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    新高考英语模拟试卷02卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)
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    新高考英语模拟试卷02卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)01
    新高考英语模拟试卷02卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)02
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    新高考英语模拟试卷02卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料)

    这是一份新高考英语模拟试卷02卷 (原卷版+解析版+听力材料),文件包含高考英语模拟试卷二解析版docx、高考英语模拟试卷二原卷版docx、高考英语模拟试卷二听力音频mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟; 满分:150分)
    1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡山。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
    1.What will the speakers do next?
    A.Visit a friend. B.Pick up Billy. C.Buy some beans 
    M: Billy needs some beans for his science project at school. Maybe we can stop by a store on our way home.
    W: Let’s go to Greens. It’s just around the corner.
    M: Okay.
    2.Who is Andy Clarks?
    A. A public librarian. B.A TV actor C.A famous lawyer
    W: Hi, Stephen, guess who I saw at the city library? Andy Clarkes — the leading actor in The Good Lawyer — the famous TV series.
    M: What was he doing there? His popularity has slipped since the final season of the show.
    3.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.Gifts for Jason. B.A baseball game. C.The woman's retirement.
    W: It seems as if everybody is talking about Jason’s retirement.
    M: Yes, his office is filled with gifts. I gave him a T-shirt with a baseball pattern on it.
    W: That’s nice. I’ll get him something this afternoon. Hope it’s not late.
    4. What went on at Cooper's last night?
    A.A movie show. B.A birthday party C.A sales promotion.
    W: Did you go to Cooper’s last night?
    M: No, was there anything special?
    W: Yes, the employees dressed up as movie characters, and every customer received a discount card.
    M: That was interesting.
    5.What problem do the speakers have?
    A.They are late for work. B.They get stuck in traffic. C.They have lost their way.
    W: Oh, the road is jammed with traffic again. We are going to be late for work.
    M: Let’s make a U-turn at the next crossroads and try another way.

    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Where are the speakers?
    A.At home. B.At the office. C.At the airport.
    7.How does Sara sound?
    A.Anxious. B.Surprised. C.Grateful.
    【答案】6. C 7. A
    W: Do you think Janet could make it?
    M: I’m sure she can. Have you tried calling her?
    W: Yes, of course. But I can’t get through. The flight has already been called twice. What are we  going to do? Board without her? I should have reminded her at the office yesterday. She may have  totally forgotten it.
    M: Take it easy, Sarah. Let me call her home number. Oh, there she is.
    8.What made Miss Johnson choose teaching as a profession?
    A. Pressure from her family.
    B. Her passion for the work.
    C. A teacher's encouragement.
    9.What does Miss Johnson think is the best part of her job?
    A.Being with children. B.Winning others' respect. C.Learning different things.
    10.What does Miss Johnson want her students to become?
    A.Lifelong learners. B.Creative thinkers. C.Good communicators.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A
    M: Welcome to our program, Miss Johnson. Congratulations on winning the Teacher of the Year  award.
    W: Thank you, Peter. I’m more than happy to be here.
    M: What inspired you to be a teacher, Miss Johnson?
    W: Well, I’ve always loved to learn, but I’ve enjoyed teaching others even more. It’s in the family.
    M: Could you tell us what the best part about your job is?
    W: Getting to know all of the different kids and communicating with them. I have always loved kids. So, I will always enjoy that part of my job.
    M: Then, what do you hope to achieve by being a teacher?
    W: My goal is to help my students develop awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and learning  needs, and to enable them to learn throughout their lives.
    M: That sounds great.
    11.What does Becky like about living with her parents?
    A. They have a big house. B.They cook meals for her. C.They pay all her expenses.
    12.What does Ethan suggest Becky do regarding her mother?
    A. Have patience. B.Provide company. C. Express gratitude.
    13.Why is Ethan concerned about his parents living on their own?
    A. They may feel lonely.
    B. They may fail to get along.
    C. They may have an emergency.
    【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C
    W: Ethan, have you thought about getting your own house?
    M: Yeah. But I’m convinced my parents love having me back. What about you?
    W: Um... Not sure yet. Right now, I enjoy getting my meals cooked for me every day.
    M: Do you pay a contribution to the house?
    W: Of course, I do. But it’s still much less than I would pay to live in my own flat. Right?
    M: Obviously.
    W: The only thing I don’t like is that my mom wants to know every part of my life. Becky, what are you doing tomorrow? Where? With whom? The same questions every day.
    M: Moms are like that. They ask because they care. You’ve got to be patient with them. My parents  ask those questions too, but I may not move out soon. The thought of leaving them fills me with fear. What if one of them falls over? What if they both have a fall together?
    W: That would be terrible.
    14. Whose speech did the woman listen to this morning?
    A.John Miller's. B.David Thompson's. C.Allan Brown's.
    15.What is the workshop in the afternoon about?
    A. Knowledge economy. B.Risk assessment. C. Employee motivation.
    16.What does the woman say about herjob?
    A.It can be challenging. B. It is truly interesting. C.It will be rewarding
    17.What do the man and the woman both want to do?
    A.Apply for a new position.
    B. Offer their staff a salary raise.
    C. Improve their management skills.
    【答案】14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C
    W: It’s a pretty good conference, huh?
    M: Yeah. All speakers are well-known and knowledgeable in the subject matter. Did you listen to  John Miller’s speech on how to avoid business risks this morning?
    W: No, I missed that one. I went to a speech at Alan Brown Hall. The speaker was David Thompson.
    M: Oh, that should be a good one, too. I attended his lecture last year. By the way, there will be a  workshop this afternoon on how to motivate employees. Are you interested?
    W: Sure. I was promoted to the position of manager a few months ago. And I have to manage a staff of 12 people. It can be quite a difficult situation sometimes. That’s why I am here today.
    M: Same here. I only have seven people reporting to me. Yet, sometimes I feel like pulling my hair  out. I need to find a way to create harmony within my department.
    18.What does the speaker probably do?
    A.She's a medical doctor. B.She's a fitness instructor. C.She's a swimming coach.
    19.What is a common workout mistake?
    A. Focusing only on building muscles.
    B. Taking too many types of exercises.
    C. Doing the same routine all the time.
    20. How often does the speaker suggest people do hard workouts?
    A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.
    【答案】18. B 19. C 20. B
    W: Welcome to Star Fitness Club. I’m Tina Harrison. Before you start, I’d like to offer you some tips. We all know that regular exercise is important, but few of us know how to exercise properly. I’ve  seen many people make the same workout mistakes in this place. One mistake people often make is  sticking to the same routine. It is not good for building up your muscles. I’d like to suggest that you  change your routine every other month. What’s more, you can try different kinds of workouts, such  as jogging, biking, or swimming. This can help keep your whole body in shape. Another mistake  most people make is to workout intensely almost every day. You need to give your body a break, and allow time for the muscles to grow. It is not the harder the better. Two hard workout days every week is enough. If you really hate to skip a day, you can plan easy exercises on other days. However,  experts’ suggestion is that you take one day off completely each week.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Here are some of the best nonfiction books of 2021.
    What Happened to You?
    ﹩17 at Amazon
    This book by Oprah Winfrey and brain and trauma(创伤)specialist Dr.Bruce Perry provides scientific as well as emotional insights on healing and overcoming trauma.Through Winfrey's personal stories and Perry's expertise,they want to help readers reframe their way of thinking - such as asking,"What's happened to me?" instead of " What's wrong with me? "
    How the Word Is Passed
    ﹩18 at Amazon
    This book walks readers through a tour of monuments(纪念碑)and landmarks in the United States that tell the story of how slavery has been central in shaping the nation's history and people.And while a lot of the book digs into the past and stories of those who have passed,Clint Smith also brings it to life with the help of stories of people still alive today.
    Think Again
    ﹩17 at Amazon
    This book is all about the power of re-thinking and unlearning what you think you know.There's something to be said about questioning and challenging your own thoughts and opinions.As the author and organizational psychologist Adam Grant suggests,being open to what others have in mind is part of the path to wisdom and success.
    Dog Flowers
    ﹩19 at Amazon
    Danielle Geller returns to Florida after her mother dies,and finds a suitcase filled with diaries,photos,letters and other items.She uses these items as a gateway to her journey in confronting(直面) her family history.This leads her back to the Navajo reservation her mother once called home.
    21.What is special about What Happened to You? ______
    A. It changes the way of our reflection.
    B. It tells a terrible and incredible story.
    C. It describes how slaves were shipped.
    D. It introduces how we can succeed.
    22.Which book guides you to reflect on what you have known? ______
    A. What Happened to You? B. How the Word Is Passed
    C. Think Again D. Dog Flowers
    23.What is Dog Flowers about? ______
    A. A special flower. B. A dog's journey.
    C. A plan about a tour. D. A girl's adventure.
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D
    细节理解题。根据What Happened to You?部分中they want to help readers reframe their way of thinking(他们想帮助读者重新塑造他们的思维方式。)可知,What Happened to You?可以让我们重塑思维方式。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Think Again部分中This book is all about the power of re-thinking and unlearning what you think you know.(这本书是关于重新思考和忘却你认为你知道的东西的力量。)可知,这本书告诉我们对已知的要反思。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Dog Flowers部分中She uses these items as a gateway to her journey in confronting (直面) her family history.This leads her back to the Navajo reservation her mother once called home.(她用这些物品作为通往她人生旅程的一个入口她的家族史。这让她回到了她母亲曾经称之为家的纳瓦霍保留地。)可知,Dog Flowers介绍了一个女孩在其母亲称之为故乡的地方旅行的经历。故选D。
    The world becomes a better place when we not only recognize that everyone has bad days, but when we also care enough to act accordingly. No matter what kind of bad experience we experience, we should treat it actively. Fourth-grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this, and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.
    A few years ago, the Kansas teacher attended a trauma (心理创伤) conference. She learned that some police stations partner with schools so they can let teachers know when one of their students has a police encounter, something that could cause them to need extra care or attention. A year after the conference, Rachel had a student with autism (自闭症) who frequently had tough days. To support the student, Rachel told his mom to simply text her “handle with care” to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.
    The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents. It explained what the “Handle with Care” system was and how they could take advantage of it. In no time, parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel’s incredible act of kindness. But Rachel’s sympathy didn’t end with her class. Word spread of the amazing system, and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own classrooms. Printouts can be found on the Smart School House website, and the feedback has been extremely positive!
    Even though teachers can sometimes tell when a student is having a tough day just by the way they’re acting, Rachel said these simple texts allow educators to make minor adjustments in advance that, in turn, make the whole day better for everyone. “It’s important for me to give kids a few minutes of extra time or space,” she said, “and it’s easy to give.”
    24. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refer to?
    A.The tough time in life.
    B.The beauty of nature.
    C.A positive attitude to hardship.
    D.An extreme working style.
    25. How did Rachel help the student with autism?
    A.By supporting him to do what he wants.
    B.By discussing his trauma in a conference.
    C.By knowing his state at home from his mother.
    D.By getting assistance from some police stations.
    26. Why did Rachel send notes to the parents of all her students?
    A.To prove the behavior is efficient.
    B.To inform the parents of her method.
    C.To explain the kindness to the parents.
    D.To gain the parents’ sympathy for herself.
    27. Which of the following can best describe Rachel?
    A.Curious and courageous.
    B.Energetic and grateful.
    C.Humorous and warm-hearted.
    D.Responsible and considerate.
    【答案】24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A
    代词指代题。根据第一段No matter what kind of bad experience we experience,we should treat it actively.Fourth-grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this,and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.无论我们有过什么样的糟糕经历,我们都要积极面对。Rachel意识到了这一点,她找到了一个神奇的方法来帮助她的学生和他们的家庭。可知,this指代上一句中的"积极面对困难的态度"。A.The tough time in life生活中的艰难时期。B.The beauty of nature大自然的美;C.A positive attitude to hardship对困难持积极态度;D.An extreme working style极端的工作风格。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段To support the student,Rachel told his mom to simply text her ‘handle with care' to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.为了支持这名学生,Rachel告诉孩子的母亲,当孩子出状况的时候。只要给她发短信‘小心处理'即可。可知,Rachel是通过这个家有自闭症的学生的母亲了解他在家的情况来帮助这个学生。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents.It explained what the ‘Handle with Care' system was and how they could take advantage of it.In no time,parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel's incredible act of kindness.这个简单的方法非常成功,Rachel决定让她所有的学生回家时带上写给他们的父母一张便条。便条解释了什么是‘小心处理'系统,以及家长如何使用它。很快,父母们开始对Rachel令人难以置信的善举表示感谢。可知,Rachel这么做是因为她关爱班里的每一个学生,想在孩子有困难的时候能家校配合且帮助他们,就像帮助那个自闭症的孩子那样。故选D。
    观点态度题。根据第二段To support the student,Rachel told his mom to simply text her handle with care' to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.为了支持这名学生,Rachel告诉孩子的母亲,当孩子出状况的时候。只要给她发短信‘小心处理'即可;根据第三段The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents.这个简单的方法非常成功,Rachel决定让她所有的学生回家时带上写给他们的父母一张便条;Even though teachers can sometimes tell when a student is having a tough day just by the way they're acting,Rachel said these simple texts allow educators to make minor adjustments in advance that,in turn,make the whole day better for everyone.Rachel说,尽管老师有时可以通过学生的表现来判断他们什么时候过得不好,但这些简单的短信可以让老师提前做一些小小的调整,从而让大家的一整天都过得更好。可知,Rachel关心班上的每个学生,对学生负责、体贴,考虑周到。A.Responsible and considerate  负责任的和周到的;B.Energetic and grateful  精力充沛和感激的;C.Curious and courageous  好奇的和勇敢的;D.Humorous and warm-hearted  幽默的和热心的。故选A。
    A new study has found that elephant seals have to work very hard to stay corpulent. Scientists paid special attention to females of the species during difficult two-month trips,or migrations,in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
    The seals were found to spend up to 20 hours every day and sometimes full 24 hours in continuous deep-diving to feed on fish.They fed 1,000 to 2,000 times daily to gain the body weight necessary for reproduction and warmth in the cold waters.Researchers studied 48 female elephant seals from Año Nuevo State Park in California as they traveled large ocean distances.Their entire trip was around 6,000 kilometers.
    Scientists based their findings on data collected in 2011 and 2018.They used three small removable devices.The first device,attached under the jaw,counted the number of times the seals fed and measured their depth.The second satellite-linked device on the head,followed he seals' ocean movements and sensed their food.The third device was a "smart" video camera with an infrared LED light and another depth sensor.It was also placed on their heads.
    Elephant seals get their name from the large noses.These noses look like an elephant's trunk.There are two species—the northern elephant seal and the slightly larger southern elephant seal.The two are the world's biggest seals and the largest ocean mammals other than whales. The northern male elephant seals can grow up to 4 meters long and weigh up to 2,000 kilograms.The northern females are smaller,getting up to about 3 meters in length and 590 kilograms.The males feed only in coastal waters.
    Some large ocean mammals depend on deep dives to get enough food to support their large bodies.Sperm whales(抹香鲸),for example,hunt for large prey like giant squid.Female elephant seals,which are large,but not as big as sperm whales,have a different solution.They eat huge amounts of small fish.But it is hard for them to catch enough small fish to meet the energy needs of their large bodies.
    28. What does the underlined word "corpulent" in paragraph 1 mean? ______A.Fat.B.Distant.C.Deep.D.Cautious.
    29. What is the common feature of the three devices in paragraph 3? ______A.They sensed the seals' food.B.They were linked to the satellite.C.They followed the seals' movements.D.They were attached to the seals' body.
    30. Where does elephant seals' name come from? ______A.Their appearance.B.Their behavior.C.Their weight.D.Their length.
    31. What does the author mainly try to do in the last paragraph? ______A.Introduce the similarities of mammals.B.Show the size of male and female elephant seals.C.Advocate the conservation of sperm whales' ocean food.D.Compare sperm whales' hunts and female elephant seals' hunts.
    【答案】28. A 29. D 30. A 31. D
    词义猜测题。根据下文They fed 1,000 to 2,000 times daily to gain the body weight necessary for reproduction and warmth in the cold waters.他们每天喂食1000到2000次,以增加在冷水中繁殖和取暖所需的体重。可知,一项新的研究发现,海象必须非常努力地保持肥胖,再结合文章中的关键词gain the body weight;2,000 kilograms;large bodies可知,corpulent意为"肥胖的"。A.Fat肥胖的;B.Distant遥远的;C.Deep深的;D.Cautious好奇的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段They used three small removable devices.The first device,attached under the jaw,他们使用了三个小型可移动设备。第一个装置,安装在颚下。The second satellite-linked device on the head,头上的第二个卫星连接装置。.The third device was a "smart" video camera with an infrared LED light and another depth sensor.It was also placed on their heads.第三个设备是一个"智能"摄像机,带有红外LED灯和另一个深度传感器。它也被放在他们的头上。可知,这三个设备都固定在海象身体上。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第四段前两句Elephant seals get their name from the large noses.These noses look like an elephant's trunk.象海豹因其大鼻子而得名。这些鼻子看起来像大象的鼻子。可知,海象的名字来自它的外表---大鼻子。它的鼻子看起来像大象的鼻子。故选A。
    写作目的题。作者在最后一段.Sperm whales(抹香鲸),for example,hunt for large prey like giant squid.Female elephant seals,which are large,but not as big as sperm whales,have a different solution抹香鲸,例如,捕猎大型猎物,如巨型乌贼。雌性象海豹体型很大,但没有抹香鲸那么大,它们有不同的解决方案。可知本段主要比较了雌性海象和抹香鲸在捕猎方面的区别。故选D。
    When someone damages their backbone,the injury can leave them paralyzed(瘫痪).Now,scientists have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again,thanks to an implanted device.
    The human backbone,or spine,doesn't just help us stand up straight.Inside is the spinal cord,which carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body.This information moves around as bursts of electricity traveling between the brain and the other parts of the body.When the spinal cord is hurt,this pathway gets damaged and they can't move their legs.
    Now scientists in Switzerland have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again.To help them walk again,the men had surgery.A special device was placed directly on the lower part of their spinal cord,below their injury.This "implant" contained sixteen electrodes,which are small objects that electricity can pass through.The researchers made sure the electrodes were lined up with nerves that control the leg muscles.The scientists controlled the implants from a tablet computer.
    The patient's brains aren't sending "walking" messages to their legs.Instead,the tablet tells the implant to send the walking messages.The researchers used computers to generate patterns of movement,like taking a step.The patient then uses the tablet to choose the pattern and the muscles move in the chosen way.Over time,the men were able to walk using a special walker with buttons to control each leg.
    The solution isn't perfect.It's very expensive,it requires difficult surgery,and the patients can't walk without the system.But the scientists are hopeful that in the future,this sort of technology will allow many paralyzed people to begin to walk again in just hours.
    32. What's the main function of the spinal cord? ______
    A.It serves as a message carrier
    .B.It helps people stand up straight.
    C.It takes control of the muscles.
    D.It produces signals for movements.
    33. What is the implanted device expected to do? ______
    A.Activate the damaged nerves.
    B.Identify the position of the injury.
    C.Test the degree of the damage.
    D.Bridge the nerve gap made by the injury.
    34. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? ______
    A.How the surgery is performed.
    B.How the device works on patients.
    C.How the patients walk without aid.
    D.How movement patterns are designed.
    35. Which can be the best title of the text? ______
    A.Damaged nerves recover after surgery.
    B.Tablets are used in a medical treatment.
    C.Implant helps the paralyzed walk again.
    D.Scientists made a discovery on backbones.
    【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段Inside is the spinal cord,which carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body.里面是脊髓,它在头部和身体下部之间传递重要信息。可知,脊髓的主要功能是传递重要信息,是一个信息载体。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段Inside is the spinal cord,which carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body.This information moves around as bursts of electricity traveling between the brain and the other parts of the body.When the spinal cord is hurt,this pathway gets damaged and they can't move their legs.里面是脊髓,它在头部和身体下部之间传递重要信息。这些信息作为电流在大脑和身体其他部位之间传播。当脊髓受伤时,这条通路就会受损,他们的腿就不能动了;The researchers made sure the electrodes were lined up with nerves that control the leg muscles.The scientists controlled the implants from a tablet computer.研究人员确保电极与控制腿部肌肉的神经对齐。科学家们通过平板电脑控制植入物。可知,脊髓受伤时,神经流受损导致他们的腿不能动,所以科学家植入特殊装置的预期用途是弥补受伤造成的神经间隙。故选D。
    段落大意题。根据第四段Instead,the tablet tells the implant to send the walking messages.The researchers used computers to generate patterns of movement,like taking a step.The patient then uses the tablet to choose the pattern and the muscles move in the chosen way.相反,平板电脑让植入物发送行走信息。研究人员使用计算机生成运动模式,比如迈出一步。然后,患者使用平板电脑选择模式,肌肉以选定的方式运动。可知,本段主要介绍了该设备如何在患者身上工作。故选B。
    标题归纳题。根据第一段Now,scientists have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again,thanks to an implanted device.现在,由于植入了一种设备,科学家们已经让三名瘫痪男子恢复了行走的能力;But the scientists are hopeful that in the future,this sort of technology will allow many paralyzed people to begin to walk again in just hours.但科学家们希望,在未来,这种技术将允许许多瘫痪的人在短短几个小时内重新开始行走。可知,文章主要介绍了科学家通过植入特殊装置让瘫痪者恢复行走能力,所以C.Implant helps the paralyzed walk again."植入物帮助瘫患者再次行走"可以作为文章标题。故选C。
    It has been shown that watching English movie trailers(预告片) can improve your English vocabulary and thinking skills. ___36___
    The first step is to find them. Go to YouTube and do a search for something like “official trailer”. Several film trailers will appear. ___37___ Animated films can be an especially good choice for English practice no matter how old you are. These films are usually humorous and relatable. To find animated films, try doing a search for something like “animated official trailer”.
    Make sure the video you choose offers closed captions(字幕), which you will use later. You can find the closed caption mark at the bottom of the video. It may be listed as “CC” or something else. Keep in mind that trailers more than five or seven years old may not offer closed captions on YouTube.___38___
    Next, watch the video at a normal speed without closed captions. Try to understand what the story is about overall. Then watch it again to seek more details. ___39___ It will give you an idea of whether the dialogue is too fast or difficult for your skill level.
    ___40___ Find the “CC” setting at the bottom of the video and click the captions. This can help you in several ways. You can confirm whether you understand the dialogue in your first viewing, make clearer any dialogue you do not understand, and connect the sound of words with their spellings. You can also write down a few of the new words in a notebook or on your mobile phone.
    A.So choose newer videos.
    B.You can choose some that look interesting.
    C.They may sound a little strange at a slower speed.
    D.With this method, you are testing your English skills.
    E.Then watch the video again, this time with closed captions.
    F.Besides, try using your notebook as you learn English in your everyday life.
    G.Now let's talk about steps you can take to get the most out of watching them.
    【答案】36. G 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. E
    上文“It has been shown that watching English movie trailers(预告片) can improve your English vocabulary and thinking skills.(有研究表明,看英语电影预告片可以提高你的英语词汇量和思维能力。)”提到,看英语电影预告片可以提高你的英语词汇量和思维能力,下文是具体的步骤,所以G项“现在让我们来谈谈你可以采取的步骤,以获得最大的收获”起承上启下的作用,故选G。
    上文“Several film trailers will appear.(几部电影的预告片将会出现。)” 提到会出现几部电影预告片,结合下文“Animated films can be an especially good choice for English practice no matter how old you are.(不管你年龄多大,看动画电影都是练习英语的好选择。)”可知,B项“你可以选择一些看起来很有趣的电影预告片”引出下文,符合语境。故选B。
    根据段首句“Make sure the video you choose offers closed captions (确保你选择的视频提供了隐藏式字幕)”可知,要选择带字幕的影片,结合空前一句“Keep in mind that trailers more than five or seven years old may not offer closed captions on YouTube.(记住,超过5或7年的预告片可能不会在YouTube上提供隐藏式字幕。)”可知,超过5或7年的预告片可能没有字幕,所以要选择更新一点的视频,A项“所以选择更新的视频”承接上文。故选A。
    上文“Try to understand what the story is about overall. Then watch it again to seek more details.(试着理解整个故事的内容。然后再看一遍以了解更多细节。)”是描述方法,结合空后“It will give you an idea of whether the dialogue is too fast or difficult for your skill level.(它会让你了解对话对你的技能水平来说是太快还是太难)”可知,D项“用这种方法测试你的英语技能”与上下文关系紧密,符合语境。故选D。
    空处是段落主题句,下文“Find the ‘CC’ setting at the bottom of the video and click the captions. This can help you in several ways. (找到在视频的底部‘CC’设置,并点击字幕。这可以在几个方面帮助你。)”谈论的是点击字幕及好处,故E项“再看一遍视频,这次是带隐藏式字幕的”符合语境。故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Last night I was walking on the beach to enjoy the sunset and watch the whales playing lively and happily right offshore. Their blow sputs (水柱) can be seen three miles away, which looked like those ___41___ at the Bellagio in Vegas.
    So I was ___42___ and thoroughly enjoying myself when I saw an elderly man get knocked down by a ____43___. It happened very suddenly. Realizing the next waves could drag him ____44___. I just started ____45___ towards him. Finally, I got to him and lifted him onto his ____46___ from his underarms. He was ___47___ like a leaf, and couldn't even take the smallest steps away.
    Some men arrived right behind me, maybe alerted (警觉) to the ____48___ by my running. Together, we got him to a sand dune (沙丘), where he could sit down and ____49___.
    Those men left and I started to walk away, too. But it ____50___ me that if he were my parent I would leave him alone. So I ____51___ and said to him, "I want to make sure you get home ____52___ . I'm going to ____53___ you home." And so I walked him very ____54___back to his house. As we waved goodbye, I could see big smiles on his face that also _____55___ my day.
    41. A. rapids B. fountains C. waterfalls D. streams
    42. A. worried B. scared C. thrilled D. shocked
    43. A. wave B. car C. whale D. person
    44. A. back B. further C. around D. harder
    45. A. jumping B. looking C. shouting D. running
    46. A. stomach B. side C. feet D. knees
    47. A. shaking B. floating C. falling D. flying
    48. A. discovery B. mistake C. crisis D. possibility
    49. A. negotiate B. reflect C. chat D. rest
    50. A. upset B. struck C. surprised D. comforted
    51. A. sped up B. came up C. turned around D. walked around
    52. A. safe B. alive C. early D. alone
    53. A. carry B. guide C. drive D. accompany
    54. A. casually B. slowly C. quietly D. proudly
    55. A. brightened B. started C. ruined D. saved
    41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A
    考查名词及语境理解。A. rapids激流;B. fountains 喷泉;C. waterfalls 瀑布;D. streams小溪。句意:三英里外就能看到他们的喷口,看起来就像维加斯百乐宫的喷泉。根据前文“Their blow sputs (水柱)”可知,此处把鲸鱼喷出的水柱比作喷泉。故选B。
    考查形容词及语境理解。A. worried担忧的;B. scared 恐惧的;C. thrilled非常兴奋的;D. shocked感到震惊的。句意:所以当我看到一个老人被海浪击倒时,我非常激动,非常开心。根据前文“ Their blow sputs (水柱) can be seen three miles away, which looked like those ___41___ at the Bellagio in Vegas.”可知作者看到鲸鱼喷水柱时非常兴奋激动。故选C。
    考查名词及语境理解。A. wave波浪;B. car 汽车C. whale鲸;D. person人。句意:所以当我看到一个老人被海浪击倒时,我非常激动,非常开心。根据下文“the next waves ”可知,此处指老人被浪头冲倒了。故选A。
    考查副词及语境理解。A. back向后;B. further更远;C. around围绕;D. harder更困难地。句意:事情发生得非常突然。意识到下一波浪潮可能会把他拖得更远。根据前文“an elderly man get knocked down ”可推知下一个浪头会把老人拖得更远。故选B。
    考查动名词及语境理解。A. jumping跳;B. looking 看;C. shouting大喊;D. running跑。句意:我就开始朝他跑去。根据下文“ I got to him and lifted him ”可知作者是朝老人跑过去。故选D。
    考查名词及语境理解。A. stomach胃;B. side 一边;C. feet脚;D. knees膝盖。句意:最后,我走到他身边,把他从腋下扶起来。根据前文“lifted him”可知作者把老人扶了起来,让他能够自己站着。故选C。
    考查动词及语境理解。A. shaking摇动;B. floating漂浮;C. falling降落;D. flying放飞。句意:他像一片树叶一样颤抖着,甚至不能迈出最小的一步。根据下文“like a leaf, and couldn't even take the smallest steps away.”可知老人走路不稳,是摇摇晃晃的状态。故选A。
    考查名词及语境理解。A. discovery发现;B. mistake错误;C. crisis危机;D. possibility可能性。句意:一些人就在我后面,也许是我的奔跑让他们意识到了危机。根据前文“maybe alerted (警觉)”及语境可知此处指其他人看到作者跑时意识到有危险。故选C。
    考查名词及语境理解。A. negotiate商定;B. reflect 反映;C. chat聊天;D. rest休息。句意:我们一起把他带到一个沙丘上,在那里他可以坐下来休息。根据前文“where he could sit down”可知此处指让老人坐下来休息。故选D。
    考查动词及语境理解。A. upset使心烦意乱;B. struck打,碰撞;C. surprised使惊讶;D. comforted使舒适。句意:但我突然想到,如果他是我的父母,我就不会管他。根据语境可知此处指作者突然想到不能把老人独自留下。“It strikes sb. that...”是一个固定句式,意为“某人突然想到......”。故选B。
    考查动词短语及语境理解。A. sped up加速;B. came up走进;C. turned around转过身;D. walked around四处走动。句意:所以我转身对他说。根据前文“ Those men left and I started to walk away, too. But it ____50___ me that if he were my parent I would leave him alone.”可知作者已经准备往回走了,但想到不能把老人独自一人留下就转身到老人跟前。故选C。
    考查形容词及语境理解。A. safe安全的;B. alive 活着的;C. early早期的; D. alone独自的。句意:我想确保你能安全到家。根据语境可知作者不想把老人单独留下,作者要确保老人安全到家才放心。故选A。
    考查动词及语境理解。A. carry搬运;B. guide 指导;C. drive驾驶;D. accompany陪伴。句意:我陪你回家。根据前文“I want to make sure you get home ____52___ . ”及作者不想把老人独自一人留下的细节,可知此处指作者陪老人回家。故选D。
    考查副词及语境理解。A. casually休闲地;B. slowly慢慢地;C. quietly安静地;D. proudly自豪地。句意:于是我慢慢地送他回家。根据前文老人被浪冲倒后走路不稳的细节,可推知此处作者陪老人慢慢地走回家。故选B。
    考查动词及语境理解。A. brightened照亮;B. started开始;C. ruined毁掉;D. saved挽救。句意:当我们挥手告别时,我能看到他脸上灿烂的笑容,这也使我的一天变得明亮。根据前文“I could see big smiles on his face ”可知老人很开心,由此推知作者帮助了别人也感觉有意义,此处指照亮了我的一天。故选A。
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The field of nutrition can be divided into three main settings in which dieticians (营养师) and nutritionists can work. ____56____ (register) dieticians and nutritionists can work in clinics, in the community, and in management.
    In clinics, they work ____57____ (individual) with patients and their families. They evaluate, plan, and make dietary strategies and nutritional treatments ____58____ are concentrated on improving varieties of medical problems such as high blood pressure and obesity. In addition, dieticians and nutritionists in this setting, come up ____59____ plans to help patients to improve their diets and appetite, like cancer patients ____60____ (receive) chemical treatments.
    In the community, dieticians and nutritionists work in health and recreational ____61____ (center). They work with and target specific populations such as the elderly or children. The goal of this targeting ____62____ (be) to inform the public and make new plans ____63____ (achieve) healthier lifestyles.
    Lastly, dieticians and nutritionists can work in management. They may work in ____64____ (vary) large-scale food-service operations that feed the community. They are needed in these settings to help maintain _____65_____ better the performance of these operations through food sourcing, long-term budgeting, and menu planning.
    56. Registered 57.individually 58.that/which 59.with 60.receiving
    61. centers 62.is 63.to achieve 64.various 65.and
    考查定语从句。句意:他们评估、计划和制定集中于改善各种医疗问题的营养治疗和饮食策略,如高血压和肥胖。此处为限制性定语从句,先行词为“dietary strategies and nutritional treatments”,关系代词在从句中作主语,指物,用关系代词that或者which,故填that/which。
    考查介词。句意:此外,在这种情况下,营养师和营养学家提出帮助患者改善他们的饮食和食欲的计划,如接受化学治疗的癌症患者。come up with...“想出;提出”为固定搭配。故填with。
    考查现在分词。句意同上。分析句子可知,receive此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,与逻辑主语“cancer patients”之间是主动关系,应用现在分词形式,故填receiving。
    考查不定式。句意:目标是告知公众并制定新的实现更健康的生活方式的计划。此处为不定式作目的状语。故填to achieve。
    考查形容词。句意:他们可以在不同的为社区提供食物的大规模食品服务业工作。空格后面的中心词是名词operations, 所以空格处要用形容词作定语。故填various。
    考查并列连词。句意:在这些环境中,他们被要求通过食品采购、长期预算和菜单计划来帮助和更好地维护这些活动的性能。此句中to help...与(to) better...为并列关系,and连接两个不定式,第二个不定式符号省略。前后文是并列关系,故填and。
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 你的优点:
    2. 你的不足:
    3. 如何完善。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I am no exception. I am warm-hearted, which makes me well received. Plus, determination and patience are the qualities I am proud to have, so I think I can overcome any challenges life might throw at me.
    However, I am a little bit careless, which creates embarrassing moments or disappointing performance. To better myself, I shall make check lists and to-do lists. In this way I can concentrate better.
    Hopefully, I can be better than I have ever been.
    1. 高分句型一: I am no exception. I am warm-hearted, which makes me well received.和However, I am a little bit careless, which creates embarrassing moments or disappointing performance. (句中使用which引导的非限制性定语从句);
    2. 高分句型二: Plus, determination and patience are the qualities I am proud to have.(句中使用省略关系代词that/which的限制性定语从句);
    3. 高分句型三:To better myself, I shall make check lists and to-do lists. (句中使用动词不定式作目的状语);
    4. 高分句型四:Hopefully, I can be better than I have ever been.(句中使用比较状语从句);
    5. 另外,makes me well received/Plus/so/However/Hopefully/In this way等的运用,使文章结构更加严密。
    The Freshest Bakery was in a small town called Balminster.It made bread for supermarkets in a nearby city.The bakery had been there for a long time and most of the machines were old.The factory engineer,Frank,was good at maintaining(维修) the machines and most of the time there were no problems.
    One Tuesday,Frank was finishing work.The manager came out of his office.
    "You have a day off tomorrow," he said to Frank.
    "Yes!" smiled Frank. "My son is graduating from university!Tomorrow I will go to the graduation ceremony!" He planned to leave at 6 am and had enough time to drive there.
    At 4:30 am the next morning,Frank got a phone call from the factory,asking him to repair the broken oven at once.
    Oh no!thought Frank.He hoped he could fix it quickly.He took his suit to the factory,so he could drive from there to the university.
    When he arrived at the factory,all the workers and the manager were waiting for him. "Thank you,Frank," said the manager. "I know this is a big day for you,but we must bake the bread."
    Frank went to look at the big bread oven.Then he went back to the manager. "I can fix it,but it will take a long time.I will be too late for the graduation ceremony."
    The manager felt very bad.But Frank knew they had to make bread and get it to the supermarkets today,or the supermarkets would turn to a newer bakery.All the workers would lose their jobs.
    Frank worked hard to fix the bread oven.At 7:00 am he finished,and the loaves of bread started rolling into the oven to be baked.
    "We will be on time for our supermarket deliveries!" The manager was very happy. "You can go now," he said to Frank. "Enjoy your son's graduation."
    "It's too late," said Frank sadly. "I cannot drive there in time."
    Paragraph 1:
    Usually the workers talked a lot and laughed,but today,everyone was very quiet.________________
    Paragraph 2:
    "Fly to the university?" the manager remembered his old friend,a helicopter company manager.______
    Usually the workers talked a lot and laughed,but today,everyone was very quiet.They felt sorry that Frank was going to fail to meet his son on this special day because of the maintenance.They were so grateful for what Frank had done for them that they concentrated more attentively on their work than usual in order to make more delicious bread,for which the factory would win a better reputation and thus make a healthier profit. Meanwhile,though eager to be with his son,Frank attempted to keep calm as if it had been a common day to relieve his co-workers.The manager could really feel how Frank felt.He kept wondering what he could do for him.Suddenly,an idea occurred to him.
    "Fly to the university?" the manager remembered his old friend,a helicopter company manager.Jumping with joy,he got in touch with his friend right away and succeeded in renting a helicopter,with which he could make Frank's day.The workers were all relieved to see this surprise.With all the wishes from his co-workers,Frank managed to arrive at the university in time and spent great time with his son on this big day.After hearing what happened, "Dad,you really taught me a significant lesson that I'll never forget today. You did right.You are my hero.I'll always try to do something meaningful for others whenever I can." the son said with pride.


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