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    这是一份江苏省南京市金陵中学、南京一中2020-2021学年度高一年级第一学期期中考试答案及解析,共17页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 37,cm, A,A 细节理解题,B 细节理解题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2020~2021 学年第一学期高一期中英语考试
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Jb Type: Receptinist
    Req's Educatin: High Schl Req's Experience: Less Than 1 Year
    Cmpany: Embassy Suites Lcatin: US-CA-San Luis Obisp
    Emplyee Type: Full-Time/Part-time
    We Want yu!
    Embassy Suites Htel San Luis is currently accepting applicatins fr frnt Desk Services Agent. Full time day and part time night psitins pen.
    Availability must include weekends and hlidays.
    This psitin has a cmbinatin f duties mainly related,but nt limited t checking -in htel guests.
    We are seeking candidates wh have the ability t:
    Understand guest inquires and prvide respnses in a helpful, curteus(礼貌的)manner.
    Prmte psitive relatins with all individuals wh apprach the Frnt Desk and enter the htel.
    Fcus n the guest needs remaining calm and curteus.
    Wrk well under pressure.
    Input and access data in the cmputer.
    Ensure security and cnfidentiality f guest and htel infrmatin.
    Wrk cperatively with ther departments and c-wrkers as part f a team.
    Custmer service experience preferred
    Please apply nline by submitting a resume,including a cver letter. OR:
    Apply in persn, by submitting an applicatin fr emplyment,frm the executive ffices lcated within the htel.
    Thse interested in this jb may cntact Rebecca Hyre .
    A. by e-mailB. by fax
    C. by sending shrt messagesD. by pst
    The jb candidates shuld meet the fllwing requirements EXCEPT .
    A. be tugh t bear pressureB. have necessary PC skills
    C. be cmmunicative and cperativeD. ensure all guests' security
    Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    The jb candidates are expected t wrk full time during hlidays.
    The candidates can nly apply nline by submitting an applicatin.
    The jb has a cmbinatin f duties, including checking-in htel guests.
    Peple withut custmer service experience can nt apply fr the psitin.
    Their cheery sng brightens many a winter's day. But rbins are in danger f wearing themselves ut by singing t much. Rbins are singing all night―as well as during the day, British-based researchers say.
    David Dminni, f Glasgw University, said that light frm street lamps, takeaway signs and hmes is affecting the birds' bilgical clcks, leading t them being wide awake when they shuld be asleep.
    Dr Dminn, wh is putting cameras inside nesting bxes t track sleeping patterns,said lack f sleep culd put the birds’ health at risk. His study shws that when rbins are expsed t light at night in the lab,it leads t sme genes being active at the wrng time f day. And the mre birds are expsed t light, the mre active they are at night.
    He tld peple at a cnference, "There have been a cuple f studies suggesting they are increasing their sng utput at night and during the day they are still singing. Singing is a cstly behavir and it takes energy. S by increasing their sng utput, there might be sme csts f energy."
    And it is nt just rbins that are being kept awake by artificial light. Blackbirds and seagulls are als being mre ncturnal. Dr Dminni said, "In Glasgw where I live, gulls are a serius prblem. I have peple cming t me saying 'Yu are the bird expert. Can yu help us kill these gulls?’. During the breeding (繁殖)seasn, between April and June, they are very active at night and very nisy and peple can’t sleep."
    Althugh Dr Dminni has nly studied light pllutin, ther research cncluded that rbins living in nisy cities have started t sing at night t make themselves heard ver lud nise.
    Hwever, sme birds thrive( 兴 旺 ) in nisy envirnments. A study frm Califrnia Plytechnic State University fund mre hummingbirds in areas with heavy industrial machinery. It is thught that they are capitalising n their predatrs (天敌) fleeting t quieter areas.
    Cntact: Rebecca Hyre
    Phne: 8055490800
    Email: Rebecca@163.cm
    Fax: Nt Available
    Accrding t Dr Dminni's study, what causes rbins t sing s much?
    A. The breeding seasn.B. The light in mdern life.
    C. The dangerus envirnment.D. The nise frm heavy machinery.
    What is the researchers' cncern ver the increase f birds' sng utput?
    A. The envirnment might be plluted.B. The birds' health might be damaged.
    C. The industry cst might be increased.D. The peple's hearing might be affected.
    What des the underlined wrd “ncturnal" in Paragraph 5mean?
    A. Active at night.B. Inactive at night.
    C. Active during the day.D. Inactive during the day.
    Why d sme birds thrive in nisy envirnments?
    A. Because there are fewer dangers.B. Because there is mre fd t eat.
    C. Because there is less light pllutinD. Because there are mre places t take shelter.
    Multiple studies link music study t academic achievement. But what is it abut serius music training that seems t crrelate with utsize success in ther fields? I put the questin t tp-flight prfessinals in industries frm tech t finance t media, all f whm had serius past lives as musicians.
    The phenmenn extends beynd the math-music assciatin. Strikingly, many high achievers tld me music pened up the pathways t creative thinking. And their experiences suggest that music training sharpens ther qualities: Cllectin. The ability t listen. A way f thinking that weaves tgether disparate ideas. The pwer t fcus n the present and the future simultaneusly.
    Fr many f the high achievers I spke with, music functins as a “hidden language,” as Mr. Wlfenshn calls it, ne that enhances the ability t cnnect disparate r even cntradictry ideas. When he ran the Wrld Bank, Mr. Wlfenshn traveled t mre than 100 cuntries, ften taking in lcal perfrmances, which helped him understand “the culture f peple, as distinct frm their balance sheet.”
    It is in that cntext that the cnnectin between math and music grabs the mst attentin. Bth are at heart mdes f expressin. Bruce Kvner, the funder f the hedge fund (对冲基金) Caxtn Assciates,says he sees similarities between his pian playing and investing strategy; as he says, bth “relate t pattern recgnitin, and sme peple extend these patterns acrss different senses.”
    Fr Rger McNamee, whse Elevatin Partners is perhaps best knwn fr its early investment in Facebk, “music and technlgy have cnverged,” he says. He became expert n Facebk by using it t prmte his band, Mnalice, and nw is fcusing n vide by live-streaming its cncerts. He says musicians and tp prfessinals share “the almst desperate need t dive deep.” This capacity t bsess seems t unite
    tp perfrmers in music and ther fields.
    “I’ve always believed the reasn I’ve gtten ahead is by utwrking ther peple,” he says. It’s a skill learned by “playing that sl ne mre time, wrking n that ne little sectin ne mre time,” and it translates int “wrking n smething ver and ver again, r duble-checking r triple-checking.” He adds, “There’s nthing like music t teach yu that eventually if yu wrk hard enugh, it des get better. Yu see the results.”
    That’s an bservatin wrth remembering at a time when music as a serius pursuit in decline in this cuntry.
    28 Music training can enhance all f the fllwing abilities except .
    handling the present with a lng-range visin
    listening t different pinins patiently
    thinking frm ther peple's perspective
    identifying cnnectin between different ideas
    Bruce Kvner sees a parallel between music and .
    A. hedge fundB. patternsC. different sensesD. mathematics
    By saying "music and technlgy have cnverged", Rger McNamee means .
    technlgy has increased the channels by which music is prmted
    advanced technlgy makes sund better than befre
    Facebk has becme a platfrm fr prmting music albums
    musical techniques are directly used in managing business
    The underlined wrd “bservatin" in the last paragraph refers t .
    the claim that music is the key t success
    the belief that results determine the value f music
    the idea that hard wrk keeps getting yu ahead
    the prpsal that ne shuld pursue music seriusly
    Prudly reading my wrds, I glanced arund the rm, nly t find my classmates bearing big smiles n their faces and tears in their eyes. Cnfused, I glanced tward my stne-faced teacher. Having n chice, I slwly raised the reprt I had slaved ver, hping t hide myself. “What culd be causing everyne t act this way?”
    Quickly, I flashed back t the day Miss Lancelt gave me the task. This was the first real task I received
    in my new schl. It seemed simple: g n the Internet and find infrmatin abut a man named Gerge Washingtn. Since my idea f histry came frm an ancient teacher in my hme cuntry, I had never heard f that name befre. As I searched the name f this fellw, it became evident that there were tw peple bearing the same name wh lked cmpletely different! One invented hundreds f uses fr peanuts, while the ther led sme srt f army acrss America. I stared at the screen, wndering which ne my teacher meant. I called my grandfather fr a glden piece f advice: flip a cin. Heads—the cmmander, and tails—the peanuts guy. Ah! Tails, my reprt wuld be abut the great man wh invented peanut butter, Gerge Washingtn Carver.
    Weeks later, standing befre this unfriendly mass, I was ttally lst. Oh well, I lwered the paper and sat dwn at my desk, burning t find ut what I had dne wrng. As a classmate began his reprt, it all became clear, “My reprt is n Gerge Washingtn, the man wh started the American Revlutin.” The whle wrld became quiet! Hw culd I knw that she meant that Gerge Washingtn?
    Obviusly, my grade was awful. Heartbrken but fearless, I decided t turn this arund. I talked t Miss Lancelt, but she insisted: N re-ds; n new grade. I felt that the punishment was nt justified, and I believed I deserved a secnd chance. Cnsequently, I threw myself heartily int my wrk fr the rest f the schl year. Ten mnths later, that chance unflded as I fund myself sitting in the headmaster’s ffice with my grandfather, nw having an entirely different cnversatin. I smiled and flashed back t the embarrassing mment at the beginning f the year as the headmaster infrmed me f my ptin t skip the sixth grade. Justice is sweet!
    What did the authr's classmates think abut his reprt?
    A. Original and interesting.B. Funny and ridiculus.
    C. Original but bring.D. Funny but puzzling.
    What caused the authr's failure t finish the task?
    He fllwed his grandfather's advice and Nipped a cin.
    He was unfamiliar with American histry.
    He frgt his teacher's instructin.
    He didn’t knw why the leacher gave such a task.
    The underlined wrd "burning" in Para. 3 prbably means
    A. annyedB. ashamedC. readyD. eager
    In the end, the authr turned things arund
    thrugh his mnths' effrt
    by reding his task
    by finding a chance t talk t the headmaster
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    The Slw Fd Mvement started in Rme, Italy in 1986. When a new McDnalds was pening near a beautiful histric place, sme peple std utside the restaurant and shuted, “We d nt want fast fd, we want slw fd!”
    36 One day Carl Petrini went t a restaurant t eat a traditinal meal. But the fd didn’t taste the same as he remembered. He learned that the peppers were shipped frm abrad because the prices were lw. This deeply cncerned Carl.
    Carl wanted peple t care abut where their fds came frm and hw their fds made their culture special. S he started a grup t encurage this idea. It sn became the Slw Fd Mvement. 37
    First, what is gd fd? Gd fd is fresh. The vegetables are eaten clse t the place where they are grwn. The fish hasn’t been sitting fr days befre it is eaten. Gd fd is seasnable. 38
    Gd fd satisfies the senses. It shuld lk gd, smell gd and taste gd. And finally, gd fd is cultural fd. Each cuntry has special fds that make it different.
    Secnd, fd shuld be clean. Tday, there are great cncerns abut the way peple grw and prduce fd. Farmers use chemicals t kill insects and feed plants. But the chemicals can als harm the natural envirnment arund farms. 39 Clean fd means fd that des nt harm ur bdies r the envirnment.
    And third, fd shuld be fair. 40 All peple shuld be able t purchase healthy fd. The peple wh grw and make fd shuld be paid fairly fr their wrk. They shuld wrk in safe, healthy cnditins.
    Fd shuld nt cst t much mney.
    Its gal is t have gd, clean, fair fd fr all peple.
    Over time, they can cause health prblems in peple t.
    That was hw the Slw Fd Mvement came int being.
    It shuld be grwn at the best time f the year fr that fd.
    Tday the Slw Fd Mvement has already expanded ut f Italy.
    This event wasn’t the nly thing that started the Slw Fd Mvement.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 20 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxfrd, I've watched ne friend after anther land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jbs. As executives (高级管理人员) with banks, cnsulting firms, established law firms, and majr crpratins, many are nw 1 n their way t impressive careers. By
    sciety's 2 ,they seem t have it made.
    On the surface, these peple seem t be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a 3 drink at their cheap but friendly lcal bar, shk hands with lngtime rmmates, and 4 ut f small apartments int high buildings. They made reservatins at restaurants where the cst f a bttle f wine 5 a cllege year's mnthly rent. They replaced their belved ld cars with expensive new sprts cars.
    The thing is, a number f them have 6 that despite their success, they aren't happy. Sme 7 f unfriendly cwrkers and feel sad fr eight-hur wrkweeks devted t tasks they 8 . Sme d nt respect the cmpanies they wrk fr and talk f feeling tired and 9 . Hwever, instead f devting themselves t their wrk, they find themselves wrking t supprt the 10 t which they have s quickly becme 11 .
    Peple ften speak f trying a mre satisfying path, and 12 in the end the idea f leaving their jbs t wrk fr smething they 13 r finding a psitin that wuld give them mre time with their families almst always leads them t the same cnclusin: it's 14 . They have lans, bills, a mrtgage (抵押贷款 ) 15 ,retirement t save fr. They recgnize there's smething 16 in their lives, but it's 17 t step ff the track.
    In a sciety that tends t 18 everything in terms f dllars and cents, we learn frm a yung age t cnsider the csts f ur 19 in financial terms. But what abut the persnal and scial csts 20 in pursuing mney ver meaning? These are exactly the kinds f csts many f us tend t ignre — and the very nes we need t cnsider mst.
    A. muchB. neverC. seldmD. well
    A. pliciesB. standardsC. experimentsD. regulatins
    A. lastB. leastC. secndD. best
    A. cycledB. mvedC. slidD. lked
    A. sharedB. paidC. equaledD. cllected
    A. advertisedB. witnessedC. admittedD. demanded
    A. cmplainB. dreamC. hearD. apprve
    A. distributeB. hateC. applaudD. neglect
    A. calmB. guiltyC. warmD. empty
    A. familyB. gvernmentC. lifestyleD. prject
    A. accustmedB. appintedC. uniqueD. available
    A. yetB. alsC. insteadD. rather
    A. let utB. turn inC. give upD. believe in
    A. fundamentalB. practicalC. impssibleD. unfrgettable
    A. take ffB. drp ffC. put ffD. pay ff
    A. missingB. inspiringC. sinkingD. shining
    A. harmfulB. hardC. usefulD. nrmal
    第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Yur senir high schl years are mments 61 they are filled with learning and grwth. 62 is n dubt that sme challenges are waiting fr yu as yu adapt t new life. Sme students feel 63 (stress) than befre when it cmes t study. S a healthy life balance helps cntributes t yur 64 (stay) well. Dn’t wrry abut yur grades s much that yu frget t have fun. Create a healthy balance, 65 , yu are sure t imprve. Besides, 66 yu can manage yur time management r nt is imprtant. Find ut all the things 67 waste time and reduce these time wasters, such as scial media, vide games r even small talks with yur friends. Take actin 68 (replace) them with active and respnsible study habits, which will make a difference 69 yur learning. 70 (hpe), all these effrts t realize yur dreams will pay ff.
    第四部分词汇填空(共两节,满分 25 分)
    第一节 基础词汇(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    根据句意和首字母提示填入恰当的词汇,其中 83-85 给出了英文释义。
    It was gf him t ffer t pay us bth.
    She stuck t her principal and refused t b dwn.
    His idea was riginal and received a psitive r .
    Garbage srting will be f b t ur envirnment.
    Exercise is the ideal way t relive t after a day’s hard wrk.
    Despite the pwer failure, the hspital cntinued t f nrmally.
    We’ve gt t hurry. Their team has already finished the prject ahead f s .
    Finally, the naughty by realized his rude behavir and a fr the rudeness.
    There is grwing c abut weight prblems amng senir high schl students.
    Hearing the bad news, the yung man culdn’t cntrl himself and e with anger.
    Many graduates chse jbs with f wrking hurs and better chances f prmtin.
    T get mre detailed infrmatin f the cmmunity, they decided t interview each i member.
    We hpe students can deal with the new challenges and prve e t them. (having the necessary strength, curage and ability t deal with sth successfully)
    Several hurs later, the yung lady calmed dwn and s frm her neighbrs. (lk fr)
    A balanced diet is e imprtant fr thse teenagers with weight prblems. (t a very high degree)
    58. A. measure
    B. suffer
    C. digest
    D. deliver
    59. A. disasters
    B. mtivatins
    C. campaigns
    D. decisins
    60. A. assessed
    B. invlved
    C. cvered
    D. reduced
    第二节 拓展阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    Chapter 7
    Katrin saw a newspaper that advertised a curse which wuld help her becme a w . Hwever, after a
    five-day t perid, she had nt paid the due amunt f mney. She tried t make mney by taking part
    in an essay c but didn't get the p . Finally, Mama paid fr her lessns. Hwever, Katrin made n
    prgress in her writing, and f in her writing cmpsitin.
    Chapter 8
    A distinguished g was cming t Winfrd. The principal Miss Grimes asked the students t p sme
    “tidbits” fr the ccasin. Katrin, after much cnsideratin, t bring smething t schl. Due t several
    difficulties, hwever, the receptin culd nt begin n time and Mrs. Winfrd was left in the cld in the hall. After hearing the news, Mama a and saved the day with cups f cffee and ht chclate. As a result, Katrin
    became p in schl.
    第五部分 应用文写作(共 1 题;每题 15 分,满分 15 分)
    96. 假设你是李华,最近收到了笔友 Jemmie 的来信,向你倾诉了他的困扰:他的初中好朋友最近有意避开他,而他试图电话、短信联系她但都没有回音。她很苦恼,不想失去这个朋友,但又不知道怎么做。
    请你给他写一封 100 词左右的回信,内容包括如下要点(开头及首句已给出):
    南京市金陵中学、南京市第一中学2020~2021 学年第一学期高一期中英语考试参考答案和解析
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分) 略
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
    21-25 ACCBB26-30 AACDA31-35 CBBDA
    【A 篇】
    21.A 细节理解题。根据文章第二个表格中的 CONTACT INFORMATION 可知,联系方式主要提供了 email 和 phne number,所以联系 Rebecca Hyre 可以通过发邮件或者打电话。
    22.C 细节理解题。文章中列出了许多对于应聘者的要求,其中 “wrk under pressure”,所以A 选项是有的;“Input and access data in the cmputer” ,B 选项有;“Ensure security and cnfidentiality f guest and htel infrmatin”,D 选项有。最后选 C。
    23.C 细节理解题。文章有原句 “This psitin has a cmbinatin f duties mainly related,but nt limited t checking-in htel guests.” “nt limited t”表示不仅限于,也就表示包含“including”,所以 C 正确。
    【B 篇】
    24.B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的 David Dminni, f Glasgw University, said that light frm street lamps, take away signs and hmes is affecting the birds' bilgical clck, leading t them being wide awake 可知选择 B。
    25.B 细节理解题。根据文章 Singing is a cstly behaviur and it takes energy. S by increasing their sng utput, there might be sme csts f energy."可知,唱歌唱得越多,就会损耗更多的能量, 故选择 B。
    26.A 词义辨析题。根据上文的 And it is nt just rbins that are being kept awake by artificial light. Blackbirds and seagulls are als being 可知乌鸦和海鸥情况也一样,也就是说这两种鸟晚上也唱
    歌,故选择 A,指晚上很兴奋。
    27.A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的 It is thught that they are capitalising n their predatrs(天敌)fleeing t quieter areas.可知,它们的天敌都去了安静的地方,故选择 A,指在这些工业区,天敌更少,也就是危险更少。
    【C 篇】
    28.C 细节题。第二段最后四句分别提及了音乐训练的好处:协作能力。倾听的能力。把不同的想法编织在一起的一种思维方式。同时关注现在和未来的能力。没有提到站在别人角度思考问题的能力,所以选 C。
    29.D 细节题。第四段第一句:正是在这种背景下,人们广泛讨论的数学和音乐之间的联系才最能引起共鸣(It’s in that cntext that the cnnectin between math and music grabs the mst attentin.)。后饮用 Bruce Kvner 的话加以论证。因此选 D。
    30.A 推断题。根据划线句下两句表明其用科技手段来推广自己的音乐,因此选择 A:技术已经增加推广音乐的渠。
    31.C 猜词题。前文讲到了各行各业成功人士与音乐的渊源,目的在于提醒当下值得注意的处境:音乐教育在这个国家正在衰落。因此选 C:努力工作使你领先的观念。因为音乐是一种严肃的追求。
    【D 篇】
    32.B 推理判断题。根据第一段 Prudly reading my wrds, I glanced arund the rm, nly t find my classmates bearing big smiles n their faces and tears in their eyes. Cnfused, I glanced tward my stne-faced teacher.可知,由同学们的笑和老师的表情可知 "我" 的文章是荒唐可笑的。故答案为 B。
    33.B 细节理解题。由第二自然段 I had never heard f that name befre. As I searched the name f this fellw, it became evident that there were tw peple bearing the same name wh lked cmpletely different! One invented hundreds f uses fr peanuts, while the ther led sme srt f
    army acrss America. I stared at the screen, wndering which ne my teacher meant.由此可知, "
    我" 对美国的历史是不了解的。故答案为 B。
    34.D 词义猜测题。由本句 I lwered the paper and sat dwn at my desk, burning t find ut what I had dne wrng.答案为 D。
    35.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段 "Cnsequently, I threw myself heartily int my wrk fr the rest f the schl year." 可知选择 A。
    36-40 GBECA
    :考查上下文逻辑。根据下面各段中的第一句话"First, what is gd fd? ","Secnd, fd shuld be clean."以及"And third, fd shuld be fair."可推知,空格处的内容是这个运动的目标, B 项中提到的"gd, clean and fair fd"呼应下文。故答案选:B。
    :考查上下文逻辑。根据空格前一句"Gd fd is seasnable."好的食物都是应时的。可推知,空格处的内容与种植食物的时间有关。E 项含有段落主旨词 best time f the year。
    :考查上下文逻辑。根据空格前一句"But the chemicals can als harm the natural envirnment arund farms."可知,农民使用的化学物质会损害农场周围的自然环境,那么空格处的内容应该与这些化学物质带来的危害有关。C 项:随着时间的推移,它们也会导致人类的健康问题。符合题意,且 C 项中的"They"指代前文中提到的"chemicals"。故答案选:C。40:考查上下文逻辑。根据空格前一句"And third, fd shuld be fair."及空格后一句"All peple shuld be able t purchase healthy fd."可推知,空格处的内容与食品的价格有关,要想所有人都能够购买健康食品,那食物不应该定价太高。故答案选:A。
    第三部分 语言运用
    一、完形填空(满分 20 分)
    41-45 DBABC46-50 CABDC51-55 AADCD 56-60 ABADB
    :本题考查副词词义辨析。A.much 更多地;B.never 从不;C.seldm 很少;D.well 顺利地。根据后面的句子,可知这里说的是 "他们似乎成功了" ,所以本空应该填写 well,来表示发展
    :本题考查名词词义辨析。A.plicy 政策;B.standard 标准;C.experiment 实验;D.regulatin 规章制度。这里的意思从社会这个标准来看他们是成功的,这里是个作为比较的标准,所以 B 选项最合适。句意:从社会的标准看,他们似乎成功了。所以本题答案为:B。
    :本题考查形容词词义辨析。A.last 最后的;B.least 至少;C.secnd 第二的;D.best 最好的。因为前面提到了 "大学生活要过去了" ,所以这里指的应该是 "喝了最后一杯"。句意:当他们的学生生活要结束时,许多人在当地廉价但友好的酒吧里喝了最后一杯所以本题答案为: A。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.cycle 骑自行车;B.mve 移动;C.slide 滑行 D.lk 看。mve…int…从…搬进…。句意:他们与长期的室友握手言和,从小公寓搬出,搬到了高楼里。所以本题答案为:B。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.share 分享;B.pay 付款;C.equal 相当于;D.cllect 收集。这里把两个价钱进行比较,意为 "两者相等" ,所以使用 equaled 最为合适。句意:他们在餐馆预订一瓶葡萄酒的价格,相当于大学一年的月租金。所以本题答案为:C。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.advertise 做广告;B.witness 当场看到,目击;C.admit 承认; D.demand 需求。根据句意:问题是,他们中的许多人承认,尽管他们成功了,但他们并不快乐。这里表示的是这些成功人士 "承认" 他们不快乐,C 最恰当。所以本题答案为:C。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.cmplain 抱怨;B.dream 梦想;C.hear 听到;D.apprve 支持。根据本句后的内容,这句话表达的是负面的情绪,所以本句应该是这些人 "抱怨" 。句意:有些人抱怨不友好的同事,为每周 8 小时的工作时间都在做他们讨厌的事情而感到悲伤。所以本题答案为:A。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.distribute 分配;B.hate 讨厌;C.applaud 鼓掌;D.neglect 忽视。因为本句强调了他们是 "感到悲伤" ,所以他们工作做的应该是 "讨厌的" 事情,所以 B 符合题意。句意同上。所以本题答案为:B。
    :本题考查形容词词义辨析。A.calm 冷静的;B.guilty 愧疚的;C.warm 温暖的;D.empty 空虚的。根据前后文的感情色彩来看,这里人们因为讨厌工作,所以是感到束缚而且空虚,其他词不符合题意。句意:有些人不尊重他们为之工作的公司,并谈论感到束缚和空虚。所以本题答案为:D。
    :本题考查名词词义辨析。A.family 家庭;B.gvernment 政府;C.lifestyle 生活方式;D.prject
    项目。因为这里提到的是 "已经适应了的" 事情,所以应该指的是个人的生活方式,C 符合题意。句意:他们并没有投入他们的工作,他们发现他们的工作只是为了维持一种他们很快已适应了的生活模式。所以本题答案为:C。
    :本题考查形容词词义辨析。A.accustmed 习惯的;B.appinted 指定的;C.unique 独特的;D.available 可用的。根据前后文内容,可知这里指的是他们没有投入工作,只是 "习惯了" 这种生活方式,所以本题 A 符合原文。句意同上。所以本题答案为:A。
    :本题考查连词。由下文可知,人们经常说想尝试一份更满意的工作,但这种想法最终都落下同样的结局.因此此处选 yet,意为 "但是,然而" ,表示转折。所以本题答案为:A。
    :本题考查动词词组辨析。A.let ut 泄露(消息、秘密等),透露;B.turn in 上交;C.give up 放弃;D.believe in 信仰,信赖。因前后转折,所以后句表示应该是的是他们喜欢的工作,应该选择有褒义词性的短语,所以 D 符合题意。句意:人们常说要尝试一条更令人满意的道路, 但最终离开工作岗位去做他们信仰的事情,所以本题答案为:D。
    :本题考查形容词词义辨析。A.fundamental 基础的;B.practical 实际的 C.impssible 不可能的;D.unfrgettable 难忘的。下文中提到他们有借款、账单,要还清抵押贷款和为退休存钱, 所以,要实现他们前面的想法是不可能的。所以 C 符合原文。句意:几乎总是让他们得出同样的结论:这是不可能的。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.take ff 脱下,起飞;B.drp ff 落下,打盹;C.put ff 推迟; D.pay ff 还清。空格前提到的账务是要 "偿还" 的,所以 D 选项符合文意。句意:他们有贷款, 账单,抵押贷款要偿还,退休要储蓄。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.miss 缺少;B.inspire 激励;C.sink 沉没;D.shine 闪耀。根据前文所说,他们的生活被各种各样的事情占据了,所以意思是生活里 "缺了些东西" ,A 选项符合原文。句意:他们意识到自己的生活中少了些什么,但很难偏离正轨。
    :本题考查形容词词义辨析。A.harmful 危险的;B.hard 艰难的;C.useful 有用的;D.nrma 正常的。这里指的是生活不容易脱离正轨,所以 B 选项符合原文。
    :本题考查名词词义辨析。A.measure 衡量;B.suffer 忍受;C.digest 消化;D.deliver 分发。根据前面的 "美元美分" ,可知这里的意思是 "用金钱衡量的社会" ,所以 A 选项符合原文意思。句意:在一个以美元和美分衡量一切的社会里。
    :本题考查名词词义辨析。A.disaster 灾难;B.mtivatin 动机C.campaign 运动;D.decisin 决定。此处表示我们从小就知道从金钱的角度来考虑我们的决定,所以 D 符合原文。句意: 我们从小就学会从财务角度来考虑我们决策的成本。
    :本题考查动词词义辨析。A.assess 评估;B.invlve 涉及;C.cver 覆盖;D.reduce 减少。be invlved in…意为 "涉及……" ,表示涉及到金钱时,个人价值会怎样。句意:追求金钱至上, 那么与此同时的个人和社会价值呢?
    mre stressed
    t replace
    第四部分 词汇填空一、基础词汇
    equal(prve equal t sth 表示有能力做某事,能胜任做某事)

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