人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Section A教案及反思
这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Section A教案及反思,共5页。教案主要包含了呈现等内容,欢迎下载使用。
学 校 课 型复习课课 时 授课班级 授课时间 授课人 课 题Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world ?Section A Grammar Focus-4c教材分析本节课是复习课,主要内容是在学习了形容词比较级的基础上,通过谈论有关地理和自然的话题,进一步掌握比较级和最高级不同的句式表达,并能在实际生活中加以运用。学情分析通过初中一年半的英语学习,大多数学生已经掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法,但由于我们是农村学校,学生发展参差不齐,少数学生因为基础不够好,学习很吃力,因此学生两级分化严重,所以每节授课内容不宜过多,也不宜过深,要循序渐进,由易到难,利用多种教学手段充分调动学生的学习兴趣。本节课新单词只有2个,通过预习完全可以掌握,为课堂做好准备。 学习目标 1. 知识目标:掌握本节课的单词 ocean the Pacific Ocean复习及巩固形容词原级,比较级和最高级的用法完成4a ,4b,4c中的任务2. 能力目标:能熟练地运用形容词的比较级和最高级,能运用形容词的同级比较、比较级、最高级针对具体事实进行比较3. 情感目标:了解我国和世界的一些“自然地理之最”。学习重点难点教学重点:形容词的比较级和最高级教学难点:能运用形容词的同级、比较级、最高级针对具体事实进行比较。 教学过程 教学过程 教学过程 教学过程 一.导入(2分钟)1.让学生欣赏当前流行电视剧《择天记》中的人物图片,并将图中人物进行比较,激发学生的兴趣,;然后根据图片人物回答问题,引导学生口头复习比较级和最高级。2. 出示PPT。T:Who is younger? Who is taller?Ss:Lu Han is younger than Zhang Junning .Zhang Junning is taller than Lu HanT: Who is older? Who is heavier?Ss: Na Zha is as old as Xu Linyue. Na Zha is as heavy as Xu Linyue. T: Who is the tallest? Who is the youngest? Who is the oldest?Ss:Chen Shu is the tallest. Lin Siyi is the youngest. Chen Shu is the oldest. 二、呈现教师将学生分成5个小组进行PK, 通过完成以下任务,决出“最优秀”小组。1. Task 1: The best memory(4分钟)①. T: In this part, you’ll enjoy some beautiful pictures, after that you must answer my questions according to the pictures. 教师播放与本节课相关地理知识的视频,并在视频中穿插文字:The highest mountain---QomolangmaThe deepest salt lake---The Caspian SeaThe biggest desert---The Sahara The longest river---The NileThe Amazon River---the second longest river in the worldThe Yangtze River---the longest river in China The biggest ocean---the Pacific Ocean 太平洋China---over 5000 years oldthe USA---Not even 300yeas old学生观看视频,和教师一起跟随视频中的英文小声朗读②. 教师针对视频中的部分内容提问, 并为回答正确的小组加分T: What’s the highest mountain in the world?S1: Qomolangma.学生回答后,教师呈现句子:It’s higher than any other mountain in the world.T: Which is the deepest salt lake?S2: the Caspian Sean.学生回答后,教师呈现句子:The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.T:Which is the second longest river in the world?S3: The Amazon River.T:Which is the longest river in China ?S4: The Yangtze RiverT:What’s the biggest ocean ?S5:The Pacific Ocean. 2. Task 2 Finish 4a :fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box(2分钟) big much popular long old high① The Amazon River is one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s a little longer than the Yangtze River.② Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high. It’s one of the most popular places for serious mountain climbers.③ No ocean in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocean.④ Although Japan is older than Canada, it is much smaller.教师采用提问形式校队答案,为答案正确的小组加分,并要求集体读句子。S1: Longest, longerS2: high, popularS3: bigS4: older, much 3. Task3 Finish 4b: Write two comparisons about two topics. (11分钟)教师引导学生分别对两个城市和两种动物进行比较,要求学生根据具体事实进行表述。 教师给出例句:关于两条河流长度的对比Two rivers: the Yangtze River and the Amazon River the Yangtze River The Amazon River6,300km 6,480km The Yangtze River is almost as long as the Amazon River.The Amazon is longer than the Yangtze , but the Yangtze is the longest river in China. ② PPT呈现两个城市人口的数据,采取填空的形式,要求学生口头对比Two cities: Beijing and Chongqing BeijingChongqing3017.00万人2171.00万人The population of Beijing is not as large as that of Chongqing.The population of Beijing is smaller than that of Chongqing.S1:as long asS2: smaller ③ PPT呈现老虎和大象的图片,不提供任何的数据,要求学生口头对比 Two animals: tigers and elephants . .S1:…S2:…S3:…… ④ PPT呈现学生喜爱的明星迪丽热巴和古力娜扎的图片:Two persons: Re Ba and Na Zha Re BaNa Zha50kg,165cm50kg,172cmT:You can compare two persons like this”教师板书:(1)Re Ba is as heavy as Na Zha. (2)Re Ba is shorter than Na Zha. (3) . (4) . (5) . S1: as heavy asS2: shorterS3: …S4: …S5: …4. Task4 Finish 4c(15分钟)Group Work : Write five questions using comparisons. Then ask your partner your questions.① 要求学生用最高级写出五个问题,然后小组讨论所写问 题并将讨论后的结果写下来,小组选出代表向全班做汇报。PPT呈现例句供学生参考:Who is the tallest in our group?Who is the fattest in our group?Who is the shortest in our group?Who has the longest hair in our group?Who is the thinnest in our group?②小组选出代表向全班做如下的汇报:In our group, is the tallest. is the shortest. is the heaviest. is as as . is taller than . hair is longer than . is …than . Group1: …Group2: …Group3: … ……教师对小组表现进行总结 5. 学生总结: PPT呈现学生思考的问题:(5分钟)(1)Three things you have learnt today.(2)Two things you want to know more about.(3)One thing you don’t quite understand.T: Everyone has an exit ticket, please write your ideas about the three sentences on the ticket, then hand in , you can have a rest.S1:…S2: …S3: …S4: ………教师利用黑板上的表格对各小组表现进行总结,选出“最佳小组”,并对落后小组进行鼓励。在黑板上写下鼓励的话: Don’t give upPlease keep onYou’ll be betterYou’ll be the best. 全班齐读 6.Homework(1分钟)Write a short passage about your family using comparisons.e.g. In my family, …is the tallest. … is the shortest. …is the heaviest. …is as…as… . … is taller than … . …is …than … . 用PPT为学生提供有效信息,根据图片的引领,让学生在语境和意境中自然地利用比较级和最高级的句子回答老师提问,简单地口头操练,增加学生学习的信心,为后续教学打好基础。 这个环节通过观看视频,给学生一个直观的视觉冲击,一是为了调动学生已有的知识储备,通过一系列的提问,让学生回忆Section A所学些过的知识,二是向学生呈现新单词ocean ,the Pacific Ocean以及Grammar Focus 的内容,同时向学生展示4a 部分出现的相关地理知识,为接下来的教学任务做铺垫。 在口头操练的基础上,学生独立完成4a的填空,教师要有意识地引导学生关注形容词级的变化,采取抽问的形式校队答案,集体朗读句子,从口头表达过渡到笔头上的落实。为之后完成4b ---利用比较级对比2个事物做铺垫。 教师邀请学生进行口头填空练习,让学生通过对直观数据的对比,完成相应地练习,加深他们对比较级句式的理解,让学生了解如何使用不同的句式进行比较。 教师邀请学生进行口头表述完整的句子,教师对所表述的内容进行追问,提升活动的有效性。让学生自由发挥,口头对比老虎和大象,为接下来笔头练习对比人物做铺垫。 这个环节是对比较级句式的巩固和运用,学生从口头表述到笔头练习,从固定对比到自由发挥由浅入深,由易到难,一步一步为学生搭建平台,让学生逐步实现运用和巩固语言目标。 把4c 设计成小组活动,搭建活动平台让学生组内进行问答,自由运用语言,巩固形容词比较级,最高级的正确使用,培养小组合作精神;同时教师根据实际表现给予各小组不同程度的表扬,使得学生们掌握目标知识并能在学习和生活中正确灵活地运用所学知识,从而达到本节课的教学目标。 以发出场卷的形式进行总结,大大提高学生的兴趣,让他们最大限度地反思本节课所学的知识,让学生养成归纳总结以及反思的好习惯 及时评价和鼓励学生们,让他们树立良好正确的价值观。这将在以后的学习生活中帮助他们健康成长,快乐学习。 让学生们再次通过运用来巩固本节课知识 板书设计 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?Section A Grammar Focus—4c G1G2G3G4G5 (1)Re Ba is as heavy as Na Zha. Don’t give up(2)Re Ba is shorter than Na Zha. Please keep on(3) . You’ll be better(4) . You’ll be the best(5) .
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