where can she find it? Maybe she can go to the Lost & Found. (课件出示:失物招领处的画面)
    Write down “Lost & Found” on the blackboard.
    Let students read after the teacher.
    (2)Show the pictures of “Let’s talk” in Part B. (出示课件)
    T: We can see Zhang Peng in this picture. Look carefully. Where’s Zhang Peng?
    Ss: At the Lost & Found.
    T: Yes, he’s at the Lost & Found. Why is he here? Maybe he lost…
    S1: …
    S2: …
    Listen and choose the right answer. (出示课件)

    Check the answer.
    Answer: B
    T: How do you know the answer? Can you read the sentence in the book out?
    Ss: Zhang Peng says, “I lost my schoolbag.”
    Let students read the sentence one by one.
    T: Zhang Peng is a polite boy, because he says, “Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.”
    Let students read this sentence one by one.
    Present some scenes to practice “excuse me”. (课件出示:场景一:向交警叔叔问路;场景二:借东西;场景三:请别人让路)
    3. Learn the sentence structures “—What colour is it? —It’s…” and the new word “toy”.
    The teacher walks to S1.
    T: Excuse me. Can I have a look at your schoolbag?

    T: Oh, thank you. Your schoolbag is nice. It’s blue and yellow. What’s in it?
    (The student takes out the books and answers.)
    S1: A maths book, a Chinese book…
    T: Can I borrow your schoolbag for a moment? The teacher walks to S2.
    T: Excuse me. Can I have a look at your schoolbag?

    T: Oh, thank you. What colour is it?
    S2: It’s red.
    T: Can I borrow your schoolbag for a moment?
    Write down the sentence structures “—What colour is it? —It’s…” on the blackboard.
    Let students read after the teacher. Then students read it one by one.

    The teacher gets several schoolbags in the same way.
    T: Now I have some schoolbags here. But I forget their owners. Whose schoolbags are on the teacher’s desk? Please come here.
    T: What colour is your schoolbag?
    S1: …
    T: What’s in it?
    S1: …
    T: Oh, What’s this? It’s a toy. There is a toy in your schoolbag. Can we take toys to school? No, we can’t. So you can’t take a toy next time, OK?
    S1: OK.
    T: Here it is.
    S1: Thank you!
    The teacher writes down the new word “toy” on the blackboard.
    T: Now read after me. Toy, /t/-/ɔɪ/, /tɔɪ/.
    The teacher and students continue to ask and answer like this until the teacher finds other schoolbags’ owners.
    4. Get more details.
    Listen to the recording and answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P17 Let’s talk板块的音频) Underline the key sentences in the books.

    Check the answers.
    Answer 1: B
    T: How do you know the answer?
    S1: Zhang Peng says, “It’s blue and white.”
    Answer 2: A
    T: What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?
    S2: An English book, two toys and a notebook.
    Answer 3: Yes, he can.
    T: Yes. Zhang Peng found his schoolbag. He thanks Miss White very much. So he says, “Thank you so much!”
    Repeat “so much”. Let students read and act out “Thank you so much!”

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen to the recording again and repeat.
    Let students read the dialogue after the recording. Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    2. Read the dialogue.
    Let students read the dialogue in pairs.
    3. Role play.
    T: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Group 1 and Group 2, you are Zhang Peng. Group 3 and Group 4, you’re Miss White. Now read the dialogue in pairs. Then act it out in class. I will find the best group. The red star is for the best group!
    4. Let’s play.
    Ask students to guess what book it is according to the colours. Finish the activity of “Let’s play”. (课件出示:教材P17 Let’s play板块的图片)
    (1)T: Look, What’s this? Yes, It’s a storybook. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this? It’s a Chinese book. What colour is it? It’s red…
    Help students get to know all the books and their colours in “Let’s play”. Then start the activity.
    T: I have a new book. Guess, what is it? You can ask me the colour of my new book. Then you can know it.
    Make a model first.
    T: I have a new book.
    S1: What colour is it?
    T: It’s yellow.
    S1: It’s a Chinese book.
    T: Yes. Now, please do it like this in pairs. I will find the best pair. The red stars are for the winners!
    (2)Show time.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Create a new dialogue.
    Two students make a group to create a dialogue according to the PPT.

    2. Draw and talk.
    Let students draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with their partners like this:
    S1: This is my new schoolbag.
    S2: What colour is it?
    S1: It’s…
    S2: What’s in it?
    S1: …
    S2: It’s nice.
    S1: Thank you.
    Let several groups show in class. Reward some presents to the winners.



    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Draw and say
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第五课时。本课时以询问自己/他人书包里有什么的对话作为开端,锻炼学生能够正确的询问并描述书包中的各种物品。在描述书包中的物品的过程中,复习强化学生对名词单复数形式的认识。
    3. 能够听、说、认读单词“candy, key, toy, notebook”。
    4. 能够熟练运用句型“What’s in the schoolbag?”询问并描述书包中各种物品的名称。
    5. 在描述书包中的物品时能够正确使用名词的单复数形式。
    6. 复习并巩固Part B Let’s learn板块的主要句型“What’s in my/your schoolbag?”以及单词“candy, key, toy, notebook”。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词“candy, key, toy, notebook”。
    7. 能够熟练描述教室中各种物品的颜色。
    31. 角色扮演;
    32. 游戏;
    33. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My schoolbag. (出示课件)
    3. Revision.
    Put the schoolbag in a plastic bag and show it to students.
    T: Look, boys and girls! What’s this? … Yes, It’s my schoolbag. It’s a nice schoolbag. What colour is it? What’s in it? Do you want to know? Please guess! Come on, class! If you do a good job, you can get a sticker. (Show students the stickers.)
    T: What colour is my schoolbag?
    S1: Green?
    T: No, again!
    S1: Orange?
    T: Yes, you’re right! Here’s your sticker!
    T: What’s in my schoolbag?
    S2: A Chinese book?
    T: No, again!
    S2: An English book?

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new words “notebook, toy, toys”.
    T: Look! Do you know this schoolbag? Whose schoolbag is it?
    Ss: It’s Zhang Peng’s schoolbag.
    T: Yes, It’s Zhang Peng’s schoolbag. He found it at the Lost & Found. What’s in his schoolbag?
    Ss: An English book, two toys and a notebook.
    T: Are you right? Let’s check.
    (课件出示: P18 Let’s learn板块的插图)
    T: Oh, yes, look! A notebook! Two toys!
    T: How many notebooks can you see in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag?
    Ss: One.
    T: Good, one notebook. Notebook, note-book, note/nəʊt/-book
    /bʊk/, notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk]. How many toys?
    T: Let’s count. One, two. Two toys. Toy, oy/ɔɪ/, toy/tɔɪ/, toys/tɔɪz/.
    Write down the words “notebook, toy, toys” on the blackboard.
    The teacher reads the words “toys” and “notebook” syllable by syllable. Students follow the teacher and then practice reading the words.
    Students read the words after the teacher for three times. Then choose a group of words to read one by one like this: one boy, two boys, three boys. One book, four books, five books.
    2. Teach the new words “candy, candies, key, keys”.
    (1)The teacher holds a candy in the hand.
    T: Guess, What’s in my hand? It’s sweet and children all like it.
    Ss: …
    T: Good! Look! It’s a candy. It’s a red candy. Candy, can/k æn/
    -dy/di/, candy [ˈkændi].
    Write down the word “candy” on the blackboard.
    The teacher reads the word “candy” syllable by syllable. Students follow the teacher and then practice reading the word.
    The teacher shows another candy.
    T: What colour is it?
    Ss: It’s blue.
    T: Wonderful! Now, Let’s count. One candy, two candies. I have two candies. One candy, two candies [ˈkændiz].
    Write down the word “candies” on the blackboard.
    The teacher reads the word “candies” syllable by syllable. Students follow the teacher and then practice reading the word.
    (2)The teacher shows students a schoolbag.
    T: I have something in the schoolbag. Please ask with the sentence “What’s in your schoolbag?”. And you can touch and take it/them out. Then tell other students what it is/they are.
    Write down the sentence “What’s in your schoolbag?” on the blackboard.
    S1: What’s in your schoolbag? (Touch in the schoolbag.) A notebook and two candies.
    T: Great! You’re right.
    S2: What’s in your schoolbag? (Touch in the schoolbag.) …
    S3: What’s in your schoolbag? (Touch in the schoolbag.) I don’t know.
    T: Take it/them out of the bag. Let’s have a look.
    T: Oh, they’re keys.
    The teacher shows one key and says slowly, “A key.”
    The teacher shows two keys and says slowly, “Two keys.”
    The teacher shows a bunch of keys and says, “I have many keys.”
    Write down the words “key, keys” on the blackboard.
    The teacher reads the words like this: k/k/-ey/i:/, key/ki:/, keys/ki:z/. Students follow the teacher and practice reading the words. Then read one by one.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen to the recording and repeat. (课件出示:教材P18 Let’s learn板块中单词的音频)
    T: What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Listen and repeat.
    Play the recording. Let students listen to the recording and repeat. Remind students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    2. Read the words and the sentences.
    Let students read the words and the sentences in different ways. Read freely. Read in pairs. Read together.
    3. Play some games.
    T: Now, Let’s play some games. If you do a good job, you can get a sticker. Come on!
    (1)Flash words. (课件出示:快速一一闪现Part A和Part B两部分所学的词汇)
    T: Look at the PPT and say the words as quickly as you can.
    (2)Watch, think and guess.
    The teacher shows a part of some pictures and asks: What’s this?
    Students try to guess and answer.
    T: Good job! You’re right. Here’s a sticker for you! Let’s go on.

    (3)Make up the words.
    Present the letters that can make up the words in random order. Ask students to guess the words.
    T: Look at these letters. Put the letters in right order and we can see a word. What is it?

    T: Write down the words in your exercise books. Come on!
    Check the answers. Give out the stickers for the winners.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Draw and say.
    Draw a schoolbag and some things in the schoolbag.
    Talk about the schoolbag like this:
    A: What’s in your schoolbag?
    B: Three keys, two toys and an English book.
    Practice in pairs.
    Choose some pairs to act out in class.
    The teacher makes an evaluation.



    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第六课时。本课时为复习练习课时,旨在锻炼学生能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇和句型,完成相关练习题,巩固本单元所学的知识点。
    9. 能够读懂句子并完成选择正确图片任务。
    10. 能够按正确的意群和语音、语调朗读这组句子。
    11. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元话题词汇并将句子补充完整。
    12. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    13. 能够了解歌词意义,并能够清晰、准确地歌唱。
    1. 能够读懂一组句子并完成选择正确图片的任务。
    2. 能够按正确的意群和语音、语调朗读这组句子。
    3. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。
    4. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My schoolbag. (出示课件)
    3. Play a game—“What’s missing?”
    Review the words: schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key. (课件出示:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key,然后一个个随机消失)
    Ask students to say the missing word quickly.
    4. Lead-in.
    Talk about the schoolbags with students:
    T: What colour is your schoolbag?
    S1: It’s blue.
    T: What’s in your schoolbag?
    S2: An English book, a maths book, three storybooks.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Pre-reading.
    (1)Look and say.
    T: I know what is in your schoolbag. Now, I have two schoolbags. (课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle中的两个书包的图片) I have many things in the two schoolbags. Look! What are these?
    Show the things on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P19 Read and circle中除书包以外的所有物品分类呈现)
    Lead students to say: a storybook, two storybooks; a car; a ball; some candies; some toys.
    (2)Learn the word “cute”. (课件出示:带有熊猫的钥匙图片闪烁)
    T: What are these?
    Ss: Keys.
    T: How many keys?
    S: Three keys.
    T: Yes. The keys are with a panda. I like the panda because It’s cute. Do you like it?
    Ask students to read after the teacher: cute, cute, a cute panda.
    The teacher leads students to say: a cute monkey.
    Ask students to read after the teacher: cute, cute, a cute monkey.
    2. While-reading.
    (1)Ask and answer. (课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle部分的两幅图片)
    (1)Ask and answer.
    T: Look at Picture A. What’s in the schoolbag?
    S1: Two storybooks, three keys, some candies, some toys and a cute panda.
    T: What’s in the schoolbag in Picture B?
    S2: A storybook, two keys, some candies, some toys and a cute monkey.
    (2)Listen and underline.
    T: Listen to the recording and underline the words about school things.(课件出示:教材P19 Read and circle部分的音频)
    (3)Read and circle.
    T: Read the text, then circle the correct answer.
    (4)Check the answer.
    Answer: A
    (5)Listen again and read after the recording.
    T: Now, let’s listen to the recording again and read after it. Make sure you can read the sentences correctly. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
    (6)Show time.
    Students have a reading show. Choose several reading stars. The reading stars can get presents.
    3. Post-reading.
    Look, choose and write.
    (1)What is in it? (课件出示:教材P19 Look, choose and write部分的图片)
    T: Now we can see a desk. What’s in it?
    S1: An egg, a pen, a notebook and three keys.
    T: Good. We must pay attention to the words “egg” and “notebook”. The first letter of “egg” sounds /e/. It is a vowel. So we say “an egg”. And “keys” is the plural form. We can’t say “three key”. We must say “three keys”.
    Let students turn to page 19 in the book and fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    Let a student read it.
    (2)What’s in your desk?
    T: Now please look at your desk. What’s in your desk?
    Ss: …
    T: Good. Please fill in the blank on page 19.
    The teacher can walk around and make sure students write the words correctly.

    Step 3: Practice
    Let’s check.
    (1)Listen and number. (课件出示:教材P20 Listen and number中的四幅图片)
    T: Look at these pictures. They are all school things. Now, look at Picture 1. What can you see?
    S1: A pen.
    T: Good. It’s a red pen. And how about Picture 2? What’s it? And what colour is it?
    S2: It’s a green schoolbag.
    T: Great! What can you see in Picture 3?
    S3: I can see a red schoolbag.
    T: Wonderful. And what’s in the red schoolbag?
    S3: A storybook and some candies.
    T: Good job! Now who can say something about Picture 4?
    S4: I can see a pink schoolbag. A notebook and a maths book are in the schoolbag.
    T: Very good. Let’s listen and number. (课件出示:Listen and number的音频)
    Check the answers.
    Answers: 3 1 2 4
    (2)①Look and circle. (课件出示:教材P20 Look and circle部分的文字与图片)
    T: What’s in the schoolbag? Please read and circle. You can underline the different school things in A and B first. Then look at the picture and circle the correct answer. Check the answer and let students read in groups.
    Answer: B
    ②Read and fill in the blanks.

    Let students look at the picture on the PPT and try to fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers. (出示课件)

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

    1. Write about your schoolbag or your pencil box.
    T: What’s in your schoolbag? What’s in your pencil box? Choose one topic and write about it. You can write like this:

    T: Please write down on your exercise books. Pay attention to the capitalizing letter before a sentence and the punctuation after a sentence.
    Show some students’ sentences in class.
    Check the answers with students.
    The other students check in pairs.
    2. Emotional education.
    T: Is your schoolbag/desk tidy or messy? Please put away your school things in time. Keep your schoolbag or desk tidy. It’s a good habit!



    The seventh period
    Part C Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 2第七课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。教学内容主要通过展示学生们的新书包、教材及文具物品,以及通过张鹏在失物招领处寻找丢失的书包的情景,呈现本单元要学习的核心词汇和句型。第七课时是一节故事课,重点读懂“Story time”的故事,复习Unit 2 中的重点单词和句型。
    14. 复习本单元所学的关于书包里教材及物品的词汇和句型。
    15. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    16. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    3. 复习单元重点词汇及句型。
    4. 理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    34. 角色扮演;
    35. 游戏;
    36. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My schoolbag. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“Which in the picture?” (出示课件,一张图,里面有各种东西,有的与第二单元单词相关,有的无关,让学生分辨)
    Review the vocabulary “schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key, wow, lost, so much, cute”.
    4. Lead-in.
    T: What’s in your schoolbag? (Stick on the blackboard, take one student’s schoolbag)
    S1: A maths book, An English book, and a pencil box.
    S2: .....
    T: (weigh one student’s schoolbag) Your schoolbag is heavy. Take out your books, please.
    S1: Action.
    T: OK. Look at the ppt, whose schoolbag ?(出示课件,出现一个书包)
    T:Oh! It’s Zoom’s schoolbag. So, what’s in Zoom’s schoolbag? Is this schoolbag heavy?
    S1: guess.
    T: Now, let’s watch a story and find the answer.

    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. While-reading.
    Watch and answer(展示故事图片,展示学生需要回答的问题,播放故事视频)
    What does Zoom’s mum want Zoom to do?
    What’s in Zoom’s schoolbag?
    Is Zoom’s schoolbag heavy? Why?
    Is everything in Zoom’s schoolbag?
    2. Read and write.
    Read the story in groups and underline the new words and expressions.
    Learn the new expressions.
    — put away your books.
    — take out your books.
    Students read the expressions aloud.
    3. Watch and read
    Watch the video again and read aloud
    4. Practice.
    (1)Read the story aloud in groups for 5 minutes.
    (2)Role play.( 3 students in a group )
    (3)Read together.
    (4)Role play in groups. Then choose some groups to act out the story.

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    T: Today we read an interesting story about Zoom. His schoolbag is so heavy. Because a cat is in his schoolbag. Boys and girls, when you finish your homework, please remember to put away your books. Because a good study habit is the key to success.

    Unit 2 My schoolbag
    Part C story time

    What does Zoom’s mum want Zoom to do? His mum ask he put away his books.
    What’s in Zoom’s schoolbag? An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and a cat.
    Is Zoom’s schoolbag heavy? Why? Yes, because there is a cat in his schoolbag.
    Is everything in Zoom’s schoolbag? Yes, it is.

    put away take out
    收起 取出
    your books.

    4. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    5. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对书包里教材及物品的词汇和句型的掌握。
    6. 考虑到教学重点和单元重点,针对put away 和 take out句型的练习较少。
    Unit3 My friends
    五、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是向他人介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。教学内容主要是通过展示学生们介绍好友的情景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—What’s his name? —His name is Zhang Peng.”“He’s tall and strong.”“Who’s he?”“He has glasses and his shoes are blue.”;能够听、说、认读单词“strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses”。

    1 知识与能力
    14. 能够听、说、认读句型“—What’s his name? —His name is Zhang Peng.”“He’s tall and strong.”“Who’s he?”“He has glasses and his shoes are blue.”
    15. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s his/her name?—His/ Her name is…”“—Who’s he/ she?—He/ She is…”询问他人的姓名或身份,并能回答。
    16. 能够在情景中运用句型“He’s/ She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述人物的性格或外貌特征。
    17. 能够听、说、认读单词“strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses”。
    18. 能够掌握o-e的发音规则,即o-e在单词中发长音/əʊ/。
    2 情感态度价值观
    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s chant
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Say and draw
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Part C Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第一课时。本单元学习的主题是向他人介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。教学内容主要是通过展示学生们介绍好友的情景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—What’s his name? —His name is Zhang Peng.”“He’s tall and strong.”“Who’s he?”“He has glasses and his shoes are blue.”;能够听、说、认读单词“strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses”。
    本课时重点围绕Part A. Let’s talk中的对话故事展开,在帮助学生理解对话大意的基础上,分角色扮演对话中的角色,练习对话中的出现的“—What’s his/ her name? —His/ Her name is…”句型询问他人名称并回答以及“He’s/She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述人物的性格和外貌特征的句型。随后利用Let’s play板块设置的游戏活动,巩固强化学生对句型的认识。
    13. 能够在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意。
    14. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。
    15. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s his/ her name? —His/ Her name is…”询问他人姓名并能够回答;能够在情景中运用句型“He’s/She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述人物的性格和外貌特征。
    16. 能够进一步巩固对核心句型“He’s/She’s…”“—What’s his/her name? —His/ Her name is…”的理解与运用。
    通过层层递进的对话,逐渐把主动权交给学生,不仅能对已学句型“My name’s…”进行巩固,同时可以导入“his”,稍加点拨,加以强化操练。学生能很快掌握“his”的用法,加强知识结构的前后联系。通过学生喜欢的画画活动,让他们发挥自己的绘画技能,画出人物,并用本课的核心句型做介绍,提升语言运用的真实性。
    1. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What’s his/ her name? —His/ Her name is…”询问他人姓名并能够回答。
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“He’s/ She’s…”“He/ She has…”描述他人的性格和外貌特征。
    1. 能够在情景中灵活运用核心句型询问他人姓名并回答。
    2. 能够熟练描述他人的性格和外貌特征。
    3. 能够正确读出“Chinese, his”的尾音。
    37. 角色扮演;
    38. 游戏;
    39. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today let’s be good friends, OK?
    Ss: OK.
    The teacher shakes hands with a student and says, “Friends, friends, good friends.” Then students shake hands with each other and say what the teacher says.
    Ss: Friends, friends, good friends.
    T: Now, tell me, “Who is your good friend?”
    S1: He/ She is…
    S2: …
    2. Let’s do.
    Show the chant on the PPT. Play the music and chant with students. (出示课件)

    3. Play a guessing game.
    Pull up a curtain. Ask some students to hide behind the curtain and put their arms or legs out of the curtain in turn. Point to one of them and let the other students guess who he/ she is.
    T: Who’s he/ she?
    Ss: He/ She is…

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new sentences.
    (1) The teacher makes a self-introduction with the sentence “My name’s…” and asks a boy.
    T: What’s your name?
    Boy: My name is…
    After the boy answers the question, the teacher introduces the boy.
    T: His name is… He is…
    (2) The teacher asks students, “What’s his name?”
    (3) The teacher inspires other students to answer the question and writes down the sentence structure “His name is…” on the blackboard.
    Ask students to pay attention to the ending sound of the word “his/hɪz/”.
    (4) The teacher points to other boys one by one and lets students do more exercises to master the language points.
    T: What’s his name?
    Ss: His name is…
    (5) The teacher points to a girl and says, “She’s… Her name is…”
    Then the teacher asks students, “What’s her name?”.
    Let students try to answer the question. Write down the sentence structure “Her name is…” on the blackboard.
    Ask students to pay attention to the ending sound of the word “her/hə (r)/”.
    The teacher points to another girl and asks, “What’s her name?”
    Let students ask and answer in pairs with the sentence structures “—What’s her name? —Her name is…”
    2. Practice the new sentences.
    (1)Show fuzzy pictures of the two people on the PPT. (课件出示:学生熟悉的两个人的模糊图片,这两个人分别是男人和女人或者男孩和女孩)
    T: Look! He’s/ She’s my new friend.
    Let students guess the names of the two people.
    Lead students to ask the question “What’s his/her name?” Show clear pictures of the two people and reveal the names.(出示课件) Write down the sentence “What’s his/ her name?” on the blackboard. And emphasize the distinction between “his” and “her”.
    (2)Show some students’ pictures collected in advance on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Look! I have some pictures. Look at this picture. Who can tell me his/her name?
    Lead students to use the sentence structure “His/ Her name is…” to answer.
    Ss: His/ Her name is…
    T: Is he/ she tall/ short?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Is he/ she thin?
    Ss: No, he/ she is…
    Do the action to show “strong”. Then write down the word “strong” and teach it.
    T: str/str/-o/ɒ/-ng/ŋ/, strong/strɒŋ/.
    T: He’s/ She’s tall and strong/short and thin. And he/she is friendly.
    Write down the word “friendly” on the blackboard. Mark “-ly” with red chalk. Teach the word.
    T: friend/frend/-ly/li/, friendly[ˈfrendli].
    Ask students to read it and pronounce it correctly.
    Introduce the etiquette of appearance description: Replace “fat” with “strong”.
    T: We usually don’t say he/ she is fat, but he/ she is strong.
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1)Show a picture of John on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: What’s his name?
    Ss: His name is John.
    Show a picture of John’s mum on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: She is John’s mother. What are they talking about?
    Ss: … (Guess.)
    T: They are talking about John’s new friend. Who is he/she?
    (2)Show the questions one by one on the PPT.
    ①Does John have a Chinese friend?
    T: We are all Chinese, because we are all from China.
    Point to the Chinese flag on the wall to help students understand the word “Chinese”.
    Then teach the word “Chinese”.
    T: Ch/tʃ/-i/aɪ/-nese/ni:z/, Chinese[ˌtʃaɪˈniːz].
    ②What’s John’s friend’s name?
    ③Is John’s friend tall and strong?
    (3)Play the video of “Let’s talk” on the PPT. Let students watch the video with questions. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的视频)
    Ask students to underline the sentences about the answers in their books and answer the questions in class. Then check the answers together.
    4. Listen, read and act.
    (1) Let students listen to the recording and read after it.(出示课件)
    (2) Lead students to act out the dialogue in pairs.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Let’s play.
    Show the picture of “Let’s play” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: We have four new friends today. Can you introduce them to me?
    Ss: His name is… He’s…/ Her name is… She’s…
    T: Good. Now let me describe them, and you say out the names. She’s tall and thin. What’s her name?
    Ss: Her name is Lucy.
    T: Where is she?
    Ss: …
    T: Yes, there she is. (Do the action to point at Lucy on the screen.)
    Let students quickly name the characters according to the teacher’s description. Finally point to the character and say the sentence “Oh, there she/ he is.”
    Then lead students to ask and answer in pairs. One describes and asks, the other answers.
    2. Play a game—“Find a friend.”
    Divide students into groups of four. Let each student write down a classmate’s name on the card. The back of the card is facing up. Let a student in each group pick a card randomly and describe the student on the card one by one. The rest of the group guess who the student is according to the description.
    Make a model:
    A: My friend is a boy. He’s thin. He has short hair. He likes maths. Who’s he?
    B & C & D: His name is…

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Play a game—“Draw my friend.”
    Present a passage on the PPT. Lead students to read the passage. Then ask students to draw a portrait on the blackboard one by one. Each one draws a brushstroke to complete the portrait.


    1. 本课时主要学习描述他人的性格和外貌特征。课程开始,通过复习和巩固句型“My name is…”导入新词“his, her”并稍加练习,学生能很快地掌握句型“What’s his/ her name?”并用句型“His/ Her name is…”进行作答。
    2. 活动设计丰富,易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心素养。
    3. 猜人和绘画活动活跃了课堂氛围,调动了学生的学习积极性,加强了师生交流。活动既有合作又有竞争,取得了不错的教学效果。
    4. 突出语用功能,联系学生的实际情况,设置多个环节,层层深入,帮助学生在真实情景中灵活地操练所学语言。

    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s chant
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第二课时。本单元学习的主题是向他人介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。教学内容主要是通过展示学生们介绍好友的情景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—What’s his name? —His name is Zhang Peng.”“He’s tall and strong.”“Who’s he?”“He has glasses and his shoes are blue.”;能够听、说、认读单词“strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses”。
    4. 能够听、说、认读单词“tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet”。
    5. 能够在情景中熟练运用句型“He’s/ She’s…”介绍人物的性格和外貌特征。
    6. 能够运用句型“Who is he/ she?”询问他人的姓名,并能回答。
    7. 能理解歌谣中对人物外貌和性格特征的描述,并能创编新的歌谣描述自己的朋友。
    通过欣赏歌曲,营造英语学习氛围,吸引学生的注意力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,并为后面学习新内容做好铺垫。将Let’s do中的句型穿插在Let’s learn板块的教学中,教师引入相关指令语,让学生听听做做,手、眼、耳、脑并用,帮助学生更好地记忆单词的意思与读音,同时增加课堂的趣味性,活跃课堂气氛。
    1. 能够掌握描述人物特点的词汇。
    2. 能够用以上词汇简单描述他人的性格和外貌特征。
    1. 能够在情景中熟练运用句型“He’s…”介绍人物的性格和外貌特征。
    2. 能够掌握单词“friendly, quiet”的发音。
    40. 角色扮演;
    41. 游戏;
    42. 观看动画。
    43. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Revision.
    (1) Point to a boy and ask his name in rhyme. Ask students to answer in rhyme, too.
    T:(Clap hands.)What’s his name? What’s his name?
    Ss: His name is… His name is…
    T: What’s her name? What’s her name?(Clap hands and point to a girl.)
    Ss: Her name is… Her name is…
    (2) Play a game—“I say, you do”. (课件出示:一段有节奏的背景音乐)
    T: Boys and girls, now I say, you do. Make yourself tall.

    Ss: Tall, tall, tall. (Students stand up and say while they do it.)
    T: Make yourself short. / Make your arms long. / Make your eyes big. /…
    Ss: Short, short, short! / Long, long, long! / Big, big, big! /…
    3. Watch and act.
    Play the video of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的视频) Let students watch it and act out the dialogue in pairs.
    4. Lead-in.
    T: John has a good friend. I have a good friend, too. Do you want to know what his/ her name is?

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the sentences.
    T: I have a good friend in our class. He is a boy. He’s tall and strong. He’s in Group 4. Guess! What’s his name?
    Describe the appearance of a student in the class simply. If other students can’t guess who he is, lead them to ask, “What’s his name?”
    T: You can also ask me, “Who is he?”
    Write down the sentences “What’s his name?” “Who is he?” on the blackboard.
    2. Let’s learn.
    (1)Learn the words “tall, strong, short, thin”.
    Ask a student to come to the front of the classroom and introduce him as a good friend.
    Then invite another student who is completely different from the boy before. Ask other students to observe their differences in figure. Lead in the words “tall, strong, short, thin”.
    Show the word cards in turn. Teach these words. Ask students to read after the teacher.

    Let students point to the classmates and use the sentence structure “He’s/ She’s…” to describe others.
    (2)Learn the phrases “tall and strong, short and thin”.
    Point to the tall and strong boy on the podium. Lead students to say the sentences “He’s tall.” and “He’s strong.”
    Then the teacher says “He’s tall and strong.” Ask students to read the sentence after the teacher.
    Practice the sentence “He’s short and thin.” in the same way.
    (3) Learn the word “quiet”.
    The teacher makes a gesture with the index finger to keep students quiet and says the sentence “Be quiet!” Then show the word card “quiet” and read it, qu/kw/-i/aɪ/-e/ə/-t/t/, quiet[ˈkwaɪət]. Then paste the card onto the blackboard. Help students understand the meaning of the word “quiet”. Lead students to use the word “quiet” to make sentences in the real situations.
    (4) Learn the word “friendly”.
    Show pictures of some activities on the PPT and ask, “Who is friendly?”
    Explain the exact meaning of the word “friendly” through the movement or the expression.
    (5) Play and watch.
    Play the video of “Let’s learn” on the PPT.(课件出示:教材P25 Let’s learn板块的视频)Let students watch it.
    Play it again. Ask students to imitate after it and read the words and the sentences over and over again.
    The teacher describes John with the sentences “I have a good friend. He’s short and thin.”
    Lead boys to ask, “Who is he?” Lead girls to guess who he is and use the sentence “His name is John.” to answer.
    Ask students to choose a person from the pictures of this section and practice the dialogue in pairs. Then let students act it out.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. I point, you say.
    Show the words at random on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to say out the words quickly.
    T: I will point to the words one by one on the PPT. Please say out the words quickly. Let’s go! What’s this?
    Ss: …
    2. I say, you do.
    The teacher speaks the words and asks students to perform corresponding actions.
    T: This time, I say, you do. When I say the word “tall”, please do like this.(Raise the arms up.)When I say the word “short”, please do like this.(Put the arms down.)When I say the word “strong”, please do like this.(Raise the fists up.)And this is for “thin”. (Put the hands on the both sides of cheeks.) Are you ready? Let’s play.
    3. I do, you say.
    T: Now let’s exchange. I do, you say.
    4. Let’s chant.
    Show the pictures of Lily and Tim in the chant on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P25 Let’s chant板块中的人物图片) Help students describe Lily and Tim with the words they have learned and the sentence structure “He/She is…”
    Play the chant separately.(出示课件)Let students read the chant after the recording.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a competition.
    Let students chant in different ways to make a competition. Remind students to do some actions while they’re chanting.
    2. Create a new chant.
    Encourage students to replace the adjectives in the chant according to the true situations of friends. Create a new chant and perform it in class.


    1. 在韵句中,复习上一课的句型,极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣。
    2. “我指你说”“我说你做”等一连串的活动贯穿授新和操练过程,尽可能地让学生的多种感官参与到此学习过程中来,大大提高了学习效率。
    3. 学习单词的目的就是能把单词灵活地运用到句子中去,使表达更加完整,同时把单词运用到句子中也能巩固所学的单词,两者之间相辅相成,相互促进。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第三课时。本单元学习的主题是描述书包的颜色并说出书包里的教材及其他物品名称。这一课时和音标有关,能够感知并归纳o-e在单词中的发音规则,能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词。
    7. 够感知并归纳o-e在单词中的发音规则。
    8. 能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词。
    9. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合o-e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳o-e在单词中的发音规则。
    2. 能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Enjoy a song.
    Play the song—Friends. Ask students to sing after the recording. (出示课件)
    2. Let’s chant.
    Play the chant for “i-e” in Unit 2 on the PPT. Get students to chant together. (课件出示:教材P16 Let’s spell板块中Read, listen and chant部分的chant内容)
    Play the chant for short sound of “o” on the PPT. Get students to chant together. (课件出示:PEP三下教材P40 Let’s spell板块中Listen,repeat and chant部分的chant内容)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Read the words.
    T: Today, we have a new friend. Look!
    Show the picture of Mr Jones on the PPT.(课件出示:教材P26 Mr Jones的图片)Lead in the words of this section.
    T: Who is he?
    Ss: He is Mr Jones.
    T: Yes, he is Mr Jones. “j” sounds /dʒ/, “o-e” sounds /əʊ/, “n” sounds /n/, “s” sounds /z/. Read after me.
    Ss: …
    Write down “Mr Jones” on the blackboard.
    T: (Point at Mr Jones’ nose.) What’s this?
    Ss: It is Mr Jones’ nose.
    T: Yes, it’s his nose, nose, nose. n/n/-o/əʊ/-s/z/.Write down the word “nose” on the blackboard.
    T: Touch your nose, please.
    Let students do the action.
    Show another picture on the PPT.
    T: And what’s in Mr Jones’ left hand?
    Ss: It’s a note.
    T: Good! We write notes on our notebooks. And this is Coke. (Point at the Coke in Mr Jones’ right hand.) Do you like Coke?
    Write down the words “note, Coke” on the blackboard.
    Ask students to read after the teacher and practice in groups.
    2. Find out the rules.
    T: Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find?
    S1: They have the same letter “o”.
    S2: They have the same letter “e”.
    T: Yes. They all have “o-e”. The letter “e” at the end is silent. What is the sound of the “o-e”? Let’s read and find.
    The teacher reads each word slowly with students.
    T: What is the sound?
    Ss: …
    T: Yes, it’s /əʊ/. Look at my mouth and read after me.
    Lead students to summarize the pronunciation rule of “o-e”. Present the rule on the PPT.

    3. Read, listen and chant.
    Ask students to look at the pictures of “Read, listen and chant” carefully. Then play the recording of this part. (出示课件)
    Let students listen to it carefully. Next, show the listening material. (出示课件) Ask students to read it after the recording and circle the words with “o-e”. At last, lead students to chant freely with clapping their hands.
    4. Act out.
    Get students to act out the chant together.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Guess the words.
    The teacher says the four words one by one in silence. The students guess the words by observing the teacher’s mouth and say them out loudly.
    2. Listen and do.
    The teacher gives out the word cards to students and says the words at random. The students listen to the teacher and raise up the corresponding word cards.
    3. Read, listen and tick.
    Present the four groups of words on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P26 Read, listen and tick部分的练习) Get students to observe them and discuss the similarities and the differences.
    Let students read the four groups of words. Remind students to pay attention to the different pronunciations of “o” and “o-e”. “o-e” sounds
    / əʊ/ in the open syllable, and “o” sounds /ɒ/ in the closed syllable.
    Play the recording and ask students to choose the words they hear. (课件出示:教材P26 Read, listen and tick部分的音频)
    Play the recording again. Check the answers together with students.
    Answers: 1. note 2. home 3. dog 4. lost
    4. Listen, circle and write.
    (1) Let students look at the pictures in this section and try to predict the content of the listening.
    (2) Let students look at the standard writing of the word “dog” in the textbook. Then read the word.
    T: d/d/-o/ɒ/-g/g/, dog/dɒg/.

    Lead students to find the letter “o” is in a closed syllable, so “o” sounds /ɒ/ here.
    (3) Play the recording of this section. (出示课件) Get students to judge what they hear is the open syllable(o-e) or the closed syllable(o).
    (4) Let them circle the right answers, and write down the words they hear.
    Properly remind students to write English words correctly.
    Answers: 1. dog 2. nose 3. mom 4. note

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Spell the words.
    Show more words on the PPT, such as smoke, phone, joke… Ask students to try to read the words according to the pronunciation rule of “o-e”.
    Show more words on the PPT, such as dog, box, fox… Ask students to try to read the words according to the pronunciation rule of “o”.

    2. Chant together.
    (1)Show a chant on the PPT. Let students try to sing the chant.

    (2)Act out the chant.
    Give students some time to practice it. Encourage them to add their own actions. Let them work in groups and choose the ways they like to chant creatively

    1. 本节语音课主要教学元音字母“o”在重读开音节中的发音规则。在教学音标时,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生在不断地感知和练习中自己总结发音规律。
    2. 通过“看口型猜单词”“听音找单词”“听音写单词”活动,将所学知识运用于实践中,提高学生参与课堂学习的意识,调动其学习热情。
    3. 通过听一听、读一读等多种形式来反复练习,让学生在听和读中找出发音规律及拼写规律,很好地培养了学生的分析能力和归纳总结能力。
    4. 通过创编chant,将发音规则融入活泼的韵句中,降低了学生学习的难度。

    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第四课时。本单元学习的主题是向他人介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。教学内容主要是通过展示学生们介绍好友的情景来展开的。教学重点是能够在情景中恰当运用句型“He has…and his…”描述外貌特征,能够在语境中理解新词“or, right, glasses, shoes”的意思,并能正确发音。
    8. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。
    9. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“He has…and his…”描述外貌特征。
    10. 能够在语境中理解新词“or, right, glasses, shoes”的意思,并能正确发音。
    11. 能够根据语言支架创编对话,综合运用目标语言。
    8. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够在小组中进行角色扮演。够理解新词并掌握重点句型。
    9. 能够运用重点句型描述他人的外貌以及其他特征。
    1. 能够在语境中理解新词“or, right, glasses, shoes”的意思,并能正确发音。
    2. 能够掌握单词“is/ are, has/ have”的用法。
    44. 角色扮演;
    45. 游戏;
    46. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Sing a chant.
    Play the video of “Let’s chant” on page 25.(课件出示:教材P25 Let’s chant板块的视频)Get students to sing together.
    T: Do you remember the chant about friends? Let’s sing the chant together.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show three characters on the PPT. (课件出示:矮个男孩John穿蓝色鞋子;双胞胎姐妹Lucy和Lily,Lucy高个子,穿红色鞋子,Lily也是高个子,穿黑色鞋子)
    Lead students to find clues by asking the teacher to guess who the teacher’s friend is.
    Ss: Is your friend a boy?
    T: No, she is a girl.
    Ss: Is she tall?
    T: Yes, she is.
    Ss: Is she Lucy?
    T: No. Look at the shoes. (Point to the shoes, and help students know the meaning of “shoes”.)
    Write down the word “shoes” on the blackboard and read it. Get students to know “es” sounds /z/ here.
    T: Her shoes are black. (Say the colour of the friend’s shoes.)
    Ss: She is Lily.
    T: Yes, you’re right. Lucy’s shoes are red. Lily’s shoes are black. And we can say:
    Her shoes are red. (Point at Lucy.)
    Her shoes are black. (Point at Lily.)
    His shoes are blue. (Point at John.)
    Then write down the sentence structure “His/Her shoes are…” on the blackboard.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Let’s talk.
    (1) Show the pictures of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P27 Let’s talk板块的图片) Talk about the dialogue with students. Ask students to predict the main idea of the dialogue.
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: They are Mike and John.
    T: What are they talking about? Guess!
    S1: Maybe they are talking about friends.
    S2: …

    T: You know about my new friend. What about Mike’s new friend? Who is he or she? Let’s listen to the recording with the questions, underline the key sentences about the questions, then answer the questions.
    Show the question and the pictures of different characters on the PPT. (课件出示:张鹏、吴一凡和陈洁的图片)
    Questions: Who is Mike’s new friend? A boy or girl?
    Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P27 Let’s talk板块的音频)
    T: Who is Mike’s new friend? A boy or girl?
    Ss: A boy.
    T: Who’s he? Zhang Peng?
    Ss: No.
    T: Is he Wu Yifan?
    S: Yes. You’re right.
    Write down the word “or” and the sentence “Who is he?” on the blackboard, and teach them.
    Tell students how to answer the questions with “or”.
    (2)Show the questions on the PPT:
    ①Is Mike’s friend a boy or a girl?
    ②Is he tall and thin?
    ③Who is tall and thin, too?
    ④What colour are Wu Yifan’s shoes?
    ⑤Does he have glasses?
    Show the picture and the word “glasses” on the PPT.(课件出示:glasses的相关内容)Teach the word and ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “es”.
    Play the cartoon on the PPT.(出示课件)Lead students to watch it carefully and discuss the dialogue, then answer the questions.
    T: Is Mike’s friend a boy or a girl?
    Ss: A boy.
    T: Is he tall and thin?
    Ss: Yes. You’re right.
    T: Who is tall and thin, too?
    Ss: Zhang Peng.
    T: What colour are Wu Yifan’s shoes?
    Ss: His shoes are blue.
    T: Does he have glasses?
    Ss: Yes. He has glasses.
    T: Yes. He has glasses. And I have glasses, too.
    Write down the word “has”. Remind students to pay attention to the usage of “has/ have”.
    Point to the boy or the girl wearing glasses in the classroom. Lead students to say the sentence “He/ She has glasses.”
    2. Read after the recording.
    Play the recording again. (出示课件) Ask students to follow it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    3. Act out in pairs.
    Get students to read the dialogue freely. Then ask them to act it out in pairs and find the best pair.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Make a new dialogue.
    Ask students to make a new dialogue with the main sentence structures in this lesson and talk in pairs.
    2. Guess! Who’s he/ she?
    (1)Show several characters that students are familiar with in turn on the PPT. Let students try to describe their characteristics in groups.
    T: Look at this man. Can you say something about him? Please have a try.
    Make a model:
    T: He is a man. He is tall and thin. He has glasses. His shoes are black. His bag is blue. Who’s he? Is he…?
    Ss: … (If students are right, the teacher says, “Yes. You’re right.”)
    (2)Show time.
    S1: He/ She is… He/ She has… His/ Her shoes are… His/ Her bag is…
    S2: …
    3. Let’s play.
    T: (课件出示:教材P27 Let’s play板块的图片及文字) Boys and girls, we all have good friends. Look at the picture. Please talk about your friends in pairs with the key sentence structures.
    S1: He is a boy. He has… His shoes are… His bag is… What’s his name?
    S2: He is…
    S1: Yes. You’re right. What about your friend?
    S2: She is a girl. She has… Her shoes are… Her bag is… What’s her name?
    S1: …

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    “Little policeman/ policewoman”—Looking for the lost child.
    Divide students into three groups. Select one student from each group to play the role of the mother or father. Ask the selected student to describe the physical feature of her/ his lost child and the others help her/ him find the child.
    Make a model with a student:
    T (mother): Help me! I lost my baby.
    S1: A boy or girl?
    T: …


    1. 由chant引入,引领学生进入课堂,激起学生的学习兴趣。紧接着由猜人游戏引出本课的重要句型。
    2. 通过创设真实的情境,引导学生从听、说、演开始,到最后能运用所学语言,完成活动“寻找走失的孩子”。
    3. 教学中注重新旧知识之间的渗透,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。
    4. 在实践中,注意分层教学,因材施教,用最有效的方式激发学生主动参与,培养他们独立思考和合作探究的创新精神。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Say and draw
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第五课时。本单元学习的主题是向他人介绍自己的好朋友,对好友的性格和外貌特征进行描述。教学内容主要是通过展示学生们介绍好友的情景来展开的。能够听、说、认读短语“long hair, short hair, brown shoes, blue glasses, a green bag”。能够运用上述短语描述人物的外貌特征及衣着打扮。
    1. 能够听、说、认读短语“long hair, short hair, brown shoes, blue glasses, a green bag”,能够运用上述短语描述人物的外貌特征及衣着打扮。
    2. 能够理解不同的句型可以表达相同的意思,如“His glasses are blue.”也可以表达为“He has blue glasses.”,提高学生灵活运用语言的能力。
    3. 通过活动,复习巩固重点句型“He has…”及Let’s learn板块所学的短语。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词“hair, shoes, glasses”。
    2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型“He has…”“His…is /are…”。
    1. 能够熟练且正确地描述人物的外貌特征及衣着打扮。
    2. 关注名词单复数的变化。
    47. 角色扮演;
    48. 游戏;
    49. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Sing a chant.
    Play the chant in “Let’s chant” on page 25.(课件出示:教材P25 Let’s chant板块的chant)Get students to chant together.
    2. Lead-in.
    Point to a student and ask other students to try to describe his/ her characteristics by using the key sentence structures they have learned.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Create a situation.
    (1) Show the outline of Sarah.(课件出示:Sarah的外轮廓)
    T: I have two new friends. Who are they? Guess! Now, let’s have a look!
    Ss: She is a girl. She is tall and thin.(Get students to describe her characteristics.)
    T: Look at her hair.(Point to her hair.)
    Teach the word “hair/heə(r)/” and ask students to read it after the teacher.
    T: It’s long. (Show students the meaning of “long” by gestures.) Her hair is long. She has long hair.
    Write down the sentence “She has long hair.” on the blackboard.
    Ss: She is…
    According to the description and the observation, let students guess her name. Then show a complete picture of Sarah. (课件出示:Sarah的完整图像)
    T: Oh, it’s Sarah. Sarah has long hair.
    Teach the phrase “long hair” and the sentence “She has long hair.” Point to the other girls with long hair in class, and practice the sentence.
    (2) Point to a girl with short hair in the class.
    T: But she has short hair. (Show students the meaning of “short” by gestures. Write down the phrase “short hair” on the blackboard.)
    Point to a boy with short hair in the class and say out the phrase “short hair”. Ask students to read the phrase while doing some actions. Practice the phrase “short hair” and the sentence “He/ She has short hair.”
    T: Who has short hair in our class?
    Get students to answer the question with the sentence “He/ She has short hair.”
    T: Yes. His/ Her hair is short.
    Write down the two sentences, and ask students to make a comparison.
    (3) Show the outline of Wu Yifan on the PPT. (课件出示: 吴一凡的外轮廓) Lead students to say the sentences “He is a boy. His hair is short. / He has short hair.”
    Then present Wu Yifan’s green schoolbag and blue glasses on the PPT. (课件出示:吴一凡的绿书包和蓝眼镜)
    Teach the phrases “blue glasses, a green bag”.
    Ask students to use the key sentence structures “He has…” or “His…is/ are…” to introduce the boy.
    S1: He has blue glasses. He has a green bag.
    S2: His glasses are blue. His bag is green.
    Present a complete picture of Wu Yifan.(课件出示:吴一凡的完整图像)
    T: (Point to the picture.) It’s Wu Yifan.
    (4) Point to a boy in the class.
    T: Look! What colour are his shoes?
    Ss: …
    T: His shoes are… And we can say, “He has…shoes.”
    Then present some pictures of shoes in different colours on the PPT. Lead students to say “…shoes”.
    Write down the sentence “His/ Her shoes are…” “He/ She has…shoes.” on the blackboard.
    2. Let’s learn.
    T: My another friend is Wu Yifan. And he is Mike’s good friend, too. Let’s listen and read.
    (1)Show the picture of “Let’s learn” on the PPT. Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P28 Let’s learn板块的图片及音频) Ask students to read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Lead students to read the words together and have a competition in different groups. For example: Group 1 PK Group 2, boys PK girls.
    (2)First, make a model with a student. Then lead students to ask and answer in pairs.
    (3)Ask some students to act out the dialogue.
    3. Talk in class.
    Show pictures of the other two characters in “Let’s learn” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P28 Let’s learn板块另外两个人物的图片)
    Ask students to imitate the dialogue between Mike and Chen Jie and discuss the appearances and other characteristics of the two characters.
    Make a model:
    A: My friend has brown shoes.
    B: It’s Amy. Her shoes are brown.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Find friends.
    The teacher takes out the prepared phrase cards and lets students say the equivalent phrases of the card in groups.
    Like this:
    Group 1 shows the card “long hair”.
    S1: Long hair.
    S2: Short hair.
    Group 2 shows the card “long arms”.

    S1: Long arms.
    S2: Short arms.
    Group 3 shows the card “a red bag”.
    S1: A red bag.
    S2: A green bag.
    2. Find and match.
    The teacher shows photos of three cartoon characters with descriptions on the PPT and ask students to find and match. (课件出示:卡通人物及其相应描述)
    3. Guess in groups.
    Divide students into groups of four. Let students take turns describing one member of the group and the others in the group guess who he or she is.
    Make a model:
    T: He is a boy. He has short hair. He has black glasses. He has blue shoes. Who is he? Guess!
    Ss: He is…/His name is…
    4. Say and draw.
    (1) Talk about the main scene picture of Unit 3.
    Present the main scene picture of Unit 3 and talk about the picture. (课件出示:Unit 3主情景图)
    (2) Say and draw.
    Present the picture of “Say and draw”. (出示课件)
    The rule: One person introduces the characteristics of his/her friend. The other draws the corresponding character on the paper.
    Make a model:
    T: I have a friend. He has short hair. He has red glasses. He has brown shoes…
    Ask students to draw the boy.
    Let students say and draw in pairs according to the rule. At last, select the pair that performs best.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Do a survey.
    Show the form on the PPT. Let students investigate each other about the length of their hair, the colours of the shoes and whether or not have glasses in groups.

    Ask students to report the results of the survey in the group after completing the survey.
    Make a model:
    I have a friend. His/ Her name is… He/ She has…hair. His/ Her shoes are… He/ She has/ doesn’t have glasses.


    1. 引领学生进入课堂,激起学生的学习兴趣。紧接着由猜人游戏引出本课的重要句型。
    2. 通过创设真实的情境,引导学生从听、说、演开始,到最后能运用所学语言,完成活动。
    3. 教学中注重新旧知识之间的渗透,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。
    4. 在实践中,注意分层教学,因材施教,用最有效的方式激发学生主动参与,培养他们独立思考和合作探究的创新精神。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。


    1. 本课是词汇和句型的新授课。新课教学前,通过歌曲和对话的方式帮助学生复习了上节课所学的知识,为本节课做了铺垫。
    2. 结合课件及师生互动讲授新知,将新授词汇融入句子教学中,既能帮助学生将词汇灵活地运用到句子中,同时也能在句子中巩固所学词汇,二者相辅相成,互相促进。
    3. 呈现本单元主情景图,通过画画让学生在玩乐中练习巩固词汇和句型,让英语课堂生动起来。
    4. 在小组内完成调查报告,让学生能够运用所学语言去描述身边的朋友和亲人。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第六课时。本课时为复习练习课时。教学重点是锻炼学生能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇和句型,完成相关练习题,巩固本单元所学的知识点。
    17. 能够读懂四组句子并与图中的人物正确匹配。
    18. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。
    19. 通过看图,学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有意识地去听录音,听后完成排序任务。
    20. 能够养成良好的听力习惯,以持续提高学生的听力水平。
    21. 能够了解歌词意义并能够清晰准确地歌唱。
    理解“What is his/ her name?”和“Who is he/ she?”的区别及联系。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls.
    Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr/ Miss/ Mrs…
    T: How are you today?
    Ss: …
    2. Revision.
    (1) Free talk.
    T: Who is tall and strong in our class?
    Ss: …
    T: Who has brown shoes in our class?
    Ss: …

    (2) Fill in the blanks.
    Present the words of this unit on the PPT. Ask students to complete the exercise as required.

    Step 2: Presentation
    Read and write
    ①Play a game—“Create a supermodel”.
    Draw the outline of a person on the blackboard. Ask students to design his/ her appearance and clothes. Let each student say one sentence. Draw the outline according to students’ descriptions until a supermodel is created.
    Ask students to look at the picture again. Let them try to make descriptive sentences into a short paragraph.
    ②Guess: Who is my best friend?
    Ask some students to use a complete paragraph to introduce their good friend’s appearance and dress. Ask the other students to guess who he / she is. Review and consolidate the key sentences learned in this unit.
    (2) While-reading.
    ①Show the picture and four groups of sentences of “Read and match” on the PPT.(出示课件)
    Let students observe the picture, underline the key words and phrases and talk about it in class.
    T: Look at these children, boys and girls. Who are they?
    Ss: They’re Ben, James, Ann and Kate.
    Write down the names on the blackboard and read them at the same time.
    T: Ben, pen—Ben, e/e/. James, name—James, a-e/eɪ/. Ann, ant—Ann, a/æ/. Kate, cake—Kate, a-e/eɪ/.
    Ss: … (Read after the teacher.)
    T: Can you talk something about James?
    S1: …
    T: Who can talk about Ben?

    ②Complete the activity of “Read and match”.
    Ask four students to read the four groups of sentences in turn. The other students judge by what they hear.
    Then check the answers together by letting students ask and answer.
    Answers:1—James; 2—Ann; 3—Kate; 4—Ben
    S1: He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name?
    S2: His name is James.
    S3: She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name?
    S4: Her name is Ann.
    Write down the sentence structures “He/She has…” “—What’s his/her name? —His/ Her name is…” on the blackboard.
    S5: She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat. Who is she?
    S6: She is Kate.
    S7: He is short and thin. He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he?
    S8: He is Ben.
    Write down the sentence structures “—Who is he/she? —He/ She is…” on the blackboard.
    Lead students to understand the difference between “What is his/her name?” and “Who is he/ she?”
    T: What is his/ her name? We can only answer the name here. Who is he/ she? We can answer the name, the job or the relationship with the speaker here.
    ③Listen and repeat.
    Ask and answer in pairs. One says the name of the character in the picture. The other quickly retells the character’s descriptive text. Then exchange to complete the exercise.
    For example:
    S1: Kate.
    S2: She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat.
    ①Observe and read.
    Present the three pictures, the words and the phrases.(课件出示:教材P29 Look, choose and write部分的文本与图片)Ask students to observe the pictures and read the words and the phrases.
    ②Give language support, and talk with students.
    T: (Point to the tall man.) Look at this man. He is…and… (Describe with body language.)
    Ss: He is tall and thin.
    T: Who is this old man? He is Santa Claus. What does he have?
    Ss: He has a red bag.
    T: Yes, there are many gifts in the red bag. He has a red hat, too. But there is no “hat” in the square frame. So we should fill “bag” in the blank.
    Does this girl have long hair or short hair?
    Ss: She has long hair.
    T: Great! Please choose the correct words or phrases to fill in the blanks.
    ③Remind students to write the words or phrases correctly.
    Comment on the completion of students. Correct writing errors in time. Then check the answers together.
    Answers: 1. tall; thin 2. bag 3. long hair
    Ask three students to read the sentences in turn.
    ④Let students write a few sentences they have learned in this unit to introduce a classmate. Next, let some students read the sentences they have written. The other students guess which students they’re describing.
    Comment on the completion of students. Correct writing errors in time.

    Step 3: Practice
    Let’s check.
    (1) Listen and number.
    Show the pictures of “Listen and number” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Let students talk about the names, characteristics and other features of the characters in the pictures.
    S1: She is a girl. She has long hair and oranges shoes.
    S2: He is a boy. He has short hair.
    S3: He is a boy. He has long hair. He has brown shoes.
    S4: He is a boy. He is tall and strong. He has glasses.
    Play the recording. Remind students to grasp the key information and complete the exercise of “Listen and number”.(出示课件)
    Play the recording again to help students check the answers. (出示课件)
    Answers: 2-3-1-4
    (2)Look and match.
    Show the pictures of “Look and match” on the PPT.(出示课件)
    Let students observe the pictures,and then describe the characteristics of the characters in the pictures with the sentence structures “He/ She is…”“He/ She has…”
    T: Look at this girl in the first picture. What’s she like?
    Ss: She has short black hair. She is quiet.
    T: Good. What about this girl in the second picture? What do you think about her?

    Show the words and the phrases on the PPT.(出示课件)Let students read them, and choose the right pictures to match.
    Remind students that there is more than one word or phrase that can match the same picture.
    Check the answers.
    Answers: 图1: quiet 图2: long black hair; glasses/ friendly 图3: tall and strong; blue shoes; short brown hair图4: short and thin

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s act.
    Ask students to act out the words “tall, short, fat, thin, quiet…”
    2. Listen and do.
    Give orders such as: Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Wave your arms. Shake your body…
    Students do actions according to the orders.
    3. Let’s sing.
    (1) Play the song Friends.(出示课件)Get students to enjoy it together.
    (2) T: Listen again and answer. If your friend is tall and quiet, what can you do?
    Ss: Clap my hands.
    (3) Students sing the song in pairs, then sing the song together.
    (4) Make a new song with replacing the adjective and the verb phrases of the song in groups.
    Make a model:
    If your friend is thin and funny, stamp your feet. If your friend is thin and funny, stamp your feet.
    If your friend is thin and funny, if your friend is thin and funny, if your friend is thin and funny, stamp your feet.


    1. 本课主要进行读、写练习,读、写的句子都是本单元的重点内容。
    2. 采用与学生问答的方式展开本课时的重点内容,既减轻了学生的压力,也活跃了课堂气氛。
    3. 在教学过程中,充分运用游戏、图片、录音等教学手段,让学生积极参与课堂活动,学生的参与意识很强,完成的效果也不错。
    4. 将难点进行细化,采用“单词—短语—句型”的方式化解难点。
    5. 引导学生开展练习,操练句型,完成任务,加深了学生对句型的印象,也培养了学生继续学习英语的兴趣。
    6. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的总结作用。

    The seventh period
    Part C Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3第七课时,本节课为故事课。故事围绕本单元主题“Friends”展开,融入了朋友间的友爱团结合作的人文理念。学生在学习本课内容的过程中,不仅要对故事内容有所认识,也要体悟故事中动物们团结互助的精神,培养团结合作的道德品质。
    22. 复习本单元所学的词汇和句型。
    23. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    24. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    5. 能够正确理解并认读句型“-I can’t pull it up. -We are coming. -Let’s work together.”。
    6. 理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    50. 角色扮演;
    51. 游戏;
    52. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—Friends. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“Get the flag.” (课件出示:一排小旗子,旗子上是本单元中学习的重点单词,另外摆上一排这些单词对应的场景图片,让学生将小旗分配给与之对应的图片。)
    Review the vocabulary “strong. friendly. quiet. hair. shoe. glasses. hat”.
    4. Lead-in.
    T: OK, boys and girls. Look at the ppt, who’s that ?(课件出示:一张小兔子的图片,让同学们说说它是谁)
    S1: It’s a rabbit.
    T: Yes ! Do you like rabbits ?
    S1: Yes !
    T: OK. So , do you know what rabbits like to eat ?
    S1:Carrot !
    S2:Turnip !
    T:Is turnip usually big or small ?
    S1: small.
    T: Yes , It’s usually small. But today , the rabbit sees a big turnip . It’s a very interesting story. Let’s learn it together.

    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. While-reading.
    Watch and answer(展示故事图片,展示学生需要回答的问题,播放故事视频)
    What does the rabbit see?
    Can rabbit pull turnip up by herself?
    Who come to help the rabbit?
    Do they finally pull turnip up?
    2. Read and write.
    Read the story in groups and underline the new words and expressions.
    Learn the new expressions.
    — I can’t pull it up.
    — We’re coming.
    — Let’s work together.
    Students read the expressions aloud.
    3. Watch and read
    Watch the vedio again and read aloud
    4. Practice.
    (1)Read the story aloud in groups for 5 minutes.
    (2)Role play.( 3 students in a group )
    (3)Read together.
    (4)Role play in groups. Then choose some groups to act out the story.

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    T: Today we read an interesting story about the rabbit. She sees a big turnip. She wants to pull it up. But she can’t. Then, her friends come to help her. Finally, they pull the turnip up. Boys and girls, when you have trouble, you can ask your friends to help you. If your friends need your help, remember to help them , OK?

    Unit 3 My friends
    story time

    What does the rabbit see? A big turnip.
    Can rabbit pull turnip up by herself? No, she can’
    Who come to help the rabbit? The monkey , The dog , The cat , Zip and Zoom.
    Do they finally pull turnip up? Yes, they do.

    pull it up 把它拉上来
    we’re coming! 我们来啦!
    Let’s work together. 让我们一起工作。

    7. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    8. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对书包里教材及物品的词汇和句型的掌握。
    Unit 4 My home
    六、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是家里的居室及相关设施。教学内容主要是围绕着家人和朋友间的家居生活来展开。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—Where is she? —She’s in the kitchen.”“Open the door, please.”“Look! They’re in the door.”“—Is she in the…? —Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.”“Where are the…?”“—Are they in…? —Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”。

    1 知识与能力
    19. 能够听、说、认读句型“—Where is she? —She’s in the kitchen.”“Open the door, please.”“Look! They’re in the door.”
    20. 能够在情景中运用句型 “—Is she in the…? —Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.”“Where are the…?”“—Are they in…? —Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.”询问物品或人物的位置并作出相应判断。
    21. 能够在情景中运用句子“Open the door, please.”提出行动建议。
    22. 能够听、说、认读单词或短语“bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”。
    23. 能够掌握u-e的发音规则,即u-e在单词中发长音/ju:/,能够读出符合u-e发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合u-e发音规则的单词。
    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 能够在生活中主动询问别人或对别人的询问能够热情应答。
    2. 能够感受到家的温馨,从而激发学生爱家、爱家人的情感。
    3. 能够主动收拾物品并摆放整齐,养成良好的生活习惯。
    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Ask, answer and write
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本单元学习的主题是家里的居室及相关设施。教学内容主要是围绕着家人和朋友间的家居生活来展开。教学重点是能够在情景中运用句型“—Is she in the…?—Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.”询问物品或人物的位置,同时作出判断,能够在语境中理解新词汇“living room, study, kitchen”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    17. 能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意。
    18. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Is she in the…?—Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.”询问物品或人物的位置,同时作出判断。
    19. 能够在语境中理解新词汇“living room, study, kitchen”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    20. 能够通过本板块提供的教学活动,操练并巩固本课时的重要句型“—Is it in…?—Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.”
    1. 能够听懂、会说句型“—Where is she?—She is in the kitchen.”“—Is she in the…?—Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.”。
    2. 能够听懂并使用词汇“living room, study, kitchen”。
    3. 能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。
    能够在情景中正确使用句型“—Where is she/ it? —She/ It is…”来询问和描述人物或物品的位置;使用句型“—Is she/ it in…? —Yes, she/ it is./ No, she/ it isn’t.”来询问人物或物品的位置,同时作出判断。
    53. 角色扮演;
    54. 游戏;
    55. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Short vowel song.(课件出示:三下教材P69歌曲的视频)
    3. Free talk.
    Review the sentence structures “—Where’s…? —It’s in / on / under…”(课件出示:球在课桌不同方位的图片)
    T: Where’s the ball?
    Ss: It’s in/ on/ under the desk.
    Ask and answer with other things.
    T: Where’s the book/ pen/ pencil…?
    Ss: It’s in/ on/ under…

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new vocabulary.
    (1)Present the picture of Amy’s home in the main scene.(课件出示:Unit 4主情景图中Amy家的图片)
    T: Look, this is Amy’s home. Let’s go and have a look. This is the bedroom/ study/ living room/ kitchen/ bathroom. So in Unit 4 we’ll talk about “home”.
    Write down the topic “Unit 4 My home” on the blackboard.
    T:(Point to the bedroom.)Look! What can you see in this room?
    Ss: A bed.
    T: Great! We can see a bed in the room, bed + room=bedroom.
    Write down the word “bedroom” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Follow me: bed, bed, room, room, bedroom.
    Practice the word “bedroom” in groups or one by one.
    T:(Point to the study.)Is this a bedroom?
    Ss: No, it isn’t.
    T: It’s a study. We can see a computer on the desk. We can see many books in the bookcase. We study hard in the study.
    Write down the word “study” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Please read after me. If I read it in a low voice, you read it loudly. If I read it loudly, you read it in a low voice.
    Teach the new vocabulary “living room, kitchen, bathroom” in the same way as above.
    T: Amy’s home is very nice.
    (2)Present the pictures of a home and a dog.(课件出示:家庭居室图和小狗在厨房的图)Talk with students.
    T: Look! I have a dog. She’s cute. I love my dog. But I can’t find her now. Oh! Where’s the dog? Is she in the living room/ bedroom/ study/ bathroom?
    (Help students answer the questions.)
    Ss: No, she isn’t.
    T: Is she in the kitchen?
    Ss: Yes, she is.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1)Present the pictures of “Let’s talk” and lead students to predict the main idea of the dialogue.(课件出示:教材P38 Let’s talk 板块的图片)
    T: Look, this is Amy’s home. What rooms can you see in the pictures?
    Ss: I can see a bedroom, a living room, a study and a kitchen.
    (2) Present the questions about “Let’s talk” on the PPT.
    Play the recording. (出示课件) Ask students to answer the questions and underline the key words of the answers in their books.

    T: What are Amy and Sarah doing?
    Ss: They are looking for the cat.
    Show the four pictures of “Let’s talk” in turn on the PPT. (课件依次出示:教材P38 Let’s talk 板块的四幅图片)
    T: Amy and Sarah are in the bedroom. Is the cat in the bedroom?
    S1: No, she isn’t.
    T: Now they are in the living room. Is the cat in the living room?
    S2: No, she isn’t.
    T: Now they are in the study. Is the cat in the study?
    S3: No, she isn’t.
    T: The cat isn’t in the bedroom, the living room or the study. Where is she?
    Ss: She’s in the kitchen.
    T: Very good!
    (3) Read after the recording.
    T: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the recording. Please listen and read carefully.
    (4) Read the dialogue in different roles.
    (5) Act it out.
    T: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Recognize the pictures.
    Present the pictures quickly. (课件出示:客厅、厨房和书房的图片)
    T: Say the words or the phrase quickly.
    2. Let’s play hide-and-seek.
    Ask students to play the game in pairs. Make a model with a student.
    Let the student hide a pen when the teacher closes his/her eyes. Then open the eyes and guess.
    S1: I have a pen. It’s nice. Where’s my pen?
    T: Is it on your desk? S1: No, it isn’t.
    T: Is it in your desk? S1: No, it isn’t.
    T: Is it under your desk? S1: No, it isn’t.
    T: Is it in your hand? S1: Yes, it is.
    T: Now, play hide-and-seek with your partner.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s chant.
    Make up a chant according to the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.

    Change the words to adapt the chant. Then have a show.
    2. Play a game—“Look for Xiaowu.”
    (1)Present the picture of Xiaowu.(课件出示:小五在客厅看电视的图片)Ask students to compete in groups.
    T: Who is he? He’s Xiaowu. He is watching TV now. Oh, he’s missing! Where is he? Let’s go and look for him.(课件出示:小五家的居室图)
    (2) Read out the names of the rooms in groups.
    Practice the vocabulary “bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, study”.
    (3) Look for Xiaowu.
    The group that finds Xiaowu first will be the winner.
    Practice the sentence structures “—Is he in the…? —Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.”“—Where is he? —He is in…”

    1. 由歌曲视频引入,带领学生边唱边复习句型“—Where’s…? —It’s in/ on/ under…”,再在自由谈话中巩固该句型,进而激发学生的兴趣,为新课做好铺垫。
    2. 创设与现实生活及教材内容相近的语境,在特定语境中导入新词汇和句型,再自然地开展教学内容。环环相扣,层层深入,让学生轻松地掌握教学重点。
    3. 设计的活动形式丰富、易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心素养。在教学过程中,以学生为本,以解决问题为导向,引导学生自主学习。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do
    8. 能够听、说、认读单词或短语“bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom”。
    9. 能够熟练运用句型“Where’s Amy?”“—Is she in the study? —Yes, she is.”进行询问并作出回答。
    10. 能够听懂指令并根据指令语做出正确的动作。
    通过韵句激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生复习Let’s talk板块的内容。再通过游戏复习重点句型“—Is it in the…? —Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.”。通过提问激起学生的学习兴趣,使学生在听录音时更有目的性,听的时候会更加认真。再在同样的情境中进行对话练习,让学生能自如地运用本课的句型。通过游戏进一步加深学生对新授词汇的熟悉程度,再结合句型来练习,使学生更熟练地掌握并运用本课的重点词汇和句型。
    1. 能够使用描述居室名称的重点词汇。
    2. 能够在情景中运用重点句型询问人物或物品的位置并作出回答。
    能够听懂Let’s do 中的指令并根据指令做出正确的动作;能够正确匹配居室和活动。
    56. 角色扮演
    57. 游戏
    58. 观看动画
    59. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.

    3. A guessing game.
    T: I lost my pen. Where’s my pen? Let’s look for it together. Is it in the…? Guess!

    S1: Is it in the box?
    T: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new vocabulary and sentences.
    (1)Teach the word “study”.
    T: Where are my books? Look, they are in a room. (课件出示:书房中有很多书的图片) I have many books in it. Oh, it’s a study! (课件出示:study的相关内容) (Write down the word “study” on the blackboard and teach it.)
    T: Follow me: study, st/st/-u/ʌ/-dy/di/, study/ˈstʌdi/.
    Ss: … (Read it together, then read it one by one.)
    T: What can you do in the study?
    Ss: Read a book.
    T: (课件出示:read a book的相关内容) Do you like reading books?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Let’s go to the study and read a book. Follow me: Go to the study. Read a book.
    Write down the phrase “read a book” on the blackboard and teach the sentences “Go to the study. Read a book.”
    (2) Teach the phrase “living room”.
    Show a picture of a living room. (课件出示:客厅的图片)
    T: Is this room a classroom?
    Ss: No.
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: A living room.
    T: Yes. This is a living room. (课件出示:living room的相关内容) Follow me: living room, li/lɪ/-ving/vɪŋ/, living, o/u:/-room/ru:m/, living room.
    Write down the phrase “living room” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Ss: … (Read it in groups.)
    T: What can you see in the living room?
    Ss: I can see a table, a sofa, a…and a TV.
    T: Do you like watching TV? (课件出示:watch TV的相关内容)
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Let’s go to the living room and watch TV.
    Ss: OK.
    T: Go to the living room and watch TV. Follow me: Go to the living room. Watch TV.
    Write down the phrase “watch TV” on the blackboard and teach the sentences “Go to the living room. Watch TV.”
    (3) Teach the word “kitchen”.
    T: Oh, I read a book. I watch TV. Now I feel a little hungry. I want to have a snack. (课件出示:have a snack的相关内容) Follow me: have a snack, have a snack. Do you want to have a snack?
    Ss: Yes.
    Write down the phrase “have a snack” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Oh, I can’t find any snacks. Where can we get snacks?
    Ss: Kitchen.
    T: Yes. (课件出示:kitchen的相关内容) Follow me: kitchen, ki/kɪ/-tch/tʃ/-en/ɪn/, kitchen.
    Write down the word “kitchen” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Ss: … (Read it one by one.)
    T: Let’s go to the kitchen and have a snack. Follow me: Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.
    Teach the sentences “Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.”
    (4) Teach the word “bathroom”.
    T: Haha, I’m full. (Touch the belly and yawn, looking sleepy.) I’m sleepy. Can I have a nap? (Help students understand with the action.)
    Ss: No, you’re dirty.
    T: Yes. Let me take a shower. (课件出示:take a shower的相关内容)
    Write down the phrase “take a shower” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Where can I take a shower?
    Ss: Bathroom. (课件出示:bathroom的相关内容)
    T: Yes. Follow me: bathroom, ba/bɑː/-th/θ/-bath, bathroom.
    Write down the word “bathroom” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Ss: … (Read it aloud or in a low voice.)
    T: Let me go to the bathroom. Take a shower. Follow me: Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. / Wash your face and hands. / Brush your teeth.
    Teach the sentences “Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.”
    (5) Teach the word “bedroom”.
    T: Now, I’m clean and I’m tired. I want to have a nap. (课件出示:have a nap的相关内容)
    Write down the phrase “have a nap” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Where can I have a nap?
    Ss: Bedroom. (课件出示:bedroom的相关内容)
    T: Follow me: bedroom, e/e/-bed/bed/, bedroom.
    Write down the word “bedroom” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Ss: … (Read it in groups.)
    T: Good. Follow me: Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.
    Do the corresponding actions and let students learn the new vocabulary above. Present the vocabulary “bedroom, living room, bathroom” on the PPT.
    T: Please read the words and the phrase together, and tell me what you find.
    Ss: …
    T: Great! They are all rooms and they all have the same word “room”.
    2. Let’s learn.
    (1)Show the pictures of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P39 Let’s learn板块的房间图片)
    T: Look, it’s a nice home. That is Amy’s cat. Where is the cat? Is she in the bedroom/ living room/ bathroom/ study/ kitchen?
    Ss: …
    T: Where is Amy? Let’s listen to the recording of “Let’s learn” and answer the question.
    (2) Listen and answer.
    Play the recording of “Let’s learn” and ask the questions. (出示课件)
    T: Where is Amy? Is she in the bedroom/ living room/ bathroom/ study/ kitchen?
    Ss: …
    T: Amy is in the study. Where’s Amy’s dad? And where’s Amy’s mum?
    Ss: Is he/ she in the…?
    (3)Ask students to listen to the recording again and read after it.
    (4) Act out the dialogue.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play games.
    (1) What’s missing?
    Present the vocabulary “living room, bedroom, study, bathroom, kitchen” on the PPT. Ask students to say the missing word or phrase quickly.(出示课件)
    (2) Guess words.
    Show the back of the word cards. Ask students to guess what the words or the phrases are. Students can say “Is it a…?”
    2. Let’s do.
    (1) Play the video of “Let’s do”. (课件出示:教材P39 Let’s do板块的视频) Ask students to read after the video.
    (2) Let’s match.
    T: Now, let’s match. I say the name of the room. You say what you can do in it and do the action. Then practice in pairs.
    3. Guess where Mike is.
    Present the picture of Mike’s home. (课件出示:Mike的家,猜他在哪个房间,猜对了,点开房间看到Mike)
    T: Look, this is Mike’s home. We can see a living room, a bedroom, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen in his home. But where is Mike? Let’s guess! You can say “Is he in the…?”
    S1: Is he in the living room?
    T: No, he isn’t.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Talk about your home.
    Present a picture of a new home. (课件出示:新家的图片)
    T: Look, boys and girls! This is my new home. You can see a living room, two bedrooms, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen in it. I can watch TV in the living room. I can read a book in the study. I can have a nap in the bedroom. I can take a shower in the bathroom. I can have a snack in the kitchen.
    Take out the picture of your home. Talk about your home with your partners. Then introduce your home to us. (课件出示:句型This is my new home. You can see… I can…in…)
    Divide students into three groups. Lead students to work in groups. At last, ask some students to show in class.
    2. Let’s sing.
    Sing the song My home. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲)
    T: East or west, home is the best. We love our home. We love our family.

    1. 由韵句和游戏导入新课,引导学生复习上一课的内容,迅速抓住学生的注意力。
    2. 通过情景引入新词,在词汇学习的环节,融入Let’s do板块的内容,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习和掌握新的知识。
    3. 通过游戏的创设,将新知融入生活,以活泼的游戏形式帮助学生进一步巩固所学知识,让学生在玩中学,学中玩。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 4第三课时。本单元学习的主题是家里的居室及相关设施。这一课时和音标有关,能够感知并归纳u-e在单词中的发音规则,能够根据单词读音拼写出符合u-e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳u-e在单词中的发音规则。
    2. 能够读出符合u-e发音规则的单词。
    3. 能够根据单词读音拼写出符合u-e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳u-e在单词中发长音/ju:/的发音规则。
    2. 能够读出符合u-e发音规则的单词。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Revision. (课件出示:前三单元学习的音标)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Find the same letters.
    (1) Teach the word “cute”. (课件出示:一个漂亮的带白猫图案的铅笔盒)
    T: Oh, what a beautiful pencil box! There is a white cat on it. The cat is so cute. Follow me:cute, cute, the cat is cute. Please make a chant like: Cute, cute, … (课件出示:可爱的小狗、鸭子等图片)
    Ss: Cute, cute, the dog is cute. Cute, cute, the duck is cute…
    (2) Teach the words “excuse, use”.
    T: Excuse me, I lost my pen. Can I use your pen?
    Ss: Yes, of course.
    T: Follow me: excuse, excuse, use, use.
    Write down the words “cute, excuse, use” on the blackboard.
    (3) Read and find out the rules.
    T: Look at these words. Which letters are the same?
    Ss: u-e.
    T: Yes. The letter “e” at the end of the words is silent. What’s the sound of “u-e”? Listen to the recording carefully.
    Playing the recording of the words. (课件出示:单词cute, excuse, use的发音)
    Ss: /ju:/.
    (4) Teach the sound of “u-e”.
    2. Let’s read.
    Help students try to read the words “mute, cute, tube, cube, muse, fuse, mule, duke, huge” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    3. Read, listen and chant.
    (1) Look and think.
    T: Look at Picture 1: One cute cat uses two balls. Look at Picture 2: Two cute cats use three balls. So three cute cats use…
    Ss: Three cute cats use four balls.
    T: And four… And five…
    Ss: Four cute cats use five balls. Five cute cats use six balls.
    T: Good! Five cute cats are playing tricks.
    (2) Let’s chant.
    Play the video. (课件出示:教材P40 Read, listen and chant部分的视频) Ask students to read the chant after the video together.
    4. Let’s read and find.
    Present the words “us, up, duck” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to find out the same letter in these words.
    T: What’s the sound of “u” in these words? Listen to the recording carefully. (课件出示:上述单词的音频)
    Ss: /ʌ/.
    T: Yes. U, u, /ʌ/, us, up, duck.
    Let students read after the teacher and then read together.
    (课件出示:bus, mum, cut, fun, nut, cup)
    Ask students to try to read these words. Pay attention to the sound of letter “u” in these words.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen, circle and say.
    Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P40 Listen, circle and say部分的音频)Ask students to listen and circle the words.
    T: Look at these letters. There are many words in them. Listen and find the words you hear. Then circle them.
    Check the answers together. Read the words after the recording.
    Answers: cute, cut, us, use, fun, tube, up, excuse, bus, mum, mule
    2. Listen, circle and write.
    (1) Listen to the recording and try to write the right words.
    First let students observe the pictures carefully and make predictions. Then play the recording and let students listen, circle and write. (课件出示:教材P40 Listen, circle and write部分的音频) Pay attention to the hand-writing.
    (2) Check the answers.
    Answers: duck, cute, up, use

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Play a game—“Pick apples from the tree.”
    (课件出示:一棵苹果树,苹果上的单词有tube, but, mule, duke, use, cute, tune, rug, gun, cup, huge, plum, mud, refuse, luck, much;两个篮子,一个是u/ʌ/,一个是u-e/ju:/)
    Divide students into two groups. One group uses the basket “u/ʌ/”, the other group uses the basket “u-e/ju:/”.
    T: Now let’s have a competition. If you pick the apples quickly and correctly within the limited time, you will be the winner.
    Answers: u/ʌ/: but, rug, gun, cup, plum, mud, luck, much
    u-e /ju:/: tube, mule, duke, use, cute, tune, huge, refuse


    1. 创设了特定的语言情境,让学生在语境中学习和掌握语音知识,教学过程突出学生的自主性,鼓励学生主动参与、独立思考并大胆总结和归纳发音规则。
    2. 拼读结合的方式,在多层次的活动中练习了语音知识,更好地帮助了学生强化发音规则。
    3. 由浅入深的语音学习,培养了学生的分析能力和举一反三的能力。
    4. 自编chant、师生互动和小组竞赛等形式,使原本枯燥的语音课变得生动起来。总之,这节语音课既发展了学生的听、说、读、写的基本技能,又培养了学生的英语语感以及对听、说的感性认识。

    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Ask, answer and write
    本单元学习的主题是家里的居室及相关设施。教学内容主要是围绕着家人和朋友间的家居生活来展开。教学重点是能够在情景中运用句型“Where are…?”“—Are they on/ near…?—Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.”询问物品的位置,同时作出判断,能够在情景中恰当运用功能句“Open the door, please.”提出行动建议。
    1. 能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“Where are…?”“—Are they on/ near…?—Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.”询问物品的位置,同时作出判断。
    3. 能够在情景中恰当运用功能句“Open the door, please.”提出行动建议。
    4. 能够在游戏中进一步巩固和运用“询问复数物品的位置并作出应答”的句型。
    通过变换物品的数量对物品的不同位置进行询问,使学生感受单复数之间的区别并复习介词, 为新课的学习做铺垫。通过提问和讨论图片激发学生的阅读兴趣,引导学生预测文本内容,培养学生的观察能力和逻辑推理能力,并使学生带着问题认真观看视频,整体感知文本,获取有用信息。
    1. 能够听懂、会说句型“Where are they?”“—Are they…? —Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.”。
    2. 能够理解并正确朗读课文对话,发音准确、语调自然。
    1. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问物品或人物的位置,并进行回答。
    2. 能够正确使用单复数形式。
    60. 角色扮演;
    61. 游戏;
    62. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. A guessing game—“Where is my pen?”
    T: Look, it’s my pen. Now close your eyes, please.(将钢笔藏在一个地方)Open your eyes, please. Where is my pen now? You can ask me like this: Is it in/ on/ under… the…? Guess, please.
    S1: Is it in the desk?
    T: No, it isn’t.

    3. Let’s chant.
    Present the chant. Ask students to read together.

    4. Lead-in.
    T: Look! It’s a ball. Where is the ball?
    Ss: It’s on/ near/ under the chair.
    T: What are these?
    Ss: They are balls.
    T: Where are the balls? Guess!
    Ss: Are they…?

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new words and sentences.
    (课件出示:教材Unit 4主情景图中Amy家的图片)
    T: Amy can’t find her cat. Let’s help her! Is she in the kitchen? Guess!
    Ss: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
    T: Open the door. Let’s have a look! Follow me: Open the door. (Help students understand the sentence with the action.)
    Ss: …
    T: The cat is near the table. Table, table, ta/teɪ/-ble/bl/, table. Read after me.
    Write down the word “table” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: (课件出示:table与desk的对比图) We eat beside the table, the desk is for studying and working.
    (课件出示:教材Unit 4主情景图中Amy家的图片)
    T: Look at the table. What’s on the table?
    Ss: …
    T: (With a gesture.) Yes, it’s a phone. Phone, phone, ph/f/ -one/əʊn/, …
    Ss: …
    T: Now, Amy can’t find her crayons. Let’s help her! Are they in the kitchen?
    Ss: No, they aren’t. They are in the study.
    T: Are they on the desk?
    Ss: No, they aren’t. They are near the desk.
    Write down the sentence structures “—Are they…? —No, they aren’t.” on the blackboard and teach them.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1) Look and predict.
    Show the pictures of “Let’s talk” and lead students to predict. (课件出示:教材P41 Let’s talk板块的图片)
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: John and his mother.
    T: What’s in John’s hand in Picture 1?
    Ss: Keys.
    T: Follow me: k/k/-ey/i:/, key/ki:/, keys/ki:z/.
    Write down the word “key” on the blackboard.
    T: What are they talking about?
    Ss: They are talking about the keys. They can’t find the keys.
    (2) Watch the video and answer the questions.
    Play the video and show the questions. (课件出示:教材P41 Let’s talk板块的视频)

    Ask students to underline the answers in the book.
    (3) Watch the video again and check the answers.
    T: Are the keys on the table?
    Ss: No, they aren’t.
    T: Are they near the phone?
    Ss: No, they aren’t.
    T: Where are the keys?
    Ss: They’re in the door.
    Write down the sentences “—Where are the keys? —They’re in the door.” on the blackboard and teach them.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.
    (1) Ask students to read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out the dialogue.
    2. Ask, answer and write.
    (1) Show the picture of “Ask, answer and write”.(出示课件)
    T: Look! Sarah writes a letter “p” in the circle on the desk. It means “The pens are on the desk.” Please read what Sarah and Wu Yifan say.
    Read the dialogue of Sarah and Wu Yifan.
    (2) Ask students to play the game in pairs according to the dialogue.
    T: Look at the picture. You can write k (keys), b (book), p (pens), g (glasses) in the circles. Then your partner guesses where you write them. Guess them like Sarah and Wu Yifan.
    (3) Show the dialogues.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. A guessing game—“What is it? / What are they?”
    T: (课件出示:书房场景图) Look at this picture. This is a study. What can you see in the study?
    Ss: …
    T: Now, I will say a thing. Please guess what it is or what they are. Listen carefully. They are near the phone. What are they?
    S1: They are keys.
    T: No, they aren’t.
    S2: They are books.
    T: Yes, they are books.
    T: Please ask and answer in pairs as above. Which pair wants to show your dialogue?
    2. Play a game—“The cat catches mice.”
    Divide students into four groups: red cat, white cat, black cat and yellow cat.
    T: A cat that catches a mouse is a good cat. There are three mice in Amy’s home. Where are they? The group that can catch the most mice is the winner.
    (课件出示:老鼠在Amy家各个房间躲藏:1. 老鼠跑进卧室,藏在床底下;2. 老鼠跑进客厅,藏在沙发后面;3. 老鼠跑进书房,藏在桌子底下;4. 老鼠跑进厨房,藏在门后面)
    —Where are the mice?
    —Are they in the…(bedroom/ living room/ study/ kitchen/ bathroom/…)?
    —Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
    —Are they under/ behind/ near…the…(bed/ phone/ table/ door/…)?
    —Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.


    1. 教学过程中采用了以旧知带新知的学习方法,在复习单数形式的问句和答语的基础上,再进一步学习复数形式的句型,从而使学生在掌握新知时有一个阶梯性的接受过程。
    2. 利用多媒体先整体、再分段展开教学,通过问题引导学生的学习,帮助学生理解文本,并在文本中感知新单词、新句型。
    3. 教学活动形式多样、有趣、易操作且具备层次感,有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,并帮助学生在真实的情境中自然地使用所学语言。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play
    本单元学习的主题是家里的居室及相关设施。教学内容主要是围绕着家人和朋友间的家居生活来展开。能够熟练运用句型 “—Where are the keys? —They’re…”询问物品的位置并作出回答。在游戏中进一步巩固Let’s learn板块学习的家居设施名称,并用方位词描述它们的位置。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词“bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”
    2. 能够熟练运用句型 “—Where are the keys? —They’re…”询问物品的位置并作出回答。
    3. 在游戏中进一步巩固Let’s learn板块学习的家居设施名称,并用方位词描述它们的位置。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词“bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”。
    2. 能够运用句型“—Where are the keys? —They are…”询问物品的位置并作出回答。
    能够熟练且正确地运用句型“—Where are the keys?—They are…”询问并回答物品的位置。
    63. 角色扮演;
    64. 游戏;
    65. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s do.
    Play the video of “Let’s do” on page 39 in the book.
    Ask students to read loudly and act at the same time.
    3. Lead-in.
    The teacher does the actions and asks students to guess.
    T: Now, I do and you say. Guess what I do and where I am.
    Ss: Watch TV. / Read a book. / Have a snack. / Have a nap. / Take a shower. You are in the living room/study/kitchen/bedroom/bathroom.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new words.
    Present a picture of a home. (出示课件)
    (1) Review the word “key”.
    T: This is my home. It’s big. I have a living room, a study, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. Do you want to visit my home?

    Let’s go. First, let me open the door. Oh, no! Where are the keys? Are they in my bag? No. Are they in my pocket? Yes, they are. Look, they are my keys. Now, let’s open the door.
    (2) Teach the words “sofa, table, phone”.(课件出示:客厅的图片)
    T: This is my living room. It’s big. What’s in the living room?
    Ss: A TV is in the living room.
    T: Yes. And? A sofa is in the living room, too. It has a sofa, a green sofa. Follow me: sofa, sofa, a green sofa. Sit on the sofa.
    Write down the word “sofa” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Now, let’s sit on the sofa. (Do the corresponding action.)
    T: And? A table is in the living room, too. A table, a yellow table. Follow me: table, table, a yellow table. Eat at the table.
    Write down the word “table” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Now, let’s eat at the table. (Do the corresponding action.)
    T: Look! What’s on the table?
    Ss: A phone is on the table.
    T: Follow me: phone. Answer the phone.
    Write down the word “phone” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Now, let’s answer the phone. (Do the corresponding action.)
    (3) Teach the word “bed”.(课件出示:卧室的图片)
    T: This is my bedroom. It’s small. What’s in the bedroom?
    Ss: Some books, a desk, a chair and a bed.
    T: Yes, it has a bed, a blue bed. Follow me: bed, bed, a blue bed. Sleep in bed.
    Write down the word “bed” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Now, let’s sleep in bed. (Do the corresponding action.)
    (4) Teach the word “fridge”.(课件出示:厨房的图片)
    T: Let’s go to the kitchen. What’s in the kitchen?
    Ss: A…
    T: A fridge. Follow me: fridge, fr/fr/-i/ɪ/-dg/dʒ/, fridge/frɪdʒ/. Open the fridge.
    Write down the word “fridge” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Let’s open the fridge. (Do the corresponding action.) Oh, a lot of food is in the fridge.
    2. Let’s learn.
    (1) Present the picture of “Let’s learn” and talk about it. (课件出示:教材P42 Let’s learn板块的图片,遮住钥匙的位置)
    T: John can’t find his keys! He is looking for the keys. Where are the keys? Guess!
    S1: Are they on the table?
    T: No, they aren’t. Look at that table. A phone is on the table.
    S2: Are they on the bed?
    T: No, they aren’t. Look at that bed. A teddy bear is on the bed.

    (2)Watch the cartoon and answer the question.(课件出示:教材P42 Let’s learn板块的视频)
    T: Watch the cartoon and answer the question: Where are the keys?
    Ask students to underline the key sentence of the answer.
    T: Where are the keys?
    Ss: They’re on the fridge.
    T: Yes, they’re on the fridge.
    Write down the sentences “—Where are the keys? —They’re on the fridge.” on the blackboard.
    Ask students to read the sentences together or one by one.
    (3) Listen to the recording and repeat it.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Sharp eyes.
    (课件出示:单词sofa, bed, fridge, table, phone的卡片逐个出现)
    T: If you know the word, you can stand up and read it.
    2. Hide-and-seek.
    T: Where are the cats? They’re on/ near/ under…
    3. Let’s play.
    Present the picture of “Let’s play”.(出示课件)
    T: Now let’s play a game “Sentence Chain”. Three students make up a group. For example:
    S1: Look at that room.
    S2: Look at that room. It has a blue bed.
    S3: Look at that room. It has a blue bed. The bed is near the window.
    Ask some groups to act it out.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Design a dream home.
    Divide students into four groups. Ask students of every group to design a dream house together. A student can be chosen from the group to introduce the house as the demonstration. At last, select the most beautiful house.

    2. Make a summary.
    T: Now review the new words. I point, you say. Look at the picture. Where’s the sofa/ bed/ fridge/ table/ phone? Where are the chairs/ keys?
    Ss: It’s/ They are…
    T: I have a warm home. I love my home. What about you?
    3. Enjoy the song—My home.
    Play the video of the song. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲)

    1. 这是一节单词和句型的新授课,用Let’s do 这种说做结合的活动来热身,既活跃了氛围,又起到了很好的承前启后的作用。
    2. 将单词融入情景中教学,加深了学生的理解和记忆,再通过游戏加以巩固,学习效果明显。
    3. 句型操练设计形式多样,以学生为本,层层递进,语言从输入再到输出,完成顺利。
    4. 生动的课件素材,良好的师生互动和活跃的课堂气氛使本节课的教学任务顺利完成。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    1. 能够读懂描述起居室的小短文,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述钥匙位置的任务。
    2. 能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读小短文。
    3. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整。
    4. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    5. 能够了解歌词的意义并且能够清晰准确地歌唱。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元的重点词汇。
    2. 能够完成阅读、判断、匹配等活动,正确理解、运用本单元的重点句型。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy the song—My home.
    Play the song of “Let’s sing”. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲)
    3. Sharp eyes.
    Present the vocabulary “bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, key, sofa, bed, fridge, table, phone” one by one. (出示课件) Ask students to read them out.
    Write down the vocabulary on the blackboard.
    4. Revision.
    Present the picture of “Let’s learn” on page 42. (出示课件)
    Talk about the picture with students.
    T: This is a bedroom. It has a blue bed. The bed is near the window. A teddy bear is on the bed.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Pre-reading.
    Present the picture of Wu Yifan’s living room. (课件出示:教材P43 Read and write板块中吴一凡家的客厅图片)
    T: Look, this is Wu Yifan’s living room. What are in the living room?
    Ss: A TV, a table, a fridge, a phone and a sofa.
    T: Where is the TV?
    S1: It’s on the wall.
    T: Where is the phone?
    S2: It’s on the table.
    T: Where is the fridge?
    S3: It’s near the table.
    T: Oh, the living room is clean and tidy.(课件出示:教材P43 Read and match左侧的物品图片) There are some books and pens, a bag and a pair of glasses. Guess! Where are the books? Where are the pens? Where is the bag? And where are the glasses?
    Ss: …
    2. While-reading.
    (1) Present the passage of “Read and write”. (出示课件)
    Ask students to read the passage carefully. Pay attention to underlining the key phrases of the questions.
    T: Where are the books? Where are the pens? Where is the bag? Where are the glasses? Now put these things in the right places.
    Answer the questions and match.
    (2) Check the answers with students.
    Answers: 1. The books are on the sofa.
    2. The pens are on the fridge.
    3. The bag is under the table.
    4. The glasses are near the phone.
    T: Wu Yifan can’t find his keys. Can you help him? Where are the keys?
    Ask students to look at the picture of Wu Yifan’s living room again and find the keys. (出示课件)
    Ss: They are near the sofa.
    (3) Listen to the recording and repeat it.
    ①Read after the recording.
    ②Read the passage together.
    ③Repeat the text.

    3. Post-reading.
    (1) Look, choose and write. (课件出示:教材P43 Look, choose and write中第一部分的图片及练习)
    Let students read the vocabulary “living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, study” first.
    T: Let’s go and visit other rooms. Look at Picture 1. Answer the questions: Where is the sofa? Where is the picture?
    Ss: The sofa is in the living room. The picture is on the wall. It’s in the living room, too.
    T: Look at Picture 2. Where is the bed? Where are the chairs?
    Ss: The bed is in the bedroom. The chairs are in the bedroom, too.
    T: Great! Let’s finish the exercises.
    Finish the exercises and check the answers.
    Answers: The sofa is in the living room. The chairs are in the bedroom.
    (2) Write about your room. (课件出示:整洁的客厅图片与脏乱的客厅图片)
    T: Which room do you like? … Yes. Picture 1. East or west, home is the best. We must keep our home clean and tidy. After visiting Wu Yifan’s home, you may have some ideas about your room. Now write about your room in your book.
    (课件出示:Look, choose and write中第二部分的图片及练习)
    Let students read the words “phone, sofa, table, chairs, fridge, bed” together first.
    T: When you write sentences, you should pay attention to capitalizing the first letter, the punctuation marks and the spelling of words. After that, please share your ideas with your partner. Let’s do it!
    Answers: The TV is in the living room. The books are in the study.
    (3) Listen and tick or cross.
    ①Present the pictures of “Listen and tick or cross”. (课件出示:教材P44 Listen and tick or cross部分的图片)
    T: Can you see the glasses in the first picture? Where are they?
    S1: …
    T: Can you see the keys in the second picture? Where are they?
    S2: …
    T: Where are the books in the third picture?
    S3: …
    T: Where is Mike?
    S4: …
    ②Listen and tick or cross.
    T: Now, please listen and tick or cross. (课件出示:教材P44 Listen and tick or cross部分的音频) Pay attention to the key words.
    ③Check the answers.
    Listen to the recording again and check the answers together.
    Answers: √ × √ ×

    Step 3: Practice
    Look and tick.
    (1) Present the pictures of “FOR RENT” of “Look and tick”.(出示课件)
    T: “For rent” means “出租”. What can we know from the ads? Please discuss with your partner.S1: It has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms in the first “FOR RENT”.
    S2: It has a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom in the second “FOR RENT”.
    (2) Present the picture of the house in “Look and tick”. (课件出示:教材P44 Look and tick部分中右边房子的图片)
    T: Look at the picture. How many rooms are there? What are they?
    Ss: Four rooms. A bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.
    T: Now, look and tick. Which is right? Show me your answer, please.
    (3) Check the answer.
    Answer: The second “FOR RENT” is right.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Introduce your home.
    Present a picture of a home and introduce it. (课件出示:房子的居室图)
    T: Boys and girls, this is my home. What about your home? Please draw and introduce your home.
    This activity is carried out in groups. There are six students in each group. Choose the best one from the groups and then take part in the class competition. At last, select the best one to show.
    2. For rent.
    Choose some pictures of students’ homes and show them in class.
    T: Great! These houses are pretty. Now I’m going to rent these houses. Which house do you need? Please choose it and give your reasons. The house with the largest number of choices will be rated as the most popular house today.
    Make a model: I like this house. It has a living room, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen and a bathroom…
    3. Let’s sing.
    (1) Learn the new sentences.
    T: (课件出示:一台电视机) What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a TV.
    T:(课件出示:鼠标点击电视机,电视机消失)Oh! Where has the TV gone? Where can it be? (Do actions to help students understand the sentences.)
    T: Is it in the living room? (课件出示:没有电视机的客厅图片)
    Ss: No, it isn’t.
    T: Is it in the bedroom? (课件出示:有电视机的卧室图片)
    Ss: Yes, it is.
    T: It’s in the bedroom with me.
    Present the pictures of the phone and the sofa. (课件出示:电话和沙发的图片) Practice the sentence structures in the same way as above: Where has the telephone/ sofa gone? Where can it be?
    (2) Listen to the song—My home.
    (3) Listen to the song again, and sing along with it.
    (4) Sing the song together.


    The seventh period
    Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 4第七课时,本节课为故事课。故事发生在两只熊的家中,讲述了两只熊找眼镜的故事,同时融入了关于不要丢三落四,乱放东西的道理。学生在学习本课内容的过程中,不仅要对故事内容有所认识,也要体悟故事中关于收拾物品并摆放整齐的道理,养成良好生活的习惯。
    25. 复习本单元所学的词汇和句型。
    26. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    27. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    7. 学生能够用My …… are on the ……来表示自己的物体所处的位置。
    8. 理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    学生能够在不同语境中使用句型Where are my ……? Are they on the ……? 向别人询问自己丢失的物品。
    66. 角色扮演;
    67. 游戏;
    68. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My home. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“look and match.” (课件出示:一排本单元的重点单词,另外呈现一排与单词意思对应的图片,让学生连线配对。)
    Review the vocabulary “bedroom. living room. study. kitchen. bathroom. bed. phone. table. sofa. fridge”
    4. Lead-in.
    T: Now let’s begin our class. Please open your English book. Oh, where is my book?(课件出示:一张小兔子的图片,让同学们说说它是谁)
    S1: Guess.
    T: I am sorry. I lost my English book. Is it on the floor? Is it on the desk? Oh, where is my English book? It’s here. It’s on the ……’s table. Thank you so much! I am very careless. So boys and girls, after doing your homework, you should put away your things. I am very careless. And my friend is careless too. Now let’s learn about his story.(老师东找西找,最后在学生的帮助下,在学生的桌子上找到书。)

    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. While-reading.
    Watch and answer(展示故事图片,展示学生需要回答的问题,播放故事视频)
    What does the old bear find?
    Are his glasses on the fridge?
    Whose glasses are on the table?
    What happens when bears put on the glasses? Why?
    2. Read and write.
    Read the story in groups and underline the new words and expressions.
    Learn the new expressions.
    — Where are my ……?
    — Are they on the ……?
    Students read the expressions aloud.
    3. Watch and read
    Watch the vedio again and read aloud
    4. Practice.
    (1)Read the story aloud in groups for 5 minutes.
    (2)Role play.( 2 students in a group )
    (3)Read together.
    (4)Role play in groups. Then choose some groups to act out the story.

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    T: Today we read an interesting story about the bears. The old bear can’t find his glasses. The young bear help him to find it. They find glasses on the bed. Then, They put on their glasses. Oh, how dizzy. They are wearing the wrong glasses. Finally, they change their glasses and they can see. Boys and girls, don’t put your things everywhere. When you finish your homework, please put away your things , OK?

    Unit4 My home
    story time

    What does the old bear find? His glasses.
    Are his glasses on the fridge? No, they aren’t.
    Whose glasses are on the table? Young bear’s glasses.
    -What happens when bears put on the glasses? Why?
    -They fill dizzy because they put on the wrong glasses.

    Where are my…… 我的……在哪里?
    Are they on …… 他们在……上吗?

    9. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    10. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对询问物品在哪里及回答的词汇和句型的掌握。
    Unit5 Dinner’s ready
    七、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是用餐。教学内容主要是围绕着用餐的各种情景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’s for dinner?”“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like some…, please.”“—Would you like…? —Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use…”;能够听、说、认读单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable, chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”。

    1 知识与能力
    1. 能够听、说、认读句型“What’s for dinner?”“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like some…, please.”“—Would you like…? —No, thanks. I can use…”
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like…”征求并表达用餐意愿
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“Help yourself.”“—Would you like…? —Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use…”提出用餐建议和餐具使用建议,并恰当回应。
    4. 能够在情景中运用句型“What’s for dinner?”询问用餐的食物。
    5. 能够听、说、认读单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable, chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”
    6. 能够掌握-e的发音规则,即-e在单词中发长音/ i: /。
    7. 能够读出符合-e发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合-e发音规则的单词。

    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 了解用餐礼仪,能够对用餐建议作出恰当反应。
    2. 初步了解中西方餐饮文化的差异。
    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s survey
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s survey
    本节为Unit 5的第一课时。教学重点是能够听懂、会说句型“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like (I would like) some…, please.”“What’s for dinner?”。能够在语境中理解新词“dinner, soup, vegetable, ready”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    1. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like (I would like) some…, please.”征求并表达用餐意愿。
    3. 能够在情景中恰当运用功能句“What’s for dinner?”
    4. 能够在语境中理解新词“dinner, soup, vegetable, ready”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    5. 能够在采访活动中进一步巩固和运用征求用餐意愿及表达用餐意愿的句型,并进一步巩固和运用食物类词汇。
    1.能够听懂、会说句型“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like (I would like) some…, please.”“What’s for dinner?”。
    2.能够听懂、会读单词“dinner, soup, vegetable, ready”。
    能够在情景中正确使用句型“—What would you like (for…)? —I’d like (I would like) some…, please.”来征求并表达用餐意愿。
    69. 角色扮演;
    70. 游戏;
    71. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Let’s have a picnic today. (课件出示: PEP三上教材P54的歌曲动画)
    3. Revision.
    (1)Sharp eyes.
    Show the words about food and drinks one by one. (课件出示:egg, juice, bread, milk, water, fish, rice, cake依次快速出现,再消失)
    T: If you know the word, you can stand up and read it aloud.
    (2)Drive a train.
    Show the words above and review the word “fish” with pictures. (课件出示:1. 已学的食物及饮品单词egg, juice, bread, milk, water, fish, rice, cake。2. 出示三张图片,图片一:一盘鱼肉,教学fish;图片二:两条同一种类的鱼,教学fish;图片三:两条不同种类的鱼,教学fishes)Let students work in groups of six. Ask every student in the group to ask and answer questions in turn. Make a model:
    T: Oh, I’m hungry. I’d like some bread and milk. What would you like?
    S1: I’d like some… What would you like?
    S2: I’d like some… What would you like?
    S3: …

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Talk about dinner.
    (1)Show a picture on the PPT. (课件出示: 一幅图,画面显示太阳落山了,钟表显示18:00)
    T: Look! It’s 6:00 in the evening. It’s time for dinner. Guess what “dinner” means.
    Ss: 晚餐。
    T: Yes. I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? (Show the word card.) Dinner, dinner, /d/-/ɪ/-/n/-/ə (r)/, /ˈdɪnə(r)/.
    Write down the sentence “What’s for dinner?” on the blackboard and teach it.
    (2)Show a picture on the PPT. (课件出示: 一张餐桌,学生每提问一次“What’s for dinner?”,餐桌上就出现一种食物,依次为fish, rice, egg, soup, vegetable)
    Ss: What’s for dinner?
    T: Some fish/rice/eggs.
    Ss: What’s for dinner?
    T: Some soup. (Show the word card.) Soup, soup, /s/-/u:/-/p/, /su:p/, some soup.
    Write down the word “soup” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Ss: What’s for dinner?
    T: Some vegetables. (Show the word card.) Vegetable, vegetable, /vedʒ/-/tə/-/bl/, /ˈvedʒtəbl/, some vegetables. Pay attention to the pronunciations of “v/v/” and “s/z/”.
    Write down the word “vegetable” on the blackboard and teach it.
    Show the picture of the table with the food mentioned above. (课件出示:摆放着上述食物的餐桌图片)
    T: Oh! Dinner’s ready! I can eat now. (Show the word card.) Ready, ready, /r/-/e/-/d/-/i/, /ˈredi/. Dinner’s ready!
    Write down the sentence “Dinner’s ready!” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: What would you like for dinner?
    Write down the sentence “What would you like for dinner?” on the blackboard and teach it.
    S1: I’d like some…
    Write down the sentence “I’d like some…” on the blackboard. Lead more students to answer the question “What would you like for dinner?” by using this sentence structure.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1)Talk about Picture 3 of “Let’s talk” and predict the main idea of the dialogue. (课件出示:教材P48 Let’s talk板块的图三)
    T: (Point to the picture.) Wow, a lot of delicious food! Dinner’s ready! What’s for dinner?
    Ss: Some soup, some bread, some fish and some vegetables.
    T: Look at the food. I’m hungry. I’d like some bread. Are you hungry? What would you like?
    S1: Yes. I’m hungry. I’d like some…
    S2: …
    T: Mike is hungry, too. What would he like?
    (2)Watch the video and answer the questions.
    Show Picture 1 of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P48 Let’s talk板块的图一)
    T: Where are Mike and his mother?
    Ss: They are in the kitchen.
    T: Mike is hungry. What would Mike like for dinner? Let’s watch the video. Underline the key sentence of the answer in your books.
    Play the video and let students get the key sentence. (课件出示:教材P48 Let’s talk部分的音频)
    T: What would Mike like?
    Ss: Some soup and bread. Mike says, “I’d like some soup and bread, please.”
    T: What would Mike’s dad like for dinner? Let’s watch the video again. Underline the key sentence of the answer in your books.
    Play the video again and let students get the key sentence. (出示课件)
    T: What would Mike’s dad like?
    Ss: Some fish and vegetables. Mike’s dad says, “Some fish and vegetables, please.”
    (3)Read after the video.
    T: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the video. Please listen to it and read carefully.
    Play the video again and ask students to read after it and try to imitate the pronunciation and the intonation. Then let students read together and read freely.
    (4)Read the dialogue in different roles. Then act out the dialogue.
    T: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.
    Take out some headdresses and ask some students to act out the dialogue.
    (5)Retell the dialogue according to the blackboard-writing and the pictures of “Let’s talk”.
    Make a model first and then lead students to retell the dialogue without their textbooks.

    Step 3: Practice
    Let’s survey.
    (课件出示:教材P48 Let’s survey板块的表格及以下句型)
    T: Suppose it’s time for dinner. What would you like for dinner? Let’s make a survey.
    Let students do the survey in groups of four.
    Make a model:
    T: S1, what would you like for dinner?
    S1: I’d like some fish and rice.
    T: S2, what would you like for dinner?
    S2: I’d like some bread and milk.
    T: …
    S3: …
    T: S1 would like some fish and rice. S2 would like some bread and milk. S3…
    Ask each group to choose a reporter to interview the other three students, fill in a form and report the results to the whole class.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a new dialogue.
    Ask students to imitate the text to make a new dialogue.
    (1)Make a model.
    (2)Let students imitate to work in groups of three. Then make a new dialogue in groups.
    (3)Show time.
    Ask some groups to act out their dialogues.
    2. In the restaurant.
    (课件出示:一家餐厅的背景和句子“Don’t waste food.”)
    Take out a prepared chef cap, some pictures of food and drinks and the relevant price tags. Let students act as customers or a cook.
    (1)Make a model.
    T: Look! What do I do? Yes, I’m a cook. I can cook delicious food. Please come to my restaurant for dinner. My restaurant’s rule is “Order as much as you can eat. Don’t waste food.”
    T: Welcome to my restaurant! What would you like for dinner?
    S1: I’d like…
    T: Here you are. Ten yuan, please.
    S1: Thank you!
    (2)Let students work in groups.
    (3)Show time.
    Ask some groups to act out.


    1. 在课前热身阶段,活动丰富,有歌曲,有游戏,有表演,让学生在轻松的环境中迅速进入英语学习的状态,同时也起到了承上启下的作用,为新课做好了铺垫。
    2. 设计与生活相近、与课文内容也相关的语境,导入新单词和句型,再自然地引出课文。环环相扣,层层深入,让学生轻松地掌握课文内容。
    3. 呈现的活动设计丰富,操练形式多样,且具有连贯性、层次性。学生积极主动参与,参与面很广,体现了以学生为主体的教学原则。学生不仅从中学到了新知识,更拓展了思维,效果非常明显。
    4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play
    本节为Unit 5的第二课时。教学重点是能够在真实或虚拟的情景中熟练运用句型“—What would you like? —I’d like some…”征求和表达用餐意愿。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable”
    2. 能够熟练运用句型“—What would you like? —I’d like some…”征求和表达用餐意愿。
    3. 能够模拟餐馆中顾客点餐时与服务员之间的对话,并且能够快速找到食物图片或判断图片的正确性。
    韵句既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,又可以复习上节课Let’s talk板块的内容。再通过游戏复习所学有关食物或饮品的单词和数词,激活学习背景,为学习新知识做好铺垫。创设情境,利用餐馆这个环境来引出本课的重点知识。用菜单这一餐馆中常见的重要物品来引出食物类词汇,帮助学生为接下来的学习做好词汇的积累工作。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable”。
    2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中熟练运用句型“—What would you like? —I’d like some…”征求和表达用餐意愿。
    72. 角色扮演;
    73. 游戏;
    74. 观看动画。
    75. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s talk.
    T:What would you like for dinner? (课件出示一些食物的图片,用来激发学生的回答灵感)
    S1: I’d like some...
    Let students change the words of food to make a new chant.
    3. Sharp eyes.
    Review the words of food and drinks. (课件出示: apple, 10 apples, banana, 12 bananas, egg, 5 eggs, bread, milk, rice, juice, fish依次快速出现并消失)
    T: If you know the word or the phrase, you can stand up and read it aloud.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new words.
    Show a picture of a restaurant. (出示课件)
    (1)T: Welcome to my restaurant—Fresh Restaurant. We have lots of yummy food. This is the menu. (课件出示: 教材P49 Let’s learn板块的菜单) Let’s have a look! The rice is one yuan. The fish is…
    Ss: The fish is ten yuan. The juice is five yuan. The milk is two yuan. The bread is one yuan.
    (2)Teach the word “noodles”.
    T: Good! Guess what these are. They’re usually long and white. (Show the back of the card.) Yes, they’re noodles. Noodles//, n/n/-oo/u:/-dle/dl/-s/z/, noodles//. (课件出示: 图片一: 筷子夹一根面条,出示单词noodle;图片二:一碗面条,出示单词noodles)
    Put the word card of “noodles” on the blackboard and write down this word. Ask students to read and chant after the teacher with some actions.
    T: Noodles, noodles, long noodles. I like noodles. If you’d like some noodles, you can say, “I’d like some noodles. Yummy, yummy!” What would you like?
    Ss: I’d like some noodles. Yummy, yummy!
    T: Look! There are many kinds of noodles. (课件出示:各种面条的图片) We have egg noodles, vegetable noodles, beef noodles and chicken noodles. Eggs and noodles are egg noodles, so vegetables and noodles are vegetable noodles.
    (3)Teach the word “vegetables”. (课件出示:一个西红柿,一根黄瓜,一个南瓜)
    T: Look! Are they fruit?
    Ss: No.
    T: They are vegetables. Vegetable/ˈvedʒtəbl/, ve/ve/-ge/dʒ/-ta/tə/ -ble/bl/, vegetable/ˈvedʒtəbl/.
    Put the word card of “vegetables” on the blackboard and write down this word. Ask students to read and chant after the teacher. Let students pay attention to the change of singular and plural forms.
    T: Vegetable, vegetable, green vegetables, red vegetables, yellow vegetables… I like vegetables. What would you like?
    Ss: I’d like some vegetables. Yummy, yummy!
    (4)Teach the word “beef”.
    T: Beef noodles are very yummy. Beef is from the cow. (课件出示:牛和牛肉的图片)I like beef. Do you like beef?
    Put the word card of “beef” on the blackboard and write down this word. Ask students to read and chant after the teacher.
    T: Beef/bi:f/, b/b/-ee/i:/-f/f/, beef/bi:f/. I like beef. What would you like?
    Ss: I’d like some beef. Yummy, yummy!
    (5)Teach the word “chicken”.
    T: Chicken is very yummy, too. We often eat chicken in the KFC. Do you like chicken? (课件出示:鸡肉的图片)
    Put the word card of “chicken” on the blackboard and write down this word. Ask students to read and chant after the teacher.
    T: Chicken/ˈtʃɪkɪn/, ch/tʃ/-i/ɪ/-ck/k/-en/ɪn/, chicken/ˈtʃɪkɪn/. I like chicken. What would you like?
    Ss: I’d like some chicken. Yummy, yummy!
    (6)Teach the word “soup”. (课件出示:各种汤的图片)
    T: (Point to the picture of soup.) What’s this? It’s soup. Soup/su:p/, s/s/-ou/u:/-p/p/. Look! There are many kinds of soup in my restaurant. What are they?
    Ss: They are egg soup, vegetable soup, fish soup, beef soup and chicken soup.
    T: I like fish soup. What would you like?

    2. Watch the cartoon and answer the question.
    (1)T: It’s 6:00 o’clock in the evening. It’s time for dinner. My restaurant is open now. Welcome to Fresh Restaurant. This is the menu. (课件出示: 教材P49 Let’s learn板块的菜单) What would you like?
    S1: I’d like some beef, please.
    T: You should eat some rice, noodles or bread. Or you won’t be full.
    (课件出示:标示出菜单中的主食:rice, noodles, bread)
    S1: I’d like some beef and rice, please.
    T: OK. Twenty-one yuan, please. Oh, look! Zoom and Zip are in my restaurant. What would Zoom like? Guess!
    S1: Maybe some…
    S2: Maybe some…
    T: Maybe! Let’s watch the cartoon and answer “What would Zoom like?”
    Play the cartoon of “Let’s learn”. (出示课件) Ask students to read after it.
    (2)Let students read the dialogue again and answer the question.
    Check students’ answers and lead students to make an introduction according to their answers. It can be done like this: Zoom says, “I’d like some vegetables, please.”
    (3)Read and act.
    ①Play the recording again and ask students to read after it. (出示课件)Lead students to try to imitate the pronunciation and the intonation of the recording. Let them read together and read freely.
    ②Let students read the dialogue in pairs and choose some food. Several minutes later, ask some students to act out their dialogues.
    Make a model:
    S1: What would you like?
    S2: I’d like some chicken, vegetables and rice.
    S1: OK. Twenty-one yuan, please.
    S2: Here you are.
    ③Choose the best performers and give awards.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game—“What’s missing?”
    (游戏说明:单词noodles, vegetables, beef, chicken, soup在课件上逐一消失,让学生快速读出消失的单词。)
    2. Let’s match.
    Let students match the corresponding words with the pictures.
    T: Now let’s match. I show the pictures, you read the words.
    3. Play a game—“What would I like?”
    Make a model:
    T: Please guess. It’s five yuan on the menu. What would I like?
    S1: You’d like some juice.
    T: No.
    S2: I know. You’d like some vegetables. Please guess. It’s ten yuan on the menu. What would I like?
    S3: …
    Ask some students to do as they do.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s play.

    Let students work in groups of six.
    T: You know the restaurant well and you know how much the food is. Now let’s play. Please make a dialogue in groups. One of you can be the waiter or waitress in the restaurant. The others go to the restaurant and order.
    2. According to the dining principles, design your own three meals.
    Choose students with the most reasonable three meals and the best handwriting.


    Unit 5 Dinner’s ready

    —What would you like?
    —I’d like some……, please.
    —OK. …… yuan, please./ OK. Here you are.

    1. 由talk和游戏引入,带领学生复习已学的与食物有关的单词和上一课的句型,迅速抓住学生的注意力。
    2. 通过情景引入新词,做到在语篇中呈现单词,具有情景性和完整性,也最大限度地增加了单词在篇章中的运用频率,尽可能地提高综合语言运用能力。
    3. 从听到说,再到读,从大量的输入再到学生自主的输出,由易到难,呈现递进关系,同时运用多种方式调动学生学习的能动性与积极性。
    4. 最后把“写”与生活相结合,并对学生进行思想教育,让学生把所学知识与生活更紧密地结合起来。

    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本节为Unit 5的第三课时。这一课时和音标有关,能够感知并归纳-e在单词中的发音规则,能够根据单词读音拼写出符合-e, -e-以及a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳-e在单词中的发音规则。
    2. 能够读出符合-e发音规则的单词。
    3. 能够根据单词读音拼写出符合-e, -e-以及a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e发音规则的单词。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    a-e   /eɪ/
    cake   face   name
    a   /æ/
    cat   hat   dad 
    i-e   /aɪ/
    like   kite   five
    i   /ɪ/
    big   pig   six
    o-e  /əʊ/
    nose   Coke   note
    o   /ɒ/
    dog   lot   hot
    u-e  /ju:/
    use   cute   excuse
    u   /ʌ/
    duck   cut   up
    T: Who can try to make a new chant like this? Please have a try!

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Present the pictures.
    (1)Talk about the pictures.
    T: Look,what is he doing?
    Ss: He is finding his pen.
    T: So,what is she doing?
    Ss: She is finding her pencil.
    T: Where’s the red pencil? Where’s the yellow pen?
    Ss: The red pencil is on the desk. The yellow pen is on the bed.

    Write down “he, she, me” and “ten, red, pen, yellow, desk, bed” on the blackboard.(课件出示单词)
    T: Read the chant together, then observe these words and tell me the common letter among them.
    Ss: Letter “e”.
    (2)Look at the words and find out the pronunciation rules.
    T: Look at these words “he, she, me”. What’s the sound of the letter “-e”? Listen to me carefully. (Read these words.)
    Ss: /i: /.
    Teach the sound /i: /.
    T: Look at these words “ten, red, pen, yellow, desk, bed”. What’s the sound of the letter “-e-”? Listen to me carefully. (Read these words.)
    Ss: /e/.
    Teach the sound /e/.
    (3)Compare these words and summarize the pronunciation rules of the letter “e”.

    -e   /i:/
    he, she, me
    -e-   /e/
    ten, red, pen, yellow, desk, bed

    2. Let’s read.
    Show the words “me, be, we, set, red, hen, beg, let” on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Who can read these words?
    (1)Ask some students to read these words.
    (2)Read aloud together.
    3. Read, listen and chant.
    (1)Show the pictures and the words. (课件出示:教材P50 Read, listen and chant部分的内容)
    Ask students to read the words one by one and then read in groups.
    (2)Let’s chant.
    Show the chant of “Read, listen and chant” on the PPT.
    ①Ask students to listen and read after it.
    ②Read together with students.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read, listen and tick.
    (课件出示:教材P50 Read, listen and tick部分的图片)
    T: Look at these words. Who can read these words?
    Ss: …
    T: Good! Now listen to the recording and tick the words you hear, please. (课件出示:教材P50 Read, listen and tick部分的音频)
    Check the answers.
    Answers: be; red; me; she; let
    2. Listen, circle and write.
    (1)Let students observe the four pictures and guess what words should be filled in the picture. (课件出示:教材P50 Listen, circle and write部分的图片)
    (2)Lead students to listen to the recording and write down the answers. Then check the answers.
    Answers: rice; he; red; we
    T: Rice. Is it for “-e” or “i-e”?
    Ss: It’s for “i-e”.
    T: So circle “i-e”.
    T: He, circle…
    Ss: “-e”.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. 1Play a game—“Pick the apples from the tree.”
    (课件出示:一棵苹果树,苹果上的单词为“we, wet, yes, me, pencil, Lee, hen, be, set, met, he, let, desk, tell, she”,树下两个篮子,一个是“-e/i:/”,一个是“-e-/e/”)
    Divide students into two groups. Let one group use the basket “-e/i:/” and the other use the basket “-e-/e/”.
    T: Now you’re competing to pick apples. Give you ten seconds. The winner belongs to the fast and accurate group.
    2. Listen and lift.
    The teacher gives out some word cards to students. When the teacher says a word, students find the corresponding word card and lift it up.
    3. Make a new chant.
    T: It’s chant time. Listen first, then chant together. E, e, e; it’s in “he”, /i:/, /i:/, /i:/. E, e, e; it’s in “pen”, /e/, /e/, /e/.
    Ask students to make a new chant one by one.
    Use these chants to review the pronunciations of letters “a, e, i, o, u”.

    1. 创设语言情境,在语境中学习语音。
    2. 拼读结合,在多层次的活动中练习语音。
    3. 由浅入深,培养了学生的分析能力和举一反三的能力。
    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play
    本节为Unit 5的第四课时。教学重点是能够听懂、会说句型“—Would you like some…? —Yes, please./No, thanks.”“Help yourself.”,在真实的情景中运用本课的句型来向别人提出用餐建议或餐具使用建议。
    1. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—Would you like…? —Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use…”提出餐具使用建议并做出正确回应。
    2. 能够在情景中恰当运用功能句“Help yourself.”
    3. 能够在语境中理解新词“knife, fork, chopsticks”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    4. 能够在选择食物的场景中巩固运用句型“Would you like some…?”
    1.能够听懂、会说句型“—Would you like some…? —Yes, please./No, thanks.”“Help yourself.”。
    76. 角色扮演;
    77. 游戏;
    78. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy the song—What would you like? (课件出示:教材P54 Let’s sing板块的歌曲动画)
    3. Play a game—“What’s missing?”
    (课件出示:egg, juice, bread, milk, water, fish, rice, cake, beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables的图片依次快速出现,再消失)
    T: Look! A lot of food! What are they?
    Ss: …
    T: Now, what’s missing?
    Ss: …
    4. Free talk.
    T: What delicious food! Oh, I’m hungry. I’d like some fish, chicken and beef. (教师表现出一副很想品尝的模样) What would you like?
    Ss: I’d like some…

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new words and sentences.
    T: It’s time for dinner. What would you like for dinner? Would you like some beef? If you would, you can say, “Yes, please.” If you wouldn’t, you should say, “No, thanks.”
    S1: Yes, please.
    T: Would you like some rice?
    S2: No, thanks.

    Write down the sentence structures “—Would you like some…? —Yes, please./No, thanks.” on the blackboard. Read these sentences together.
    (2)T: I want to eat some noodles. What can I use? (课件出示:一双筷子和一副刀叉)
    T: (Pick up the prepared tableware.) Chopsticks or a knife and fork?
    (Students point to the chopsticks.)
    T: Yes, chopsticks/ˈtʃɒpstɪks/, ch/tʃ/-o/ɒ/-chop/tʃɒp/-sticks/stɪks/, /ˈtʃɒpstɪks. I can use chopsticks.
    Write down the word “chopsticks” on the blackboard and teach it.
    (3)T: (Point to S1.) He would like some beef. What can he use? Chopsticks or a knife and fork?
    (Students point to the knife and fork.)
    T: Yes, a knife and fork. Knife/naɪf/, kn/n/-i/aɪ/-fe/f/, /naɪf/; fork/fɔ:k/, f/f/-or/ɔ:/-k/k/, /fɔ:k/. Knives and forks are used in sets. A set of knife and fork means a knife and fork. He can use a knife and fork.
    Write down the phrase “a knife and fork” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: (Point to some food on the table on the PPT and say to students.) Now, dinner’s ready! Help yourself. Help/help/, e/e/, help/help/, yourself//, your/jɔ:/-self/self/, yourself//.
    Write down the sentence “Help yourself.” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: You are all polite, so you should say…
    Ss: Thanks.
    T: Good! Oh, I can use chopsticks, but I can’t use a knife and fork. Can you teach me?
    Ask a student to demonstrate how to use it on the platform.
    T: The fork is on the left. The knife is on the right. Do like this. (教师做使用刀叉的动作) Now, I can use a knife and fork. Thank you.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1)Present the first picture of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P51 Let’s talk板块的图一)
    T: Look. Mike is at Wu Yifan’s home. It’s 6:00 in the afternoon. It’s time for dinner. Dinner’s ready. What’s for dinner? Look at Picture 1.
    S1: Soup, beef, vegetables and bread.
    T: They are all western food. Why?
    S2: Mike is from Canada.
    T: Would Mike like a knife and fork for dinner? Guess!
    S2: Yes./No.
    (2)Watch the cartoon and answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P51 Let’s talk板块的视频)

    T: When you listen to the recording, pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. And underline the key sentences in your book.
    (3)Check the answers.
    ①T: Would Mike like a knife and fork?
    S1: No. Mike says, “No, thanks.”
    ②T: What can he use? Can he use chopsticks?
    S2: He can use chopsticks. Mike says, “I can use chopsticks.”
    ③T: Would Mike like some soup?
    S3: Yes. Mike says, “Yes, please!”
    (4)Read and act.
    ①Read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    ②Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    ③Act out.
    Ask some groups to perform in different roles.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Make a new dialogue.
    Take out some pictures of food and tableware. Let students work in pairs to make a new dialogue.

    Make a model:
    T: Would you like some bread/…? (Take out a picture of food.)
    S1: Yes, please./No, thanks.
    T: (Take out a picture of tableware.) Would you like a knife and fork/chopsticks?
    S1: Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use chopsticks/a knife and fork.
    T: Now practice the dialogue with your partner.
    2. Let’s play. (课件出示:教材P51 Let’s play板块的图片)
    T: Let’s go to a restaurant now. Look! Today’s specials. Soup is only 1 yuan now. Noodles are only 3 yuan now. Juice is only 2 yuan. Fish is only 8 yuan. Beef is only 10 yuan. Vegetables are only 5 yuan. So cheap!
    Let students work in pairs. Make a model with a student.
    T: Here are today’s specials. Would you like some beef?
    S1: Yes, please. How much is it?
    T: Ten yuan.
    T: Now, do it in pairs. Ask and answer, please.
    Ask some pairs to perform on the platform.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a new dialogue. (课件出示:吴一凡去Mike家吃饭的情景图)
    T: Look. Who are they?
    Ss: They are Mike’s mum, Mike and Wu Yifan.
    T: Today Wu Yifan is at Mike’s home for dinner. Mike is from Canada. What’s for dinner, Chinese food or western food? Guess!
    Ss: Chinese food. Wu Yifan is from China.
    T: Please make a new dialogue with your partners.
    Let students work in groups of three. Then act out their dialogues.

    Unit 5 Dinner’s ready

    -Would you like some ……? -Yes, please. / No, thanks.

    Help yourself.

    1. 在课前热身阶段,通过听歌曲、玩游戏、对话等活动让学生们在轻松的气氛中进入复习,同时这些食物类的单词和句型也起到了承上启下的作用,为新课做了一定的铺垫。
    2. 设计与生活相近、与课文内容也相关的语境,导入新词汇和句型,再自然地引入课文。环环相扣,层层深入,让学生轻松地掌握课文内容。
    3. 呈现的活动丰富、操练形式多样,充分调动了学生的积极性,使学生能够积极主动地参与到活动中,既拓展了思维,也明显提高了语言能力。
    4. 本节课的对话学习中穿插了中西饮食文化中餐具使用的差异,充分激发了学生的学习兴趣。

    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do
    本节为Unit 5的第五课时。教学重点是能够听懂、会说、认读单词“chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”。能够运用句型“Pass me the knife and fork, please.”熟练地表述就餐时需要的餐具。
    1. 能够听、说、认读单词“chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”
    2. 能够运用句型“Pass me the knife and fork, please.”熟练地表述就餐时需要的餐具。
    3. 能够听懂指令,并根据指令做出正确的动作。
    1.能够听懂、会说、认读单词“chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”。
    2.能够运用句型“Pass me the knife and fork, please.”熟练地表述就餐时需要的餐具。
    79. 角色扮演;
    80. 游戏;
    81. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.

    3. Sharp eyes.
    T: Now let’s play a game. When you see the picture, try to say the word as quickly as you can. (课件出示:egg, juice, bread, milk, water, fish, rice, cake, beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetables的图片逐一快速闪现)
    4. Lead-in.
    T: Do you know what I would like? Can you guess?
    S1: Would you like some bread?
    T: No, thanks.
    S2: Would you like some beef?
    T: Yes, please.

    T: What would I like? Yes, I’d like some beef,… (Write down the food the teacher likes on the blackboard.)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new words and sentences.
    (1)Teach the words “pass, knife, fork”.
    (教师拿出餐具:chopsticks, a knife and fork, a spoon, a bowl)
    T: Oh, I’m hungry. I’d like some beef. How can I eat it?I can use…
    S1: A knife and fork.
    T: Good. I can use a knife and fork. Pass me the knife and fork. Pass/pɑːs/, a/ɑː/, pass/pɑːs/. Pass me the knife and fork.
    Write down the sentence “Pass me the knife and fork.” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: Thank you. Knife/naɪf/, kn/n/-i/aɪ/-fe/f/. Knife, knife, cut with the knife. (教师边说边做动作,学生跟读)
    T: Fork/fɔ:k/, or/ɔ:/. Fork, fork, use the fork. (教师边说边做动作,学生跟读)
    T: Look! The knife is in my right hand. The fork is in my left hand. Then cut with the knife and use the fork to eat. Can you use them now?
    S1: Yes, I can. Let me show you.
    T: Great! Can you use the knife and fork?
    S2: No, I can’t.
    T: Let me help you.
    (2)Teach the word “bowl”.
    T: (Show a bowl.) What’s this?
    S2: 碗。
    T: Yes, it’s a bowl. Bowl/bəʊl/, ow/əʊ/. Pass me the bowl. (用动作示意S2把碗递过来)
    T: Thank you! Bowl, bowl, pass me the bowl.(教师边说边做动作,学生跟读)
    Write down the word “bowl” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: What can I put in the bowl?
    Ss: Rice./Noodles./Soup.
    (课件出示:a bowl of rice, a bowl of noodles, a bowl of soup)
    T: Bowl, bowl, a bowl of rice/a bowl of noodles/a bowl of soup.
    (3)Teach the word “chopsticks”.
    T: Oh, I’m hungry, too. I’d like a bowl of noodles. How can I eat them? A knife and fork?
    S3: No. Use the Chopsticks.
    T: Good. I can use the chopsticks. Chopsticks/`tʃɒpstɪks/, ch/tʃ/ -op/ɒp/-chop/tʃɒp/-sticks/stɪks/, /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/. Pass me the chopsticks. (用动作示意S3把筷子递过来)
    T: Thanks. Chopsticks, chopsticks, use the chopsticks.(教师边说边做动作,学生跟读)
    Write down the word “chopsticks” on the blackboard and teach it.
    (4)Teach the word “spoon”.
    T: I can use the chopsticks to have noodles. Can I drink the soup with the chopsticks?
    S4: No.
    T: I can use the spoon. Spoon/spu:n/, sp/sp/, oo/u:/. /u:/, noodles, food, soup. Pass me the spoon. (用动作示意S4把勺子递过来)
    T: Thank you. Spoon, spoon, use the spoon. (教师边说边做动作,学生跟读)
    Write down the word “spoon” on the blackboard and teach it.
    2. Let’s learn. (课件出示:教材P52 Let’s learn板块的图片及音频)
    (1)Listen and ask.
    T: John is eating dinner at Wu Yifan’s home. Wu Yifan’s mum cooks a lot of delicious food. What can you see?
    S1: I can see some rice, some beef, some vegetables, some soup…
    S2: I can see a knife and fork, a spoon, some bowls, some chopsticks…
    T: Let’s listen to the recording, then answer the following questions:
    ①What would John like?
    ②How can he eat it?
    (2)Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (3)Check the answers.
    T: What would John like?
    S1: John would like some beef.
    T: How can he eat it?
    S2: He can use a knife and fork.
    (4)Let students practice the dialogue in pairs.
    (5)Act out the dialogue.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play games and practice the words.
    (1)What’s missing?
    (游戏说明:课件出示词汇“chopsticks, a knife and fork, a spoon, a bowl”,然后让其中一个词汇快速消失,让学生说出消失的词汇。将词汇换成图片,再玩一次。)
    T: Please watch carefully and tell me what the missing word is.
    (2)Listen and find.
    Say a word or a phrase each time, and let students find the corresponding picture. (课件出示:筷子、刀叉、勺子、碗的图片)
    2. Let’s do.
    (1)Make a salad.
    T: You really did a good job. I want to make a salad for you. I need some help. Who can help me?
    Take out the prepared vegetables, knife, bowl, fork and spoon and ask a student to help with the salad.
    T: Look. A lot of vegetables. I want to make a vegetable salad. S1, I say, you do. Pass me the bowl. Pass me the knife.
    S1: Here you are.
    T: Good, thank you. Go back to your seat. Let’s go on. Cut the vegetables. Use the spoon. Use the fork. Now let’s try it! Wow, yummy!
    (2)Listen and do some actions.
    ①Present the pictures of “Let’s do”. (课件出示:依次出示教材P52 Let’s do板块的图片,学生回答后呈现与图片对应的文字)
    T: Let’s look at the pictures. I show, you say.
    (Show Picture 1.)
    S1: Pass me the bowl.
    (Show Picture 2.)
    S2: Pass me the knife.

    ②Listen to the recording and read after it. (课件出示:教材P52 Let’s do板块的音频)
    ③Listen to the order and point to the corresponding pictures.
    T: Now I say, you point. Use the spoon.
    S1: (Point to Picture 4.)

    ④Listen to the order and do the corresponding actions.
    T: I say, you do. Pass me the knife.
    S1: (Do the corresponding action.)

    (3)Make a salad and taste the salad.
    Make a salad in groups of four. Then taste the salad.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Dinner time.
    T: Suppose your friends are eating dinner at your home, make a dialogue with your friends. Work in groups of three.
    Make a model:
    A: Dinner’s ready! Help yourself!
    B: Thanks.
    C: Would you like some…?
    B: Yes, please./No, thanks. Pass me the…
    C: Here you are.
    Ask some groups to perform the dialogues on the platform and select the best group.


    1. 这是一节单词和句型的新授课。用Let’s chant 这种说、做结合的活动来热身,既调节了气氛,又起到了很好地承前启后的作用。
    2. 把单词放入情景中教学,加深学生的理解和记忆,然后再通过游戏加以巩固,学习效果事半功倍。
    3. 句型操练设计形式多样,以学生为本,层层递进,完成了语言从输入再到输出的过程。
    4. Let’s do部分制作沙拉,使用实物教学,边做边教学,再到学生自己动手做,自己品尝自己的成果,把这节课推向高潮,学生不仅学会了做沙拉,也学会了用语言来表达沙拉的制作过程。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。
    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    本节为Unit 5的第六课时。教学重点是能够听、说、认读本单元的核心词汇和句型,完成相关练习题,巩固本单元所学的知识点。
    1. 能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读对话并理解大意。
    2. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇,完成句子。
    3. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    4. 能够了解歌词意义,并能够清晰准确地歌唱。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点词汇。
    2. 能够完成阅读、判断、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句型。
    1. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写本单元的话题词汇,完成句子。
    2. 能够综合运用本单元的核心词句。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s do. (课件出示:教材P52 Let’s do板块的音频)
    3. Listen and do.
    The teacher pastes the pictures of tableware and food around the classroom before class.
    The teacher says, “Pass me…/Give me…” And students find the right pictures and give them to the teacher. Or the teacher says, “What would you like?” And students answer the question and find the right pictures.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Pre-reading. (课件出示:傍晚John在家的图片)
    (1)Look and say.
    T: It’s time for dinner. Look! Where is John? Yes, he’s at home. What would John like for dinner? Can you guess?
    Ss: Beef./Bread…
    The students guess the answers and the teacher writes down the words on the blackboard. The teacher takes out the pictures of food and asks several students to paste the pictures next to the corresponding words.
    Show the pictures of tableware.
    T: I’m hungry. I’d like some noodles. (教师从图片中随机抽取餐具图片并提问) Can I have a spoon/a knife and fork/chopsticks, please?
    Ss: Yes./No.
    T: Would you like some noodles?
    S1: Yes, please. (教师提示学生抽取一张餐具图片,其中不包含筷子图片) Can I have a spoon/a knife and fork, please?
    T: Yes, but try chopsticks for noodles.
    Teach the sentence structures “Can I have…, please?” “Try… for…” and ask students to practice them. (课件出示:①先呈现牛肉、勺子图片,然后出现刀叉图片;②先呈现汤、筷子图片,然后出现勺子图片)
    2. While-reading.
    (1)Watch the cartoon and answer.
    T: Look! John is at home with his mother. It’s time for dinner. They are talking about their dinner. What would John like for dinner? Watch the cartoon, find the answer and underline the key sentences. (课件出示:教材P53 Read and tick部分的动画)
    (2)Watch the cartoon again and answer.
    T: Would John like some noodles? What can John use for noodles? Watch the cartoon again, find the answers and underline the key sentences. (出示课件)
    (3)Read after the cartoon, then tick the pictures you read about in the talk.
    Ask students to pay attention to imitating the accurate pause and intonation and realize the emotion of the characters.
    Check the answers.
    Answers: Picture 2, 3, 5
    (4)Read the dialogue after the teacher.
    Instruct students to read the text according to the sense groups.
    What would you like for dinner, John?
    I’d like some beef, please.
    Would you like some noodles, too?
    Yes, thank you
    Can I have a knife and fork, please?
    Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles.
    (5)Read the dialogue aloud.
    (6)Act out the dialogue.
    3. Post-reading.
    Look, choose and write. (课件出示:教材P53 Look, choose and write部分的图片及练习)
    (1)Talk about the soup and choose some words to fill in the blanks.
    T: (Point to the soup.) What’s this? Yes, soup. This is John’s soup. What’s in the soup?
    Ss: Beef, vegetables and noodles.
    T: If you are John, you can say, “In my soup, I’d like some beef, vegetables and some noodles.” Pay attention to the spelling of these words. When we write sentences, we should pay attention to capitalizing the first letter. And we should also pay attention to punctuation marks. Write the sentence on the blackboard for demonstration.
    (2)Talk about your dinner and choose some words to fill in the blanks.
    T: Now suppose it’s 6:00 in the evening. It’s time for dinner. What would you like for dinner? Please talk to your partner, then write down your dinner in your book.
    Write the sentence on the blackboard for demonstration:
    I’d like some fish, vegetables and rice.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Let’s check.
    (1)Look at the pictures and describe them. (课件出示:教材P54 Listen and tick部分的图片)
    Lead students to observe the four pairs of pictures carefully.
    T: Let’s look at the first pair of pictures. What’s in the picture above?
    S1: Some soup and vegetables.
    T: What’s in the picture below?
    S2: Some vegetables and fish.
    T: Let’s look at the second pair of pictures. What’s in the picture above?
    S3: A spoon.
    T: What’s in the picture below?
    S4: Chopsticks.

    (2)Listen and tick.
    Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P54 Listen and tick部分的音频) Ask students to tick the correct pictures.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Answers: 第一组:上图; 第二组:下图; 第三组:上图; 第四组:上图
    2. Look and match.
    (1)Look at the pictures and describe them. (课件出示:教材P54 Look and match部分的图片)
    T: Look at the table. What’s on the table? Talk about it with your partner.
    (2)Look and match.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Answers: 第一行从左到右序号:531410

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s write.
    (1)Show some sentences with blanks on the PPT and let students try to write and practice in groups.
    (2)Choose the best one in each group, then select in the whole class. Selection rules:
    ①Write correctly and beautifully.
    ②Eat healthily.
    2. Let’s sing.
    (1)Learn the first part of the song.

    ①Listen to the first part of the song, then answer: What would I like? (出示课件)
    Ss: Some fish and beef.
    (课件出示:学生回答之后出示 fish 和beef的图片,再出现dish的图片。做出鱼和牛肉放到碟子中的动画,通过动画让学生理解“Put it on my dish.”的含义)
    T: (鼠标点击鱼,鱼到碟中) Put it on my dish.
    T: (鼠标点击牛肉,牛肉到碟中) Put it on my dish.
    ②Learn the first part of the song after the recording.
    (2)Learn the second part of the song.
    ①Listen and do. (课件出示:图片a fork, a spoon, a knife)
    T: Please pass me a fork. (请一名学生上前找到PPT中fork的图片,并点击图片,图片飞到碟子的左边)
    T: Please pass me a knife. (请一名学生上前找到PPT中knife的图片,并点击图片,图片飞到碟子的右边)
    T: Please pass me a spoon. (请一名学生上前找到PPT中spoon的图片,并点击图片,图片飞到碟子中)
    T: Now, dinner’s ready! Can we please eat soon? Can we please eat soon? (教师边说边做动作,帮助学生们理解句子)
    ②Listen to the second part of the song and learn it. (出示课件)
    (3)Students sing the song while doing actions.
    (4)Ask students to replace the words of food in the song when they sing.

    Unit5 Dinner’s ready
    —What would you like for dinner?
    —I’d like some fish, vegetables, and rice.

    1. 热身部分就是对前面课程内容的复习。学生由唱到听最后到用,这样的复习很轻松,复习效果事半功倍。
    2. 在阅读这部分,从直观地看,到问答,再到读,让学生对这一部分内容烂熟于心,这样语言输入就完成了,再通过练习与拓展,完成了语言输出的过程。
    3. 学生们能正确地在四线三格内书写本单元的四会单词和句子。
    4. 整个教学过程流畅自然,重点突出又有趣,达到了知识与趣味的结合。

    The seventh period
    Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 5第七课时,本节课为故事课。故事发生在猫大厨的餐厅里,在引导学生锻炼餐厅点餐用餐的常用语的同时融入了关于诚实守信,拒绝逃单,节约粮食的生活道理。学生在学习本课内容的过程中,不仅要对故事内容有所认识,也要体悟故事中关于诚实、节约的道理,养成良好生活的习惯。
    28. 复习本单元所学的词汇和句型。
    29. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    30. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    1.掌握句型: What would you like? I’d like some ...
    Anything else?
    Here’s your bill.
    2.理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    Anything else? 的发音较难,以及在真实环境中运用故事中的语言。
    82. 角色扮演;
    83. 游戏;
    84. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—What would you like. (课件出示:教材P54 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“missing game.” (课件出示:本课所学的食物与餐具的图片,根据老师的点击,图片消失,同学们说出消失的图片对应的单词。)
    Review the vocabulary “beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable, chopsticks, bowls, fork, knife, spoon”
    4. Lead-in.
    T: Now let’s begin our class. Boys and girls, do you like having a meal in restaurants?
    Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
    T: Ok, so what would you like to eat in restaurants? (找答话喜欢去餐厅吃饭的学生回答。)
    S1: I’d like to eat ……
    T: Very good, today Zip will have a meal in Mr.s Cat’s restaurant. What will he eat? And what will happen in restaurant? Let’s find the answer together.
    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. While-reading.
    Watch and answer(展示故事图片,展示学生需要回答的问题,播放故事视频)
    What does Zip order for the first time?
    What does Zip order for the second time?
    What does Zip order for the third time?
    Why is Mr’s Cat angry?
    2. Read and write.
    Read the story in groups and underline the new words and expressions.
    Learn the new expressions.
    — Anything else?
    — Here’s your bill.
    Students read the expressions aloud.
    3. Watch and read
    Watch the vedio again and read aloud
    4. Practice.
    (1)Read the story aloud in groups for 5 minutes.
    (2)Role play.( 2 students in a group )
    (3)Read together.
    (4)Role play in groups. Then choose some groups to act out the story.

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    T: Today we read an interesting story about the Zip and Mr’s Cat. Zip come to Mr’s Cat’s restaurant for a meal. He eats some rice and fish, noodles and beef, soup and vegetables. When Mr’s Cat want to give Zip the bill , a bird take it away. It makes Mr’s Cat very angry. So, boys and girls, in our daily life, we should be honest and trustworthy. And, we should save food, too.

    Unit5 Dinner’s ready
    story time

    What does Zip order for the first time? Some rice and fish.
    What does Zip order for the second time? Some noodles and beef.
    What does Zip order for the third time? Soup and vegetables.
    Why is Mr’s Cat angry? Because the bird take the bill away.

    Anything else? 还要别的吗?
    Here is your bill. 这是您的帐单。

    11. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    12. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对餐桌语言的掌握。
    Unit6 Meet my family!
    八、 教材分析
    本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“—How many people are there in your family? —Three.”“—Is this your uncle? —Yes, it is. He’s a football player.”“—What’s your aunt’s job? —She’s a nurse.”;能够听、说、认读单词和短语“parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”。


    1 知识与能力
    1. 能够听、说、认读句型“—How many people are there in your family? —Three.”“—Is this your uncle? —Yes, it is. He’s a football player.”“—What’s your aunt’s job? —She’s a nurse.”
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型“How many people are there in your family?”询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员;能够在情景中恰当运用句型“My family has six people.”“But that’s only five.”
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Is this your…? —Yes, it is.”“—What’s your …’s job? —He’s/She’s a…”询问并回答某人与说话方的亲属关系及其职业情况。
    4. 能听、说、认读单词和短语“parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”
    5. 能够掌握a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e在单词中的长音发音规则。
    6. 能够对比掌握a, e, i, o, u的长、短音发音规则。

    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 能够体会并表达对家庭和生活的热爱之情。
    2. 能够了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。

    第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s count
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Draw and say
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    第七课时: Story time
    The first period
    Part A Let’s talk & Let’s count
    本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。本节课为Unit 6的第一课时,教学重点为能够听、说、认读并在合适场合运用重点句型:“—How many people are there in your family? —Three.”。
    1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。
    2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够进行角色扮演。
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“How many people are there in your family?”询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员。
    4. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“My family has six people.”“But that’s only five.”。
    5. 能够在语境中理解生词“people, but, little, puppy”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    6. 能够通过“看图数数”活动,在语境中运用句型“How many…are there in/on/near…the…?”询问并回答物品数量。
    1.熟练掌握句型How many ……are there?的用法并能在实践中运用。
    理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用。
    85. 角色扮演;
    86. 小组讨论;
    87. 课前游戏。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song. (播放Unit 5 Let’s sing What would you like? 的音频)
    3. Play the game 1—look and say.(课件出示:一些关于数字的图片,让学生说出图片所对应数字的单词)
    Use the picture of the number to review the words about number.
    4. Play the game 2—guess the number.
    The teacher picks up some cards.
    T: Boys and Girls, How many cards in my hands ?
    S1: Guess.
    T: Oh, yes,there are …… cards in my hands. Good!And now, please try to ask and answer with your deskmate.
    T: Very good. Now today we will learn a new sentence structure. When you want to know the count of something, you can use this sentence.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Let’s count.
    Show the picture. (课件出示:Let’s count图片)
    T: Boys and girls, let’s learn a new word, people.
    Write down the word “people” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: p/p/-eo/ i:/-ple/pl/, people.
    Students repeat the word three times.
    T: OK, now please tell me. How many people are there in the family?
    Ss: Three.
    T: So, who are they?
    Ss: A boy and his parents. / Father, mother and a little boy.
    T: Very good. Father, mother and a little boy. We also can say a boy and his parents. What are parents? Father and mother are called parents together.(课件出示:父母亲的图片,单独放的时候写上father和mother,合在一起时写为parents)
    T: Now read after me. p/p/-a/eə/r/-en/ ən/-ts/ts/, parents /ˈpeərənts/.
    Ss read the word “parents” aloud.
    2. Teach the new sentence structures.
    (1) Ask a student a question: How many people are there in your family?
    S1: Three. My father(dad), my mother(mum) and me.
    T: You can also say “My parents and me.”
    Write down the sentence structures “—How many people are there in your family? —Three. My parents and me.” on the blackboard.
    Lead students to make dialogues with the question “How many people are there in your family?” according to the actual situations.
    Students may answer with the words like brother, sister, grandfather(grandpa) and grandmother(grandma). Ask students to read and review these words.
    (2) Present and practice the sentence structure “My family has…people.”
    T: …’s family has 5 people. What about you?
    Ask students to practice the sentence structure in pairs. Then choose some students to introduce their families.
    (3) Take out a photo of the teacher’s family. Then point to the family photo and ask the question.
    T: Look! This is a photo of my family. How many people are there in my family?
    Ss: Five.
    T: No, my family has six people. This is my father. This is my mother. This is my husband/wife. This is my little baby and this is me. (Point to the pet.) And this is my little puppy.
    Teach the words “baby, puppy” and ask students to read them. Use body language to make students understand the meaning of “little”.
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1)Show the picture. (课件出示:Let’s talk图片)
    T: Now, boys and girls, look at the picture, guess the main idea of the dialogue.
    (2) Watch and answer. (课件出示:预设的问题)
    Q1: Whose family has three people? (Chen jie)
    Q2: Who are they in Chen Jie’s family? (Chen jie and her parents)
    Q3: How many people are there in Amy’s family? (Six)
    Q4: Who are they in Amy’s family? (Amy, her parents, her sister, her baby brother and her little puppy)
    T: Now let’s watch the cartoon to find the answer. Boys and girls, try to underline the answers in the book.(播放Let’s talk部分的动画)
    Check the answer.
    (3)Play the recording of the dialogue.
    Ask students to read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

    Step 3: Practice
    Read and act.
    (1) Students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practice the dialogues in groups.(Role play)
    (3) Act out the dialogue in class.
    (4) Show the sentences related to the dialogue on the PPT. Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. (课件出示:Let’s talk重点对话挖空后的图片)

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Show a picture of Sarah’s on the PPT. Introduce her family by using the sentence structures of this lesson. Let students try to introduce their families by following the example.(课件出示例句)
    Ask students to practice in pairs. Then choose four students to show in class. At last, select the best introduction.

    Unit6 Meet my family!

    people 人 parents父母

    —How many people are there in your family?
    —Three. My parents and me.

    father + mother = parents

    But that’s only five.


    The second period
    Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play
    本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。教学重点是能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”,并能简单介绍和描述自己的家人,能够综合运用所学词汇和句型来介绍和描述自己的家人。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”
    2. 能够在语境中正确运用以上单词和短语介绍自己的家人。
    3. 能够通过活动巩固所学单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”
    4. 能够在真实情景中运用句型“This is my… He’s/She’s…”介绍自己的家庭成员,并简单描述其外貌特征。
    1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语“parents, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother”,并能简单介绍和描述自己的家人。
    2. 能够理清家庭成员之间的关系。
    88. 角色扮演;
    89. 游戏;
    90. 观看动画。
    91. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings and enjoy a song.
    Play the song—I love my family. (课件出示:PEP三下教材P20 Let’s sing板块的歌曲) Ask students to listen carefully and sing together.
    2. Revision.
    Take out the word cards of family members that students have learned in Grade 3.
    Choose several word cards at random. Ask students to read the words and act with body movements according to the words on the cards.
    3. Lead-in.
    Show a photo of Tom’s family. (课件出示:男生Tom的家庭照片)
    Lead students to introduce and describe Tom’s family members. Lead in the relevant content of this lesson.
    T: Boys and girls, look! This is Tom’s family. There are four people in his family. This is his father. He is tall and strong. This is his mother. She is short and nice. This is his baby sister. She is little and cute. He loves his family.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the phrase “baby brother”.
    Show the picture of Amy’s outline on the PPT. (课件出示: Amy的轮廓图) Ask students to guess who she is. Then play the recording of Amy’s monologue “Hi. Meet my family!” (出示课件) Help students understand the meaning of the sentences and ask them to read after the recording.
    Show the picture of the baby brother’s hair. (课件出示:Amy弟弟的头发图片) Lead students to guess basing on what they have learned: brother, sister, mother, father. Then show the complete picture of the baby brother. (课件出示:Amy弟弟的全图)
    Write down the phrase “baby brother” on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: b/b/-a/eɪ/-b/b/-y/i/, baby.
    T: This is Amy’s baby brother. He’s cute.
    2. Teach the word “parents”.
    Present the picture of Amy’s mum and dad’s outline. (课件出示:Amy父母亲的轮廓图) Lead students to guess “father and mother”.
    Continue to show the whole picture and teach the word “parents”. (出示课件)
    Write down the word “parents” on the blackboard and teach it.
    3. Teach the words “uncle, aunt, cousin”.
    Present the picture of Amy’s aunt and uncle on the PPT. (课件出示: Amy的叔叔和婶婶的图片) Ask a question: The man is Amy’s father’s/mother’s brother. Who is he?
    Help students understand the word “uncle”. Write it down on the blackboard and teach it.
    T: u/ʌ/-n/ŋ/-c/k/-le/l/, uncle /ˈʌŋkl/.
    Teach and practice the word “aunt” in the same way.
    T: au/ɑː/-n/n/-t/t/, aunt /ɑːnt/.
    Explain the usage of “aunt, uncle” in English-speaking countries.
    Show the picture of uncle and aunt’s child. (课件出示:叔叔婶婶的孩子的图片)
    T: She is Amy’s uncle’s daughter. She’s Amy’s…
    Teach the word “cousin”.
    T: c/k/-ou/ʌ/-s/z/-in/n/, cousin /ˈkʌzn/.
    Explain the meaning of “cousin”: Uncle and aunt’s daughter or son can be called “cousin”.
    Write down the word “cousin” on the blackboard.
    Point to the words “uncle, cousin”. Get students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “u” and “ou”.
    T: The letter “u” in “uncle” and the letter combination “ou” in “cousin” both sound /ʌ/.
    4. Listen, read and point.
    Play the recording of the vocabulary of “Let’s learn” and ask students to read after the recording. (课件出示:教材P59 Let’s learn板块中词汇部分的音频)
    Let students listen again and point out the words or the phrase they hear as they read them.
    5. Let’s learn.
    Show the picture of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P59 Let’s learn板块的图片) Let students choose two people from the picture to describe them according to the sentences on the PPT and act out in pairs.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Sharp eyes.
    Show pictures of Amy’s family members in a flash on the PPT, and then pause at random. (出示课件) Let students say the vocabulary related to the characters on the screen.
    T: Who’s he/she?
    Ss: He’s/She’s Amy’s…
    2. Point and say.
    Point to the vocabulary on the blackboard. Ask students to say it out quickly.
    3. A guessing game.
    Show the back of the family members’ word cards. Ask students to guess what word or phrase it is.
    4. Make a “family tree”.
    Ask students to make a “family tree” for Amy. Let students choose the words or the phrase and fill them in the blanks of the family tree.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s play.
    Show the picture of “Let’s play” on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P59 Let’s play板块的图片) Lead students to observe the picture.
    T: Look at Zhang Peng. He draws his family members on his fingers and talks about his family members. Please draw and say in the same way.
    Ask students to work in groups by following the example on the PPT and choose some students to show in class.

    2. Make a summary.
    Show the word “family” on the PPT and explain what it means. Remind students to love their families and family members.
    T: Look at the word “family”. F is from “father”. A is from “and”. M is from “mother”. L is from “love”. Y is from “you”. It’s a sentence: “Father and mother I love you.” Say it to your parents. Do more for your parents. And I think your parents will love you more.


    1. 本节课以词汇教学为主,词汇的正确运用是学习英语的关键,词汇运用是用词汇去进行语言实践的过程,在此过程中,句子和单词之间相辅相成,相互促进。
    2. 采用图片和音频等直观教学手段,设计了一些有意义的任务,在学生们完成任务的过程中,帮助他们听懂和理解对话,达到了运用语言进行真实交流的目的。
    3. 在操练环节中通过让学生参与Let’s play板块的活动,增强了学生的口语表达能力。
    4. 教学过程遵循了学生的认知规律,单词、短语、句型教学先是让学生知其义,再识其音和形,让学生在理解中去学、去运用。

    The third period
    Part A Let’s spell
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 6第三课时。本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。这一课时和音标有关,能够感知并归纳元音字母a, e, i, o, u在开音节及闭音节中的发音规则,能够读出符合a, e, i, o, u发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够根据a, e, i, o, u, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e,-e的发音规则读出单词。
    2. 能够通过对比a, e, i, o, u的长、短音,听录音选词,强化已学的发音规则。
    3. 能够跟读歌谣,在有节奏的吟唱中强化学习上述发音规则。
    4. 能够按照示范例词的提示,从歌谣中找出符合上述发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够感知并归纳元音字母a, e, i, o, u在开音节及闭音节中的发音规则。
    2. 能够读出符合a, e, i, o, u发音规则的单词。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Read a chant.
    Show a chant on the PPT. Ask students to read it with the teacher together.
    a-e   /eɪ/
    cake   face   name
    a   /æ/
    cat   hat   dad 
    i-e   /aɪ/
    like   kite   five
    i   /ɪ/
    big   pig   six
    o-e  /əʊ/
    nose   Coke   note
    o   /ɒ/
    dog   lot   hot
    u-e  /ju:/
    use   cute   excuse
    u   /ʌ/
    duck   cut   up
    -e /i:/
    he she me
    e /e/
    ten red yellow

    3. Lead-in.
    Show a picture of a cat on the PPT. (课件出示: 一只猫的图片)Then ask students to discuss what they see.
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a cat.
    T: Yes! It’s a cute cat.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Listen and chant.
    (1)①Present the picture on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P60 Listen and chant部分中猫的头部图片)
    Play the recording of the sentence “We like the cat!” (出示课件) At the same time, present two options “cat/ cut” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to spell it according to the pronunciation of “cat”, like this: /k/-/æ/-/t/, /kæt/. And choose the right word “cat”. Emphasize that “a” sounds /æ/ in “cat”.
    Read the words “cat, cut” in class, and compare the sounds of the two words: cat, cut.
    ②Present the picture on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P60 Listen and chant部分中猫左右两手空着的图片)
    Lead students to say,“Oh, the cat is cute!” Then present two options “cut/cute” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to spell it according to the pronunciation of “cute”, like this: /k/-/ju: /-/t/, /kju:t/. And choose the right word “cute”. Emphasize that “u-e” sounds /ju:/ in “cute”.
    Read the words “cut, cute” in class, and compare the sounds of the two words: cut/kʌt/, cute/kju:t/.
    ③Present the picture on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P60 Listen and chant部分中猫右手拿蛋糕的图片)
    Play the recording of the sentence “He’s got a cake!” (出示课件) At the same time, present two options “cake /Coke” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to spell it according to the pronunciation of “cake”, like this: /k/-/eɪ/-/k/, /keɪk/. And choose the right word “cake”. Emphasize that “a-e” sounds /eɪ/ in “cake”.
    Read the words “cake, Coke” in class, and compare the sounds of the two words: cake/ keɪk /, Coke/kəʊk/.
    ④Point at the rose on the cake in the picture and say, “A red rose on the cake!” Ask students to spell the two words according to the pronunciations of “red” and “rose”, like this: /r/-/e/-/d/, /red/; /r/-/əʊ/-/z/, /rəʊz/.
    Read the phrase “a red rose” in class.
    ⑤Present the picture on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P60 Listen and chant部分中猫左手拿一杯牛奶的图片)
    Play the recording of the phrase “a cup of milk”. (出示课件) Ask students to spell it according to the pronunciation of “milk”, like this: /m/-/ɪ/-/l/-/k/, /mɪlk/.
    Read the phrase “a cup of milk” in class.
    ⑥Ask the question “Do you like the cat?” Lead students to answer, “Yes, we like the cat.”
    Present two options “like/lake” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to spell it according to the pronunciation of “like”, like this: /l/-/aɪ/-/k/, /laɪk/. Then choose the right word “like”. Emphasize that “i-e” sounds /aI/ in “like”. Read the words “like, lake” in class, and compare the sounds of the two words: like/laɪk/, lake/leɪk/.
    (2) Play the recording of “Listen and chant”. (课件出示:教材P60 Listen and chant部分的音频)
    First let students listen carefully and feel the melody of the chant. Then ask students to sing the chant after the recording.
    Chant with students sentence by sentence.
    2. Sing the chant freely.
    Let students sing the chant freely with clapping their hands.
    3. Act out the chant together.
    Let students act out the chant in pairs,then ask four pairs to show in class.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read, listen and circle.
    Ask students to read the words of “Read, listen and circle” and pay attention to the pronunciations of the words.
    Play the recording of this part. (课件出示:教材P60 Read, listen and circle部分的音频) Get students to listen to the recording and circle the correct words.
    Check the answers in class.
    Answers: 1. he; men; rice2. had; make; nose3. use; cat; mum
    2. Chant again. Group and write.
    Show the chart of “Chant again. Group and write” on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P60 Chant again. Group and write部分的表格)
    Get students to sing the chant in groups again and read the words in the chart by themselves. Then let them complete the chart in groups. Ask a group to show their answers and then ask other students to add.
    Write down students’ answers on the blackboard.

    3. Classify the words.
    Show lots of words students have learned on the PPT. (出示课件) Let students read and classify them according to the example words.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a summary.
    2. Review the chant.
    Play the recording of the “Listen and chant”. (出示课件) Ask students to sing it together.

    Unit 6 Meet my family!

    1. 本课是一节语音复习课。主要教学元音字母a, e, i, o, u及a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音规则。在教学音标时,充分调动了学生的积极性,让学生在不断的感知和练习中自主总结发音规律。
    2. 通过自编chant导入,将发音规则融入到活泼的韵句中,激发了学生学习的兴趣。
    3. 在小组和全班同学中进行“看图片,听录音,选单词”“拼读单词选单词”“chant表演”等活动,将所学知识运用于实践,提高了学生参与课堂学习的意识,调动了其学习热情。
    4. 通过听一听,读一读,圈一圈,分一分等多种形式来反复练习,使学生在听、读中体会发音规律和拼写规律,并做到见词能读、听音能写。

    The fourth period
    Part B Let’s talk & Draw and say
    本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。教学重点是能够理解并运用句型“—Is this your…? —Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s me.”“—What’s your…’s job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”。
    1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。
    2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够分角色表演对话。
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型“—Is this your…? —Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s me.”“—What’s your…’s job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”询问并回答某人与说话方的亲属关系及其职业情况。
    4. 能够在语境中理解词汇“football player, nurse”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    5. 能够通过画一画、说一说,巩固B部分对话中所学的核心句型。
    1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并分角色表演。
    2. 能够理解并运用句型“—Is this your…? —Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s me.”“—What’s your…’s job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”。
    92. 角色扮演;
    93. 游戏;
    94. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Show the chant—let’s spell.
    Ask students to read the chant carefully and then chant it together. (课件出示P60 Listen and chant内容)
    3. Lead-in.
    Show the outline picture of the teacher’s family photo on the PPT. (课件出示: 教师全家福的轮廓图)Ask students to guess the relationship between the person in the picture and the teacher.
    T: This is my family photo. Guess! Who’s she/he? You can ask like this: Is this your…? Remind students to use rising tones in general questions.
    Ss: Is this your cousin/aunt/…?
    T: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. / No, it’s me.
    Write down the sentence structures “—Is this your…? —Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. / No, it’s me.” on the blackboard.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the new vocabulary and sentence structures.
    (1) After guessing some characters, the picture of the teacher’s family members is clearly presented. The teacher points to herself/himself and says, “I’m a teacher.”
    Then point to her/his aunt in the picture.
    T: This is my aunt. She’s a nurse.
    Show a picture of the teacher’s aunt in a nurse’s uniform. Help students understand what “nurse” means.
    Teach the word “nurse”, n/n/-ur/ɜː/-se/s/, nurse/nɜːs/. (课件出示:nurse的相关内容)
    Ask students to read after the teacher and pay attention to the sound of “ur”. It sounds /ɜː/ here.
    T: What’s my aunt’s job? She’s a/an…
    Ask students to guess the meaning of this question and the word “job” according to the context.
    Ss: She’s a nurse.
    Write down the sentence “What’s your aunt’s job?” on the blackboard and get students to read after the teacher.
    T: au/ɑː/-n/n/-t/t/, aunt/ɑːnt/, t’s/ts/, aunt’s/ɑːnts/. “t’s” sounds /ts/ here.
    T: j/dʒ/-o/ɒ/-b/b/, job/dʒɒb/.
    T: Now you can ask me about my other family members with the sentence structure.
    Ss: What’s your…’s job?
    T: He’s/She’s a/an… (doctor, football player, nurse, farmer, cook, driver…)
    Show the pictures of the jobs above to help students understand.
    Write down the sentence structure “He’s/She’s a/an…” on the blackboard.
    (2) Write down the phrase “football player” and the sentence “He’s a football player.” on the blackboard. Help students understand the meaning of “football” through pictures of a foot, a ball and a football on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Show the cards of “father” “teacher” “sister” and so on. Let students listen to the pronunciation of these words to know the sound of “-er” when it appears at the end of a word and spell the word “player”. Teach the word “player”. Ask students to read after the recording. (课件出示:player的相关内容)
    2. Talk about the picture of the main scene.
    Present the picture of the main scene on the PPT.(课件出示: 教材Unit 6主情景图)
    T: This is Sarah’s family. They are putting on a play. Do you know its name?
    Students may answer in Chinese.
    T: How many people are there in Sarah’s family?
    Ss: Nine. Wow!
    Point to one actor in the picture and ask, “Is this Sarah’s uncle?”
    Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
    T: What’s his job?
    Lead students to find relevant person. Ask students to describe his job through the dialogue in the picture.
    Ss: He’s a football player.
    Continue to talk about Sarah’s aunt’s and father’s jobs.
    Play the cartoon of the main scene on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材Unit 6主情景图的视频) Ask students to read after it.
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1) Show the pictures of the three characters in “Let’s talk” on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P61 Let’s talk板块中Sarah的叔叔和婶婶的照片以及Sarah小时候的照片)
    Ask students to guess who these people related to Sarah are and predict the main idea of the dialogue.
    T: Is this your Sarah’s…?
    Ss: …
    Write down the words on the blackboard according to students’ guessing.
    T: What are Sarah and Zhang Peng talking about?
    Ss: They are talking about Sarah’s family members and their jobs.
    (2) Play the cartoon and ask the questions.
    Questions: Who’s this man/woman? What’s his/her job? Is the little baby Sarah’s baby brother?
    ① Play the cartoon of “Let’s talk” on the PPT and let students pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (课件出示:教材P61 Let’s talk板块的视频) Ask students to watch the cartoon with the questions. Underline the answers in the book.
    ②Answer the questions.
    T: Who’s this man?
    Ss: It’s Sarah’s uncle.
    T: What’s his job?
    Ss: He’s a football player.
    T: Who’s this woman?
    Ss: It’s Sarah’s aunt.
    T: What’s her job?
    Ss: She’s a nurse.
    ③Play the cartoon again. (Pause at the last picture.) (出示课件)
    T: Who’s the baby? Is the little baby Sarah’s baby brother?
    Ss: No. It’s Sarah. Sarah says, “It’s me!”
    (3) Read after the recording.
    Play the recording of “Let’s talk” on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to read after it. Then let them read in pairs.
    (4) Act out the dialogue.
    Ask students to read the dialogue freely and act out in roles. Select four pairs to act out in class.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Make a dialogue.
    Present the picture of the main scene of this unit once again on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材Unit 6主情景图) Ask students to select a person in the picture and make a dialogue. Then let them practice in pairs.
    Make an example:
    A: Is this Sarah’s mother?
    B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. She’s…
    A: What’s Sarah’s mother’s job?
    B: She’s a/an…
    2. Draw and say.
    (1) Let students look at the four stick figures in “Draw and say”. (课件出示:教材P61 Draw and say板块的四幅简笔画) Ask them to describe the jobs of the characters.
    (2) Ask two students to read the dialogue of this part. Remind them to use rising tones in general questions.
    (3) Ask students to draw pictures of their family members. Then lead them to introduce their family members and the jobs of their family members w ith the key sentences.
    (4) Lead students to ask and answer in pairs with the following sentence structures.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Play a game— “Q&A”.
    Ask two students to make a model.
    First, use the ready-made materials in the classroom to make the frame of the magic mirror, such as a wooden ruler, broom, etc.
    Then ask student A to wear a mask with reflective effect and stand behind the mirror in a fixed position.
    B: (Stand in front of the mirror and ask.) Mirror, mirror on the wall! Is this B?
    A (“Magic mirror”): Yes, it is.
    B: What’s his/her job?
    A (“Magic mirror”): He’s/She’s a/an…
    Then let both of them make the representative action of this job at the same time.
    Get students to practice in pairs, then show in class.
    2. Let’s sing—My family.
    Play the song My family. (课件出示:教材P64 Let’s sing板块的歌曲)Ask students to listen carefully and sing together.
    3. Make a summary.
    Point to the vocabulary and the sentence structures on the blackboard, ask students to review them quickly.


    1. 本课在A部分的基础上学习重点句型“—Is this your…? —Yes, it is./No, it isn’t./No, it’s me.”“—What’s your…’s job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”,教学内容贴近学生生活,因此学生们对话题较熟悉,这有助于他们更好地掌握知识。
    2. 通过对本单元主情景图的教学,让学生在情景中初步感知重点词汇和句型,让英语课堂生动起来。
    3. 在实践中注意分层教学,因材施教,用最有效的方式激发学生主动参与的兴趣,培养其独立思考和合作探究的创新精神。
    4. 教学层次分明,引导适当,体现了学生在学习中的主体地位,顺利完成了教学目标。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

    The fifth period
    Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play
    本单元学习的主题是朋友之间如何互相了解对方的家庭情况。教学内容主要是通过谈论家庭成员及其职业来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读并正确运用单词“doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”。能够灵活运用句型“—What’s his/her job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”。
    1. 能够听、说、认读五个有关职业的单词“doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”
    2. 能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词
    3. 能够在真实语境中理解句子“They’re helpful!”的意义,引导学生树立职业平等的观念。
    4. 能够在活动中模仿这五个职业的标志性动作,并用所学句型“—What’s his/her job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”正确询问并回答所模拟的职业。
    1. 能够听、说、认读并正确运用单词“doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”。
    2. 能够灵活运用句型“—What’s his/her job? —He’s/She’s a/an…”。
    95. 角色扮演;
    96. 游戏;
    97. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk and lead-in.
    Ask students to take out photos of their family and introduce their family members to each other in the groups. Then ask four students to show in class. Select the best performer.
    Make a model:
    Hi! Meet my family!
    This is my father.
    This is my mother.
    This is my sister.
    This is my brother.

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Teach the words “nurse, doctor”.
    Present Sarah’s aunt’s photo on the PPT and ask the question.
    T: What’s Sarah’s aunt’s job?
    Ss: She’s a nurse.
    T: Yes, she’s a nurse and she works in a hospital. Present the word “nurse” on the PPT and teach it. (课件出示:nurse的相关内容)
    T: n/n/-ur/ɜː/-se/s/, nurse/nɜːs/.
    Present a picture of the hospital to help students understand the meaning of “hospital”. (课件出示:医院的图片)
    T: My aunt works in a hospital, too. But she is not a nurse. (课件出示:一位女医生的图片) She’s a…
    Present the word “doctor” on the PPT and teach it. (课件出示:doctor的相关内容)
    T: d/d/-o/ɒ/-c/k/-t/t/-or/ ə (r)/, doctor/ˈdɒktə(r)/.
    Write down the words “nurse, doctor” on the blackboard.
    Play the recording of the two words. (出示课件) Let students read them after the recording.
    Ask students to read the words in groups with actions.
    For example: nurse (Do the action of holding an injector.)
    doctor (Do the action of holding a stethoscope.)
    2. Teach the words “driver, farmer”.
    Ask the question: What’s Sarah’s uncle’s job?
    Ss: He’s a football player.
    T: Great! My uncle is not a football player. He drives a taxi. He is very helpful. What’s his job?
    Lead students to guess the word “driver” with the help of teacher’s body movement. Some students may speak in Chinese.
    Write down the word “driver” on the blackboard and teach it. (课件出示:driver的相关内容)
    T: dr/dr/-i/aɪ/-v/v/-er/ ə (r)/, driver/ˈdraɪvə(r)/.
    Let students read after the recording and read it one by one or in a row. (出示课件)
    Present a picture of a farmer on the PPT. (课件出示: 一位农民的图片)
    T: Sarah’s grandpa is very strong. He works on a farm. What’s his job?
    Lead students to guess the word “farmer”. Some students may speak in Chinese.
    Write down the word “farmer” on the blackboard and teach it. (课件出示:farmer的相关内容)
    T: f/f/-ar/ɑː/-m/m/-er/ ə (r)/, farmer//.
    Let students read after the recording and read it one by one or in a row. (出示课件)
    Present some occupational nouns similar to “driver, farmer”. Get students to try to read and find out what the words have in common.

    3. Teach the word “cook”.
    Present a picture of a cook on the PPT. (课件出示: 一位厨师的图片)
    T: Look at the man. He looks like a farmer. But he is not a farmer. Listen. What’s his job? (课件出示:菜入油锅和炒菜的声音)
    Lead students to guess the word “cook”. Some students may speak in Chinese.
    Write down the word “cook” on the blackboard and teach it. (课件出示:cook的相关内容)
    T: c/k/-oo/ʊ/-k/k/, cook/kʊk/.
    Let students read after the recording. (出示课件)Ask some students to read aloud.
    T: The nurse and the doctor can protect our health. The driver can drive. They can do many things for us. They are helpful!
    Write down the sentence “They are helpful!” on the blackboard and teach the word “helpful”.(课件出示:helpful的相关内容)
    T: help/help/-ful/ful/, helpful/helpful/.
    Ask students to read the sentence.
    4. Watch the cartoon and read.
    Play the cartoon of “Let’s learn”.(课件出示:教材P62 Let’s learn板块的视频) Let students read after the recording. Remind them to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    Ask students to listen again and point out the words they hear as they read them.
    5. Act out the dialogue.
    Show the picture of “Let’s learn”. (课件出示:教材P62 Let’s learn板块的图片) Take out the headdresses of Chen Jie and Sarah. Let students act out the dialogue in pairs.
    Chen Jie: What’s your…’s job?
    Sarah: My…is a/an…

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game— “I point, you say.”
    Point to the words on the blackboard quickly. Let students read them loudly.
    2. Play a game—“What’s missing?”
    Show all the word cards of jobs to students.
    Ask students to close their eyes, and take out one card from the word cards.
    Then let students open their eyes. Show them the word cards again.
    T: What’s missing?
    Let students say the missing word quickly. Reward the student who guesses quickly and correctly.
    3. Play a game— “Stand, stand, stand!”
    Choose five students to go to the front of the classroom. Let each student squat down with a word card. Then lead students to play the game.
    (游戏说明:座位上的一位学生说出句子“I’m a/an…”。蹲在前面的五个人中,拿着相应图卡的学生马上站起来,举起图卡并将该单词大声读三遍。如果没有及时站起来,或者站起来的不是持有正确单词图卡的学生,则出局,再寻找其他的学生替换。)
    4. Ask and answer.
    Show some word cards of family members and jobs. Take out a card randomly and ask students to practice.
    T: If I show you the word cards “mother” and “nurse”, boys must ask, “What’s your mother’s job?” Then girls answer, “She is a nurse.”

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s play.
    (1)Present the five pictures of “Let’s play” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P62 Let’s play板块的图片) Ask students to say out the words of jobs in the pictures in turn, and do actions to act out the jobs.
    (2)A boy does the action and other boys ask, “What’s his job?” Girls guess the job with the sentence structure “He’s a/an…” Then exchange.
    2. Make a survey in groups.
    Let students ask the jobs of family members in the groups with the sentence structure “What’s your…’s job?” and make a survey according to the chart.


    1. 本课主要是学习五个表示职业的单词和询问某人职业的句型及其回答。教学新课前,用歌曲和对话的方式帮助学生复习了上节课所学的知识,为后面的授课做了铺垫。
    2. 结合课件和师生互动,复习旧知并导入新课,将新授单词融入到句型教学中,利用图片引入单词,灵活操练,并在学习新词的基础上进行句型操练。
    3. 通过“I point, you say.”“What’s missing?”“Stand, stand, stand!”这三个游戏,将单词的拼写、读音和词义进行匹配操练。通过“看单词创编对话”的活动将单词和核心句型穿插融合,灵活操练。一系列活动过程由易到难,趣味性强。
    4. 运用TPR活动完成Let’s play的教学,加强了学生对新知识的掌握。在小组中完成调查表格,进一步加深了学生对单词和句型的理解与运用。

    The sixth period
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s sing
    1. 能够在图片的帮助下读懂小文段,并对照文后小图所提示的职业,判断文后四个问题的正误。
    2. 能够在图片的帮助下,仿照示范例句,在四线三格中填充所缺少的单词。
    3. 能够根据实际情况画简图,呈现家庭成员或朋友的外貌特征及职业,并仿照示范例句填充句子。
    4. 能够了解歌词意义并能够清晰准确地歌唱。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Enjoy a song—My family.
    Play the song twice. (课件出示:教材P64 Let’s sing板块的歌曲视频) Ask students to listen to it and then sing after it. At last,let students sing the song together.
    2. Revision.
    Take out the word cards they have learnt in this unit.
    Show students the word cards one by one. Let students say them as quickly as they can. Then ask students to talk about their family members and the jobs of their family members with the word cards.
    T: What’s your…’s job?
    Ss: He’s/She’s a/an…

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Pre-reading.
    (1)Show the picture of “Read and write” on the PPT. (出示课件) Talk about it with students.
    T: Look at the picture. It’s a picture of John’s family. How many people are there in the picture?
    Ss: Five.
    T: Look at this woman. Can you say something? (Point to the woman on the right in the picture.)
    Lead students to describe her with the sentence “She’s friendly.” and guess her job with the sentence structure “She’s a/an…”
    (2) Point to the taller man in the picture.
    T: Look at this man. Can you say something?
    Lead students to describe him with the sentence “He’s strong.” and guess his job with the sentence structure “He’s a/an…”
    (3) Draw a basketball on the blackboard. Show a picture of a basketball player. (课件出示:一名篮球运动员的图片)
    Lead students to say “basketball player” according to the “football player”.
    Write down the phrase “basketball player” on the blackboard, and get students to read after the teacher.
    (4)Point to another man in the picture.
    Ask students to describe his appearance and guess his job with the pictures of a cook’s hat and a spatula on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Ss: He’s a cook.
    T: Yes. He can cook so many kinds of food. He is very helpful.
    (5) Point to the little boy John.
    T: Look, this is John. Can you say something about him?
    Ss: He’s friendly.
    T: Yes. He is very friendly. What’s his job? Is he a basketball player, too
    Ss: … (Students guess.)
    Present a schoolbag on the PPT and lead students to answer “No.” (出示课件)
    T: He likes basketball. But he isn’t a basketball player. He is a student. He has no job.
    Write down the phrase “no job” on the blackboard and teach it.
    2. While-reading.
    Read and tick or cross.
    (1) Show the passage of “Read and write”. (课件出示:教材P63 Read and write板块的短文内容) Ask students to predict the main idea of the passage.
    (2) Look at the family photo in the book. Lead students to find the key vocabulary “mother, teacher, father, basketball player, uncle, cook, aunt, nurse” in the passage.
    (3) Ask students to observe the pictures in the questions carefully in the book. Lead students to find the key information of the questions. Then let students read the passage and finish the task of “Read and tick or cross”.
    Check the answers together. Answers: ×××√
    (4) Ask the question “What’s his/her job?” about the characters in the pictures.
    Ask students to find out and state the character’s jobs according to the passage.
    (5) Be “A reading star”.
    Play the recording of the passage. (课件出示:教材P63 Read and tick or cross部分的音频) Ask students to read after it and imitate with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
    Let students read together, then read the passage freely in groups.
    Select one student from each group for the reading contest. The best reader will be named as “A reading star”.
    3. Post-reading.
    Look and write.
    (1) Show the picture of the driver in “Look and write”. (出示课件)
    T: What’s his job?
    T: This is a man. So we say “He is a…”
    Ss: He is a driver.
    Then show the picture of the doctor in “Look and write”. (出示课件)
    T: What’s this man’s job?
    Ss: He’s a doctor.
    Write down the sentence structures “—What’s his job? —He’s a/an…” on the blackboard.
    Remind students to use capital letters at the beginning of sentences. And ask students to fill in the blanks in the book as required.
    (2) Show the picture of the nurse in “Look and write”. (出示课件)
    T: This is a woman. So we say “She is a/an…”
    Ss: She is a nurse.
    Then show the picture of the farmer in “Look and write”. (出示课件)
    T: What’s this woman’s job?
    Ss: She’s a farmer.
    Ask students to fill in the blanks in the book.
    (3) Ask students to draw a stick figure of a family member and finish the imitative writing activity in the book independently.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Listen and tick.
    Let students look at the pictures one by one. (课件出示:教材P64 Listen and tick部分的图片) Talk about the pictures with students:
    How many people are there in Picture 1/Picture 2? (Four/Three.)
    What’s his job in Picture 3/Picture 4? (He’s a farmer/doctor.)
    What’s her job in Picture 5/Picture 6? (She’s a nurse/doctor.) What’s his job in Picture 7/Picture 8? (He’s a cook/basketball player.)
    Then play the recording and ask students to finish the task. (出示课件) Remind students to pay attention to the key vocabulary while listening.
    Ask students to retell what they have heard or say the key vocabulary they have heard. Then check the answers in class.
    Answers: P1; P4; P5; P8
    2. Look and match.
    Show the pictures of “Look and match” on the PPT.(课件出示: 教材P64 Look and match部分的图片) Let students look at the pictures. Ask them to read the text in the book carefully.
    T: Let’s look at this family. How many people are there in this family? What are their jobs?
    Remind students to pay attention to the key words while reading and match the pictures with the sentences. Then check the answers together. (出示课件)
    Lead students to chant the text with a certain rhythm.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Sing the song together.
    Play the song My family. (出示课件) Let students sing it in two groups.
    Show the second paragraph of the song on the PPT. Ask students to learn to sing it.
    Then lead students to make some new parts of the song according to the real situations.


    1. 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上进行的阅读、练习测试与复习课。
    2. 在阅读教学过程中,将知识点的难点在阅读前进行细化。阅读中教师指导学生抓住几个问题的关键词,并通过听录音、读课文,把短文的重点句子找出来,阅读后,轻松完成活动。既减轻了学生的压力,也活跃了课堂气氛。
    3. 在整个教学过程中,充分运用游戏、图片、录音等教学手段,充分让学生参与课堂活动,学生的参与意识很强,完成效果也不错。
    4. 通过引导学生开展练习、操练句型、完成任务,加深了学生对句型的印象,也培养了学生继续学习英语的兴趣。

    The seventh period
    Story time
    本课是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 6第七课时,本节课为故事课。故事发生在Zip的家里,在学习和训练关于家人称谓及职业问答语言的同时,融入关于热爱家庭,关心家人的内容。学生在学习本课内容的过程中,不仅要对故事内容有所认识,也要体悟故事中关于爱家,爱家人的道理,提高个人修养。
    31. 复习本单元所学的词汇和句型。
    32. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事,通过故事的学习达到复习本单元所学知识的目的。
    33. 能总结本单元所学的主要句型和词汇,提高学生运用英语的能力。
    1.掌握句型: These are photos of my family.
    What’s your ……’s job?
    Is he a ……?
    2.理解“Story time”故事的意思。
    1.理解新句子These are photos of my family的含义。
    2.理解与掌握新词taxi driver, baseball player。
    98. 角色扮演;
    99. 游戏;
    100. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—My family. (课件出示:教材P64 Let’s sing板块的歌曲音频)
    3. Play a game—“Cosplay and guess” (课件出示:课件中是学生学过的关于职业和称谓的词汇,找两名学生,一名学生负责模仿或形容所看到的词汇,另一人去猜词。总共找3组同学,猜对最多的小组获胜。)
    Review the vocabulary “parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse, teacher”
    4. Lead-in.
    T: Now let’s begin our class. Boys and girls, today Zip’s friends are coming to see him. What will happen in Zip’s home? Let’s find the answer together.
    Step 2: Presentation and Practice
    1. While-reading.
    Watch and answer(展示故事图片,展示学生需要回答的问题,播放故事视频)
    What’s Zip’s father’s job?
    What’s Zip’s uncle’s job?
    Is Zip’s uncle thin?
    What’s Zip’s grandpa’s job?
    2. Read and write.
    Read the story in groups and underline the new words and expressions.
    Learn the new expressions.
    — These are photos of my family.
    — what’s your ……’s job?
    Students read the expressions aloud.
    3. Watch and read
    Watch the vedio again and read aloud
    4. Practice.
    (1)Read the story aloud in groups for 5 minutes.
    (2)Role play.( 2 students in a group )
    (3)Read together.
    (4)Role play in groups. Then choose some groups to act out the story.

    Step 3: Consolidation & Extension
    T: Today we learn the story about the Zip’s family. Zip’s home has many photos about his family members. He very like his family. So, boys and girls, in our daily life, we should like our family, too.

    Unit6 Meet my family!
    story time

    What’s Zip’s father’s job? He’s a cook.
    What’s Zip’s uncle’s job? He’s a taxi driver.
    Is Zip’s uncle thin? No, he isn’t. He is strong.
    What’s Zip’s grandpa’s job? He is a teacher.

    These are photos of my family. 这些是我家的照片。
    what’s your ……’s job? 你……的工作是什么?

    13. 本节课利用图片、视频、音频、多种资源帮助学生学习Story time中的英语小故事。
    14. 本节课利用角色扮演、你问我答等多种游戏活动强化了学生对询问对方身份与职业的语句掌握。
    Recycle 1
    本单元是一个复习单元,主要复习1~3单元的核心知识点。该单元主要包含六个部分的内容。Read aloud是在对话中复现1~3单元的主要句型及词汇。教材通过Chen Jie与John谈论书本和好友的故事情景,使学生对所学词汇和句型的语义及语用情景加深记忆。Connect and say通过五个名字Kate, Mike, Rose, Tim, Bob串起a, i, o三个元音字母的长短音,要求学生寻找含有相同发音的单词,并连线到城堡。Look, listen and write要求学生看图、听录音并填充三句绕口令,复习前三个单元所学的语音知识。Look and find通过Zhang Peng根据Sarah描述的人物特征连词找朋友的情景复习第三单元的核心词汇和句型。Read aloud and match the pictures要求学生阅读两组对话,选择正确的图片匹配,并根据图片提示续编对话。该活动旨在复习巩固1~3单元的主要词汇和句型。Play a game呈现的情景是:Chen Jie和Mike两人挑战登山, 途中一一回答遇到的问题,最先到达山顶的人即为获胜者。通过此活动复习1~3单元的核心句型。


    1 知识与能力
    1. 能够听、说、认读并在实际情景中运用1~3单元的核心句型。
    2. 能够在情景中运用句型 “What’s in your…?”询间并回答某处有什么物品;能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is…? —It’s in/ on/ under/ near the…”询问并回答物品的位置。
    3. 能够在情景中运用句型介绍朋友的姓名、性格、外貌、穿着等,如“—What’s his/her name? —His / Her name is…”“He’s/She’s…”“He / She has…”
    4. 能够听、说、认读并在实际情景中运用1~3单元有关教室物品设施、书本文具及描述他人性格、外貌、穿着的单词或短语。
    5. 能够掌握1~3单元中a-e, i-e, o-e的发音规则。
    6. 能够读出符合发音规则的单词,并能根据发音拼写出符合发音规则的单词。
    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 能够体会同学之间互帮互助的友谊,加强人际交往的能力。
    2. 能够在游戏闯关的活动中,提高语言学习的积极性,增强灵活运用语言的能力。
    第一课时: Read aloud & Connect and say & Look, listen and write
    第二课时: Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures & Play a game

    The first period
    Read aloud & Connect and say & Look, listen and write
    1. 能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。
    2. 能够通过学习对话复习巩固“What’s in it?”“Who’s your friend?”“What’s her name?”等句型, 并能作出回答。
    3. 能够在语境中理解“Your bag is so heavy.”“I know.”“I don’t know.”等句子的意思,并能正确朗读。
    4. 能够巩固学习1~3单元的语音知识,读出符合发音规则的单词。
    5. 能够根据发音规则将单词归类,完成连线及填充单词的任务。
    教师通过问题引导学生复习1~3单元的内容,再创设情境让学生领会句子“Let me help you.”和单词“heavy”,让学生认识到遇到困难时要互相帮助,为进入Read aloud部分的话题做好铺垫。教师引导学生带着问题观看文本动画,整体感知文本,获取有用信息。以比赛的形式来练习重点句型的问答。这既可以帮助学生复习相关知识,也可以激发学生的学习兴趣,使原本枯燥的操练变得有趣。
    1. 能够将1~3单元的核心语言融为一体,在具体情景中能自然熟练地运用。
    2. 巩固学习1~3单元的语音知识。
    1. 能够用核心句型描述朋友的特征。
    2. 能够根据发音规则读出符合发音规则的单词并能根据发音规则将单词分类。
    101. 角色扮演;
    102. 游戏;
    103. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Friends.
    3. Sharp eyes.
    Show the following vocabulary on the PPT one by one.
    (课件出示:classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door, teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, floor, schoolbag, maths, English, Chinese, storybook, candy, notebook, toy, key, strong, friendly, quiet, hair, shoe, glasses)
    T: If you know the vocabulary, you can stand up and read it out.
    4. Free talk.
    Do Q & A on the topics of “classroom” “schoolbag” and “friends”.
    T: What’s in the classroom? / What’s in your schoolbag? / Who’s your friend? What is he/ she like? Is he/ she tall /thin/…? /…
    Ss: …

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Lead-in.
    Show a schoolbag with some books in it.
    T: Look at this schoolbag. What’s in it? Let’s have a look.
    Lead students to answer: An English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks.
    Take all the books out of the schoolbag. Then put some school things on the teacher’s desk and ask a student to come to the front.
    T: Put the pen / pencil / ruler…in the schoolbag.
    The student does as the teacher says.
    T: Now show me the schoolbag.
    (The schoolbag is too heavy for the student to carry.)
    T: Let me help you. (Help the student raise the schoolbag.)
    S1: Thank you.
    The teacher asks more students to carry the schoolbag.
    T: What do you think of this schoolbag?
    Ss: So heavy.
    T: Yes. The schoolbag is so heavy.
    Let students read the word “heavy” after the teacher and help them understand the sentence “Let me help you.”
    T: We should help each other. Look! Chen Jie is helping John. (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的图一)
    2. Watch and answer.
    (1) Look at the pictures and answer the question.
    T: What’s in John’s schoolbag? (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的图二及图三)
    Ss: Books.
    (2) Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.(课件出示:播放图四至图六的内容)
    Show the questions on the PPT.
    What does John’s friend look like?
    Acording to John’s describe, who is his friend?
    Then play the cartoon of “Read aloud”. (课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的视频) After students finish watching, check the answers by talking to them.
    T: Are they John’s storybooks?
    Ss: No, they are his friend’s.
    T: Oh! I know. I know they are his friend’s. (Emphasize “I know.” with the head nodding.) But who’s his friend? I don’t know. (Emphasize “I don’t know.” with a gesture and an expression.)
    Ss: Sandy White.
    T: I know. John’s friend is Sandy White. So they’re Sandy White’s storybooks.
    Teach the sentence “They’re my friend’s storybooks.”
    Show a picture of Sandy White.(出示课件)
    T: Look! This is Sandy White. Do you know what her job is and what she is like?
    Ss: …
    Check the answers and teach the sentences above.
    Students read these sentences after the teacher.
    Show the pictures of two pupils in the class. (出示课件)
    T: Who is he/ she? Can you tell me something about him/ her?

    (3) Watch the cartoon again, and then number the pictures.(课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的动画和六张打乱顺序的图片)
    3. Read and act.
    (1)Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(课件出示:教材P32 Read aloud部分的音频)
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Choose some students to act out the dialogue.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Connect and say.
    (1)Let’s chant.(课件出示:Units 1~3中Let’s spell板块的歌谣)
    (2)Show the pictures of the five children. (课件出示:教材P33 Connect and say部分的五个人物图片) Describe their appearances and read their names.
    T: Look at the pictures. I will say something about them. Listen carefully. She is a girl. She has a blue hat. Who is she?
    Ss: She is Kate.
    T: Yes, she is Kate. Read after me, please. Kate.
    Ss: Kate.
    T: Pay attention to the sound of “a-e”. What is the sound of “a-e”? It’s /eɪ/. Can you say any words like this?
    Ss: Yes. Name.
    T: What else?
    Ss: …
    T: Look at the two boys, one is Mike, the other is Tim. Please compare the sounds of letter “i” in the words “Mike” and “Tim”. The sound of “i-e” in “Mike” is /aɪ/. The sound of “i” in “Tim” is /ɪ/. Can you say any words like these?
    Ss: Yes. Like, win…T: Look, the clever girl is Rose. The boy with glasses is Bob. Please compare the sounds of letter “o” in the words “Rose” and “Bob”. The sound of “o-e” in “Rose” is /əʊ/. And the sound of “o” in Bob is / ɒ/. Can you say any words like these?
    Ss: Yes. Nose, dog…
    (3)Listen and connect.
    T: How does Kate go to the castle? You can connect the words that have the same letter “a” and the same sound /eɪ/. Now listen and connect. (课件出示:教材P33 Connect and say部分的音频)
    T: Help the other children go to the castle in the same way.
    Check the answers and read them.
    Kate—name—race—lake—game Mike—nine—fine—time—side
    Rose—note—Jones—Coke—hope Tim—win—big—milk—fit
    (4)Play a match game.
    T: Let’s play a match game. If I say /eɪ/, please say “name, Kate” and so on. If I say /əʊ/, please say “Rose, note, Jones” and so on. Are you ready? Let’s play!
    2. Look, listen and write.
    (1)Talk about the pictures.
    ①T:(课件出示:rice cake和女孩Kate的图片)Look! What are they? They are rice cakes. They are Chinese food. (Teach “rice cake”.) This girl is Kate. Guess! What is she doing? (Do the action of making rice cakes.)
    Ss: She’s making rice cakes.
    T: Yes. Kate likes to make rice cakes. (Teach this sentence.)
    ②T: (课件出示:bike和five mice的图片) Look at these pictures. This is a bike. They are mice. How many? One, two, three… five mice. “Mice” is the plural form of “mouse”. What do they do? (Do the action of riding a bike.)
    Ss: They ride a bike.
    T: Is the bike nice?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Five mice ride a nice bike. (Teach this sentence.)
    ③T:(课件出示:Mr Jones和他的房子的图片)Wow, what a beautiful house! This is Mr Jones’ home. Look, where is Mr Jones?
    Ss: He’s at home.
    T: What does he do?(Do the action of phoning.)
    Ss: He phones.
    T: Good. Mr Jones phones me at home. (Teach this sentence.)
    (2)Listen to the recording, then fill in the blanks. (课件出示:教材P33 Look, listen and write部分的音频)
    T: You know the letters and the sounds well. Please look at the pictures and listen carefully. Pay attention to the key words. Write down the words you hear and fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers, and read them.(课件出示:Look, listen and write部分的答案)
    T: It’s interesting, isn’t it? They are tongue twisters. Now, read after the recording.
    (3)Reading competition.
    T: Now who can say the sentences more quickly? Let’s have a competition.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. A group game.
    T: John’s schoolbag is so heavy. There is an English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks in it. Is your schoolbag so heavy? What’s in your schoolbag? Let’s PK. Please ask and answer one by one. For example:
    T: What’s in your schoolbag?
    S1: A Chinese book, a maths book… What’s in your schoolbag?
    S2: …
    2. A guessing game.
    T: John has a friend, Sandy White. Do you have a good friend? Who is your good friend? Please come to the front and tell us what your good friend is like. The others guess. Let me do it first. I have a friend in this class. She is tall. She has long hair. Her shoes are… Her schoolbag is… Who is she?
    Ask students to play the game with the demonstration.
    3. Classify the words according to the pronunciation rules.
    T: Look at the two words “dog” and “note”. When I say “dog”, please say “one”. When I say “note”, please say “two”. If I say a word like “dog”, you say “one”. If I say a word like “note”, you say “two”. Let’s do it.

    T: What do you find? The vowels in “a-e” “i-e” and “o-e” sound long sounds.


    1. 通过唱歌、玩游戏及师生对话的方式,带领学生复习了1~3单元所学的单词及短语,然后巩固了有关教室、学习用品、朋友等话题的重点句型,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。
    2. 通过多媒体教学形式教学对话,然后学生们通过角色扮演的方式练习对话。
    3. 通过听录音、看图片、唱歌谣等方式来回忆元音字母的发音规律。然后,通过城堡游戏巩固发音规律。
    4. 通过小组竞赛、猜一猜以及找发音规律的方式,对本节课的知识加以巩固,学生的积极性被进一步激发。整个教学过程以学生活动为主,充分体现了以学生为主体的教育理念,教学效果良好。

    The second period
    Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures
    & Play a game
    1. 能够通过观察、谈论对话部分的图片,理解对话大意。
    2. 能够按正确的意群和语音、语调朗读对话。
    3. 能够按要求完成图文配对等任务。
    4. 能够根据实际情况熟练问答1~3单元所学的核心句型。
    1. 复习描述他人外貌特征和性格特点的常用词汇和句型。
    2. 复习表示建议的句型“Let’s…/ Let me…”的用法。
    1. 能够在情境中熟练运用核心词汇和句型描述他人的外貌特征和性格特点。
    2. 能够在情境中熟练运用表示建议的核心句型。
    104. 角色扮演;
    105. 游戏;
    106. 观看动画。
    107. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Friends.
    3. Play a game—“I say, you do”.
    T: Let’s play. I say and you do. Open the door. /Turn on the light./Close the window./Put up the picture./Clean the blackboard./Put your pencil box in your desk./ Put your Chinese book on your English book./Put your eraser near your pencil box./Put your maths book under your schoolbag.
    4. Free talk.
    T: Do you have friends? How many friends do you have? What’s your friend’s name? Is your friend a boy or a girl? Is he/ she tall? Is he / she friendly? Does he/she have long hair? (Use the words or phrases: quiet, friendly, tall, thin, small, glasses, brown shoes, a blue bag, long hair, …)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Look and say.
    Show the pictures of Fred, Kate, Ben and Ann.(课件出示:教材P34 Look and find部分Fred、Kate、Ben和Ann的图片)
    T: Look at these boys and girls. They are Fred, Kate, Ben and Ann. Can you say something about them?

    S1: This is Fred. He is tall. His hair is short and brown. He has glasses. His shoes are red and white.
    S2: This is Kate. She is tall. She has long hair. She has a blue hat. She has brown shoes.
    S3: This is Ben. He is short. He has short hair. He has a blue bag.
    S4: This is Ann. She is short. She has long hair. She has yellow shoes.
    2. Look and find.
    T: Sarah and Zhang Peng are talking about their good friends. Sarah has a good friend. She asks Zhang Peng to guess who he is. Read the sentences that Sarah says. Help Zhang Peng find Sarah’s good friend.
    Ask students to read the sentences and find the correct friend.
    Check the answer.
    T: Who’s Sarah’s good friend?
    Ss: He is…
    Answer: Fred.
    3. Pair work.
    Let students use the words or the phrases in “Look and find” correctly to describe the other three characters in the activity.
    T: Choose one student of these to be your friend. Say something about your friend. Let your partner guess who your friend is. Practice your dialogue in pairs, please.
    Make a model:
    T: I have a good friend. She is friendly. She’s thin. She has a blue hat and brown shoes. Who is she?
    S1: She is Kate.

    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play a game—“Guess who he/ she is!”
    Show four photos of the students on the PPT. (出示课件) Everyone has a schoolbag.
    T: Now I will stand here with my back to you. You choose one of them to the front. I ask some questions and you answer. And I guess who it is.
    Start like this:
    T: Is it a boy? Does he have glasses? What colour is his schoolbag? What colour are his shoes? His name is… Yes or no?
    After giving a demonstration, let students play the game.
    T: Now, who wants to try?
    2. Read aloud and match the pictures.
    (1) Present the Dialogue 1 and the two pictures of this part on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the pictures部分的对话一及其图片)
    T: Look at the first picture. Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?
    S1: They are Mike and John.
    S2: They are in the classroom.
    T: Yes. And they are cleaning the classroom. But in Picture 2, they are talking about “What’s in the schoolbag?”
    Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the picture部分中对话一的音频)
    T: Now listen to the recording and read after it. Then choose the correct picture.
    Check the answer. (Answer: Picture 1)
    Present the Dialogue 2 and the two pictures of this part on the PPT. (出示课件)
    Play the recording and ask students to answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P34 Read aloud and match the pictures部分中对话二的音频)
    ①Who is the new student?
    ②What’s he like?
    ③Is he Mike’s friend?
    T: Now listen to the recording again, and read after it. Then choose the correct picture.
    Check the answer. (Answer: Picture 2)
    (2) Read and act out the dialogues.
    (3) Make new dialogues.
    T: There are other two pictures.(出示课件)Please make new dialogues according to the other two pictures. Practice in pairs. Then show to us.
    Find the best group.
    References are as follows:
    ①Ted: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.
    John: What’s in your schoolbag?
    Ted: I have an English book, a maths book and two storybooks.
    ②Mike: John, this is Ted, my new friend. He’s a new student.
    John: Nice to meet you.
    Ted: Nice to meet you, too.
    3. Play a game.
    T: Everyone did a good job. Now let’s play a game. Look at the picture. It’s a mountain. Let’s see who can climb the mountain fast. How to climb it? Yes, you should answer the questions correctly. Let’s see who the winner is.
    For example: Competition between boys and girls.
    Boy 1: What colour is your schoolbag?
    Girl 1: It’s blue.
    Girls climb a step up the mountain.
    Girl 1: What colour is your English book?
    Boy 2: Oh, sorry.
    Boys can’t answer so they stay where they are.
    Boy 2: Who’s your best friend?
    Girl 2: …
    (课件出示:教材P35 Play a game部分的图片及内容)

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make dialogues.
    Divide students into three groups and give the three topics “my classroom” “my schoolbag” “my friends” to the three groups. Ask each group of students to make a dialogue on the topic they are assigned to.
    2. Show time.
    Ask some students from each group to act out the dialogues.


    1. 本节课是综合复习课,主要帮助学生复习表示建议的句型“Let’s…/ Let me…”的用法、描述他人特征的句型以及询问关于他人信息的问句。
    2. 通过跟唱歌曲、“我说你做”的游戏互动及师生对话,引导学生复习了1~3单元所学的单词及短语,并引出有关朋友话题的句型,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。
    3. 通过多媒体、口语交流和看图练习等多种形式,充分调动了学生的积极性,使学生在不知不觉中完成复习任务,较好地实现了教学目标。
    4. 复习活动设计多样化,语言由输入到输出,较全面地兼顾到各个单元的重点知识的梳理和归纳。

    Recycle 2
    本单元是一个复习单元,主要复习4~6单元的核心知识点。该单元主要包含六个部分的内容。Read aloud和Listen and number the rooms通过John和Chen Jie去Mike家参加家庭圣诞晚宴的情景,让学生在情景中综合复习4~6单元的核心句型。并通过听录音为房间编号的活动,复习第四单元房间名称的词汇。Look, listen and write通过小女孩与圣诞老人的对话复习本册所学的语音知识,活动要求学生能根据单词读音填出对话中所缺少的单词。Look, ask and answer通过John一家人相聚过圣诞节的情景综合复习4~6单元的内容。包括第四单元所学的房间名称词汇以及询问人物、物品位置的句型,第五单元的用餐情景和第六单元询问并描述家庭情况和家人职业的句型。Let’s sing部分的歌曲围绕本单元主题“圣诞节”展开,帮助学生进一步感知单元主题。Play a game的活动综合复习4~6单元的重点词汇和核心句型,通过问答竞赛的形式来复习位置、房间、家具、家人、职业和食物等话题的词汇和句型。


    1 知识与能力
    1. 复习询问物品位置的句型“—Where are/is the…? —They’re/It’s…”“—Are/Is they/it on/near/in the…? —Yes, they are/it is./No, they aren’t/it isn’t.”,并能够运用这些句型询问和谈论物品位置。
    2. 复习用餐时的基本句型“—What would you like? —I’d like…”“Help yourself.”“Would you like some…?”,并能够运用这些句型征求并表达用餐意愿,提出用餐建议。
    3. 复习询问别人家庭情况的句型“How many people are there in your family?”“Is this your…?”“—What’s your…’s job? —She /He is a/an…”,并能够运用这些句型询问对方家庭成员的信息和职业,回答自己的家庭情况。
    4. 复习词汇“bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”,并能够运用这些词汇简单描述自己的家,结合句型描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征、位置等,复习单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable, chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife, spoon”,并能够运用这些单词表达用餐食物和餐具使用意愿,复习词汇“parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse”,并能够正确使用上述词汇简单介绍家人情况。
    5. 复习a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e在单词中的长音发音规则,并能够综合运用这些规则,逐步做到见词能够拼读,听音能够拼写。

    2 情感态度价值观
    1. 感受并激发和家人间互爱互助的情感。
    2. 了解西方国家过圣诞节的文化习俗。
    3. 进一步注意到单词音、形、义之间的联系,整体学习单词,并能够将规律举一反三地运用。

    第一课时: Read aloud & Connect and say & Look, listen and write
    第二课时: Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures & Play a game

    The first period
    Read aloud & Listen and number the rooms & Look, listen and write
    1. 能够在情景中综合运用4~6单元中的核心句型
    2. 能够在语境中理解新词“Father Christmas, turkey”和情景语言“Merry Christmas”的意思,并能够正确发音。
    3. 能够复习巩固描述房间名称及室内陈设的重点词汇及句型。
    4. 能够读出符合a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e发音规则的单词。
    1. 能够理解并在情景中综合运用4~6单元的重点词汇及核心句型。
    2. 复习巩固a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e在单词中的发音,能够读出符合其发音规则的单词。
    能够根据a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音规则拼写单词,完成听音填空任务。
    108. 角色扮演;
    109. 游戏;
    110. 观看动画。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Sing a song—My home.
    Play the video. (课件出示:教材P44 Let’s sing板块的歌曲视频) Ask students to sing the song My home together.
    2. Revision.
    Show the pictures of “Let’s learn” on page 39. (课件出示:教材P39 Let’s learn板块的图片)
    T: Whose home is this?
    Ss: It’s Amy’s home.
    T: Where is Amy? Is she in the bathroom? Is she in the bedroom?
    Ss: No. She is in the study.
    T: Where are her mother and father? Are they in the study?
    Ss: …
    T: Where is the bed? Where is the phone?
    Ss: …

    Step 2: While-learning
    1. Lead-in.
    Play the cartoon of the last picture of the story on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P66最后一张图片的动画) And play the song We wish you a merry Christmas as the background music. (出示课件)
    T: Is this Mike’s family? Where are they?
    Ss: …
    T: What’s for dinner?
    Lead students to observe the picture and answer, “Salad, bread, juice…”
    T: And turkey.
    Teach the word “turkey”. Emphasize that “ur” sounds /ɜː/.
    T: Listen! Why are Chen Jie and John having dinner with Mike’s family?
    Ss: For Christmas!
    T: Do you know about Christmas? Can you say something about Christmas?
    Ask students to say what they know about Christmas in Chinese or English.
    2. Learn about the background of the story.
    (1)Show the pictures of Christmas tree and Father Christmas on the PPT. (课件出示:圣诞树和圣诞老人的图片)
    Teach the word “Christmas”. Emphasize that “ch” sounds /k/. The consonant “t” is silent.
    Play Father Christmas and greet students with “Merry Christmas!” Lead students to say “Merry Christmas!”
    (2)Wear Mike’s father’s or mother’s headdress and talk with students.
    T: Now, I’m Mike’s mother/father. You’re at my home for Christmas dinner.
    T: What would you like?
    S1: I’d like…
    T: Would you like some turkey?
    S2: Yes, please. / No, thanks.
    3. Watch and answer.
    Play the cartoon of the story on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P66 Read aloud板块的视频)Ask the question.
    T: What would Chen Jie like?
    Ss: She would like some turkey.
    Present three questions and related pictures on the PPT. (出示课件)Ask students to peruse the story with the questions, then answer them.
    ①Where is the Christmas tree? (It’s in the living room.)
    ②Who is Father Christmas now? (Mike’s father.)
    ③What’s Mike’s mother’s job? (She’s a nurse.)
    Check the answers together.
    4. Listen and read.
    Play the cartoon again. Let students listen carefully and read after it.
    Ask students to read the story in roles. Then act it out.

    Step 3: Post-learning
    1. Listen and number the rooms.
    (1)Present the picture of “Listen and number the rooms” on the PPT.(课件出示:教材P67 Listen and number the rooms部分的图片)
    T: Look! This is Mike’s home. Where is he? Is he in the study?
    Ss: No. He’s in his bedroom.
    T: Yes, and his father and mother are in their bedroom, too.
    Father Christmas will come and give gifts to children. He will put gifts in the socks.
    (2)Play the recording of “Listen and number the rooms”. (课件出示:教材P67 Listen and number the rooms部分的音频) Let students listen to the recording and complete the task.
    T: Father Christmas wants to give Mike some gifts for Christmas. What does he say? Does he find the sock? Listen and number the rooms according to what you hear.
    Remind students that there are six rooms in the picture and only five in the recording.
    Check the answers.
    T: Which room is not in the recording?
    Ss: The bathroom.
    2. Look, listen and write.
    (1) Present the pictures of this part on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P67 Look, listen and write部分的图片) Talk about them with students.
    T: Do you like Christmas? Do you like Father Christmas? The name of Father Christmas is Santa Claus. Look! A girl meets Santa Claus. What does she want?
    (2) Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P67 Look, listen and write部分的音频) Ask students to complete the task of writing the missing words.
    Check the answers.
    (3) Ask students to read the dialogue freely and practice it in roles. Then choose some students to act it out in class.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a dialogue.
    T: Do you want to invite your friends to your home? When will you invite them? What will you say? What will you do? Ask students to make a dialogue with their friends and practice in groups.
    Walk around to help students solve problems in the process.
    Ask four groups of students to perform on the platform. Then select the best group.
    2. Enjoy a song.
    T: They say “Merry Christmas!” at Christmas. They sing Merry Christmas, too. Let’s listen to other Christmas songs.
    Play a Christmas song Jingle Bells. (课件出示:歌曲《Jingle Bells》) Let students listen to the song and sing along with it.
    T: Do you like the song? Let’s sing the song together.


    1. 本节课由歌曲开场,在跟唱歌曲和讨论图片的师生对话中,让学生复习了4~6单元所学的单词及短语,然后引出相关话题的句型的复习,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。
    2. 学习故事的时候,通过图片和圣诞节音乐的播放,营造了真实的语言情景。其次,通过角色扮演的方式练习对话,提高了学生的口语表达能力。
    3. 通过听录音、看图片以及填单词的活动,复习并巩固了元音字母的发音规律。
    4. 通过创编对话的活动,不仅让学生更好地内化了所学词汇和句子,更让语言知识借助真实情景得到延伸,并且各个话题之间有横向和纵向的构建,从而完成了语言输出。

    The second period
    Look and find & Read aloud and match the pictures
    & Play a game
    1. 能够通过看图问答“Where’s…?”复习第四单元所学的房间名称词汇以及询问人物、物品位置的句型。
    2. 能够通过看图问答“How many people are there in the family?”“Is this John’s…?”“What’s his/her job?”复习第六单元询问并描述家庭情况和家人职业的句型。
    3. 能够通过观察图片复习第五单元的用餐情景。
    4. 能够在语境中灵活运用4~6单元的重点词汇和核心句型。
    5. 能够了解歌词的意义,并清晰准确地歌唱。
    1. 能够通过一系列的活动来复习4~6单元的重点词汇和核心句型。
    2. 能够在游戏中正确回答问题,复习巩固相关知识。
    111. 角色扮演;
    112. 游戏;
    113. 观看动画。
    114. 小组合作竞争
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
    1. Enjoy a song—We wish you a merry Christmas.
    (1) Play the recording of the song We wish you a merry Christmas. (出示课件)Let students listen and try to sing along with it.
    (2) Ask students to sing the song in groups.
    2. Lead-in.
    T: Mike is at John’s home today. It’s time for dinner. Now, let’s do a role-play.
    Show some pictures of food. (课件出示:Unit 5中的食物图片) Take out the headdresses of John and Mike. Lead students to make dialogues as the demonstration.
    S1(John): What would you like for dinner, Mike?
    S2(Mike): I’d like some…, please.
    S1(John): OK. Would you like some…?
    S2(Mike): Yes, please. /…

    Step 2: While-learning
    Look, ask and answer.
    (1) Take out the word cards of family members, jobs and room names.
    ①Ask students to read the words of family members in lines or rows one by one.
    ②Select one from the cards of jobs. Lead students to do the corresponding actions.
    ③Take out all the cards of room names. Play a guessing game with students.
    Take away a card and hide it when students close their eyes.
    T: What’s missing?
    Ss: … (Students guess the missing words.)
    (2) Lead students to look at the small pictures of characters around the big picture. (课件出示:教材P68 Look, ask and answer部分的人物介绍图)
    T: How many people are there in the family? Who are they?
    Ss: …

    (3) Lead students to ask and answer according to the pictures in pairs as the example.
    T: What’s John’s mum’s job?
    Ss: She is a PE teacher.
    S1: What’s John’s…’s job?
    S2: He’s/She’s a…

    (4) Present the pictures of this part on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材P68 Look, ask and answer部分的图片)
    Let students observe the pictures. Ask and answer in class with the sentence structures “—Where is…? —He/ She is…” “—Where are…? —They are…”
    T: Where is John?
    Ss: He is in the living room.
    T: Where are John’s grandma and grandpa?
    Ss: They are in the bedroom.
    (5) Ask students to read the questions below the pictures and discuss in pairs. Finally, choose four pairs of students to show their answers.

    Step 3: Post-learning
    1. Talk about the pictures.
    Let students close their books. Show the pictures of John’s family on the PPT. (课件出示: 打乱顺序的John的家人的图片) Ask students to tell who they are and what they do.
    2. Let’s sort.
    Show different kinds of words in Units 4~6 on the PPT. (课件出示:教材Units 4~6中不同类的词汇)
    Ask students to read the words and sort them. Choose some students to show their answers.
    Then check the answers together.
    3. Play a game.
    (1)Ask students to read the questions fluently by themselves. Then lead students to ask and answer in groups.
    (2)Choose some students to have a show. The winner is the group that spends the least time.
    (3)Take out the question cards prepared before class. And rearrange them. Finally ask several students to take turns on the platform to choose cards. The rest of the class answer the questions on the cards.

    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

    Have a dictation.
    Ask students to take out their exercise books and have a dictation about the key vocabulary and sentences of Units 4~6.


    1. 通过唱歌、词汇分类游戏及师生对话的方式,带领学生复习了4~6单元所学的词汇和句型,为本节课活动的完成做了铺垫。
    2. 通过听录音、唱歌曲和看图片等方式了解圣诞节文化。将文化和语言牢牢结合在一起,体现了语言的实用性。
    3. 通过小组竞赛、问答核心句型等方式,对本节课的知识加以巩固,激发了学生的积极性。整个教学过程以学生活动为主,充分体现了以学生为主体的教育理念,教学效果良好。


    小学人教版 (PEP)Unit 3 My friends Part A教学设计及反思: 这是一份小学人教版 (PEP)<a href="/yy/tb_c64413_t8/?tag_id=27" target="_blank">Unit 3 My friends Part A教学设计及反思</a>,共13页。

    小学英语Unit 1 My classroom Part C教案及反思: 这是一份小学英语Unit 1 My classroom Part C教案及反思,共3页。

    人教版 (PEP)四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom Part A教案设计: 这是一份人教版 (PEP)四年级上册Unit 1 My classroom Part A教案设计,共5页。

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