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    听第 7段材料,回答第 8、9题。
    8. What’s wrong with the gloves?
    吉林江城中学 2020-2021学年度下学期期中考试
    A. Too large.
    9. What will the woman do in the end?
    A. Pay for another pair. B. Buy a new gift.
    B. Too small.
    C. Very dirty.
    C. Get her money back.
    第 I卷
    I听力(共两小节满分 30分)
    听第 8段材料,回答第 10至第 12题。
    10. What is the woman’s problem?
    A. She doesn’t like her present job.
    C. She is thinking of changing her job.
    11. What’s the man’s advice?
    B. People around her are not nice.
    B. Take the job if it is better.
    B. The new job is easier.
    第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
    A. Go on with the job she has now.
    C. Wait and think about it carefully.
    12. What is the best part of the new job?
    A. She can get more money.
    听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C,三个选项中
    选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来
    1. What is Jane doing?
    C. It is much more interesting.
    A. Washing hands.
    2. How soon can the woman arrive at the airport?
    A. In 20 minutes. B. In 30 minutes.
    3. Why is Linda calling the man?
    B. Doing homework.
    C. Watching TV.
    C. Not sure.
    听第 9段材料,回答第 13至第 16题。
    13. What has the man bought recently?
    A. A new house.
    B. A new horse.
    C. A new pet.
    A. To catch a plane.
    4. Why can’t the man help?
    B. To plan a trip.
    C. To say goodbye.
    14. Where is the man’s new home?
    A. In a nice park.
    B. In the rural area. C. In the city.
    A. He has to work late. B. He needs to cut Bill’s hair. C. He will go to a party.
    15. What are the man and the woman planning to do?
    5. Who does the man want to talk to?
    A. Have a party together.
    B. Help each other. C. Move to a new city.
    A. The waiter.
    B. The manager.
    C. Someone else.
    16. What are the children going to do?
    A. Go to school.
    B. Stay at home.
    C. Travel abroad.
    第二节 (共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    听第 10段材料,回答第 17至第 20题。
    听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C
    时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段
    17. When do you begin the ride?
    A. 10:00am.
    18. What sport can you do in the center?
    A. Volleyball.
    C. 4:00pm.
    C. Football.
    B. Swimming.
    19. Which of the following are NOT useful?
    听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
    6. What are the man and woman talking about?
    A. Sports shoes.
    20. How much is a four-day holiday?
    A. $290.
    B. Warm clothes.
    C. Shoulder bags.
    C. $209.
    A. Losing weight.
    7. What is the woman’s advice?
    A. Eat less. B. Enjoy potatoes only.
    B. Seeing a doctor.
    C. Cooking dinner.
    B. $29.
    C. Have different food.
    第 1页共 5页

    II阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题 2分,满分 30分)
    25. What can you do when visiting the Golden Gate Bridge if you don’t have a bike?
    第一节(共 10小题;每小题 2分,满分 20分)
    阅读下列短文,从媒体所给的 A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题
    A. Use a skateboard.
    C. Wear roller skates.
    B. Rent an electronic bike.
    D. Borrow a wheelchair.
    Once called “the bridge that couldn’t be built,” today it is one the seven wonders of
    the modern world. This magnificent span, perhaps San Francisco’s most famous landmark,
    opened in 1937 after a four-year struggle against non-stop winds, fog, rock and
    treacherous tides.
    TOKYO (Reuters) Young women in colourful traditional costumes, masks and
    white stoles braved cold weather in lines and sat seats apart from one another in
    Yokohama on January 11, to mark Japan’s Coming of Age Day, even though the city is
    under a state of emergency.
    The world-famous Golden Gate Bridge is easily recognized by its International
    Orange color. The bridge was built at a cost of $35 million in principal and $39 million in
    interest and 11 workers’ lives. The bridge, with its twin towers reaching skyward 746 feet,
    was once taller than any building in San Francisco. It took more than 10 years to make a
    plan due to powerful opposition, but only four years in actual construction, the Golden
    Gate Bridge brought the communities of San Francisco and Marin counties closer
    Pedestrians(行人) including wheelchair users and bicyclists can go on the sidewalks
    of the bridge during daylight hours but skateboards and roller skates are not permitted.
    If you can’t visit the bridge in person, do the virtual bridge walk and don’t forget to
    check out the view from the top of the south tower.
    If interested in biking across the bridge, the Presidio offers bike rentals and electric
    bike share opportunities, plus a recommended bike path through Crissy Field. For more
    information, visit the Presidio online.
    If you are planning to stay in San Francisco, there are plenty of hotels nearby or with
    views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
    The ceremonies, typically full of kimono-clad women and smartly-dressed men,
    were cancelled in many cities and parties were discouraged to stop a rise in COVID-19
    infections (感染).
    On the second Monday in January every year, people who have turned or are about
    to turn 20 take part in ceremonies in local event halls or other similar places to celebrate
    the rite(仪式) of passage to adulthood.
    The occasion, which is observed with a national holiday, serves in effect as class
    reunions for some teens and represents one of the major milestones for parents.
    “I came as I’ve got my kimono ready and am taking steps to prevent infection. I’m
    not that worried," Mei Ohno, a college student, told the reporter at Yokohama Arena.
    “I’ve just met my old friends after a long time. I’m having a good time. After the
    ceremony, I’ll take photos with my friends at the station, and then go straight home.”
    Of Tokyo’s 23 regions, all but one have cancelled or put off the ceremonies. Instead,
    mayors’ congratulatory remarks will be offered online. The government last week
    declared a state of emergency for the capital and three surrounding areas.
    Yokohama city, south of Tokyo, went ahead with celebrations at Pacifico Yokohama
    North convention hall and Yokohama Arena event hall.
    21. In which year did the building of the Golden Gate Bridge start?
    A. In 1926.
    22. How much money did people spend building the Golden Gate Bridge?
    A. Exactly 39 million.
    C. Around 50 million.
    B. In 1936.
    C. In 1933.
    D. In 1937.
    “I decided to carry out today’s ceremonies as I strongly hoped everyone takes part in
    celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime milestone,” said the mayor(市长), in a message read
    out to attendees who had to take measures to keep themselves from the infection of
    B. Less than 35 million.
    D. Over 70 million in total.
    23. Which of the following way of visiting the bridge is NOT mentioned?
    Participants wore face masks, had their temperature checks and were asked just to
    listen to the national anthem, instead of singing it out loud.
    26. When do Japanese celebrate Coming of Age Day?
    A. Hiring a plane.
    C. Visit online.
    B. Riding a bicycle.
    D. Visiting on foot.
    24. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 probably mean according to the
    A.When they are 18 years old.
    C.On the same date each year.
    B.On January 11th every year.
    D.On the second Monday in January.
    A. No one in the city really wanted to have the bridge built.
    B. It was very hard to build such a huge bridge at that time.
    C. People in San Francisco were not rich enough to build it.
    D. It would claim many lives if the bridge was finally built.
    27. Which of the following is this passage probably taken from?
    A.A biography.
    B.A news report.
    C.A travel journal.
    D.A personal letter.
    28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    第 2页共 5页

    A.You don’t have to wear face masks when attending the ceremony.
    B.Women celebrating the Coming of Age Day wear modern clothing.
    C.There was no Coming of Age Day Ceremony in Tokyo this year.
    D.The majority of mayors spoke online to offer congratulations.
    Day of the BIG DAY!
    Pick up the cake. Blow up and set out balloons four hours before the event.
    Week after the BIG DAY!
    29. The underlined word cancelled probably means
    Send out thank you notes to all the helpers and those who gave gifts!
    30. Which of the following could be the best title of the text?
    A. Celebrating Coming of Age Day is a milestone
    B. How to Protect Yourself against COVID-19
    A. Two weeks before the BIG DAY!
    B. Decide if it will be indoors or outside.
    C. Have fun!
    D. Five days before the BIG DAY!
    E. If anything can be cooked and reheated, now is the time.
    F. Buy games and enough prizes.
    G. Send out invitations.
    C. Celebrating the occasion under COVID’s shadow
    D. Tokyo’s celebrations of Coming of Age Day
    第二节七选五(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
    III完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以
    How to plan a party for Mother’s Day
    The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would
    never be found out. --Thomas Macaulay
    Planning a party for Mother’s Day can be exciting and fun, but if everything is put off
    to the last minute, it can be stressful. Therefore, we have come up a way to help you plan
    for it, without adding any more stress to your everyday life!
    Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day,
    Mrs. Nanette O’Neill gave a math 36__________to our class. When the papers were
    marked, she discovered that twelve boys had made the same mistakes throughout the test.
    “There is really nothing new about 37__________in the exams. Perhaps that was
    why Mrs. O’Neill didn’t even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to
    38__________after class. I was one of the twelve.
    Mrs O’Neill asked 39__________questions, and she didn’t 40 __________us either."
    She wrote on the blackboard the 41__________words by Thomas Macaulay. She then
    ordered us to 42__________these words into our exercise books one hundred times.
    I don’t 43__________about the other eleven boys. Speaking for myself I can say: it
    was the most important single 44__________of my life. Thirty years after being
    introduced to Macaulay's words, they 45__________seem to me the best yardstick(准绳),
    because they give me a 46__________to measure myself rather than others.
    47__________of us are asked to make great decisions about nations going to war or
    armies going to battle. But all of us are called upon daily to make a great many personal
    decisions. 48__________the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket or turned over
    to the policeman? Should the extra change received at the store be forgotten or
    49__________? Nobody will know except 50__________. But you have to live with
    yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect.
    Four to six weeks before the BIG DAY!
    Choose a theme first. Next, make a guest list and pick a date and time.
    _________31________ Decide if you will have it at home, go to a park, or pay for a hall.
    Think about the day’s activities; what time to eat, what games to play, what crafts to do,
    etc. Finally you should order your party supplies, including favors, decorations, wrapping
    paper, plates, cups, etc.
    Three weeks before the BIG DAY!
    _________32_________ ASK for RSVP’s(不能参加请回复) by a certain date and
    time. Place a list of those you invited next to the phone to record RSVP’s.
    If you haven’t received any RSVP’s, call to make sure they are coming. Make it clear
    that your helpers can still attend and what their duties will be. Order the cake.
    One week before the BIG DAY!
    Call all confirmed(确认的) guests and remind them of the big day, double checking
    directions. Buy food and candies. Make up the goodie bags based on confirmations.
    One day before the BIG DAY!
    Prepare your foods ahead of time. _________34__________In the evening, when
    everyone is in bed, clean the house and set up the party spot.
    第 3页共 5页

    36. A. exercise
    37. A. lying
    38. A. come
    39. A. many
    40. A. gather
    41. A. above
    42. A. whisper
    43. A. worry
    44. A. chance
    45. A. even
    46. A. way
    B. test
    B. guessing
    B. leave
    C. problem
    C. cheating
    C. remain
    C. a great deal of D. a number of
    C. help
    C. following
    C. copy
    C. talk
    C. lesson
    C. therefore
    C. choice
    C. Some
    C. Need
    D. lesson
    D. discussing
    D. apologize
    61. People celebrate the festival to show that they _________________ the year’s supply
    of food.
    62. Customs _________________ festivals, but sometimes they can change over time.
    63. Halloween slowly became an exciting festival for children, _________________ its
    religious origins.
    B. no
    B. reject
    B. common
    B. illustrate
    B. hear
    B. accident
    B. still
    B. sentence
    B. Few
    B. Should
    B. remembered
    B. you
    D. scold
    D. usual
    D. fold
    64. Although he had many difficulties, his determination_________________ the years.
    65. After the boy _________________ from high school, he went to a nearby college.
    D. know
    D. feature
    D. however
    D. reason
    D. None
    D. Would
    D. returned
    D. them
    a great deal of apart from of one’s own treat…as
    earn a living
    66. I decided to _________________ what he said _________________ a joke.
    67. To_________________, some of them opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.
    68. _________________ being the kingdom of flowers, Yunnan is home to many ethnic
    minority groups.
    69. After ____________effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.
    70. Since Lin Qiaozhi had no children __________, she left her savings to a kindergarten.
    VI语法填空(每空 1.5分,计 15分)
    47. A. All
    48. A. Must
    49. A. paid
    C. contained
    C. us
    50. A. me
    IV单词拼写(本题共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)
    Zhong Nanshan, 71 ______________ (know) as a national hero during the outbreak
    of COVID-19, was born 72 ______________ Jiangsu Province. When SARS broke
    out in China, he stayed in the hospital day and night 73 ______________(treat) the
    patients. In 2020, with 74___________Spring Festival approaching us, the pandemic
    of COVID-19 75______________(become) more and more serious. People began
    76______________(worry) and found all masks in 77______________(shop) sold out.
    At the critical time, Dr. Zhong 78_____________(immediate)went to Wuhan to help.
    He was awarded one of the top ten people 79______________ moved China. He is
    never afraid of 80______________(tell) the truth and is still working whole-heartedly
    fighting against the deadly virus, protecting you and us.
    51. In some European countries, people decorate __________(教堂) and town halls with
    flowers and fruits.
    52. Of all the traditional festivals, the __________(收获) festival can be found in almost
    every culture.
    53. Online shopping websites and social __________(传媒) apps have made it much
    easier for the public to spend more money on gifts.
    54. Mr. and Mrs. Gates got to know each other in the 1990’s and they have a very happy
    55. I will work harder instead of wasting __________(宝贵的) time on those useless
    VII课文默写(每空 1分,满分 5分)
    81. They have ______________ origins, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous
    figures, and important events.
    82. They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths and ______________.
    83. And if you study festivals carefully, you may be surprised to find that different
    cultures actually ______________ after all.
    84. Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she ___________the “mother of ten thousand
    56. Have you ever faced a __________(道德的) dilemma or heard of someone who did?
    57. Her brother __________(抱怨) to her and she said she would stay single all her life.
    58. He __________(承认) that he had taken the money and would never do it again.
    59. It __________ (肯定) feels good to be back in my hometown and stay with my parents.
    60. Over 300,000 people came from all over the world and __________(寻找) their
    V用方框中所给的词语的适当形式填空(每空 2分,满分 20分)
    85. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the
    earthquake______________ in 1906.
    graduate from play a significant role in be grateful for carry sb through in spite of
    第 4页共 5页

    VIII单句改错(每小题 1分,满分 5分)
    86. There are so many good cafes and restaurants to select near downtown .
    87. I think many food festivals are bored because people are just eating.
    88. Doctor Bethune was passed away in November the following year.
    89. There are so many beautiful old building on top of the hills.
    90. The man dressing in a ghost costume looks quite funny.
    IX书面表达 (共 1小题,满分 20分)
    假如你叫李梅,端午节即将来临,你的英国笔友 John对中国文化特别感兴趣,请你用
    注意:词数 100左右;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear John,
    How are you doing recently?
    Li Mei
    第 5页共 5页

    I 听力(每小题 1.5 分,总分 30 分)
    1-5 BACCB
    II 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,总分 30 分)
    6-10 ACBAC
    16-20 BBCAA
    III 完形填空(每小题 1 分,总分 15 分) 36-40 BCCBD 41-45 ACDCB 46-50 ABBDB
    IV 单词拼写(每小题 1 分,总分 10 分,变形错误不给分)
    56. moral
    55. precious
    60. sought
    57. complained
    V 短语填空(每小题 2 分,总分 20 分,词语正确没变形给 1 分)
    61.are grateful to 62. play a significant role in 63.in spite of
    65. graduated from 66.treat…as 67.earn a living
    69.a great deal of 70. of her own
    VI 语法填空(每小题 1.5 分,总分 15 分,完全正确给分)
    64. carried him through
    68.Apart from
    71. known
    72. in
    73. treating
    74. the
    75. Became
    80. telling
    76. to worry
    77. shops
    78. Immediately
    79. who/that
    VII 课文默写(每小题 1 分,总分 5 分,完全正确给 1 分)
    81.a wide range of
    84.was known as
    82.attitudes towards life
    85. that occurred
    83. have a lot in common
    VIII 单句改错(每小题 1 分,总分 5 分,格式不对不给分)
    86.在 any 和 country 中间加 other; 87. Direction 改为 directions;
    88.can 改为 could ; 89.去掉
    90. Full 改为 filled 或者 with 改为 of;
    IX 书面表达(总分 20 分)
    第五档 很好 (17-20 分)
    第四档 好(13-16 分)
    2.虽漏掉 1、2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。
    4.语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确, 些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。
    第三档 适当 (9-12 分)

    2.虽漏掉 1、2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。
    第二档 较差 (5-8 分)
    第一档 差 (1-4 分)
    0 分
    One possible version:
    Dear John,
    How are you doing recently? I’m glad to know you’re interested in the Dragon Boat Festival. Here’s
    something about it.
    The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of over 2000 years. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar
    month. The special food for it is zongzi. The biggest draw of the festival should be the exciting dragon boat
    races on the river, which are held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. Houses are decorated with green
    herbs and beautiful paper ornaments, and children often wear perfumed medicine bags or colourful threads
    to prevent disease while promoting good health.
    Why not come to China and experience the festival first hand? I’d like to be your guide.
    Li Mei
    (117 words)
    Tape script
    Text 10
    Thank you for inviting me to talk about the riding and holiday center. Let me tell you about

    a normal day's program. After breakfast we begin at about 10 o'clock by setting the horse
    ready. You need to make sure you have the right equipment before the ride begins at
    about 11:30.
    For the first few miles we go quite slowly and break for about an hour at noon, near a
    beach or a lake where you can swim. We arrive back at the center at about 4:00 pm.
    Everyone has to wear a hard hat and these are free of charge at the center. Sports shoes
    are no good for riding, I'm afraid. Strong shoes or boots are the best. Warm clothes such as
    jeans and sweaters, some swimwear and a small shoulder bag for carrying a packed lunch
    are useful. In the local area, there are lots of things to see and do, such as golf and fishing.
    And there is an excellent museum not far away. And now for the price. Well, a four-day
    holiday is 290 dollars per person, including the riding, the equipment, the room and all
    food. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


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