展开初中英语:万圣节的由来英语短文带翻译 万圣节时间在每年的11月1日,是西方大多数国家的传统节日,英国、美国、法国等国家都会隆重庆祝万圣节,所以我们在了解万圣节时,不妨学学关于万圣节的英语。 1万圣节的来历英文版The first of these traditions came from a tribe of warriors who lived on the British Isles.They were known as the Celts and they celebrated a holiday known as Samhain.This is the Gaelic word for November.Samhain was celebrated at the end of October just as we celebrate Halloween. 第一种传统来自一个住在不列颠群岛上的战士部落。他们是我们所知的凯尔特人,庆祝的节日叫萨温节。“萨温”在盖尔语里意味着“十一月”。十月末,凯尔特人庆祝萨温节,就像我们欢度万圣节前夜一样。 The Celts believed that on this night those who had died in the previous year could walk the earth once more.To appease these spirits, the Celts would parade to the edge of their village with offerings, trying to encourage the spirits to stay away from their homes.They would also leave food and drinks outside as gifts for the dead. 凯尔特人认为之前去世的人们可以在这个夜晚再一次走回人间。为了安抚这些亡灵,凯尔特人会带着祭品,列队前进到村庄的边缘,努力劝说亡灵远离他们的家园。他们也会把食物和酒水留在外头,作为给死者的礼物。 2万圣节不得不知的英语单词万圣节:Halloween 南瓜:Pumpkin 糖果:Candy 妖精:Goblin 骨头:Bones 巫婆:Witch 巫师:Warlock 女巫:Witch