展开1. 让自己深陷进去的感动全都是危险的。 1. it is dangerous to let yourself get involved in the move. 2. 愿你比别人更不怕一个人独处,愿日后谈起时你会被自己感动。 2. I hope you are more afraid of being alone than others, and may you be touched by yourself when you talk about it later. 3. 因为稀缺,感动变成了奢侈品。很多人无法享受感动,于是他们反过来讥讽感动,嘲笑感动,把感动和理性对立起来,将感动打入盲目和幼稚的泥沼之中。 3. because of scarcity, it has become a luxury. Many people can not enjoy the feeling, so they in turn ridicule and move, ridicule moved, the move and reason opposition, will move into the blind and naive mire. 4. 让自己深陷进去的感动全都是危险的。 4. it is dangerous to let yourself get involved in the move. 5. 因为遇见你,我才知道我也能拥有美丽的记忆。 5. I know that I can also have beautiful memories because I meet you. 6. 今天也有好看的夕阳,就像小学语文课本里写的,天空都被染成了鹅蛋黄。我呆呆地伫立观看,一刹那生出种感动,焦虑的心慢慢平复,大自然的美总让能人忘却忧愁。 6. there are beautiful sunset today, like the Chinese Textbooks in primary school, the sky is dyed goose egg yellow. I stood still and watched, and in a moment, I was moved, and my anxious heart slowly recovered. The beauty of nature always let people forget their sorrow. 7. 这个世界从不缺乏美和感动,而是缺乏一颗慢下来的心。你在雨中行走,你从不打伞,你有自己的天空,它从不下雨。 7. the world never lacks beauty and feeling, but a slow down heart. You walk in the rain, you never umbrella, you have your own sky, it never rains. 8. 感动也只会是感动,刹那代表不了永恒,些许的感动是心灵刹那的交集,留些感动,把握自己! 8. the touch will only be moved, and the moment can not represent eternity. A little touch is the intersection of the heart in a moment, leaving some moves and mastering yourself! 9. 感情,我们彼此感动着,感动久了,就能感动上天,我们感动了上天,上天终会感动你我! 9. feelings, we are moved by each other, moved for a long time, can be moved to heaven, we moved God, heaven will eventually move you and me! 10. 我们以为倾囊而出的好能感动别人,其实只能感动自己,甚至最后连自己都感动不了。 10. we think that the good that we pour out can move others, but we can only move ourselves, even ourselves at last. 11. 要想做出能感动很多人的作品,首先要让自己感动,自己的内心都不被感动的话,是无法感动别人的11. to make works that can move many people, first of all, we should move ourselves. If you are not touched in your heart, you cannot move others 12. 先感动自己,再感动别人。 12. move yourself first, then others. 13. 婚姻生活中,有一种感动叫相亲相爱,有一种感动叫相濡以沫。其实还有一种感动,叫守口如瓶。 13. in marriage, one kind of touching is called love and love, and another is called "love each other". In fact, there is also a kind of moving, called the mouth like bottle. 14. “懂的人会懂,感动的人会感动,无关的人,敬请错过。” 14. "the people who understand will understand, the people who are moved will be moved. If you have nothing to do, please miss it." 15. 中国人最怕被感动,如果他被感动,宁愿为你赴汤蹈火 15. the Chinese people are most afraid to be moved. If he is moved, they prefer to go through the fire and soup for you 16. 自信的人都去感动世界了,自卑的人才喜欢自己感动自己。 16. confident people have moved the world, and the inferiors like to move themselves. 17. 我感动于巫哲笔下令人向往和美好的年少故事 17. I am moved by the yearning and beautiful young stories written by wuzhe 18. 任何节日都感动不了我,就像我感动不了她一样。 18. I can't be touched by any festival, just as I can't touch her. 19. 很多时候,做一些事,不是为了感动别人,而是为了感动自己。 19. many times, do something not to move others, but to move themselves. 20. 信任和感动是不一样的。 但我们往往在信任别人的同时收获感动,而在感动的时候相信这个人。 20. trust and affection are different. But we often trust others while we harvest moving, and when moved believe in this person. 21. 与其拿别人的话来感动你,不如让我们自己感动自己 21. let us move ourselves rather than touching you with others' words