专题04 记叙文之人与自我主题 冲刺2022高考英语命题作文(全国甲乙卷 新高考卷区适用)
一、 相应词汇
nursery 育儿的;幼儿的
rhyme 韵律
lyric 歌词
verse 独唱
civic value 公民价值观
catchy 朗朗上口的
melody 旋律
enthusiastic 热情饱满的
thrilled 激动的
memorable 值得记忆的
elementary school = primary school小学
entertaining 使人娱乐的
quick-witted 思维敏捷的
daily routine 日常惯例
qualify 符合资质
motivate 激励
optimistic 乐观的
be determined to 下定决心做…
mature 成熟的
independent 独立的
struggle 挣扎
pessimistic 消极的
depressed 抑郁的
out of the blue 意料之外地
promising 有前景的
competition 竞争
geographical 地理的
cultural heritage 文化遗产
captivating 迷人的
apparatus 仪器
refractive glass 折射玻璃
durable 经久耐用的
exposure 曝光
presentation 演讲
cooperate 合作
point of view角度
metropolitan 大都市
tourist destination 旅游胜地
authentic language 原作语言
identical 一样的
prestigious 有声望的
emblem 徽章
live up to 不辜负期望
plot 情节
gripping 扣人心弦的
mythology 神话
arrogant 骄傲的
category 类别
subscribe 订阅
notify 通知
professional 专业的
meticulous 一丝不苟的
illustrate 阐述
on some occasions 偶尔
ethnic minorities少数民族
legend 传奇
in spite of 尽管
memorable = unforgettable 令人难忘的
we had fun = we had a great time 我们过的很开心
excited = thrilled= we had a blast 激动地
well-decorated =well-planned= well-organized 准备完善的
happy = delighted = pleased 开心的
to light firecrackers fireworks 放烟火
interesting = lively = sensational 趣味横生的
(一)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a childhood song you remember.为题写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么歌曲;
2. 你听到歌曲的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A childhood song you remember.
Let me introduce you about___________________________________________________
Let me introduce you about a very famous song every kindergarten student in my country learns. It is a Chinese nursery rhyme so it is always challenging to translate the title but if I give it a shot, it would be something like "I picked up one cent of a dollar on the sidewalk".
The song sounds amusing, and the lyrics are very simple. There are only 4 verses to it, so it is easy for kids to remember. Here are the whole lyrics: I found one cent in the street, and I picked it up. I gave it to the policeman standing at the crossroad. He saluted me, and I cheerfully said good bye to him. In Chinese, it rhymes. It's very straightforward, isn't it?
I think it's a great song for kids because it teaches everyone civic values. I think it's essential for people to be honest, and loyal in daily life. When you find a wallet, or a phone, or an ID card in the street, you should return it to the owner. I believe that being thoughtful and sincere will always do you credit.
This nursery rhyme is really catchy. The melody is very lively and enthusiastic, although it sounds a bit naive and simplistic. But for kids, it's alright. Actually, because the song is so famous, many older people sing it together during school reunions or other get-togethers at karaoke.
(二)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以A happy childhood memory为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 回忆内容是什么;
2. 为什么这段回忆让你开心。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A happy childhood memory
The happy memory that I had was ...______________________________________________
The happy memory that I had was when my mother organized a little birthday party at McDonald's. At the time, McDonald's was quite new in China, and every kid was always thrilled to go there. Although I was very young, I seem to remember quite clearly that special day.
My mother had also invited my cousins and some other kids from school. Everyone's parents were chatting and having lunch while most of us children were jumping up and down in the play area. You know, at McDonald's, there is always an inside playground. Kids take off their shoes and can climb a ladder, and into some crawl-tubes. There is also a couple of slides and a ball pit. When you are in kindergarten, it's a lot of fun!
In addition, we enjoyed some cheeseburgers and French fries. I remember everyone was excited at the idea of opening the Happy Meal Box. This was the kids' menu, and inside the box, we could get a toy. At the time, we were all given a yoyo. The combination of junk food, Coke and toys simply made our day!
Later on, my mother told the restaurant's staff it was my birthday, and they brought us a cake. They lit 6 candles on it, and the waiters and managers all got together to sing "Happy Birthday" in English. I remember very well I was surprised at having strangers sing for me, and more especially in English! I blew the candles, and then my friends gave me some small gifts. I think I got an action figure and a couple of books. It was a memorable party.
(三)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以an important stage of your life为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 你发生了什么改变;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
An important stage of your life
The most important stage that I ever had was ...____________________________________
The most important stage that I ever had was my experience at a summer camp. At that time, I studied computer science at a company.
First of all, I realized that I was very interested in software engineering when I am in high school, and I am going to do my best to find a good job in this field in the future leading some projects and having responsibilities in a big company. At this camp, I met many excellent tutors who advised me. They encouraged and supported me a lot.
In addition, it was a brand new experience for me because it was the first time that I left my hometown and my parents. At first, I did not know anybody, and I had to deal with different situations on my own. I forced myself to become more out-going, and I made some new friends. I became very close to my classmates in the camp, and we established a strong bond.
On top of this, I had to manage my time by myself, and make decisions without consulting my parents all the time. I became more responsible and mature. I became conscious that I had to study hard for myself, and not only to make my parents happy. I became more motivated and determined to succeed. I guess I could say I really grew up.
Finally, it is through attending that camp that I made the decision to continue in this area. Actually, it took me a long time to make this decision because it involves a lot of money, and going overseas is a long process, as well as a huge challenge.
(五)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以an enjoyable stage of your life为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 是什么阶段;
2. 为什么这一阶段特别。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
An enjoyable stage of your life
I regard my time in …as possibly the best stage ever in my life. ________________________
I regard my time in elementary school as possibly the best stage ever in my life. Although it was some 20 years ago, I still remember details on how much fun school used to be.
Compared to middle school and later on high school, primary school was a piece of cake! Teachers were kind and helpful and we didn't have much homework. The atmosphere was not like in high school where students compete. Everything seemed easy and smooth. We would play games, chase each other, learn a little too, but from what I remember, it was entertaining.
When you're a child, you don't need to worry about anything. I was definitely very naive, and that is probably why everything seemed so simple. I'll never forget how we used to play marbles, hide and seek or tag. We used to buy colorful cards, and bet with each other in order to win our classmates' cards. If we could flip 2 cards over, we would win. Simple but memorable times!
I felt thrilled and it was a pleasure to attend school. Nowadays, primary school teachers are even better trained than before. I am sure that students have access to a lot of new activities to help open up their minds. This is what children really need in order to grow up smart and quick-witted.
(六)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a habit that influences your life.为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 是什么习惯;
2. 这一习惯带来了什么影响。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A habit that influences your life.
The habit that I have had for a long time is that…___________________________________
The habit that I have had for a long time is that the first thing I do once I get home from work is to turn on my desktop computer. It's been a habit for at least 7 years.
By the time the computer is ready to run, I have washed my hands and gotten a snack. Once I sit down, I always go on the same websites. It's part of my daily routine. I first read the news on sina.com, especially entertainment news, and then, anything related to the economy because it is closely connected to my interest. Then I move on to the national and international news. I can learn about what is going on around the world, and I believe it is useful in terms of general knowledge.
I spend up to 2 hours online every evening. After reading the news, I usually open an Instant Messaging program called QQ in order to chat with my friends. It has a bad influence on me because, I guess, I'm wasting time in front of the screen and many people criticize computer addicts.
But at the same time, I get to learn about the world around us, and it's a good hobby as it is fun and entertaining, educational and a good time-killer. I send emails, download movies or music, and do some research on Australia, because I really want to move there soon.
When I was much younger my mother used to complain about this, but nowadays the Internet has turned out to be useful for her too, and she sometimes joins me to read the news and play games.
(七)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以an important conversation you have had为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 是什么谈话;
2. 谈话的结果如何。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
An important conversation you have had
An important conversation I have had is when…___________________________________
An important conversation I have had is when I didn't do very well at the Entrance Examination for High School. This is the test every middle-school student needs to take in order to attend high school. I didn't qualify for any of the good high schools in my city, which was hard to accept. I felt down and depressed, but my father sat down with me and we had an important conversation about my future
My father told me that if I did not want to go to an average high school, I only had one choice to make, and that was to retake one year. In one night, I decided to follow his advice. I remember clearly that my father called my teacher to get some information right away on what I should do to apply for retaking. And the following day, I was walking into the same middle school where I hoped to improve my grades and prepare to take the Entrance Examination for High School the next year.
Although I was at a loss after the final exams, my father put me back on my track and managed to find the words to motivate me. He really cheered me up and this is why he is such a great father. He is always optimistic and enthusiastic.
He told me that, from now on, I should be determined to study hard and that he would support me financially. He really emphasized the fact that I should be mature and independent. So I really appreciate that conversation.
(八)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以some good news you received by telephone为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 是什么消息;
2. 收到消息后的感受如何。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
Some good news you received by telephone
Last week, I received great news from…_________________________________________
Last week, I received great news from my best friend, which is about his career.
Two months ago, my best friend decided to move to Xiamen in order to find a job. We graduated from the same middle school but we followed different paths. I am continuing my studies in high school, but she has decided to find a job and begin her career.
At first she struggled. She spent a month sending her resume to many different multinationals in order to find a job as an accountant. Unfortunately, she got almost no reply and felt quite depressed and pessimistic. She was not pleased and I tried hard to encourage her, but it was impossible to cheer her up.
However, last week, she called me out of the blue, to tell me that she had just been hired as the accounting manager's assistant in an American company. She was absolutely thrilled! She explained to me that she had been very lucky because one woman had taken a maternity leave and they needed someone to replace her right away. She said that the job was promising and absolutely related to her field. She sounded very enthusiastic.
I think that it is very challenging to find a good job in today's modern world. The competition is tough and bosses always require experience. Therefore, I’d better grasp what I learn and apply it to practice eventually.
(九)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a subject you enjoyed studying at secondary school为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 是什么科目;
2. 这门科目对你有什么帮助。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A subject you enjoyed studying at secondary school
When I was in high school I really enjoyed studying…_______________________________
When I was in high school I really enjoyed studying history. I think history is a very useful and fascinating subject.
First of all, it's very important to understand what happened in the past in order to analyze today's geographical and political situation. Chinese history is extremely long, especially if you compare it with American or Australian history, and there are also a lot of dates to remember and that is a problem for students. But it's because it is so rich that Chinese history is fascinating.
Besides, my history teacher was extremely good. He was very active and enthusiastic; he made the class very lively and managed to keep our attention throughout the class.
I think it's essential to learn about different dynasties in China in order to enjoy our national cultural heritage. I love to read about how the Great Wall was built or why Emperor Qin Shi Huang had the Terra-Cotta Warriors made in Xi'an. It's just incredible and captivating.
Boys usually like to learn about famous battles and wars. I remember my teacher telling us about the Second World War and the conflict with Japan. I think we can learn many things from the past, especially about past mistakes we shouldn't commit again.
(十)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 something you would like to learn为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 想要学什么;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
Something you would like to learn
I would really like to learn…____________________________________________________
I would really like to learn French. In China, everyone is compelled to study English but as a student I wasn't given the opportunity to study a second foreign language. We believe that French is a melodious language that sounds really romantic.
A lot of Chinese are fascinated by French movies, culture and romance. In my mind, France is really a wonderful place, thanks to its fashion industry and amazing food. And actually it is true that I'd love to travel to Paris someday. It would be so cool to get to see the Eiffel Tower and the other famous monuments in the French capital.
But I also believe that French could be a useful language for my future as I am eager to immigrate to Canada, and who knows where in Canada I will end up working. If I ever work in Quebec, English might not be sufficient. French is spoken in Quebec. I believe that sooner or later I will sit down and study it.
People tell me that French is quite complex to master. I've heard that the grammar is much more difficult than English and the pronunciation seems to come from the throat. It sounds very challenging. However, if I stick to it and practice as much as I did when I learned English, I don't see why I couldn't make it.
(十一)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a science experiment (biology, chemistry) you have done为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么实验;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A science experiment (biology, chemistry) you have done
I would really like to introduce…________________________________________________
I would really like to introduce you about the first time I used a microscope at school. I was in middle school, in biology class. The teacher told us that this apparatus was very expensive, and that we should use it with caution.
First of all, the teacher explained to us the meaning of the word "microscope." He said that micro meant extremely small, like in microwave, where the waves are " impossible to see, or a microchip, which is a very tiny computer component. And the word "microscopic" meant invisible to the naked eye. I thought it was quite fascinating.
The teacher also explained to us how a microscope works. It has a refractive glass and a light shines through different layers of this special glass in order to magnify the object we want to observe.
When I looked through the microscope, I clearly saw that the hair was not flat, not smooth, but it was covered with flat scales, just like a fish. The teacher said it was called a cuticle, and we could apparently see the same surface on our skin or nails. I think I remember him saying that if the cuticles are closed, then the hair is in good condition. It makes the hair smooth and shiny. But if the cuticles are shattered, or raised, it means you need to take better care of your hair and you should buy some hair conditioner.
(十二)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a skill you recently learned为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么技巧;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A skill you recently learned
The skill I just learned is…_____________________________________________________
The skill I just learned is what type of camera to buy and how to use it properly. So I asked my uncle to tell me more about photography and to guide me on how to make good shots.
First of all, he recommended a camera to me and since it was pretty small and no too heavy, I followed his advice and purchased an expensive Japanese camera. I think that Japanese-brand cameras are quite reliable and durable. My uncle showed me the different options offered by the camera. He told me a lot about the different modes and settings and I realized I needed to adapt to the object I wanted to photograph, but I should also adjust to the time of the day and the light and brightness.
I remember he explained to me why many people often have red eyes in pictures. It's because when you take photos in a dim or dark setting, the light from your camera's flash reflects off the person's eyes. He advised me to avoid using the flash whenever possible, and if I really have to use it, I should ask the subject I photograph not to look directly into the camera lens.
He also taught me about exposure because a picture can be overexposed when there is too much light or underexposed when there isn't enough. It's quite complicated and tricky and there are a lot of things to keep in mind if you want to take great pictures. I won't become a professional photographer but learning about all this was fun and useful.
(十三)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a group activity you successfully took part in为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么活动;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A group activity you successfully took part in
The group activity I successfully took part in is…___________________________________
The group activity I successfully took part in is when I was in high school, our history teacher asked us to prepare a presentation about a historical event. We were assigned a topic and in groups of 4, and we were given 2 weeks to do a bit of research and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on Imperial Heritage.
Our subject was pretty simple as we had to introduce the famous Terra-Cotta Warriors to the rest of the class. First we divided the work into four different parts and each one of us went to the school library and then the public library to find out new information about the tomb.
My father had gone to Xi'an and he was able to provide some pictures he took when he went there 15 years ago. It was at the beginning of the excavation and these are very rare pictures. My classmates explained the Emperor's fear of death, and how large the site might really be, as most of the statues are still buried everywhere. I concentrated on the design and the way the soldiers are lined up like on a battle field.
We learned how to cooperate and communicate. We shared the work and the decision making. However, I think it's easier to work by yourself but it also takes more time if you have to do everything on your own. Although we got a good grade, I realized it is sometimes easier to follow your own ideas rather than always asking for everyone's point of view.
(十四)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a second language you would like to learn为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么语言;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A second language you would like to learn
I think the second language I will take up is …____________________________________
I think the second language I will take up is Japanese next year at university. I would like to learn this second foreign language for different reasons.
First of all, China and Japan are neighbors, and I believe I will probably fly to Japan someday, on holidays, in order to visit the country. It would be fascinating to discover Tokyo, which is the largest metropolitan area in the world. I have heard a lot about the famous tourist destination. Mount Fuji, which is an impressive volcano, and I would like to experience life in smaller fishermen's villages on one of the numerous islands.
To tell you the truth, I love Japanese cartoons and comic books. They are very popular among young people in China, and I have bought many DVDs and books written by Japanese authors. But they are of course translated into Chinese. I am sure it would be a lot better if I could read them in Japanese, because we always lose something when we translate: the meaning is different; the jokes are not as funny. Reading in the authentic language must be better.
I don't think it would be so hard to learn Japanese, but it would definitely require time. I know that Chinese and Japanese share some similarities, especially in terms of writing. Some characters are identical or very comparable.
(十五)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 an important letter you received为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 信件内容;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
An important letter you received
An important letter I received was …____________________________________________
An important letter I received was from an American university. To tell you the truth, I applied for 3 colleges on the East Coast of the United States, but I was accepted to my first choice. I will get into the prestigious university of Pennsylvania, and you can't imagine how happy I was!
I received the letter in April. My parents actually got it, but since they don't read much English, they waited for me to open it. I was a bit nervous, because I really wanted to go to U. Penn. It was my preference by far, but I was a bit worried of being rejected. I opened it slowly, and I screamed when I saw it was a letter of admission.
The letter was typed of course, and the style was very formal. The paper was thick, you know, good quality paper. On the top of the page, the emblem of the University was printed in color. And the person in charge of student recruitment had signed her name at the bottom.
This letter really changed my life, because if everything goes as planned, I will be in America very soon, starting a new life. It should be a great opportunity for my future, but I must admit that it's a little bit scary too. Studying overseas, especially in a top-notch school, represents a big challenge. I hope to live up to it.
(十六)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a book you have read为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 书的内容;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A book you have read
Let me tell you about a book …_________________________________________________
Let me tell you about a book that has now become a classic. A few years ago, I read the first fantasy novel of the Harry Potter series and it was stunning! It is entitled Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It was written by J. K. Rowling and it quickly became a bestseller. It was published in 1997 and six other books followed. They were all adapted to the cinema and everyone has now also seen the films.
The plot is original and extremely creative. It is the story of an ordinary boy called Harry Potter who finds out he has inherited magical powers from his parents. He enrolls at a school of magic and is taught how to master his powers in order to defeat the evil wizard who killed his relatives.
Rowling describes an amazing world where anything is possible. The story is fascinating and quite gripping. Once you start reading it, you can't stop! I love how the author gives so many details about the magic spells and curses. My favorite part is when they race their flying-broomsticks and use magic to have fun.
I tried to read it in English but it was a bit difficult. I hope someday I'll be able to understand all the terms Rowling uses.
(十七)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a story you have heard为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 故事的内容;
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A story you have heard
I want to tell you about a fascinating story I heard from …____________________________
I want to tell you about a fascinating story I heard from my English teacher at school. It is the legend of a vain man called Narcissus. The tale originates in Greek mythology, and I believe that the story is well-known to every single educated foreigner, but completely foreign to a lot of Chinese people.
Narcissus was a very good-looking man but he thought too much of himself. Although every girl was in love with him, he was too arrogant to take any lady as his girlfriend. Narcissus was simply too self-absorbed to worry about anyone else's feelings.
A beautiful nymph (= young goddess) called Echo admired the young attractive man. She followed him and tried to kiss him, but he violently turned her down, and pushed her away. Echo was so heartbroken and desperate that she ended up alone in the mountains and got weaker and weaker until only her voice remained: the echo.
Because of his selfish behavior, Narcissus was punished by a god. He came across a pool and took a drink from it. As he saw his own reflection, he fell in love with his own image. This is where the term narcissistic comes from. He found himself so handsome that he couldn't get away from his own figure, and died there slowly. It is said that a flower grew in the place he died, and this flower bears his name: narcissus.
I think the moral is very neat: boys should not be cruel to their lovers, and they should be more considerate and thoughtful with girls. Being self-centered and cocky is definitely looked down upon in our society, and apparently it can also be dangerous.
(十八)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a website you often visit为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么网站;
2. 为什么喜欢访问这个网站。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A website you often visit.
The website I visit most is …___________________________________________________
The website I visit most is Baidu China. Actually I chose baidu.com. as my homepage so that I can get access to the web page directly every time I go online.
I usually surf this webpage in order to read the news. I usually click on the sports link to obtain articles related to the NBA or soccer. The articles are arranged in different categories. I can quickly find out about the national or international news, business issues or entertainment headlines.
I like Baidu because the website is very clear and colorful. The design of the page is well-organized. It is easy to grasp the information at once. You don't need to skim or scroll down the page to find what you are looking for. I would describe this website as efficient, precise and trendy. It is divided into different sections like the news, the most popular searches, job offers, and online shopping or traveling tips:very convenient!
I have personalized my webpage so that it can inform me about the weather, my horoscope and whether or not I have received new emails. It really makes me life easier.
(十九)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a newspaper or magazine you read regularly为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么报纸;
2. 为什么喜欢读这个报纸。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A newspaper or magazine you read regularly
Let me tell you about …_______________________________________________________
Let me tell you about the local paper published in my hometown. It is called City Daily, and obviously it comes out on a daily basis.It is the most famous newspaper in my city, and a lot of families and companies subscribe to it. It is very cheap; it only costs one and a half yuan.
Most articles deal with local news.I like to read the business section, because it keeps me informed about the new companies and businesses that open up around my hometown. In addition, journalists often notify us of employment opportunities, or educational stuff, like when they open a new branch of the university, or when an important event is happening in Fuzhou.
The City Daily is well-written. The articles are clear and smart. I think the journalists are quite professional, and they always try to give as much information as possible. I think most of them are very meticulous:they give detailed descriptions of things.On top of this, the design of the newspaper is pretty neat:they don't only use black-and-white prints, but they have a few color pages.The headlines are very catchy, and they illustrate articles with pictures. It makes the reading all the more enjoyable.
I usually start reading the newspaper at the back, because I am a big sports fan and this is where the sports pages are printed. In addition, I am fond of the entertainment section, especially the part dedicated to new movie releases.It's always fun to read.
(二十)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a TV program that you watch regularly为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么节目;
2. 观看节目时的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A TV program that you watch regularly
Although I don't watch much TV because I am busy with my studies and other hobbies, I occasionally enjoy watching …_____________________________________________________
Although I don't watch much TV because I am busy with my studies and other hobbies, I occasionally enjoy watching a documentary program on CCTV -9 called Travelogue.I think it is aired on a daily basis, but I can't tell you the exact time.I think they show a lot of reruns actually.
I enjoy this show because the host takes us to different places around China, and on some occasions to foreign countries.It is a good chance to learn about different provinces and areas in China. You know how huge our country is:there are so many different ethnic minorities, and historical places. They teach about Chinese heritage; they narrate legends or surprising anecdotes related to various tourist destinations, and of course they show us how beautiful China really is.
I love traveling, and every time I watch the program, I can daydream and think about how I might visit those destinations too someday. I remember one episode of Travelogue when the host took us, the audience, to Jiuzhaigou National Park in northern Sichuan. They filmed the turquoise lakes. The water seemed absolutely crystal clear, with different shades of blue and green. It looked stunning, and made a deep impression on me. I think this is why the show is so popular, because people who do not have a chance to buy a plane ticket can travel through the documentary.
In addition, the program is in English, so it is a great opportunity for me to improve my listening skills as well as my vocabulary. Unfortunately, I don't understand everything all the time and I wish they offered English subtitles.
Finally, the show is very relaxing and educational at the same time. There are a lot of stupid and useless programs on TV nowadays, and this is partly why I spend more time on the Internet. But I must admit that a lot of documentaries on CCTV-9 are interesting and appealing. I find Travelogue very informative and I would definitely recommend this program to other people.
(二十一)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 an advertisement that influenced you to buy something为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么广告;
2. 广告如何影响你的行为的。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
An advertisement that influenced you to buy something
I remember one special commercial that aired all the time.____________________________
I remember one special commercial that aired all the time. It really played with people's feelings. The ad showed one young man who was thinking about all the good times he was having with his parents. We could see him celebrating his parents’60th birthday and going to the park with them, in spite of the fact that the parents were getting older and older.
The point was that if older people like our parents or grandparents take these types of vitamins, they will remain fit and healthy, and therefore, we will have the chance to spend more time with them.
The ad claimed that the supplement would have a positive effect on major organs.it also emphasized the fact that elderly people taking the pills would sleep deeply at night. Taking the pills would restore their inner system and improve their blood circulation, at least according to the commercial.
I believed the ad and I bought a jar of tablets for my grandparents. Did it work? I don't know. I’ll tell you in 10 years!
(二十二)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以 a speech you have heard为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 演讲内容;
2. 你从中学到了什么。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A speech you have heard
The speech that impressed me is …______________________________________________
The speech that impressed me is one made by Li Yang, the famous Chinese man who came up with the unconventional idea of Crazy English.
Li, or Crazy Li as people nicknamed him, believes that students who want to improve their English should shout English words out loud anywhere, anytime. He believes it is an efficient way to retain new words and to gain confidence when learning a second language. Crazy Li created a brand called "Crazy English" and opened training centers all around China. He also wrote books to encourage people to overcome their shyness.
On TV they showed us how Li Yang managed to bring together thousands of people on Tian'anmen Square and asked them to yell English phrases together. It was quite impressive. He emphasized the fact that if they learned English well, they could use their language skills to make money in the future.He persuaded students to practice his technique by going behind buildings or on rooftops and shouting English. And because everyone was doing it, they wouldn't be embarrassed.
Although it seems a bit weird and unorthodox, believe it or not, his rallies were extremely popular. The technique still relies on repetition and recitation, which are common methods used in schools in China. Li Yang has become famous and I learned that his schools have around twenty million students across China. He is a good lecturer: he's passionate and energetic, which means he can convince the crowds that his ideas are good.
(二十三)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a technological item you own为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么产品;
2. 产品有什么特殊之处。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A technological item you own
Let me tell you about …________________________________________________________
Let me tell you about my Nokia mobile phone.I bought it last year, and I’m very pleased with it because it's a very cool and convenient item I use on a daily basis.More importantly, because Nokia is an old-style brand without many fancy functions, so I can avoid being distracted by phones.
They produce quality cell phones, and mine is very reliable and durable. I've dropped my phone a couple of times, but because it's very strong and well-made,it did not suffer from the shock. In addition. my cell phone is extremely slim and light. It's easy for me to carry it in my pockets (or handbag). It's tiny and it weighs almost nothing. It has a very wine color screen, and the battery is very long-lasting. 1 only need to charge it two or three times a week.
I don't often make phone calls but I send a lot of text messages to my friends and relatives.Besides, I can be contacted anytime, anywhere. My parents feel reassured.
My phone is a very useful accessory and it would be impossible for me to live without it. It has really become part of my daily routine.
(二十四)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以the role money plays in your life为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 金钱的重要性;
2. 你是如何对待金钱的。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
The role money plays in your life
Well, money obviously plays a fundamental role in my life. ___________________________
Well, money obviously plays a fundamental role in my life. I use money to buy daily necessities:I have to pay the bills (water, electricity) .I use money every day, and my life would be a lot more complicated if I did not have any money.
Next year, I want to continue my studies in Australia. I am planning to get a Bachelor's Degree in Business at Sydney University. I will need to spend a huge amount of money on tuition. I think it will cost me about AUS$30,000 a year; and I plan to stay there at least 3 years.
My parents will support me financially, but it also means that I will be under a lot of pressure because I definitely need to study hard and pass the exams. It is similar to an investment in my future: I must pay first in order to make more money later on. My parents have always told me that money was not easy to get. I remember my father telling me, when I was a child, that money did not grow on trees.My father has always emphasized the fact that it was important to save and not to waste money.
In the future, I would like to work for a big company as a manager not only because I like to have responsibilities, but also because I really want to earn a decent salary and lead a comfortable life. I really hope to make enough money to buy a new house for my parents to retire in the countryside.
(二十五)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以what you would do if you received a million dollars为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 你收的这笔钱的感受;
2. 你会如何对待这笔金钱。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
What you would do if you received a million dollars
If I ever received one million dollars, ____________________________________________
If I ever received one million dollars, it would be so amazing that I would probably scream out loud and jump around for a minute or two; I might even cry for happiness!But then, I would have to think very carefully in order to decide what to do with the money. A million dollars is a large amount but it is not enough to go really crazy.
Of course, on the first day or two, I would go shopping and buy some nice clothes for myself and my best friends.I would buy a couple of gifts for my relatives too.I would make sure that everyone is delighted with my presents, but I would not tell them that I have just won the equivalent of 7 million yuan, to avoid jealousy or greed.
In addition, I would invest in probably two apartments:one for my parents in Fuzhou, and another one in Xiamen. At the moment, my parents live in an old house in the outskirts of the city. I would get them a bigger place closer to West Lake Park, or along the river, for them to enjoy a better lifestyle. I would purchase a flat in Xiamen, because it is a very pleasant city, with the ocean and the prestigious university, and also because it could be a good investment for the future. I am sure that the price of the square meter in Xiamen will keep on rising in the future.
Finally, it would be nice to give money to charity too, but I would need to think more carefully about the cause I would like to support. Poverty and illiteracy are big issues in China. I would need to choose with caution.
(二十六)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a great change that you would like to make in your life in the future为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 将要改变什么;
2. 你对这一改变的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A great change that you would like to make in your life in the future
If everything goes well, _______________________________________________________
If everything goes well, I should move to Australia in a few months, in order to continue my education. I would like to get a degree in accounting there.I started looking up some universities online, and I plan to apply to Sydney University, because it is a prestigious college and they offer a great accounting program.
In addition, I have never been abroad before, so it will be a new challenge in many ways.I will experience a new culture, meet new people, speak English every day, and be on my own for the first time ever. I am sure I will learn a lot.
I know it is going to be difficult, but I am ready to face those challenges. I know it is worth it, because this education should open new doors for my future. I really want to become an accounting manager in a big company. I will have to study very hard, but I am ready and determined to do so. I think this hard work will pay off someday.
The first step is to get a degree in order to find a good first job. Later on, I will see if it is possible for me to find a rewarding position in Australia. If not, I might come back to China, or go to Singapore to work for a few years. I think that this experience overseas will be the first stepping stone towards my future.
(二十七)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a leisure activity you would like to start doing为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
2. 你对这一活动的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A leisure activity you would like to start doing
Let me tell you about… _______________________________________________________
Let me tell you about one of my dreams:I would love to learn how to kite-surf. I don't know if you are familiar with this sport, but I saw a program on TV about it, and it seems absolutely amazing!
It's a water sport. You ride a small board, sort of like a small surf board, and at the same time, you are harnessed to a very large kite. This kite will propel you across the water. It looks stunning, because the surfers can actually get up a lot of speed, and most important, they can fly when they ride a wave.They literally become airborne for a few seconds. It's like a big jump,but very smooth at the same time. It's like they are hanging in the air, following the wind. It must be breathtaking!
I know that people kite-surf all over the world. It's a fairly new activity. But you can do it anywhere as long as the wind is steady, and it always pulls you back towards the beach. If the wind takes you away from the coast, it could be dangerous.People who can kite-surf are just really cool,-very trendy. These guys have no fear, and they are looking for a thrill.
Well, actually, next year I am going to continue my studies in Australia, and as you know, over there everyone surfs.I might be able to find someone to teach me. I might need to rent the equipment at first too, because the wakeboard and the kite are quite expensive to purchase.
(二十八)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a job you will be good at为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么工作;
2. 为什么想要从事这个活动。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A job you will be good at
I intend to become… _______________________________________________________
I intend to become an accountant in the future.This is why I want to continue my studies in Australia. I will study accounting, and I hope to find a good position over there. I strongly believe that the training I will receive there will be beneficial for my career. In addition, I have heard that salaries are pretty high Down-Under(=nickname for Australia).Anyway, we’ll see what happens after I get a degree.
I think I will be a good accountant because I have the qualities required for the job:I am precise and meticulous.I always pay attention to details.My friends say I am considerate, and my parents have always asked me to be careful with everything. Plus, I have a logical mind, and I am down-to-earth.I don't daydream much.
Now in high school, I got some good results in mathematics, especially statistics. I am good with figures, and this is what the job is about. I consider myself to be pretty well-organized, and I can work well under pressure too. I know that accountants are always very busy at the end of the month, and they often need to work according to a deadline.
All in all, I think that being an accountant will be a good profession for me. I want to find a stable job with a decent salary. I hope to be given a chance to take responsibilities, and I will do my best to get promoted to a management position. But one thing at a time; I first need to do well in the IELTS test, and get into a good university overseas.
(二十九)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以your favorite season为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么季节;
2. 为什么喜欢这个季节。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
your favorite season
My favorite season has to be …__________________________________________________
My favorite season has to be the fall, or "autumn" in British English. It's a pleasant time of the year because of the temperature.In Fuzhou, summers are boiling hot and humid. You will sweat a lot. Fall is more moderate; the weather is mild, and everyone is thrilled when the summer is finally over.
When fall shows up, the colors of the tree leaves change. They turn red and yellow, which is quite spectacular. Fuzhou is surrounded by mountains and forests, and it's really spectacular to see those stunning shades.
In Chinese philosophy, fall is very significant. Fall represents union, and it's a time when Chinese people get together and share their feelings before the year comes to an end. It is the period where the crops have been harvested, and this is an occasion for family reunion, represented by the full moon. Poets describe autumn as a season that will make people feel homesick. They always depict a sad period of the year that will encourage people to get back home to reunite with their loved ones.
It’s a period of contrasts because,in autumn, leaves turn red, and red in China represents life; but the leaves also represent death as leaves fall and winter will soon kick in.
(三十)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以the weather in your hometown为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么气候;
2. 大家对这一气候的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
The weather in your hometown
I come from…_______________________________________________________________
I come from Fuzhou, and as you know, this capital city of Fujian Province is located in southern China, only a few kilometers away from the coastline. As a result, the weather in Fuzhou is considered to be very comfortable all year round, or at least most of the time.
The climate is extremely mild in the winter. Usually January and February are the coldest months of the year, but I really think that global warming has had an effect on the weather, and temperatures never get below 10 degrees anymore.We have had snow once in Fuzhou, but it was a very long time ago, and it was a unique occasion, I think.
In the spring, the temperatures are very pleasant, but it often rains.Sometimes it can rain for ten days in a row. This explains why Fujian Province is so green. Fuzhou is surrounded by mountains and forests, and this is one of the reasons why Fuzhou is a great place to settle down. We sometimes get typhoons in Fuzhou, but usually Taiwan gets hit first and we only get a bit of rain and wind. Some of the streets get flooded but it never lasts too long, and it doesn't cause much damage.
On the other hand, summers are quite hot and humid. My grandfather always tells me that the weather did not use to be as hot as it is nowadays.Last summer, the temperatures reached 38 degrees.It was boiling hot outside. If you ever go out in the summer, you will sweat a lot.
My favorite season is the fall, when the leaves turn yellow or red. We almost get to see a beautiful blue sky every day. The temperatures remain warm until November. It's just a great time to go to the park or climb one of the surrounding mountains.
Overall, Fuzhou offers a great climate. I am afraid that if I go to Australia, I might find the weather very hot and dry down there.
(三十一)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a special meal you ate为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么场合;
2. 大家对这顿饭的看法。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A special meal you ate
A special meal I ate was …_____________________________________________________
A special meal I ate was one for my mother's birthday. My father decided to invite the whole family to the nicest hotel in the city. We had dinner at the Shangri-La hotel, and it was the first time I’d ever been to such a fancy restaurant.
The Shangri-La is the most renowned hotel in my hometown. It's a prestigious five- star palace, and only rich people can afford to stay there. I was amazed by the setting: the ceiling in the hotel is extremely high, and the place is really well-decorated with paintings and chandeliers. It is a pleasure and a privilege to eat there.
My father booked a table for the three of us as well as my grandma on my mother's side of the family. He put our names down for the buffet, so that we could eat everything we wanted, and as much as we liked. It was absolutely incredible!There was so much tasty food available, you wouldn't believe it!First of all, the sea food, with crab, lobster, shrimps and oyster.I filled my plate twice, and I enjoyed every bite!Then I went to get meat: the beef filets were stunning, and the pork chops were out of this world!Later on, we had dessert, and my father kept on getting chocolate pudding. I completely fell for the apple pies.
It was a memorable meal, and I hope to get a chance to go there again soon, although I know it must be very expensive. I think that in the future, once I have a great job, I will invite my family to such restaurants on a regular basis, because it is truly enjoyable to eat in a top-notch classy) place like that.
(三十二)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a health problem people face in today's society为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么问题;
2. 造成这一问题的原因。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A health problem people face in today's society
The health problem people face in today's society must be …__________________________
The health problem people face in today's society must be malnutrition and obesity. Unfortunately in China, more and more people, especially the young ones, suffer from malnutrition and obesity. Usually Chinese people are thin and healthy. We have a body and genes that prevent us from getting too overweight. But in the last 5 years, our eating habits have changed with the appearance of new products directly imported from Western countries, or related to Western influence.
Nowadays, fast food chains have mushroomed all over the cities, and places like KFC, McDonald's, or Pizza Hut are always crowded. People also buy quick food in supermarkets: they eat a lot of snacks and soft drinks which are not good for their health.
People don't cook as much as the older generations used to. Parents are very busy with their job, and I believe that a lot of grown-ups have become a bit lazy. Because they also have more money, they go out to restaurants more often. The problem is that the food is very frequently oily there.
With obesity comes a lot of other health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular(=heart) problems.If people get fat, their lifespan is likely to be shortened.
I believe we can solve this problem through education in schools and on TV We should instruct adolescents on healthy eating habits, and encourage people to enjoy traditional Chinese cuisine, as it is both savory and healthy.
(三十三)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以something you do to relax为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么事情;
2. 为什么它可以让你放松。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
Something you do to relax
Something I do that can relax myself is …_________________________________________
Something I do that can relax myself is swimming. Obviously, it is always more pleasant to get wet in the summer, and there are also some nice indoor swimming pools in my city, so it is possible to practice this sport all year round.
The weather in Fuzhou can get extremely hot in the summer. If you go out, you will sweat a lot, which is really not a good feeling. I believe that this extreme weather could be a cause of stress.Swimming can be refreshing when you feel worn out(=tired).
Swimming is an excellent form of exercise, and I believe it is good for every single muscle group.You can develop your shoulders and arm muscles when you do the breast stroke; when you kick with your feet, you give your legs a workout. And naturally, it is very beneficial for your heart, as you have to breathe in and out and maintain a constant effort to stay afloat.
I am lucky because Fuzhou is surrounded by mountains and forests, and there are some stunning rivers which are perfect for going for a swim. During the summer holiday, I can go with my friends to a place called Yongtai. It's about 45 minutes away from Fuzhou. There are many waterfalls, and the water is crystal clear. It's like paradise!
(三十四)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以A birthday (your own or someone else’s) that you enjoyed为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 如何庆祝生日的;
2. 你的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A birthday (your own or someone else’s) that you enjoyed
Let me tell you about my last birthday ____________________________________________
Let me tell you about my last birthday. In November, I turned 18 and I celebrated with my classmates at school since I have been in senior high school now.
On my birthday, we had class and actually, our schedule was pretty tight with a test and some important lessons for the preparations of college entrance examination. It did not feel like a special day at all until night time. After dinner, my classmates surprised me.
It was about 9 pm and my parents had just called me to wish me a happy birthday. Right after I hung up the phone, my friends turned the lights off and brought a birthday cake into the classroom. They had placed 18 candles in the chocolate frosting. After singing the birthday song for me, both in Chinese and in English, they asked me to make a wish and to blow out the candles.I cannot tell you what I wished for, otherwise it won't come true, but it had something to do with our bright future.
To be honest, being 18 means I am an adult now and I have grown into a stage where I am supposed to be responsible for myself and even people around me. Therefore, I won’t forget that impressive birthday.
(三十五)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以A wedding you attended为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 有谁参加;
2. 婚礼的特别之处在哪里。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A wedding you attended
The wedding I attended is ...____________________________________________________
The wedding I attended is one of my good friends’, who got married in his hometown of Longyan, a smaller city west of Xiamen. I joined the celebration and I must say that it was quite a memorable day.
First of all, they really tried hard to stick to the local traditions.In the morning, the groom and seven of his friends drove to the bride's home. I was in one of the cars, with pink ribbons everywhere, and we honked the horn all the way to announce our arrival. The groom went up the stairs and knocked on his future wife's door for a long time.
Then, the husband-to-be took his fiancee home and showed her around his house. Their bedroom was well-decorated with little hearts and pictures of each other on the walls. Apparently the groom's parents had made the bed for the newly wedded couple, and they had placed a picture of a baby boy at the head of the bed in the hope that the new couple would give birth to a son soon.
The ceremony was very colorful and lively. The host invited the parents to give a speech, then the bride and groom bowed to the four parents many times as a sign of respect, and also because they knew they paid for most of the wedding. Later on, the host sang a couple of songs and people raised their glasses and cheered all together. The bride was wearing a beautiful red gown: she looked gorgeous. She had a flower in her hair and everyone kept on staring at her.
Anyway, the wedding ceremony was so spectacular that it even attracted all the neighbors and there were at least 400 people watching and sharing the moment.
(三十六)你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请以a form of transport you enjoy using为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 什么交通工具;
2. 你为什么喜欢它。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。
A form of transport you enjoy using
Let me introduce you about...___________________________________________________
Let me introduce you about my bike! China is known as the bicycle kingdom, and everyone here has a bike.
First of all, buying a bike is cheap. Once you have purchased the bicycle and the lock, you don't need to pay for anything else. Riding a bike is very convenient because you can go anywhere, anytime. If you want to take the bus, you need to walk to the bus stop and then you have to wait for the bus to come. It's a waste of time. With the bike, you can easily jump on and start pedaling.
In addition, in the morning, traffic is very often congested, and cars move very slowly. But with my bike, I don’t have this problem because it’s easy to cut across traffic. In Fuzhou, there are many bike lanes on the road, so we can go very fast. Sometimes, I even ride on the sidewalk. It's very easy to get around.
On top of this, whenever I ride my bike, I experience a feeling of freedom.In the summer, it's so nice to feel the warm breeze on my face. I can go anywhere, even down the narrow alleys where cars can't drive. It's a great way to discover the city and to have fun.
Finally, everyone complains about the pollution, but the number of cars on the road still keeps increasing day after day. Bikes are environmentally-friendly, and the government should really encourage people to use them more often. I ride 4 or 5 days a week and I really like it, except when it's raining.