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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. Why des the man call the wman?
    A. T change his rm.
    B. T reprt a wrng lift.
    C. T invite her t swim.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a z. B. On a farm. C. In the muntains.
    3. What is the prbable seasn n?
    A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A driver. B. An injury. C. An accident.
    5. Hw may the wman feel abut the man’s wrds at first?
    A. Delighted. B. Nervus. C. Relaxed.
    6. What des the wman advise the by t eat?
    A. Sweet fd. B. Fd with fiber. C. Fried chicken.
    7. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.
    B. Brther and sister.
    C. Mther and sn.
    8. What is the by’s favrite?
    A. Rck music. B. Pp music. C. Classical music.
    9. What des the by think f cuntry music?
    A. Nisy. B. Sft. C. Bring.
    10. What makes the wman feel uncmfrtable?
    A. A sea plant. B. The diving suit. C. The sea water.
    11. What is the mst exciting activity fr the man?
    A. Diving. B. Rck climbing. C. Bungee jumping.
    12.What des the wman imply in the end?
    A. She lves bungee jumping.
    B. She decides t g rck climbing.
    C. She will never dive again.
    13. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Phne a htel.
    B. Bk a restaurant table.
    C. Change traveler’s cheques.
    14. Hw des the man find the twn?
    A. Mdern. B. Beautiful. C. Large.
    15. What des the man want t knw?
    A. The price f a htel.
    B. The histry f the twn.
    C. The pening time f the banks.
    16. Where are the speakers nw?
    A. Near a square. B. Oppsite a htel. C. Outside a bank.
    17. Why des urban glf get its nan e?
    A. It is a quite cheap sprt.
    B. It is ften played in the city.
    C. It can be played in the strcet.
    18. Hw dcs the speaker like the Mrccan desert race walking.
    A. Rather hard. B. Very ppular. C. Slightly dangerus.
    19. In which cuntry did Sepak Takraw begin?
    A. Indnesia. B. Malaysia. C. Thailand.
    20. What des the speaker say abut Sepak Takraw?
    A. It is similar t tennis.
    B. It attracts many children.
    C. It is held every year in Sutheast Asia.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    New Year’s Day is meant fr fd. As the new year arrives arund the wrld, there culd be special cakes and breads, fr example, lng ndles representing lng life, field peas representing cins, and pigs representing gd luck. The particulars vary, but the general theme is the same: Enjy fd and drink t bring in a year f prsperity. Here are sme f the New Year’s fd traditins arund the wrld.
    Hppin’ Jhn, American Suth
    A majr New Year’s fd traditin in the American Suth, Hppin’ Jhn is a dish f prk-flavred field peas r black-eyed peas—symblizing cins—and rice, frequently served with cked greens—as they’re the clr f mney and crnbread—the clr f gld. The dish is said t bring gd luck in the new year.
    Twelve grapes, Spain
    The peple f Spain traditinally watch a bradcast frm Puerta del Sl in Madrid, where peple gather in frnt f the square's clck twer t ring in the New Year. Thse ut in the square and thse watching at hme take part in an unusual annual traditin: At the strke f midnight, they eat ne grape fr every tll f the clck bell. Sme even get their grapes ready—peeling and seeding them—t make sure they will be as efficient as pssible when mid-night cmes.
    Tamales, Mexic
    Tamales, crn dugh filled with meat, cheese and ther delicius additins and wrapped in a banana leaf r a crn husk, make appearances at pretty much every special ccasin in Mexic. In many families, grups f wmen gather tgether t make hundreds f the little packets t hand ut t friends, family and neighbrs.
    Sba ndles, Japan
    In Japanese husehlds, families cat buckwheat sba ndles, r tshikshi sba, at mid-night n New Year’s Eve t say gdbye t the year gne by and welcme the year t cme. The traditin dates back t the 17th century, and the lng ndles symblize lngevity and prsperity.
    21.The cmmn theme f fd fr New Year’s Day is.
    A. t shw its deliciusness and sell well in market
    B. t cat and drink well and hpe fr a fancy new year
    C. t celebrate new year and wish fr blessings frm nature
    D. t say farewell t the ld year and welcme the new year
    22. Which dish is believed t bring gd luck in the new year?
    A. Hppin’ Jhn. B. Twelve grayes.
    C. Tamales. D. Sba ndles.
    23. In which cuntry d peple eat grapes when clck strikes n New Year’s Eve?
    A. The US. B. Mexic. C. Spain. D. Japan.
    Just when yu think life is ging a certain way, there can be an unexpected twist f fate. James Fx fund this ut after meeting a ttal stranger.
    Life is nt easy fr James Fx. His arms and legs are disabled because f an accident. Even wrse he was hmeless. One day he was riding n a skatebard heading t his mther’s huse when a man stpped his truck and asked James if he’d like a ride. The driver’s name is Dan Creightn, wh’s a CEO f Creightn Cnstructin and Develpment. Cncerned fr James’ safety, Dan decided t ffer a lift.
    Dan ffered t purchase him an electric wheelchair, but James refused. He simply tld Dan that he was n his way t his mm’s huse. Dan tld James t reach ut if he needed any-thing. They didn’t meet each ther until tw years later, when Dan sptted James at a bus stp. He didn’t hesitate t pull ver and ask if James wanted a ride.
    James remembered Dan, and admitted that he was n his way t the Scial Security ffice fr help. At that time James had n family supprt anymre. Bth his mm and dad had pas-sed away after the pair had first met. Even thugh Dan didn’t knw much abut James, he tk him t his ffice and gave him a $10,000 check. Since then, James has becme like a member f Dan’s family and has even started up n his main passin, cmputer wrk, nce mre.
    Dan even bught James a flat in Suth Pint Villas. The hme is cmpletely accessible as the flrs flw thrughut, s James can use his skatebard t get abut. Dan als created a GFundMe fr. James, called “Let’s Make 2020 James Fx’s Best Year Yet”. The target was set at $13,000, but it has already surpassed $10,000. James is nw settling int his new hme, and knws he has a lt t thank his friend.
    24. Hw did James becme disabled?
    A. By accident. B. By illness. C. In a war. D. By nature.
    25. What was James t d when he first met Dan?
    A. Catch a bus. B. Play skatebard. C. Meet his friends. D. Visit his parents.
    26. What might James be gd at?
    A. Drawing. B. Cmputers. C. Rine. D. Writing.
    27. What can we infer abut Dan Creightn?
    A. He is a truck driver. B. Life is nt easy fr him.
    C. He is always ready t help thers. D. He is the creatr f GFundMe.
    Climate change will significantly alter hw sund travels underwater, ptentially affecting natural sundscapes(音响范围) as well as increasing human-generated nise, accrding t a new glbal study that identified future cean “sund htspts.” These changes t cean sundscapes culd impact essential activities f marine life.
    “We calculated the effects f temperature, depth and salinity (盐度) based n public data t mdel the sundscape f the future,” said Alice Affatati, lead authr f the new study published tday in Earth’s Future. It is the first glbal-scale estimate f cean sund speed linked t future climate. In warmer water, sund waves travel faster and last lnger befre dying away.
    Tw htspts, in the Greenland Sea and a patch f the nrthwestern Atlantic Ocean east f Newfundland, can expect the mst change at 50 and 500 meter depths. The majr impact is expected in the Arctic, where we knw already there is expansin f the effects f climate change nw. Nt all the Arctic, but ne specific part where all factrs play tgether t give a signal that vercmes the uncertainty f the mdel itself.
    Many marine animals use sund t cmmunicate with each ther and navigate their under-water wrld. Changing the sund speed can impact their ability t feed, fight, find mates, avid predatrs and migrate, the authrs said. Temperature, pressure with increasing depth and salinity all affect hw tast and hw far sund travels in water.
    Future wrk will cmbine the glbal sundscape with ther maps f human impacts in the ceans t accurately determine areas f cmbined stressrs(压力源), r direct needed bservatinal research. With cmplicated prblems like climate change, t cmbine different appraches is the way t g.
    28. What des the new study indicate?
    A. Human-generated nise will impact climate change.
    B. Activities f marine life culd impact cean sundscapes.
    C. Natural sundscapes may ptentially affect climate change.
    D. Climate change may affect the way sunds travel under ceans.
    29. The glbal-scale estimate f cean sund speed linked t future climate is.
    A. useless B. initial C. simple D. utdated
    30. In which aspect des climate change affect marine life?
    A. Their fd variety. B. Their eyesight.
    C. Their survival ability. D. Their dashing ability.
    31. What is the next aim f the study?
    A. T try different appraches. B. T cmbine glbal sundscapes.
    C. T analyse ther human impacts. D. T lcate the places f stress surce.
    Peple wh include a little yga r tai chi in their day may be mre likely t remember where they put their keys. Researchers at the University f Califrnia, Irvine and Japan’s University f Tsukuba fund that even very light. wrkuts can increase the cnnectivity between parts f the brain respnsible fr memry frmatin and strage.
    In a study f 36 healthy yung adults, the researchers discvered that a single 10-minute perid f mild exercise can yield cnsiderable cgnitive benefits. Using special tls, the team examined subjects’ brains shrtly after exercise sessins and saw better cnnectivity between the hippcampus(海马体) and crtical areas linked t detailed memry prcessing.
    “The hippcampus is critical fr the creatin f new mernries, it’s ne f the first regins f the brain t becme wrse as we get lder-and much mre severely in Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆) disease,” said prject c-leader Michael Yassa. “Imprving the functin f the hippcampus hlds much prmise fr imprving memry in everyday settings.”
    A little bit f physical activity can g a lng way, Yassa, directr f UCI’s Center fr the Neurbilgy f Learning and Memry, stressed, “It’s encuraging t see mre peple keeping track f their exercise habits—by mnitring the number f steps they're taking, fr example,” he said. “Even shrt walking breaks thrughut the day may have cnsiderable effects n imprving memry and cgnitin.”
    Yassa and his clleagues at UCI and at the University f Tsukuba are extending this methd f research by testing lder adults wh are at greater risk f age-related mental dam-age and by cnducting lng-term interventins(干预) t see if regular, brief, light exercise dne daily fr several weeks r mnths can have a psitive impact n the brain’s structure and functin in these subjects.
    32. What is the research centred n?
    A. Peple’s ways f wrking ut.
    B. The benefits f exercising t the bdy.
    C. The types f exercise benefiting memry.
    D. The relatin between exercise and memer
    33. Fr what is the hippcampus imprtant?
    A. Creating new memries. B. Adjusting bdy balance.
    C. Feeling weather changes. D. Recalling what smene did.
    34. What des the underlined wrld “yield” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Expect. B. prduce C. Cntrl. D. Share.
    35. What wuld be afr the text?
    A. Alzheimer destrys a persn’s brain
    B. Yga may cntribute t yur memry
    C. Even little wrkut imprves memry functin
    D. Lng-term interventins make fr mental damage
    Sure. alchl des give yu a sense f happiness, and yu may feel like all the prblems f the wrld have just disappeared. 36 Hw lng can yu escape frm the real-life prblems and ignre them as if they dn’t exist? Sme experts list a few reasns why yu shuld quit alchl.
    Many studies shw the health benefits f drinking alchl. Hwever, heavy drinking can have harmful effects n yur bdy and brain, leading t certain diseases such as heart disease r diabetes in later life stages. 38 Once yu quit drinking, yur bdy starts repairing it-self. As a result, yu start feeling better and mre cntent. Because the bdy isn’t affected by alchl, yu save mre energy t fcus n things. Abve all, yur brain and bdy can functin at its ttal capacity nce again.
    Yu wuld say gdbye t hangvers(宿醉)
    The wrst part abut getting drunk is the hangver. 39 Having headaches, feeling sick, and drained all mrning lng... It makes yu think, “why did I drink s much last night?” But n the cntrary t this whle experience, there’s ne thing that stands ut: waking up refreshed with a fantastic day ahead f us instead f having wken up sick frm drinking t much alchl.
    N guilt ver drinking, n mre aplgizing
    Whether yu ntice r nt, yur lved nes must have expressed cncern ver yur drinking habit. D yu feel guilty each time yu d it and prmise yurself t quit but can’t resist? Knw that being free frm alchl can be highly liberating and pwerful. If yu are struggling t stp n yur wn, knw that there is n shame in seeking treatment and help. The results will be tremendus, and yur life will change fr gd. It might nt seem easy t quit, but everything has a starting pint. 40
    A. It’s a killer!
    B. But is it a permanent slutin?
    C. But there is gd news fr yu.
    D. Yu wuld start feeling better.
    E. Yu wuld save quite a sum f frtune.
    F. Has it been lng since yu have felt this way?
    G. Start tday and liberate yurself frm the guilt.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Great bks can d great things fr yu in yur life. They 41 have fr me and I use a simple methd t make sure I dn’t frget what I’ve learned frm the best bks I’ve read. It’s really simple and I highly 42 yu give it a try.
    First. as I read, I 43 the best pints made by the authr, the nes that jump ut at (一下子吸引) me and instruct, 44 and mtivate me. Jext, I make a 45 in the frnt r back f the bk, with the page number and a shrt summary f what 46 me as a real gem (宝石). After I have finished the bk, I 47 all the page numbers and qutes (引用) nt a fancy ntebk. Then, anytime I need a mental, emtinal r mtivatinal push, I quickly and easily 48 my ntes f a particular bk. It’s easy and simple.
    My mentr Paul J. Meyer said, “It’s better t 49 r review ver and ver, 20 r 30 r 100 great bks than t read 1,000 50 bks.” I have never frgtten that and it has. 51 my life and dreams very well.
    In 52 the ntebk, I see my ntes n bks like, “Satisfactin” “Feel the Fear and D It Anyway” “The Pwer f Nw”, t 53 just a few. All these will 54 me f the time I read the bks and the 55 I gt frm the authr. Of curse, I can als share the insight. I develp frm the bk with my readers.
    41. A. rarely B. certainly C. gradually D. extremely
    42. A. recmmend B. desire C. insist D. cmmand
    43. A. remark B. estimate C. underline D. rganize
    44. A. behave B. disturb C. inspire D. amuse
    45. A. nte B. sund C. pint D. sense
    46. A. regard B. cnsider C. treat D. strike
    47. A. translate B. transfer C. transprt D. transfrm
    48. A. review B. refuse C. remember D. criticize
    49. A. recunt B. rewrite C. reread D. preview
    50. A. cheap B. expensive C. rare D. average
    51. A. served B. respected C. realized D. ccupied
    52. A. taking in B. giving away C. setting ut D. lking thrugh
    53. A. shw B. call. C. name D. put
    54. A. infrm B. remind C. cnvince D. accuse
    55. A. wisdm B. evidence C. prmise D. peace
    Befre becming a web nvel writer in 2018 Disha Flrence frm Dhaka, Bangladesh, nw 25, was trying t find a way t free 56 (she) frm the lng-existed restrictins 57 (face) by a wman, a wish she has had since she was 8.
    It was then that she bserved that being a girl meant she culd nt g t play in the park like bys. She needed t learn husehld chres but bys culd play all day. “I lst many 58 (pprtunity) because, I had t listen t my parents and I regretted it. That’s when I thught that if I had 59 (free), I wuldn’t have t listen t thers,” says Flrence. As she grew up. she realized that 60 any experience and knwledge, it is impssible t be free. Therefre, while 61 (cntiune) her study, Flrence went t wrk as 62 vlunteer in an NG,O.
    At 22, she 63 (read) nline fictin in English n Webnvel translated frm Chinese when she nticed that the website was hiring authrs 64 were said t have the chance 65 ( ) a great deal f mney. “Withut thinking further, I started writing, and be-came a prfessinal web nvelist,” she says.
    孩子在家里是否应该做家务是一个有争议的问题。请以“Shuld Children D Huse-wrk?”为题写一篇短文投给厦门中学生助手微信公众号,内容包括:
    Andrew Kirby, is 16 years ld, He is nw a student f Biling Springs Senir Middle Schl. Since the first day he went t schl, Andrew Kirby nrmally ate alne at schl and it made his mther, Kay Kirby, heartbreak. She was always wrried abut his being left alne when eating.
    But n Aug. 20, the first day when he went t junir schl, as sn as he gt in the car after schl, he said t his mm, “Mm, I didn’t cat alne! Sme student cuncil members asked me and 3 thers eating alne t cne sit with them, and said we culd eat with them again tmrrw t!” Kay Kirby was s excited that her eyes were wet. After arriving hme, she shared a pht f Andrew and gave thanks t the student cuncil at his high schl fr asking him t jin their lunch table.
    Kay Kirby is a mm f fur, She and her husband Tyler Kirby adpted Andrew when they were fstering him as a baby. Andrew was brn with a drug addictin and has a kind f rare disease, which is a genetic cnditin that causes tumrs(肿瘤) t frm in the brain, and nerves. He has had majr back and neck peratins.
    Andrew is a shy kid, and he had ften sat by himself at lunch since he went t schl. He’s mre f a lner. In his mther’s eyes, he is a gd kid, but he’s just different. It desn’t make him strange r bad. He’s very lyal and everybdy that meets him, lves him.
    In previus schl years, Kay wuld text Andrew t ask if he was having lunch with any-ne at schl. When he said ‘N’, the mther wuld have t turn her head a lt f time and try nt t cry. Andrew wuld send cmfrting message: “Mm, it desn’t matter. I am OK”. Hwever, the mther wuld still wrry abut him.
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mn-day—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    W: Hell. Frnt desk.
    M: Hi, this is Bb Rbinsn frm Rm 1027. I have a prblem f sleeping with a nisy swimming pl belw. And I feel uncmfrtable when taking a lift.
    W: OK. Let me check fr a quiet rm n the first flr.
    (Text 2)
    W: What’s that? This isn’t a lin, is it?
    M: Well, I think it is a lin. But dn’t wrry, they are in cages. Nw, let me check the map. Yes, lin land is next t Mnkey Muntains.
    (Text 3)
    W: My heater is brken and the weatherman says the temperature is ging t fall belw zer tnight. Culd yu send smene t fix it?
    M: This is the busiest time f the year, but I’ll try my best.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hw culd anyne survive this crash?
    M: It was amazing. There was a driver in the truck and six peple n the bus, but n ne was badly injured.
    (Text 5)
    M: Mary, I want t talk abut yur birthday party next week.
    W: We’re still having it, right? I’ve tld all my friends abut it.
    M: Relax, hney. We’re still having it. I just want t cnfirm smething with yu.
    (Text 6)
    M: Hw can I grw thinner, mum?
    W: Well, yu have t eat fd with plenty f fiber that helps yu digest better. And yu shuld stp drinking cla r eating sweet fd.
    M: Des it mean I shuldn’t eat my favrite fried chicken any mre?
    W: Nt exactly. If yu lve fried chicken, yu dn’t need t give it up. Just eat it less ften. Yu dn’t have t wrry t much, and a little fried chicken will d yu gd!
    (Text 7)
    W: That music is terrible! Turn it ff.
    M: But, mm, this is rck music. It’s great.
    W: But it’s just nise t me. I can’t put up with it anymre.
    M: It’s my favrite music. But if yu hate it s much, I’ll play smething yu like. What wuld yu like t listen t?
    W: What abut sme cuntry music?
    M: Ha-ha-ha-ha. It’s nt fashinable any lnger. I’ll be bred t death.
    (Text 8)
    M: Yu went n that diving trip, didn’t yu? Hw was it?
    W: It’s hard t say. The diving suit made my skin very uncmfrtable. What was wrse, three sharks swam up clse t me while I was watching the sea plants.
    M: Terrifying, isn’t it?
    W: S it is. And as a result I spent the rest f my hliday ut f the water. What abut yu? Did yu take yur usual vacatin?
    M: Yes, but I actually spent a mnth n rck climbing.
    W: Had a pretty gd time, did yu?
    M: Yu culd say that. And I think the real high spt was the bungee jumping... That was great.
    W: Yu are ne f thse peple wh lves heights, aren’t yu?
    M: Oh, yeah. They dn’t bther me at all.
    W: Maybe I shuld d that later. Anything’s ging t be better than swimming with sharks. I’ll never d that again.
    (Text 9)
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me where I can find a cheap htel?
    W: Certainly. There are a few arund here, but the nearest and ne f the nicest is just arund the crner. It’s called the Eur Htel. Wuld yu like me t phne t see if they have a rm?
    M: N, thanks any way. I’ll just wander arund them myself. Ah! Anther thing. I need t change sme traveler’s cheques, but I dn’t knw what time the banks clse.
    W: They clse at 7 ’clck in the evening.
    M: Thanks. This is a very pretty twn, isn’t it? D yu have any idea hw ld this twn is?
    W: Yes, it was funded in the 13th century.
    M: Really? Ww! Well, I’d better get ging. Oh, I’m nt sure if we’re near the center f the twn, because I’ve nly just arrived.
    W: Yes, this square ut here is just abut the center.
    M: Thanks fr yur help. I’ll g t... Oh, srry, I can’t remember which htel yu suggested.
    W: The Eur Htel.
    M: OK. Thanks a lt. Bye.
    (Text 10)
    M: Fr my prject, I lked at sme unusual sprts that peple play arund the wrld. I’d like t start by talking abut urban glf. Urban glf is similar t nrmal glf but yu dn’t need t g t a glf curse. Yu get clubs and a glf ball—well actually, it is a sft tennis ball instead f a hard glf ne. Then yu can play in the street, which is why it is called “urban”. An advantage f urban glf is that yu dn’t need t g anywhere special r need much mney t play. Next I’d like t talk abut the Mrccan desert race walking which is als called the Sahara marathn. This race is held every year ver a week. On the lngest day the runners have t travel 57 miles. The best thing abut it is that the winner can say he r she has wn the hardest marathn in the wrld. Finally I’d like t lk at Sepak Takraw. This is a type f vlleyball and is very ppular in Sutheast Asia. The sprt began in Malaysia althugh it is als very ppular in Thailand and Indnesia. One gd thing abut Sepak Takraw is that it is nw played in schls in many cuntries including Canada and Singapre.
    1~5 AACCB 6~10 BCACB 11~15 CCABB 16~20 ACABB 21~23 BAC
    24~27 ADBC 28~31 DBCD 32~35 DABC 36~40 BDCAG 41~45 BACCA
    46~50 DBACD 51~55 ADCBA
    56. herself 57. faced 58. pprtunities 59. freedm 60. withut 61. cntinuing
    62. a 63. was reading 64. wh/that 65. t make
    Shuld Children D Husewrk?
    Many parents d nt tend t let their children d husewrk because they want their children t fcus n their studies. This thught must be changed. Ding husewrk brings many benefits t children. Firstly, husewrk builds children’s respnsibility with husehld. Secndly, husewrk builds children’s empathy. After ding husewrk, children tend t be mre helpful and care fr the ther family members. Finally, ding husewrk gives children a sense f satisfactin and pride, Therefre, they als may have a higher level f self-cnfidence. In a wrd, children can get many benefits frm ding husewrk.
    But when Andrew gt int his mm’s car after the first day f his junir year , he was rather excited. He tld his mther that he n lnger ate alne. The student cuncil had nticed Andrew. They fund him a little different and was eating alne. They knew hw a teenage wuld feel eating alne. And they als fund that a few ther classmates were eating lunch alne, s they invited them all t sit tgether. He said prudly t his mther that he had made new friends and that he was nt alne any lnger.
    Kay shared the stry n Facebk where it gained mre than 14,000 likes and even mre cmments. She earnestly expressed her thankfulness t thse wh wuld like t eat with her sn. She als met the kids that be-came friends with Andrew and expressed her gratitude in persn. She said that it may seem small t them, but they made a difference in his life because they tk the time t make smene feel special. Andrew has been sit-ting with the same grup ever since he returned t schl. He als chats n a grup text with them and attended their mvie night last weekend.Shuld Children D Husewrk?
    But when Andrew gt int his mm’ car after the first day f his junir year, he was rather excited.
    Kay shared the stry n Facebk where it gained mre than 14, 000 likes and even mre cmments.


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