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    这是一份上海市黄浦区2022届高三英语上学期期终调研测试试题一模,共19页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the cd. f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have beard.
    1. A. Husband and wifeB. Bss and assistant
    C. Nurse and patientD. Manager and custmer.
    2. A. At a pst fficeB. At a flwer shp
    C. At a department streD. At a bus statin,
    3. A. He is unemplyed at presentB. He wns a cmpany nw
    C. He still wrks in the agencyD. He is unable t supprt his family.
    4. A. At 10: 00B. At 10: 20C. At 11: 00D. At 11: 20
    5. A. SatisfiedB. RelievedC. SurprisedD. Excited
    6. A. The wman didn't pst any pstcard frm Egypt
    B. The man has never cllected any pstcards
    C. The wman will g t Egypt fr her hliday
    D. The man begins t take up cllecting pstcards
    7. A. She can't affrd that much fr a trip
    B. She is frtunate t have made a lt f mney
    C. She desn't think 5, 000 dllars is enugh fr the rip
    D. She cnsiders 5, 000 dllars nly a small sum f mney
    8. A. He wants t buy the new carB. He thinks his signature is necessary
    C. He has already signed a cntractD. He desn't always say what he means.
    9. A. The man bad pr imaginatin because f the car accident
    B. The man must have advised the wman t wear the seat belt
    C. The wman was likely t have gt seriusly injured in the car accident
    D. The wman wasn't wearing the seat belt when the accident happened
    10. A. Vilence sprts are the surce f scial instability
    B. Vilence sprts are t blame fr crime and schl bullying
    C. Vilence sprts serve as an escape fr negative emtins
    D. Vilence sprts wn't attract many peple's interest in the lng run.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin. After each passage r cnversatin, yu will be asked several questins. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    l1. A. T explain a new requirement fr graduatin
    B. T interest students in n cmmunity service prject
    C. T discuss the prblems f elementary schl students
    D. T invlve elementary schl teachers in a special prgram
    12. A. Prviding jbs fr graduating students
    B. Helping educatin majrs prepare fr final exams
    C. Offering tutrials t elementary schl students
    D. Funding fr a cmmunity service prject
    l3. A. He teaches part - time in a lcal elementary schl
    B. He bserves elementary schl students in the classrm
    C. He helps students wh need cnsult prepare their resume
    D. He gives supprt t students wh participate in a special prgram
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the, fllwing passage
    14. A. They want t eat in a fashinable way like yung peple
    B. They prefer t cat fd that is tastier and mre widely accepted
    C. They becme aware f the ham prcessed fds d t health
    D. They try t change their way f prcessing fds little by little
    15. A. They cntain nt t many chemical additives
    B. They are cultivated in the sil rich in rganic matters
    C. They prduce as many calries as prcessed fds
    D. They are usually grwn in cmmercial farming areas
    16. A. They are allwed t mve abut and eat freely
    B. They are tasty thugh kept in the crwded building
    C. They can hardly grw in a healthy way withut gd fd
    D. They prduce eggs which usually cntain imprtant vitamins
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    17. A. It was n a crss streetB. They had n time t see it
    C. It had n parking spaceD. They weren't in favr f it
    18. A. It is t small in sizeB. It blcks the air - cnditiner
    C. It admits heat frm the late afternn sunD. It stps the sun beating dwn n the curtains
    19. A. Parking and desk spaceB. Parking and air - cnditining
    C. Privacy and cleanlinessD. A cheerful kitchen and a separate dining area
    20. A The ne n 68th StreetB. The ne n 72nd Street
    C. The ne n 88th StreetD. The ne n 80th Street
    Ⅱ. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    D Animals Dream?
    Yu can't see yur sleeping pet's brain waves, but its behavir can tell yu when Fid r Fluffy might be dreaming. If yu watch clsely, yu'll see that as she falls asleep, her breathing becmes slw and regular and her bdy still. She has entered the first stage f sleep, (21) ________ slw - wave sleep. After abut 15 minutes yu'll ntice a change (22) ________ her eyes mve under her clsed lids, Fluffy has entered the REM(Rapid Eye Mvement),r dreaming, stage f sleep. Althugh she mves and makes little grunting nises, messages frm her brain t the large muscles in her legs (23) ________ (blck), s she can't run abut.
    Back in 1963, Michel Juvet, a French scientist wh was studying sleep in cats, (24) ________ (interrupt) their sleep paralysis, the state f being unable t act r functin prperly. (25) ________ ________ they were cmpletely asleep, the dreaming cats began t chase balls that Juvet culdn't see and bent their backs in invisible enemies. He figured he was watching them act ut their dreams!
    What were they dreaming abut? Mstly, the dreaming cats seemed (26) ________ (practise) imprtant cat skills: stalking, puncing, and fighting.
    In (27) ________ study, Matt Wilsn, a neurscientist, recrded rats’ brain waves while they learned mazes (迷宫). One day, he left the brain - wave - recrding machine n while the rats fell asleep. The pattern f brain waves in the sleeping rats matched the pattern frm the maze s clsely that Wilsn culd lcate exactly which part f the maze each rat was dreaming abut!
    Many researchers nw think that in bth peple and animals, ne purpse f dreams is t practise imprtant skills and nail dwn recent learning. This may explain why s many peple dream abut fighting and escaping, skills (28) ________ were prbably vitally imprtant t ur ancestrs, and why dreaming affects ur ability t learn.
    D all animals dream? Frm lking at the brain waves f sleeping animals, scientists think that all mammals dream, such as humans,dgs,lins,and whales, but fish (29) ________ nt. (They're nt sure abut birds.)
    Hw ften animals dream seems t be tied t bdy size. Cats dream abut every 15 minutes, mice every 9 minutes, and elephants every 2 hurs. And thugh cws and hrses usually sleep standing up, they nly dream when (30) ________ (lie) dwn.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Why Dubt Is Essential T Science
    The cnfidence peple place in science is frequently based nt n what it really is, but n what peple wuld like it t be. When I asked students at the beginning f the year hw they wuld define science, many f them replied that it is a(n) 31 way f discvering certainties abut the wrld. But science cannt prvide certainties Fr example, a majrity f Americans trust science as lng as it des nt challenge their 32 beliefs. T the questin “When science disagrees with the teachings f yur religin, which ne d yu believe?” 58 percent f Nrth Americans favr religin; 33 percent science; and 6 percent say “it depends.”
    But dubt in science is a feature, nt a bug. Indeed, science, when prperly 33 , questins accepted facts and leads t bth new knwledge and new questins - nt certainty. Dubt des nt 34 trust, nr des it help public understanding. S why shuld peple trust a prcess that seems t require a trublesme state f uncertainty withut always prviding slid slutins?
    As a histrian f science, I wuld argue that it's the respnsibility f scientists and histrians f science t shw that the real pwer f science lies precisely in what is ften 35 as its weakness: its drive t questin and challenge a pssible explanatin, Indeed, the scientific apprach requires changing ur understanding f the natural wrld whenever new 36 emerges frm either experimentatin r bservatin. Scientific findings are hyptheses that cntain the state f knwledge at a given mment. In the lng run, many f are challenged and even verturned, Dubt might be trubling, but it stimulates us twards a better understanding; certainties, as 37 as they may seem, in fact blck the scientific prcess.
    Scientists understand this, but in the 38 fre between the public and science, there are tw significant traps. One is a frm f blind 39 - that is, a belief in the capacity f science t slve all prblems. And the ther is a frm f relativism brne ut f alack f 40 in the very existence f truth.
    Ⅲ. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    This ern f “Industry 4. 0” is being driven by the same technlgical advances that enable the capabilities f the smartphnes in ur pckets. It is a mix f lw - cst and high - pwer cmputers, high - speed cmmunicatin and artificial intelligence. This will prduce smarter rbts with better sensing and cmmunicatin abilities that can 41 different tasks, and even adjust their wrk t meet demand withut the input f humans.
    In the manufacturing industry, where rbts have arguably made the mst headway f any divisin, this will mean a(n) 42 shift frm centralized t decentralized cperative prductin. 43 rbts fcused n single, fixed. high - speed peratins and required a highly skilled human wrkfrce t perate and maintain them. Industry 4. 0 machines are flexible, cperative and can perate mre independently which 44 remves the need fr a highly skilled wrkfrce.
    Fr large - scale manufacturers, Industry 4. 0 means their rbts will be able t sense their envirnment and cmmunicate in an industrial netwrk that can be run and 45 remtely. Each machine will prduce large amunts f data that can be 46 studied using what is knwn as “big data” analysis. This will help 47 ways t imprve perating perfrmance and prductin quality acrss the whle plat, fr example by better predicting when repairing is needed and autmatically 48 it.
    Fr 49 manufacturing businesses, Industry 4. 0 will make it cheaper and easier t use rbts. It will create machines that can be rearranged t perfrm 50 jbs and adjusted t wrk n a mre diverse prduct range and different prductin vlumes. This part is already beginning t benefit frm rbts designed t cperate with human wrkers and analyse their wn wrk t lk fr 51 .
    While these machines are getting smarter, they are still nt as smart as us. Tday's industrial artificial intelligence perates at a 52 level, which gives the appearance f human intelligence exhibited by machines, but designed by humans.
    What's cming next is knwn as “deep learning”. Similar t big data analysis, it invlves prcessing large quantities f data in real time t 53 what is the best actin t take, The 54 is that the machine learns frm the data s it can imprve its decisin making. A perfect example f deep learning was 55 by Ggle's Alpha G sftware, which taught itself t beat the wrld's greatest G players.
    41. A. cmpare withB. adapt tC. pick utD. hld n
    42. A. extensiveB. accidentalC. cnvenientD. dramatic
    43. A. TraditinalB. RemvableC. FashinableD. Ptential
    44. A. temprarilyB. thrughlyC. eventuallyD. initially
    45. A. arrangedB. evaluatedC. mnitredD. cmpsed
    46. A. graduallyB. cllectivelyC. similarlyD. apprximately
    47. A. identifyB. reserveC. explitD. indicate
    48. A. dminatingB. impsingC. eliminatingD. scheduling
    49. A. high - speedB. mass - prducedC. small - t - mediumD. multi - cultural
    50. A. multipleB. feasibleC. prfitableD. independent
    51. A. prmtinsB. imprvementsC. highlightsD. reslutins
    52. A. separateB. peculiarC. narrwD. mysterius
    53. A. cme up withB. accunt frC. give way tD. make decisins abut
    54. A. differenceB. cmmissinC. phenmennD. expectatin
    55. A. intrducedB. describedC. preparedD. demnstrated
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have read.
    Fr thusands f years, the mst imprtant tw buildings in any British village have been the church and the pub. In fact, until a place has a church and a pub,it is nt really cnsidered a cmmunity wrthy f a name, Traditinally, the church and the pub are at the heart f any village r twn, where the peple gather tgether t scialize and exchange news. They are institutins at the heart f British sciety. After all, the wrd ‘pub’ is actually shrt fr ‘public huse’.
    As a result, British pubs are ften ld and well preserved. Many f them have becme histric sites. that turists visit. One f the mst famus examples is the city f Nttingham called “The Old Trip t Jerusalem”, which dates back t the year AD 1189 and is prbably the ldest pub in England. It was the same year in which kings Richard the first came int pwer, wh led the First Crusade int the Hly Land, twards Jerusalem.
    Many British pubs have ld names referring t gvernrs, such as The King's Head r The Queen Victria, but f curse this desn't mean they are nly fr kings and queens. Pubs have always welcme peple frm all classes and parts f sciety. On a cld night, the pub's landlrd r landlady can always find a warm place fr yu by the fire. There is always hnest and hearty fd and plenty f drink available at an affrdable price.
    That's hw things used t be. but there are wrrying signs that things are beginning t change. Ecnmic dwnturns, gvernmental financial measures, and cultural changes are causing many pubs t g ut f business. Peple d nt have a lt f spare mney t spend n beer. On tp f that, in 2007 smking was banned in all public indr spaces, including pubs, which may als have affected the numbers f custmers ging t pubs since then.
    This decline is happening despite the fact that pubs are nw allw by law t stay pen after 1l pm. Previusly, with 1l pm as clsing time, custmers wuld have t drink quite quickly, meaning they smetimes gt mre drunk than they wuld if allwed t drink slwly. The British habit f drinking is knwn as “binge drinking”, and it causes lng - term health prblems individuals and prblems with vilent crime fr cmmunities. The UK gvernment is trying t find ways f discuraging binge drinking, and regularly spends mney n televisin cmmercials t warn peple f the prblems f king t much.
    56. Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. British pubs are preserved well mainly t attract turists frm all f the wrld
    B. British pubs are quite ppular and accessible t peple frm all walks f life
    C. Mst British pubs are ging ut f business because f ecnmic and cultural bans
    D. Mst British pubs have t shut dwn t adjust themselves t meet the smking ban
    57. Why did the UK gvernment allw pubs t stay pen after l1 pm?
    A. T stimulate custmers t spend mre n drinks
    B. T help British pubs survive ecnmic dwnturns
    C. T encurage mre sensible ways f drinking in pubs
    D. T get rid f vilent crime in mst part f Britain
    58. The term “binge drinking” in paragraph 5 wuld be mst likely t describe
    A. drinking t much and t quicklyB. scial prblems related t British pubs
    C. a new lng - term drinking apprachD. prblems caused by drinking t much
    59. What will mst prbably be cvered in the paragraph that fllws the last in the passage?
    A. Different methds t welcme new custmers t pubs
    B. Varius advertisements encuraging peple t quit drinking
    C. The campaigns and strategies t supprt the traditinal pubs
    D Trends f migrating back frm the mdern wine bars t ld nes
    * Online registratin is capped at 40 fr each event. RSVP : http:
    * The discussin will be cnducted in English.
    60. Which f the fllwing is NOTTRIF abut the first event?
    A. William Denham will share his artistic hbby with the participants
    B. The participants will explre varius frms f persnal self - expressin
    C. Drawing r cartning experience isn't a must fr the participants
    D. The participants will be prvided with essential drawing tls.
    61. What can we infer frm the cming series?
    A. The stry f Willie O'Ree is neither inspiring nr entertaining.
    B. The Yellw Wallpaper tells a hrrible stry revealing glbal emergency
    C. Thse wh haven't registered nline are als welcme t the events
    D. Applicants had better have a gd cmmand f English.
    62. Which f the fllwing is the mst pssible theme f the series intrduced in the passage?
    A. Arts and literatureB. Bks and films
    C. Entertainment and interactinD. Heres and achievements
    Ellen Weiss can hardly see David Schmitt can barely hear. Are they typical victims f aging's cruelest blws? Nt rally Weiss is actually a fresh resident dctr in family practice, age 30, and Schmitt a medical student, 26. They have been assigned rles, ages and particular illnesses as an innvative part f their medical training.
    Intrduced in nly a few medical centers s far, such rle playing is designed t expse dctrs t the pains endured by the patients. It is just ne f several techniques being tried at medical schls and hspitals in an attempt t deal with the mst universal cmplaint abut dctrs: lack f sympathy. “Residents are usually yung and healthy.” says Dr. Stephen Bruntn. “They've nt really had a chance t understand what patients g thrugh.”
    Rle - playing prgrams give them a crash curse. At Hunterdn, students' faces are instantly aged with crnflur and make up. Next the disabilities are laid n: glves cripple fingers, and peas inside shes prevent walking. Then the ersatz invalids are asked t perfrm cmmn tasks: purchasing medicatin at the drugstre, undressing fr x rays, fling ut a Medicare frm and, mst awkward, using the bathrm themselves.
    At Lng Beach, new residents assume made-up illnesses and cheek int the hspital fr an vernight stay, The staff treats them as they wuld any ther patient, even sending them a bill. The entire entering class f medical students at the Unifrmed Services University f the Heath Sciences are issued bedpans and tld t use them. Sme are even subjected t an indignity: spending mst part f the first day f schl as peple with disabilities.
    Instant patients usually start ut activated and jking. “But by the end f a few hurs, mst say, ‘I'm exhausted.’” bserves nurse Linda Bryant at Hunterdn. Schmitt discvered that “a majr accmplishment was ding up my cllar.” And, t his surprise, “I wund up hating physicians wh didn't realize hw much medicatin wuld cst and hw hard it was t g and pick it up.” Weiss als learnt; “I realized hw little I talk t patients. I might ask them abut chest pains but nt ‘Can yu get dressed, eat O. K, take yur medicine?” Jeffry Ortiz thught he was in fr a quiet rest when he was sent t the intensive care unit, suffering frm “chest pains.” Instead he spent a sleepless night: “Peple were cming in t d labs, the man in the next bed was graning, and the heart mnitr was bleeping, which was nisy and scary.”
    Any patient culd have tld him s, but many educatrs believe the direct experience f such miseries will leave an enduring sense f sympathy, Dctrs have lng defended taking a cl, dispassinate apprach t patient care, arguing that it helps preserve bjective judgment and prtect against burnut. But critics disagree. “By cncentrating n symptms and lab data, we ignre a wealth f infrmatin that can affect patients' well - being.” bserves Dr. Simn Auster at the Unifrmed Services medical schl.
    63. Accrding t the passage, the rle - playing prgramme is designed ___________.
    A. as an innvative part in the lcal cmmunity
    B. as part f the play the residents have t watch
    C. t help dctrs understand the pains endured by the patients
    D. t expse students t schl facilities in a vivid way
    64. What des the phrase “the ersatz invalids” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Lcal patients wh usually start ut activated and jking
    B. Students wh make up their faces t lk aged
    C. Dctrs wh perfrm cmmn tasks that may nt ccur in real hspitals
    D. Custmers wh purchase medicatins and undress fr X rays with the help f students.
    65. The instant patients may feel mst embarrassed when they ___________.
    A. fi11 in a Medicare tableB. are using the washrm n their wn
    C. are issued bedpans and tld t try themD. meet with smene they knw well
    66. What can be cncluded accrding t the passage?
    A. Residents shuld always take a cl apprach withut sympathy t patient care in their jb
    B. Dctrs ught t be cmpletely independent frm the symptms and be previus lab data
    C. Dctrs may ignre infrmatin influencing the patients' health nly by fcusing n symptms
    D. Experience in rle - playing prgrams wn't help the new dctrs preserve bjective judgment
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Scial Integratin - Welcming the Newcmers
    Scial integratin is the prcess thrugh which minrity grups interact, cme tgether r are incrprated within a cmmunity, Increased scial integratin helps reduce cnflict and tensin in sciety, and it can help the new migrants feel mre cnnected t their new cmmunity. Hw d different grups remain relatively chesive in sciety?
    A few cuntries arund the wrld have adpted integrated framewrks fr their ecnmic, scial, plitical and cultural plicies with regard t accepting these migrants int the lcal sciety. 67 . This is t allw them t achieve their full ptential in life. There are still nging effrts t integrate different cultures and races, and the gvernments have encuraged their immigrants t take an active part in scial, cultural, ecnmic and plitical activities.
    Integratin takes place in neighburhds. wrk places, schls and public places where peple frm diverse backgrunds spend mst f their time. 68 Especially amng the yunger children, being in the same class as their freign cunterparts will teach the lcal children the meaning f tlerance and empathy. Participatin in sprts, cmmunity engagement and vlunteer wrk are als ther pssible ways that eliminate discriminatin and ther frms f intlerance. Frm participating in arts prgrammes t being parent vlunteers in schls, these platfrms prvide pprtunities fr peple t interact and wrk twards a cmmn cause. Sprts prgrammes have als been used t encurage scial integratin. In fact, sprt can strengthen scial netwrks and prmte nn - vilence and respect. In these ways, meaningful relatinships amng thse f different ages, racial grups r faiths are built n the basis f cmmn interests.
    69 still, cuntries have als acknwledged that human mvement acrss brders cannt be stpped Instead, it shuld be better managed s that migratin is safe, legal and beneficial fr everyne. 70 Indeed, the gvernment and lcal cmmunities play a key rle in integrating these newcmers and empwering them t cntribute t their new cmmunities, while maintaining their identities.
    Ⅳ. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint (s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Senirity in Prmtin Is Nt a Wise Business Practice
    It's nt always an easy decisin fr cmpanies when it cmes t filling managerial spts. In the past prmting an emplyee has been ppularly handled by means f basic analysis f the emplyees' past perfrmance nd senirity, In sme cases, the individual's perfrmance has been cnsidered mre imprtant while in thers the amunt f time they have been with the cmpany has been the deciding factr. Nevertheless, senirity is a standard that has never been left ut, Hwever, in the cntemprary business wrld, the imprtance f senirity in prmtin is being destryed as a grwing number f cmpanies lk utside f their rganizatins when trying t fill tp managerial spts.
    Unlike experienced emplyees wh have been with the cmpany fr a lng time, new peple are mare likely generate creative ideas. In rapidly changing markets, innvative and creative talents are sught by many cmpanies in rder t adapt t the market. T meet their needs, cmpanies have mre t gain by selecting utside emplyees since they are mre willing t try Dew techniques and less afraid f breaking traditin when intrducing new ideas. Thus, rather than prmting existing emplyees, it might be a wiser management decisin t bring in utside talent.
    An additinal advantage t this new system is that it prevents emplyees frm feeling that they nly need t wait fr their senirity t prvide them with a prmtin. Simply put n matter hw lng they have been with the cmpany, emplyees have t cntribute diligently t the rganizatin if they want t mve up the career ladder, As sn as peple realize that the cmpany culd just as easily bring in a new persn, emplyees will stp judging themselves against each ther because they are n lnger cmpeting against their clleagues but everyne in the entire industry. As a result, they will begin t shw mre effrt t bring the level f their wrk up t what they imagine is a much higher standard.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 必须采取有效措施以防止病毒扩散。(prevent)
    73. 事实证明,能坚持理想的人往往更容易取得成功。(There)
    74. 教师们不遗余力推进素质教育,旨在培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。(effrt)
    75. 随着时代的进步,许多往日被视为奢侈品的电子产品,已成为大众消费得起的日用品。(that)
    Ⅵ. 76. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120 - 150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    1 - 5 DCBBC6 - 10 CADBC11 - 13 BCD14 - 16 CBC17 - 20 DCAB
    Ⅱ. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    21. called22. that23. are blcked24. interrupted25. Even thugh/if
    26. t be practising27. anther28. that/which29. d/may30. lying
    Sectin B
    31. D 32. J 33. H 34. A 35. G 36. F 37. B 38. C 39. K 40. E
    Ⅲ. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. A
    51. B 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. D
    Sectin B
    56 - 59 BCAC60 - 62 DDA63 - 66 CBBC
    Sectin C
    67 - 70 DBAE
    Ⅳ. Summary Writing
    71. Nwadays, mre cmpanies prefer t select utside emplyees in prmtin instead f cnsidering emplyees' past perfrmance and senirity mainly fr tw reasns/advantages. One is that utside emplyees are mre likely t prduce creative ideas, which helps cmpanies adapt t the market. The ther is that it stps emplyees thinking their senirity guarantees a prmtin, which helps enhancing emplyees' wrk level. (59 wrds)
    V. Translatin
    72. Effective measures must be taken t prevent the spread f the virus.
    73. There is evidence that thse wh can stick t their ambitins/dreams are mre likely t succeed.
    74. Teachers spare n effrts t prmte the quality - riented educatin, cultivating students' spirit f innvatin and practical abilities.
    75. With the advancement f times, many electrnic devices that were regarded as luxury pssessins has been turned int affrdable cmmdities/daily gds/daily necessities the general public use.
    A. cultivateB. reassuringC. ppsingD. bjectiveE. cnfidence
    F. evidenceG. perceivedH. functiningI. estimateJ. existing
    K. scientism
    The Cming Series
    Express Yurself!
    - The Art f Cartning
    Time: Thursday, January 6, 18: 30
    Welcme t the first event in ur new series, Express Yurself! We will explre many frms f persnal self - expressin and discuss hw and why peple create things and have hbbies. Jin William Denham, an American diplmat statined in Shanghai. Outside f the ffice, Will's main artistic hbby is drawing cartns. His cartns have been displayed in tw shws in Shanghai. He will discuss his hbby, what it means t him, and help take participants n their wn cartning jurney. This entertaining and interactive event is pen t all - including thse with n drawing r cartning experience. Be sure t bring yur favrite pen r pencil, a ntepad r sketchpad, and a creative attitude.
    Breaking Barriers:
    The NHL's Trallblnzer
    Willie O'Ree
    Time; Wednesday, January 12, 18: 30
    Jin us t watch and discuss the award - wining dcumentary, Willie, inspired by the stry f Willie O'Ree wh, in 1958, became the first black player in the Natinal Hckey League (NHL). Willie tells the stry f an extrardinary life and triumph ver adversity. It als examines larger issues such as race, equality, inclusin, cmmunity, and s n, Thrugh gal setting. hard wrk, and perseverance, Willie vercame many barriers and paved the path fr talented hckey players, regardless f race, t play at the highest level. Please register t learn abut this grundbreaking sprts time.
    American Shrt Fictin:
    Writing Our Strles x The Yellw Wallpaper
    Time: Tuesday, February 15, 18: 30
    Quick t read and easily shared, the shrt stry is said t be the literature f ur times. We invite yu n a jurney t get t knw sme f the best shrt stries in American literatur.
    The Yellw Wallpaper, by American authr Charltte Perkins (Stetsn) Gilman, was first published in 1892 but persists in American culture as a literary tuchstne. While it is a hrrr stry n its surface, a careful reading reveals deeper themes f gender equality and the imprtance f self - expressin. And in this time f glbal situatin, it reemerges as a study n the effects f islatin. Jin American diplmat Peter Fasnacht t discuss these themes and their cnnectins t American sciety. Please read the stry ahead f the talk. Yu can find the stry he’e
    A. Scial integratin is n dubt a cntinuus changing prcess.
    B. Frmal educatin is ne cmmn platfrm that brings tgether diversified grups.
    C. Integratin als takes place in varius arts prgrammes which are supprted by lcal cmmunity.
    D. Cncerted effrts are made t ensure there are equal pprtunities fr migrants regardless f their backgrunds.
    E. Scieties are better ff if they prmte scial integratin thrugh cmmn practices hat reduce tensin, discriminatin and pverty.
    F. Scial integratin shuld be guided in reasnable steps and stimulated by lcal gvernments.

    黄浦区2021-2022学年度高三第一学期期终调研测试: 这是一份黄浦区2021-2022学年度高三第一学期期终调研测试,共14页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    上海市青浦区2021-2022学年高三上学期期终学业质量调研测试(一模)英语试题: 这是一份上海市青浦区2021-2022学年高三上学期期终学业质量调研测试(一模)英语试题,共27页。试卷主要包含了用单词的适当形式完成短文,选用适当的单词或短语补全短文,完形填空,阅读理解,六选四,概要写作,汉译英,图画作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    上海市黄浦区2022届高三上学期期终调研测试(一模)英语含答案: 这是一份上海市黄浦区2022届高三上学期期终调研测试(一模)英语含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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