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    Have you ever seen sea animals at night?What do they do?Eat?Sleep?Swim?Let's go and enjoy the happy time.
    Time:6:30 p.m.~ 8:30 p.m.Saturday & Sunday
    6:30 p.m.~ 7:00 p.m.
    7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.
    7:30 p.m.~ 8.00 p.m.
    8:00 p.m. ﹣8:30 p.m.
    Walking time
    Playing time
    Feeding time
    Picture﹣taking time
    Walking with the penguins
    Playing with the seals
    Feeding the fish
    Taking pictures with
    the dolphins
    Tour A
    Tour B
    Tour C
    Tour D
    *You can enjoy dinner at our restaurant under the water from 6:00 to 6:30.
    *You can't eat anything while you are watching the sea animals.
    *You can decide which tour you will join after you arrive at the aquarium.
    (1)If Helen likes playing with seals and dolphins,but is only available from 7:00﹣7:30 pm on Sunday,she could choose    .
    A.Tour B
    B.Tour C
    C.Tour D
    (2)What can we learn from the chart?    
    A.Each of the four tours in this aquarium lasts half an hour.
    B.You can enjoy a happy time at the aquarium on weekdays.
    C.Having a cake is OK if you are hungry while watching sea animals.

    Fact:Many of my classmates are losing weight to look more beautiful.
    Opinion:There is nothing wrong with being beautiful,but it is not wise to lose weight by dieting(节食)unhealthily.In fact,life is the most important thing.Exercise more and eat less junk food.This could be the best way to lose weight.

    Fact:Some teenagers are too crazy about their idols(偶像).
    Opinion:It's good to like someone with great qualities.But some might spend too much time watching their idols' shows.Others might buy expensive gifts for their idols.Fans should love their idols in a healthy way.

    Fact:People often wear hanfu on the street.
    Opinion:Some might think they are strange,but I don't think so.
    Some people enjoy fashion(时尚),while others like tradition.In fact,when I sometimes see girls wearing hanfu in my school,I say to myself, "Wow!That's a beautiful dress!They are so different!" One day,I will wear hanfu with my classmates and make more foreigners know about it.
    (1)In Meiqi's eyes,the best way to lose weigh might be    .
    A.eating less
    B.becoming sick
    C.exercising more
    (2)Zixuan thinks idols should    .
    A.have crazy fans
    B.buy gifts for fans
    C.have good qualities
    (3)Which of the following statements is NOT true?    
    A.Miaoxi wants to spread Han's traditional clothing.
    B.Meiqi thinks life is more important than being beautiful.
    C.The three students are talking about the problems from teenagers.
    3.(10分)The word "zhiyin",which means close friends who can understand you very well,comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in the Warring States Period.
    Boya was good a playing gupin.One day,he was playing music on his way home on the boat.To Boya's surprise,Ziqi,a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by,could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music.After a long talk,they became good friends.Since Boya had to return to his sate,they agreed to meet again in the next year.
    Unluckily when getting back to visit Ziqi,Boya heard that his friend had died from a disease.Boya was so sad and in front of Ziqi's tomb(墓),he played again the music he had played when they first met.People were deeply moved when they heard the music because they thought they heard the rivers and mountains crying.When finishing playing,Boya broke his guqin into pieces.From then on,Boya never played again.
    People in the Song Dynasty(朝代)built the Guqin Tai in Hanyang,Hubei Province in memory of the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi,which became an important part of the local culture.
    ▲ The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui,also known as High Mountain and Flowing Water,was performed during the G20 Summit(峰会) in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province in 2016,which was developed from this story.The musical performance won praise from guests,because it not only showed the beauty of traditional Chinese culture,but also expressed China's wishes to develop its friendship with people from around the world.Besides,during COVID﹣19,Wuhan,as the city once hit hardest by the disease in China,received masks and other things from is sister cities such as Japan's Oita.They stood together and looked out for each other.

    (1)How did Boya feel when be found Ziqi could understand his music?    
    (2)Ziqi did NOT meet Boya again because    .
    A.he was seriously ill
    B.he met another friend
    C.he was dead
    (3)From Paragraphs 2﹣3,we can know that    .
    A.Boya and Ziqi only met each other once
    B.Boya usually played guqin in memory of Ziqi
    C.Boya and Ziqi became close friends as soon as they met
    (4)Which can be the best for ▲ ?    
    A.Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period.
    B.Classical music has a very long history around the world.
    C.COVID﹣19 brought Wuhan and its sister cities closer together.
    (5)Which of the following can describe the friendship between Boya and Ziqi?    
    A.A true friend touches your heart.
    B.A friend to all is a friend to none.
    C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    4.(10分)Looking at the undone homework on his desk always makes David feel uncomfortable.Often,David leaves his homework behind and surfs the Internet or watches TV instead,waiting until the last minute. "The longer I wait,the more I worry." says David,aged 15.
    Everyone procrastinates(拖延)because they want to feel good now.The way to do that is to avoid the task.You can procrastinate on nearly anything,even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation. "Some people procrastinate cleaning.Some people procrastinate by cleaning," says Professor Peter Stone.Research has shown that the top tasks that young people procrastinate are studying and going to bed. "The most important cause for procrastination is that people are afraid of failure,of not meeting others expectations(期待)," Stone adds.
    Some people usually feel confident about procrastination.They think they could do things better.But researchers disagree. "I did a study several years ago,asking procrastinators to finish a task in a certain period of time," says Stone. "They did worse than non﹣procrastinators (people who don't procrastinate):they made more mistakes and they took longer.But they thought they did better." No matter what the cause is procrastination is not going to be good for you.For example,bedtime procrastination can lead to sleeplessness,which in turn can cause many other health problems.
    For those who need some drives to stop procrastinating,the best advice might be to take action first.If you've been procrastinating on exercise,just put on your walking shoes.A little bit of progress will get you moving.Next,find something to help you remember to take action If you want to go to bed at 10:30 pm,you might set a timed dimmer switch(渐暗开关) at 10 p.m..When the lights are dimmer,you'll start going to bed.It works for most people.Finally,reward yourself every time you make progress.For example,after you've run 3 km,enjoy your favorite ice﹣cream.But be careful:it won't work the other way around.

    (1)How does the writer lead into the topic of procrastination in Paragraph One?    
    A.By raising a question.
    B.By listing numbers.
    C.By giving an example.
    (2)What is the most important reason for people's procrastination?    
    A.Procrastinators can do jobs better.
    B.They hope to finish the top tasks first.
    C.Procrastinators fear to lose and let others down.
    (3)From Stone's study we can know that    .
    A.procrastination does no good to people
    B.doing cleaning is a good way to procrastinate
    C.procrastinators work better than non﹣procrastinators
    (4)The underlined word "reward" in Paragraph Four probably means    .
    (5)What can be the best title for this passage?    
    A.A day of a procrastinator.
    B.Say goodbye to procrastination.
    C.Want to feel good now?Procrastinate!

    二、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    5.(10分)Parents are often surprised at their children's ability to use technology.A five﹣year﹣old child may easily find and use apps on a smart phone.(1)    Their parents may think their children were born geniuses(天才)!
    Natural geniuses,however,are not common.But your parents are right if they think you are smarter than them.Most children are born smarter than their parents.This has been proved(证明)on IQ tests around the world recently.These tests have shown that over the last 100 years,each new generation(一代人)has become smarter than the older ones. (2)    And your parents are smarter than your grandparents.
    This increase in intelligence(智力)is called the "Flynn Effect(弗林效应)".It was named after James Flynn.Flynn is a university professor(教授)in New Zealand. (3)   According to his research,with each new generation average(平均的)IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.
    (4)    Flynn and many other researchers believe this has something to do with technology.New technologies have further developed our brains.They have made us think better.So we may be better at completing the missing parts of a puzzle(拼图游戏)than our parents.
    But being smart doesn't make you wise. (5)    A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.For that,a smart kid will turn to the wisdom of his
    parents and grandparents.

    A.Wisdom(智慧)comes with age and experience.
    B.He first noticed this in 1980.
    C.But why are people getting smarter?
    D.A ten﹣year﹣old child can level up in a video game easily.
    E.In other words,you are smarter than your parents.

    三、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    6.(10分)As the largest country in the world,Russia is a perfect travel place to enjoy delicious food,interesting culture and beautiful buildings.Are you thinking about travelling to the country?If so,there is something you need to know before you go.
    Do you know the world's longest passenger carrying railway line is in Russia?The Trans﹣Siberian Railway(西伯利亚大铁路)runs from Moscow(莫斯科) to Vladivostok(海参崴),a total of over 9289 kilometers.If you want to travel around Russia by train in a pretty relaxing way,it makes it easy to do so.
    If you are someone that loves literature(文学),you probably know that Russia is home to some of the best and most famous writers,such as Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin.Many great writers have a museum specially built for them Most can be found in Moscow.Whether you're a fan of their works or you don't know who they're,you can learn something new about them and Russian literature by visiting their museums.
    Another one of the most surprising facts about Russia is that it has 12 active volcanoes (活火山).If you love nature you should visit Kamchatka,one of the most visited among them.Besides the active volcano this area has over 1,000 different kinds of plants.It's also home to brown bears,sheep and wolves.
    What's more,folk dancing is an important part of Russian history and culture.One of the most famous Russian dances is Khorovod.With people moving around in a circle hand in hand,they enjoy themselves in the dancing.Russians perform folk dances at festivals.If you get the chance to travel to Russia,be sure to attend a Russian folk﹣dance performance to learn more about the culture and traditions of Russia.

    (1)Why is Russia a perfect place to travel?    
    (2)Is it difficult for visitors to enjoy the train ride around Russia?    
    (3)To know more about Leo Tolstoy,where can a literature lover go in Moscow?    
    (4)What is Kamchatka?    
    (5)How do Russian people perform Khorovod?    

    四、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    7.(15分)Once upon a time,there was a couple named Sue and John.Both of them were (1)   .
    In the late autumn,John became badly ill with pneumonia(肺炎).After the doctor visited John several times,he told Sue, "His condition is quite bad.John seems to have lost all will(意志)(2)   .If he doesn't want to live,medicine will not help him."
    Sue tried her best to make John (3)   things around him.She sang and danced she painted their favorite pictures,she told jokes,but John just kept (4)   .
    "Five," he muttered(低声含糊地说)one day,as he looked out of the window.When Sue asked what John meant,he explained slowly, "There are...only five leaves left on the tree now.When the (5)   leaf falls,I…shall go with it." Upon hearing this,Sue couldn't control her feelings and began to (6)   right away,With tears,she turned to their neighbor Mr.Smith for help,who was also an artist.
    Mr.Smith was shocked by the news of John's poor health.He wanted his friend to get better.
    Over the next few days,it rained terribly and the wind howled(呼啸), (7)   the last leaf on the tree held on firmly(牢固地).Every day,John would look out and see the same leaf being alone on the tree.
    Then one day,the doctor came in and said John's condition was getting (8)   John said to Sue, "I've realized that life is hard,but I shouldn't (9)   .That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long and taught me to live!"
    "You know that leaf was (10)   by Mr.Smith?" said Sue.That is a leaf from an artist which will never fall.

    (2)A.to work
    B.to live
    C.to paint
    (3)A.develop a habit about
    B.take an interest in
    C.have experience in
    (9)A.grow up
    B.give up
    C.wake up

    五、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    8.(10分)Waving the arms in the air,the 19﹣year﹣old pilot Zara Rutherford is very excited after completing a round﹣the﹣world trip. "It was very hard but very worthwhile(值得做的)." says the strong teenage pilot who has become the youngest woman to fly around the world on (1)    (she) own.
    This journey is something Ms.Rutherford has dreamed about for a long time.She has learned to fly planes (2)    she was 14 years old.The girl got her pilot's license in 2020 and then had hundreds of hours of lying practice.
    Ms.Rutherford makes this journey in a small two﹣seater plane.One of the seats (3)    (turn) into an extra gas tank(油箱).It allows her (4)    (cover) longer distances.The plane has several other changes for (5)    (safe),including a second﹣hand radio,and satellite(卫星)communications that let her talk to people whenever she needs to.
    Ms.Rutherford's trip was never easy.Along the way,she had to deal (6)    strong winds,wildfire smoke,snow﹣covered runways(跑道)and other kinds of bad weather.After 155 days,she finally made it.While crowd of reporters and her family (7)    (wait) for her nervously,the teenage pilot landed at the airport.She was (8)    (warm) welcomed after crossing 52 countries and flying over 51,500 kilometers.
    "It's very strange being back here," Ms.Rutherford tells reporters,adding that,after such (9)    long journey,she is looking forward to putting her feet up for a while in just one place.Besides,she also says, "The most important lesson I learned from this trip is that you are able to achieve (10)    (much) than you think you are.And I think that's truly right for everyone."

    六、阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共 5 小题;每小 2 分,满分 10 分)
    If 2019 is really "the year we woke up to climate change",then the following years should be the time we start actually doing something about it.Because we are nearly out of time.We can't afford to wait any longer to take action. (1)Take the following suggestions seriously to make a change.
    Do shopping wisely.Instead of buying many new clothes,wear what is already in your closet(衣柜).After all,most clothes are made of materials that are hard to deal with when they become waste. (2)The fewer clothes you buy,the more energy you will save. Be a smart shopper,buy less and match what you have owned more
    (3)把钱花在更有意义的东西上。There are many different kinds of organizations aiming to protect the environment.Donate(捐赠)money to an organization to help it do something practical to the environment.It is meaningful though the money may not be too much.It shows your care for the world.
    Use less plastics.Avoiding using plastics seems impossible,but you can use them less. (4)Taking reusable bags instead of buying plastic bags helps a lot. Replacing plastic cups with reusable water bottles is also a good idea.It's useful to bring your own takeout containers(容器) to restaurants for leftovers as well.
    Fall in love with your own world.When you love something,you want to protect it.Pay attention to the beautiful nature around you, (5)这样你才能享受到世界的美。

    七、写作(满分 15 分)
    10.(15分)伟大音乐家贝多芬说:涓滴之水终可以磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。坚持做好一件事情,成就更好的自己。请以"One thing I keep doing"为题,用英语写一篇发言稿,参加学校的英语主题演讲活动。
    (1)不少于80 词(开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);
    One thing I keep doing
    Good morning,everyone!
    I am very happy to be here to make a speech today.The topic is one thing I keep doing.___________
    That's all.Thank you for listening!

    Have you ever seen sea animals at night?What do they do?Eat?Sleep?Swim?Let's go and enjoy the happy time.
    Time:6:30 p.m.~ 8:30 p.m.Saturday & Sunday
    6:30 p.m.~ 7:00 p.m.
    7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.
    7:30 p.m.~ 8.00 p.m.
    8:00 p.m. ﹣8:30 p.m.
    Walking time
    Playing time
    Feeding time
    Picture﹣taking time
    Walking with the penguins
    Playing with the seals
    Feeding the fish
    Taking pictures with
    the dolphins
    Tour A
    Tour B
    Tour C
    Tour D
    *You can enjoy dinner at our restaurant under the water from 6:00 to 6:30.
    *You can't eat anything while you are watching the sea animals.
    *You can decide which tour you will join after you arrive at the aquarium.
    (1)If Helen likes playing with seals and dolphins,but is only available from 7:00﹣7:30 pm on Sunday,she could choose  A .
    A.Tour B
    B.Tour C
    C.Tour D
    (2)What can we learn from the chart?  A 
    A.Each of the four tours in this aquarium lasts half an hour.
    B.You can enjoy a happy time at the aquarium on weekdays.
    C.Having a cake is OK if you are hungry while watching sea animals.
    (1)根据7:00 p.m.~ 7:30 p.m.;Playing with the seals;Tour B.(晚上7:00 ~ 7:30;和海豹玩耍;Tour B。)可知,如果海伦喜欢和海豹和海豚一起玩,但只有周日晚上7:00﹣7:30有时间,她可以选择Tour B。故选A。

    Fact:Many of my classmates are losing weight to look more beautiful.
    Opinion:There is nothing wrong with being beautiful,but it is not wise to lose weight by dieting(节食)unhealthily.In fact,life is the most important thing.Exercise more and eat less junk food.This could be the best way to lose weight.

    Fact:Some teenagers are too crazy about their idols(偶像).
    Opinion:It's good to like someone with great qualities.But some might spend too much time watching their idols' shows.Others might buy expensive gifts for their idols.Fans should love their idols in a healthy way.

    Fact:People often wear hanfu on the street.
    Opinion:Some might think they are strange,but I don't think so.
    Some people enjoy fashion(时尚),while others like tradition.In fact,when I sometimes see girls wearing hanfu in my school,I say to myself, "Wow!That's a beautiful dress!They are so different!" One day,I will wear hanfu with my classmates and make more foreigners know about it.
    (1)In Meiqi's eyes,the best way to lose weigh might be  C .
    A.eating less
    B.becoming sick
    C.exercising more
    (2)Zixuan thinks idols should  C .
    A.have crazy fans
    B.buy gifts for fans
    C.have good qualities
    (3)Which of the following statements is NOT true?  C 
    A.Miaoxi wants to spread Han's traditional clothing.
    B.Meiqi thinks life is more important than being beautiful.
    C.The three students are talking about the problems from teenagers.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一个表格Exercise more and cat less junk food.This could be the best way to lose weight.(多运动,少吃垃圾食品。这可能是减肥的最好方法。)可知,在美琪看来,最好的减肥方法可能是多锻炼。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二个表格It's good to like someone with great qualities.(喜欢一个品质很棒的人是好事。)可知,紫轩认为偶像应该具有良好的品质。故选C。
    (3)细节判断题。根据第三个表格People often wear hanfu on the street.(街上经常有人穿汉服。)可知,三个学生正在谈论青少年的问题。与原文不符。故选C。
    3.(10分)The word "zhiyin",which means close friends who can understand you very well,comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in the Warring States Period.
    Boya was good a playing gupin.One day,he was playing music on his way home on the boat.To Boya's surprise,Ziqi,a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by,could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music.After a long talk,they became good friends.Since Boya had to return to his sate,they agreed to meet again in the next year.
    Unluckily when getting back to visit Ziqi,Boya heard that his friend had died from a disease.Boya was so sad and in front of Ziqi's tomb(墓),he played again the music he had played when they first met.People were deeply moved when they heard the music because they thought they heard the rivers and mountains crying.When finishing playing,Boya broke his guqin into pieces.From then on,Boya never played again.
    People in the Song Dynasty(朝代)built the Guqin Tai in Hanyang,Hubei Province in memory of the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi,which became an important part of the local culture.
    ▲ The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui,also known as High Mountain and Flowing Water,was performed during the G20 Summit(峰会) in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province in 2016,which was developed from this story.The musical performance won praise from guests,because it not only showed the beauty of traditional Chinese culture,but also expressed China's wishes to develop its friendship with people from around the world.Besides,during COVID﹣19,Wuhan,as the city once hit hardest by the disease in China,received masks and other things from is sister cities such as Japan's Oita.They stood together and looked out for each other.

    (1)How did Boya feel when be found Ziqi could understand his music?  C 
    (2)Ziqi did NOT meet Boya again because  C .
    A.he was seriously ill
    B.he met another friend
    C.he was dead
    (3)From Paragraphs 2﹣3,we can know that  A .
    A.Boya and Ziqi only met each other once
    B.Boya usually played guqin in memory of Ziqi
    C.Boya and Ziqi became close friends as soon as they met
    (4)Which can be the best for ▲ ?  A 
    A.Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period.
    B.Classical music has a very long history around the world.
    C.COVID﹣19 brought Wuhan and its sister cities closer together.
    (5)Which of the following can describe the friendship between Boya and Ziqi?  A 
    A.A true friend touches your heart.
    B.A friend to all is a friend to none.
    C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据To Boya's surprise,Ziqi,a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by,could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music.(有一天,他在回家的船上演奏音乐,让伯牙惊讶的是,恰巧路过的樵夫子期,竟然能准确地理解他想通过音乐表达的意思。)可知,他很惊讶。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Unluckily when getting back to visit Ziqi,Boya heard that his friend had died from a disease.(不幸的是,当伯牙回去拜访子期时,他听说他的朋友死于一种疾病。)可知,是因为子期去世了。故选C。
    (3)细节判断题。根据One day,he was playing music on his way home on the boat.To Boya's surprise,Ziqi,a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by,could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music.(有一天,他在回家的船上演奏音乐,让伯牙惊讶的是,恰巧路过的樵夫子期,竟然能准确地理解他想通过音乐表达的意思。)以及Unluckily when getting back to visit Ziqi,Boya heard that his friend had died from a disease.(不幸的是,当伯牙回去拜访子期时,他听说他的朋友死于一种疾病。)可知,他们只见过一次。故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui,also known as High Mountain and Flowing Water,was performed during the G20 Summit(峰会)in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province in 2016,which was developed from this story.(著名的中国古代古典音乐作品《高山流水》,是在2016年浙江杭州G20峰会期间演出的,就是根据这个故事改编的。)可推知,A项"知音文化在新时期有了新的发展"最适合放在此处连接上下文。故选A。
    (5)细节判断题。根据One day,he was playing music on his way home on the boat.To Boya's surprise,Ziqi,a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by,could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music.(有一天,他在回家的船上演奏音乐,让伯牙惊讶的是,恰巧路过的樵夫子期,竟然能准确地理解他想通过音乐表达的意思。)以及伯牙和子期的故事可知,一个能真正理解你的朋友才是你的知音,即一个真正的朋友会触动你的心。故选A。
    4.(10分)Looking at the undone homework on his desk always makes David feel uncomfortable.Often,David leaves his homework behind and surfs the Internet or watches TV instead,waiting until the last minute. "The longer I wait,the more I worry." says David,aged 15.
    Everyone procrastinates(拖延)because they want to feel good now.The way to do that is to avoid the task.You can procrastinate on nearly anything,even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation. "Some people procrastinate cleaning.Some people procrastinate by cleaning," says Professor Peter Stone.Research has shown that the top tasks that young people procrastinate are studying and going to bed. "The most important cause for procrastination is that people are afraid of failure,of not meeting others expectations(期待)," Stone adds.
    Some people usually feel confident about procrastination.They think they could do things better.But researchers disagree. "I did a study several years ago,asking procrastinators to finish a task in a certain period of time," says Stone. "They did worse than non﹣procrastinators (people who don't procrastinate):they made more mistakes and they took longer.But they thought they did better." No matter what the cause is procrastination is not going to be good for you.For example,bedtime procrastination can lead to sleeplessness,which in turn can cause many other health problems.
    For those who need some drives to stop procrastinating,the best advice might be to take action first.If you've been procrastinating on exercise,just put on your walking shoes.A little bit of progress will get you moving.Next,find something to help you remember to take action If you want to go to bed at 10:30 pm,you might set a timed dimmer switch(渐暗开关) at 10 p.m..When the lights are dimmer,you'll start going to bed.It works for most people.Finally,reward yourself every time you make progress.For example,after you've run 3 km,enjoy your favorite ice﹣cream.But be careful:it won't work the other way around.

    (1)How does the writer lead into the topic of procrastination in Paragraph One?  C 
    A.By raising a question.
    B.By listing numbers.
    C.By giving an example.
    (2)What is the most important reason for people's procrastination?  C 
    A.Procrastinators can do jobs better.
    B.They hope to finish the top tasks first.
    C.Procrastinators fear to lose and let others down.
    (3)From Stone's study we can know that  A .
    A.procrastination does no good to people
    B.doing cleaning is a good way to procrastinate
    C.procrastinators work better than non﹣procrastinators
    (4)The underlined word "reward" in Paragraph Four probably means  A .
    (5)What can be the best title for this passage?  B 
    A.A day of a procrastinator.
    B.Say goodbye to procrastination.
    C.Want to feel good now?Procrastinate!

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Looking at the undone homework on his desk always makes David feel uncomfortable.Often,David leaves his homework behind and surfs the Internet or watches TV instead,waiting until the last minute.(看着桌上未完成的作业,大卫总是感到不自在。通常,大卫会把作业抛在脑后,上网或看电视,直到最后一分钟。)可知作者第一段中通过举例引出拖延的话题。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段The most important cause for procrastination is that people are afraid of failure,of not meeting others expectations.(拖延最重要的原因是人们害怕失败,害怕达不到别人的期望。)可知人们拖延的最重要原因是拖延者害怕失败,让别人失望。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段No matter what the cause is procrastination is not going to be good for you.(不管原因是什么,拖延对你都没有好处。)可知从斯通的研究中我们可以知道拖延对人没有好处。故选A。
    (4)词义理解题。根据最后一段Finally,reward yourself every time you make progress.For example,after you've run 3 km,enjoy your favorite ice﹣cream.(最后,每次进步都要...自己。例如,跑完3公里后,享受你最喜欢的冰淇淋。)可知"reward "的意思是"奖励"。故选A。
    (5)标题概括题。根据最后一段For those who need some drives to stop procrastinating .the best advice might be to take action first.(对于那些需要一些动力来停止拖延的人。最好的建议可能是先采取行动。)可知文章主要讲述的是拖延的问题,讲述停止拖延的一些举措。B选项"对拖延说不"符合。故选B。
    二、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    5.(10分)Parents are often surprised at their children's ability to use technology.A five﹣year﹣old child may easily find and use apps on a smart phone.(1) D  Their parents may think their children were born geniuses(天才)!
    Natural geniuses,however,are not common.But your parents are right if they think you are smarter than them.Most children are born smarter than their parents.This has been proved(证明)on IQ tests around the world recently.These tests have shown that over the last 100 years,each new generation(一代人)has become smarter than the older ones. (2) E  And your parents are smarter than your grandparents.
    This increase in intelligence(智力)is called the "Flynn Effect(弗林效应)".It was named after James Flynn.Flynn is a university professor(教授)in New Zealand. (3) B According to his research,with each new generation average(平均的)IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.
    (4) C  Flynn and many other researchers believe this has something to do with technology.New technologies have further developed our brains.They have made us think better.So we may be better at completing the missing parts of a puzzle(拼图游戏)than our parents.
    But being smart doesn't make you wise. (5) A  A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.For that,a smart kid will turn to the wisdom of his
    parents and grandparents.

    A.Wisdom(智慧)comes with age and experience.
    B.He first noticed this in 1980.
    C.But why are people getting smarter?
    D.A ten﹣year﹣old child can level up in a video game easily.
    E.In other words,you are smarter than your parents.

    (1)根据上文A five﹣year﹣old child may easily find and use apps on a smart phone.(五岁的孩子可能很容易在智能手机上找到并使用应用程序。)和下文Their parents may think their children were born geniuses(天才)!(他们的父母可能认为他们的孩子天生就是天才!)可知说的是五岁的孩子可能很容易在智能手机上找到并使用应用程序,结合选项,应说一个十岁的孩子可以很容易地在电子游戏中升级。故选D。
    (2)根据上文But your parents are right if they think you are smarter than them.Most children are born smarter than their parents.This has been proved(证明)on IQ tests around the world recently.These tests have shown that over the last 100 years,each new generation(一代人)has become smarter than the older ones. (但如果你的父母认为你比他们聪明,他们是对的。大多数孩子天生比他们的父母聪明。最近世界各地的智商测试都证明了这一点。这些测试表明,在过去100年中,每一代人都比老一代人更聪明。)可知说的是在过去100年中,每一代人都比老一代人更聪明,结合选项,应说换句话说,你比你的父母聪明。故选E。
    (3)根据上文This increase in intelligence(智力)is called the "Flynn Effect(弗林效应)".It was named after James Flynn.Flynn is a university professor(教授)in New Zealand. (这种智力的增长被称为"弗林效应"。它是以詹姆斯•弗林的名字命名的。弗林是新西兰的一名大学教授。)可知说的是弗林效应,结合选项,应说他第一次注意到这一点是在1980年。故选B。
    (4)根据上文According to his research,with each new generation average(平均的)IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.( 根据他的研究,每一代人的平均智商都会提高20%。)和下文Flynn and many other researchers believe this has something to do with technology.New technologies have further developed our brains.They have made us think better.(弗林和许多其他研究人员认为,这与技术有关。新技术进一步发展了我们的大脑。他们让我们思考得更好。)可知说的是新技术进一步发展了我们的大脑,结合选项,应说但为什么人们变得越来越聪明。故选C。
    (5)根据But being smart doesn't make you wise. (但聪明并不能让你变得聪明。)和下文A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.For that,a smart kid will turn to the wisdom of his parents and grandparents.(电脑游戏的高分并不能帮助你解决日常生活中的问题。为此,聪明的孩子会求助于他的智慧父母和祖父母。)可知说的是聪明的孩子会求助于他的智慧父母和祖父母,结合选项,应说智慧来自年龄和经验。故选A。
    三、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    6.(10分)As the largest country in the world,Russia is a perfect travel place to enjoy delicious food,interesting culture and beautiful buildings.Are you thinking about travelling to the country?If so,there is something you need to know before you go.
    Do you know the world's longest passenger carrying railway line is in Russia?The Trans﹣Siberian Railway(西伯利亚大铁路)runs from Moscow(莫斯科) to Vladivostok(海参崴),a total of over 9289 kilometers.If you want to travel around Russia by train in a pretty relaxing way,it makes it easy to do so.
    If you are someone that loves literature(文学),you probably know that Russia is home to some of the best and most famous writers,such as Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin.Many great writers have a museum specially built for them Most can be found in Moscow.Whether you're a fan of their works or you don't know who they're,you can learn something new about them and Russian literature by visiting their museums.
    Another one of the most surprising facts about Russia is that it has 12 active volcanoes (活火山).If you love nature you should visit Kamchatka,one of the most visited among them.Besides the active volcano this area has over 1,000 different kinds of plants.It's also home to brown bears,sheep and wolves.
    What's more,folk dancing is an important part of Russian history and culture.One of the most famous Russian dances is Khorovod.With people moving around in a circle hand in hand,they enjoy themselves in the dancing.Russians perform folk dances at festivals.If you get the chance to travel to Russia,be sure to attend a Russian folk﹣dance performance to learn more about the culture and traditions of Russia.

    (1)Why is Russia a perfect place to travel?  Because Russia is a perfect travel place to enjoy delicious food,interesting culture and beautiful buildings. 
    (2)Is it difficult for visitors to enjoy the train ride around Russia?  No. 
    (3)To know more about Leo Tolstoy,where can a literature lover go in Moscow?  By visiting their museums. 
    (4)What is Kamchatka?  Kamchatka has the active volcano,over 1.000 different kinds of plants and also home to brown bears,sheep and wolves. 
    (5)How do Russian people perform Khorovod?  With people moving around in a circle hand in hand. 

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据As the largest country in the world,Russia is a perfect travel place to enjoy delicious food,interesting culture and beautiful buildings.(作为世界上最大的国家,俄罗斯是一个享受美食、有趣文化和美丽建筑的完美旅游之地。)可知,是因为俄罗斯是一个享受美食、有趣文化和美丽建筑是旅游的理想之地。故答案为Because Russia is a perfect travel place to enjoy delicious food,interesting culture and beautiful buildings.
    (2)细节判断题。根据If you want to travel around Russia by train in a pretty relaxing way,it makes it easy to do so.(如果你想以一种非常放松的方式坐火车环游俄罗斯,这会让你很容易做到。)可知,答案是否定的。故答案为No.
    (3)细节推理题。根据Whether you're a fan of their works or you don't know who they're,you can learn something new about them and Russian literature by visiting their museums.(无论你是他们作品的粉丝还是不知道他们是谁,你都可以通过参观他们的博物馆来了解他们和俄罗斯文学的新情况。)可知,想更多地了解列夫•托尔斯泰,一个文学爱好者,在莫斯科可以去参观他们的博物馆。故答案为By visiting their museums.
    (4)细节推理题。根据Besides the active volcano this area has over 1,000 different kinds of plants.It's also home to brown bears,sheep and wolves.(除了活火山,这个地区还有1000多种植物。这里也是棕熊、绵羊和狼的家园。)可知,Kamchatka有活火山,还有1000多种植物。这里也是棕熊、绵羊和狼的家园。故答案为Kamchatka has the active volcano,over 1.000 different kinds of plants and also home to brown bears,sheep and wolves.
    (5)细节理解题。根据With people moving around in a circle hand in hand,they enjoy themselves in the dancing.(人们手拉手围成一个圈,尽情地跳舞。)可知,俄罗斯人手拉手围成一个圈,尽情地跳舞来表演Khorovod。故答案为With people moving around in a circle hand in hand.
    四、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    7.(15分)Once upon a time,there was a couple named Sue and John.Both of them were (1) C .
    In the late autumn,John became badly ill with pneumonia(肺炎).After the doctor visited John several times,he told Sue, "His condition is quite bad.John seems to have lost all will(意志)(2) B .If he doesn't want to live,medicine will not help him."
    Sue tried her best to make John (3) B things around him.She sang and danced she painted their favorite pictures,she told jokes,but John just kept (4) A .
    "Five," he muttered(低声含糊地说)one day,as he looked out of the window.When Sue asked what John meant,he explained slowly, "There are...only five leaves left on the tree now.When the (5) C leaf falls,I…shall go with it." Upon hearing this,Sue couldn't control her feelings and began to (6) C right away,With tears,she turned to their neighbor Mr.Smith for help,who was also an artist.
    Mr.Smith was shocked by the news of John's poor health.He wanted his friend to get better.
    Over the next few days,it rained terribly and the wind howled(呼啸), (7) B the last leaf on the tree held on firmly(牢固地).Every day,John would look out and see the same leaf being alone on the tree.
    Then one day,the doctor came in and said John's condition was getting (8) A John said to Sue, "I've realized that life is hard,but I shouldn't (9) B .That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long and taught me to live!"
    "You know that leaf was (10) B by Mr.Smith?" said Sue.That is a leaf from an artist which will never fall.

    (2)A.to work
    B.to live
    C.to paint
    (3)A.develop a habit about
    B.take an interest in
    C.have experience in
    (9)A.grow up
    B.give up
    C.wake up

    【解答】(1)名词辨析。A.doctors医生;B.patients病人;C.artists艺术家。根据she painted their favorite pictures(她画了他们最喜欢的画。)再结合she turned to their neighbor Mr.Smith for help,who was also an artist.(她向他们的邻居史密斯先生寻求帮助,他也是一位艺术家。)可知都是艺术家。故选C。
    (2)动词辨析。A.to work工作;B.to live生活;C.to paint绘画。根据If he doesn't want to live,medicine will not help him.(如果他不想活了,药物也帮不了他。)可知约翰失去了生活的意志,因此选to live。故选B。
    (3)短语辨析。A.develop a habit about养成...的习惯;B.take an interest in对...感兴趣;C.have experience in在...有经验。根据She sang and danced she painted their favorite pictures,she told jokes(她唱歌跳舞,画他们最喜欢的画,讲笑话)可知她尽最大的努力让约翰对周围的事物感兴趣。故选B。
    (4)形容词辨析。A.silent沉默的;B.active积极的;C.interested感兴趣的。根据She sang and danced,she painted their favorite pictures,she told jokes(她唱歌跳舞,画他们最喜欢的画,讲笑话)再结合but(但是)可知约翰仍然保持沉默。故选A。
    (5)形容词辨析。A.next下一个的;B.first第一的;C.last最后的。根据You know that leaf was(10)___by Mr.Smith? (你知道那片树叶是史密斯先生写的吗?)可知约翰想着当最后一片树叶落下,他就随它而去。故选C。
    (6)动词辨析。A.ask问;B.smile微笑;C.cry哭。根据Sue couldn't control her feelings(苏无法控制自己的感情)可知她哭了。故选C。
    (8)形容词辨析。A.better更好的;B.cleaner更干净的;C.worse更差的。根据I've realized that life is hard,but I shouldn't(9)___.(我已经意识到生活是艰难的,但是我不应该...)可知此处是约翰的状况有所好转,因此选better。故选A。
    (9)短语辨析。A.grow up长大;B.give up放弃;C.wake up醒来。根据I've realized that life is hard(我已经意识到生活是艰难的)再结合but(但是)可知我不应该放弃,因此选give up。故选B。
    (10)动词辨析。A.grown成长;B.painted绘画;C.placed放置。根据That is a leaf from an artist which will never fall.(那是一片来自艺术家的树叶,永远不会掉下来。)可知那片树叶是史密斯先生画上去的,因此选painted。故选B。
    五、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    8.(10分)Waving the arms in the air,the 19﹣year﹣old pilot Zara Rutherford is very excited after completing a round﹣the﹣world trip. "It was very hard but very worthwhile(值得做的)." says the strong teenage pilot who has become the youngest woman to fly around the world on (1) her  (she) own.
    This journey is something Ms.Rutherford has dreamed about for a long time.She has learned to fly planes (2) since  she was 14 years old.The girl got her pilot's license in 2020 and then had hundreds of hours of lying practice.
    Ms.Rutherford makes this journey in a small two﹣seater plane.One of the seats (3) has been turned  (turn) into an extra gas tank(油箱).It allows her (4) to cover  (cover) longer distances.The plane has several other changes for (5) safety  (safe),including a second﹣hand radio,and satellite(卫星)communications that let her talk to people whenever she needs to.
    Ms.Rutherford's trip was never easy.Along the way,she had to deal (6) with  strong winds,wildfire smoke,snow﹣covered runways(跑道)and other kinds of bad weather.After 155 days,she finally made it.While crowd of reporters and her family (7) were waiting  (wait) for her nervously,the teenage pilot landed at the airport.She was (8) warmly  (warm) welcomed after crossing 52 countries and flying over 51,500 kilometers.
    "It's very strange being back here," Ms.Rutherford tells reporters,adding that,after such (9) a  long journey,she is looking forward to putting her feet up for a while in just one place.Besides,she also says, "The most important lesson I learned from this trip is that you are able to achieve (10) more  (much) than you think you are.And I think that's truly right for everyone."

    【分析】本文主要介绍了Zara Rutherford成为最年轻的独自绕地球飞行一圈的飞行员,首先改装了飞机,然后要独自面对一些困难,最后获得了成功。
    【解答】(1)考查代词。句意:这个强壮的年轻的飞行员,已经成为最年轻的独自绕地球飞行一圈的飞行员说道。on one's own固定短语,某人自己,故答案为her。
    (3)考查动词时态。句意:其中的一个座位已经被变成了额外的油箱。主体时态是一般现在时,对于seats来说,在这之前就已经变成了油箱,所以要用现在完成时的被动语态来填空,故答案为has been turned。
    (4)考查动词不定式。句意:它允许她飞的距离更长。allow sb.to do sth.固定短语,允许某人做某事,故答案为to cover。
    (6)考查介词。句意:一路上,她要应对强风,野火烟雾,覆盖着雪的跑道。deal with固定短语,应对,故答案为with。
    (7)考查动词时态。句意:当成群的记者和家人在紧张地等着她的时候。一个动作发生的时候,另一个动作正在进行,主句使用了一般过去时,所以从句要用过去进行时来填空,故答案为were waiting。
    (8)考查副词。句意:在飞越了52个国家,飞了 51,500公里之后,她受到了热烈地欢迎。副词修饰动词,故答案为warmly。
    六、阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共 5 小题;每小 2 分,满分 10 分)
    If 2019 is really "the year we woke up to climate change",then the following years should be the time we start actually doing something about it.Because we are nearly out of time.We can't afford to wait any longer to take action. (1)Take the following suggestions seriously to make a change.
    Do shopping wisely.Instead of buying many new clothes,wear what is already in your closet(衣柜).After all,most clothes are made of materials that are hard to deal with when they become waste. (2)The fewer clothes you buy,the more energy you will save. Be a smart shopper,buy less and match what you have owned more
    (3)把钱花在更有意义的东西上。There are many different kinds of organizations aiming to protect the environment.Donate(捐赠)money to an organization to help it do something practical to the environment.It is meaningful though the money may not be too much.It shows your care for the world.
    Use less plastics.Avoiding using plastics seems impossible,but you can use them less. (4)Taking reusable bags instead of buying plastic bags helps a lot. Replacing plastic cups with reusable water bottles is also a good idea.It's useful to bring your own takeout containers(容器) to restaurants for leftovers as well.
    Fall in love with your own world.When you love something,you want to protect it.Pay attention to the beautiful nature around you, (5)这样你才能享受到世界的美。

    (1) 认真对待以下建议,做出改变。 
    (2) 你买的衣服越少,节省的能源就越多。 
    (3) Spend money on something more meaningful. 
    (4) 用可重复使用的袋子代替购买塑料袋会有很大帮助。 
    (5) So you can enjoy the beauty of the world. 
    (1)take sth seriously认真对待,following suggestion接下来的建议,make a change做出改变,动词不定式表示目的,故答案为:认真对待以下建议,做出改变。
    (2)the+比较级,the+比较级表示越……就越……,fewer clothes更少的衣服,buy买,energy能源,save节省,故答案为:你买的衣服越少,节省的能源就越多。
    (3)这里是祈使句,spend+金钱+on sth花钱做某事,something某物,more meaningful修饰something,后置,故答案为:Spend money on something more meaningful.
    (4)动名词短语作主语,take reusable bags用可重复使用的袋子,instead of代替,buying plastic bags购买塑料袋,help a lot很大的帮助,故答案为:用可重复使用的袋子代替购买塑料袋会有很大帮助。
    (5)结合句意用can能。后加动词原形enjoy,the beauty of the world世界的美,so所以,故答案为:So you can enjoy the beauty of the world.
    七、写作(满分 15 分)
    10.(15分)伟大音乐家贝多芬说:涓滴之水终可以磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。坚持做好一件事情,成就更好的自己。请以"One thing I keep doing"为题,用英语写一篇发言稿,参加学校的英语主题演讲活动。
    (1)不少于80 词(开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);
    One thing I keep doing
    Good morning,everyone!
    I am very happy to be here to make a speech today.The topic is one thing I keep doing.___________
    That's all.Thank you for listening!
    Knowledge may be acquired through many ways,the best of which is reading.
    知识可以通过多种途径获得,其中最好的途径是阅读。这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是ways,the best of which is reading是非限制性定语从句。
    Personally,I appreciate reading classical literature in my spare time,which provides me with a thorough understanding of life and society.
    One thing I keep doing
    Good morning,everyone!
    I am very happy to be here to make a speech today.The topic is one thing I keep doing.Knowledge may be acquired through many ways,the best of which is reading.【高分句型一】In the age of high technology,reading deserves to be paid attention to.So I keep reading every day.(坚持做什么)
    To begin with,it is the most flexible way of getting information.Many people think it not only helps them better understand society as well as nature,but also broaden their horizon.Additionally,reading,to some degree,is of great benefit to interpersonal communication apart from self﹣improvement.It can also enrich our life and bring people pleasure.What's more,reading is also regarded by many as a means of better survival.(做的理由)
    Personally,I appreciate reading classical literature in my spare time,which provides me with a thorough understanding of life and society.【高分句型二】Through practicing reading between the lines and beyond the lines,I find my comprehension ability stably improved.(带来的影响)
    That's all.Thank you for listening!

    2023年湖南省长沙市青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考三模考试英语试题(word原卷): 这是一份2023年湖南省长沙市青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考三模考试英语试题(word原卷),共13页。

    湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校 2023-2024学年九年级上学期入学考试英语试卷: 这是一份湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校 2023-2024学年九年级上学期入学考试英语试卷,共7页。试卷主要包含了答题前,请考生先将自己的姓名,必须在答题卡上答题,在草稿纸,请勿折叠答题卡,保持字体工整,答题卡上不得使用涂改液等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考三模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校中考三模英语试题(含解析),共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读单选,阅读还原5选5,阅读回答问题,完形填空,语法填空,语篇翻译,材料作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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