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    1.(4分)Beijing,the capital of China,is willing to welcome friends from all over the world.There are lots of cultural and natural attractions(景点) waiting for you to visit.Here is one of the most popular ways to travel around Beijing.
    One﹣day Tour of Beijing
    7:30 a.m.
    Arrive at the northern part of Tian'anmen Square,the symbol of China.
    10:20 a.m.
    Drive to Temple of Heaven.On your way there,you will have a chance to visit the Chinese Traditional Medicine Culture Center.
    12:00 p.m.
    Have Chinese lunch at a famous Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.
    1:30 p.m.
    Walk along the Summer Palace,the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial(皇家的) garden.
    3:00 p.m.
    Return to your hotel
    Tour Price:
    Adults (per person)
    Kids under 3 years old
    Kids from 3﹣12 years old
    Elderly people over 70 years old
    450 yuan
    Half price
    No Shopping!
    Contact Information:If you have any questions,please contact us:86﹣10﹣13099998871.

    (1)Travelers will do the following things during the whole trip EXCEPT    .
    A.visiting Tian'anmen Square
    B.walking around the Summer Palace
    C.going shopping
    (2)If a couple take the tour with their 4﹣year﹣old twins,they will have to pay    .
    A. ¥1,350
    B. ¥900
    C. ¥675
    2.(6分)Volunteering can be a wonderful experience.You can help out at an organization,and it can also benefit(对.….有益) you.We hope you'll feel more interested in volunteering after reading these stories.

    Tom 14 years old
    I have volunteered with Berkeley Animal Shelter for 2 years.I helped get cats adopted(收养),cleaned up after them,fed them,and gave them love.I got a strong feeling of satisfaction when watching a cat go out the door with a happy new pet parent.

    Ella 15 years old
    I volunteered for the Native Plant Society at age 14.I helped save the local plants.Instead of just "being full of passion(热情)",I actively worked on making it happen.Volunteering made me a better person.I realized I could do more than I thought.

    Ken 18 years old
    When I was 15 years old,I volunteered on Earth Day by helping clean up a local beach.We really don't realize how much rubbish is produced every day.Volunteering on the beach taught me that it was important to keep our beaches clean and helped me learn about different sea animals.

    Lee 16 years old
    My dad asked me to volunteer at our local Meals on Wheels when I was 13 years old.We volunteered every Saturday morning by sending hot meals to some old people who were unable to make their own food.This experience made me think more about other people and their needs.
    (1)How old was Tom when he began volunteering with Berkeley Animal Shelter?    
    (2)What did Lee learn from her volunteering experience?    
    A.She could learn to make meals.
    B.She would do more than she thought.
    C.She should think more about people in need.
    (3)What can we learn from the passage?    
    A.Tom is pleased with what he has done for cats in Berkeley Animal Shelter.
    B.Ella believes passion is the most important for volunteers.
    C.Ken has learnt a lot about plants since he helped to clean the beach.
    3.(10分)Waving(向.……挥手) her 5﹣year﹣old daughter goodbye,Wang Yaping,together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu,went into space aboard the Shenzhou XIII on Oct.16.
    The 41﹣year﹣old Wang became the first female astronaut to enter Tiangong space station.During their six﹣month stay,Wang,alongside Zhai and Ye,will do experiments and set up robotic arms.Wang will also do the first spacewalk by a Chinese woman,reported Xinhua.Wang's space dream started in 2003,when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space.She told herself, "China now has a male astronaut.When will there be a female one?" At that time,Wang was a pilot in the Chinese army.
    After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years,Wang was a strong candidate to become an astronaut in 2010.She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men,including the pull﹣ups(引体向上) and barbells(杠铃). "The space environment won't change because you are a woman," she told Xinhua.
    The hardest part is the high﹣G training.Sitting in a spinning(旋转的) machine,Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood. "There's a red button(按钮)," said Wang. "If you can't bear it,you can press it to stop." But Wang never used it. "There is no such red button in my heart."
    That strong spirit finally led to realizing her dream in 2013.She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission(任务).
    Wang said that as astronauts,women have their own advantages. "Women tend(倾向于) to be more patient and can better deal with loneliness.Women's hearts are also easier to adapt to the weightless(失重的) environment,making them more suitable for long﹣term missions."
    Retired NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman sent a greeting to Wang before the Shenzhou XIII trip.Coleman said, "When you look out the window and see the stars and the earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you." Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.

    (1)Wang won't     during the six﹣month space stay.
    A.do experiments
    B.set up robotic arms
    C.look after her daughter
    (2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?    
    A.Wang had few difficulties in the training.
    B.Wang is the first female astronaut to do the spacewalk in China.
    C.According to Coleman,Wang sets an example for women.
    (3)According to the passage,the underlined word "candidate" in paragraph 3 means    .
    (4)According to Wang,a female astronaut has advantages of    .
    a.more patience b.less weight
    c.more problem﹣solving skills d.better ability to deal with loneliness
    (5)What's the best title of the passage?    
    A.Long﹣term Space Missions
    B.The Space Dream
    C.Tiangong Space Station
    4.(10分)In the park,you see a group of people,all looking up at the sky.Without thinking about it,you look upwards,too.Why?In the concert,someone begins to clap(拍手) and suddenly the whole room joins in.You do,too.Why?
    Sometimes we feel we are acting correctly when we do the same as others.The more people follow an idea,the better or truer we think the idea is.It's the social proof(社会认同感) that works.
    The scientist Asch carried out an experiment(实验).It shows how social proof can influence us.In a room,a man is shown Line 1,and next to it are three lines (A,B,C).A is longer,C is shorter and B is as long as Line 1.He must tell which of the three lines is as long as Line 1.When the man is alone,he gives the correct answer.Then,five other men enter the room,and each of them gives the answer C as they were told to.Now the man changes his idea and gives the answer C.Asch got the same result many times among different subjects(实验对象).
    Why do we act like this?Well,in the past,following others was a way to keep from danger.Suppose that 5000 years ago,you were hunting(打猎) with friends.Suddenly,they all ran away.What would you have done?Would you have stayed?No,you would have run,too.We are descendants(后代) of those who copies others' action. It is so deeply planted in our mind that we still use it now.
    Social proof has special power.The advertising industry,for example,often makes use of it.So be careful whenever a company says its product is "the most popular".

    (1)At the beginning of the passage,the writer leads into the topic by    .
    A.giving examples
    B.telling a story
    C.answering questions
    (2)According to Paragraph 3,the experiment by Asch shows    .
    A.following others is not right
    B.social proof may change people's ideas
    C.it's difficult to carry out the experiment
    (3)The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 4 refers to    .
    A.running with others
    B.hunting with friends
    C.copying others' action
    (4)According to the passage,we can infer that    .
    A.we should think twice before following others
    B.people can study much better if they are alone
    C.social proof has a bad influence on our behaviors
    (5)The reading material above is most probably    .
    A.a business plan
    B.a travel guide
    C.a science report
    A study shows that there are more pets than children in American families.Amazed? (1)   
    (2)   Whether you believe it or not,keeping pets is a great way to make you happy.Research has shown that people who are ill have fewer chances of falling into a depression(沮丧) if they keep pets compared to those patients who don't keep pets.
    Taking a walk with pets is a good way to exercise.Want someone who would to take a walk with you?(3)   They can even urge(催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired,keeping you active and fit.Other activities related to pets like feeding,bathing,playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.
    (4)   No matter how lonely you feel,a pet will always be there for you.Whether you want to pour your heart out to them or tell them your secrets,you know it's all safe with them!Pets give you unconditional love.
    Pets help you have better relationships.Do you want to improve your social skills? (5)   Kids who grow up with pets at home are always respectful towards living things.
    Pets can warn you of danger.We all know that dogs will bark when they sense someone near the house,and that can be very good for home security.However,pets can sense far more than just a stranger.No matter what kind of pet you get,animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have,and that may save your life!

    A.Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.
    B.Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness.
    C.Keeping pets at home has several advantages!
    D.Dogs can be great companions and will happily go out for walks.
    E.It is said that people who keep pets are good in their social relations.
    6.(10分)The Olympic flame has been put out,marking the end of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.In the closing ceremony,International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach called the Games "truly exceptional". "The Olympic spirit could only shine so brightly because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way and in a safe way," he said.
    At Beijing 2022,a total of 2,877 players of 91 countries and regions(地区) competed for 109 gold medals.Through 17 days of excellent performances on the ice and snow,17 Olympic records,including two world records,were broken.
    As the first city to ever host both the Summer and Winter Olympics,Beijing provided thoughtful services to all the players.Beijing 2022 was the first international sport event to be held during the COVID﹣19 pandemic.The government took action to prevent imported cases(输入性病例) from spreading to the public in order to keep players safe. "With an infection rate(感染率) of 0.01,it was one of the safest places on the planet,if not the safest place on the planet,and this is a great achievement," said Bach.
    The popularity of ice and snow sports is growing around China.The country has achieved its goal to make 300 million people take part in winter sports.Winter sports facilities(设施) have even spread to the southern parts of China where winters are warmer.

    (1)Why could the Olympic spirit shine brightly according to Bach?    
    (2)How long did the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing last?    
    (3)Is Beijing the only city that has hosted both Summer and Winter Olympics?    
    (4)How did the government keep players safe during the 2022 Winter Olympics?    
    (5)What is China's goal of hosting the Winter Olympics?    

    7.(15分)I looked at the words on the page.I knew how to say them,but my (1)    wouldn't work.It was my first class in this new school,so nobody here knew me.My teacher just asked me to read some text out loud.The whole class was waiting for me (2)    .I could even hear my heartbeats.I just sat there.Seconds passed.Some students started to (3)   . "What's wrong with her?" one boy said. "Maybe she can't read at all!" said another student.
    "Just open your mouth and speak!" I told myself.I tried to get the words out.But the first was always the (4)    .The teacher was waiting.More of my classmates were making fun of me.I wanted to hide under my desk.I soon felt tears running down...
    I often faced situations like this during my grade school. (5)    ?I had a stuttering(结巴) problem.Because of this,I often felt embarrassed at school.
    Thankfully,I met a great teacher,Mrs.Brown.She never (6)    me when I was trying to talk.She helped me to relax when I was speaking,and would always wait (7)    for me to finish my sentences.
    Mrs.Brown offered me the most encouragement.She always let me know that my stuttering problem didn't mean I wasn't smart.She said, "Your brain is moving too fast,and your mouth just can't keep up!" Those simple words made me feel (8)    and encouraged.
    Great changes happened to me.When I entered high school,I almost (9)    stuttering.In college,I had no trouble at all.As a child,I never imagined that I would become a(10)    just like Mrs.Brown,passing love and care on to my students.

    8.(10分)A running track(跑道) has two straight (1)    (line) and two curves(曲线).Have you ever thought about why?
    Imagine that the track is a circle.Then you are changing (2)    (you) directions all the time when you run.This will consume(消耗) a lot(3)    (much) energy.If it is a square track,you need to change directions suddenly at each corner.It's not (4)    (well) for the runner either.
    How about (5)    (make) it a straight 400﹣meter line?Well,this is good for the runner, (6)    not for the audience.That's why people designed running tracks to be oval﹣shaped(椭圆形).
    The (7)    (one) modern Olympic games were held in Athens,Greece,in 1896.At that time,the running track (8)    (be) in the shape of U.The track was full (9)    dirt and people couldn't run fast.The first 400﹣meter track similar to today's (10)    (use) in the 1920 Olympic Games.
    9.(10分)The Internet and your friends influence your beauty standards.(1)你经常可以看到你朋友在网上分享照片。 They want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies,and you will compare yourself to them.
    First of all,not to follow popular beauty standards blindly.They are out of reach for 99% of us,so it's better to just forget about them.
    (2)Another suggestion is to find out what you are really good at. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin.Everyone is special,(3)所以没有必要跟别人一样。 Everyone has their own talents.
    (4)Finally,it is a good idea to try to keep your attention away from bad thoughts. To achieve this,you should do something you enjoy.You can enjoy yourselves by learning.This is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.You can also take part in social activities,like playing sports with your friends.These things can help you take your mind off matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.
    You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside,not on the inside.However,like a book,your contents(内容) are much more important than your cover. (5)As an old saving goes,don't judge a book by its cover. If you can learn to see the good things about yourself,you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.

    (1)80词左右 (开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
    Dear Lisa,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down because of your failure in the exam._____________

    1.(4分)Beijing,the capital of China,is willing to welcome friends from all over the world.There are lots of cultural and natural attractions(景点) waiting for you to visit.Here is one of the most popular ways to travel around Beijing.
    One﹣day Tour of Beijing
    7:30 a.m.
    Arrive at the northern part of Tian'anmen Square,the symbol of China.
    10:20 a.m.
    Drive to Temple of Heaven.On your way there,you will have a chance to visit the Chinese Traditional Medicine Culture Center.
    12:00 p.m.
    Have Chinese lunch at a famous Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.
    1:30 p.m.
    Walk along the Summer Palace,the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial(皇家的) garden.
    3:00 p.m.
    Return to your hotel
    Tour Price:
    Adults (per person)
    Kids under 3 years old
    Kids from 3﹣12 years old
    Elderly people over 70 years old
    450 yuan
    Half price
    No Shopping!
    Contact Information:If you have any questions,please contact us:86﹣10﹣13099998871.

    (1)Travelers will do the following things during the whole trip EXCEPT  C .
    A.visiting Tian'anmen Square
    B.walking around the Summer Palace
    C.going shopping
    (2)If a couple take the tour with their 4﹣year﹣old twins,they will have to pay  A .
    A. ¥1,350
    B. ¥900
    C. ¥675
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Arrive at the northern part of Tian'anmen Square,the symbol of China.(到达天安门广场的北部,中国的象征。)以及Walk along the Summer Palace,the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial(皇家的) garden.(漫步在颐和园,中国最大、最美丽的皇家园林。)以及No Shopping!(没有购物!)可知,游客在整个旅行中会做以下事情,除了购物。故选C。
    (2)数字计算题。根据Adults (per person):450 yuan;Kids from 3﹣12 years old:Half price.(成人每人450元;3﹣12岁儿童半价。)可知,如果一对夫妇带着他们4岁的双胞胎去旅游,他们必须付1350元。故选A。
    2.(6分)Volunteering can be a wonderful experience.You can help out at an organization,and it can also benefit(对.….有益) you.We hope you'll feel more interested in volunteering after reading these stories.

    Tom 14 years old
    I have volunteered with Berkeley Animal Shelter for 2 years.I helped get cats adopted(收养),cleaned up after them,fed them,and gave them love.I got a strong feeling of satisfaction when watching a cat go out the door with a happy new pet parent.

    Ella 15 years old
    I volunteered for the Native Plant Society at age 14.I helped save the local plants.Instead of just "being full of passion(热情)",I actively worked on making it happen.Volunteering made me a better person.I realized I could do more than I thought.

    Ken 18 years old
    When I was 15 years old,I volunteered on Earth Day by helping clean up a local beach.We really don't realize how much rubbish is produced every day.Volunteering on the beach taught me that it was important to keep our beaches clean and helped me learn about different sea animals.

    Lee 16 years old
    My dad asked me to volunteer at our local Meals on Wheels when I was 13 years old.We volunteered every Saturday morning by sending hot meals to some old people who were unable to make their own food.This experience made me think more about other people and their needs.
    (1)How old was Tom when he began volunteering with Berkeley Animal Shelter?  A 
    (2)What did Lee learn from her volunteering experience?  C 
    A.She could learn to make meals.
    B.She would do more than she thought.
    C.She should think more about people in need.
    (3)What can we learn from the passage?  A 
    A.Tom is pleased with what he has done for cats in Berkeley Animal Shelter.
    B.Ella believes passion is the most important for volunteers.
    C.Ken has learnt a lot about plants since he helped to clean the beach.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一框Tom,14 years old.(汤姆14岁。)和I have vounteered with Berkeley Animal Sheter for 2 years.(我已经为伯克利动物保护协会做了两年的担保。)可知,Tom现在14岁,做了两年的志愿者,所以他12岁开始做志愿者。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第四框This experience made me think more about other people and their needs.(这段经历让我更多地思考其他人和他们的需求。)可知,这段经历让李更多地考虑他人和他们的需求,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第一框I have volunteered with Berkeley Animal Shelter for 2 years.(我已经为伯克利动物保护协会做了两年的担保。)I got a strong feeling of satisfaction.(我有一种强烈的满足感。)可知,汤姆对他在伯克利动物收容所为猫所做的事情感到高兴,有强烈的满足感。故选A。
    3.(10分)Waving(向.……挥手) her 5﹣year﹣old daughter goodbye,Wang Yaping,together with Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu,went into space aboard the Shenzhou XIII on Oct.16.
    The 41﹣year﹣old Wang became the first female astronaut to enter Tiangong space station.During their six﹣month stay,Wang,alongside Zhai and Ye,will do experiments and set up robotic arms.Wang will also do the first spacewalk by a Chinese woman,reported Xinhua.Wang's space dream started in 2003,when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space.She told herself, "China now has a male astronaut.When will there be a female one?" At that time,Wang was a pilot in the Chinese army.
    After having safe flights for 1,600 hours over nine years,Wang was a strong candidate to become an astronaut in 2010.She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men,including the pull﹣ups(引体向上) and barbells(杠铃). "The space environment won't change because you are a woman," she told Xinhua.
    The hardest part is the high﹣G training.Sitting in a spinning(旋转的) machine,Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood. "There's a red button(按钮)," said Wang. "If you can't bear it,you can press it to stop." But Wang never used it. "There is no such red button in my heart."
    That strong spirit finally led to realizing her dream in 2013.She joined the team for the Shenzhou X mission(任务).
    Wang said that as astronauts,women have their own advantages. "Women tend(倾向于) to be more patient and can better deal with loneliness.Women's hearts are also easier to adapt to the weightless(失重的) environment,making them more suitable for long﹣term missions."
    Retired NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman sent a greeting to Wang before the Shenzhou XIII trip.Coleman said, "When you look out the window and see the stars and the earth,billions of women will be looking out that window with you." Wang carries the spirit of every young woman who dreams of something big.

    (1)Wang won't  C  during the six﹣month space stay.
    A.do experiments
    B.set up robotic arms
    C.look after her daughter
    (2)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?  A 
    A.Wang had few difficulties in the training.
    B.Wang is the first female astronaut to do the spacewalk in China.
    C.According to Coleman,Wang sets an example for women.
    (3)According to the passage,the underlined word "candidate" in paragraph 3 means  A .
    (4)According to Wang,a female astronaut has advantages of  A .
    a.more patience b.less weight
    c.more problem﹣solving skills d.better ability to deal with loneliness
    (5)What's the best title of the passage?  B 
    A.Long﹣term Space Missions
    B.The Space Dream
    C.Tiangong Space Station
    【解答】(1)细节判断题。根据During their six ﹣ month stay ,Wang ,alongside Zhai and Ye ,will do experiments and set up robotic ams .Wang will also do the first spacewalk by a Chinese woman ,reported Xinhua .(在他们六个月的逗留期间,王将与翟和叶一起进行实验并设置机械手臂。据新华社报道,她还将完成中国女性的首次太空行走。)可知,在这六个月里,她要做实验、设置机械手臂,还将进行第一次太空行走,没有提到"照顾女儿"。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段She pushed herself hard,getting the same training as men,including the pull﹣ups and barbells.(她努力锻炼自己,接受了与男子相同的训练,包括引体向上,还有杠铃。)四段Sitting in a spinning machine,Wang would become blind for a while because her brain was short of blood. (坐在旋转中由于大脑供血不足,王会失明一段时间。)可知王亚平经历了艰苦的训练。A 项"王在训练中没有遇到什么困难。"说法错误。故选A。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据第三段After having safe flights for I ,600 hours over nine years ,(在九年内安全飞行了1600个小时之后。)和 to become an astronaut. (成为一名宇航员。)可知,此处指成为宇航员候选人,划线单词表示"候选人"。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Women tend to be more patient and can beter deal with loneliness .Women 's hearts are also easier to adapt to the weightless environment ,making them more suitable for long ﹣ term missions.(女性往往更有耐心,能更好地应对孤独。女性的心脏也更容易适应失重环境,更适合长期任务。)可知,女性往往更有耐心,能更好地应对孤独。女性的心脏也更容易适应失重环境,更适合长期任务。故选A。
    4.(10分)In the park,you see a group of people,all looking up at the sky.Without thinking about it,you look upwards,too.Why?In the concert,someone begins to clap(拍手) and suddenly the whole room joins in.You do,too.Why?
    Sometimes we feel we are acting correctly when we do the same as others.The more people follow an idea,the better or truer we think the idea is.It's the social proof(社会认同感) that works.
    The scientist Asch carried out an experiment(实验).It shows how social proof can influence us.In a room,a man is shown Line 1,and next to it are three lines (A,B,C).A is longer,C is shorter and B is as long as Line 1.He must tell which of the three lines is as long as Line 1.When the man is alone,he gives the correct answer.Then,five other men enter the room,and each of them gives the answer C as they were told to.Now the man changes his idea and gives the answer C.Asch got the same result many times among different subjects(实验对象).
    Why do we act like this?Well,in the past,following others was a way to keep from danger.Suppose that 5000 years ago,you were hunting(打猎) with friends.Suddenly,they all ran away.What would you have done?Would you have stayed?No,you would have run,too.We are descendants(后代) of those who copies others' action. It is so deeply planted in our mind that we still use it now.
    Social proof has special power.The advertising industry,for example,often makes use of it.So be careful whenever a company says its product is "the most popular".

    (1)At the beginning of the passage,the writer leads into the topic by  A .
    A.giving examples
    B.telling a story
    C.answering questions
    (2)According to Paragraph 3,the experiment by Asch shows  B .
    A.following others is not right
    B.social proof may change people's ideas
    C.it's difficult to carry out the experiment
    (3)The underlined word "It" in Paragraph 4 refers to  C .
    A.running with others
    B.hunting with friends
    C.copying others' action
    (4)According to the passage,we can infer that  A .
    A.we should think twice before following others
    B.people can study much better if they are alone
    C.social proof has a bad influence on our behaviors
    (5)The reading material above is most probably  C .
    A.a business plan
    B.a travel guide
    C.a science report
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据In the park,you see a group of people,all looking up at the sky.Without thinking about it,you look upwards,too.Why?In the concert,someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in.You do,too.Why?(在公园里,你看到一群人,都仰望着天空,不假思索,你也仰望着天空,为什么?在音乐会上,有人开始鼓掌,突然整个房间都加入了,你也是,为什么?)可知在文章的开头,作者用例子引入主题。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据It shows how social proof can influence us.(它说明了社会认同感是如何影响我们的。)可知Asch的实验表明,社会认同感可能会改变人们的想法。故选B。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据We are descendants(后代)of those who copied others' action.(我们是那些模仿他人行为的人的后代。)It is so deeply planted in our mind(这深深的植入了我们的思想中),"it"指的就是复制其他人的行为这件事。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据The advertising industry,for example,often makes use of it.So be careful whenever a company says its product is "the most popular".(例如,广告业经常利用它。因此,当一家公司说其产品"最受欢迎"时,一定要小心。)可知,在追随其他人之前,我们需要再三考虑。故选A。
    A study shows that there are more pets than children in American families.Amazed? (1) C 
    (2) A Whether you believe it or not,keeping pets is a great way to make you happy.Research has shown that people who are ill have fewer chances of falling into a depression(沮丧) if they keep pets compared to those patients who don't keep pets.
    Taking a walk with pets is a good way to exercise.Want someone who would to take a walk with you?(3) D They can even urge(催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired,keeping you active and fit.Other activities related to pets like feeding,bathing,playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.
    (4) B No matter how lonely you feel,a pet will always be there for you.Whether you want to pour your heart out to them or tell them your secrets,you know it's all safe with them!Pets give you unconditional love.
    Pets help you have better relationships.Do you want to improve your social skills? (5) E Kids who grow up with pets at home are always respectful towards living things.
    Pets can warn you of danger.We all know that dogs will bark when they sense someone near the house,and that can be very good for home security.However,pets can sense far more than just a stranger.No matter what kind of pet you get,animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have,and that may save your life!

    A.Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.
    B.Talking to a pet is a nice treatment for loneliness.
    C.Keeping pets at home has several advantages!
    D.Dogs can be great companions and will happily go out for walks.
    E.It is said that people who keep pets are good in their social relations.
    (1)根据上文A study showed that there are more pets than children in American families.Amazed?(一项研究表明,在美国家庭中,宠物比孩子多,很惊讶?)和下文讲述宠物给人带来的好处,结合选项,可知在家养宠物有几个好处!故选:C。
    (2)根据下文Whether you believe it or not,keeping pets is a great way to make you happy.(不管你信不信,养宠物是让你快乐的好方法。)可知讲述宠物让人快乐,结合选项,可知讲述花时间和宠物在一起可以让你振作起来。故选:A。
    (3)根据下文They can even urge(催促)you to go out for a walk when you're too tired,keeping you active and fit.(当你累的时候,它们甚至可以催促你出去散步,保持你的活力和健康。)可知讲述宠物以催促你出去散步,保持你的活力和健康,结合选项,可知讲述狗是很好的伙伴,会很高兴地出去散步。故选:D。
    (4)根据下文No matter how lonely you feel,a pet will always be there for you.(不管你感到多么孤独,宠物都会一直陪伴着你。)可知讲述不管你感到多么孤独,宠物都会一直陪伴着你,结合选项,可知讲述与宠物交谈是治疗孤独的好方法。故选:B。
    (5)根据上文 Pets help you have better relationships.Do you want to improve your social skills?(宠物可以帮助你建立更好的人际关系。你想提高你的社交能力吗?)可知讲述宠物可以帮助你建立更好的人际关系,提高你的社交能力,结合选项,可知讲述据说养宠物的人社交关系很好。故选:E。
    6.(10分)The Olympic flame has been put out,marking the end of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.In the closing ceremony,International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach called the Games "truly exceptional". "The Olympic spirit could only shine so brightly because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way and in a safe way," he said.
    At Beijing 2022,a total of 2,877 players of 91 countries and regions(地区) competed for 109 gold medals.Through 17 days of excellent performances on the ice and snow,17 Olympic records,including two world records,were broken.
    As the first city to ever host both the Summer and Winter Olympics,Beijing provided thoughtful services to all the players.Beijing 2022 was the first international sport event to be held during the COVID﹣19 pandemic.The government took action to prevent imported cases(输入性病例) from spreading to the public in order to keep players safe. "With an infection rate(感染率) of 0.01,it was one of the safest places on the planet,if not the safest place on the planet,and this is a great achievement," said Bach.
    The popularity of ice and snow sports is growing around China.The country has achieved its goal to make 300 million people take part in winter sports.Winter sports facilities(设施) have even spread to the southern parts of China where winters are warmer.

    (1)Why could the Olympic spirit shine brightly according to Bach?  Because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way and in a safe way. 
    (2)How long did the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing last?  For 17 days. 
    (3)Is Beijing the only city that has hosted both Summer and Winter Olympics?  Yes. 
    (4)How did the government keep players safe during the 2022 Winter Olympics?  It took action to prevent imported cases from spreading to the public. 
    (5)What is China's goal of hosting the Winter Olympics?  To make 300 million people take part in winter sports. 

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据"The Olympic spirit could only shine so brightly because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way and in a safe way," he said.(他说:"奥运精神之所以能如此耀眼,是因为中国人民以如此出色的方式和安全的方式搭建了舞台。")可知是因为中国人民以如此出色的方式和安全的方式搭建了舞台。故答案为:Because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way and in a safe way.
    (2)细节理解题。根据Through 17 days of excellent performances on the ice and snow.(经过17天的冰雪表演,)可知持续了17天。故答案为:For 17 days.
    (3)推理判断题。根据As the first city to ever host both the Summer and Winter Olympics,Beijing provided thoughtful services to all the players.(作为第一个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市,北京为所有运动员提供了周到的服务。)可知北京是第一个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。故答案为:Yes.
    (4)细节理解题。根据he government took action to prevent imported cases(输入性病例) from spreading to the public in order to keep players safe. (政府采取行动防止外来病例向公众传播,以确保球员的安全。)可知政府采取行动防止外来病例向公众传播,以确保球员的安全。故答案为:It took action to prevent imported cases from spreading to the public.
    (5)细节理解题。根据The country has achieved its goal to make 300 million people take part in winter sports.(国家已经实现了让3亿人参加冬季运动的目标。)可知是让3亿人参加冬季运动的目标。故答案为:To make 300 million people take part in winter sports.
    7.(15分)I looked at the words on the page.I knew how to say them,but my (1) C  wouldn't work.It was my first class in this new school,so nobody here knew me.My teacher just asked me to read some text out loud.The whole class was waiting for me (2) B  .I could even hear my heartbeats.I just sat there.Seconds passed.Some students started to (3) C . "What's wrong with her?" one boy said. "Maybe she can't read at all!" said another student.
    "Just open your mouth and speak!" I told myself.I tried to get the words out.But the first was always the (4) A  .The teacher was waiting.More of my classmates were making fun of me.I wanted to hide under my desk.I soon felt tears running down...
    I often faced situations like this during my grade school. (5) B  ?I had a stuttering(结巴) problem.Because of this,I often felt embarrassed at school.
    Thankfully,I met a great teacher,Mrs.Brown.She never (6) B  me when I was trying to talk.She helped me to relax when I was speaking,and would always wait (7) C  for me to finish my sentences.
    Mrs.Brown offered me the most encouragement.She always let me know that my stuttering problem didn't mean I wasn't smart.She said, "Your brain is moving too fast,and your mouth just can't keep up!" Those simple words made me feel (8) A  and encouraged.
    Great changes happened to me.When I entered high school,I almost (9) B  stuttering.In college,I had no trouble at all.As a child,I never imagined that I would become a(10) C  just like Mrs.Brown,passing love and care on to my students.

    【解答】(1)名词辨析。eyes眼睛;hands手;mouth嘴。根据"Just open your mouth and speak!"(张开嘴,说)可知此处是说嘴不管用。句意:我知道该怎么说,但我的嘴不管用。故选C。
    (2)副词辨析。noisily吵闹地;silently静静地;proudly骄傲地。根据"I could even hear my heartbeats."(我能听到心跳声,)可知,班里很安静。句意:全班同学都在静静地等着我。故选B。
    (3)动词辨析。suggest建议;encourage鼓励;laugh笑。根据"More of my classmates were making fun of me."(更多的我的同学取笑我)可知学生们开始笑作者了。句意:一些学生开始笑了。故选C。
    (4)形容词辨析。hardest最难的;easiest最容易的;funniest最有趣的。根据"But the first was always the ..."(但是第一次总是...)结合常识可知万事开头难,此处指最难的。句意:但第一次总是最难的。故选A。
    (5)疑问词辨析。what什么;why为什么;where在哪里。根据"I had a stuttering problem."(我有个结巴问题)可知此处问的是在小学经常面临这种情况的原因。句意:为什么?故选B。
    (6)动词辨析。praised表扬;rushed催促;comforted安慰。根据"wait ...for me to finish my sentences"(...等我完成句子)可知布朗夫人等着作者说完话,从不催作者。句意:我想说话的时候,她从不催我。故选B。
    (7)副词辨析。sadly难过地;angrily生气地;patiently有耐心地。根据"She helped me to relax when I was speaking"(当我说话时,她帮助我放松)可知布朗夫人会帮助作者放松,应是耐心等作者说完话。句意:在我说话的时候,她帮助我放松,总是耐心地等我把话说完。故选C。
    (8)过去分词辨析。loved爱;hated憎恶;refused拒绝。根据"Your brain is moving too fast,and your mouth just can't keep up!"(你的脑子转得太快,你的嘴不能跟上)可知布朗夫人一直在鼓励作者,这使作者感觉自己被爱。句意:这些简单的话语让我感到被爱和鼓励。故选A。
    (9)动词辨析。started开始;stopped停止;doubled加倍。根据"In college,I had no trouble at all."(在大学里,我一点麻烦也没有了)可知作者是在往好的方面改变,此处应是几乎停止结巴了。句意:当我进入高中,我几乎停止结巴。故选B。
    (10)名词辨析。student学生;manager经理;teacher老师。根据"just like Mrs.Brown,passing love and care on to my students"(像Mrs.Brown一样的...,把爱和关心传递给我的学生。)可知作者成为了一名像Mrs.Brown一样的老师。句意:作为一个孩子,我从来没有想过我会成为一名像Mrs.Brown一样的老师,把爱和关心传递给我的学生。故选C。
    8.(10分)A running track(跑道) has two straight (1) lines  (line) and two curves(曲线).Have you ever thought about why?
    Imagine that the track is a circle.Then you are changing (2) your  (you) directions all the time when you run.This will consume(消耗) a lot(3) more  (much) energy.If it is a square track,you need to change directions suddenly at each corner.It's not (4) good  (well) for the runner either.
    How about (5) making  (make) it a straight 400﹣meter line?Well,this is good for the runner, (6) but  not for the audience.That's why people designed running tracks to be oval﹣shaped(椭圆形).
    The (7) first  (one) modern Olympic games were held in Athens,Greece,in 1896.At that time,the running track (8) was  (be) in the shape of U.The track was full (9) of  dirt and people couldn't run fast.The first 400﹣meter track similar to today's (10) was used  (use) in the 1920 Olympic Games.
    (3)考查比较级。句意:这将消耗更多的能量。结合a lot用比较级more更多,故答案为more。
    (4)考查形容词。句意:这对跑步者也不好。be good for对……有益,故答案为good。
    (5)考查动名词。句意:做成四百米的直线怎么样?how about后加动名词,故答案为making。
    (8)考查动词。句意:当时,跑道呈U形。根据时间状语At that time可知时态用一般现在时,主语the running track是单数,故答案为was。
    (9)考查介词。句意:跑道上满是泥土,人们跑不快。be full of满是,故答案为of。
    (10)考查动词语态。句意:1920年奥运会使用了第一条类似于今天的400米跑道。结合The first 400﹣meter track 主语是use的承受者,结合in the 1920 Olympic Games用一般过去时被动语态,主语The first 400﹣meter track 单数,故选择was,故答案为was used。
    9.(10分)The Internet and your friends influence your beauty standards.(1)你经常可以看到你朋友在网上分享照片。 They want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies,and you will compare yourself to them.
    First of all,not to follow popular beauty standards blindly.They are out of reach for 99% of us,so it's better to just forget about them.
    (2)Another suggestion is to find out what you are really good at. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin.Everyone is special,(3)所以没有必要跟别人一样。 Everyone has their own talents.
    (4)Finally,it is a good idea to try to keep your attention away from bad thoughts. To achieve this,you should do something you enjoy.You can enjoy yourselves by learning.This is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.You can also take part in social activities,like playing sports with your friends.These things can help you take your mind off matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.
    You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside,not on the inside.However,like a book,your contents(内容) are much more important than your cover. (5)As an old saving goes,don't judge a book by its cover. If you can learn to see the good things about yourself,you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.

    (1) You can often see your friends share photos online. 
    (2) 另外一个建议是搞清楚你真正擅长的东西。 
    (3) so there is no need to be the same as others. 
    (4) 最后,尽量让你的注意力远离不好的想法是个好主意。 
    (5) 俗话说的好,不要以貌取人。/ 不要通过封面来判断一本书。 
    (1)结合句意用can表示能,可以。often经常,can后加动词原形,see看见,see sb do sth看见某人做某事,share photos online在网上分享照片。故答案为:You can often see your friends share photos online.
    (2)Another 另一个,suggestion建议,find out 弄清楚,what you are really good at(你真正擅长的东西)作为宾语。故答案为:另外一个建议是搞清楚你真正擅长的东西。
    (3)结合句意用一般现在时,so所以,there is no need to do没必要做某事,the same as与……一样,others其他人,故答案为:so there is no need to be the same as others.
    (4)finally最后,it is+名词短语+to do做某事是……。try to do尽力做某事,keep away from远离……,your attention你的注意力,bad thoughts不好的想法,故答案为:最后,尽量让你的注意力远离不好的想法是个好主意。
    (5)As an old saving goes俗话说的好,后面是一个祈使句,也是一句谚语;谓语部分是固定搭配"judge...by...",表"根据……来判断……";"cover"是名词,译为"(书的)封面"。故答案为:俗话说的好,不要以貌取人。/ 不要通过封面来判断一本书。
    (1)80词左右 (开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
    Dear Lisa,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down because of your failure in the exam._____________
    I think there is no need to take the result too seriously.我认为没有必要把结果看得太严重。
    I think+宾语从句。
    There is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事。
    You will succeed as long as you keep working hard.只要你继续努力,你会成功的。
    as long as引导条件状语从句。
    【解答】Dear Lisa,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down because of your failure in the exam.I'd like to share with you my thoughts on this matter.(点题)
    I think there is no need to take the result too seriously. 【高分句型一】Enjoy the process of learning without worrying too much about the result.There is a saying, "Failure is the mother of success." You will succeed as long as you keep working hard. 【高分句型二】You should believe in yourself and study hard.At the same time,don't give up your personal interests.Having fun every day is the most important thing.(建议)
    I hope you'll be happy every day.(希望)
    Li Hua

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