In life, once on a path, we tend to follow it, for better or worse. What’s sad is that even if it’s the latter, we often follow a certain path anyway because we are used to the way things are that we don’t even recognize that they could be different. Psychologists call this phenomenon functional fixedness.
This classic experiment will give you an idea of how it works — and a sense of whether you may have fallen into the same trap:
People are given a box of tacks (大头钉) and some matches and asked to find a way to attach a candle to a wall so that it burns properly. Typically, the subjects try tacking the candle to the wall or lighting it to fix it with melted wax (石蜡). The tacks are too short, and the candle doesn’t fasten to the wall. So how can you accomplish the task? The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candle holder. You empty it, tack it to the wall, and stand the candle inside it.
To think of that, you have to look beyond the box's usual role as a container just for tacks and reimagine it serving an entirely new purpose. That is difficult because we all suffer — to one degree or another — from functional fixedness. The inability to think in new ways affects people in every corner of society. The political theorist Hannah Arend coined the phrase frozen thoughts to describe deeply held ideas that we no longer question but should. In Arendt’s eyes, the complacent reliance on such accepted “truths” also made people blind to ideas that didn’t fit their worldview, even when there was ample evidence for them. Frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence, she said, “It can be found in highly intelligent people.”
Another context in which frozen thinking can turn truly dangerous is medicine. If you land in the hospital, it’s natural to want to be treated by the most experienced physicians on staff. But according to a 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), you’d be better off being treated by the relative novices.
1.What does “functional fixedness” mean?
2.How is the candle attached to the wall?
3.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Frozen thinking is common among ordinary people as well as those with high although frozen thinking has much to do with intelligence.
4.How can you avoid frozen thoughts in your daily life? (In about 40 words)
Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months. Unlike other types of depression, it may improve as spring comes on. It is often a periodic recurring disorder—you’ll feel depressed every winter and begin to feel better each spring. SAD depression is caused by lowered levels of serotonin, the mood-affecting brain chemical that is caused by seasonal changes in daylight. Shorter days may also disrupt the body’s biological clock, which upsets the balance of melatonin, the hormone which regulates mood and sleep patterns.
Seasonal affective disorder is far more common in northern climates, where days can be very short in winter. SAD affects more women than men and is more likely to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that.
Although any amount of outdoor light can help raise serotonin levels, getting light in the morning seems to offer the most benefit. If the weather permits, take a walk. In your home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south. Replacing light bulbs in your home with full spectrum light bulbs can help because they give out light similar to sunlight.
Studies have shown that increasing your exercise routine can counteract SAD.Exercise raises levels of serotonin. Moderate exercise, which means neither too much nor too little exercise, such as walking, riding a stationary bike or swimming is a great way to get started. But any activities that raise your heart rate, including daily chores, can help, especially if you can do them outdoors or near a sunny window. Yoga, jogging and Tai chi can all help lift your mood.
Year-end panic refers to the self-blame and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year’s end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure from work and family. Psychological experts suggest that we should avoid peer competition. While regretting for the failed plans in the past year, you can still make resolution to do it better in the coming year.
1.According to the passage, what is SAD?
2.Who are more likely to suffer from SAD?
3.Please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
Increasing exercise routine can fight against SAD, and people should do a large amount of exercise to get started.
4.Seasons bring not only depression but also happiness. Which season can cheer you up? And why? (In about 40 words)
The Chinese capital, the first city in the world to host the summer and the winter Olympic Games, has come up with innovative high-tech standards for Beijing 2022, delivering China’s promise to hold a “simple, safe and splendid” event.
As the Winter Olympic Games continue in China, some of the different technologies are being used in Beijing. Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to the high-tech cabins (房舱) at the Beijing media centre. The 20 sleep rest cabins were developed by China’s Keeson Technology Corp, and with a simple scan of their phones, journalists can use them for power naps for up to an hour.
The spacious cabins are equipped with the same type of beds provided for the athletes. The smart beds with sensors can collect information on things like breathing and heart rates. Users can adjust the position of the beds, which have a massage setting, by using a remote control or their phone. The beds also have controls to permit users to choose different sleeping positions, including one called “zero gravity”, which is especially designed for the Beijing Winter Games. Raising the head 15 degrees and legs by 35 degrees is beneficial for blood circulation and able to help the users to relieve stress and get a good night sleep. So far, thirty to forty people a day have used the cabins at the Beijing media centre. The cabins are fully cleaned after each use.
The sleep rest cabins are just one of a number of innovations at the Games. The city has gone to great lengths to make the Winter Olympics a smart sports experience.
1.According to the passage, what high-tech equipment is provided to journalists at the Beijing media centre?
2.How do you understand the underlined part "power naps" in the second paragraph?
3.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
The smart beds have many functions, such as treating breathing and heart diseases, providing massage setting and permitting zero gravity sleeping position.
4.There are many other high-tech products used in our daily life. Please introduce another high-tech product. (In about 40 words)
Some people see colours when they hear different sounds. Others see colours when they see words and numbers printed in black and white. These interesting people are called synaesthetes, and what they experience is called synaesthesia.
A study at the University of Sussex is finding out how learning to see sounds as colours or think of letters in colour could improve your IQ and memory. One of the study leaders, Dr Bor says that carrying out these tests has given them the opportunity to find out more about how people use different kinds of memory.
Dr Bor based his latest research around something scientists already know a lot about—" chunking". He explains that this is a way of breaking large pieces of information into smaller units, to make it easier to remember. "When I give you my phone number, 01274737215, you probably remember it as 012 74 7372 15, or something similar. If you can remember 012 and the first 74, you can remember the rest. You can get some amazing benefits from chunking!"
This is really important for understanding synaesthesia. Dr Bor says that synaesthesia adds extra information to things that are difficult to remember, such as letters and numbers, or extra colours. This helps us remember things better. And Dr Bor's own study of one amazing person, who has both synaesthesia and a very strong memory advantage, supports this idea as well.
The study began as a way to test whether synaesthesia is connected to greater abilities to do certain things and aimed to create a way of learning synaesthesia to develop benefits for everyone. After training, people were able to pass the normal synaesthesia tests, and their IQ jumped up about 12 points! But Dr Bor says they need to test the increase in IQ with different groups of people apart from clever students who took part in this study.
1.According to the passage, when do people experience synaesthesia?
2.How can synaesthesia help improve memory?
3.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why?
Dr Bor has proved that the IQ of people from different groups was able to improve about 12 points after learning synaesthesia.
4.Besides synaesthesia, what do you think are some other ways to improve your memory?(In about 40 words)
Liberal Arts’ Hidden Value
If you have to pick one, who do you think made greater contributions to the world: physicist Isaac Newton or philosopher Aristotle?
Chances are that you’d find it hard to make a decision. But when choosing a major in college, the line between the two areas couldn’t be clearer. Science majors, such as technology, engineering, math, are considered to be more practical choices because of the wealth of opportunities, while those who choose a liberal arts (文科) major—language, music, philosophy—may have more difficulty finding a job.
But perhaps we should look at liberal arts studies in another way to understand its value. In the documentary Civilizations, for example, presenters (主持人) take us to 31 countries to appreciate human creativity, such as the Great Wall and the Pyramids. To Simon Schama, one of the presenters, human civilization isn’t just about technology, but about liberal arts or creating things to leave a person’s mark of their existence for future humans to witness and admire.
By comparing science and liberal arts, we’re drawing “an artificial line” between the two, said Loretta Jackson, an associate professor at Rhodes College in Memphis, US. And to some of the greatest innovators (革新者) in history, this line never existed. Leonardo da Vinci, for example, was an outstanding scientist and painter. He was so interested in biology and anatomy (解剖学) that he drew the famous Vitruvian Man, which perfectly shows proportions (比例) of the human body. Then there’s Steve Jobs, who is an engineer and also an artist. He summarized the relationship between science and arts: “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—it’s technology married with liberal arts that brings us what makes our heart sing.”
1.Why is science more attractive when students choose a major in college?
2.According to Simon Schama, what is the value of liberal arts in human civilization?
3.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
►Steve Jobs concluded that technology contributed to Apple’s success, but liberal arts played a more important role.
4.What major will you choose in college? Explain your reasons. (In about 40 words)
1.It means we are used to the way things are that we don’t even recognize that they could be different.
2.The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candleholder. You empty it, tack it to the wall,and stand the candle inside it.
3.Frozen thinking is common among ordinary people as well as those with high although frozen thinking has much to do with intelligence. Because frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence.
4.There are two ways to avoid frozen thoughts. Firstly, I can talk to people who disagree with me, which is good for my brain. What’s more, I always think outside the box, which can broaden my thinking in countless ways.
1.考查细节理解。根据第一段的“What’s sad is that even if it’s the latter, we often follow a certain path anyway because we are used to the way things are that we don’t even recognize that they could be different. Psychologists call this phenomenon functional fixedness.(可悲的是,即使是后者,我们通常还是会走一条特定的道路,因为我们已经习惯了事物本来的样子,甚至没有意识到它们可能是不同的。心理学家称这种现象为功能性固着)”可知,功能固着指的习惯了事物本来的样子,甚至没有意识到它们可能是不同的。故答案为It means we are used to the way things are that we don’t even recognize that they could be different.
2.考查细节理解。根据第三段的“The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candle holder. You empty it, tack it to the wall, and stand the candle inside it.(成功的方法是把大头钉盒当作烛台。你把它倒空,钉在墙上,把蜡烛放在里面)”可知,成功的方法是把大头钉盒当作烛台。你把它倒空,钉在墙上,把蜡烛放在里面。故答案为The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candleholder. You empty it, tack it to the wall,and stand the candle inside it.
3.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段的“Frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence, she said, “It can be found in highly intelligent people.”(她说,思维僵化与智力无关,‘它可以在高智商的人身上找到。’)”可知,“Frozen thinking is common among ordinary people as well as those with high although frozen thinking has much to do with intelligence.(思维僵化在普通人和高智商人群中很常见,尽管思维僵化与智力有很大关系)”的错误之处是has much to do with intelligence,因为思维僵化和智力无关。故答案为Frozen thinking is common among ordinary people as well as those with high although frozen thinking has much to do with intelligence. Because frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence.
4.开放性问题。题干意为“你如何避免日常生活中的思维僵化?”,结合文章内容,答案符合逻辑即可,注意字数。例如:There are two ways to avoid frozen thoughts. Firstly, I can talk to people who disagree with me, which is good for my brain. What’s more, I always think outside the box, which can broaden my thinking in countless ways.
二、1.It is Seasonal affective disorder/It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months./It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months, and may improve as spring comes on.
2.Women and people under age 40./SAD affects more women than men and is more likely to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that./People with lowered levels of serotonin.
3.Increasing exercise routine can fight against SAD, and people should do a large amount of exercise to get started. According to the passage, moderate exercise is a great way to get started. But people shouldn’t do too much exercise in the beginning.
4.Spring can cheer me up because it’s neither too cold nor too hot. First, spring can relieve the bleak feeling of winter. Besides, spring gives people a hopeful sense of recovery. Finally, There are many flowers that bloom in spring, which are very beautiful.
1.考查细节理解。根据第一段中“Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months. Unlike other types of depression, it may improve as spring comes on.(季节性情绪紊乱症(SAD)是一种发生在或开始于冬季的抑郁症。与其他类型的抑郁症不同,它可能会随着春天的到来而改善)”可知,SAD是一种发生在或开始于冬季的抑郁症。/这是一种在冬季开始的抑郁症,并且可能会随着春天的到来而改善。故答案为It is Seasonal affective disorder/It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months./It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months, and may improve as spring comes on.
2.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“SAD affects more women than men and is more likely to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that.(女性比男性更容易患SAD,40岁以下的人比40岁以上的人更容易患SAD)”可知,容易患SAD的人有:妇女和40岁以下的人。 SAD影响的女性比男性多,40岁以下的人比40岁以上的人更有可能发生。血清素水平较低的人。故答案为Women and people under age 40./SAD affects more women than men and is more likely to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that./People with lowered levels of serotonin.
3.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中“Exercise raises levels of serotonin. Moderate exercise, which means neither too much nor too little exercise, such as walking, riding a stationary bike or swimming is a great way to get started.(运动可以提高血清素的水平。适度的运动,也就是既不要做太多也不要做太少的运动,比如走路、骑健身车或游泳都是很好的开始方式)”可知,错误的部分为“people should do a large amount of exercise to get started”,根据这篇文章,适度的锻炼是一个开始的好方法。但是人们不应该在开始的时候做太多的运动。故答案为Increasing exercise routine can fight against SAD, and people should do a large amount of exercise to get started. According to the passage, moderate exercise is a great way to get started. So people shouldn’t do too much exercise in the beginning.
4.本题为开放性题目,言之有理即可。题干:季节不仅带来抑郁,但也快乐。哪个季节能让你高兴起来?为什么?可回答:春天可以使我高兴起来,因为它既不太冷也不太热。首先,春天可以缓解冬天的凄凉感。此外,春天给人一种充满希望的恢复感。最后,有许多花在春天盛开,非常美丽的。故答案为Spring can cheer me up because it’s neither too cold nor too hot. First, spring can relieve the bleak feeling of winter. Besides, spring gives people a hopeful sense of recovery. Finally, There are many flowers that bloom in spring, which are very beautiful.
三、1.The high-tech cabins.
2.A short relaxing sleep that makes users relieve stress.
3.The smart beds have many functions, such as treating breathing and heart diseases, providing massage setting and permitting zero gravity sleeping position. Because the smart beds with sensors can collect information on things like breathing and heart rates.
4.I want to introduce sweeping robots to you. Sweeping robots play a role in our daily life. They can help us to sweep the floor cleanly and charge automatically, which save our time and energy.
1.考查细节理解。根据第二段“Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to the high-tech cabins (房舱) at the Beijing media centre. (报道冬奥会的记者们有机会在工作中睡觉,这要归功于北京媒体中心的高科技舱房。)”可知,北京媒体中心为记者们提供了高科技舱房。故答案为The high-tech cabins.。
2.考查词句猜测。根据第二段“Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to the high-tech cabins (房舱) at the Beijing media centre. (报道冬奥会的记者们有机会在工作中睡觉,这要归功于北京媒体中心的高科技舱房。)”及“for up to an hour (长达一个小时)”及第三段“Raising the head 15 degrees and legs by 35 degrees is beneficial for blood circulation and able to help the users to relieve stress and get a good night sleep. (将头部抬高15度,将腿部抬高35度,有利于血液循环,能够帮助使用者缓解压力,睡个好觉。)”可知,高科技舱房的设计是为了使冬奥会的记者们有机会在工作中睡一个小时的觉,并帮助使用者缓解压力。故推知power naps的意思是“让人放松和减轻压力的小睡”。故答案为A short relaxing sleep that makes users relieve stress.
3.考查细节理解。根据第三段“The smart beds with sensors can collect information on things like breathing and heart rates. Users can adjust the position of the beds, which have a massage setting, by using a remote control or their phone. The beds also have controls to permit users to choose different sleeping positions, including one called “zero gravity”, which is especially designed for the Beijing Winter Games. (带有传感器的智能床可以收集有关呼吸和心率等信息。用户可以使用遥控器或手机调整具有按摩设置的床的位置。床还具有控件,允许用户选择不同的睡眠姿势,包括一个称为“零重力”的睡姿,这是专门为北京冬季奥运会设计的。)”可知,智能床可以提供按摩、支持“零重力”睡姿、收集有关呼吸和心率等信息。但并不能治疗呼吸和心脏疾病。故答案为The smart beds have many functions, such as treating breathing and heart diseases, providing massage setting and permitting zero gravity sleeping position. Because the smart beds with sensors can collect information on things like breathing and heart rates.
4.考查开放性试题。故答案为I want to introduce sweeping robots to you. Sweeping robots play a role in our daily life. They can help us to sweep the floor cleanly and charge automatically, which save our time and energy.
四、1.People experience Synaesthesia when they see colours while hearing different sounds or seeing words and numbers printed in black and white.
2.By adding extra information to things that are difficult to remember, such as letters and numbers, or extra colours.
3.Dr Bor has proved that the IQ of people from different groups was able to improve about12 points after learning synaesthesia.
Dr Bor has proved that clever students’ IQ was able to jump up about 12 points after learning synaesthesia.
Dr Bor says they need to test the increase in IQ with different groups of people apart from clever students who took part in this study.
4.言之有理即可。Possible answer:In order to improve our memory we can do new things and change our daily habits to keep our brain active. We can also try to memorize something new and play Maths puzzle to get lots of regular exercise.
1.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Some people see colours when they hear different sounds. Others see colours when they see words and numbers printed in black and white. These interesting people are called synaesthetes, and what they experience is called synaesthesia.(有些人听到不同的声音时会看到颜色。其他人看到黑白印刷的单词和数字时会看到颜色。这些有趣的人被称为通感者,他们所经历的被称为通感。)”可知,当人们听到不同的声音,或看到黑白印刷的单词和数字时能看到颜色,就会产生通感。故答案为People experience Synaesthesia when they see colours while hearing different sounds or seeing words and numbers printed in black and white.
2.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Dr Bor says that synaesthesia adds extra information to things that are difficult to remember, such as letters and numbers, or extra colours.(博尔博士说,通感为难以记忆的事物增加了额外的信息,例如字母和数字,或额外的颜色。)”可知,通感能提升记忆力是通过为难以记忆的事物增加了额外的信息,例如字母和数字,或者额外的颜色,故答案为By adding extra information to things that are difficult to remember, such as letters and numbers, or extra colours.
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“After training, people were able to pass the normal synaesthesia tests, and their IQ jumped up about 12 points! But Dr Bor says they need to test the increase in IQ with different groups of people apart from clever students who took part in this study(经过训练,人们能够通过正常的通感测试,他们的智商提高了约12分!但是博尔博士说,除了参加这项研究的聪明学生之外,他们还需要对不同人群的智商增长进行测试)”可知,测试后能提高约12分的是聪明的学生,而他们还需要对不同人群的智商增长进行测试,故答案为Dr Bor has proved that the IQ of people from different groups was able to improve about12 points after learning synaesthesia. Dr Bor has proved that clever students’ IQ was able to jump up about 12 points after learning synaesthesia. Dr Bor says they need to test the increase in IQ with different groups of people apart from clever students who took part in this study.
4.开放试题。Possible answer:In order to improve our memory we can do new things and change our daily habits to keep our brain active. We can also try to memorize something new and play Maths puzzle to get lots of regular exercise.(为了提高我们的记忆力,我们可以做新的事情,改变我们的日常习惯,以保持我们的大脑活跃。我们也可以试着记住一些新的东西,玩数学谜题来得到很多有规律的锻炼)言之有理即可。
五、1.Because it offers many opportunities.
2.The value of liberal arts in human civilization lies in the fact that it leaves a person’s mark of their existence for future humans to witness and admire.
3.Steve Jobs concluded that technology contributed to Apple’s success, but liberal arts played a more important role.
4.I will choose science majors in college, because it offers many opportunities and enables me to find a good job after graduation. If I choose liberal arts majors, it is possible that I won’t find jobs.
1.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Science majors, such as technology, engineering, math, are considered to be more practical choices because of the wealth of opportunities(科学专业,如技术、工程、数学,被认为是更实际的选择,因为机会丰富)”可知,学生在大学选择专业时,科学更有吸引力是因为它提供了很多机会,即Because it offers many opportunities。故答案为Because it offers many opportunities。
2.细节理解题。根据第三段的“To Simon Schama, one of the presenters, human civilization isn’t just about technology, but about liberal arts or creating things to leave a person’s mark of their existence for future humans to witness and admire.(对主持人之一Simon Schama来说,人类文明不仅与技术有关,还与人文艺术或创造东西有关,这些东西能留下一个人的存在印记,供未来的人类见证和欣赏)”可知,西蒙·沙玛认为,人文学科在人类文明中的价值是这些东西能留下一个人的存在印记,供未来的人类见证和欣赏,答案为“The value of liberal arts in human civilization lies in the fact that it leaves a person’s mark of their existence for future humans to witness and admire”,故答案为The value of liberal arts in human civilization lies in the fact that it leaves a person’s mark of their existence for future humans to witness and admire。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—it’s technology married with liberal arts that brings us what makes our heart sing.(在苹果的DNA中,只有技术是不够的,只有技术与人文艺术结合,才能让我们的心歌唱)”可知,Steve Jobs的意思是技术和人文艺术要结合,而没有说谁比谁更重要,因此错误的部分是“played a more important role”。故答案为Steve Jobs concluded that technology contributed to Apple’s success, but liberal arts played a more important role。
4.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“Science majors, such as technology, engineering, math, are considered to be more practical choices because of the wealth of opportunities, while those who choose a liberal arts (文科) major—language, music, philosophy—may have more difficulty finding a job.(科学专业,如技术、工程、数学,被认为是更实际的选择,因为机会丰富,而那些选择文科专业(语言、音乐、哲学)的人可能更难找到工作)”及个人想法可知,在大学我会选择科学专业,因为它提供了很多机会,能让我在毕业后找到一份好工作。如果我选择文科专业,有可能找不到工作,故答案为I will choose science majors in college, because it offers many opportunities and enables me to find a good job after graduation. If I choose liberal arts majors, it is possible that I won’t find jobs。
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