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    这是一份福建省福州市2022届高三下学期3月一模试题英语含答案(含听力),文件包含福建省福州市2022届高三下学期3月一模试题英语Word版含答案doc、20220301高三英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。



    (满分150 ,考试时间120 分钟)








    1. Why is the man's phone broken?

    A. The battery died.  B. It has water damage.  C. He dropped it on the ground.

    2. What will the speakers probably do next?

    A. Turn on a fan.  B. Leave the office.   C. Set of the alarm.

    3. How many people will be at dinner?

    A. Two.    B. Three.     C. Four.

    4. What kept the woman awake lost night?

    A. The storm.   B. The temperature.  C. The repairs of the power,

    5. What are the speakers doing?

    A. Eating vegetables. B. Shopping for fruit.  C. Picking flowers.




    6. Why does the woman call!?

    A. To book a table.  B. To reschedule an interview. C. To apply for a part-time job.

    7. What will the woman do at 2 : 30 this afternoon?

    A Attend a class.  B. Meet the manager.   C. Work in a restaurant.


    8. What do we know about the girl?

    A. She is always bored. B. She misses her family.   C. She is busy this weekend.

    9. When did the girl see her family last time?

    A. On a holiday.  B. On her birthday.    C. At a relative's wedding.


    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

    A. Child education.  B. Pet management.   C. Noise disturbance.

    11. What do we know about the speakers' new neighbors?

    A. They have three kids.  

    B. They have a big apartment. 

    C. They often keep their dogs in.

    12. How will the speakers probably deal with the problem?

    A. Speak with their neighbors.

    B. Talk with the other residents.

    C. Send a message to their neighbors.


    13. Where are the speakers?

    A. In a studio.    B. In a library.    C. In a museum.

    14. When did Ronald meet Ansel?

    A. While fishing on a boat.

    B. While walking through the woods.

    C. While relaxing on the top of a mountain.

    15. What made Ronald want to learn from Ansel?

    A. That he knew the best spots.

    B. That he had a passion for art.

    C. That he had a wealth of information.

    16. Who is Ronald?

    A. A designer.    B. A photographer.   C. An historian.


    17. How did the Doggerland people make a living?

    A. By hunting,    B. By farming.    C. By trading.

    18. Who often find the evidence of Doggerland?

    A. Scientists    B. Fishermen.    C. Historians.

    19. Which modem issue do researcher warn us about?

    A. Climate change.   B. Immigration(移民).  C. Pollution.

    20. What is the main subject of the talk?

    A. The UN’s ancient flood stories.

    B. The danger of flooding in the UK.

    C. Ancient flooded land off the UK cone





    With the attractive scenery and the possibility of a monster (怪物) sighting, Loch Ness is the one of those rare destinations that engages everyone.

    Urquhart Castle

    Captured by Edward 1 in 1296, this prized castle changed hands between the Scots and English on several occasions. Though ruined today, it's still possible to climb the Grant Tower and visit the battlements and prison cells. A cafe and visitor center offer modem facilities in historic surroundings.

    The Loch Ness Centre

    For those who wish to digest the complete history of Loch Ness, this centre is particularly good a documenting the history of this mysterious stretch of water, including many a tempts to search for Nessie, the infamous monster. It also holds curious arifacts (古器物) such as the diving suit worn by Lloyd Scott when he undertook his underwater marathon.

    The Classman Centre

    At the south end of Loch Ness, this attraction uncovers the truth surrounding 18th-ceahury family life. Audience members get the opportunity to put on Highland dress and there's a demonstration on how weapons were used. The presentations take place within the recreated interior of a Highland house, adding atmosphere and authenticity (真实).

    South Loch Ness Trail

    This 36-mile route invites hikers along the quieter south side of Loch Ness, passing through three villages, and taking in the Falls of Foyers. Walkers hike a mix of minor roads and forest tracks, with highlights including Suidhe Viewpoint (a mountainous view at 1, 200 feet). If it sounds too easygoing, then consider the Loch Ness 360° Trail instead for a more challenging, 80 mile route.

    21. Which place best suits visitors interested in Nessic?

    A. Urquhart Castle.     B. The Loch Ness Centre.

    C. The Clansman Centre.    D. South Loch Ness Trail

    22. What is special about the Clansman Centre?

    A. It provides a genuine scene.  B. It displays fascinating scentary.

    C. It exhibits entertaining artifacts.  D. It possesses modern conveniences.

    23. Which of the following would a tourist choose if he wants to challenge himself?

    A. Seeking the Falls of Foyers. .  B. Walking along the quieter side.

    C. Hiking the Loch Ness 360° Trail. D. Searching a mix of minor roads and tracks.


    Tracy Garett was the Mr Fix-it of a village where I lived for two years. I heard about mysterious doings of his late wife, Minnie. There were stories of someone who had got into trouble a proper amount of money would cure, and each ended on the same strange note:“Minnie is in hock again."

    I tried to talk with locals to solve the mystery. But at a newcomer's spying curiosity, the villagers always avoided the issue with New England reservation. It left me completely in the dark.

    Soon I began having troubles of my own. My daughter had an expensive operation, but the money I had counted on didn't come in.

    One day Garrett came to fix my sink, which never worked properly. Working silently for a while, the looked at me and said, “Understand you've been having a little trouble.”I was feeling biter, but sill talked it out. “Then it's time you met Minnie,” he said decisively.

    I felt a bit scared and was prepared for anything, but all that happened was that he took out a tired-looking $ 1000 bank-note. Roughly printed on it was: MINNIE.

    “All you do is take Minnie to the bank and put her up for loan for any amount up to $ 1000. You pay the bank their regular rate of interest, and then Minnie comes back to me.”He continued. “Minnie loved this village, and she wanted to keep on helping people after she was gone.”

    I began to understand why the town folk had been so secretive. They didn't know whether I could be trusted with a secret so precious.

    Though 1 moved away later, I would like to believe Minnie is still in circulation (流通). Vinnie strikes me as the kind of woman who goes on forever.

    24 Who was Tracy Garrett?

    A. A banker.    B. A doctor.    C. A repairman.    D. A gardener.

    25. What is Para. 2 mainly about?

    A. Little was reserved for Minnie.

    B. “I” failed to uncover the mystery.

    C The locals were curious about newcomers.

    D. Minnie was talked about a lot in the village.

    26. How did "I" get out of the trouble?

    A. He took Minnie to the bank.

    B. He turned to Garett for help.

    C. He borrowed money from Minnie.

    D. He loaned on Minnie's guarantee.

    27. Which of the following best conveys the message?

    A. Kindness is the key that unlocks the heart.

    B. He who plants kindness gathers love.

    C. A little kindness goes a long way.

    D. It is in giving that we receive.


    When I stepped into the Samcheong Park Library in Seoul, I saw the future. The simple building had a nice selection of books and a cafe where readers could enjoy coffee while gazing at the leaves outside. It was specifically designed without any latest technology.

    “What's so innovative about that?" a librarian in Toronto asked when I showed her pictures. Innovation to her meant digital technology, like 3D printers.“ Why couldn't they both be innovative?" I asked.

    We are constantly told that innovation is the most important force in our economy, without which we would be left behind. But that fear of missing out has led us to fall into the false trappings of innovation over truly innovative ideas that may be simpler and more effective. This mindset implies that if you just buy the new thing, you have innovated! Each year, businesses and individuals run around like broken toy robots, trying to figure out their strategy for the latest buzzword equipment.

    At best, this is a waste of resource. Devices are bought, used and abandoned, as the technology's capabilities fall short of its promise. But at its worst, this approach can truly cause damage. Schools cut field trips to purchase tablets with few proven benefits. Companies that applied A. I. into hiring have actually strengthened gender and racial prejudices.

    True innovation isn't just some magic devices. It is a continuing process of reflection and reassessment, which often means adopting “old" ideas and tools in a new context, or even returning to methods that worked in the past. Adjusted properly, these rearview ( 后视的) innovations have proved as transformative as novel technologies.

    Look no farther than the streets of New York, which have been redesigned recentIy to accommodate cyclists with car-free zones. The idea isn't new. It was created half a century ago, with the aim of bringing cities back to their residents. And while e-reader sales have been exploding, Penguin just announced it would publish tiny printed books, an ideal solution for a market demanding both convenience and physicality.

    28. Why is a librarian mentioned?

    A. To set an example.

    B. To cite an authority.

    C. To make a prediction.

    D. To present an argument.

    29. What does the underlined “buzzword" mean in Para. 3”?

    A. Fashionable.    B. Affordable.    C. Practical.    D. Imaginative.

    30. What does the writer agree with about innovation?

    A. Wasted resources lead to innovation.

    B. Magic devices encourage innovation.

    C. Innovation should be human-centered.

    D. The power of technology is undervalued.

    31. What is probably the best title of the text?

    A. Innovation Is Not That Expensive

    B. Future Lies in Returning to the Past

    C. Some Best Ideas Are in the Rearview Mirror

    D. Innovation: the Most Important Force in Economy


    Eyes are said to be the window to the soul--but researchers at Google see them as indicators of “person's health. A study suggests that Google's computers can predict whether someone is at risk of a heart attack by analysing a photograph of their retina (视网膜)

    The research relied on a convolutional neural network, a type of deep-learning algorithm (算法) that is transforming how biologists analyse images. Google's approach is part of a wave of new deep-learning aplieations that are making image processing easier and could even identify overlooked biological phenomena.

    The approach took off in the tech sector around 2012, but scientists struggled to apply the networks to biology in part because of cultural differences between fields.“Take a group of smart biologists and put them in a room of smart computer scientists and they will talk two different languages lo each other, and have different mindsets, " says Daphne Koller, chief computing officer at Calico.

    However, through years of study, some scientists have seen a shift that has never happened before in how well machine learning can accomplish biological tasks that have to do with imaging. Others are most excited by the idea that analysing images with convolutional neural networks could unknowingly reveal unnoticeable biological phenomena, encouraging biologists to ask questions they might not have considered before.

    Such discoveries could help to advance disease research. If deep learning can reveal markers of cancer un an individual cell, it could help to bring about new assumptions about how cancer spreads.

    Other machine-learning experts in biology have set their sights on new frontiers, now that convolutional neural networks are taking flight for image processing. " Imaging is important, but so is chemistry and molecular (分子) data,”says Alex Wolf, a computational biologist. Wolf hopes to improve neural networks so that they can analyse gene expression. "I think there will be a very big breakthrough in the next few years, ” he says. .

    32. What do we know about a convolutional neural network?

    A. It can predict diseases.

    B. It is a learning machine.

    C. It can transform images.

    D. It is an image processor.

    33. What can we infer from Daphne Koller's words?

    A. Barriers exist in certain fields.

    B. Scientists have different research aims.

    C. Characters prevent scientific cooperation.

    D. Technical limitation is the biggest challenge.

    34. With further study of convolutional neural networks,

    A. many biological questions gel answered

    B. it drives biologists to explore the field widely

    C. image analysis can go on without being noticed

    D. many deep-learning applications have been improved

    35. What is implied in the last paragraph?

    A. Neural networks are promising.

    B. It is convenient to process images.

    C. It is necessary to work on new frontiers.

    D. Analyzing gene expression is imperfect.



    If you have been diagnosed with panic disorder, then you have likely experienced constant fear and anxiety. Research has shown that using relaxation techniques can help reduce nervousness.

    Some common techniques include breathing exercises or yoga. 36 Another powerful one is visualization, which can help you relieve stress. It involves using mental imagery to achieve a more relaxed state of mind.

    Similar to daydreaming, visualization is accomplished through the use of your imagination. There are reasons why visualization can help you cope with panic disorder or panic attacks. 37 When experiencing a panic attack, your mind may focus on the worry, the worst things that can happen and other concerns that only add to your sense of fearfulness. Visualization works to expand your ability to relax by focusing your mind on more calming images.

    Before visualization, make sure your environment is set up for your comfort. To better relax, get rid of any distractions (干扰) , such as phones, pets or TV. 38. Remove any heavy jewelry or restricting clothing. Get ready to relax by either sitting or lying down in a position that feels most comfortable to you. 39 Feel free to change it to better suit your needs and imagination.

    40. Through regular practice, you will more easily be able to use visualization when you really need it, such as when you start feeling the physical symptoms of panic and anxiety.

    A. Take your time and slowly open your eyes.

    B. Then you may begin your visualization exercise.

    C. If the scene doesn't fit you, try your own visualization.

    D. They are relatively easy to learn and can be practiced daily.

    E. Consider how your thoughts wander when you feel panic or anxiety.

    F. Try to find a quiet place where you will most likely be undisturbed.

    G. To get better at visualization, try practicing at least several times a day.





    Once upon a time, my father and I got lost in a forest in France. I must have been about twelve or thirteen. Anyway, it was before the time when most people 41 a mobile phone. It was in the Loire Valley. About half an hour, my dad 42 the truth. "Oh, it seems that we're lost.” We walked around and around in circles, trying to find the path, 43 with no luck. I could tell my dad vr3as starting to 44, even as he was trying to hide it from me. We had been in the forest for hours then and both knew my mom would be in a state of absolute 45. At school, I had just been told the story of the hikers who had died in the wilderness and I found it easy to 46 that would be our fate too. “If we keep going in a 47 line we’ll get out of here,” my dad said.

    And he was right. 48 we heard the sound of cars and 49 a main road. We were eleven miles from the village where we had 50 but at least we had signposts. And I often think of that strategy. when I am totally 51-- literally or metaphorically(比喻). I thought of it when l was in the middle of a 52 , when my heart beat rapidly with 53 and didn't know how I could carry on living. Walking one foot in front of the other, in the same 54 , will always get you further than running around in circles. It's about the 55 to keep walking forward.

    41. A. owned   B. borrowed   C. invented   D. promoted

    42. A. revealed  B. realized   C. told    D. faced

    43. A. all    B. if     C. yet    D. so

    44. A. complain  B. erupt    C. regret    D. panic

    45. A. terror   B. anger    C. disappointment  D. loss

    46. A. decide   B. announce   C. imagine   D. clarify

    47. A. simple   B. short    C. straight   D. similar

    48. A. Regularly  B. Eventually   C. Surprisingly   D. Generally

    49. A. chose   B. missed    C. followed   D. reached

    50. A. set of   B. passed    C. called at   D. lived

    51. A. lost   B. sensitive   C. angry    D. stuck

    52. A. term   B. race    C. performance  D. breakdown

    53. A. excitement  B. surprise   C. fear    D. interest

    54. A. way   B. cycle    C. direction   D. distance

    55. A. ambition  B. determination  C. inspiration   D. cooperation



    Our ancestors did it out of necessity, but we are returning to their ways out of a desire to preserve the planet 56 future generations. Claire Jackson investigates the return of our make-do-and-mend and it turns out that “fast" fashion has been replaced by a “slow” fashion 57


    Reports that 300, 000 tons of 58 (use) clothing ends up in UK landfill every year have led to a comeback of make-do-and-mend, encouraging increasing numbers of people to take a renewed interest in maintenance, 59 ( buy) second-hand and to choose quality over quantity.

    “There used to be a feeling of shame attached to wearing second-hand clothes, ”reflects Anita Taylor, a shop owner.“ We're now meeting people 60 are sourcing their clothes from agencies such as ours, having committed to not buying anything new for a year.”

    In days gone by, wearing a 61 ( visible) mended jacket would have been considered an embarrassment, but now it may be prized for 62 (it) beauty and practicality.

    Despite the growing interest in mending, basic sewing skills----particularly among younger

    Generations----63 (be) surprisingly scarce (不足的). If you really can't fix something, you can always repurpose it. By the way, it's all 64 matter of taste. No matter 65 my mother-in-law may say, I happen to like my silver bracelet made out of 80 old fork very much.



    假设你是李华,你校即将举办以福文化为主题的中外学生交流活动,正在招募志愿者,请你根据以下内容,写一封申请信。CHINA FU CULTURE









    Dear Sir,



    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua



    “It was my twelfth birthday, and what I really wanted most was a new bicycle. But I knew that my family couldn't afford one, so I settled for a bedside table with lockable drawers, a safe place to keep my private stuff.

    We went to the charity shop where we found old dark one. It didn't look too cool, but I thought that I would pain in to make it look better.

    After we took it home, I was getting ready to paint it. When I pulled the drawers out, I felt something stuck to the back. I reached in all the way, and guess what? A sealed bag with some papers in it.

    When I opened the bag, I realized that the papers were official documents. And, wrapped in them were a bunch of ten and twenty dollar bill! Talk about finding a treasure! And on my birthday!

    “Is this some kind of joke?" I said aloud. I went ahead and read the papers, and it turned out to be a will Some old lady was leaving her savings for her son and grandchildren.

    My mind was going crazy. Was I the luckiest twelve-year-old ever? With this money I could buy the coolest bicycle. Who knows?

    I began counting. When I reached a thousand dollars, my mother was knocking on my bedroom door. I quickly closed the drawer with the money in it.

    “Do you want some help? Is everything all right?" she asked.

    No, everything was not right. Actually, my stomach was growling (低吼).

    “I'm okay," I lied.

    When my mother left my room, I lay on my bed, starting thinking. What a dilemma (窘境)! I wished there were some one 1 could talk with. Could I keep it and get all kinds of stuff for me and my family? It wouldn't be too bad for me to keep it, if I shared it. . . right? Thoughts ran through my mind. But I really didn't need someone else to give me the answer.




    I finally made a decision and called my parents into my bedroom.




    Though surprised, the shop owner helped find the family's telephone number.








    1-5 BBCBB 6-10CABAC 11-15CCCCB 16-20AABAC


    21-23 BAC 24-27 CBDC 28-31 DACC 32-35 DABA

    36-40 DEFBG


    41-45 ABCDA  46-50 CCBDA 51-55 ADCCB

    56. for     57. movement   58. used   59. to buy  60. who/that

    61. visibly  62. its     63. are   64. a    65. what 


    Dear Sir,

    My name is Li Hua. I’m interested in an opportunity to volunteer in the Fu-culture international exchange.

    I have extensive experience working as a language assistant in an international organization. In this position, I developed confidence in English and an eagerness to spread traditional culture. I also participated in school fundraising programs, which further strengthened my interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

    I believe I would make a valuable asset to your team. Please feel free to reach out to me.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua


    Text 1

    M: Oh, no! Look at what happened to my phone! The screen won’t even turn on. It must be from the rain. (1)

    W: I heard there is a way to dry it out. Separate the battery and the phone and drop them in a bag of rice.

    Text 2

    M: That’s the fire alarm. Everybody needs to get out of the office.

    W: It’s a false alarm. The fan has set off the alarm again.

    M: You could be right but safety must come first. Please leave the building. (2)

    set off:使(警报)响起,拉响(警报)

    The fan has set off the alarm again.


    Text 3

    W: How many people are coming to dinner tonight?

    M: The twins will be here, as well as you and me of course. (3)I hope that’s OK with you.

    Text 4

    W: I’m so tired today. My power went out last night during the storm, and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it.

    M: That seems like an annoying task. Did you stay up trying to find out what the problem was?

    W: No. It was just too hot to sleep after that. (4)

    Text 5

    M: How can you tell which ones are fresh?

    W: Give them a little press. If they are too soft, put them back. It’s OK if they are a bit firm. (5) We’ll just leave them on the counter for a couple of days.

    Text 6

    M: Garden Hotel. Can I help you?

    W: My name is Vicky Clark. I saw your advertisement in the newspaper. Can you tell me about the job, please? (6)

    M: We need people working in the kitchen, washing up, and clearing tables. What jobs have you done before?

    W: I’ve worked in a restaurant. But I’m a student, so I can only work on weekends. (6)

    M: That’s not a problem. Can you come here at 2:00 this afternoon to meet the manager? (7)

    W: I’m sorry. I have class from 2:00 to 3:00, (7) but I can come afterwards at 3:30.

    M: That’s fine.


    Text 7

    M: My parents want me to go to a family party this weekend. I know it’s going to be so boring. It always is.

    W: Don’t say that. You should be happy to spend time with your family. My family live across the country, so I don’t get to see them often. It’s a bit depressing. (8)

    M: Really? I’m sorry to hear that. Do you see them at least once a year, for birthdays or maybe a marriage in the family?

    W: I saw them on Christmas this past year. (9) That’s usually when we get together. I would love to go more often, but California is far away.

    M: I imagine it is a long ride across the country. Plus, you would have to take the time off from school and work.

    W: Actually, it’s more of the cost that keeps me from going often.

    Text 8

    M: I think we should speak to our new neighbors about the noise.

    W: I agree. I had hoped it would calm down but they have been here for over a month now.

    M: I know it must be hard for them with a young child.

    W: It’s not just the boy. They have three dogs in that tiny apartment.

    M: Yes, and they bark a lot during the day. They could take them to the park. There’s lots of space.

    W: Should we ask the other residents what they think?

    M: I’m pretty sure everyone will think the same as us.

    W: Then should we go over there just now and knock on their door?

    M: Why don’t we write them a letter instead?

    W: That’s a good idea.

    Text 9

    W: Ronald, (14) (15) (16) it is lovely that you agreed to come and do this for me.

    M: Don’t worry about it one bit. You’ll do great. This little interview is nothing, compared to setting up this beautiful museum. (13)

    W: Thank you. Who would you say is your biggest hero?

    M: Well, you already know the answer to that, Kristal. My adviser was Ansel Adams, the great nature photographer.

    W: And where did you meet Ansel? (14)

    M: Well, it’s an odd story actually. I was with my friends in the summer and they wanted to go fishing that day. I told them I would rather walk through the woods, so I hiked a mountain to relax alone, and ran into Ansel at the top. (14)

    W: Let me guess. He was taking pictures of the rocks?

    M: Almost. He was taking pictures of a special cloud. Immediately, he began telling me everything a person could know about clouds. He was a wealth of information. He invited me back to his photography studio after.

    W: And was that the moment you wanted to learn from him? (15)

    M: No. I decided that after he took me to his favorite spot. (15) The amount of knowledge that Ansel had was important to me. However, it was the pure joy and love for teaching and appreciating photography that got me. (15)

    W: And now you own your own studio, you design clothing and will soon have a permanent section here at the modern museum of art and technology. (13) (16)

    Text 10 (20题为总结题)

    The United Kingdom is a group of islands off the coast of Europe — but it hasn’t always been that way. Many thousands of years ago, the UK was attached to Europe by a stretch of land known as Doggerland. And the evidence of the people who lived there is regularly found. Roughly 12,000 years ago, as the last major ice age was ending, the area that is now the North Sea was very different. Instead of water, the area had hills, wetlands and valleys full of trees. Stone Age people lived in Doggerland. They were hunter-gatherers who moved with the seasons and lived by fishing, hunting, and gathering food such as nuts and berries. (17)Over time, they were slowly flooded out of their hunting grounds. Water which had been locked away in ice began to melt, drowning Doggerland. Around 6000 years ago, people were forced onto higher ground in what are today’s England and the Netherlands. The evidence of the ancient people’s presence can be found on the sea floor, where modern fishermen often find bones and tools that date back to about 9000 years ago. (18) Those studying Doggerland say the climate change faced by ancient people is similar to that we have now. (19) They say that a similar situation could affect the billions of people who live within 60 kilometers of a sea shore today if polar ice caps continue to melt at a rapid pace.





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