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    本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时 100分钟。
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    例:Stand ver there yu'll be able t see it better.
    A. rB. andC. butD. while
    1. —Are yu dne with the bk I gave yu?
    — . I'm still reading the last chapter.
    A. Hard t say B. Nt quite C. Of curse D. It all depends
    2. We all need t get invlved in saving energy it's at wrk, at hme, r at schl.
    A.unlessB.nceC.whether D. because
    3. We quite enugh wrk fr the mrning; nw let's take a break.
    A. have dneB.will dC.had dne D. were ding
    4. While rck-climbing, yu need t remain very s that yu wn't make any dangerus errrs.
    A. satisfiedB.fcusedC.amusedD.delighted
    5. Students are encuraged t take cntrl f their wn learning, just depending n the teacher.
    A. rather than B. regardless f C. due tD. in terms f
    6. —Hw's the prject ging?
    — . All we have t d is finish the last bit f wrk.
    A. Easy cme easy gB. Far frm itC. By all meansD. S far s gd
    7. Great imprvements in public health have been brught abut by in medical science.
    A. traditins B. advances C. pressures D. examples
    8. William Hastie nce suggested that histry infrms us f past mistakes we can learn withut repeating them.
    A. frm which B. in which C. with whm D. fr whm
    9. China's Natinal Highway 318, ver 5,000 kilmeters frm Shanghai t Zhangmu, Tibet, is knwn as the "heavenly rad“ fr its amazing views.
    A. t extend B. extended C. extending D. being extended
    10. As wrking frm hme becmes cmmn, peple are finding it easier t cmbine parenthd with a full-time career.
    A. increasingly B. equally C. nervusly D. cnfusingly
    11. Henry David Threau was happy t frm scial life, seeking a harmnius relatinship with nature in the quietness f his life.
    A. judgeB. differC. withdraw D. benefit
    12. Currently, abut 35,000 wrks in ver 300 rms in the Luvre, and it wuld take a lifetime t see everything.
    A. were displayingB. are displaying
    C. were being displayedD. are being displayed
    13. What puzzles Lily's friends is she always has s many crazy ideas.
    A. whetherB. whyC. whatD. when
    14. It used t be that yu _____________ drive fr miles here withut seeing anther persn, but nw there are huses and peple everywhere.
    A. needB. shuldC. culdD. must
    15. At the Chinese art festival, there are different stands artists demnstrate their skills and teach the visitrs.
    A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when
    Fr mst peple, having things stlen feels like an ffence. Rbbie Pruitt admitted that he gt 16 when he discvered the theft f his muntain bike last September. But sn enugh, his 17 tk a turn. After letting g f his anger and frustratin, he fund himself n a rad t sympathy 18 .
    Fr Pruitt, a keen bicyclist, the first thing t d was 19 his stlen bike. But when he went bike shpping, he fund few available, which gt him thinking: What if the 20 f bikes was Cvid-19 related, and what if the persn wh'd taken his bike really needed 21 t get t wrk?
    With that thught in mind, Pruitt 22 a plan and psted it n the cmmunity website. He 23 t fix bikes free f charge fr anyne wh needed it. He als asked fr unwanted bikes, which he wuld repair-again 24 . And then he wuld dnate them t flks wh culd truly use them but didn't have the 25 t buy ne.
    The day the pst went live, Pruitt received thirty 26 bicycles. Then came mre than 500 27 fr detailed infrmatin. By the end f 2020, Pruitt had repaired mre than 140 fr dnatin r t be 28 t their wners.
    Pruitt tries t give his dnatins t families that are 29 struggling. 30 simply satisfying a material need, he has prvided an pprtunity fr kids in his neighbrhd t learn hw t fix their wn bikes.
    In additin t 31 skills, Pruitt's lessns teach teamwrk, encurage self-wrth, and prmte feelings f cmmunity. 32 , the kids have gained a sense f accmplishment.
    "It's a really great 33 fr kids,“ said a neighbr in an interview with the lcal newspaper. "Pruitt is certainly prviding a 34 , but it's nt just the bikes. It's the relatinships in the cmmunity. It's the 35 he can make n peple."
    16. A. amazedB. madC. curiusD. frightened
    17. A. emtinsB. careerC. pininsD. rute
    18. A. everB. tgetherC. insteadD. yet
    19. A. rideB. lckC. repairD. replace
    20. A. lackB. varietyC. increaseD. quality
    21. A. instructinB. qualificatinC. transprtatinD. permissin
    22. A. came up withB. stuck tC. gave upD. brke away frm
    23. A. rememberedB. refusedC. hesitatedD. ffered
    24. A. by accidentB. in advanceC. fr freeD. n credit
    25. A. prfitB. budgetC. curageD. excuse
    26. A. sharedB. usedC. expensiveD. mdem
    27. A. enquiriesB. advertisements C. nticesD. annuncements
    28. A. exprtedB. sldC. lentD. returned
    29. A. hardlyB. slightlyC. trulyD. instantly
    30. A. WithutB. BeyndC. UpnD. Amng
    31. A. practicalB. cmmercialC. mathematicalD. scial
    32. A. OtherwiseB. HweverC. SmehwD. Meanwhile
    33. A. prmiseB. celebratinC. cmfrtD. experience
    34. A. cmpetitinB. serviceC. ceremnyD. suggestin
    35. A. cmprmiseB. impressinC. impactD. prgress
    Jb fr Yu!
    36. Which jb requires a driver's license?
    A. Delivering meals.
    B. Delivering newspapers.
    C. Wrking at the warehuse.
    D. Wrking at the nursing hme.
    37. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut the Lancaster Design jb?
    A. Applicants are expected t design furniture.
    B. Wrk is arranged accrding t ne's skill set.
    C. It invlves cllecting furniture frm hmes.
    D. It favrs applicants wh are hmeless.
    38. A middle-schl student is mst likely t be hired by.
    A. Family Alliance Meal Delivery
    B. Lancaster Design
    C. Lancaster Weekly
    D. Parkview Nursing Hme
    39. Which number shuld yu call if yu want t wrk with the elderly?
    A. 740-6668988.
    B. 740-6119735.
    C. 740-6538360.
    D. 740-6968399.
    Abut five weeks ag, I nticed the skin f ur pet lizard (蜥蜴)was grwing dusty. It wrried me. I reprted the strange surface n the skin f the lizard t my husband and children the next mrning. Secnds later, ur lizard emerged frm its tank with its ld skin flwing behind it.
    I didn't think abut it much until a mrning last week when I kncked my favrite teapt ff the table. It burst int hundreds f pieces. As I swept up the mess, I wndered why we had been breaking s many things ver the mnths.
    The destructin started three mnths ag. It was my husband's birthday. He had just lst his jb. The uncertainty was starting t wear n us, s I wanted t d smething special.
    “Let's make a cake fr Dad!” I cried.
    My kids screamed with jy. We baked, iced and sprinkled fr mst f the day. Candles n the cake! Ballns n the walls! Flwers n the table!
    Tw hurs befre my husband came back hme frm anther jb interview, my daughter climbed up t grab a glass vase frm a high shelf. It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces f glass were everywhere. She sbbed ludly as I threw the cake away. My husband had banana pudding fr his birthday.
    Three days ag, the light in ur living rm suddenly went ut. After several frustrating hurs f unsuccessful attempts t fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jrdan dcumentary (纪录片)series The Last Dance.
    The pignancy (酸楚)f Jrdan retiring frm his belved basketball t play baseball and what had pushed him t make such a tugh decisin tk me by surprise. As I watched him take ff his basketball unifrm and replace it with a baseball unifrm, I saw him leaving behind the layer that n lnger served him, just as ur lizard had. Neither f them chse the mment that had transfrmed them. But they had t live with wh they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have t learn t leave the past behind.
    Humans d nt shed skin (蜕皮)as easily as ther animals. The beginning f change is upsetting. The prcess is tiring. Damage changes us befre we are ready. I see ur lizard, raw and nearly new.
    Jrdan said that n matter hw it ends, it starts with hpe. With ur tender, hpeful skin, that is where we begin.
    40. What can we learn abut the pet lizard frm Paragraph 1 ?
    A. Its tank grew dirty.
    B. Its ld skin came ff.
    C. It gt a skin disease.
    D. It went missing.
    41. Why did the authr's husband have banana pudding fr his birthday?
    A. The birthday cake was ruined.
    B. The authr made gd puddings.
    C. Pudding was his favrite dessert.
    D. They culdn't affrd a birthday cake.
    42. Why des the authr mentin The Last Dance in the passage?
    A. T prve a thery.
    B. T define a cncept.
    C. T develp the theme.
    D. T prvide the backgrund.
    43. The underlined part "leaving behind the layer" in Paragraph 8 can be understd as .
    A. letting g f the past
    B. lking fr a new jb
    C. getting rid f a bad habit
    D. giving up an pprtunity
    44. What des the authr mst likely want t tell us?
    A. Lve f family helps us survive great hardships.
    B. It's nt the end f the wrld if we break things.
    C. We shuld mve n n matter what happens.
    D. Past experiences shuld be treasured.
    A trial prject by the Mntreal Children's Hspital suggested that the use f medical hypnsis (催眠)can reduce pain and anxiety in patients. The prject als resulted in a reductin in the amunt f medicines used t perfrm medical-imaging (医学影像) prcedures.
    “During the examinatin children dn't mve. It wrks perfectly. It's amazing,“ said Jhanne L'Ecuyer, a medical-imaging technlgist at the hspital.
    The prject was inspired by a French team frm Ruen University Hspital Centre where examinatins are dne under hypnsis instead f general anesthesia (麻醉).
    A French medical-imaging technlgist-als a hypntist — was invited t train a few members in the medical-imaging department f the children's hspital. In all, 80 examinatins were cnducted fr the prject between January and September, 2019, fcusing n the imaging prcedures that wuld cause anxiety.
    Hypnsis is nt a state f sleep: It is rather a mdified (改变的)state f cnsciusness. The technlgist will guide the patient t this mdified state—an imaginary wrld that will disassciate itself mre and mre frm the prcedure that fllws.
    “The technlgist must build up a stry with the patient," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. "The patient is left with the pwer t chse what he wants t talk abut. D yu play sprts? D yu like ging t the beach? We establish a subject that we will discuss thrughut the prcedure."
    Everything that happens next during the prcedure must be related t this stry — an injectin (注射)becmes the bite f an insect; the heat n the skin becmes the sensatin f the sun and a machine that rings becmes a plice car passing nearby.
    “The imprtant thing is that the technlgist assciates what is happening utside the patient's bdy with what the patient sees in his head," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. "It requires creativity n the part f the technlgist, imaginatin, a lt f patience and kindness."
    The prcedure appealed t the staff a lt when it was intrduced in January. fc6It spread like wildfire that smene frm France was here t train the technlgists," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. She added that she had a line f staff at her dr wanting t take the training.
    45. One f the results prduced by the trial prject is .
    A. a better understanding f children
    B. less use f certain medicines
    C. new medical-imaging technlgy
    D. an imprved reputatin f the hspital
    46. The French technlgist came t the children's hspital t .
    A. assist in treating a patient
    B. carry ut hypnsis training
    C. start up a new department
    D. learn abut the prcedure
    47. Accrding t Paragraph 5, hypnsis wrks by .
    A. creating a perfect wrld fr patients
    B. frcing patients int a state f deep sleep
    C. putting patients int an uncnscius state
    D. leading patients5 cnsciusness away frm reality
    48. What can we learn abut the stry used in the prcedure?
    A. It shuld keep pace with the prcedure.
    B. It reflects the patient's creativity.
    C. It is selected by the technlgist.
    D. It tells what dctrs are ding t the patient.
    49. The prcedure was received amng the staff with .
    A. uncertainty
    B. enthusiasm
    C. wrry
    D. criticism
    50. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. An easy way t cmmunicate with patients.
    B. The standard methd f cnducting hypnsis.
    C. An intrductin f medical-imaging technlgy.
    D. The use f hypnsis in medical-imaging prcedures.
    There is smething t be said fr being a generalist, even if yu are a specialist. Knwing a little abut a lt f things that interest yu can add t the richness f a whle, well-lived life.
    Sciety pushes us t specialize, t becme experts. This requires cmmitment t a particular ccupatin, branch f study r research. The drawback t being specialists is we ften cme t knw mre and mre abut less and less. There is a great deal f pressure t master ne's field. Yu may pursue training, degrees, r increasing levels f respnsibility at wrk. Then yu discver the pressure f having t keep up.
    Sme peple seem willing t wrk arund the clck in their narrw specialty. But such cmmitment can als weaken a sense f freedm. These specialists culd wrk at the ffice until ten each night, then lk back and realize they wuld have lved t have gne hme and enjyed the sweetness f their family and friends, r traveled t exciting places, meeting interesting peple. Mastering ne thing t the exclusin (排 除)f thers can hld back yur true spirit.
    Generalists, n the ther hand, knw a lt abut a wide range f subjects and view the whle with all its cnnectins. They are peple f ability, talent, and enthusiasm wh can bring their brad perspective (视角)int specific fields f expertise (专长).The dctr wh is als a pet and philspher is a superir dctr, ne wh can give s much mre t his patients than just gd medical skills.
    Things are cnnected. Let yur expertise in ne field fuel yur passins in all related areas. Sme f yur interests may nt appear t be cnnected but, nce yu explre their depths, yu discver that they are. My editr Tni, wh is als a writer, has edited several histry bks. She has decided t study Chinese histry. Fascinated by the structural beauty f the Frbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested t learn mre abut Chinese philsphy. "I dn't knw where it will lead, but I'm excited I'm n this pursuit."
    These expansins int new wrlds help us by giving us new perspectives. We begin t see the intercnnectedness f ne thing t anther in all aspects f ur life, f urselves and the universe. Develp brad, general knwledge and experience. The universe is all yurs t explre and enjy.
    51. T becme a specialist, ne may have t .
    A. narrw his range f knwledge
    B. avid respnsibilities at wrk
    C. knw mre abut the sciety
    D. braden his perspective n life
    52. The specialists mentined in Paragraph 3 tend t .
    A. treasure their freedm
    B. travel arund the wrld
    C. spend mst time wrking
    D. enjy meeting funny peple
    53. Accrding t the authr, a superir dctr is ne wh .
    A. is fully aware f his talent and ability
    B. is a pure specialist in medicine
    C. shuld lve petry and philsphy
    D. brings knwledge f ther fields t wrk
    54. What des the authr intend t shw with the example f Tni?
    A. Passin alne des nt ensure a persn's success.
    B. In-depth explratin makes discveries pssible.
    C. Everyne has a chance t succeed in their pursuit.
    D. Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way cnnected.
    55. What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Be Mre a Generalist Than a Specialist
    B. Specialist r Generalist: Hard t Decide
    C. Turn a Generalist int a Specialist
    D. Ways t Becme a Generalist
    I've always been creative since I was a little girl. My childhd was filled with arts, crafts (手工)and music, and every day was an exciting adventure f creatin.
    Smewhere alng the way, hwever, I lst tuch with my creative self. At 21, I landed a jb at a big insurance cmpany ut f my business degree. I wuld g t the ffice, sit at my desk and repeat the same wrk five days a week 9 t 5. The days were lng and tedius. Wrking this way fr ne year was painful enugh, let alne a lifetime. Befre lng I decided t make a change.
    One thing I had develped an interest in was sewing, s I tk a sewing curse at a cmmunity cllege. It was nly a five-week curse but it awakened my interest and gt my cnfidence up.
    As I dreamt bigger, I began lking int cllege curses fr Fashin Design and three mnths later I signed up fr a part-time design curse. I attended classes tw nights a week. Althugh exhausting, it gave me energy, enthusiasm and happiness.
    As it became clearer that fashin was what I wanted t d full time, the reality f my day-t-day wrk at the insurance cmpany became harder. I felt bred. N energy, n mtivatin and zer fulfilment (满足感).
    I knew I needed t make a bigger change. After struggling fr quite a while, I made a difficult decisin—leaving my jb and studying my design curse full time. Tw years later I gt my diplma.
    The last few years have been exciting because I've been fllwing my heart t d what I lve. Tday I am living a creative life as the designer f my wn fashin brand.
    Smetimes it's hard t make a change, but I'm s glad I set the wheels f change in mtin with that very small first step because it has led me t where I am tday.
    56. What was the authr interested in when she was a little girl? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    57. What des the underlined wrd in Paragraph 2 mean? (1 wrd)
    58. Hw did the authr feel when she was taking the part-time design curse? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    59. What did the authr d t get back t her creative life? Give tw f the facts, (n mre than 15 wrds)
    60. D yu cnsider the authr as yur rle mdel? Please explain, (n mre than 20 wrds)
    61.假设你是晨光中学的李津。我市为外国友人提供生活信息的某英文网站新增了 《最美中华》栏目,请你给该栏目投稿,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。内容包括:
    A Beautiful Place in China
    March 19, 2021
    By Li Jin
    Family Alliance Meal Delivery
    Family Alliance is lking fr peple wh can deliver ht Chinese meals ne t tw times a week fr peple with disabilities in nrth suburban Fairfield Cunty.
    All applicants must have a driver's license and access t a car. Gas will be cvered fr each delivery.
    Wrking hurs: 10 a.m. t 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays
    Fr mre infrmatin, cntact Charles Chen
    at cchen@famd.cm
    Or call 740-6668988
    Lancaster Design
    We prvide full furnishings, like dnated kitchen equipment and furniture items, fr the new hmes f peple wh were nce hmeless.
    We need peple wh can wrk at ur warehuse (仓库)srting and packing items t be delivered t families, repair dnated furniture and mre. Candidates will be matched with a task based n skill set.
    Interested? Submit yur applicatin t
    Or call 740-6119735
    Lancaster Weekly
    Wuld yu like the pprtunity t earn extra cash clse t hme? If s we have a vacancy in ur team which wuld suit yu.
    Bth adults and yungsters aged 13+ are required t deliver ur newspaper. Yu may I have t cver sme distance. Bicycles are available if needed.
    Wrking hurs: 8 a.m. t 10 a.m. Saturdays
    Fr mre infrmatin
    Call 740-6538360
    Parkview Nursing Hme
    Caregivers are wanted. We seek peple wh are patient and caring, and wh have experience and interest in wrking with lder adults.
    As part f the package, initial and fllw-up training sessins are prvided and accmmdatin is available if required.
    Fr mre details, visit us at Unit 3 Park View Lane
    Or cntact Ellen White at 740-6968399

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