


英语六年级上册Unit 4 Accidents教学设计
展开Unit4 Accidents教学设计
1. 掌握不规则的动词过去式was, had, broke, went, cut, put, found, came, saw, fell等。
2. 能初步理解和运用过去时的一般疑问句Did he/she...?及其回答。
3. 能根据图片和听到的句子补全对话What’s the matter with you? My ... hurt(s). 并能运用句型交流有关伤痛的信息。
4. 能根据图片,按照故事情节发展给句子排序,并讲述故事。
5. 能借助图片读懂故事Bad luck for Tony,并能够正确朗读和表演。
6. 了解人称代词he和物主代词his的意义与基本用法。
7. 能学唱英语歌曲Take care。
1. Look, listen and read.看一看,听一听,读一读。
Step l老师利用图片或课件创设情境,引出本单元话题:Accidents,学生理解并学说单词。
Step 2学生打开课本到第32页,仔细观察两幅图片,老师可以用问题引导学生初步理解,如:Who are they? Are they OK? What’s the matter? 等。
Step 3老师播放录音,学生感知短文内容。
Step 4老师再次播放录音,学生在图片的提示下,理解短文内容。老师可以设计一些问题以引导学生深入理解短文,如判断对错。
- Joel had an accident when he was eight.
- He broke his head and his left arm.
- He was in hospital for five weeks.
- Joseph was on holiday with his parents last year.
- He cut his hand when he went swimming.
- His mum put a bandage round his foot.
Step 5 师生共同核对答案,老师借助图片和课件帮助学生理解并学说新单词broke, cut, broken, bottle, bandage等。
Step 6老师设计动词原形与过去式配对的活动,帮助学生初步学习不规则动词的过去式:go—went, is/am—was, have—had, break—broke, cut—cut, put—put等。
Step 7 学生自主阅读短文,老师可以设计相应的活动帮助学生巩固短文内容,如: Choose and fill in the blanks.
broke, had, hospital, was, right, bike |
When Joel _______eight, he_________an accident with his. He_______his leg and his _______arm. He was in_________for four weeks.
went, put, cut, parents, bottle |
Last year Joseph was on holiday with his ________. One day he______ swimming.
He _______his foot on a broken ________.His mum ________a bandage round it
Step 8 学生在老师的指导下按意群进行朗读。
When I was eight, I had an accident with my bike. I broke my leg and my right arm. I was in hospital for four weeks.
Last year I was on holiday with my parents. One day I went swimming. I cut my foot on a broken bottle. My mum put a bandage round it.
2. Fill in he or his. Then read and check.填一填,读一读,核答案。
Step l老师设计一些活动,帮助学生复习和巩固人称代词、物主代词he/his,she/her
_______ (His/Her) name is Mike.
_______ (He/His) is ten year old.
_______ (His/Her) name is Fu Xuetong.
_______ (He/She) likes reading.
Step 2 学生打开课本到第32页,自主阅读小短文,完成填空练习。老师巡视指导。
Step 3 师生共同核对答案。
Step 4 学生大声朗读短文,老师注意引导学生按意群进行朗读。
Step 5老师提问,学生根据第一、二部分的短文内容进行回答,如:
T: Did Joel have an accident when he was eight? Ss: Yes.
T: Did he break his left arm? Ss: No. He broke his right arm.
Step 6重复以上对话几次,确保学生理解问句,然后引导学生尝试用句子Did he…? 提问。
Step 7采取师生对话、学生对话等多种形式操练对话。
Step 8学生同桌活动,互相问答,交流以上短文内容。
Step 9根据学生的活动情况,请2-3组学生进行展示。
1. he, his, He, his, his, He 2. his, he, He, his
3a. Look at the pictures. Put the sentences in the correct order.看一看,写序号。
3b. Listen and check.听一听,核答案。
3c. Listen again and read.听一听,读一读。
Step l 利用课件或图片,逐步呈现故事中的场景,引导学生进行预测和想象,如:
What can you see in the picture? What did the children see?
What can you see in the picture? What did the children see?
What did the children Who did they call? Did the police come quickly?
want to do?
Who was at the window? What did he want to do?
What happened then?
在这个过程中,老师应鼓励学生大胆想象和表达,不要纠正学生的时态错误。 Step 2老师根据学生对于故事的想象和描述进行归纳,伴以体态语对故事进行描 述。学生初步理解故事情节,在这个过程中,体会动词过去式的变化: break—broke, find—found, come—came, see—saw, fall—fell, call—called, go—went, put—put, want—wanted.
Step 3 学生打开课本到33页,在老师的指导下看图,认读句子,将图片和相应的句子配对,并标号。老师可以先示范,根据图片内容,寻找相应的句子标号, 如:
1. The children went to Mr Snow’s house.
Step 4 老师播放录音,学生感知故事内容,并自己核对答案。
Step 5 再次播放录音,师生共同核对答案。可以利用课件,将图片和句子配对。 Step 6 第三次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,进一步熟悉故事内容。
Step 7 老师采取不同形式,帮助学生看图复述故事,如根据中心词提示复述故事等。
1.__________went to_________ 2._________ a ladder__________
Step 8 老师示范,看图复述故事,注意引导学生,不一定完全按书上的句子,如: The children went to a house. There was a ladder in the garden (in front of the house).等等。
Step 9 学生两人一组,指图复述故事。老师巡视指导。
Step 10 根据学生的练习情况,请2-3组学生进行演示。
The children went to Mr Snow’s house.
They found a ladder in his garden.
They called the police.
The police came quickly.
They put the ladder away.
The children and the police saw a man at the window.
The man wanted to get down the ladder.
He fell from the window.
The man broke his right leg.
9 3 1 5 7 2 4 6 8
4. Listen and sing the song. 听一听,唱一唱。
Step l老师播放录音,并利用体态语帮助学生初步感知歌曲内容。
Step 2老师再次播放录音,出示一组课件或图片,帮助学生理解歌曲内容,并利用几组形成对比的图片,帮助学生理解歌曲名Take care,如:小心翼翼地走路和不小心摔跤的;闯红灯的和遵守交通规则的等。
Step 3分段理解和学习歌曲内容。
第一步:1) 播放歌曲第一、二段,可采取选择正确图片的方式帮助学生理解并请学生学习说歌词,如:Which one is safe?
在核对答案的过程中,引导学生学说:rule,safe, wear your helmet, put on your pads等,并初步了解祈使句:Listen. Take care ... Keep to these rules. Wear ... Don’t forget to…等。
2) 学唱歌曲第一、二段。
第二步:1) 播放歌曲第三、四、五段,采用同样的方法帮助学生理解,并
让学生学习说歌词:put on your belt, look left and right in the street, please remember to ...等。
2) 学唱歌曲第三、四、五段。
Step 4第四次播放录音,学生完整地学唱歌曲,并配以简单的动作。
Step 5利用图片或课件呈现生活中的规则,师生共同合作,改编歌曲。
Step 6学生分组活动,自主选择学习任务:演唱歌曲或创编歌曲。
Step 7老师可根据学生的分组活动情况,选出2-3组进行表演和展示,并给予积极的评价。
Take care
Listen, everybody
To what I have to say.
Listen well
And keep to these rules.
Hey, hey!
Take care when you ride your bike.
Wear your helmet so that you’re safe.
Take care when you rollerblade.
Don’t forget to put on your pads.
Listen, everybody
To what I have to say.
Listen well
And keep to these rules.
Hey, hey!
There is another thing I want to say.
Please remember to put on your belt.
When you ride in a car.
Oh, yeah!
And look left and right in the street.
Listen, everybody
To what I have to say.
Listen well
And keep to these rules.
Hey, hey!
5. A story—Bad luck for Tony.故事——托尼的坏运气。
Step l老师利用课件或图片,节选故事中的几个场景,引导学生对故事情节进行预测,在这个过程中,充分发挥学生的想象力,老师应给予学生积极的鼓励和评价。如:
Step 2老师播放录音,学生边听边看图片,初步感知故事大意。引导学生说出故事名字Bad luck for Tony。
Step 3老师再次播放录音,引导学生边听边思考,并核对图片排序的结果。
Step 4老师引导学生逐步学习故事。
通过填空、问答等方式帮助学生理解故事第一部分,如:Where does Tony’s family go? What is Tony going to do? What’s the matter with Tony? 等。引导学生在故事中理解和学说单词campsite, blood等。
老师引导学生自己阅读故事第二部分,回答问题,如:What does Tony need? Does the people there help them? Why? Who helps them? Is there a doctor in the village? Where is the doctor? 并有感情地朗读人物对话。老师可采用将人物图片和所说的话连线、判断正误等方式,引导学生理解故事第三部分。
Step 5老师再一次播放录音,学生跟读故事,注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。
Step 6老师设计不同的活动,让学生自主选择,如:1)六人一组,分角色、有感 情地读课文;2)选择故事中的某一个部分,表演故事;3)在图片和板书的提示下,小组内合作,完整地表演故事。
Step 7 老师选1-2组学生进行展示,并给予积极的评价。
(The Harris family went on holiday.)
Attendant: Welcome. Here's your key.
Mum: This is a lovely campsite. Let’s stay here for a while.
Tony: Yes, let’s do that. The beach looks great for snorkelling.
(Several days later)
Tony: I'm going down to the beach.
Mum: OK.
(Half an hour later)
Mum: Oh, no! There is blood on your foot.
Tony: I cut my foot down at the beach.
Dad: Let me see. It’s a deep cut. You need a doctor.
Mum: Here is a bandage.
Tony: Ouch, that hurts!
Dad: Excuse me, is there a doctor in the village?
(The people in the village didn’t understand English.)
(Finally Tony's dad finds a boy and a girl who speak English.)
Dad: Excuse me, is there a doctor in the village?
Girl: No, there isn't, but there is one in the next village.
Boy: I can come with you and show you.
Dad: That’s very kind.
Doctor: Your cut needs or six stitches. It mil hurt.
Tony: OK.
Tony: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: That’s all right. Was it bad?
Tony: Well...
Doctor: No swimming for a week, OK?
(Tony couldn’t go snorkelling, but he wasn’t unhappy. The boy and the girl from the often came and played games with him.)
(Two weeks later)
Girl: Don’t forget to write.
Tony: No, I won’t.
Boy: See you again next year.
6. Complete the dialogues. Then listen and check.完成对话,听一听,核答案。
Step l 老师利用图片或体态语创设情境,引导学生理解并学习对话:What’s the matter with you? My ... hurt(s).并在情境中操练对话。
Step 2 学生打开课本到第37页,在老师的引导下看图,根据问题What’s the matter with...?回答His/Her...hurt(s).
Step 3 学生在图片的提示下,独立完成补全对话的练习。
Step 4 老师播放录音,学生自己核对答案。
Step 5 老师再次播放录音,师生共同核对答案,理解句子:I’ve got earache. I’ve cut my finger.
Step 6 学生听录音,跟读对话,模仿语音、语调。
Step 7 学生分角色朗读对话。
Step 8 老师根据学生的学习情况,让学生表演对话,或创设其他情境,创编对话。 录音稿:
Doctor: What's the matter with you?
Sue: My knee hurts.
Doctor: What’s the matter with you?
Peter: I’ve got earache.
Doctor: What’s the matter with you?
Liz: My arm hurts.
Doctor: What’s the matter with you?
Tony: I've cut my finger.
答案:Peter: I’ve got earache.
Liz: My arm hurts.
Tony: I’ve cut my finger.
7. Read the safety poster. Then design your own safety poster. 读一读,设计海报。
Step l 老师利用图片或课件创设情境,帮助学生理解并学说单词safety。
Step 2 学生打开课本到第37页,在老师的引导和文字的提示下,自己读出poster的内容:Safety is as easy as ABC ... Always be careful.并在老师的带领下重复几次,直到能熟练朗读为止。
Step 3老师示范,引导学生自己设计一个关于安全的海报,可图文并茂,可用如Safety is as important as our eyes.等句子。
Step 4学生互相讨论后,请几位学生试着说说自己的句子。老师应给予积极的鼓励和恰当的指导。
Step 5学生小组合作,设计自己的海报,老师巡视指导。
Step 6老师根据学生的活动情况,请几组学生展示并介绍自己的海报。
- Situation 1: hospital/opposite the park/broken leg/plaster
Situation 2: doctor/next to the police station/problem with her arm/bandage
- I, was, on, holiday, in, broke, my, went, to, the, doctor, put, my, in, plaster
- Picture 1: 12, 6
Picture 2: 2, 5/7
Picture 3: 3, 10, 1, 4
Picture 4: 9, 7/5
Picture 5: 11, 8
Picture 6: 13
1. 录音稿:
Situation 1
Tourist 1: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital?
Woman: The hospital …er …yes. Go straight ahead. It’s not far from here. At the end of this road, on the left. It’s the big yellow building opposite the park.
Tourist 1: Straight ahead. The big yellow building on the left, opposite the park.
Thanks a lot.
Woman: You’re welcome.
Tourist 1: How are you now, Philip?
Philip: It hurts, Dad. I hope we’ll get to the hospital soon.
Tourist 1: It must be here. Careful, Philip.
Philip: Ouch.
Doctor 1: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Tourist 1: Good afternoon, doctor. We are on holiday here. This is my son, Philip. Doctor 1: Hello, Philip.
Philip: Good afternoon.
Doctor 1: What’s the matter with you, Philip?
Philip: My leg. I was playing football…and now ...
Doctor 1: Let me see. Mm.
Philip: Ouch!
Doctor 1: Does it hurt a lot?
Philip: Yes. Ouch.
Doctor 1: That’s OK. It’s broken, I’m afraid. We’ll put it in plaster. And you can’t play football for six weeks.
Philip: OK. Thanks, doctor.
Situation 2
Tourist 2: Excuse me, is there a doctor in this village?
Man: Yes, the doctor’s house is over there. Next to the police station.
Doctor 2: Hello, please come in. What can I do for you?
Tourist 2: This is my daughter, Susan. She went for a bike ride yesterday evening.
And she had a little accident. Now her arm hurts.
Doctor 2: Hello, Susan.
Susan: Hello, doctor.
Doctor 2: Sit down here, please. Mm, yes, I can understand that it hurts.
Fortunately you arm isn’t broken. I'll put a bandage round it. I think that looks OK now. And here is some medicine for Susan as well
Tourist 2: Thanks, doctor.
Doctor 2: Please come back in a week.
Tourist 2: Thanks a lot, doctor.
Doctor 2: No problem. All the best, Susan. You’ll be OK again soon. Bye now. Susan: Bye-bye.
Tourist 2: Bye.
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