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    College is an exciting time and place for young adults, but it can also be unsettling. Thankfully, there are plenty of books to help your children make a smooth transition(转变) to living independently and navigating the world of higher education.
    Every Body Looking
    by Candice Iloh
    Going to college means that Ada will be living away from her family for the first time in her life. The distance gives her anxiety, but breathing room, too. She has the opportunity to reflect on her upbringing, her family's expectations, and what she wants for herself. This National Book Award Finalist is about a young woman figuring out who she is and finding the courage to live authentically.
    College Admission 101
    by The Princeton Review and Robert Franek
    The education expert and editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review shares his knowledge of the college admissions process in this Q&A style guidebook. From choosing extra-curricular activities to securing financial aid, Robert Franek answers over 60 of the most common questions about getting into college.
    Paying for College, 2021
    by The Princeton Review and Kalman Chany
    College is expensive, but this guidebook will help you identify ways to increase your financial aid, find scholarships, and minimize college costs. From taxes to FAPSA forms, this book is helpful to you.
    Time of Our Lives
    by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
    Fitz and Juniper couldn't be any more different. But when they cross paths on their East Coast college tours, sparks fly between them. Because they come from vastly different backgrounds, the two teens inspire and challenge each other to explore their college and life options.
    1. Which book can help you have a better understanding of yourself?
    A. College Admission 101.
    B. Every Body Looking.
    C. Paying for College, 2021.
    D. Time of Our Lives.
    2. Who wrote the book that can help teens ease the financial burden?
    A. The Princeton Review and Robert Franek.
    B. Candice Iloh.
    C. The Princeton Review and Kalman Chany.
    D. Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka.
    3. What can be inferred from the text about the above books?
    A. They can get teens ready for college.
    B. They help teens improve their learning methods.
    C. They improve teens’ public speaking skills.
    D. They prepare teens for their future jobs.
    I'd spent decades telling my girls that their bodies were a means to a long and satisfactory life, not objects to be admired because of how they look. I told them that good health and the energy to enjoy life should be their ultimate(最终的) goals, not fitting into society's preconceived ideas of what is beautiful.
    This year I'm sixty years old. I appear much older than before. This aging body of mine is not the one I expected to have. Looking at the old, fat, wrinkled woman in the mirror, I begin to complain about it. I've actually spent a lifetime focusing on my flaws, constantly complaining about my less-than-perfect self. As I was complaining yet again, my younger daughter told me, “Mom, stop. Stop putting yourself down. This is the body you live in now. It's beautiful because it's yours.” If I'm unwilling to accept my aging self with grace and dignity, how can I possibly expect my girls to do the same when they face these same physical changes?
    And then, I learned that a friend of mine, the same age as me, died. At her funeral, her three heartbroken daughters spoke of their mother's devotion, wisdom, and compassion(同情心). They never said a single word about her appearance though her body had melted away during her last months. It didn't matter. I left that funeral desperate to hold my own girls in my arms, to kiss them and tell them how much they mean to me , and to promise that I will do better , be better—for them as well as for myself.
    And so, to honour the memory of my dear friend and to set a good example to my beloved girls, I promise to love my aging body, and celebrate the gift of being alive.
    4. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?
    A. She forgot to listen to her own advice.
    B. She was more of a talker than a doer.
    C. She was unaware of her words’ effects.
    D. She was unwilling to accept others’ advice.
    5. What does the underlined word “flaws” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A. Advantages. B. Imperfections. C. Appearances. D. Treasures.
    6. What did the death of the author's friend make her aware of?
    A. Action speaks louder than words.
    B. Lies can never change facts.
    C. Beauty comes from the depths of the soul.
    D. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
    7. What can be the best title for the text?
    A. Running through Life B. Rebuilding Your Life
    C. Remembering to Respect Others D. Finding Beauty in Ourselves
    One study was done by researchers at California Polytechnic State University. A research team studied the effects of birdsong on people walking through a park in the state of Colorado, U.S. A biology graduate student, Danielle Ferraro, led the study. Ferraro says that there could be an evolutionary(进化的) reason why we like birdsong. There could be many other reasons, too. Ferraro states that in some areas around the world birdsong can also signal the arrival of spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can also mean a healthy environment.
    She explained her study to VOA. Ferraro and her team played recorded songs from a diverse group of birds native to the area. They did this on hiking trails in a park in Boulder, Colorado.
    Over several weeks, the researchers played recorded birdsong at certain time of the day and other time they did not. Then they talked with hikers after they passed by. Hikers who heard the recorded diverse birdsong reported a greater sense of well-being than those who heard simply the natural birds. The research suggests that both the bird sounds and biodiversity(生物多样性) can increase feelings of well-being.
    Ferraro explained that she used native birdsong for the study. This way it would sound as natural as possible. They also did the study during the summer. “The study took place in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds’ breeding season. And if we played the birdsong during breeding season, you know, it would be terrible.”
    Scientists in Germany also examined for the first time whether a diverse nature also increases human well-being across Europe. They found that the happiest Europeans are those who can experience many different kinds of birds in their daily life, or who live in near-natural surroundings that are home to many species.
    “I recommend planting native trees and flowers because we have a lot of, you know, pretty ornamental (装饰性的) plants in our cities. So, I think it's important to have species that are native to the area to increase bird diversity.” Joel Methorst, the study's lead author said.
    8. What can we learn from the study led by Danielle Ferraro about birdsong?
    A. It can make us humans happy. B. It means a healthy environment.
    C. It signals the arrival of danger. D. It tells us the evolution of birds.
    9. Why was the study conducted in the summer according to Ferraro?
    A. To get more exact data. B. To please the hikers.
    C .To reduce disturbance to birds’ breeding. D. To have more birds involved in the study.
    10. Why were scientists in Germany mentioned in the text?
    A. To introduce a new topic for discussion. B. To support the recent finding further.
    C. To add some background information. D. To summarize the previous paragraphs.
    11. What can be advised to increase bird diversity from Joel Methorst?
    A. Introducing more foreign birds. B. Expanding the habitat of birds.
    C. Planting more trees in the cities. D. Having more native species.
    In recent years, 3D printers have mostly been used to create small, specialized items. This includes parts for automobiles, airplanes and medical devices. Many consumer products can also be 3D printed as well, from clothes to foods. Now, an increasing number of startup(新创办的)companies are using 3D printing to build entire homes. Since the technology is still developing, not many have yet been built. However, the top companies plan to greatly increase production in the coming years.
    The startup company Icon, based in Austin, Texas, made news in 2018 by completing the first permitted 3D printed home in the U.S. At the time, it said the home had been built in just a day. Since then, the company says it has been developing new technologies in robotics, software and manufacturing materials. It designed its own 3D printer and said the robot-powered machine could create structures up to 185 square meters. The printing process uses a cement-based mixture that Icon says is stronger and saves more money than traditional building materials.
    To date, Icon has completed 24 3D printed homes in the U.S. and Mexico. Among them was a community of 3D printed homes in a poor neighborhood in Mexico. The company has also completed a series of structures for homeless people in Austin. And it says it plans to open America's first housing development of 3D printed homes this summer.
    A New York company, SQ4D, also uses 3D printing technology to build homes. In February, the company showed off a 130-square-meter model home to demonstrate (证明) its printer'sabilities.SQ4D plans to sell its homes starting at $299,000. The company has even started listing the homes on the Internet selling site Zillow. Kirk Andersen is SQ4D's director of operations. He told Reuters the 3D printer will permit buyers to easily create their own home design, room by room.
    While 3 D printing as a home building method is just getting started, Andersen said others in the construction industry need to get prepared for big changes. “This is the beginning. This is just scratching the surface,” he said.
    12. What can we learn about 3D printing technology from Paragraph 1?
    A. It needs to be perfected. B. It enjoys the highest status.
    C. It is being used for building homes. D. It helps produce some large and unique items.
    13. What feature do 3D printed homes have when compared with traditional building methods?
    A. They're more comfortable. B. They're more environment-friendly.
    C. They're more complex. D. They're less expensive.
    14. What is Andersen's attitude to the future of 3D printing as a home building way?
    A. Concerned. B. Favorable. C. Doubtful. D. Indifferent.
    15. What is the main idea of the text?
    A. The development of smart homes. B. The importance of 3D printers.
    C. 3D printing in building homes. D. Construction industry's future.
    Have you ever wondered how you should respond to your children's angry feelings and behaviors? Here are some practical tips that can help your children manage their anger.
    Learn to let certain things go.
    Do your children get in trouble with you if they cross their arms or yell about how life isn't fair? 16 Children should have the right to express their anger, and it's not going to come out in a mature(成熟的) way because their brains aren't yet mature. This is hard even for adults sometimes!
    Remember that their behavior is not a reflection of you.
    Believing that your children's behavior is a symbol of how good or bad you are as a caregiver often makes you feel embarrassed and angry. 17 Instead, remind yourself that behavior communicates how a child feels under the surface. Kids who behave this way are not trying to torture(折磨) you; they're struggling emotionally ,and they need your help.
    Children with anger problems get lectures and consequences all day long. 19 If your children frequently hit others when they are angry and instead choose to hit a pillow, wait until they're calm, and then tell them how proud you are of their new behavior. They'll be more likely to repeat the improved behavior in the future.
    Set boundaries.
    Although it's crucial to stay calm and show compassion, that doesn't mean you should ignore unacceptable behaviors like damaging property or hurting others. 20 This can look like, “I'm not for hitting, but you can hit the pillow or the couch.”
    A. Remain calm.
    B. Praise any sign of progress.
    C. Consider letting these behaviors go.
    D. You may then react in ways you later regret.
    E. They're often hungry for adults to notice that they're trying to change!
    F. When your children do these things, give them an alternative (可替代的) way to let their anger go.
    G. However, it's not possible to help a child get calm when you are also reacting with anger!
    Complaining is a habit for me since childhood, a skill I honed(磨炼) through the years. My family didn't seem to 21 —they were great complainers, too.
    One day, as I reminded my roommates once again to 22 his bills from the dining-room table and put his shoes away.
    “Stop your complain. It's driving me 23 . You never hear me complain, do you?” He took a deep breath.
    “Well,” I 24 , “you're complaining about my complaining, so 25 , yes, I am hearing you complain right now.”
    His eyes 26 . Then he grabbed his bags and ran out of the door.
    Perhaps I'd gone too far, I thought. Maybe I really did complain too much. But, what to do about it? After all, it has been a lifetime habit. And habits are hard to 27 .
    I sat down to think about 28 . Then it 29 me. I'd been in the habit of keeping a journal for most of my life. Perhaps, I thought, a 30 journal might be the answer I was seeking.
    That day, I decided to give it a 31 . Each time I found myself feeling the 32 to complain, I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening. At first, I couldn't 33 to get that pen in my hand and really 34 onto the paper. It felt so good to say exactly what was in my mind without anyone 35 me or my thoughts. Step by step, little by little, I found my complaint began to 36 .
    37 some of my initial entries, I have to laugh out loud. I still 38 that journal, though. Those few moments each day when I can sit down, take a breather from the pressures of the day and 39 myself of whatever is bothering me made a big 40 for the better in my life.
    21. A. stand B. mind C. like D. view
    22. A. remove B. cover C. prevent D. protect
    23. A. lucky B. special C. crazy D. happy
    24. A. requested B. warned C. begged D. answered
    25. A. curiously B. exactly C. gradually D. finally
    26. A. brightened B. widened C. closed D. moved
    27. A. form B. train C. break D. match
    28. A. explanations B. decisions C. promises D. solutions
    29. A. disturbed B. struck C. caught D. saved
    30. A. spirit B. travel C. complaint D. space
    31. A. try B. ride C. hand D. lead
    32. A. chance B. ability C. dream D. urge
    33. A. plan B. agree C. refuse D. wait
    34. A. unload B. unlock C. unpack D. unfold
    35. A. testing B. judging C. proving D. connecting
    36. A. escape B. search C. decrease D. suffer
    37. A. Looking back on B. Putting up with C. Holding on to D. Looking down upon
    38. A. publish B. keep C. print D. admire
    39. A. excuse B. teach C. free D. forgive
    40. A. fortune B. mess C. mistake D. difference
    Every Monday morning in Mentun village, the locals gather in their rural(乡村的) library to share books and they are often joined by book lovers coming 41 nearby villages. The village's library was previously a small office, in 42 about 3,000 books were available, according to village official Tao Hanshan.
    Most villagers were struggling to make a living back once. They 43 (bare) had any interest in reading. “The village had no extra money for the library project,” Tao recalls, 44 (add) that, at the time, some of the library's books were also outdated. As Chinese authorities urged efforts to provide better services and facilities in rural libraries, upgraded rural reading venues(场所) 45 (see) increasing numbers of visitors in recent years.
    Ruan Wencheng, a villager in his 50s, says, “Last year, my family tried to raise silkworms, but we failed due to lack of skills and experience. So I often come to the library 46 (read) and borrow books 47 (relate) to silkworm breeding. I have learned a lot.” Tao says that the library now continuously updates its books in accordance with the needs of villagers, and it is gaining increasing 48 (popular) not only in the village, 49 in the villages nearby.
    To make rural libraries more attractive, authorities have taken 50 (vary) measures in villages across the country. “Many books are now available in digital libraries and I can read them on my TV,” says Ruan. “My life has been enriched.”
    All work but no play make Jack a dull boy. I used to studying all round the clock in my junior school. As result, all the teachers and classmates spoke highly of me, say that I was a diligent student. Despite their praise, my grades were not so well. I turned to my head teacher for advices. What he said impressed me deep. He advised me to combine study to relaxation and he believed things would look up. I did as what he said. Whenever I am tired from studying, I would stop to have a rest by listening to a song or having a walk on campus. By and by, the result is satisfying.
    假定你是李华,为庆祝建党100 周年,上周六你校组织高一学生开展了一次“走进党史博物馆,了解党的历史”活动,请你为校英文报写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
    参考词汇:中国共产党the Communist Party of China

    1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B
    11.D 12. C 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.E 20.F
    21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.C
    31.A 32.D 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D
    【解析】细节理解题。根据原文Every Body Looking 中介绍的...what she wants for herself...figuring out who she is...可知答案。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据原文Paying for College ,2021中介绍的College is expensive, but this guidebook will help you identify ways to increase your financial aid , find scholarships, and minimize college costs.可知, Kalman Chany 写的这部书能够缓解孩子经济的压力。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段Thankfully, there are plenty of books to help your children make a smooth transition(转变) to living independently and navigating the world of higher education.可知,这四本书都可以帮助准备上大学的青少年。
    【解析】词义猜测题。根据后文constantly complaining about my less-than-perfect self 可知,作者抱怨自己走形的身材,因此画线词意为“不完美”。
    7.【答案】 D
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段A research team studied the effects of birdsong on people walking through a park in the state of Colorado, U. S.并结合第三段The research suggests that both the bird sounds and biodiversity(生物多样性) can increase feelings of well-being.可知,调查研究发现鸟儿的歌唱能改善人的情绪,让人高兴。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段“The study took place in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds’ breeding season. And if we played the birdsong during breeding season, you know, it would be terrible.”可知,春天是鸟儿的繁殖季节,所以这个调查选择在夏天,是为了减少对鸟儿繁殖的干扰。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段The research suggests that both the bird sounds and biodiversity(生物多样性) can increase feelings of well-being.再结合倒数第二段Scientists in Germany also examined for the first time whether a diverse nature also increases human well-being across Europe.可知,提及德国科学家的研究发现的目的在于进一步支持第一个研究的结论。
    11 .【答案】D
    【解析】细节理解题。结合最后一段So, I think it's important to have species that are native to the area to increase bird diversity.可知,Joel Methorst 的观点是有更多的当地物种可以有效地增加鸟儿的种类。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段The printing process uses a cement-based mixture that Icon says is stronger and saves more money than traditional building materials.可知,与传统的建筑方法相比,3D打印的房屋能够省钱。
    【解析】观点态度题。根据最后一段Andersen said others in the construction industry need to get prepared for big changes.并结合Andersen 所说的话可知,该项技术有很广阔的前景,因此他很支持这项技术。
    【解析】根据本段小标题Learn to let certain things go.及后文Children should have the right to express their anger可知,要让孩子生气的时候发泄,这是孩子的权利。
    【解析】结合后文Instead , remind yourself that behavior communicates how a child feels under the surface.再根据上文可知,你可能会用将来你后悔的方式回应孩子。
    【解析】根据后文...wait until they're calm ,and then tell them how proud you are of their new behavior. They'll be more likely to repeat the improved behavior in the future.可知,本段主要介绍了要表扬孩子的任何进步。
    【解析】根据上文Children with anger problems get lectures and consequences all day long.并结合后文可知,孩子们期待父母看到他们的改变。
    【解析】根据上文...that doesn't mean you should ignore unacceptable behaviors like damaging properly or hurting others.可知,此处建议父母给出孩子释放愤怒的其他方式。
    【解析】考查动词。根据其后的 they were great complainers, too.可知,“我的”家人看起来对“我的”抱怨并不介意,因为他们也爱抱怨。
    【解析】考查形容词。结合上一句话Stop your complaining.可知,室友觉得“我的”抱怨让他快要发疯。
    【解析】考查副词。根据上一句话you're complaining about my complaining 及后一句话I am hearing you complain right now可知,此处是确切地说。
    【解析】考查动词。根据上文After all, it had been a lifetime habit.可知,毕竟,抱怨已经成为“我”一生的习惯,而且习惯很难摆脱。
    【解析】考查名词。抱怨是“我”一生的习惯,结合后文Perhaps, I thought, a 30 journal might be the answer I was seeking.可知,此处作者寻求解决的方法。
    【解析】考查动词。根据后文I'd been in the habit of keeping a journal for most of my life.可知,此处是“我”突然想起的事情。
    【解析】考查名词。根据后文I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening.可知,记录抱怨日记是“我”一直在寻求解决问题的办法。
    31 .【答案】A
    【解析】考查名词。根据上文 Perhaps, I thought, a 30 journal might be the answer I was seeking.可知,“我”决定一试。
    【解析】考查名词。结合后文I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening.可知,每次“我”有抱怨的欲望时。
    【解析】考查动词。结合后文It felt so good to say exactly what was in my mind without anyone 35 me or my thoughts.可知,起初“我”迫不及待地记下“我的”抱怨。
    【解析】考查动词。因为迫不及待,所以“我”拿起笔,把想要说的话卸载到纸上引申为 记录在纸上。
    【解析】考查动词。结合上文It felt so good to say exactly what was in my mind 可知,无人评判,所以“我”感觉很好。
    【解析】考查动词。根据上文Step by step, little by little, 可知,“我的”抱怨减少。
    【解析】考查动词短语。结合后文some of my initial entries可知,回顾过去。
    【解析】考查动词。根据上文I'd been in the habit of keeping a journal for most of my life.可知,“我”一直坚持记日记。
    【解析】考查动词。根据上文take a breather from the pressures of the day 可知,此处是使“我”放松。
    41 .【答案】from
    【解析】考查介词。come from来自……
    【解析】考查定语从句。此处先行词为a small office,定语从句中缺少地点状语,in which相当于where 。
    45.【答案】 have seen
    【解析】考查时态。结合时间状语in recent years可知,此处应用现在完成时态。
    46.【答案】to read
    47.【答案】related/ relating
    【解析】考查形容词或现在分词。此处属于be related to结构或relating to结构。
    【解析】考查名词。increasing为形容词,修饰其后的名词,作 gaining的宾语。
    49.【答案】 but
    【解析】考查连词。此处为not only ...but ( also)结构,意思为:不但……而且……
    All work but no play make Jack a dull boy. I used to studying all round the clock in my
    makes study
    junior school. As∧result ,all the teachers and classmates spoke highly of me, say that I was
    a saying
    a diligent student. Despite their praise, my grades were not so well. I turned to my head teacher
    for advices. What he said impressed me deep. He advised me to combine study to
    advice deeply with/ and
    relaxation and he believed things would look up. I did as或what he said. Whenever I am tired
    from studying, I would stop to have a rest by listening to a song or having a walk on campus. By and by, the result is satisfying.
    第一处make改成makes考查主谓一致。当主语后面有as well as , with , along with,together with , but , like , rather than , except 时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致。
    第二处 studying改为study考查非谓语。此处used to意为“过去常常”,后跟动词原形。
    第三处result前添加a考查冠词。此处为as a result结构,意为“结果是”。
    第四处 say改为saying考查现在分词。此处为现在分词作状语,表示伴随。
    第五处well改为good 考查形容词。此处指“我的”成绩不好。
    第六处advices 改为advice考查不可数名词。advice为不可数名词。
    第八处to改为with/ and 考查固定搭配。此处为combine… with/ and...结构。
    第九处删除as 或 what 考查从句。如果删除as,此处为宾语从句, what引导的从句充当did的宾语;如果刮除 what,此处为as引导的方式状语从句。
    第十处 am改为 was 考查时态。根据语境可知此处应使用一般过去时态。第二节书面表达
    One possible version
    Last Saturday our school held an activity—“Going to the Party's History Museum and Learning the Party's History” with the purpose of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. All the students in Senior 1 of our school were involved in the activity.
    We visited a local Party's history museum where we saw varieties of forms like words, pictures, and videos on the course of hard struggles of our Party. The narrator of Party's History Museum told us a lot of touching stories of excellent Party members. We students learned a lot about the history of our Party.
    The activity turned out to be a great success. Not only did it enrich our history knowledge of our Party, but it also deepened our love of the Party.

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