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    1. D yu want t get hme frm wrk knwing yu have made a real difference in smene's life? If yes, dn't care abut sex r age! Cme and jin us, then yu'll make it!
    Psitin: Vlunteer Scial Care Assistant (N Pay with Free Meals)
    Place: Manchester
    Hurs: Part Time
    We are nw lking fr vlunteers t supprt peple with learning disabilities t live active lives! Only 4 days left. Dn't miss the chance f lending yur warm hands t help thers!
    Yu will prvide peple with learning disabilities with all aspects f their daily lives. Yu will help them t develp new skills. Yu will help them t prtect their rights and their safety. But yur primary cncern is t let them knw they are valued.
    Skills and Experience Required:
    Yu will have the right values and great listening sills. Yu will be hnest and patient. Yu will have the ability t drive a car and t cmmunicate in fluent written and spken English since yu'll have t help thse peple with different learning disabilities. Previus care﹣related experience will be a great advantage fr yu.

    (1)The text is meant t________ .
    A. carry an adB. send an invitatin
    C. leave a nteD. present a dcument.

    (2)The vlunteers' primary respnsibility is t help peple with learning disabilities________ .
    A. t learn new living skills
    B. t realize their wn imprtance
    C. t get sme financial supprt
    D. t prperly prtect themselves.

    (3)Which f the fllwing can first be chsen as a vlunteer?________
    A. The ne wh can drive a car.
    B. The ne wh can speak English fluently.
    C. The ne wh has relevant wrk experience.
    D. The ne wh has the patience t listen t thers..

    2. As I drve alng the rad, a small car flew acrss the center divider frm the ppsite directin and crashed int my car head﹣n. I fainted and was awakened by the ringing f my mbile phne.
    I was brught t Kuala Lumpur General Hspital bleeding n frm my nse, muth and legs.But the hspital staff was t busy t attend t me, s I called a friend t tell him abut the accident. Sme friends arrived very sn and sent me t a private hspital nearby. I saw my injured feet hanging frm my bdy, blue and lifeless, and I begged the dctrs t save them at all csts. They calmly prmised t d their best.
    The dctrs made it. After I ________, I was given ten mnths medical leave. My heart sank, knwing that it meant I, a big man, culdn't wrk. Hw was I ging t supprt my 65﹣year﹣ld mther and ther family members? I felt cmpletely helpless, but a lt f unexpected blessings came my way. I had many visitrs during my 14 days in hspital and when I was recvering at hme. Friends and relatives helped me with my banking, insurance r simply came t cheer me up.
    When the casts(石膏)were remved, I did nt let the sight f my weak legs discurage me. I wrked hard at my physitherapy(物理疗法) with nly ne aim. After eight mnths, I was walking withut the aid f a walking stick. On February the fllwing year, I returned t my jb again. Tday, after eight years, I have travelled t many cuntries as a tur leader.
    The accident makes me realize hw lives can change in a split secnd. I value life mre, nt nly f my wn but als f everyne I knw, and I will always try t help when I knw f smene in truble.

    (1)What made the authr cme back t life in the traffic accident?________
    A. Smene made a call t him.
    B. A car crashed int his car head﹣n.
    C. One f his friends gave him first aid.
    D. His mbile phne was ut f rder suddenly..

    (2)What des the underlined part "was discharged" in paragraph 3 prbably mean?________
    A. Was inspired.B. Was discvered.
    C. Left hspital.D. Gt injured..

    (3)What can we learn abut the authr frm paragraph 4?________
    A. He is hnest and strng.
    B. He is discuraged and desperate.
    C. He is learned and intelligent.
    D. He is ptimistic and determined..

    (4)What cnclusin des the authr draw frm the accident?________
    A. It's a hard jb t be a tur guide.
    B. Life is very precius t peple.
    C. Many peple are in truble in life.
    D. It's a must fr smene t help thers..

    3. Alice Mre is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者), wh in May 2015 set up her business AllieCandy. By the time she was 13, her cmpany was wrth millins f dllars with the inventin f a super﹣sweet treat that culd save kids' teeth, instead f destrying them.
    It all began when Mre visited a bank with her dad. On the uting, she was ffered a candy bar. Hwever, her dad reminded her that sugary treats were bad fr her teeth. But Mre was sick f missing ut n candies. S she desired t get rund the warning, "Why can't I make a healthy candy that's gd fr my teeth s that my parents can't say n t it? " With that in mind, Mre asked her dad if she culd start her wn candy cmpany. He recmmended that she d sme research and talk t dentists abut what a healthier candy wuld cntain.
    With her dad's permissin, she spent the next tw years researching nline and cnducting trials t get a recipe that was bth tasty and tth﹣friendly. She als apprached dentists t learn mre abut teeth cleaning. Cnsequently, she succeeded in making a kind f candy nly using natural sweeteners, which can reduce ral bacteria.
    Mre then used her savings t get her business ff the grund. Afterwards, she and her father secured their first business meeting with a supermarket wner, wh finally agreed t sell Mre's prduct﹣CanCandy.
    As CanCandy's success grws, s des Mre's credibility as a yung entrepreneur. Mre is enthusiastic abut the candy she created, and she s als psitive abut what the future might bring.She hpes that every kid can have a clean muth and a brad smile.
    Meanwhile, with her parents' help, Mre is generally able t live a nrmal teenage life. Althugh she funded her cmpany early n in lie, she wasn't driven primarily by prfit. Mre wants t use her unique talent t help thers find their smiles. She dnates 10% f AilieCandy's prfits t Big Smiles. With her talent and determinatin, it appears that the sky culd be the limit fr Alice Mre.

    (1)Hw did Mre react t her dad's warning?________
    A. She argued with him.B. She paid n attentin.
    C. She chse t cnsult dentists.D. She tried t find a way ut..

    (2)What is special abut CanCandy?________
    A. It is free f sweeteners.
    B. It is beneficial t dental health.
    C. It is sweeter than ther candies.
    D. It is prduced t a dentists' recipe..

    (3)What des Mre expect frm her business?________
    A. T earn mre mney.
    B. T help thers find smiles.
    C. T make herself stand ut.
    D. T beat ther candy cmpanies..

    (4)What can we learn frm Alice Mre's stry?________
    A. Fame is a great thirst f the yung.
    B. A yuth is t be regarded with respect.
    C. Psitive thinking and actin result in success.
    D. Success means getting persnal desires satisfied..

    4. My tw﹣ and fur﹣year﹣ld bys lve t win, whether they're racing their bikes dwn the sidewalk r just finishing their snacks. It's true that thse with high status, frm wrld leaders and prize winners t athletes and mvie stars, are peple we like and respect. A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviur shwed that we seem t have an innate (天生的) preference fr high﹣ranking peple﹣ but nly if thse peple aren't hurtful tward thers.
    Researchers shwed tddlers (aged 21 t 31 mnths) a scene where tw puppets (木偶)apprached ne anther frm ppsite sides f a stage and ne bwed t let the ther pass first.Asked which puppet they liked better, 18 f the 21 tddlers in the experiment reached fr the puppet wh had been allwed t pass. Because respect frm thers is a marker f status, this suggests that children have a preference fr thse with a higher status﹣ even befre age three.
    Hwever, the results were quite different when tw puppets apprached ne anther and ne used frce t knck the ther dwn befre cntinuing t the ther side. In this case, 18 f the 21 tddlers reached fr the ne wh was kncked dwn. As the researchers cncluded, "When appraching thers, very yung children care nt nly wh wins, but als hw." The previus experiment has shwn that tddlers knw abut scial status but this experiment went ne step further by prving they have an bvius preference fr high status. Since the participants were s yung, this might even be an innate human preference.
    In a wrd, this new research suggests that yung children appreciate peple wh d well while at the same time ding gd t thers. S, when my fur﹣year﹣ld thinks that he has t get his shes n first, I'll keep reminding him that helping his brther s they bth finish faster is what winning is all abut.

    (1)What d we tend t d accrding t the first paragraph?________
    A. Admire high﹣ranking peple.
    B. Take advantage f high status.
    C. Seek challenges all the time.
    D. Hurt thers with ffensive wrds..

    (2)Why did tddlers prefer the puppet allwed t pass?________
    A. It lked lvely.B. It seemed plite.
    C. It behaved smartly.D. It was respected..

    (3)What can we infer frm the latter study?________
    A. Peple naturally dislike unkind behavir.
    B. Slwer peple are better lved by tddlers.
    C. Tddlers care little abut high scial status.
    D. Being helpful cntributes t being supprted..

    (4)What shuld we d when we encurage children t win?________
    A. Instruct them t use prper and creative ways.
    B. Advise them t be as hardwrking as pssible.
    C. Remind them t be cnsiderate t ther peple.
    D. Tell them t try t cperate with smene else..

    In many cases, nline classes can be a gift t cllege students everywhere. They're different frm traditinal cases in many ways. (1)_______ S what exactly d students lve abut taking nline classes?
    A flexible schedule
    One thing that many cllege students prbably dislike abut traditinal cases is that they're inflexible. There is usually a special schedule yu need t fllw. By cntrast,nline classes are much mre flexible.(2)_______Flexibility with yur classes als gives yu the chance t make time fr ther imprtant things in yur life ﹣ like wrking a jb t earn sme mney, spending time with friends and family.
    A cmfrtable learning envirnment
    Online classes ffer yu a cmfrtable envirnment in which yu can learn. Because yu dn't have t physically attend classes, yu'll have the chance t wrk frm wherever yu want. (3)_______If yu wuld rather d yur wrk in yur bedrm in the cmfrt f yur wn hme,yu have cmplete freedm t d that as well.
    Anther great thing abut nline classes is that there are quite a variety t chse frm. Yu can find practically any degree prgram yu want nline t help yu advance in yur educatin and career. S,n matter what yu want t study, chances are that there's smething ut there that's a perfect fit fr yu.
    Easy access t yur textbks
    Since yur classes are nline,it's likely that yur textbks will be easily accessible nline as well. What's mre, they will prbably nt be all that expensive.(5)_______This is highly cnvenient,especially if yu prefer using nline textbks s that yu wn't have t haul(拖着)a physical cpy arund r wrry abut misplacing it smewhere.
    A. Advances in yur educatin.
    B. A variety f curses and prgrams.
    C. They can be a welcme relief fr students.
    D. Yu can access them nline fr little t n charge.
    E. S if yu prefer learning and getting wrk dne in a cafe, g t a cafe.
    F. It means yu have the pprtunity t d yur wrk whenever yu see fit.
    G. Online classes are a great ptin fr thse eficient at schedule management.

    Nancy is a kindergarten teacher in Masn City. One day Camden, ne f the 4﹣year﹣ld bys in her class, came t her with a (1)_______ abut his dad, Derreld. Nancy's heart(2)_______ seeing this little by s (3)_______ and upset. She prmised Camden that she wuld d whatever she culd t assist. He believed her and knew that she wuld keep her (4)_______.
    The mment schl was ut, Nancy rushed t the(5)_______. She had dne all the required tests and(6)_______ all the necessary paperwrk. Finally, she was given the(7)_______ by her dctrs, and she was tld that she was a (8)_______ match.
    The day had finally arrived. The dctrs that were(9)_______ the prcedure were the best transplant surgens in the hspital. In fact, (10)_______ the surgens had dne everything in their pwer fr the prcedure t be a success, there were n(11)_______ . There was always that chance that it wuldn't wrk.(12)_______ , Derreld's bdy accepted Nancy's kidney(肾).
    A teacher's(13)_______ is t teach the kids in her class infrmatin that will help them fr the rest f their schl carer and life. Hwever, this teacher went (14)_______ her duty when ne f her pupils(15)_______ her.

    A.giftB.. secretC.. nteD.. prmise

    A.racedB.. pundedC.. failedD.. sank

    A.sadB.. excitedC.. curiusD.. annyed

    A.stateB.. wrdC.. psitinD.. balance

    A.huseB.. playgrundC.. hspitalD.. ffice

    A.filled utB.. lked thrugh
    C.. tk dwnD.. handed ut

    A.adviceB.. medicineC.. refusalD.. permissin

    A.wrryingB.. tempraryC.. perfectD.. abnrmal

    A.perfrmingB.. makingC.. fllwingD.. using

    A.ifB.. whenC.. the instantD.. even thugh

    A.resultsB.. rewardsC.. guaranteesD.. qualities

    A.NrmallyB.. FrtunatelyC.. InitiallyD.. Directly

    A.expectatinB.. hnurC.. descriptinD.. respnsibility

    A.beyndB.. withinC.. twardsD.. ppsite

    A.scaredB.. trustedC.. cmfrtedD.. suspected

    Nwadays,it is getting harder and harder (1)________(live)withut GPS devices. Everyne can use GPS devices t find their way arund if they get lst. That is (2)________ these systems are getting s ppular. Yu can drive in any city anywhere in the wrld and never get lst. Yu d nt even have t read street(3)________(sign),because the GPS will tell yu where t turn and in which(4)________(direct). If yu have ne f these systems in yur car,yu will be able t track it when it(5)________(steal). Yu can prtect(6)________ (yu)by getting yur car(7)________(equip)with a GPS system. Equipping phnes with(8)________GPS system is als great and useful. Yu can track peple by the GPS in their phne.
    (9)________(have) a GPS system will save yu lts f time. If yu dn't have any GPS devices yet,then yu will want t hurry(10)________the shp and get ne tday. It will change yur life frever.

    参考词汇:龙门 Lngmen; 宣誓 make an ath
    The Cming﹣f﹣Age Ceremny

    An ld wden seat that Susan extremely valued ften reminded her f mther's Glden Rule.
    Back in the 1930s, the cuntry life was really tugh. One day after dinner,Susan's mther sat n the seat, annuncing t the children the Glden Rule:"Treat thers the way yu want t be treated." Susan reflected carefully and seriusly n what her mther had said. She reslved that she wuld keep in mind and fllw the rule.
    One Saturday afternn,she went t farmer Jasn's inn(小旅馆) t get the pay fr her mther's washing fr the guests there, which amunted t five dllars. She fund Jasn in the yard,wh,as all the villagers knew, was selfish and mean.
    His eyes cluded with anger,as he had just finished a quarrel with ne f his guests. He held in his hand an pen wallet,full f bills. He barely nticed Susan until she made her request fr the mney. Instead f shuting at her, as usual, fr trubling him when he was busy, he handed her a bank nte.
    Feeling relieved fr escaping frm Jasn s easily,Susan hurried ut f the inn. When carefully putting the mney int her pcket, she discvered that Jasn had given her tw bills instead f ne, and her first reactin was jy at the unexpected prize. She lked arund and there was nbdy nearby t share her discvery. "It is mine. All mine." she said t herself. "I will buy mum a new cat with it,and she can give her ld ne t sister Mary, and then Mary can g t the Sunday schl with me next winter. I wnder if I can buy a pair f shes fr brther Tm t."
    Just at that mment,she realized that Jasn must have given the extra mney t her by mistake,and therefre she had n right t wn it. But a vice f temptatin(诱惑)whispered,"He gave it,and yu can keep it. He will never knw, even if it is a mistake."
    1.续写词数应为150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
    As Susan hurried hme, this cnflict went n in her mind.﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣
    Paragraph 2:
    Susan's face became red with embarrassment and annyance.﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣
    第二部分阅读(共两节,满分37.5分)第一节(共4小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    (1)A.主旨大意题? If yes! Cme and jin us!(你想下班回家后知道你给别人的生活带来了真正的改变吗,不要在意性别或年龄,你会成功的,本文是一个招募志愿者的广告、需要具备的条件以及其他相关事宜.
    (1)A.细节理解题。根据第一段中Ifainted and was awakened by the ringing f my mbile phne."我昏过去了。"可知,让作者在交通事故中复活
    (2)C.词义猜测题。根据第三段中The dctrs made it."医生们成功做到了"和I was given ten mnths medical leave."我有10个月的病假,作者出院了。A. inspired住院 Was ;C. hspital出院了 Gt 。故选C.
    (3)D.推理判断题。根据第四段When the casts(石膏)were remved,I was walking withut the aid fa walking stick.On February the fllwing year,after eight years,我并没有因为我虚弱的双腿而气馁,只有一个目的,我可以不用拐杖走路了,我又回到了工作岗位,我作为领队游历了许多国家,他乐观而坚定
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段The accident makes me realize hw lives can change in a split secnd.I value life mre,and I will always try t help when I knw f smene in truble."这次事故让我意识到生活是可以在一瞬间改变的,不仅是我自己,当我知道有人遇到麻烦时。"由此判断出。故选B.
    这是一篇人物故事类记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个年轻有为的创业者Alice Mre的故事,故事告诉我们:积极的思考和行动会带来成功。
    (1)D.推理判断题, "Why can't I make a healthy candy that's gd fr my teeth s that my parents can't say n t it。所以她想避开这个警告:"为什么我不能做一个对牙齿有益的健康糖果?"及下文她想方设法最终制作出了叫CanCandy的糖果可知,解决问题
    (2)B.细节理解题, she succeeded in making a kind f candy nly using natural sweeteners,她成功地制作了一种只使用天然甜味剂的糖果。可知,可以减少口腔细菌。故选B.
    (1)A. 细节理解题, frm wrld leaders and prize winners t athletes and mvie stars, "的确,从世界领导人,都是我们喜欢和尊敬的人,我们倾向于钦佩地位高的人
    (2)D. 推理判断题, 18 f the 21 tddlers in the experiment reached fr the puppet wh had been allwed t pass. Because respect frm thers is a marker f status,"当被问到他们更喜欢哪个木偶时。因为来自他人的尊重是地位的标志。可推断。故选D.
    (3)A. 推理判断题,the results were quite different when tw puppets apprached ne anther and ne used frce t knck the ther dwn befre cntinuing t the ther side,18 f the 21 tddlers reached fr the ne wh wasknckeddwn."然而,一个用武力击倒另一个木偶,结果就完全不同了,21个蹒跚学步的孩子中有18个是被击倒的,第二个实验中,不喜欢通过击倒别的木偶过关的木偶,人们天生不喜欢不友善的行为
    (4)C. 推理判断题, when my fur﹣year﹣ld thinks that he has t get his shes n first,"所以,我会一直提醒他,使他们都能更快地完成学业。可推断。故选C.
    (1)C.推理判断题。根据上文They're different frm traditinal classes in many ways.(他们在很多方面都不同于传统的课堂?(那么?)因此,说明学生喜欢在线课程的原因,他们可以是一种受欢迎的解脱,故选C.
    (2)F. 推理判断题, nline classes are much mre flexible.(相比之下。)可知。F项:It means yu have the pprtunity t d yur wrk whenever yu see fit.(这意味着只要你觉得合适。)符合语境
    (3)E. 推理判断题, yu'll have the chance t wrk frm wherever yu want.(因为你不必亲自去上课,你将有机会在任何你想要的地方工作,可以在哪些地方工作, g t a cafe.(所以,那就去咖啡馆吧。故选E.
    (4)B. 标题归纳题。本题是选择小标题,本段主要介绍了在线课程中有各种各样的课程和项目供学生选择。)符合语境
    (5)D. 推理判断题, they will prbably nt be all that expensive.(更重要的是。)可知 Yu access nline little n 。故选D.
    本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了一位老师信守诺言,为自己的一名学生的父亲捐肾的故事。
    (1)B.考查名词及语境理解。A. gift礼物; C. nte便条。句意:有一天, 她班上四岁的男孩之一,告诉她一个关于他父亲 Derreld的秘密,小男孩的父亲需要肾移植,故选B.
    (2)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.raced …比赛; ; C. ; D. sank下沉,Nancy 的心情低沉,得知小男孩父亲的遭遇,所以Nancy的心情低沉
    (3)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A. sad悲伤的; C. curius好奇的。句意: 看到这个小男孩如此伤心难过。由下文upset 可知,表示小男孩伤心难过
    (4)B.考查名词及语境理解。A. state 状态,诺言;D. balance平衡,知道她会信守诺言,小男孩相信老师会信守诺言。故选B.
    (5)C.考查名词及语境理解。A. huse房屋; C. hspital医院: D.ffice办公室, Nacncy就赶到医院, she was given the (7)by her dctrs,Nancy 去了医院
    (6)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A. filled ut填写; C. tk dwn取下。句意:她已经完成了所有必需的检查。根据空后all the necessary paperwrk及下文做手术可知。故选A.
    (7)D.考查名词及语境理解。A. advice 建议;D.permissin许可,Nancy 捐肾的请求得到了医生的允许
    (8)C. 考查形容词及语境理解。A. wrrying令人担心的; C. perfect完美的。句意:最后,并被告知她是一个完美的匹配,Nancy 的肾与男孩父亲完美匹配
    (9)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.perfrming做; B. making做; D. using使用。根据空后的the prcedure可知。故选A.
    (10)D.考查连词及语境理解。A. if如果; C. the instant一……就:D. even thugh即使,即使外科医生们竭尽全力让手术成功。由下文"There was always that chance that it wuldn't wrk. "可知,移植手术也不能保证一定成功
    (11)C. 考查名词及语境理解。A. results结果,回报; D. qualities 质量,即使外科医生们竭尽全力让手术成功。根据句意可知此处表示会尽力但不能保证
    (12)B. 考查副词及语境理解。A.Nrmally正常地; B. Frtunately幸运地 Initially最初地。句意:幸运地是。根据后文Derreld's bdy accepted Nancy's kidney (肾) .可知,所以这很幸运
    (13)D.考查名词及语境理解。A. expectatin期待;C.descriptin描述,责任,这些知识将帮助他们度过余生,此处是在谈论教师的职责
    (14)A.考查介词及语境理解。A. beynd超出; C. twards朝向,当一位学生"信任"她时。Vancy为男孩的父亲捐肾。故选A.
    (15)B.考查动词及语境理解。A. scared 使害怕; C. cmfrted安慰; 。句意:但是, 这位老师超越了她的职责,升华了坚守诺言的主题
    t live,why,signs,directin,is stlen,yurself,equipped,a,Having,t
    (1)t live.考查不定式,没有GPS设备生活越来越困难,所以用不定式作真正主语 live.
    (5)is stlen.考查时态语态,你就能在被盗时追踪到它,所以用被动语态,所以用一般现在时态,故填is
    (10)t.考查介词。句意:如果你还没有GPS设备。hurry t sme place匆忙去某地
    The Cming﹣f﹣Age Ceremny
    Last Mnday witnessed an exciting Cming﹣f﹣Age Ceremny.(话题)
    All the Senir Three students gathered n the playgrund at 7:00 sharp in the mrning. (活动时间、地点)There were varius activities t celebrate the cming 18﹣year﹣ld birthday. One f them was walking acrss Lngmen, which means a brilliant future waiting fr us diligent students. 【高分句型一】What impressed me mst was the mment when all f us made an ath abut what shuld be dne as civilized yuths.【高分句型二】(活动内容)
    Thanks t the ceremny, I realize I have grwn up and I shuld be self﹣disciplined and respnsible fr my behavir.(个人感悟)
    高分句型一:One f them was walking acrss Lngmen, which means a brilliant future waiting fr us diligent students.
    高分句型二:What impressed me mst was the mment when all f us made an ath abut what shuld be dne as civilized yuths.
    分析:这句话使用what引导主语从句。when引导定语从句修饰the mment.
    The Cming﹣f﹣Age Ceremny
    Last Mnday witnessed an exciting Cming﹣f﹣Age Ceremny.(话题)
    All the Senir Three students gathered n the playgrund at 7:00 sharp in the mrning. (活动时间、地点)There were varius activities t celebrate the cming 18﹣year﹣ld birthday. One f them was walking acrss Lngmen, which means a brilliant future waiting fr us diligent students. 【高分句型一】What impressed me mst was the mment when all f us made an ath abut what shuld be dne as civilized yuths.【高分句型二】(活动内容)
    Thanks t the ceremny, I realize I have grwn up and I shuld be self﹣disciplined and respnsible fr my behavir.(个人感悟)
    As Susan hurried hme, this cnflict went n in her mind. When she passed thrugh the gate, the wrds f the Glden Rule rang in her ears. Turning arund quickly?" shuted the cld fellw angrily, yu gave me tw bills," she said in a trembling vice. "Tw bills? Let me see. Well? Yu want t keep it yurself,想到妈妈的教导
    Susan's face became red with embarrassment and annyance. Tears rlling dwn her cheeks, she ludly argued that she returned it almst the mment she discvered the truth. 【高分句型一】Jasn lked at the child, he drew ut a few cins and handed them t her. "N," sbbed Susan, Jasn said srry t her,同时Jasn对于Susan回答的反应)
    高分句型一:Tears rlling dwn her cheeks, she ludly argued that she returned it almst the mment she discvered the truth.
    分析:这句话使用独立主格结构,that引导宾语从句,the mment引导时间状语从句。
    高分句型二:Never wuld she frget her mther's Glden rule in her life.
    As Susan hurried hme, this cnflict went n in her mind. When she passed thrugh the gate, the wrds f the Glden Rule rang in her ears. Turning arund quickly?" shuted the cld fellw angrily, yu gave me tw bills," she said in a trembling vice. "Tw bills? Let me see. Well? Yu want t keep it yurself,想到妈妈的教导
    Susan's face became red with embarrassment and annyance. Tears rlling dwn her cheeks, she ludly argued that she returned it almst the mment she discvered the truth. 【高分句型一】Jasn lked at the child, he drew ut a few cins and handed them t her. "N," sbbed Susan, Jasn said srry t her,同时Jasn对于Susan回答的反应)

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