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    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)01
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)02
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)03
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)04
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)05
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)06
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)07
    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)08
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    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT)

    这是一份2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级下 Units 5-6(共56张PPT),共56页。PPT课件主要包含了storm ,rainstorm ,began ,begun ,beginning ,heavily ,suddenly ,strange ,stranger ,light 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    kid pupil bject tail stick fit silk 
    g ff fall asleep die dwn have a lk make ne's way in silence take dwn at first a little bit instead f 
     nce upn a time fall in lve with get married at that time g t wrk pick up the phne make sure clean up turn n 
    walk by fr example lk ut f pint ut cme ut in the mnlight 
    1._______ _____ ________ __________,it felt like midnight.由于外面没有光,看起来就像午夜一样。2.Ben was helping his mm make dinner when the rain began t _______ __________ __________the windws.当雨水开始重重地拍打在窗户上时,本正在帮助妈妈做饭。3.He finally_______ _________when the wind was________ _______at arund 3:00 a.m.当风在凌晨三点左右慢慢变小的时候,他终于睡着了。4.Yu have different pinins abut the stry,and__________ _____yu are wrng.关于这个故事你们有不同的观点,但是你们两个(的想法)都没错。
    5._____ _______ _____the man finished talking,Yu Gng said that his family culd cntinue t mve the muntains after he died.那个男子一说完话,愚公就说在他死后他的家人会继续移山。6.Because they were _____ big _______it _______a lng time t walk t the ther side.因为它们如此巨大,以至于走到另一边需要花很长的时间。
    谈论过去某个时刻或时间段正在做的事1.—___________________________________________________?当暴风雨来袭时,他正在做什么?—He was reading in the library when the rainstrm came.暴风雨来袭时,他正在图书馆看书。2.—What were yu ding at nine ‘clck last Sunday mrning?上周日早上9点你在做什么?—___________________.我在睡觉。
    What was he ding when the rainstrm came 
    I was sleeping 
    讲述经典故事3.—Hw des the stry begin?这个故事是如何开始的?—_____________________________________________________...从前,有一位老人……4.—_______________________?接下来发生了什么?—As sn as the man finished talking...那个男子一说完……
    Once upn a time,there was a very ld man 
    What happened next 
    1.过去进行时2.when和while的用法;连词unless、as sn as和的用法
    1.难忘的经历  2.传说与故事
    考点1 remind的用法remind为动词,意为“提醒,使想起”。 常用结构:remind sb.t d sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb.f/abut sth.提醒某人某事/使某人想起某事;remind sb.+that从句 提醒某人……【跟进训练】1.This pht taken years ag always reminds me______the happy ld days with my friends.(用适当的介词填空)2.Please remind me____________(take) my hmewrk t the schl tmrrw.
    考点2 marry的用法marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为“结婚,嫁,娶”。该词一般不与介词with连用。常用短语:marry sb.嫁给/娶某人,与某人结婚;be/get married t sb.与某人结婚。注意:marry是非延续性动词,不能与表示时间段的状语搭配使用,此时需用be married进行替换。◇They have been married fr mre than 30 years.他们结婚30多年了。【跟进训练】3.Their grandparents _______________________(marry) fr frty years.4.Jenny's aunt gt married______ a famus actr.(用适当的介词填空)
    have been married 
    考点3 whle和all的用法【跟进训练】5.What's wrng with Mary?She is upset the_________(all,whle) day.6.All the winter passed uneventfully(太平无事地).(写出同义句)_______ _________ __________ passed uneventfully.
    话题五 写人叙事【典例分析】(2017·四川德阳)一个德国中学生代表团到你校访问,你作为学生代表参与了当天的活动。请你根据下面的要点,用英语为你校英语校报写一篇短文,简要介绍当天的活动情况。要点:1.上周五,德国中学生代表团来你校访问,包括四位老师和十名学生;2.上午九点,学校领导和同学们在校门口迎接;3.校长带领他们参观学校并介绍学校的历史;4.两国学生座谈,就中德中学生的学校生活进行了交流;5.中午12点共进午餐,午餐后与他们告别。
    要求:1.必须包括以上所有要点,可适当发挥;2.词数80左右(标题已给出,不计入总词数);3.不能出现真实的人名、校名及地名。参考词汇:代表团delegatinA German Delegatin Visited Our Schl______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    审题指导1.体裁:本文叙述了一天的活动进程,是一篇记叙文。2.时态:文章写在事件发生之后,应用一般过去时。3.人称:写作时用第一人称。 4.必写要点:文章应包括提示里的所有内容,切不可漏写;可适当增加细节,使行文流畅。5.词数:80词左右(标题已给出)。
    范文A German Delegatin Visited Our SchlLast Friday, a German high schl delegatin, including fur teachers and ten students, came t visit ur schl. Our schl leaders and students welcmed them warmly at the schl gate at nine in the mrning. First, ur headmaster intrduced the histry f ur schl while he was shwing them arund. Then, the students frm tw cuntries had a discussin, sharing the schl life and culture with each ther. At twelve 'clck we had lunch tgether. After lunch, we said gdbye t each ther. This is a very meaningful activity fr us students.
    点评1.本文用表时间的状语at nine、at twelve和连词first、then以及after使文章叙事明确,脉络清晰。2.文章包括所有的要点提示,内容完整。3.文章结构完整、语言丰富、思路清晰、行文流畅,是一篇优秀的范文。
    【好句积累】写该经历或人物的原因:1.Yu want t knw smething abut my first unfrgettable experience.2.I still remember the first time I traveled alne.3.Tday I want t tell yu smething abut the star in my heart.4.I wuld like t say ne thing that impressed me mst.5.Hw time flies! I have studied in my schl fr three years.6.I am eager t share my happiness and sadness with yu.
    活动或经历的流程:1.I was a little afraid because I had never left hme befre, but my parents encuraged me a lt.2.Little by little, I've becme interested in English and I'm gd at it.3.As the junir life is ending, ur class decided t have a party t celebrate it.
    人物的特征和性格:1.When we are in truble, she will try her best t help us get ut f truble.2.When I am in a bad md, she will cheer me up.3.With the help f her, we d better in English nw.4.He is very generus and ready t help thers.5.He never says bad wrds abut thers and always keeps secrets.6.Afterwards, we signed ur names n pieces f paper t remember ur friendship.阐述对这次活动或经历的感受:1.I learned a lt frm the experience.2.These smiling faces wuld remain in ur memry.
    【跟进训练】(2018·天津)请你根据以下内容提示,以“The Stry f Li Hua”为题,为学校广播站英语专栏写一篇短文,介绍发生在你班同学李华身上的一件事。1.上周五放学后李华乘公交车回家,看到有人在吃橘子,并把橘皮扔在车上。 2.李华把橘皮捡起,放进垃圾桶。 3.乘客用手机拍了照片,发布到网上。4.老师知道后表扬了李华,李华说这是他应该做的。5.你觉得……参考词汇:果皮peel 垃圾桶dustbin 发布pst 表扬praise要求:1.词数:80~100个。2.短文的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。3.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。
    The Stry f Li HuaLast Friday, when my classmate Li Hua tk a bus back hme frm schl,_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    he saw smene eating ranges and thrwing range peel n the bus.S he picked it up and put it int the dustbin. The passengers n the bus tk phts f Li Hua with their mbile phnes and psted them nline. After knwing it, the teacher praised Li Hua and encuraged thers t learn frm him. I think Li Hua really did a gd thing. It is implite t thrw litter in public places. 
    一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.(2019·江苏南京)TikTk(抖音),which is ____________(sudden) everywhere n the Internet,is making its way int ur lives.2.The by's dad was ______________(cmplete) shcked when he saw that his sn was playing with fire.3. They _________________ (play) sccer n the playgrund when the strm came.4.He dressed s ___________(quick) that he put his shes n the wrng feet.5.(2019·江苏无锡)Lk at yu!Yu're breathing s___________(heavy).We're nt even halfway there yet.
    were playing 
    二、语法填空。Sue is an English teacher.She gt 1.___________(marry) tw years ag.One mrning, Sue 2.________(ride) her bike t schl.She was late,s she decided 3.____________(take) a shrt cut(径) .But she made a mistake and turned int a ne­way street.The street was nt very wide.A car was cming frm the ther directin(方向).The driver in the car was s nervus 4.________he drve int a shp windw.Then everyne heard a lud 5._________(sund) and the shp assistant was greatly afraid!There 6._______(be) glass everywhere.
    Sue rde int the ther side f the street and hit an apple cart(手推车).The apple cart turned ver and the apples went in all 7.______________(directin).A grup f students was 8.__________breakfast in a small restaurant.Quickly they ran acrss the street.With their help, all the apples were picked up and put back n the cart.Luckily, neither Sue nr the driver f the cart 9._______(be) hurt.A pliceman came by t ask what had happened.Then he reminded Sue nt 10._____________(drive) in the wrng way again.
    The man happily held the buttn and turned it sftly.Oh! Hw amazing! His girlfriend appeared befre him and was gently__4__ him! Hw I wish ur wedding ceremny culd be held nw! He turned the buttn nce again.A great wedding__5__in frnt f him, the beautiful bride(新娘) was standing next t him and the band was playing cheerful music.He lst__6__ in it deeply.The__7__in his heart kept cming ut:I als want a big huse with a garden in the frnt.He turned the buttn.Then he wished fr children.All f a sudden, a grup f lvely children were playing__8__in the huge living rm.Again, he jumped at the chance t turn the buttn t the right.
    Hw time__9__! Befre he culd see beautiful flwers in the garden, everything had been cvered in deep snw.Lking at himself again, he fund his hair ttally__10__.He had already becme s ld.He felt s sad.He wuld rather enjy life step by step than watch it g by in such a hurry.He quickly turned the buttn t the left.Once again, he was waiting fr his lvely girlfriend under that big tree.
    (  )1.A.angelB.girlfriendC.teacherD.father(  )2.A.judgeB.findC.enjyD.check(  )3.A.waitB.mveC.wrkD.sit(  )4.A.quarrelling with B.laughing atC.smiling tD.crying t(  )5.A.discvered B.cveredC.disappearedD.appeared
    (  )6.A.herselfB.himselfC.itselfD.themselves(  )7.A.wishesB.questinsC.secretsD.prblems(  )8.A.rudelyB.angrilyC.happilyD.sadly(  )9.A.flyB.fliesC.flyingD.flew(  )10.A.shinningB.whiteC.strngD.black
    二、阅读理解。(8分)(2018·广东深圳)Last summer, Mac Hllan, a primary schl teacher, was cycling t Alaska with tw friends. On the way, his friends had t stp fr a bicycle repair, but they encuraged Mac t ride n, and they wuld catch up with him sn.Mac began t cycle alne. A few minutes later, Mac heard quick and lud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dg!” he thught. But when he lked t the side, he saw immediately that it wasn't a dg at all, but a wlf, quickly catching up with him.
    Mac's heart jumped. He searched and tk ut his can f bear spray(防熊喷雾).With ne hand n the bars, he fired the spray at the wlf. A bright red clud envelped the animal. T Mac's relief (宽慰),it fell back, shaking its head. A minute later, hwever, it was again by his side. It even attacked the back f Mac's bike, tearing pen his tent bag. He fired at the wlf a secnd time, and again, it fell back, nly t quickly restart the chase (追赶).Mac was riding hard nw. He waved and shuted at passing cars withut slwing dwn.
    At that mment, Paul and Becky were driving their car n their way t Alaska. They fund a dg-like animal running alngside a man n a bike. As they gt clser, they realized that the “dg” was a wlf. Mac heard a large car behind him. He kept waving and shuting as the wlf was catching up clser. And the car did stp in frnt f him at the right time.(  )1.Why was Mac riding alne?A.He wanted t try his bear spray.B.He liked riding alne all the way.C.His friends were repairing the bike.D.His friends returned fr their tents.
    (  )2.Hw did Mac feel when he realized a wlf was after him?A.Calm.B.Frightened.C.Excited.D.Painful.(  )3.What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 3 refer t (指代)?A.The wlf.B.The dg.C.The can.D.The clud.(  )4.Hw did Mac ask fr help in the end?A.By cycling hard.B.By firing the spray.C.By waving and shuting.D.By running after the car.
    三、语法填空。(10分)(2019·广西玉林)Twenty years ag, I drve a taxi fr my life and smetimes I had t wrk at night.One late night, I gt a telephne call 1.________ a neighbrhd.When I arrived there at 2:30 am, the nly building was dark except a single light in the 2._________(five) flr windw.S I walked up and kncked at the dr.“Just a minute,”answered a weak vice.After a lng time, the dr pened and a small wman 3._________(stand) in frnt f me.Next t her was a small bx.Quickly I tk her bx t the car and then returned t hld her.She kept 4.____________(thank) me.When we gt in the car, she asked,“Can yu drive me thrugh the blcks?”
    “5._______ it's t late nw,”I replied.“I dn' t mind,”she said slwly.“I'm in n hurry.The dctr says I dn't have much time t live...”I 6.___________(quiet) turned ff the meter(计费器).Fr the next tw hurs,we drve thrugh the city and passed the building where she had nce wrked, the neighbrhd where she and her husband had lived,and sme ther places.As 7._______ sun was rising,we stpped in frnt f a lw building.Tw yung 8._________(wman) were waiting there.They were bth the nurses wh wuld lk after her.“Hw much d I have t pay?”she asked.
    “Nthing,”I replied.I was sure I wuld never frget this 9.___________(pain) experience.She lked surprised.“Yu gave a wman wh is dying a little mment f pleasure,”she said.“Thank yu.”Smetimes peple may nt remember exactly what yu did r said.Hwever, they'll always remember hw yu make 10.________(they) feel.And they'll never frget it.
    四、信息摘录。(10分)阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要,每空限填一词。Jack lived in a small village. He was very pr. T help his family, Jack ften cllected wd frm the frest. he als cut dwn small trees. One mrning, a bird flew dwn frm the tree and asked him nt t cut dwn the tree. The bird said that its hme was in the tree.Jack left the tree alne. The bird was happy and it asked Jack t bring an empty bag the next mrning. Early the next day he went t the tree and waited fr the bird.
    The bird sn came and asked Jack t fllw him. They went t a muntain. Jack saw gld all ver the grund. He picked up pieces f gld and put them int his bag. The bird tld Jack that he must leave the muntain befre the sun came up. Jack quickly filled (装满) his bag and left the muntain t g hme.He nw had a lt f mney fr himself and his brther. Jack tld his best friend abut the tree, the bird and the gld. His friend wanted sme gld, t. He went t the same tree and pretended (假装) he was ging t cut it dwn.The bird asked him nt t d s. The next mrning Jack's friend fllwed the bird t the muntain f gld, t. When the sun was ging t appear in the east, the bird tld him t leave. The by didn't want t leave. The sun came up and he was changed int a bird.
    五、书面表达。(15分)(山东济宁)假如你是李梅。你的美国笔友汤姆(Tm)在昨天的电子邮件(e-mail)中告诉你,最近他对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望你能给他介绍一些经典故事。请你根据下面所给图画,给汤姆回复一封电子邮件,向他讲述这一经典故事,并希望知道他对该故事及主人公的看法。 要求:1.文章需包括所有图画的内容,可以适当发挥,使全文连贯;2.文中不得出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息;3.100词左右(邮件的开头,结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
    Sima Guang hit the tank(缸)
    Well,let me tell yu a famus ne with the name “Sima Guang hit the tank”.Once Sima Guang was playing hide and seek with several children in the backyard. There was a large water tank in the yard. It was full f water. When the kids were playing,ne child accidentally fell int the tank. Other children were s frightened that they started t run,crying fr help.
    Hwever,Sima Guang was different. He thught it ver and then had an idea. He picked up a big stne and threw it at the tank. “Bang!”,the tank brke and the water ran ut. The kid was saved.D yu like the stry? What d yu think f Sima Guang? 

    中考英语复习考点精练十一八年级(下)Units 5-6课件: 这是一份中考英语复习考点精练十一八年级(下)Units 5-6课件,共25页。PPT课件主要包含了their,eaten,cooking,follow,oldest,usually,service,better 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    中考英语复习考点精练十三八年级(下)Units 5-6作业课件: 这是一份中考英语复习考点精练十三八年级(下)Units 5-6作业课件,共21页。PPT课件主要包含了roke,mile,anded ,silence,suddenly ,cooking ,dishes,reported ,when,to try 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级上 Units 9-10(共45张PPT): 这是一份2021绵阳中考英语复习课件:第1篇 8年级上 Units 9-10(共45张PPT),共45页。PPT课件主要包含了exam ,available ,hung ,caught ,reply ,forward ,sadness ,event ,daytime ,meeting 等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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