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    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)
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    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)01
    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)02
    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)03
    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)01
    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)02
    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)03
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    必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)

    这是一份必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019),文件包含必修1Unit3Familymatters原题版真题模拟练外研版2019docx、必修1Unit3Familymatters解析版真题模拟练外研版2019docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:90分钟 分值: 120 )
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Recently, many e­cmmerce platfrms, including Didi Taxi, Ctrip, Fliggy, JD and Taba, have been uncvered that they are cheating their frequent custmers. Their ways are pretty clever. When there are new users r cnservative ld users, they will give a quite appealing price t attract them int registering and buying gds. Hwever, their big data is nt that friendly t the stable users and frequent visitrs. The system always ffers them higher prices fr the same prducts r services. Hw des this happen? Accrding t the data analysis, the system knws clearly that althugh they feel the price is high, they will finally pay the bill. By cllecting and analyzing users' prfiles, buying habits and ther infrmatin, big data recmmends the same prducts t different users with different prices.
    Cmpanies als try ther ways t make mney, making nline cnsumptin far mre wrrying. Fr example, vide websites always ffer 120 secnds' advertisements, which drives peple crazy. And even if yu pay fr the membership t get rid f the ads, yu have t “enjy” 15­secnd “private” ads. By bradcasting them, cmpanies make huge prfits — secnd t the membership fees. Als, wning 100Mbps netwrk, yu still put up with the slw speed when yu are dwnlading a sng. Yu have n chice but t becme a VIP when yu seek high quality services. Users seem t be lambs(羊羔) amng wlves. Even thugh they say, “Since yu have mney, I'll charge yu mre”, we can't d anything abut it.
    It pains us that we haven't figured ut a way t deal with the prblem. The nly thing we can d is replacing ur iPhnes with Andrid phnes if we want t buy a membership card, and applying fr new accunts if we want cheaper htels. Nt finding a way t fight back, we can't d anything but accept them passively.
    21.What d we knw frm the secnd paragraph?
    A.Membership can rid yu f all the ads.
    B.Only by being a VIP can yu get a better service.
    C.The slw dwnlad speed is due t yur pr netwrk.
    D.Advertising incme is the biggest incme fr vide websites.
    22.What is the authr's attitude twards the chances f finding a way t fight back?
    23.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.The big data prvides helpful infrmatin t users.
    B.We have t accept nline cnsumptin as it is.
    C.There exist many nline cnsumptin traps.
    D.Regular custmers are richer.
    As Internet users becme mre dependent n the Internet t stre infrmatin, are peple remembering less? If yu knw yur cmputer will save infrmatin, why stre it in yur wn persnal memry, yur brain? Experts are wndering if the Internet is changing what we remember and hw.
    In a recent study, Prfessr Betsy Sparrw cnducted sme experiments. She and her research team wanted t knw whether the Internet is changing memry. In the first experiment, they gave peple 40 unimprtant facts t type int a cmputer. The first grup f peple understd that the cmputer wuld save the infrmatin. The secnd grup understd that the cmputer wuld nt save it. Later, the secnd grup remembered the infrmatin better. Peple in the first grup knew they culd find the infrmatin again, s they did nt try t remember it.
    In anther experiment, the researchers gave peple facts t remember, and tld them where t find the infrmatin n the Internet. The infrmatin was in a specific cmputer flder (文件夹). Surprisingly, peple later remembered the flder lcatin (位置) better than the facts. When peple use the Internet, they d nt remember the infrmatin. Rather, they remember hw t find it. This is called “transactive memry (交互记忆)”.
    Accrding t Sparrw, we are nt becming peple with pr memries as a result f the Internet. Instead, cmputer users are develping strnger transactive memries; that is, peple are learning hw t rganize huge quantities f infrmatin s that they are able t access it at a later date. This desn't mean we are becming either mre r less intelligent, but there is n dubt that the way we use memry is changing.
    24.The passage begins with tw questins t ________.
    A.intrduce the main tpic
    B.shw the authr's attitude
    C.describe hw t use the Internet
    D.explain hw t stre infrmatin
    25.What can we learn abut the first experiment?
    A.Sparrw's team typed the infrmatin int a cmputer.
    B.The tw grups remembered the infrmatin equally well.
    C.The first grup did nt try t remember the infrmatin.
    D.The secnd grup did nt understand the infrmatin.
    26.In transactive memry, peple ________.
    A.keep the infrmatin in mind
    B.change the quantity f infrmatin
    C.rganize infrmatin like a cmputer
    D.remember hw t find the infrmatin
    27.What is the effect f the Internet accrding t Sparrw's research?
    A.We are using memry differently.
    B.We are becming mre intelligent.
    C.We have prer memries than befre.
    D.We need a better way t access infrmatin.
    In Nrthwestern Italy, rice farms are emplying bats. Bats are the fremst knwn predatrs f insects that are active at night, including several pests that can be fund in rice fields. “The idea is that what is needed t achieve stainable fd prductin is what we already have, but has been ignred fr a decade,” says Laura Garzli, 2017 winner f BCFN Yung Earth Slutins.
    “It has been predicted that, glbally 50 percent f pest species have becme pests because chemicals killed their natural predatrs. There is n sustainability in the lng term if there are n cnservatin effrts,” says Garzli.
    Since 2017, Garzli, alng with clleagues frm the Natinal Research Cuncil has fixed 60 artificial bat habitats in three rice fields in Nrthwestern Italy. Nw, they are cllecting bats’ waste t analyze their diets at these sites and t gain insight int the insects living in these areas.
    “In Italy, there are 34 bat species, each feeding n a variety f insects 一each bat species has its preferred insect snack,” says Garzli. Bats can eat up t ne-third f their bdy weight each night, which means they can cnsume thusands f insects per night. They are als flying hunters — they can prey n new nn-native pest species.
    Garzli is cmmitted t develping an awareness f the imprtance f bats in the ecsystem. “Their usefulness has been acknwledged in several cuntries 一 nt nly d they cntribute t prtecting crps, but they are imprtant pllinatrs (传粉者). Bats still get bad press in the news, in particular cncerning the spreading f virus diseases,” says Garzli t Fd Tank. She explains, “Many bat species are nwadays facing the risk f extinctin.”
    Garzli is als drafting a best practice guide fr farmers utlining targeted habitat management techniques fr sustainable prductin.
    28. Why d sme species becme pests accrding t Garzli?
    A. Ineffective agricultural methds are widely used.
    B. Their habitats are disappearing.
    C. The evlutin f these species.
    D. Their natural enemies die ff.
    29. What des Paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A. The variety f bats’ diets.
    B. The threat f bats’ insect snacks.
    C. Bats’ ability t manage insects.
    D. The ptential risk f increasing freign pests.
    30. What culd cause the extinctin f bats accrding t the text?
    A Peple’s misunderstanding f them.
    B. An increase in unknwn diseases.
    C. The intrductin f new insects.
    D. Their pr adaptability t artificial hmes.
    31. What clumn is the text taken frm?
    A. Health and Lifestyle.
    B. Art and Design.
    C. Nature and Eclgy.
    D. Sprts and Entertainment.
    If yu’ve taken a persnality test befre, yu may knw it can be bring and frustrating because test takers have t answer cuntless and repetitive questins. Hwever, as new HR technlgies develp, traditinal tests seem increasingly ut f tuch, fr they dn’t include what we humans are best at: visual prcessing.
    Actually, visual tests are nt cmpletely new. Image-based tests have lng been used by psychlgists t explre persnality. The use f images in persnality assessments nt nly makes them mre fun and engaging, but als has ther benefits.
    First, using image-based assessments can reduce test takers’ tiredness. The reductin in test tiredness can lead t mre accurate respnses and better cmpletin rates. Secnd, image-based assessments are easier t digest fr thse wh have difficulty reading r understanding text. This shuld make them mre accessible t thse with learning disabilities, less educatin r language barriers. Mrever, cmpared with text, a strnger reliance n images may be the better apprach when trying t understand persnality acrss cultures.
    Cnsidering the ptential benefits f using images in assessment, it isn’t surprising that test designers have begun t use pictures and even vides. Althugh mre wrk is needed t establish the full validity (有效性) f the new generatin f visual assessments, initial research lks prmising. One thing is certain: we must find creative and interesting ways t measure persnality and keep up with peple’s increasing expectatins f technlgy.
    Visual tests like these are becming mre cmmn and critical nw than ever befre, thanks t the evlutin f technlgy and usage f equipment. Rather than stick t traditinal methds, it’s imprtant that we start t embrace the benefits f mbile technlgy ─ allwing peple t take and use image-based persnality tests, wherever they are in the wrld. Technlgy will cntinue t advance steadily. Using advancements like image-based tests will becme the nrm. Cmpanies ignring these trends will quickly get left behind.
    32. Which f the fllwing is the benefit f image-based persnality tests?
    A. They can simplify text messages.
    B. They help t understand written messages better.
    C. They help t vercme the crss-cultural misunderstandings.
    D. They can cllect mre infrmatin abut human persnality.
    33. What can we learn frm Paragraph 4?
    A. Test designers shuld begin t use mre vides.
    B. Peple dn’t think much f advanced technlgy.
    C. The new visual assessments turn ut t be ttally accurate.
    D. The new visual assessments have gd develpment prspects.
    34. Why des the authr advise cmpanies t use image-based tests?
    A Because they are mre cmmnly used.
    B. Because they are used in mbile devices.
    C. Because they represent the future trend.
    D. Because they are liked by jb applicants.
    35. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The prcess f persnality assessments.
    B. The histry f the visual prcessing f humans.
    C. Explratin int the traditinal persnality tests.
    D. Applicatin f visual prcessing in persnality tests.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Fd waste in America
    Just hw much fd d Americans waste? Here are sme numbers: The United States is the glbal leader in fd waste, with Americans thrwing away nearly 40 millin tns f fd every year. That is equal t mre than $161 billin. But the truth is that 37 millin peple acrss America — including 11 millin children, are suffering frm fd shrtage. ___36___
    Mre than 80 percent f Americans give up perfectly gd fd simply because they misunderstand expiratin (到期) labels. Labels like "sell by”, "use by”, r "best by” are cnfusing t peple. ___37___ In reality, a majrity f fd thrwn away is perfectly safe t eat - abut 90 percent f tssed fd can still be cnsumed, accrding t The Ecnmics Review at New Yrk University.
    ___38___ And this cntributes t a general culture f nt valuing it the way ther cultures arund the glbe d. Americans have never gne thrugh fd shrtage crisis in its shrt histry, thus a large number f peple take fd fr granted.
    T slve the prblem f fd waste in the United States, the gvernment sets a gal t cut U.S. fd waste by 50 percent by the year 2030. ___39___ In this way, the Americans will have a better understanding n the imprtance f reducing fd lss and waste frm an early age.
    ___40___ Waste can be avided by imprving prduct develpment, strage, shpping/ rdering, marketing, labeling, and cking methds. If excess fd is unavidable, recver it t dnate t hunger-relief rganizatins s that they can feed peple in need. Fd that cannt be cnsumed by man can be recycled int ther prducts such as animal feed and clthing.
    A. Why d Americans waste s much f their fd?
    B. Fd in the United States is plentiful and less cstly.
    C. The plan aims t get help frm public and private schls.
    D. The gvernment has t play a majr rle in reducing fd waste.
    E. It is reprted that 8 millin peple get sick frm eating the wrng fd.
    F. T avid the ptential f getting sick, they'll just send it t the garbage.
    G. Still, the best way t cut back n fd lss is t nt create it in the first place.
    第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I’ll never frget a ride 20 years ag. Back then, I ____41____ a taxi. One time, I was called at midnight t____42____ a passenger. When I arrived, the building was dark except fr ne night in a windw.
    I walked t the dr and kncked. A small wman in her 80s std befre me. By her side was a____43____. I tk it and we walked slwly t the street. She kept thanking me.
    “It’s nthing, I tried t treat my passengers hw I want my mther____44____.”
    When we gt int the taxi, she gave me the____45____, and then asked me t drive thrugh the dwntwn. But I tld her it was nt the shrtest way.
    “Oh, I’m in n hurry,” she said. “I’m n my way t a hspice (临终医院). The dctr says I dn’t have very lng.”
    I quietly____46____ the meter (计价器). Fr the next tw hurs, she shwed me the building where she had nce wrked, the____47____ where she had lived, and the furniture shp that had nce been a ballrm where she had gne____48____ as a girl. In the early mrning, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s g nw.” We drve in____49____ t the hspice. As I____50____, tw nurses were waiting fr us. They helped her int a wheelchair.
    “Hw much d I____51____ yu?” she asked, reaching fr her purse.
    I said nthing, leaned dwn and gave her a____52____. She said, “Yu gave me a little mment f jy. Thank yu.”
    I____53____ her hand and then walked back. I believe I had never dne anything mre imprtant in my life. We usually think that ur lives are____54____ by great mments. But I nw realize that great mments catch us by surprise, because they ften seem quite____55____.
    41. A. hiredB. drveC. repairedD. emplyed
    42. A. carryB. findC. see ffD. pick up
    43. A. suitcaseB. catC. wheelchairD. purse
    44. A. curedB. caredC. treatedD. fed
    45. A. addressB. mneyC. mapD. directin
    46. A. turn nB. shut ffC. set upD. tear dwn
    47 A. castleB. destinatinC. hspiceD. neighbrhd
    48. A. shppingB. dancingC. sprtingD. dating
    49. A. advanceB. amusementC. excitementD. silence
    50. A. pulled upB. pull thrughC. wanderedD. withdrew
    51. A. ccupyB. weC. chargeD. feed
    52. A. presentB. smileC. hugD. prmise
    53. A. squeezedB. fldedC. pulledD. raised
    54. A. dividedB. detectedC. declaredD. defined
    55. A. reliableB. smallC. incredibleD. inncent
    第二节(共 10 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Rising numbers f visitrs are heading ____56____ Sanxing-dui Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan prvince, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Lu Shan, a yung receptinist at the site, is frequently asked by early-mrning____57____ (tur) why they cannt find a security guard____58____ (shw) them arund. The museum emplys sme guards, ____59____ they have been unable t deal with the sudden flw f visitrs, Lu said.
    On Saturday, mre than 9,000 peple visited the museum, ver fur times the number n a typical weekend. Ticket sales reached 510,000 yuan ($77,830), the secnd____60____ (high) daily ttal since it____61____ (pen) in 1997.
    The increase in visitrs was caused by a live bradcast f relics____62____ (dig) frm six newly discvered sacrificial pits (洞穴) at the Sanxing-dui Ruins site. The transmissin aired n CCTV fr three days. At the site, mre than 500 artifacts, including gld masks, brnze items, jade and clthes, have been unearthed frm the pits,____63____ are 3,200 t 4,000 years ld. The bradcast fueled visitrs’ interest in numerus artifacts____64____ (early) at the site, which are n display at the museum.
    Situated 40 kilmeters nrth f Chengdu, capital f Sichuan, the site cvers 12 square kilmeters and cntains the ruins f_____65_____ ancient city, sacrificial pits, and tmbs.
    1.新型冠状病毒肺炎the nvel crnavirus pneumnia或COVID­19
    I wrked frm the time when I was fur and raised seven children, all f them cllege graduates. It seemed I'd dne everything I'd ever wanted t d in my life, but I had ne regret. I was brn in 1898, the ldest f five kids. Papa culdn't spare me t g t schl, s I wrked in the fields with him till I was 21 years ld.
    Everywhere I went, I learned sme hard lessns abut what happens t a man wh even can't read the alphabet. Peple cheat yu ut f wages. They sell yu a ticket t ne city, take yur mney and hand yu a ticket t smewhere else.
    By 1928, I'd been wandering fr nine years. I met a wman named Elzenia. We fell in lve, married and mved t Dallas, where I gt wrk fixing rads fr the city. When Amelia, the ldest f ur seven children, first went t schl, I tk my wife aside. “Elzenia,” I said. “I dn't want the kids t knw I can't read r write.”
    In 1938, ne day my bss called me in. “Gerge,” he said. “N ne knws thse machines like yu d. I'd like t prmte yu.” But my thrill and surprise were cut shrt when he said, “Fill ut this applicatin and we'll get yu a raise.” I culdn't admit the truth. I thanked him and walked ut f his ffice. I did stay right where I was, until I turned 65 and my bss made me retire. But I didn't stp wrking. Fr the next 25 years, I lived a happy life, but it still seemed t me like smething was missing.
    A yung fellw handed me a piece f paper. It's infrmatin abut adult educatin classes. Peple can learn t read and write. Nw I'm 98. I thught f my friends and neighburs and what they might think if they fund ut I culdn't read. After all these years, my secret wuld be ut. But all my life I've wanted t read. It was high time fr actin.
    Paragraph 1:
    The yung man drve me t a huge building__________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    I'm still ging t schl. __________________________________________

    外研版(2019)高考英语一轮复习课时练习3 :必修1 Unit 3 Family matters (含解析): 这是一份外研版(2019)高考英语一轮复习课时练习3 :必修1 Unit 3 Family matters (含解析),共10页。试卷主要包含了 grwth 考查词性转换, hwever 考查副词, meals 考查名词的单复数, which 考查定语从句, lved 考查形容词, n 考查固定用法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版(2019)高考英语一轮复习课时练习3 :必修1 Unit 3 Family matters(含解析): 这是一份外研版(2019)高考英语一轮复习课时练习3 :必修1 Unit 3 Family matters(含解析),共11页。试卷主要包含了 grwth 考查词性转换, hwever 考查副词, meals 考查名词的单复数, which 考查定语从句, lved 考查形容词, n 考查固定用法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    必修1 Unit 6 At one with nature-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019): 这是一份必修1 Unit 6 At one with nature-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019),文件包含必修1Unit6Atonewithnature解析版真题模拟练外研版2019docx、必修1Unit6Atonewithnature原题版真题模拟练外研版2019docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

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        必修1 Unit 3 Family matters-真题模拟卷-2022年高考一轮英语单元复习(外研版2019)
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